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Academic year: 2019



Teks penuh





Petunjuk :

1. Bacalah terlebih dahulu setiap pertanyaan dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya.

2. Setiap pertanyaan hanya boleh diisi dengan satu jawaban. Cara menjawabnya yaitu dengan melingkari huruf yang ada di depan pilihan jawaban.

3. Jawablah setiap pertanyaan dengan jujur sesuai dengan keadaan anda yang sebenarnya, karena angket ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai pelajaran anda.

1. Apakah kamu sering membaca bacaan bahasa Inggris di sekolah ? 1 = Tidak pernah

2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

2. Apakah kamu sering pergi ke perpustakaan untuk membaca bacaan bahasa Inggris?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering


3. Apakah kamu sering mengerjakan tugas dan menjawab pertanyaan di dalam pelajaran pemahaman bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

4. Apakah kamu sering membahas tugas dan pekerjaan rumah dengan gurumu dikelas ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

5. Apakah kamu sering meminta gurumu untuk menjelaskan kata – kata yang tidak kamu mengerti setelah kamu selesai membaca ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

6. Apakah kamu sering bertanya kepada gurumu jika kurang memahami isi bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering


7. Apakah kamu sering bertanya kepada temanmu apabila kesulitan dalam menjawab pertanyaan reading comprehension (pemahaman bacaan bahasa Inggris) ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

8. Apakah kamu sering merangkum isi dari suatu bacaan bahasa Inggris ? 1 = Tidak pernah

2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

9. Apakah kamu sering mencatat kata – kata sukar atau baru dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

10. Apakah kamu sering memakai kamus dalam mengartikan kata – kata sukar atau baru dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering


11. Apakah kamu sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah ataupun tugas tentang reading comprehension (pemahaman bacaan bahasa Inggris) ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

12. Apakah kamu sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal – soal latihan tentang reading comprehension (pemahaman bacaan bahasa Inggris) ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

13. Apakah kamu sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami suatu bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering

4 = Selalu

14. Apakah kamu sering mengalami kesulitan mengartikan kata – kata sukar dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering


15. Apakah kamu sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami kalimat dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris ?

1 = Tidak pernah 2 = Kadang – kadang 3 = Sering



Lingkari jawaban yang kamu pilih ( jawaban bisa lebih dari satu )

1. Apakah masalah yang kamu hadapi dalam menjawab soal – soal reading comprehension ?

a. Tidak tahu arti katanya. b. Banyak kata – kata sukar.

c. Tidak dapat memahami maksud pertanyannya. d. Tidak dapat memahami isi atau maksud bacaan. e. Bacaan yang terlalu banyak.

2. Menurut kamu, apakah penyebab utama masalah tersebut diatas ? a. Saya tidak suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

b. Saya tidak suka pelajaran reading comprehension. c. Guru tidak pernah menerangkan kata – kata sukar. d. Saya tidak punya kamus.




Date : September 29, 2006 Subject of discussion : Reading Comprehension Number of Students : 23 (Class A)

Duration of Lesson : 35 Minutes

No Lesson Activities Tallies Total 1. The teacher gives clear explanation |||| 4 2. The teacher makes sure all students understand

the lesson || 3

3. The teacher gives appropriate materials |||| 5 4. The teacher gives instructions ||| 3 5. The teacher explains meaning of new vocabulary

items || 2

6. The teacher explains difficult word in details || 2 7. The teacher asks the students difficult |||| 4 8. The teacher gives exercises to the students ||| 3 9. The teacher discusses all exercises that given to

the students || 2

10. The teacher give opportunity to his students to be

active in class ||| 3

11. The teacher creates communicative atmosphere in

class |||| 4

12. The teacher gives homework to student exercise

at home after finished the class || 2 13. The students ask questions || 2 14. The students answer question | 1 15. The students talk to other students |||| |||| || 12 16. The students ask to other students about the



5 17. The students are active in class ||| 3 18. The students are interested in the lesson || 2 19. The students are enthusiastic about activity in

class ||| 3

20. The students express his or her understanding in

the lesson || 2



Date : September 30, 2006 Subject of discussion : Reading Comprehension Number of Students : 25 (Class B)

Duration of Lesson : 35 Minutes

No Lesson Activities Tallies Total 1. The teacher gives clear explanation |||| | 6 2. The teacher makes sure all students understand

the lesson |||| 4

3. The teacher gives appropriate materials |||| 4 4. The teacher gives instructions ||| 3 5. The teacher explains meaning of new vocabulary



5 6. The teacher explains difficult word in details ||| 3 7. The teacher asks the students difficult |||| 5 8. The teacher gives exercises to the students ||| 3 9. The teacher discusses all exercises that given to

the students ||| 3

10. The teacher give opportunity to his students to be active in class


5 11. The teacher creates communicative atmosphere in

class || 2

12. The teacher gives homework to student exercise

at home after finished the class || 2 13. The students ask questions ||| 3 14. The students answer question ||| 3 15. The students talk to other students |||| ||| 8 16. The students ask to other students about the

lesson ||| 3

17. The students are active in class ||| 3 18. The students are interested in the lesson |||| 4 19. The students are enthusiastic about activity in



5 20. The students express his / her understanding in

the lesson || 2





Table 1. Reading English texts at school

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Reading English texts at school 48 1 4 2.00 0.54

Table 2. Reading English texts at the library

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Reading English texts at the library 48 1 4 1.50 0.79

Table 3. Doing task and answering question in reading comprehension

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Doing task and answering question in

reading comprehension

48 1 4 2.22 0.90

Table 4. Discussing tasks or homework with the teacher in the class

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Discussing tasks or homework with the

teacher in the class


Table 5. Asking the teacher to explain the difficult words after reading class

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Asking the teacher to explain the

difficult words after reading class

48 1 4 2.68 0.87

Table 6. Consulting their problem to the teacher in reading comprehension lesson

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Consulting their problem to the teacher

in reading comprehension lesson

48 1 4 2.12 0.89

Table 7. Asking the students’ friends about their difficulties in reading comprehension class

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Asking the students’ friends about their

difficulties in reading comprehension class

48 1 4 2.56 0.71

Table 8. Summarizing the English text


Table 9. Making notes about difficult and new words in the texts

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Making notes about difficult and new

words in the texts

48 1 4 2.93 1.01

Table 10. Using of dictionaries in interpreting difficult and new words

Variable N Min Max Mean SD Using of dictionaries in interpreting

difficult and new words

48 1 4 2.62 0.86

Table 11. The students’ problems in doing tasks or homework in reading comprehension

Variable N Min Max Mean SD The students’ problems in doing tasks

or homework in reading comprehension

48 1 4 2.47 0.71

Table 12. The students’ problems in doing the exercises in reading comprehension

Variable N Min Max Mean SD The students’ problems in doing the

exercises in reading comprehension


Table 13. The students’ problems in comprehending the texts

Variable N Min Max Mean SD The students’ problem in

comprehending the texts

48 1 4 2.58 0.64

Table 14. The students’ problems in interpreting the difficult words in the texts

Variable N Min Max Mean SD The students’ problems in interpreting

the difficult words in the texts

48 1 4 2.70 0.68

Table 15. The students’ problems in comprehending sentence of English texts

Variable N Min Max Mean SD The students’ problems in

comprehending sentence of English texts



Table 16. The students’ problem in answering the questions

The students’ problem In Figure In percentage A. Do not know the meanings of words 32 66,6 % B. To many difficult words 40 83,3 % C. Can not understand the questions 36 75 % D. Can not understand the content of the texts 43 89,5 % E. The texts are too long 15 31,3%

Table 17. The main cause of the students’ problems.



Doing task and answering question in

reading comprehension 7 5 28 8


Discussing tasks or homework with the

teacher in the class 3 19 15 1


Asking the teacher to explain the

difficult words after reading class 9 19 16 4


Consulting their problem to the teacher

in reading comprehension lesson 5 7 25 11


Asking the students’ friends about their difficulties in reading comprehension class

5 18 24 1 8. Summarizing the English text 12 7 17 12 9. Making notes about difficult and new

words in the texts 20 8 17 3

10. Using of dictionaries in interpreting

difficult and new words 9 15 21 3

11. The students’ problems in doing tasks or

homework in reading comprehension 2 23 19 4

12. The students’ problems in doing the



The students’ problem in

comprehending the texts 3 23 21 1


The students’ problems in interpreting

the difficult words in the texts 5 25 17 1


The students’ problems in comprehending sentence of English texts


Table  1.  Reading English texts at school
Table  6.  Consulting their problem to the teacher in reading comprehension
Table  10.  Using of dictionaries in interpreting difficult and new words
Table  14.  The students’  problems in interpreting the difficult words in the


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