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Dalam dokumen Annual Report 2012 PT Pertamina Gas (Halaman 71-74)

Pihak yang melakukan asesmen terhadap kinerja Dewan Komisaris adalah RUPS, sedangkan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi adalah Dewan Komisaris dan RUPS.

The party conducting the assessment on the Board of Commissioners’

performance is the Annual General Meeting of Stakeholders (RUPS), while the assessment of the BOD’s performance is the BOC and RUPS.

menetapkan aturan tentang kegiatan atau transaksi spesifik yang memerlukan persetujuan dewan komisaris.

6. Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan pengawasan dan pemantauan kepatuhan Direksi terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

7. Jumlah rapat Dewan Komisaris memenuhi ke- tentuan, risalah rapat dan dalam setiap rapat telah dilakukan evaluasi hasil rapat sebelumnya.

8. Notulen rapat ditandatangani dalam waktu 14 hari.

9. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris mempenyai uraian tugas yang jelas dan telah melaksanakan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan uraian tugasnya.

B. Hasil Asesmen Terhadap Direksi

Hasil asesmen penerapan GCG yang menjadi tanggung jawab direksi telah berjalan sesuai dengan praktik yang baik:

1. Direksi telah melaksanakan program pengenalan bagi anggota direksi baru melalui mekanisme townhall meeting dan perkenalan pada para pekerja.

2. Direksi telah melaksanakan program pengem- bangan dengan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan seminar dan workshop yang relevan dengan fungsi dan tugas direksi.

3. Direksi telah menetapkan struktur organisasi yang sesuai di dalam perusahaan.

4. Direksi telah menetapkan uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab direksi dan manajemen di bawahnya dan telah menempatkan pejabat perusahaan sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang ditetapkan.

5. Direksi telah menyusun RJPP yang di dalamnya memuat:

a. Evaluasi pelaksanaan RJP sebelumnya.

b. Posisi perusahaan saat ini.

c. Asumsi yang dipakai dalam penyusunan RJP.

Board of Commissioners as set forth by the cor- porate budget although no specific rule have been set related to the act or specific transaction re- quiring the approval of the Board of Commisioners.

6. The Board of Commissioners have monitored and overseen the Board of Directors’ compliance to the laws of the legislation in force.

7. The number of Board of Commissioners’ meetings meets requirements along with the minutes of meetings and an evaluation of the results of the previous meeting was conducted.

8. The minutes of meetings are signed within 14 days.

9. The secretary of the Board of Commissioners have a clear job description and have executed his/her duties in accordance to the prescribed job description.

B. Results of Assessment of the Board of Directors The assessment results showed that GCG imple- mentation under the responsibilities of the Board of Directors had been practiced well:

1. The Board of Directors implemented an induction program for the new board members through the mechanism of townhall meetings and introductions to employees.

2. The Board of Directors have implemented devel- opment programs by following various seminars and workshops relevant to the functions and duties of respective directors.

3. The Board of Directors have determined the appropriate organizational structure within the company.

4. The Board of Directors have formulated job descriptions and responsibilities for individual directors and the management layers under respective units and placed company officials in line with the qualifications set forth.

5. The Board of Directors have devised Long Term Corporate Plan (RJPP) which includes:

a. Evaluation on the implementation of the previous

d. Penetapan sasaran, strategi, kebijakan dan program kerja RJP.

6. Direksi telah menyusun RKAP yang merupakan penjabaran dari RJPP yang di dalamnya memuat:

a. Misi, sasaran, strategi, kebijakan dan program kerja.

b. Anggaran Perusahaan yang dirinci atas setiap program kegiatan.

c. Proyeksi Keuangan Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan.

7. Direksi telah menetapkan kebijakan-kebijakan operasional dan standard operasional baku untuk menjalankan rencana-rencana aksi guna menerapkan strategi perusahaan.

8. Direksi telah melakukan identifikasi setiap peluang bisnis.

9. Direksi telah menetapkan:

a. Sistem pengukuran kinerja perusahaan.

b. Indikator kinerja saampai tingkat unit usaha kerja untuk mendukung pencapaian sasaran strategis perusahaan.

10. Direksi secara berkala telah melakukan analisis terhadap capaian kinerja perusahaan.

11. Direksi hadir dalam setiap rapat baik rapat internal direksi, maupun rapat gabungan dengan komisaris.

12. Direksi telah menetapkan tata tertib rapat dan melaksanakannya.

13. Risalah rapat direksi telah mencantumkan dinamika rapat dan evaluasi atas keputusan sebelumnya.

14. Secara umum direksi telah memberikan persetujuan terhadap risalah rapat yang dajukan dalam jangka waktu 14 hari setelah rapat dilaksanakan.

C. Pihak yang Melaksanakan Asesmen

Pihak yang melakukan asesmen terhadap kinerja Dewan Komisaris adalah RUPS, sedangkan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi adalah Dewan Komisaris dan RUPS. Dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi, Dewan Komisaris mengacu kepada indikator KPI Direksi sebagaimana uraian di atas. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi mempertanggungjawabkan pencapaian kinerja mereka pada periode 2012, termasuk di dalamnya pelaksanaan tugas dan tang- gung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam RUPS yang akan diselenggarakan pada tahun 2013.


b. Current company position.

c. Assumptions used as base in devising the RJPP.

d. Determined objectives, strategies, policies and RJPP’s work programs.

6. The Board of Directors have put together the Corporate Work Plan & Budget (RKAP), based on the RJPP. It includes:

a. Mission, objectives, strategies, policies and work programs.

b. Detailed Corporate Budget on each program.

c. Financial projections of the company and subsidiaries.

7. The Board of Directors have set forth operational policies and standards to execute action plans to implement the corporate strategies.

8. The Board of Directors have identified all possible business opportunities.

9. The Board of Directors have set forth:

a. Company performance measurement system.

b. Performance indicators until the level of units to support the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company.

10. The Board of Directors have periodically analyzed corporate performance achievements.

11. The Board of Directors are present in both the Board of Directors’ internal meetings, as well as joint meetings with the Board of Commissioners.

12. The Board of Directors have set meeting disciplines and implement them.

13. The Board of Directors’ minutes of meeting attaches meeting dynamics and evaluation of previous decisions.

14. In general, the submitted Board of Directors’

minutes of meeting are approved within 14 days since the date of the meeting.

C. Party Conducting the Assessment

The party conducting the assessment on the Board of Commissioners’ performance is the RUPS, while the assessment of the BOD’s performance is the BOC and RUPS. In conducting the assessment on the BOD’s perfor- mance, the Board of Commissioners refer to the Direc- tors’ KPI as stated above. Both the Board of Com- missioners and the Board of Directors are responsible for their performance achievements, execution of duties and responsibilities in the 2012 period in the RUPS held in 2013.

Dalam dokumen Annual Report 2012 PT Pertamina Gas (Halaman 71-74)