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ATHLETIC FINANCE rnder the new arrangement athlctks are

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~ontrolle<1 in the college by a committee composed of the Graduate Man'lger (Chair- man), Athletic Director and AssiRtnnt Coaches, Chairman of Committee on Ath- letics (Board of Trustees), Chairman of Committee on Athletics (I<'acultW), Officers of the Athletic Association, Managers of nlJ sports, and two alumni to be seIPcted an·

nually ... to finance nll athletic events;

scbedule all garnes, meet. and matches;

equip all teams, squatls, antI participants in athletics or sports.

lrlnancial . support is secured through memberHhip, payment of dues and receipts from games.

Every college student becomes a membel' of the Association upou payment of hi~

tuition hill, which Includes an athletic tax of $15.00 a year, making all bonn tIde mem- bers with all rights to hold office ullder the Association's supervision. By vote of its stUdent !lody, the Agricultural SellOol assesses itself.


The name of this committee is the Al- fred University Athletic GoverlO.ing Board.



Tn" foIlowiug constitutes the member.

ship of the committee:

Graduate ~fanager

Managers of all sports Athletic Director Assistant Coaches

Cbairman Committee on Athletics (Board of Trustees)

Chairman Committee on Athletics (Faculty)

President Atliletie Associntion Secretary Athletic Association Two Alumni to 1)e .selected annuallv

by the committee. •

ARTICI,E I I [-OBJECT Sec. 1. To finance all athletic events.

Sec. 2. To approve the scbedules of all intercollegiate contests.

S~c .. 2. To equip all teams, squads, and partICIpants in atllletks.

Sec.~. To sanction all insignia, honors

~nd prIzes recommendrd by the coaches

III their respective (field) sports.

Rec. 5. Generally to art in advisorv capacity to tlle graduate manager anJ coaches.


The officers of the committee are:

(1) Clmirman (Graduate Manager) (2) Vice Chairman (Athletic Director)


(3) Secretary (Secretary of Athletic Association) .

ARTICLE v-DI'TIBS OF OI'FICERS Hec. 1. r.t~he cbairman shall:

(a) Preside at the meetings of the commi ttee.

(b) Have immediate and persouDl su- pervision over all the details in connection with the athletic events of the University.

(c) Be inv.'sted with the authority necessary to represent the committee in emergencies.

Sec. 2. The vice-chairman shall in tt,,:

absence of the chairman preside at the meetings.

Sec. 3. The secretary shall keep com- plete reconls of all the proceedings a t the meetings and shall notify memhers of the committee of a regular or special meeting'.


Hee. 1. 'J'he first meeting of tbe school year shall occur on the second Tuesclay following the opening or the fall semester in the office of the gmdnate manag'er at 7 :00 P. 111.

Sec. 2. There shall be a monthly meet- ing in the office of the gradn" te manager at a time decided npon by the cummittee at its first meeting.

See. 3. A specinl meeting may be called at the direction of the chairman or the request of six memhers of tIle committee.



Ten members including either the chair- man or vice,chairman shall con8titut

quorum. e II.


An affirmative vote of two-thirds the total membership at a regular meeting s?all be required to change the constitn- tIOn, the change having heen proposed at a preceeding meeting.


Section 1, The name of this organization Is the Alfred T;niversity Athletic As~ocia­



. Section 1. The object of the association IS the physical development of men II. .,

women th h flu

letics. roug games, contests, and nth·

Section 2. To promote atllletic contests between scholastic and collegiat.e institu- tions.

Section 3. To raise funds for the motion of such enterprises. JlI'O-

An~ICI.E IlI-MEAtBERSHII' Section 1. Any student of Alfred lin I·


versity paying the dues of t\ie aSHOeiation tlecornes a 1Il"lIlber, eligible to vote !11 mat- ters of busi ness al1d entitJe,l to a seasonal pass to aJl home games under Its Iluspices.


Sectlol1 1. President Ill1d Secretary elect- ed by the stu,lel1t body.

Section 2. Custodian of the JUlIll'h }<'\]l1d who shaJl be the Treasurer of the l:lIlve1"- slty.

Redion 3. A gradullte 01' faculty man- ag;er allllo\nted hy tl'" AluJllni A,lvisory Ilnard 011 athletics from a list of three namps recommended by tlJe gO\'rrning hmll'il wh.ruever a vacancy ocelll'S, and lw sholl I'old office during the approval of the A,l·

visory Boa rd. He shall be bon,l",] to the

"sRol"iatlon to tile extent of $500 an<1 Il111Y l'et:eive ~mch remuneration as may he HD·

proved 11,' the Advisory Hoarr1.

S(,ction 4. A student maIluger for elteli sport who shall be Il Senior.

Sec'tion 5. 'rwo assistant manugcl'8, fOl' p,,,·ll sport who shall he Juniors.

Spction 6. A student manager for I,acll 11'l'e~hman sport who shall tJl~ H Reni01'.

S,,('tion 7. A ,lump\) FUI)(] ntan"",er who f.:hal1 110 a Senior an(l tW(}1 .Tunior aF;si:-;:ta.nts~.

Section 8. A cheerleader who shall h"

u Senior.

Se~tion 9. A head trainer who sholl


H ~ltJnior with two Rophomul'e assistants.


AItTICLl': V-DU'l'IES OF OlcI"ICl,lt'l Section 1. The graduate rna nnger : Shnll he It member or the associlltion HIlrl suliject to the IlrUeles of the conHtltution.

Shall submit to the Athletic Associati""

and the Alumni Advisory Board at the elld of eadl term a completf' fillanein J stn t'mwnl nnd inventory on all property, making ne.

eouut for Ally loss or Wear of equipment.

Shall have charg" of all d"llllrtmcntul equlpml'nt deposited with him and shull sUl'render it to the various IUllllngers 011 It

regular Ilccount basis each SNlSOl1.

Slm]] nrrange, with the COO[I"l"ll !.ion 01 the Athletic Dirertor and val'ioll~ ('oaell(\joj, schedules for' intercollegiate or illtel"s,~hol, astic contests.

Shall he accountable to tile ~ovel"lIillg hOllrtl awl the Alumni Advi,ory Boar,l for all debts !l1curredily the associution.

Seetioll 2. The President:

Shall preside at all meeting" of the nH.


Sila 11 ('all meetingH of the a'Roda tinn provided tlIey be given reasonal,\e udvnn,'c pUhlicity. r.Pen uRsociation melllh(~1"R HlUV NtIl a meeting by a ~iglle!1 notice, pOHte;1

:w hour~ prior to the time spaclnl"1.

Sball act as ex-olDcio mcml"'," of the g"'"

erning board.

Sball cllll alld preside at pep meelings

H s: o('ea 8ion demands.


Section 3. Tbe secretary:

Sholl keep the records of the a880";ntlon.

Shall act as ex-officio member of the gov- erning boanl and as secretary or t1mt ol'ganiation.

Section 4. The custodian of the .Tumph li-'nn(l ~

Shall have charge of all mone.l·s raisetl for the purpose and shall make snch pay·

ments as are rccoll1meneled by tIle g .. adllllle or faculty manager.

Section 5. 'i'lle student mil flagel'H : Shall act as assistants to the gmtluate or faculty manager either lIpon his reIJuest

01" rluring his ab.tenee.

Shall work unrler the dil'edion of the toaeh in his particular sport in sllpervising prflctire, trips, and gameR; and be respoll- sillie to the graduate or fllculty manager for all equipment ftlloted for 11i, ~rort.

Rha]] govern ihe activities of his tWI) ns,istallts Hnd all candidates fOI' the Ilosi- tion.

He-cHon G. 'l'he assistant mnnn!!el'~:'

""lwl1 operate under the dirpction of t'lcir tn .. ':Iuag-el'.

Section 7. Tl'e Freshman mnnnl'el':

"hall Itave duties the sa me as the V111' sity man~lgpt· in his par1"i(,lllfll' fi(~ld.

Rpc'UOll 8, The Jump)1 Ji'l11Hl IIlflllager n nd assistants:

Rhnll provide ways to raise nlO1H'Y~ to swell the prindpa] of tlJe Jumph ])'unt1.


Section ,9. The cheerleader and aS81Ht- ants:

Shu 11 have charge of the stUdent cOlldu(,t at all Varsity ,athletic contests. Freshman candltla tes for the position sllall assume tile same responsibility at Fres111nan <:011- tests.

Shun ba ve charge of the training of nil cnndielates for the position.

Section 10. 'i'he trainer and assistants:

Shall have charge of all medien I supplies and training paraphernalia supplied lly the gJ'ailuate manager.

Shall act at the coach's direction in the performance of th e trainer's wOl'k.

AnTICLE VI-Wo~IEN's A'l'lIr,I~'l'IC~

Seetion 1. Sports for women shall ill- clllue basketball, track, tCIlllj~. and !it,ltl hoclwy.

Section 2. Awal'tls for women shall he a 7-illCh OM English "A" and ('las~ nllm~ .. als.

Seetion 3. Class numerals may lle won in ~he first resident year hy pal:tldpation dUl'mg one-balf the actual playing time in two Interclass sports. with tlll> cX('t'ptitlll of track. .A person must win at least Olh'

point in track to have it count toward l"'~


Section 4. .A Varsity Old gnglish "J.."

may he> WOn by partieipation <luring on,,·

,1mlf the aetnal playing time in any'''''' sport during a single intercollegiate sea.son


of not less than tbree contests. A Varsity

"A" may be won also ~y participation during one-haif tbe actnal playiJlg time In any interclass sport during tbe entire four years.


Section 1. ;,lajo1' sports for men arc football, basketball, track, and cross-coun- try. Minor sports are wrestling and tennis.

Section 2·. Insignia for nl.ajor sports shall be a 7-inch chenille "A" except that managers antI trainers letters shall be desig'nated by small M anll small 'I' a [- tached to the letter.

Section 3. Insignia for major sports shall be a 7-inch chenille hlod{ "A" with 3-inch block letters designating tue sport on either side, cxcept that managers 811,,11 have the small M attached as above.

Section 4. 'ro win a major "A" in foot- hall or hasketball a pel'son must play two- tllirds of tbe "ctunl plnyin~ time durin.c:

a Reason. rl'o win a nutjor HA',' in traek a lwrson mnst place in a conference meet, win first place or the equiynlent in point"

in a dual rneetJ or break a track record.

To win a lnajor , I AH incross-country a persoll nnl,t pIa ce in " meet won hy AlfrNl or be a point-winning member of a team placing no less than third in a conferen'e meet.


Section 5. To win a minor "A," R per- son .. must engage In one-half tbe meets and win at least one point in an itercol- Jegiate wrestling contest: or engage in one- balf the ,matcbes and win a singles matcb

01' pair in a winning doubles matcb in an intercollegiate tcnnis contest.

Section 6. Numeralssbal1 be awarded for participation in Freshman sport or bv Freshmen in a Varsity sport under tll~

same regulations as govern Varsity a wards in each sport.

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