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Section 6. Not nlOl'e than two nlelnbel's of the Senate shull belong to anyone fl'll-

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Section 6. Section 6. Not nlOl'e than two nlelnbel's of the Senate shull belong to anyone fl'll-

teraity or sorority. In balloting, IJO one sllall vote for more than two stndents be- longing to anyone fraternity or sorority.

In the adyent of more than two being elect- ed from anyone house, a new election shall lie held.


Section 1. '1'he Senate shall hold regu- iar meetings cach week Itt a time set hy the Senate at the beginning of each year. Ali of the regular business lUust be performell at this time.


Section 2 . . SpecIal meetings may be caliecl hy tl,e Pre.hlent at any time.

Section 3.-Five memhers sl,all constitute a quorum in these meetings, provided both .Tunior and Senior Classes are representcrl.


Section 1. The President shan preside at all meetings of the Senate, of the Associ- ation, and of the Student Body.

Section 2. ~'he Secretary 8n,l Trea,,-

Il'-PI" Ahall keep the minutes of all meet·

ings of the Senate and of the Association;

be shall attend to the correspondence of the Association and perform such other duties as are usually performed by the Secretary ot sHch an organization. He shall also have charge ot such funcls as are voted by the


Section ·3. The Senate shall have final authority over all rollege customs ani! tra- dltions; it shall regulate and super- vise stu(llmt activities as stat~d in the constitution and regulations of student acti- vlties; it shall have complete dlltrge of all student elections, except slIch as are in- corporated in the other constitutions; it shu 11 reJlresent the Association in all its relations with the Faculty, Alumni, Trus- tees, and other exteriol' bodies; it shall be authorized to use r1iscretionary power in all matters requiring immediate action.

;;ection 4. The Student Senate shall 65

ha ve power to take cognizance of violation ot the Campus Hules and shall he a Court ot Last Itesort In the iuterpretation of these rules as provlde<l in the Campus Rules.

Section 5. The Senate shall deal with all cascs involving violations of the Honor System as statecl in the IIonor System COIl"titU tion.

Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Senate to condemn allY practke which ma\, be cleemecl not in accord with the true ('oi lege spirit; to summon to its meetings in- rlivi<luals indulging in such practice or violating- Campus Rules, and in case of proven misconduct, to inflict penalties which It shall deem expe(lient.

Section 7. In all cases Its power may extend to public censure of individuals or gron[lS of individuals for misconduct.

Section 8. 1'1", Student Senate, either on its own iuitiatlve or upon the suggestion of college officers, shall a~t-iume a vig'orol1s con- trol of s!tua tions arising in the field of student activiti(lS and student government, for tile purpos~ of prev~nting- excesses an(1 improprieties.

Section 9. Violation of all rUles, ex- cepting those set fortll in Article


under Campus Rules, shall be referred to the Stu- dent Senate for settlement. The Student Senate and tl~e C!llnpUS Court DULY, or may not, publish the names of convicted of- fenders, in the Fiat JAUX.



Section 1. All meetings of the Associ ation, called for the purpose of elections and amending and revising the Constltu- fion and By·I,aws, shall be called by the President throllgh a notice in the Issue of the Fiat Lux prece(lIng tbe meeting. All Items to he cOllsldered shall he Included in the announcement of the meeting.

Section 2. Sllecinl meetings may be beld at the call of the Presiilent.

:;:ection 3. Two-thirds of the student body shall constitute a quorum at these meetings.


:;:eciion 1. The Students' Association shall pay the Cbristian Associations one dollar per page for publishing in their annual Han,lbook the revised Constitlltion and By-Laws of the Students' Association.

Section 2. Only Letter Men in football, basketball, cross country, track, and wrest I ing may wear the regulation purple V-neck


Section 3. The Senior Seal shall be worn by Seniors and Alumni only.

Sedion 4. Dances for the benefit of the Athletic Association shall be manager!

hy a person a'ppointed by the Athletic Council.


Any student transacting any financinl business for any student o"ganizatlon or in ltny activity Involving students of Alfred College or, School of Ceramics, shall be re- sponsible to a faculty member cbosen un- nUltlly hy the student body from among a number suggested by the faculty, Suell responsibility will be iuterpreted to meau a strict accounting of methods and finance at whatever time the auditor chooses.

Hhould any officer fail so to do, the auditor shall suggest an action to that body which place!l him in office.


Sed ion 1. ~'his Constitntion and By- I,aws may he amender] at any regular meeting, provided such amendments have been read before the Student hody; and pUblished In the l~iat I,u" one week ahead;

ancl have been passe.l hy it two-thirds vote of those present.

Seenon 2. 'l'he Atbletic Association Constitutiou, the ''Vomen's Student Gov- ernment Constitut/on and the Honor Systeul Constitution may be amender] as stated In the (lifferent· Articles under their respe,,' tive COllstltntions.

Section 3. Tile Juuior and Sophomore classes shall each elect three members from a list of six recommended by the Student Senate, and those elected. with a Junior


member of the Senate as Chairman. shall act as a committee for the pnrpose of amending or supplementing these rules.

Such measures as they adopt shall become part of said rules wilen adopted by the as-


Section 4. This Constitution shall go Into effect ullon its ratification by the Stndent Body.


Alt1'. I-NAME

This organization sball be called the Women's Student Government of Alfred U nl versl ty.

Alt'r. Il-l\1/!:MBEltSHIP AND VOTING Sec, 1. The membership of the Womeu'K Studeut Government shall consist of all the women students In the College of I_theral Arts of Alfred University. MelltberKllil' Is not compulsory with those whose purents are re$i.lellts of Alf,'cd. All member" shRlI' 11l1\'e equal power of voting, eX('ept that the dormitory women (i e, those residing in Aill ..

g-ail Allen IInll) may not vote on tlmtters pertaining exclllsi\'ely to lion-dormitory

women (i. e. those 1I0t residing in Abigail Allen IIall) , ana that non-dormitory wo- men lIlay 110t vote ou matters pertaining exdusl velJ' to dormitory women.

AUT. III-PUUPOSE--POWEn Sec. 1. The Women's Student Govern·.

ment shall have power to deal with nil questions concerning the conduct of its

In embers in their College life, insofnr as th"se are not regulated by the Student Senate, and come within a list of regula- tions approved by a two-thirds vote of tlte ,Vomen's Student Government, and granter]

by the Student Life Committe... It shall have power to inflict the penalties to en- force its decisions.


Sec. 1. 'rite executive and judicial I,OWCl

of the Women's Student Government shall he vested in a <'ouneil, ('omposecl of the presi dent of the organization, the president of Abigail Allen Hall (Brick) and seven other members one of wllom shall be an upperclass representative of Theta Theta Chi, Pi Alpha Pl and Sigma Clli Ku.

80C. 2. 'l'he president of the WOllH'n'.

Student Government shall he a member of the Stndent Senate.

Sec. 3. .A woman from the Frcshnuln class sball be elected hy the eia"s as Fresll- rnan repl'esentat ive on the ('onncil, without the power of voting.


Sec. 4. All business transacted in counell meetings shall be kept secret unless other- wise ordered by a two-thirds vote of council.

ART. V-LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES Sec. 1. The presidents of Abigail Allen Hall, Morgan Hall, Pi Alpha Pi Houoe,' Sigma Chi Nu House, and the three dor- mitory members, shall constitute the legis- lative committee for said balls.


Sec. 1. The election of the council shall take place the last week in April. At I<~ast three wed{s prior to the election of tile COIlIlCil, the president shall .rppoint a nom!- nating committee of five members, two of whom shall have been members of the coun- dl. 'rhe nominating committee shall COIl-


with tile president to nominate the TrI"Il1- bel'S of the council. These llOIninations shall lie postell on tile College lIulletin Bonrd at lenst two weeks prior to the elec·

tiOll. After the eleetion of members of the rouncil in ApI']], the new council sl1all hold joint meetings with the former coun('iI un- til the end of the school year, under the eilail'ruansllip of the former preSident.

Both councils sllnn co-operate and co-ordi·

nate In nil th" duties of the council, and tile new president and council shall as- sume theil' duties in September.

Sec_ 2. In case there Is a vacancy In 71

the council at any time, this vacancy Illay


be filled by vole of the coundl.

Sec. 3, 'I'lle representative fl'OIll the Fl'eshman class shall be elected by the c1as.

every two months. No Freshman shall be eligible for repre~entative for more than two months in the year.

Sec. 4. The cOlLLllllttee appointed hy the pres!(]ent to nominate m~mhers of the coun, dl shall also act as a committee for the I'e·

vision of rules.

AnT. VII-DUTIES OF OFFICEns Sec. 1. 'l'he presidelLt shall be tbe ex- ecuth'e officer of the organization, aud BlutH ('all together and preSide over all meetings of the organization and council.

Hec. 2. 'l'be duties of the vice president shall he to assume the duties of the presi-

<lent in tile abs~nce, or at the request of the lll·esident.

Hec. 3. 'rhe dnties of the secretary shall he to keep the minutes of all meetings of the organization.

8ec. 4. 'l'he duties of the treasurer shall he to ad as custodian of all funds of tlle orgalli7.ation. paylllg bills oIlly by vote of mundi, and on receipt of !til order signed hy the President anti Secretary of the or- ganization.

Sec. 1.



The President of the 'Women's Government shall ll~ a Senior,


and she shall have preferahly served on the conDeil, either as a representative ~r as a memher prior ,to her Senior year

See. 2. Three unexcused absences f1'0111 Council meetings by a member shall dis- qualify her from office.

Sec. 3. Any memhel'is liable to im·

peachment for misconduct In office by a two-thirds vote of the Council and may he removed from office by a two-thirds vote of tbe entire Women's Student Government.


A quorum of the Women's Student Gov- ernment shall consist of at least two-thirds of jts memoers.

ART. x

Six members of the council shnll con- stitute a quorum, and no action shall be taken by the council upon the agreement of five voting members.


See. 1. The President of the Organiza- tion with the advice of the Council, shall {'all a meeting whenever sufficient business delllands it. Attendance


these llleeting's slmll lle compulsory.

Sec. 2. The council slIall meet regalarly every week for discussion of matters and for the transaction of such busine~s as is



Sec. 1. Each member of the organiza-


tion shall be supplied with a copy of the Constitution and Regulations of the Wo- men's Student Government at the beginning of each College year, The Constitution and the Regulations shall be read by the presi- dent to the freshman class at Its first meeting.

AnT. XIII-AMENDMEN'rs Sec. 1. This Constitution may be amend- ed hy a two-thirds vote (of a quorum) of the organization.

Dalam dokumen PDF 1{ills - aura.alfred.edu (Halaman 34-39)

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