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~tlue punishment will be ,inflicted until V,e grndc is attained,

Spc, 2. Proyision shall be made to send tilt' PI'Psi.ient of 'the Women's Stmlent GO\'ernment to tIle Annual Inler-Collegiate Student Government Convpntion. In rase the President cannot go, another delegate shall he eleded hy the organiza tion from either· the JUllior 01' Senior Clas~.

Awr, yI!

Sec. 1. Any IllPmber upon leaYing town s}",illeaye, with the person in authority at the place at w!lich she is rooming, inforrua- tlon as to where she is going, and ber addl'el-1s while (Jut of tOWD.


Sec. 1, Each memher shall he ass!'sse.]

$1.25 a year.

Sec. 2, Provision shall he mark to senrl tl,,, President of the Women's Student (;overnmpnt or a Jllnior representative to the Annual Intercolll'giate StUdent Goyern- HlPnt Convention.

AR'!'. Ix-ENFOnCl!iMElNT

Sec. 1. Each member of the Women's Stun"nt Government is honor bound to obser\'c and to CO-OpcTate in (lnfOl'clng this 830'Htem of g-oy€,rnment.


..AU'£". x

Smoking on the part of any coilege wo- man, ~bile under college jurisdiction, is stridly p~ohibitc(1.

elected by the old court (Sophomore jurO!'R), officer deemed necessary by the Court. shall be elected at the first meeting of ('ltrl, y.ear from the Sophomore jurors.

Sec. 5. Nine Sophomore members shall constitute a quorum of the Jury.

Sec. 6. A two-thirds vote of the jurors present shall be necessary fot" cOllviction.

Sec. 7. Upperc1ass students of the college may be spectators at meetings, but shall take no part in the proceedings.

Art. IV. EXPUI,sJON-Sec. 1. By a three quarter vote of the court any membel' mllY be expelled because of attitude, absence from meetings, or any other r·ea"ons which hinder the harmony and functioning of the body.

Sec. 2. In case of expulsion, the or- ganization for which the expelled man is a member, is entitled to elert his successor.

'l'his shall be done before the next meeting of the body.

Art. V. MEETINGS-Sec. 1. 'rhe court shall decide upon a regular time anll mePi·

ing place for all its sessions.

Sec. 2. The court shall meet and perform its duties regularly each week.

Art. VI. REVISIONs-In oreler to revise the constitution of this court a three- fourths' vote of the said court is necessary,


. Art. 1. NAME-'rhe name of this organi- zation shall he "The Department of Cam- pus Duties. H


Art. II. Sec. 1. OBJECT-'rO create a~

efficiently' functioning organization for the

p~rpo~e of obtaining a fair llnd equal dis- trIbution of Campus Duties, and the carry- ing out of Mid Duties.

Sec. 2. JURISDICTION-'Phe Student Sen- ate shall have direct jurisdiction over all actions of the Department.

Art. III. Sec. 1.' OFFICERs-There shall be one AdmlnistrRtor and two Assistant Administrators.

Sec. 2. ELEC'l'IONs-The Administrator must be a Senior appointed by a majority vote of the Student Senate.

(1) One of the two Assistant Admini- strators, who must be Juniors, shall be elected to the position of Administrator at the second meeting of the Senate in May. Note. If the Junior, elected to succeed th.e Administrator, fails to return to school or fails to continue after having serveil part of his term, the other Junior Assistant automatically becomes the Ad- ministrator.

(2) Sophomores, who desire to hecome Assistant Ailministrators, shllll make ap- plication to the Secretary of the Stuilent Senate not later than May Hi, and sllid hody shall, by an eliminn tion vote, elcet two who shall become AssistAnt Admini s trato1'S for their Junior year. A third anil fnurth choice shall also be made. Note.

In case either or both Sophomores elect-

~d tt:> the position of Assistant Admi!:- l"trator, .bal] fall to return to school or fail after entering school, for their JuiIior year. to continue with their duties, the

~enate shall, by a majority vote, elect one

In place of the Assistant Administrator from the third and fourth choice or . in


caRe of holh, the third and fourth choic"

"hall automntically he elected to the flu- sitions of Assistant Administrators,

Art. IV, Sec, 1. C.U!p('s r>U~'IES-Thc following list .hall constitute the activities in which l,'rcshmen shall be called upon for work: ,Football, 'rrack and Ii'leld. Cross Countrv 'Vret:itling.- Tennis,_ Kanakn<lf'tl, Fiat I~t;X, AthletP,. _ ASRociution, and uny other duties saneiionL'd hy tl'e Student Hellate;

SeC'. 2. Dt1'1'[ER OF ADMINIS'J'RA'rOIt--

The Auministrator, upon receipt of a written requisition from tl'c ~Ianager.

Rhall 8ele(·t the numher of eligihle Fresli- men l'eqnir(lrl. and pla,ee the names upon official stationery, stati1lg tinw. place of reporting;, date, alld thee amount and kiml of work. This ~hall be signrd hy bimsplf and pl"lSted at least 24 hours before the men are to repol·t. Note. Managers sha.1J report to tl'e Administrator on the r~sult8 of t~'e ,,,ori<ing lists, giving nam(\s of those not r~porting! lateuPRs, awl any additional iuformation which he feelRmay prove beneficia1.

Rpc. g Dlj'l'n:~ Olr ASHIRJ'AN'.r:.:::- T c Assistant AdministrAtors shan perform

• lllties prescrihed for them hy the Admin istl'atnr, and shall f'n(lea,·or to he('onH~

familiar with every pha><c of tile d"l)I1.1't-


Art. V. F,xce~Es "ltoM CAMPeR D(;Tn;~

Rec. 1. 1.'mler the following conditions Freshnwn mn.y be excused, by the Admin- istrator, from active participation in Cam~

PIlS Duties:

(1) No Freshman shall he ex('use,l from CamplJS Duties he-caust! of extra- cnrl'iculfu acti\'itles until thp Administl'R-


tor has heen offidrrlly notifier! that snid I,'rcf!illllftnill1.s been eleete,! to a position on on,e or' mO.re of the fonowing organiza.- tions:, Glee Club, Band, Fia.t Lux, Cheer [.cadel's, Squad. An official notification shal! set forth the neeessa.ry infOI-li1atlon concerning the ahove ruling, a.nd 'hall he signed by the official hea,\ of the organ- ization COllcel"1?ed.

(2) Managers Slla.1l hand to the Ad- ministrator the na.mes of candidates in their particular Athletic: Activity by the day following -tfle.--Ul'st· meeting of the candidates. 'rllese men sball be excuser]

from all campus duties_ Note. When a candidate shall ha.ve failed t.wice to re- port, for insufficient reaSOIlS, the ma.nager sllall notify the Administrator hy tile day following the second absence, aUf! th e Dan;e shall be' placed on the active working Jist.

Rec. 2. If the Administrator deems it DI'Cessary, he shall report to the Stud,'nt Senate the names of tllose I<'reshmen who rail to co·operate in the accomplishment of ('ampuEt Duties, or who have been neceSS(1r- ily excused because of illness or physical dei'orrnity. or any other re-a~on whidl th?

Administmtor deems snfficient .

Art. VI. Sec_ 1. By-LAWS·-Thc Senate

"I'all request information from the Admin- istrator concerning the qualllkatious 0[

the applying Sophomores and the two As- slsta.nt Administrators with reference to elections or promotions. The Administm- tor shall, upon request from the Senate.

name his choice or cholce8' in hoth eAses.

(1) . If a Sophomore, who is a memhl'r of the Senate. is also an applieAnt for the position of Assistant Administra.tor, he shall not be allowed to be present at the


election of the two men, who shall !le- ('ome Assistant Administrators the follow- ing year. He may, however, be present at the election of the Administrator.

(2). If one or both of the Juniors are members of tbe Senate, and also Assistant Administrators, they shall not be present at the election of the Administrator for the following year, but may be pTesellt at the election of the two Assistant A(lminis- trator8 and the third and fourth choice.

Dalam dokumen PDF 'I (Halaman 40-43)

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