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'rhe name of this orgllnizatiion shall lie

"the Students' Assoe!ntlon of Alfred Uni- versity."


Realizing that the Faculty has supreme authorIty Over all matters connected with student Hfe luul: yet knowing tllo.t they are willing to !;o·operate with the students to promote the welfare of the school, the students have organIzed themselves Into the Students' Assocfatlon of Alfred Unl·

verslty In order to develop It wIse lind Ill- telllgent self-control. to preserve and regu- late heneflclal customs and tradltloll8 or Alfred, to have charge of, and control all college elections, and to assume, whenever expedient, the ('ootrol of student afra!rs.

all subject to the further provIsion of thh constitution.

ArU'ICLE Iu-MEMBEIISHIP Section I.-All persons enrolling as stu- dents at Alfred L'niversity shall be con·

sidered ns members of this Association.

Section 2. No tax shall he levied for the support of thIs organlzntlon except as may be voted by the Association for finy lmrpose that the AssociatIon may deelh necessary.

ARTICLE lV-ORGANIZATION Section I.-The Stud'cnt's Asoodatloll shall be headed and represented by a senate consisting Qf nine members, three from the Senior Class. two from the Junior Class, one consulting melllber from each of the lowf>r classes. the President of the·

Woman's Student Government, and the Judge of the Student Campus Court.

Section 2. 1'he Senate shall have a Presilleut, Vice President, Recretary auo 1'reasurer, and surh other officer,; as It mny deem necessary. 'rile President, Vice President, and Secretary and Treasurer,

"hall also act as offkers of the Rtudents' Associa tlon.

Section 3. 'rhe Student Body of Alfred l:nlverslty establishes the principle of official.

responsihility for the actions of any class upon occasions of class fuuctions. In the event of the class officers' helng unahle to ('ope with a situation, they shall report to the President of the Student Senlite or any member thereof, who shall take Immediate action regnrdlng tIle situation. If no mem- her of the Student Senate can he found, tbe officers then shall report to an execu·

tive member of the University, such as tll~

President Or the Dean.


Section I,-On the first Thursday In May of each year, the Junior, Sophomore


"nd lheshman Classes sha 11 meet and nominate can<1ldates for the Htudent S~n·


Section 2. Each class shall elect as nominees twice as many as it Is entitled to members on the Senate for the following year, namely,' six for the Junior class, four for the Sophomore class, and two for the Freshman class. A list of tile nomina- tionsshall· be placed on the bulletin board iImnediately after the nominations arc made.

Section 3. On the following '.rhUl'R- lillY tile ele('ti',1l shall tal,e place In a meet·

ingof the Student Body. This .meeting shall he presIded over by the Presl(hmt of the senate. lie sllall appoint tellfll·. to blke and count ballots. .

Section 4. Nominations from each class shall be listed separately on the ballots.

Ballots shall be provided for each, with the names of the candidates written thereon.

Each student Is entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are memhers to be dected from each clasR, which is done


marking off the names of those for 'whom they <10 not wish to vote.

Section 5.-The three candidates In the .Tunior Class, the two in the Sophomore Class, • nd the one In the Freshmn n ChIS", ha ving the largest number of voteR respee- lively, shall he declared ele;:ted.


Section 6. In ('ase the requlr<l.\ lIumOe.

of candidates .10 not receive a majority ot all the. vot)lS east, balloting shall continue uutll an ele"tion Is made, the lowest be- ing ellml naterl at ~a.~h ballot,

Section 7. The Freshman dass shall elect· Its .member. some convenient time prior to May 25tb of . each 'year.

SectionS. The Incoming.' claBllof . the following year shall elect its member at some eonvenlent time p1'ior to October, ht.

Section O. The President shall be elect·

1'(1 on tIle Wednesday following the elec- tion of the Senators ata joint meeting of the reUrlng S~nate and the n('wly elede.l Renate, p~eslded over by the retll'~ngPresl­




The new Senate shall com I'lcte Its own orgalllzlltion,

section 11. A vacancy on the Senate shall be filled by the election by thp stullent hody of one of tW!l persons nomina ted hy the class lacking the senator or represent~­


AR'I.'ICI_E vI-BLIGIllIl_ITY Section 1. . The' President 'of the S.'nate

~hall b<'! a Senior, and it is desirable tllat he shall have served on th(: Senate ~lther .'s Il Senator or a Representative prior to his Senior year. Of the Senior memhers.elected to the Senate, only those who have. serve,j such a term on thE' SelJa te shall he eligible

for the presidency. unless another be de- dnrerl eligihle hy a two-thirds vote of th"

old and new Senates electing the new presi- dent.

Section 2_ Memher. of the Senate shall he eliglhle for re-election.

Section 3_ No member or representutive of the Senate ~hall lose his seat on account of a change ill his college rankIng.

Section 4.-Two consecutive unexcuse(l ahsenccg from meetings by any member shoji terminate his membership: however, an e"-

cu~e for any absence must be presented to the Senate for acceptance or rejection_



Any memher Is liable to 1m·

peach ment for misconduct In office by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, and can be removed from office by a two-thlrils vote of the entire Stndents' Association.

Section 6. Not more than two members of the Senate shall belong to anyone fra·

ternlty or sorority. In balloting. no one shall vote for more than two stUdents be·

longing to anyone fraternity or sorority.

In the advent of more than two being elect- ed from anyone house, a new election shall he held.


Section 1. 'the Senate shall hold regu·

lar meetings earh week nt a time set hy the Senate at th" beginning of each year. Ali


of the regular unsinesH must be perforllle(]

u t this time.

Section 2. Speelal meetings mny be culled by the President at any time.

Section 3.-Five members shall constitute

Ii quorum in these meetings, provided both .Tullior an,l Senior Classes ure represented.


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Senate, of the Assoc!·

ation. and of the Student Body.

Section 2. The Secretary and Tre:},.·

Il rer 9hall keei> the minutes of all meet·

ings of the Senate and of the Association:

he shall attend to the correspondence of the Association and, perform such other duties as

ATe usually performer! by the Secretary of

"nch an organIzatIon. He shall also have charge of such fun,ls as are voted by the Association.

Section 2a. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to report to the college office as Hoon as possible all dates placed· on the Calendar.

Section 3. The Senate shall have final authority over all college cllstoms and tra- rlitions; it shall regulate and super- vise student activities as stated In the constitution and regulations of student actl·

vitles; It shall have complete dunge of all student elections, except such as are In·


corpora ted in the other ('onstitutlons: it shall represent the Association in all U"

relations with the Faculty. Alnmnl, Trus- tees. and other exterior bodies; it shall be authorized to use discretlonal'Y power in all matters requiring immediate action.

Section 4. The Student Senate shall have power to take cognizance of violation of the Campus Rules and shall be a Court of Last Resort In the loterpretatlon of these rules as provided in the Campus Rules.

Section Ii. 'l'he Senate slmll deal with all cases Involving violations of the Honor System as stated In the Honor System ConstitutIon.

Section 6. It shaH be the duty of tbe Senate to condemn any practl<:e whldl lOa)' be deemed not In ac(!ord with the true col lege spirit; to summon to Its meetings In, dlviduals ludulging In such practice or violating Campus Rules. and In case of proven misconduct, to Inflict penalties which It shall deem expedient.

Secthm 7. In all eases its power may extend to public censure of individualR or groups of Individuals for misconduct.

Section 8. The Student Senate. either on its own initiative or upon the Huggestion of college ollicers. shall assume a vigorous COil'

trol of situations arising in the field of student activities and student government.

for the purpose of preventing excesscs an(J Improprieties.


Section 9. Violation of all rules. ex- cepting t " - tIet forth In Article II, under Campus Rules. shaIl be referred to the Stu- dcnt Senate for settlement, The Student Senate and the Campus Court may. or may not. publish the names of . convicted of- fenders. In the Fiat I,ux.


Section 1. All meetings of the Associ ation. called for the purpose of elections nnd amending aUlI revising the Constitu- tion alld By-Laws, shall be called by the President through a notice in the issue of the Flat Lux preceding the meeting. All Items to be considered shall be inclutled In the announcement of the meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings may be beld at the call of the President.

Section 3. Two-thirds of the student body shall constitute a quorum at these meetings,


1. 'fhe Students' Association shall pay the Christian Associations one dollar per page for publlshi1:~g in their annual Hand- book the revised Constitution and By-Laws of the Students' Association.

Section 2.-0nly Letter Men in foothall, basketball. cross country. track. und wrest!

lng may wear the regulation white V-neck sweater.

a. 'l'llC Senior Seal 8118.11 be WOi'll by Seniors and Alumni only.

• 4. Dances for the henefit of the Ath- letic Association shall be mallageil by u person appointed hy the Athletic Coullcil.


Any 8tu(lent transacting ally financial business for all.Y student organization or in lny activity involving studellts or Alfrc<;

College or 8chool of Ceramics, shall be re- sponsible to a faculty member chosen an- nually hy the student body from among Ii

number suggest.ed by tbe faculty. tOuch responsibility will be interpreted to mean

Ii strict accounting of methods and fillance at whatever time the auditor euooses.

8hould any officer fall so to do, the auilltor shaJJ suggest an action to that body Wllich placed him ill office.


Section 1. 'rills Constitution and ny- La ws may be amended at any regu lar meeting, provided sucb amendments have been read before the Stu<lent body; nnd published In the Flat I,ux one· week ahead;

and have been passed by a two-thirds vote of those present.

Sedion 2. 'I'he Athletic Association Constitutioll, the Women's Student Gov- ernment Constitution and the Honor System Constitution may be amended as stater! In


the different Artides u,"1er their respec- tive Constitutions .

S'eCtlon ll. 'rbe J UUiOT aIH1 Sophomort"

classes shali each eh~ct three members from a list of six recommended by the Student Renate, A.nd those elected', with a Junior member. of the Senate as Cbairman, sball a('t as a committee for tbe purpose of amenillng or snpplementlng tbese rules.

Such measures as they adopt sball become part of said rules when adopted by the as- sociation.

Section 4. This Constitution shall go into effed upon Its ratlfkntlon hy the Rtudent Ro(ly.



This organization shall be called the Women's StUdent Government of Alfred TJniversity.

ART. II-MEMBERSHIP AND VOTINn Sec. 1. The men1tlersh.jp of the Women', Rtudent Government shall consist of il11 the women students in the College of I,iilet'sl Arts of Alfreil UniverSity. MemilerRilip is not compulsory with tboRe WiloRe parents are residentR of AHre(l. All memher;; Rhall h'nvc eqllnl powe]' or voting, except tIJnt till'

dormitory women (I e. tho~e residing in Abi·

gail Allen IIall) may not vote on mutters p<'l'taining exclusively to non-dormitory women (I. e. those 1I0t residing in Abigail Allen Hall), and that non·dormitory woo lIIen lllay llOt vote on matters pertaining exclusi vely to dormItory women.

An'r. III-PunposE"PowEn See. 1. 'l'he Women's Student Govern·

ment shall have power to deal with all questions concerning the conduct of its members in their College life, insofar as these are not regulated hy the Sturleut Senate, and come within a list of regula- tious approved by a two-thirds vote of the Women's Sturlent Government, anrl grante.l by the Student Life Committee. It shall ha ve power to Inflict the penalties to en·

force its decisions.


Sec. 1. 'l'he executive ano juoicial pow", of the Women's Sturlent Government shall he vested in a "onnell, composed of the presi·

ilent of the organization, the presirlent of Abigail Allen Hall (Brick) ano seven other members one of whom shall be an upperelass re'pTesentative of Morgan Hall, Pi Alpha Pi, and Sigma Chi Nu.

Sec. 2. Cl.'he president of the Wompn'R Stuoent Government shall be a member of the Student Senate.

Sec. 8. A woman from the Freshman dass s'haJJ be electeil by the class as F,·esb·

man representative dn the council, without the power of voting.

Sec. 4.' All busIness transacted in counell meeting!! shall be kept secret unless other·

wIse 6rdered by a two-thirdS vote of council.

AnT. V-LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES Sec. 1. The presidents of Abigail Allen Hall, Morgan Hall, Pi Alpha Pi Houac, Sigma Chi Nu House, and the three dol"

mitory members, shall constitute the legis- lative committee for said halls.

Sec. 2. 'l'he non-dormitory member of the council shall be chairman of a committee of three, members of which shall be electeo Ly the non-dormitory women. This eom·

mittee shall constitute the legislative ('nm- mittel' for non-dormitory members.


Sec. 1. 'l'he election of the council shall take place the last week in April. At least three weeks prior to the election of the council, the president shall appoint a nomi- nating committee of five members, two of whom shall have neen members,of the coun·

eil. 'l'he nominating .committeeshaU (:on·

reI' with the presiilent to ,nominate the mem·

bers of the council. '~'llese nominations shall be pORted on the College lInlletin Boord at least two weel," prior to the elee·

tiOIl. After tho eledion of members of the ('ounei] ill April, the new roundl shall hol(\

joint meetings with the former c01Jncil un- til tIle end of the scbool year, under the chairmanship of the former president.

Both ('oundls shall eo·operate arid co-ordi·

nate in all the duties of the cGundl, and the new president and council sDal! as·

sume their duties in September,

Sec. 2. In case there is a vacancy In the council at any time, this vacancy may he flll"'l hy vote of the counell.

Sec. 3. The representative from the ,.'reshmnn clnss shall he eleded by the claso

<"'ery two months. No Freshman shall be eligible for representative for more than two months In the year.

Sec. 4. The committee appolnter] by the president to nominate members of tl;c roun- cil shall also act as a committee for the r,,·

vision of rules.


Sec. 1, The president shall be tile ex- ecutive officer of the organization, anrl .,hall call together and preside over all meeting" of tile organization and council.

See. 2. The duties of the vice president

"hall he to assume the duties of the presi- dent ill the ahs~nce, or at the reOllest of the pl·csi(lent.



'rhe duties of the secretary .hall he to keep the minutes of all meetings' of


tIle ol'gnnlzation.

:-ie"c. 4. 'L'he duties of the treasurer shall he to act as custodian of all funds of tile organization, payiug bills only by vote of coundl, and on receipt of an order Signed by the President and Secretary of the or- ganization.

Sec. 5. '1'he duties of the non-dorm\tor~

ICl!;islative committee shaH be to meet at 1","t once a month to enforce rules per- tailling to nOD-dormitory WOlllell. Tbt' nuties or' tlle chairman stl.all De'to ,eull meetings of the non-dormitory legislative committee, and to· cal! and preside over snch meetings of non-dOl'mitory women as are ne('essary for the administmtion of non- dormitory business. The president of the Women's Student Government has power to call speelal meetllJp:s of this commit t,>e whenever sb~ -d~em8 it necessary.


Sec. 1. 'L'he President of the' Women".

Student Government sball be a Senior, and she shall have preferably served on the council, eitber as a representative or as a member prior to her Senior year

Ree. 2. Three unexcused absences froIll Coullcil meetings by a member shall <lis-' qll:1:ify her from ofljce.,

Sec. :1. Any member is liable to 1m·

peachment for mlscondlld in office by a two·thlrds vote of the Council antI may Ill'


removed from office by a two-thln]s vote of the entire Women's Stuuent Government.


A quorum of the Women's Stuuent Go, ernment sball consist of at least two-third"

of its memiJers.

AR'!'. x

Six mew bers of the conncil shall con- stitute a quorum, and no action shall be taken by the conucil upon tile agreement

"f five voting members.


Sec. 1. '1'he Presid"nt of the Organiza- tion with the advice of the Council, shall call a meeting whenever sufficient business demands it. Attendance at these meetings sball be compnlsory.

Sec. 2_ The council shall meet regularly every week for ,liscussion of matters and for the transaction of such business as Is necessary.


Sec. 1. Eacb member of the organiza- tion shall be supplied with a copy of the Constitution and Regulations of the Wo- men's Student Government at the beginning of each College year. The Constitution and the Regulations shall be read hy the presi-

<lent to the fresbman class at its first meeting.


. AUT. XII-AMENDME"'TS Sec. 1. This Constitution may be amend- ed by ~. two-thirds vote (of a quorum) of the organization.

Dalam dokumen PDF 'I (Halaman 30-37)

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