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removed from office by a two-thln]s vote of the entire Women's Stuuent Government.


A quorum of the Women's Stuuent Go, ernment sball consist of at least two-third"

of its memiJers.

AR'!'. x

Six mew bers of the conncil shall con- stitute a quorum, and no action shall be taken by the conucil upon tile agreement

"f five voting members.


Sec. 1. '1'he Presid"nt of the Organiza- tion with the advice of the Council, shall call a meeting whenever sufficient business demands it. Attendance at these meetings sball be compnlsory.

Sec. 2_ The council shall meet regularly every week for ,liscussion of matters and for the transaction of such business as Is necessary.


Sec. 1. Eacb member of the organiza- tion shall be supplied with a copy of the Constitution and Regulations of the Wo- men's Student Government at the beginning of each College year. The Constitution and the Regulations shall be read hy the presi-

<lent to the fresbman class at its first meeting.


. AUT. XII-AMENDME"'TS Sec. 1. This Constitution may be amend- ed by ~. two-thirds vote (of a quorum) of the organization.

Ratunlay. and Sunday nights. Wh~ll th~

hour shall be 10 :30 P. M.

Reo. B. Sophomores shall be at tlleir places of residence by .9 :;10 P. l\l. ex- cept Friday and Sunday nights when the hour shall he 10 :00 1'. lIf., nnd Satnr,1ay night when the. honr sball be 10 :30 I'. M.

Sec. 4. Freshmen shall be at their places of residence. by \) :00 P. M., excepl It'l'iday awl 8ul.lday nights wbell the flour shall be 10 :00 P. M., and Haturday night when the hour sball be 10 :30 P. M. Be·

gInning May I, closing hours for Freshmen shall be 9 :30 instead of 9 :00 P. M.

Sec. ; ri. Women not attending ('ollege i1anceson the college calendar shall observe 10 :30 o'clock P. M.closlng hours and shall be' permitted to go to Hornell or elsewhere witho'ut s11ch urtlon iwing counted as' 0

special permission, although of'course, with pI'opel' 'chaperon"


anrl after perlnission h as been grant~'l.

ART. Ill-SPECIAT, PEltMIRSIONS Sec. 1. Special permissioIl from the Council must be ootained for all in tOWII and all out-of-town purties and entertain- lllents lasting lnt~r' than the closing hours specified in Article II, sections 1. 2, 3, 4.

altbough supervised by the Student Life Committee, or granted hy the Studellt Sen- ate, but nqt on tllP .College Calen,lar.

Sec. 2. Applications for specia.! permiH 72

sinn to attend parties or entel'faillment;;

not on the college calenrlar, and laRting later than closing hoOrs, must be made to the Coullci!liefol'e 7 :()() o'c!o('k P. M. of the day of tIle oc~asion. In order to give the Cou ncn opportunity to grant:or reject the permission as is advisab1e.

Sec. 3. Application for .special permis- _ion shall he made in the. form of a petition sig'ned by the applicant, delivered to tbe president of the· organization. In or- der to grant permission, the petition must lie signed by the president of the organiza- tion and one other upperclass representative on the Council.' No more than six permis- sions slmll be granted a semester unless the applicant has·an index of 2.

See. 4. Women attending functions fo!' wldch Rpecial permission has heen gntnte{1 shall be in th!!tr pInees of residence not Intel' th9n 12 :15 P. M.

Sec. G. Closing bours for all women shall be 11 :00 P. M. dming vacation, eXN,pt by n l'l'angen1f'nt with the bouse chaperone.

Sec. G. Women shall be allowed to go to the restaurant any night aftN functions on the college calendar. Forty-five minute"

ouly shall be allow"d for rf'staurant pl'il'il- eges.

Sec. 7. A Rcuior woman may chapnrone a group of girls until . twelve o'clad, on special occaSions. such a permiSSion being

granted by the Dean of Women anti made known to the president of the organization.

A group composed of girls only, and other than Freshmen, may attend out of town functions unchaperon~d until their dosing hours.

Sec. R. Out-of-town permission during vacations must be ohtained from the rna·

tron or house cbaperone. Whenever a girl returns early to college during vaca- tion she shall at once lIotify the matron of her r('turn.


Sec. 1. Entertaining shall he regulated as follows: Members of the organization may entertain on Friday. Saturday, and Sunday ilfternoons and evenings. Gentlemen will call at other times only as escorts.

Sec. 2. Whenever vacation rules are In effect entertaining shall be confined to afternoons and evenings only.


Sec. 1. From one to four couples at·

tending pvening parti(,R, picnics, or auto- mobile rides not lasting later than the clos- ing hours specified ahove may be chaperoned hy a Senior woman, provisionage for such chaperonage having been made with the Council or President of the organization.

Sec. 2. "Not lastlng after closing hours"

III Sec. 1 of this article shall be inter-

preted to mean tlrat women shall he at Cleir places of resillence at the closing hour~

specified In Article II.

Sec. 3. Picnics must terminate by 8 :00 P. M., except by special arrangement with the Dean of Women.

Sec. 4. Any woman, other than a Senior going on automobile rides taking her out-of- town for more than half a day. shall si!(n her name and destination in a book pro·

vided for that purpose or shall make the same known to the matron or chaperone of the house ..

Sec. 5. A freshman woman with an escort going on a picnic, hike, automohile ride, or going out of the town limits, must he chaperoned by an upper-class woman until 8 :00 o'clock until Christmas.

Sec. G. From 8 :00 P. M. until regn- lar closing hours, any college woman with an escort going outside of to~n limits must he accompanied hy a Senior woman.


Sec. 1. After a careful and thorouj!'h explanation of the rules by the president of the organization, the Freshmen shall be required to pass an examination on the rules and regulations pertaining to W. S.

G. attaining at ]{'ast 11 B Grade on sueh an exa minatlon. 'L'his shall be conducted hy the council not later than Nov. 1. In rase anyone fails to pass this examination


~tlue punishment will be ,inflicted until V,e grndc is attained,

Spc, 2. Proyision shall be made to send tilt' PI'Psi.ient of 'the Women's Stmlent GO\'ernment to tIle Annual Inler-Collegiate Student Government Convpntion. In rase the President cannot go, another delegate shall he eleded hy the organiza tion from either· the JUllior 01' Senior Clas~.

Awr, yI!

Sec. 1. Any IllPmber upon leaYing town s}",illeaye, with the person in authority at the place at w!lich she is rooming, inforrua- tlon as to where she is going, and ber addl'el-1s while (Jut of tOWD.


Sec. 1, Each memher shall he ass!'sse.]

$1.25 a year.

Sec. 2, Provision shall he mark to senrl tl,,, President of the Women's Student (;overnmpnt or a Jllnior representative to the Annual Intercolll'giate StUdent Goyern- HlPnt Convention.

AR'!'. Ix-ENFOnCl!iMElNT

Sec. 1. Each member of the Women's Stun"nt Government is honor bound to obser\'c and to CO-OpcTate in (lnfOl'clng this 830'Htem of g-oy€,rnment.


..AU'£". x

Smoking on the part of any coilege wo- man, ~bile under college jurisdiction, is stridly p~ohibitc(1.

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