• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Selama sesi persidangan, Indonesia telah menyampaikan pandangannya di berbagai bentuk dan level persidangan. Sejumlah Kesimpulan dan beberapa draft Keputusan COP 24/CMP14 telah dihasilkan baik yang merupakan elemen Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) maupun yang merupakan bagian dari agenda rutin SBI dan SBSTA.

Semua dokumen yang dihasilkan pada BCCC Mei 2018 menjadi catatan penting Indonesia untuk mempersiapkan substansi perundingan pada sesi-sesi perundingan berikutnya baik di Bangkok maupun di Katowice.

Beberapa isu, sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan dalam Bab Catatan Penting dan Tindak Lanjut, juga perlu mendapat perhatian dan tindaklanjut di nasional diantaranya:

(a) pada SBSTA48 terkait pembentukan Facilitative Working Group (FWG) untuk Operasionalisasi Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples (LCIPs) Platform yaitu pembangunan mekanisme keterwakilan local community; dan (b) pada APA 1.5 terkait dengan panduan untuk fitur dan informasi NDC, elemen pada Adaptation Communication, keterkaitan antara Transparency framework dengan NDC, Adaptasi, dan Means of Implementation, serta Cooperative Approach khususnya di bawah Art.

6 Paris Agreement.

Keberhasilan Indonesia dalam menjaga posisi/ kepentingan Indonesia telah tercermin dalam draft-draft conclusion dan informal note yang dihasilkan di masing-masing agenda item persidangan baik di SBI48, SBSTA48 maupun di APA 1.5. Kondisi ini perlu terus dijaga dan ditingkatkan baik untuk penyiapan sesi-sesi perundingan selanjutnya maupun dalam implementasi Paris Agreement dan UNFCCC secara luas di dalam negeri.



Suasana Pertemuan Koordinasi DELRI di Minggu I

Suasana Pertemuan Koordinasi DELRI di Minggu II

Suasana Pertemuan Koordinasi DELRI di Minggu II

Sebagian DELRI pada Sela-sela Persidangan DELRI Minggu II

Tim Negosiasi DELRI Kelompok Isu Transparency Framework pada Group Photo TF





Indonesia associates itself with the statement made by Egypt on behalf of G77+China.

Paris Agreement implementation involves transformation from past and current development approaches to a long-term low emission and climate resilient development path ways. The journey towards this long-term objective will affect all aspects of economy, social and governance of parties in many different ways. In this regards, the principle of CBDR and fairness shall be preserved in operationalization of the Paris Agreement.

Indonesia shares objective of a balanced outcome at Katowice, the outcomes which could be implemented by all Parties with different national circumstances, capacities and capabilities. Indonesia stands ready to work together with other parties in a constructive manner. We have high expectation here in Bonn that we will be able to come up with texts, covering all issues of the PAWP, which could be the basis for negotiation, in order to achieve the aforementioned balanced outcome at Katowice.

On the transparency framework, Indonesia sees the importance of balanced progress in the development of modalities, procedures, and guidelines for enhanced transparency framework for actions and supports, including in addressing a closed link with other agenda items such as Agenda items 3 and 4, and other agendas relating to means of implementation. We also of the view that enhanced transparency framework is crucial for monitoring collective progress through GST and in facilitating and promoting compliance to the Paris Agreement.

It should be recognized, however, that developing countries’ capacity are much behind of the developed countries’. Capacity building, technology and financial supports are a must to help developing countries in whatever stages to progress towards necessary level of capacities to implement enhanced transparency framework.

Thank you.



Progress on APA item 4 and its linkage to APA item 5 Framing questions:

What would help to accelerate the development of further guidance on adaptation communication s?

How can we reduce the risks of duplication of work between items 4 and 5, and, at the same time, ensure that everything that needs to be developed is developed, and that nothing is left behind because Parties are not certain where to address it?

Thankyou Madam Co-Chairs,

Indonesia would like to associate ourselves with the statement made by Egypt on behalf of G77+China.

Responding to the first question, Indonesia views that we should focus on substantive matter. We appreciate the efforts done by the Co-Facilitators for preparing “Tool by Co-facilitators” to help discussion under the agenda item.

We also see the importance of join session between Agenda Item 4 and 5 in order to reduce the risk of duplication of work between the two agenda items, as well as to jointly identify elements to be included in the guidance for adaptation communication (agenda item 4) and/or in the guidance for transparency framework (agenda item 5).

Thank you Madam Co-Chairs.


AT THE APA HEADS OF DELEGATION MEETING on APA, SBI and SBSTA matters stemming from the

Paris Agreement Work Programme 04 May 2018

The Road to Katowice for the APA, SBI and SBSTA Framing questions intended to facilitate discussion:

What are the critical milestones on our road to Katowice and what is needed for each milestone?

What would help us to get from the initial basis for negotiations to draft decision text?

And what do we need to achieve here, by the end of this session?

Thankyou Mr. Chair,

Indonesia would like to associate ourselves with the statement made by Egypt on behalf of G77+China.

First of all allow me to reflect on current progress:

 We appreciate the leadership of Chairs of SBI and SBSTA and APA Co-Chairs, and the work of co-facilitator to push forward the discussion so far, in particular the agenda items under SBI and SBSTA, in producing a series of draft Conclusion to be adopted in December.

 We recognize that not all agenda items are progressing in the same level, nevertheless, with the good spirit to adopt the PA rule book in Katowice, here in Bonn we have to come out with text for negotiation in the next session in Bangkok.

 Here in Bonn, all agenda item under APA and relevant agenda items under SBI and SBSTA negotiating elements of the PA rule book must be able to finish the works with a target to deliver text for Bangkok negotiation. The text coming out from this session, should not exclude any elements, while as many as possible reduce duplication and repetition.

Critical milestones:

This week:

 A decided structure of Guidelines with chapters and sub-chapter or headings-and sub-headings of each agenda item of APA. A clear mandate given by Parties to co-facilitators may accelerate the process to define structure of the Guidelines of each item.

 A series of draft Conclusion for possible SBs agenda items, including their clear further work, so Parties can focus on to work on APA agenda items.

Next week:

 A streamlined negotiation text for Guideline of each agenda item, contains elements that already put by Parties in each chapter or heading, with or without bracketed text.

 A series of draft Conclusion for all SBs agenda items, including their clear further work.

Towards Intersessional Meeting in Bangkok

 A Reflection Note from Co-Chairs of APA, based on the Bonn’s streamlined text.

Towards Katowice

 A pre-COP24 meeting with a focused discussion on how to accelerate the process of PAWP development.

In Katowice

 Final negotiation of the PAWP to be adopted by the CMA1.

What is needed for each mil-estone:

 Focused or framing direction defined by Chairs of SBI and SBSTA and APA Co- Chairs for some critical agenda items, based on the text resulted from each session.

What would help us to get from the initial basis for negotiations to draft decision text?

And what do we need to achieve here, by the end of this session?

 Leadership and clear guidance of Chairs/Co-Chairs, including the expected outcomes of each session.

 Commitment and flexibility to work together in producing a series of structured Guidelines for all agenda items.

Thank you Mr. Chair.



10 May 2018 Thank you Mr. Chairs, Madam Co-Chairs

Indonesia associates ourselves with the statement made by Egypt on behalf of G77+China.

We would like to reiterate our shared objective of a balanced outcome of the Paris Agreement Work Program to be adopted in Katowice, which can be implemented by all Parties with diverse national circumstances, capacities and capabilities.

We welcome conclusions under SBI, SBSTA and APA agenda items at this session.

We recognise, however, some issues remain to be resolved, in particular under agenda items related to PAWP.

Having said that, Indonesia sees that the additional session in Bangkok will be the time for all parties to find a compromised and acceptable solution on those unresolved matters, particularly to agenda items under SBI and SBSTA with closed linkages to APA.

Please allow me to highlight issues under subsidiary bodies’ and APA’s agenda items accordingly.


1. Agenda item 3 (NDC)

 We welcome the Navigation Tool to supplement the informal note of APA 1-4 by the co-facilitators- a final iteration of 8th May, developed under your guidance and the assistance of co-facilitators. We understand that, along this Navigation Tool, the Informal Note of APA1.4 will still be used for upcoming negotiation sessions in particular with regards to outstanding substantive elements which we could not have sufficient time to discuss here in Bonn.

 The Guidance on the three sub-items should be linked each other and aligned with the principles of other related agenda items of APA as well as SBI.

2. Agenda Item 4 (Adaptation Communication)

 Our delegations encourage parties to continue works and reach agreement on the structure of the guidance timely with the implementation schedule.

Adaptation communication is important for showing adaptation profile, gaps and needs of developing counties to build resiliency. We are taking into account

country flexibility in choosing vehicle to communicate. However, common element should be defined clearly so it could serve the need of global stocktake.

 We also recognize close linkage of agenda item 4 and 5. Therefore, coordination between these agenda items which has been carried out here need to be continue in the next session.

3. Agenda Item 5 (Transparency Framework)

 In regards on responding the progress on APA 1.5 agenda item 5 on Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines for the Transparency Framework for action and support refer to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, Indonesia comprehends that the discussion made so far in Bonn is useful and comprehensive, although some further detail representing the essence of implementation may not be fully captured. Indonesia is ready to work further and urges parties and secretariat to accelerate the pace of negotiation in Bangkok, to have more significant results and positions toward Katowice.

 Like Agenda Item 4, the linkage between APA-3 of NDC with APA-5-ETF has not yet been addressed here; clear proposal in how to move forward with these linkages is necessary for the next session.

3. Agenda item 6 (Global Stock-take)

 Furthermore, we support informal note by the co-facilitators – final iteration of 8 May 2018 on matters relating to the global stocktake referred to in Article 14 of the Paris Agreement: Identification of the sources of input for the global stocktake and development of the modalities of the global stocktake.

 Notwithstanding, Indonesia is of the views that there are several concerns required to be elaborated in this agenda item, for instance: GST mechanism that would be applied by Parties, the necessity of technical dialogue, and assessment mechanism for GST should be determined.

 Indonesia identified there are needs to determine timeline for achieving GST which consist of preparatory phase, technical phase and political phase.

4. Agenda Item 7 (Facilitation and compliance)

 Indonesia welcomes a final informal Note by the Co-facilitator to be used as a negotiation basis in Bangkok.

 We urge all parties to focus on finding a way of some crucial issues such as regarding the modalities in communicating financial information biennially in the next session of APA.

5. Agenda Item 8 (Further matters related to implementation of PA).

 Decision 1/CMP.13 stated that Adaptation Fund shall serve the Paris Agreement subject to and consistent with decision to be taken at CMA1.3. The CMP13 also decided to consider whether the AF shall serve the PA exclusively, under the guidance of and accountable to the CMA, following a recommendation from the CMA to the CMP at its 15th session.

 Indonesia is also recalling that at the 4th informal consultations, based on the discussion amongst Parties and consulted with Secretariat’s legal expert, the informal note has been completed with more options and reduce unimportant element over the issues of: Governance and institutional arrangement, Operating modalities, and Safeguards.

 Indonesia welcomes the progress made by APA-8 regarding the Adaptation Fund. However, it is important to have prioritize of AF work that will be decided in Katowice to ensure that AF will smoothly transfer from KP to PA. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that Bangkok Session should make a significant progress by using the result of Bonn session as a basis discussion.


 On LCIP (SBSTA agenda item 7): Indonesia views the importance of the establishment of the Facilitative Working Group for the operationalization of the Local Communities and Indigenous People Platform. Indonesia views that the objective of this Facilitative Working Group and the LCIP Platform is to enhance transparency and participation, so that ensuring no one is left behind. In this regard, we view that it is of utmost importance to include the local communities in the Facilitative Working Group and the LCIP Platform. Indonesia stands ready to work together in the future to conclude the discussion on this matter.

 There are some issues on the Matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as agenda item 12 of SBSTA, we welcome the Draft Conclusions resulted from the process during the session, and appreciate the hard work made by the Co-Chairs and Secretariat in facilitating Parties with informal notes for Article 6-2, 6-4, and 6- 8 of the Paris Agreement. Specifically, we look forward to have further progress, with three revised informal notes for further discussion in Bangkok in September this year. We understand that these revised informal notes will note represent a consensus or reflect all the views of Parties, however, we believe these notes will be useful to help us in order to have a guidance that will apply for the whole Article 6.

 On matters related to climate financing, Indonesia views on the agenda item 13 of SBSTA is that the element of modalities for the financial accounting is important element to be incorporated into modalities, procedures and guidelines of transparency framework of the PA that will be implemented soon. Therefore, Indonesia would like to highlight that Bangkok Session can further discuss on recommendation over the work of SBSTA under agenda item 13 will be considered and adopted by COP 24 UNFCCC.

 Regarding the issue of development and transfer of technologies, Indonesia urges all parties to elaborate on the key themes and linkages of Technology Framework to provide concrete guidance to the implementation of technology development and transfer in developing countries and effective implementation of the Technology Mechanism.

 Related to report of Adaptation Committee which also will be discussed in Bangkok, we are ready to engage further works with all parties by taking into consideration informal note prepared by the co-facilitator for this agenda item. Adequate support for developing countries is essential and need to be elaborated well in relevant document for the implementation of Paris Agreement.


 On forestry issues (SBI agenda item 9: Coordination of support for the implementation of activities in relation to mitigation actions in the forest sector by

developing countries, including institutional arrangements). We welcome the conclusion from the session here. Indonesia look forward the full implementation of REDD+ with result-based payment following the Warsaw Framework and the other COP decisions on REDD+. We appreciate the efforts of COP-Presidencies in making “Voluntary meeting on coordination of support for REDD+ implementation”

possible to continue. The meeting is a useful avenue for exchange of experiences, lessons and best practices among REDD+ countries, discuss challenges, as well as for communication among REDD+ countries and with countries and institutions providing support for REDD+ implementation.

Mr. Chairs –Madam Co-Chairs, Indonesia looks forward to working together with other Parties under your guidance in Bangkok with the aim of finding a break through to move the work of the PAWP forward and further progress towards the finalization of draft outcomes to be adopted in Katowice.

In closing, allow me to take this opportunity to thank SBI and SBSTA Chairs and APA Co-Chairs for your dedication and leadership, to all co-facilitators for their hard works during the session, to the Secretariat for their dedication and passion, also our best wishes to Mr. Haldor for his next life journey.

Thank you and we look forward to having your continuous Guidance for the forthcoming sessions.



No. Agenda dan No. Dokumen Judul Dokumen Tautan



FCCC/APA/2018/L.1 Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement on the fifth part of its first session

https://unfccc.int/doc uments/67116 2. FCCC/APA/2018/L.2 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on

Agenda items 3–8 https://unfccc.int/site

s/default/files/resourc e/l02_2.pdf

3. FCCC/APA/2018/L.2


Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs (Addendum) on Agenda items 3–8

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l02a1.pdf


Joint Agenda SBI48- SBSTA48

FCCC/SB/2018/L.1 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Koronivia joint work on agriculture

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l01_2.pdf

5. FCCC/SB/2018/L.2 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Report of Adaptation Committee

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l02_1.pdf

6. FCCC/SB/2018/L.3 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Modalities, work programme and functions under the Paris Agreement of the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l02_1.pdf

7. FCCC/SB/2018/L.4 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Improved forum and work programme

https://unfccc.int/doc uments/67306 8.


FCCC/SBI/2018/L.1 Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its forty-eighth session

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l02_0.pdf

9. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.2 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Scope of and modalities for the periodic assessment of the Technology Mechanism in relation to supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l02_0.pdf

10. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.3 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Ways of enhancing the implementation of education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information so as to enhance actions under the Paris Agreement

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l03_0.pdf

11. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.4 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Common time frames for nationally determined contributions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 10, of the Paris Agreement

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l04.pdf

12. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.5 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Capacity-building in developing countries under the Convention

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l05.pdf

13. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.6 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Capacity-building in developing countries under the Kyoto Protocol

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l06.pdf

14. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.7 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Development of modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 4, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l07.pdf

15. FCCC/SBI/2018/L.8 Draft conclusions proposed by the Co-Chairs on Development of modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 7, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement

https://unfccc.int/site s/default/files/resourc e/l08.pdf

Dalam dokumen BONN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE 2018 (Halaman 66-83)

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