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Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1990-05 (Halaman 73-77)


1990-91 International Committees

It is expected that most.1990-91 International Committee personnel will have accepted appointments by the May Board Meeting. An updated listing of

Committees will be provided to the Board at that time.

Governors-elect Conference

The Assistant to the Secretary and his staff provided logistical assistance to the Education Department in details related to the February 28-March 4

Governors-elect Conference.

Council Meeting in St. Louis

Preparations for the Council Meeting at the St. Louis Convention have begun. A tentative agenda has been established with President Lusche and will be

presented as an information item to the Communications and Conventions Committee at the May Board Meeting.

Biographical Sketches of Candidates for International Office

All candidates for International Office in St. Louis were mailed a biographical form. Completed forms were received and, with the assistance of the

Communications Division, the "Biographical Sketches" publication is being prepared for the Convention.

75th Anniversary

The 75th Anniversary gala events were held in Detroit on January 20-21, 1990.

Nearly 2,000 Kiwanians, spouses and guests attended the three major sessions (Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning). Programs were prepared for each session utilizing in-house desk-top publishing. There were five table-top exhibits on display -- Kiwanis in the Michigan District, the KIWANIS magazine, Sponsored Programs, the Kiwanis International Foundation, and History of International Conventions. In addition, 75th Anniversary

proclamations from throughout the world were displayed. The KNOW drug program was featured in an exhibit, and a lighted showcase contained memorabilia from the history of Kiwanis. The Supplies Department had a booth, selling 75th Anniversary related items. All displays were located outside the main ballroom in the Westin Hotel, site for the three sessions. Representatives from 12 organizations, member of the Service Club Leaders Conference, attended the Detroit events, and a special reception was held in their honor preceding the gala banquet on Saturday evening, January 20.

Clocks, souvenirs of the Saturday evening banquet, have been mailed to Past Presidents and members of the International Committee on 75th Anniversary unable to attend the Detroit events. At the request of the Chairman of the

International Committee on 75th Anniversary, souvenir clocks were also sent to registrants unable.to be present (approximately 50).


On a continuing basis, banner patches are being mailed to clubs who have

performed a new service project in honor of the 75th Anniversary. Forty-seven patches have been sent. Patches are also available for clubs who perform service projects, and recognize in club meetings, the Six Objects of Kiwanise Since the observance of all Objects is suggested to be spread over the entire administrative year, no patch requests have been received to date to recognize activities in relation to the Six Objectse

From information received, it appears that many clubs have held events with a 75th Anniversary theme, and there has been considerable added local publicity about Kiwanis as a result of club efforts to promote the anniversary.

Picture Charts of 1990-91 Governors and Spouses

Picture charts of 1990-91 Governors and their spouses are nearly ready for production and will be distributed in the governors-elect session at the St.

Louis Convention.

Club Clinic Operation in St. Louis

By April 15, staff will survey current district chairmen relative to their' attendance plans and availability to work in the various club clinic booths at the St. Louis Convention. This function is typically handled by the appropriate International Charimen, and coordination of this will begin by May 1.

St. Louis Convention VIP Letters

Letters to various "VIP's" (Board, Governors, etc.) outlining various events in which they will be involved in St. Louis will be sent by May 1.

Proposed Amendments

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws are being received and prepared for review by the Board Committee on Policies, Procedures and

Structures at the May Board Meeting. The due date for all proposed Amendments in April 25, sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the Convention.

1990 October Council Meeting

Physical arrangments for the October 4-7 Council Meeting have been made with the Westin Hotel and the Indiana Roof Ballroom. Past President Ted R. Osborn has been confirmed as the speaker for the Luncheon Honoring the Past Presidents on Saturday, October 6. The Al Cobine Orchestra has been confirmed as

entertainment for Thursday evening's Council Gala Dinner Dance at the Indiana Roof. Staff is now working on agendas for the various group meetings as well as a speaker for Sunday morning's Closing Session.

-3- Past Presidents' Committee

Staff is finalizing details for the Past Presidents' dinner in St. Louis as well as the meeting. Agenda topics for the latter are being gathered from the Past Presidents.

Official Representative Reports to District Conventions

The report form for the Official Representative to District Conventions is being updated by Staff before being mailed to representatives of forthcoming


Updates on Policies and Procedures

Updated pages of the Kiwanis International Policies and Procedures, which included Board action from the January, 1990 meeting were distributed in the second week of March to members of the Board of Trustees, Past International Presidents, Secretaries Emeriti, International Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, and selected staff.

Meeting of the International Committee on Constitution and Bylaws

The International Committee on Constitution and Bylaws met April 1-3, 1990, at the International Office to continue its review of Kiwanis International

Procedures. Proposed changes to Procedures will be considered by the Policies, Procedures and Structures Committee at this Board meeting.


Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1990-05 (Halaman 73-77)