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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The writer wants to analyze the students' punctuation error in the narrative text of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the academic year 2011/2012. It is the data of the score narrative text the tenth grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the Academic Year of. What are the factors that cause the lack of students in the use of punctuation marks in the narrative text?


Focus of the Study

  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objectives and Benefits of the study

This means that the researcher makes an interpretation of the data.”1 The research is to apply research on punctuation. Below is an example of punctuation error on the narrative text titled "The Fly and The Bull" done by the students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the Academic Year 2011/2012.


The Concept of Punctuation

Without punctuation, we do not understand the connection in every sentence.3 Therefore, I conclude that using punctuation marks in written text is a good way to better understand the meaning and purpose of the text.

The Kinds and Usage of Punctuation

Periods are used to separate sentences that should make complete sense on their own. We can use a comma to separate a series of items of the same category, kind, etc. We can use a semicolon to “separate groups of statements that naturally follow each other.

A dash is used to indicate a break in the expression of an idea or to give an afterthought. Brackets Brackets are used to indicate a comment or question added to the quoted material by someone other than the author. Brackets ( ). 1) Parentheses used to include comments, remarks, explanations, etc. that interrupt the main idea.


The Concept of Error

From these definitions above, the writer concludes that an error is simply a slip that the learner forgets the correct form. Whereas, a mistake is a deviation made by students because they do not know the rule and they will do it repeatedly. So, an error analysis is a study of identifying, describing and classifying student errors.

The Concept of Punctuation Error

Narrative Text

  • The Concept of Narrative
  • The Concept of Text
  • The Concept of Narrative Text

In addition, Dinna also points out that the structure of the narrative text occurs in different ways. A text can have only one complication and solution but another text can have more than one complication and solution. 35. There are many types of narrative that can be fictional, factual, or a combination of both.

From these definitions, the author concludes that Narrative always deals with some issues leading to climax and beyond. From the definition above, the author concludes that a text is a meaningful linguistic unit, which can be a word, a sentence or a paragraph. It is used to create visual image or people, place, even of units of time-days, time of day or season.

Narrative text is a text which contains about history (fiction/non-fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of the climax (complication) of the story followed by the resolution.40. From the definition of narrative and text above, the author concludes that narrative text is the stories that have three parts;.

The Characteristic and Role of the researcher

  • Characteristic of the research
  • Role of the Researcher

The students of the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. In this research, qualitative method was used to analyze and describe the punctuation error made by the students on the narrative text caused by the students' lack of knowledge in punctuation. In this research, the author only analyzed the punctuation error on the narrative text of the tenth.

It is assigned to researcher and is based on research objectives.4 The population of tenth graders in SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan consists of 2 classes which are X.1 and X.2. Because they are in this class, they have been given the material on narrative text and based on the data from the pre-test, they have a low score in narrative text compared to X.1 class. Sugiyono argued that one of the characteristics of qualitative research is that the researcher becomes a research instrument.5 In this research, the author becomes like the researcher and also becomes a research instrument.

Creswell stated that "the researcher is the primary instrument in data collection rather than some inanimate mechanism."6. In this case, the researcher assumes that case study is an activity or a process of in-depth study done by individual, community or group.

Data Source

According to Linda Kalof, a case study is “an in-depth study of a single person, event, community, or group.”7 Not all case studies are done with single cases, but sometimes with multiple cases to gain insight.8 While according to John W. Creswell, Case studies means that the researcher investigates in depth a program, event, activity, process or one or more individuals.9.

Research Instrument

Data Collection Method

  • Observation
  • Interview
  • Test
  • Documentation

Creswell explained that "observations, in which the researcher takes field notes about the behavior or activities of individuals at the research site." The author chooses participant observation. The writer observed the condition of the school and then made the sketch of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. Creswell states that in interviews the researcher conducts face-to-face interviews with participants.13 Ester Berg defines an interview as a meeting of two persons to exchange information and ideas by means of questions and answers, which leads to communication and joint construction of meaning on a particular subject. 14.

An open-ended form is used to find out what are the factors that motivate students who are low in using punctuation marks and often make mistakes in using punctuation marks in the narrative text of tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. In qualitative research, often combine the technique of observation with in-depth interviewing.15 During the observation, the researcher interviews students, teachers and the headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. The documentation was aimed at obtaining the school's archive such as the organizational structure and history of the school.

The author recorded the name of students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan to know the total student of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. And then taken the data about the description of the research area include the history of the school, the building condition, the vision and mission of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan, etc.

Data Analysis Technique

The building condition of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan is good enough and it supports the learning process. The amount of students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the class in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 the class in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. The author conducted the research at grade ten of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 and took X.2 class.

On sentences "Once upon a time there was a fly who thought, he was very important" the correct punctuation on these sentences only capitalize the word "There" and put a period after the word "important". He was flying around looking for someone to talk to," the correct punctuation was only capital letter, comma and period. The students of tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan low in the use of punctuation error on the narrative text due to lack of knowledge about punctuation.

Tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan often make mistakes in the use of punctuation due to caution in writing. Tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan often made mistake in using capital letter, comma, period, quotation mark, apostrophe and exclamation point.


The History of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan

As an educational institution, SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan has a vision of independence and excellence in developing the mission of Islam, science and state. SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan seeks to improve the quality of learning and discipline to complete the potential human resources. The development of the Indonesian education system has been able to progress in the development of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan, began with the accreditation, the status of accreditation was recognized in 1990 by Decree of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education of January 20, 1990 Number : 009 /Kep/1990.

In order to improve the quality of SMA's students, Muhammadiyah Pekalongan offers the opportunity to develop student talent and interest in extracurricular activities such as sports coaching, art, IRM, drum band, the sacred place and others.

The Building Condition of SMA Muhammadiyah Pekalongan

The Vision and Mission of SMA Muhammadiyah

The Condition of Teacher and Official Employees of SMA

The Quantity of the students of SMA Muhammadiyah

Organization Structure of SMA Muhammadiyah

Test consists of five paragraphs, the students rewrite only narrative text with the correct punctuation mark. The writer used the interview to know the causes of the students who use few punctuation errors and often make mistakes when using punctuation errors in the narrative text. Observation was done to observe the punctuation error of the tenth graders students and every .

In the first paragraph, most students made the mistake of putting the correct punctuation marks. The mistake was made by the students on the Capital Letter, Comma and Period. In the second paragraph, most students made the mistake of adding the correct punctuation.

The fly flew down and buzzed around the bull's head, the bull didn't bother him. He chewed the fly grass, then buzzed right inside the bulls ear the bull continued to chew grass. Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull's horns to make the bull notice him.

Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull's horns to make the bull notice it.





To inform the student about the importance of the use of punctuation marks in the narrative text and the function of punctuation marks for the reader. Mistakes in using punctuation marks can confuse the reader and create a different purpose and purpose between the writer and the reader. Especially in writing, so that the student does not forget the punctuation mark and always use it, because punctuation marks can give the meaning and intonation to the reader.

To motivate the English students to increase their knowledge in using punctuation marks on the narrative text with thorough studies of punctuation marks and understand the nature and use of this punctuation marks in writing. Author Nurul Laila Afriani is the second child out of five children of Syarkowi and Ismiyatun (Alm).


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