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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The researcher had outlined the problem in this research that focused on students' simple past tense mastery. The primary objective of this research was to know whether the use of board games can improve students' simple past tense mastery at tenth grade at SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. In summary, it can be said that using board games can improve students' simple past tense mastery and students' learning activities in tenth grade at SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung.

Permasalahan yang diangkat oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah terkait dengan penguasaan siswa dalam mempelajari simple past tense. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan board games dapat meningkatkan penguasaan siswa pada pembelajaran simple past tense pada siswa kelas X SMK N 1 Raman Utara Lampung Timur. Siswa Menjadi Lebih Aktif Dalam Mengikuti Proses Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kesimpulannya adalah penggunaan board game dapat meningkatkan penguasaan siswa terhadap pembelajaran simple past tense dan aktivitas belajar siswa di Kelas X SMK N 1 Raman Utara Lampung Timur.

Finally, the researcher can complete this undergraduate thesis titled “Using Board Games to Improve Student's Mastery of Simple Past Tense in Tenth Grader of SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung”.


  • Background of Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
    • Benefits of the Study

Thus, the students find it difficult to learn structure and grammar, especially when learning the simple past tense. The data result of the assignment of students in the tenth grade of SMKN 1 Raman Utara East Lampung. Therefore, the researcher conducted the study entitled, "Using Board Games to Improve Students' Simple Past Tense Mastery in Tenth Grader of SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung".

Students got bored learning about grammar, especially when learning the simple past tense. Based on the above identification, the researcher focuses on the fact that the student's mastery of the simple past tense is still low. Therefore, the formulated problem is "can a board game improve students' mastery of the simple past tense and students' learning activities in tenth graders of SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung?".

The purpose of this research was to improve students' simple past tense mastery and students' learning activities in tenth grade at SMK N 1 Raman Utara East Lampung.


The Concept of Grammar 1. The Definition of Grammar

  • The Type of Games
  • The Reason of Using Game
  • The Definition of Board Game
  • The Material of Board Games
  • Procedures of Board Game
  • Teaching Simple Past Tense Activities by Using Board Game a. Preparing Board Game for Simple Past Tense Activities
  • The Advantages of Board Game
  • Disadvantages of Board Game

Also, simple past tense is a tense that explains the activities that have already happened. Simple past tense is used to talk about things that happened in the past. We use the simple past tense when a certain event happened in the past and the event has completely finished. In order to measure students' simple past tense mastery, it is very important to provide guidance in simple past tense mastery assessment.

Therefore, here the researcher chooses a board game because it is an interesting technique to do in the classroom, especially in learning the simple past tense. Here, the writer makes a play based on the themes related to the simple past tense. After that, the student must answer the simple past tense questions based on the card.

Based on explanation above, the researcher concludes that playing a board game is an interesting technique to do in class, especially in teaching simple past tense.

Table 2.2  The Forms of Verb Be: 14 Statement   Subject
Table 2.2 The Forms of Verb Be: 14 Statement Subject

Action Hypothesis


  • A Variable and Definition of Oprational Variable
    • Independent Variable
    • Dependent Variable
  • Research Setting
  • Subject of the Research
  • Research Procedure
    • Cycle 2
  • Data Colecting Technique
    • Test
    • Observation
    • Documentation
  • Research Instrument
    • Observation Guidance
    • Documentation Guidance
  • Data Analysis Technique

The researcher conducted the research in this class because most of the students have a low score in learning English, especially in teaching simple past tense. In this research, the researcher also needed the collaborator to help her in this action research. In this research, the researcher used the classroom action research because the researcher would encourage the students to participate in the process of learning activities and improving the students' simple past tense by using a board game.

At this stage, the researcher observed the teaching learning process using the observation sheet. The researchers observed learning activities in the classroom, such as the situation in the classroom and the reaction of the students. In this phase, the researcher learned a simple past tense based on a new lesson plan.

The researcher observed teaching learning activity in the classroom, such as class situation, and the students' reaction. And the researcher calculated students' improvement scores from test before CAR to test after CAR in cycle 1 to test after CAR in cycle 2. In this phase, the researcher and the teacher analyzed the observation and the result of the test from test to test and discussed cycle 1 and cycle 2.

In this research, the researcher used a test to obtain the results of data on the student's mastery of simple past tense. To collect data, the researcher used instruments such as documentation, observation and assessment test. In this research, the researcher used the documentation to find out some information about the data such as the data profile of SMK N 1 Raman Utara School.

In addition, the researcher also collected pictures in teaching the mastery of the simple past tense using the board game and data collection. In addition to recognize the gain, the researcher compared between pre-test and post-test.


Result of the Research

  • Description of Research Setting
  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

This research used Classroom Action Research (CRA) which aimed to improve the students' simple past tense mastery and students' learning activities. The researcher would like to improve students' simple past tense mastery, because from the results of the pre-survey, the writer had information that the students in the tenth grade of SMK N 1 Raman Utara had a low learning of simple past tense. This meeting started by praying and greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students' condition, then the teacher asked the students to answer the pre-test on simple past tense.

The teacher opened the lesson with a greeting, checking the attendance list and motivating the students. Then the teacher explained the rules of the board game and the students understood the teachers'. The teacher gave each group the dice, the game board and several tokens for the students.

Then the teacher asked the students to write a simple past tense sentence while doing the board game with their groups. The result of a learning process to improve students' simple past tense mastery in cycle 1 was increasing than before. For the first meeting, the teacher only gave the pre-test for the students who have to work individually.

The students' score increased from the mean in the pre-test and post-test, but did not meet the completeness standard. The score must be at least ≥70. After the game was over, the teacher and the students discussed the result of the game together. And finally, the teacher and the students assessed the subject matter studied and drew the conclusion.

However, before the teacher administered the test, the teacher asked the students if they had any questions about the material. This means the students' simple past tense mastery and the students' learning activities have improved.

  • Interpretation
    • The Result of Action and Learning Result in Cycle I and Cycle II
    • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the whole
  • Discussion

It can be seen that most students have no difficulty in learning the simple past tense. This means that the board game is an effective media to improve students' mastery of the simple past tense. A comparison was made between the students' results in the pretest, after test I and after test II.

Based on the result of the students' score above, it can be concluded that the students' performance had improved enough and the indicator of success had been reached, so that the study was successful and could be stopped in cycle II. It means that using a board game as a medium can increase students' mastery of simple past tense and learning activities. Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that the use of board games can improve the students' mastery of simple past tense.

Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that the use of a board game as a medium in the learning process could improve the student's mastery of the simple past tense. Therefore, this research was completed and could be discontinued in the 2nd cycle, as the result of the students' activities reached a success rate of 75%. Based on the interpretation of cycle I and cycle II, it could be concluded that the use of board games could improve students' mastery of the simple past tense.

Furthermore, the researcher used a board game which contained some steps to improve students' simple past tense mastery. In this chance, the researcher first explained the material about simple past tense to the students. Afterwards, the researcher asked the students to write a simple past tense sentence while making a game.

After completing cycle I and cycle II, students' mastery of the simple past tense improved. It means that this research was successful because students' simple past tense mastery and students' learning activities were improved by using the board game.








Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

  • Basic Competence
  • Indicators
  • Learning Aims
  • Material
    • Adverb In Simple Past Tense;
    • Example of Irregular and Regular Verb The example of regular an irregular verb;
  • Teaching Method
  • Media
  • Instrument
  • Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d!

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa .. mempertanyakan, antara lain, perbedaan Simple Past Tense dalam bahasa Inggris, dan .. pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan / peristiwa yang .. terjadi / terjadi di masa lalu, tergantung pada konteks penggunaannya. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari pernyataan dan tindakan yang berlangsung/terjadi di masa lalu. Siswa mampu membuat kalimat positif, negatif, dan tanya dalam bentuk simple past tense dalam bentuk verbal.

Students are able to analyze the social function, text structure and linguistic element in the simple past tense sentence. The simple past tense is a time term used to express a specific event in the past. There are two categories of simple past tense forms, such as the action verb an action be.

The teacher gives students a chance to ask questions if they are still confused about the simple past tense. Pupils can compose positive, negative and interrogative sentences of the simple past tense in the noun form. Students observe how to make positive, negative and simple past sentences in the nominal form.






Table 2.2  The Forms of Verb Be: 14 Statement   Subject


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