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Academic year: 2023



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TITLE : Enhancing Students' Vocabulary Mastery Through Self-Collection Vocabulary Strategy (Pre-Experimental Research on First Year Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar). In other words, the Self-Collection Vocabulary Strategy helped the teacher to improve the students' vocabulary mastery.


The Problem of the Research

How was the growth of students' vocabulary in the noun term through the strategy of self-collection of vocabulary. How was the growth of students' vocabulary in terms of verbs through the strategy of self-collection of vocabulary.

Objective of the research

Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to be an alternative contribution to improve students' vocabulary mastery.

Scope of the Research

Previous Related Research Findings

  • Vocabulary Self- Collection Strategy

2) all words in a given language; 3) the words that people use when talking about a certain topic and a list of words with their meaning especially in the book to learn a foreign language. Passive vocabulary is a set of words that people only need to understand other people's messages.

Figure 2.1 Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy Chart  Name :
Figure 2.1 Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy Chart Name :

Conceptual Framework

Another benefit of the Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) is that it increases students' vocabulary, is suitable for pre- and post-reading, and helps students set a goal for reading. Therefore, it can be concluded that the vocabulary self-collection strategy is one that focuses on the meaning of words in a specific context.

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework



Research Design

  • Indicators

This study design included one class with a pre-test and then exposure to treatment and post-test. In this study, the researcher discovered the improvement in the use of the self-collection vocabulary strategy to improve the vocabulary mastery of the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar. When the researcher changes the independent variable, the change in the dependent variable is observed and recorded.

When you take the data in an experiment, the dependent variable is the one that can be measured. The population of this research was the first year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar. The sample of this research was the first year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar in Class X IPA, consisting of 14 students.

Table 3.1 Research Design  Where:
Table 3.1 Research Design Where:

Instrument of the Research

According to Sugion, a population is a geographical generalization where objects/objects have certain quality and characteristics that are determined by the researcher to study and then draw conclusions. In purposive sampling, the researcher hand-selects the cases to include in the sample based on his judgment of their typicality. The research instrument was a tool for collecting, measuring and analyzing data related to the subject.

The pre-test was given to assess and examine the students' previous vocabulary knowledge and the post-test was given after the treatment or after the application of the Self-Assessment of Vocabulary Strategy as a way to assess and examine the students. Both the pre-test and the post-test were used to detect the students' post-treatment development through the application of the Self-Assessment Vocabulary Strategy.

Procedure of Collecting Data

The researcher presented a strategy of self-collection of vocabulary c) Students are expected to pay attention to the teacher. The students discussed the selected words.. h) Each student from the group wrote the words as a result of the group discussion about the book. The students wrote down the words they chose and discussed from other groups in their vocabulary journal.

A post-test was a test given to students after completing a program or learning segment and is often used in conjunction with a pre-test to measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the program. After administering the treatment, the researcher administered the post-test to the experimental class by distributing the same test.

Technique of Data Analysis

-test was a test given to students after completion of a program or learning segment and often used in conjunction with a pre-test to measure their achievement and effectiveness of the program. N = total number of students. find the standard deviation of the student's vocabulary mastery. Student progress X1 = average pre-test score X2 = average post-test score. determining the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test result with the t-test value using the following formula:.

The criteria for the hypothesis testing were as follows: t-test < t-table Accepted Rejected t-test > t-table Rejected Accepted.

Table 3.2 table Score
Table 3.2 table Score


  • The student’s Vocabulary in Term of Noun and Verb
  • The Mean Score and Standard Deviation
  • The Enhancement of the Students’ Vocabulary in Pre-Test and Post- Test
  • Hypothesis Testing

The result of data analysis from pre-test and post-test of students' vocabulary in table 4.3, mean score of nouns in pre-test was 50.71 (categorized poor) and standard deviation was (13.28) and mean score was of nouns in post- test was 83.57 (categorized as good) with the standard deviation (10.81). The mean score for the verb in pretest was 52.85 and the standard deviation was (9.94) and the mean score of. This means that there was a significant difference between the students' vocabulary mastery in terms of nouns and verbs before and after implementing the self-collection strategy for vocabulary.

It could be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. In other words, the use of vocabulary self-collection strategy was effective in improving students' vocabulary mastery.

Table  4.1  showed  the  frequency  and  percentage  of  students‟
Table 4.1 showed the frequency and percentage of students‟


Therefore, the researcher indicates that the use of the vocabulary self-collection strategy increased the students' mastery of English vocabulary. First, Putri (2019) conducted a study on The Effectiveness of Self-Collection Strategy on Students' Vocabulary Mastery at SMP Negeri 16 Kota Bengkulu. Second, Waro (2019) conducted a study on the effectiveness of the self-assessment vocabulary strategy on students' vocabulary mastery.

Thus, it can be concluded that the self-collection vocabulary strategy was quite effective for learners. Based on the theory and previous related research findings, it can be concluded that this study clearly supported the previous finding, explaining that the self-assessment vocabulary strategy can improve students' vocabulary mastery. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the vocabulary mastery of the freshmen of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar improves significantly after implementing the Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy as a learning treatment.


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The Effectiveness of Using Seven Sentence Strategies to Improve Students' Vocabulary at SLTP IMMIM Tamalanrea Makassar. The Effectiveness of Using Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy on Students' Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade in SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol. The Use of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) to Improve Students' Vocabulary Mastery in Second Grade Students of SMP IT Tunas Harapan Plupuh Sragen.


Kompetensi Dasar

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Using a verb that indicates an activity d. Borobudur Temple is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Indonesia. Borobudur Temple is one of the seven wonders of the world that must be preserved in its circumstances. People everywhere. the world knows that Borobudur is one of the greatest works of art it has ever known.

Most of them admire the Borobudur temple for its beauty, elegance and the story of the relief on the walls. Domestic tourists usually go there by buses or private cars, while foreign tourists like to check in at a travel agency because they don't have to think about transportation, accommodation, and an itinerary. Nusa Lembongan is one of three sets of islands located in the southeast of Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan.

Metode Pembelajaran

Aktivitas di Pantai Kuta tidak hanya berlangsung pada siang hari saja namun juga pada malam hari. Setiap anggota kelompok menganalisis dan memilih kata yang tidak diketahui dan menuliskan artinya kemudian mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok melalui grup WhatsApp yang dibuat oleh ketua kelompok. Setiap anggota mencari kata-kata termasuk kata benda dan kata kerja dalam teks (Candi Borobudur) dan menuliskan maknanya kemudian mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok melalui grup WhatsApp yang dibuat oleh ketua kelompok.

Setiap anggota kelompok menganalisis dan memilih sebuah kata yang tidak diketahui dan menuliskan artinya kemudian mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok melalui grup WhatsApp yang dibuat oleh ketua kelompok masing-masing. Setiap anggota mencari kata-kata termasuk kata benda dan kata kerja dalam teks (Nusa Lembongan) dan menuliskan maknanya kemudian mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok melalui grup WhatsApp yang dibuat oleh ketua kelompok. Setiap anggota kelompok menganalisis dan memilih sebuah kata yang belum diketahui, menuliskan maknanya kemudian mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok lainnya melalui grup WhatsApp yang dibuat oleh ketua masing-masing kelompok.

Penilaian Pembelajaran

The National Monument or "Monas" as it is popularly called is one of the monuments built during Sukarno's era of fierce nationalism. The National Monument or "Monas", as it was popularly called, is one of the monuments during the period of fierce nationalism in Soekarno. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for independence through a series of dioramas, while the Contemplation Hall displays the original document of the Declaration of Independence and a recording of the speech.

The coastline is most likely not common in light of the fact that it is located in an isolated place in Lampung, however the wave at the coastline at Tanjung Setia is alluded to as one of the most surprising waves on the planet. However, the waves off the coast at Tanjung Setia have been touted as one of the most breathtaking waves on the planet by surfers around the world. The coastline is most likely not common in light of the fact that it is located in an isolated place in Lampung.

Assessment score of the student's vocabulary in terms of noun in the pre- and post-test. Assessment score of the student's vocabulary in terms of verb in the pre- and post-test.


Figure 2.1 Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy Chart  Name :
Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1 Research Design  Where:
Table 3.2 table Score


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