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1439 H /2017 M

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah teknik bertanya WH meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah teknik Wh-questioning meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. Artinya dengan menggunakan teknik WH-Questions dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas VIII MTs Darul A'mal Metro.




Background of the Study

In this case, the researcher studied how to improve the speaking performance of students in eight classes of MTs Darul A‟mal Metro in the academic year 2016/2017. Based on the above problem, it can be concluded that the speaking performance of the students in the eight classes of MTs Darul A‟mal Metro is categorized in the low category. Therefore, the researcher tends to conduct a research on “the use of WH question techniques to improve students' speaking performance in eighth graders of Mts Darul A‟mal Metro”.

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

  • Problem Formulation
    • The Objective of Study
    • The Benefit of the Study a. For the Students

The aim of the study is to find out if the WH-Question technique can improve speaking performance. This research is expected to make a positive contribution to the teacher in improving speaking performance by using the WH-Question technique. It is hoped that this research can provide information on the importance of using WH-Question technique in speaking teaching.

Theoretical Review

  • The Concept of Speaking Performance a. Definition of Speaking Performance
  • The Concept of WH-Questions Technique

Betty Schrampfer said that an informational question (WH-Questions) is a question that asks for information by using question words: where, when, why, who, whom, what, which, whose, how.17 The use of the words of WH-Question related to the function of the word,. The function of question word "who" is to ask what or which person or people (subject). The function of question word "who" is to ask what or which person or people (object).

Research Hypothesis

This research was done in the eighth grade of MTs Darul A‟mal Metro located at Mulyojati 16b West Metro, Metro City. Since the study is classroom research, the researcher then took a classroom as a sample.

Subject of Research

Because action research is one of the efforts to improve the quality of teaching at all levels of education and activities to develop the teaching profession. Action research is inciury or research in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance".22 Based on Eileen Ferance "Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practices systematically and carefully using the techniques. of research”.23 Action research deals with a social practice and it involves the direct interaction between teacher and group of students, it is depicted as a cyclic spiral process involving steps of planning, action, observation and reflection. Furthermore, action research usually involves a project going through two or more cycles in an interactive process. The improvements of the research can be seen from a series of cycles, each incorporating lessons from previous cycles.


In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning by using format observation, and the contours of observation in this step, such as the student's ability in the question answer, the teacher's participation in the learning process, writing the student's good participant and the student's mistake. In this step, the researcher compared the score distribution of pre-test and post-test, the researcher reviewed and reflected on the attitude of the students, whether it is positive or negative, enough in the second cycle or need for the next second.

Data Collection Method

  • Documentation
  • Interview

Simply put, a test is a method of measuring someone's ability, knowledge, or performance in a particular domain.25. After observing the subject's activities, the researcher gave a pre-test and it is done before Cycle 1 to know how far along the students are. The test in this study consists of performing and describing the students about themselves in front of the class.

This was done to determine readiness for the learning program and to diagnose the individual's specific strengths and weaknesses in speaking performance. This was done to find out the students' performance in learning to speak using the WH-Questions technique after two treatments. The researcher used this method to obtain information about the history of the school, the number of teachers, officially employed and students at MTs Darul A‟mal Metro and classroom learning activities.

Observation is a mainstay of action research.26 Observation refers to observing or noticing.27 The researcher used observation to obtain data on the activities of students and teachers in the learning process. Interview is a flexible data collection tool, allowing the use of multi-sensory channels: verbal, non-verbal, spoken and heard.28 Interviews allow participants to describe the situation in their own terms.29. In addition, the researcher interviewed the teacher and the officer to know the situation of the school and the students.

Data Analysis Method

If all the students from cycle 2 were successful, the cycle could only stop until cycle 2. X = the sum of the scores or values ​​of the items N = the total number of items30.

Indicator of Success

  • Description of the Research

That is why the researcher used the WH-Questions technique to improve speaking performance at MTs Darul A'mal Metro. In this step, the researcher created and discussed the lesson plan with the collaborator. Based on the result of the pretest, the researcher has identified and found the problem.

In this meeting the researcher became a teacher and the collaborator is the English teacher (Ms. Istiqomah. The researcher developed the teaching process and the collaborator observed the teaching and learning situation. For the first time, the researcher opened the meeting by greeting, asked the students to say goodbye together, checked the students' attendance and then the researcher tried to talk to the students in a simple conversation.

The researcher started the meeting by greeting, asked students to pray together, checked students' attendance and asked the students' condition. After that, the researcher asked the students to make a group consisting of two students based on a random system. After that, the researcher asked the students to have a conversation in front of the class as the post-test 1 to evaluate the learning process in cycle 1.

In this session, the researcher obtained the post-test score of students 1 in cycle 1.

Percentage 63.33

From the results of the 1st cycle, it was clear that there was an increase in the pre-test and post-test 1 results. The students were sufficiently interested in the learning process, although the state of the learning process is still uncontrolled. Based on the above analysis, the researcher concluded that this research should be continued in the 2nd cycle. In this step, the researcher and the collaborator want to create a curriculum and discuss it.

Based on the students' results in cycle 1, the researcher and the collaborator concluded that the problems are that some students are not confident in speaking English, they felt difficult to express their ideas. For the first time, the researcher opened the meeting with a greeting, asked the students to pray together, checked the students' attendance, and then the researcher tried to talk to the students in a simple conversation. Then the researcher reviewed the last material (descriptive text), then the researcher showed the next material (tell and ask about an event in the past) and explained it.

When the researcher has explained, the students join the learning more actively and pay attention to the explanation. The researcher started the meeting by greeting, asking students to pray together, checking students' attendance and asking the students. Based on the table above, it can be seen that there was an increase from the score of post-test 1 and post-test 2. The highest score was 86 and the lowest score was 70.

At this stage, students are more active and enthusiastic in following the learning process.

Percentage 83.33

  • Interpretation
    • Action and Learning Result at Cycle 1
    • Action and Learning Result at Cycle 2
    • The Result of the Students’ Activity
  • Conclusion

Furthermore, it proved that WH-Questions technique can improve the students' ability in speaking performance. Nevertheless, there was an improvement score of the students after test 1 as pre-test score. From the average score of pre-test and post-test 1 above, it could be seen that there was an improvement in students' speaking performance.

Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, it was known that there was a positive significant improvement in the students'. There was an increase in the number of students who scored up to the standard from pre-test to post-test 1, and from post-test 1 to post-test 2. The result of the students' activities in cycle 1 & cycle 2 No name Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Improvement of explanation.

Therefore, this research was declared finished and could be stopped in cycle 2, because the results of the students. Based on the result of students' speaking performance using wh-ques technique, the mean score from pretest was 66.8. From the students' test results, it can be seen that the score has improved significantly from pretest to posttest 2.

The post-test score in cycle 2 was higher than the pre-test and post-test 1 scores.

Table 16  The Result of the students’
Table 16 The Result of the students’




MateriPembelajaran Fungsisosial

Orang, binatang, benda-benda di sekitar dan penting bagi kehidupan siswa, memberikan contoh perilaku jujur, disiplin, aman, kooperatif dan bertanggung jawab.



  • KompetensiInti

Siswa menyimak/membaca/menonton contoh teks lisan (dan tulis) dari berbagai sumber dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan format penyampaian/penulisan. Guru mengingatkan mereka lagi bahwa mereka bisa menggunakan kalimat dalam pelajaran sehari-hari. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk bertanya tentang materi atau materi pembelajaran tentang fungsi sosial, ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan unsur kebahasaan.

Dengan bimbingan dan bimbingan guru, siswa mengajukan pertanyaan tentang arti kata/kalimat yang tidak mereka ketahui dan cara membaca kata/kalimat yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris. Siswa menganalisis dengan membandingkan berbagai teks yang mendeskripsikan orang, hewan, benda dengan penekanan pada struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan. Guru meminta siswa menyusun teks deskriptif dari percakapan tersebut, menganalisisnya dengan mencari makna dan juga gagasan utama dari kalimat-kalimat pembentuknya.

Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan. Siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika ada kesempatan, dan juga berlatih mengulang kata-kata bahasa Inggris sampai mereka dapat berbicara dengan lancar. Siswa mempraktikkan apa yang mereka pelajari di sekolah dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal.

Rhythm intonation and pronunciation require more careful listening; some pronunciation errors, which can occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Materi Pokok : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk bertanya dan bertanya tentang perbuatan/peristiwa/kejadian masa lalu.


MateriPembelajaran Fungsisosial

Media, Alat dan Sumber Belajar




Table 16  The Result of the students’


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