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Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa inggris

siti Rahmah

Academic year: 2024

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : My Uncle is a Zookeeper Kelas /Semester : VIII / Genap

Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Alokasi Waktu : 8 JP (4 Pertemuan) Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan teks interaksi transaksional memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum.

Indikator Pembelajaran :

 Menyebutkan kegiatan yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar

 Mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

 Menerapkan ungkapan dengan benar dalam menyebutkan kegiatan yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

Metode Pembelajaran

Model : Problem Based Learning

Pendekatan: Saintifik

Media Pembelajaran, Alat/Bahan dan Sumber Ajar

Pertemuan 1

Kegiatan Pengelolaan



 Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdo’a untuk memulai pembelajaran

 Guru menanyakan kabar dan keadaan peserta didik

 Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin Apersepsi

 Guru menanyakan apakah peserta didik pernah ke kebun binatang dan bertemu dengan penjaga kebun binatang

Kelas 10 menit


 Guru menayangkan gambar dan membimbing untuk mengenali situasi yang terjadi pada gambar (LKPD 1)

 Peserta didik bersama-sama menjawab pertanyaan terkait gambar (Buku When English Rings a Bell, halaman 86)

 Where are they?

 What animals do you see in the picture?

 Can you find the zookeepers in the picture?

Kelas 5 menit

Buku Bahasa Inggris Revisi Kelas 8, Kemendikbud tahun 2017

Referensi Digital

Alat Tulis

Sumber Internet


 What do they do?

 Peserta didik diajak mengenali rutinitas para penjaga kebun binatang (Buku When English Rings a Bell, halaman 91-92) (LKPD 2), berlatih pronunciation kalimat target language dengan ucapan dan tekanan yang benar.

 Peserta didik diajak menemukan meaning (fungsi simple present tense), form (unsur kebahasaan simple present tense) dalam konteks situasi yang terdapat pada gambar dan kalimat

Kelas 25 menit

 Peserta didik dengan berkelompok berlatih menuliskan verb+- s/-es pada kalimat yang telah diberikan (LKPD 3)

 Peserta didik melakukan pair check dan guru mengkonfirmasi jawaban di depan kelas (whole class check)

 Peserta didik dalam kelompok merubah kalimat target language ke dalam bentuk negative dan interogatif (LKPD 4)

 Peserta didik bersama guru mengecek jawaban secara bersama- sama, kemudian mendengarkan penjelasan terkait penulisannya (spelling).

Kelompok dan kelas

20 menit

 Peserta didik secara individu membuat kalimat dengan benar (LKPD 5)

 Peserta didik dan guru mengkonfirmasi jawaban di depan kelas (whole class check)

Individu 15 menit


 Guru melakukan refleksi dengan mengajukan pertanyaan What activity do you like the most?

How do you feel?

 Menutup pertemuan dengan salam penutup

Kelas 5 menit

Mengetahui , Benteng Utara, Februari 2024

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 197211112005012004 NIP. 196910252007012008


Look at the picture!

Taken from When English rings a bell (revision 2017) page 86 Questions:

1. Where are they?

2. What animals do you see in the picture?

3. Can you find the zookeepers in the picture? What do they do?




Taken from When English rings a bell (revision 2017) page 91-92


Complete the chart with the correct form of each verb.

a. I try. He

b. We go to school evert day. Andy to school every day.

c. They brush their hair. Arianna her hair.

d. I leave the house at 6. He the house a t 6.

e. You worry a lot. My mother a lot.

f. I wash the dishes after dinner. My sister the dishes after dinner.

g. You stay awake. Paul awake.

h.They drink tea every afternoon My father tea every afternoon.

i. I do my homework. Yoko her homework.

j. You teach English. Alex English.

Adapted from Basic English Grammar 4th edition

Key answer:

1. He tries.

2. Andy goes to school every day.

3. Arianna brushes her hair.

4. He leaves the house at 6.

5. My mother worries a lot.

6. My sister washes the dishes after dinner.

7. Paul stays awake.

8. My father drinks tea every afternoon.

9. Yoko does her homework.

10. Alex teaches English.


Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative.

1. He feeds the animals every day.

(-) (?)

2. She prepares foods and drinks for the animals every morning.

(-) (?)

3. They clean the animal’s cages every morning.

(-) (?)

4. They wash the animals everyday.

(-) (?)

5. She takes care of sick animals regularly.

(-) (?)

6. He regularly repairs the animal’s cages.

(-) (?)

(-) = negative (?) = interrogative



1. (-) He does not feed the animals every day.

(?) Does he feed the animals every day?

2. (-) She does not prepare foods and drinks for the animals every morning.

(?) Does she prepare foods and drinks for the animals every morning?

3. (-) They do not clean the animal’s cages every morning.

(?) Do they clean the animal’s cages every morning?

4. (-) They do not wash the animals everyday.

(?) Do they wash the animals everyday?

5. (-) She does not take care of sick animals regularly.

(?) Does she take care of sick animals regularly?

6. (-) He does not regularly repair the animal’s cages.

(?) Does he regularly repair the animal’s cages?



Make complete sentences. Pay attention to the structure of simple present tense.

a. Mr. Haris / the elephants / feed

b. They / open / at 7.30 / the zoo / every day c. at weekday / not go / We / to the zoo

d. need / regularly / the animals / to check / you e. Do / animals / you / like / ?

f. take care / of the panda / she / Does / ? g. monkey / not like / Anita

h. repair / the zookeeper / once a month / the cages i. every morning / wash / the deer / I

j. love / to see / at the zoo / my brother / the giraffes


a. Mr. Haris feeds the elephants.

b. They open the zoo at 7.30 every day.

c. We do not go to the zoo at weekday.

d. You need to check the animals regularly.

e. Do you like animals?

f. Does she take care of the panda?

g. Anita does not like monkey.

h. The zookeeper repairs the cages once a month.

i. I wash the deer every morning.

j. My brother loves to see the giraffes at the zoo.

Sumber :

 Buku :

- When English rings a bell (revisi 2017) - Basic English Grammar 4th edition


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