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Game of Thrones (musim 1)

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

... conclusions of this research based on the data analysis in chapter four are; the total nu m er of Newmark’s ultural expressions found in A Game of Thrones novel is 53 with the ...


PRESUPPOSITION ON TV SERIES “GAME OF THRONES” SEASON 1 - Diponegoro University | Institutional Repository (UNDIP-IR)

PRESUPPOSITION ON TV SERIES “GAME OF THRONES” SEASON 1 - Diponegoro University | Institutional Repository (UNDIP-IR)

... Game of Thrones tells the viewers about a fictional world with two continents, Westeros and ...story of a dynastic civil war for control of Westeros among several competing ...


The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

... A Game of Thrones was the winner of New York Times Bestselling Author and was famous as an HBO TV series until 2016 (for the 6th season which released this ...


The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

... A Game of Thrones novel. The scope of the study focuses on the translation procedures of cultural expressions applied the most in A Game of Thrones ...




... Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan bagaimana menghidupkan epos pada awal abad ke-21 melalui kajian cerita fantasi epos fenomenal Amerika, A Game of Thrones. Sejalan dengan perkembangan manusia ...


The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

... Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated Into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah ...procedures of cultural expressions applied in the target ...aim ...


T1__BAB II Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1  BAB II

T1__BAB II Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1 BAB II

... [61] “Others.” Sam menggigit bibirnya. “Mereka disebutkan dalam sejarah, namun tidak sebanyak yang kupikirkan. Sejarah yang telah kutemukan dan ku baca, itulah. Banyak yang belum kutemukan, sudah kuduga. Beberapa buku ...


The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

The Translation Procedures of Cultural Expressions Applied in A Game of Thrones Translated into Perebutan Tahta Novel by Barokah Ruziati - UDiNus Repository

... change of grammar from SL to TL. There are four types of shifts or transpositions in this procedure; the change from singular to plural, the change when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL, ...


T1__BAB III Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1  BAB III

T1__BAB III Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1 BAB III

... meaning of “let the man be born” in paragraph ...beginning of life for the w ord “be born”. Thus, the literal meaning of “let the man be born” which is shown in table ...beginning of life. The ...


A Game of Thrones ebook Free download

A Game of Thrones ebook Free download

... “You need to come south,” Robert told him. “You need a taste of summer before it flees. In Highgarden there are fields of golden roses that stretch away as far as the eye can see. The fruits are so ripe ...


T1__BAB I Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1  BAB I

T1__BAB I Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: An Annotated Translation of Idiomatic Expressions and Metaphors in “The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons” T1 BAB I

... command of Greyguard to Janos Slynt, one of the slayers who killed Jon’s ...one of the candidates of Lord Commander against Jon and he hated Jon a ...instead of hung Janos up, Jon ...


Pembangunan game rist person shooter 3D Alien Hunter berbasis desktop

Pembangunan game rist person shooter 3D Alien Hunter berbasis desktop

... [] Grafik 3D merupakan perkembangan dari grafik 2D. Didalam grafika komputer, 3D merupakan bentuk grafik yang menggunakan representasi data geometri tiga dimensi.Suatu objek rangka 3D apabila disinari dari arah tertentu ...


Pengaruh Aplikasi Sistem Peresapan Biopori Terhadap Aliran Permukaan, Erosi, Kehilangan Hara Dan Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays) Dan Padi (Oryza sativa) Pada Tanah Latosol Darmaga

Pengaruh Aplikasi Sistem Peresapan Biopori Terhadap Aliran Permukaan, Erosi, Kehilangan Hara Dan Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays) Dan Padi (Oryza sativa) Pada Tanah Latosol Darmaga

... Kelebihan biopori dibandingkan dengan pori makro di antara agregat tanah antara lain (1) lebih mantap karena dilapisi oleh senyawa organik yang dikeluarkan oleh tubuh cacing (Lee, 1985 dalam Brata dan Nelistya, ...


Welcome to Repositori Universitas Muria Kudus - Repositori Universitas Muria Kudus

Welcome to Repositori Universitas Muria Kudus - Repositori Universitas Muria Kudus

... Sari, IstiqomahWulan. 2015. Permainan Balloon Face: Suatu Permainan Inovasi dalam Proses Mengajar Listening (Suatu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sepuluh MIA 1 SMAN 1 Nalumsari Jepara Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015). ...


04 Riwinoto Ardiman Firmanda 4311223004

04 Riwinoto Ardiman Firmanda 4311223004

... In Indonesia Learning English still very difficult and sometimes make scary for some student. they have difficult to learning English, especially in writing and memorizing vocabulary. In reality, author develop ...


Perbedaan Musim Tanam Terhadap Performa (1)

Perbedaan Musim Tanam Terhadap Performa (1)

... Rumput laut merupakan komoditas ung- gulan sektor kelautan dan perikanan yang menjadi penyumbang terbesar dari total produksi perikanan nasional sejak beberapa tahun terakhir. Produksi rumput laut di Indo- nesia ...


Welcome to ePrints Sriwijaya University - UNSRI Online Institutional Repository

Welcome to ePrints Sriwijaya University - UNSRI Online Institutional Repository

... This game can be used in groups of 2-4 ...picture of stairs, meaning that if students get into the box, then the pawn will go up as far as the existing ...place of recreation in the city ...


PAKET 10 B. Ind Kls X (18 NOV

PAKET 10 B. Ind Kls X (18 NOV

... fasilitas game online serta perjudian online, kecenderungan untuk bermain serta berjudi secara online bukan lagi sebatas hobi tapi telah menjadi candu dan banyak berakibat pada menurunnya prestasi belajar ...


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