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4.3 Lexical Level

subject and the verb according to an English grammatical rule. The following sample came from a group of Numbers. The translator translated “


” (sample 2) to

“ creepers” , adding an “ s” to the noun in the target text to maintain the number of the noun as meant by the source word “


” . Another sample came from a group of Possessive nouns. In this sample, the translator translated “His Lordship’s request” from

ค ำขอของเจ้ำคุณ

” by connecting “ His Lordship” and “ request” with “ s” to indicate the possessive quality. This feature is commonly found in the target language but not in Thai. In English, an apostrophe is placed either before or after an “ s” at the end of the noun owner, and the noun owner is followed by the thing it owns.

Table 4.5 Lexical Level: Adding Explanation (Cont.)

Lexical Level: Adding Explanation

No. Source Language Target Language


มีควำมรู้ใหม่เกิดขึ้นในควำมสัมพันธ์ของ เรำ ในขณะที่เรำออกไปเดินเล่นด้วยกันแต่

ล ำพังสองคนในเย็นวันหนึ่งของสัปดำห์ที่

สำม” (

Sriburapa, 1973, p. 19)

“A new understanding developed in our relationship while we were out walking alone together one evening during the third week of her stay.” (Barang, 2009, p. 19)

3. “

เพรำะว่ำจะเป็นควำมรักหรือไม่ก็ตำม เมื่อมีควำมผำสุกแล้วจะต้องกำรอะไรอีก คนทั้งหลำยอยู่กันโดยวิธีนี้ ซึ่งตำมควำมเห็น ของฉันแล้ว ฉันเห็นว่ำไม่ใช่ของจริงเสมอ ไป

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 54)

“…because, whether or not there is love, so long as there is happiness, what else would she want? That is the way people live, and most of them believe that love is the mother of happiness, which, in my view, is not always true.” (Barang, 2009, p. 50)

According to Table 4.5, in samples 1 and 2, the translator added past participial phrases. In sample 1, the translator added “ and so exquisitely rouged” ( sample 1) to evoke a vivid image of beauty. In sample 2, the translator added “of her stay” (sample 2) to indicate a specific time as meant by the source text, “


” to make the reader understand the period of time in which the scene took place. Moreover, in sample 3, the translator added “ and most of them believe that love is the mother of happiness” to the dialogue to modify the originally existing clause to help the reader understand how people believe about love.

4.3.2 Using Phrases or Sentences to Substitute a Word

In view of the results as shown in this technique illustrating the substitution of words with phrases or clauses, the researcher found ten samples or 5.15%. For instance,

Table 4.6 Lexical Level: Using Phrases or Sentences to Substitute a Word Lexical Level: Using Phrases or Sentences to Substitute a Word

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “


”(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 30)

“I really mean what I say.” (Barang, 2009, p. 29)

2. “

แต่เมื่อเรำมีควำมสนิทสนมพอที่ข้ำพเจ้ำจะ เข้ำใจได้ว่ำ เธอหมำยควำมอย่ำงไรในกำรที่

พูดเช่นนั้น ข้ำพเจ้ำก็ได้แต่อมยิ้ม

(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 31)

“we were close enough for me to understand what she meant when she spoke like that, I merely smiled to myself.” (Barang, 2009, p. 29)

3. “



”(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 57)

“You will probably have noticed how close we were.” (Barang, 2009, p. 54)

As shown in Table 4. 6, the translator edited the target texts in samples 1, 3 the substitution of words with phrases or clauses by substituting some words with noun clauses. For example, in sample 1, “


” was substituted by “what I say” in order to enhance the audience’ s understanding of the meaning of Nopporn’ s talk.

Likewise, in sample 3, the translator substituted “


” with “how close we were” to reveal the profound relationship between the two characters. The research also found the substitution of words with verbal phrases as shown in sample 2 that

“smiled to myself” replaced “


” to allow the audience to see the character’s facial expression and to reflect the character’s love.

4.3.3 Using Words Referring to General Meaning

This technique obtained a total of nine samples ( 4. 63% ) in which words with broader meaning were used. The nine samples can be divided into three categories: the

use of abstract nouns with a broader meaning, the use of concrete nouns with a broader meaning, and the use of words with a broader meaning.

Table 4.7 Lexical Level: Using Words Referring to General Meaning Lexical Level: Using Words Referring to General Meaning

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ขอให้ข้ำพเจ้ำช่วยจัดแจงบ้ำนพักไว้ให้และ รวมทั้งควำมสะดวกอื่นๆตำมที่ผู้ซึ่งออกมำอยู่

ต่ำงประเทศจะต้องกำร ท่ำนตั้งใจว่ำจะพักอยู่

ที่โตเกียวสัก ๒ เดือน

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 5)

“…, and had asked me to help find accommodation for him and make any other arrangements required of foreign visitors. He intended to stay in Tokyo for two months.”

(Barang, 2009, p. 6) 2. “

และเช่นเดียวกับรำยอื่นๆ-หญิงสำวจ ำต้อง

เข้ำสู่พิธีวิวำห์ในที่สุด ด้วยไม่สำมำรถ ต้ำนทำนต่อควำมข่มขี่บังคับซึ่งอำจมีมำจำก ทำงต่ำงๆ

”(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 19)

“…as in other cases where a woman unable to resist the pressures that be finally resigns herself to go through the nuptial motions.” (Barang, 2009, p. 19)

3. “

ข้ำพเจ้ำผู้คลั่งคิดถึงเธอ และนับเธอว่ำเป็น บุคคลส ำคัญที่สุดในชีวิตของข้ำพเจ้ำ เป็น สตรีที่จะแยกออกไปไม่ได้จำกชีวิตของ ข้ำพเจ้ำ เพรำะว่ำถ้ำแยกไปแล้วชีวิตของ ข้ำพเจ้ำก็จะไม่เป็นสิ่งสมบูรณ์

(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 119)

I who had been besotted with her and regarded her as the most important person in my life, someone I could not possibly be parted from because without her my life would no longer have been

complete”(Barang, 2009, p. 110)

As stated in Table 4. 7, the translator used a concrete noun with a broader meaning in sample 1. The translator translated “


” into “accommodation” which contained broader meaning. Following sample contained abstract nouns with a broader meaning that the source text “


” was translated to “the pressures” with a

broader meaning. Furthermore, the last sample of this table was used other word classes with broader meaning. In sample 3, the translator did not emphasize the gender, so “


” was translated into the pronoun “ someone” only to express how the character was lamenting his fate and love.

4.2.4 Omitting Words or Phrases

Emphasizing this technique, there were omission of a phrase/clause/sentence in the source texts, it contained 15 samples, or 7. 73% , were divided into two subgroups:

deletion of words and deletion of phrases/clauses/sentences as follows;

Table 4.8 Lexical Level: Omitting Words or Phrases

Lexical Level: Omitting Words or Phrases

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ซึ่งบำงอันมีค่ำตั้ง ๔๐-๕๐ เยนแล้วก็อำจจะ เห็นว่ำต่ำงกันไกล ภำพนั้นวำดด้วยสีน ้ำ แสดง ถึงภำพล ำธำรที่ไหลผ่ำนเชิงเขำแห่งหนึ่ง ซึ่งมี


(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 2)

“some of which cost as much as forty to fifty yen, the difference is obvious. It depicts a stream flowing by the foot of a mountain densely covered with tall trees.”(Barang, 2009, p. 4)

2. “

เมื่อผ่ำนจำกที่สูงไปสู่ที่ลำดต ่ำ เห็นจนกระทั่ง แสงแดดอ่อนๆ ของฤดูออทัมน์

(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 3)

“…at times wildly as it rushes down a slope. I see even the soft autumn sunlight.” (Barang, 2009, p. 5)

3. “

แม้ว่ำจะเป็นคนใจดีและภำคภูมิตำมท ำนอง ของคนแก่ก็ตำม คนทั้งหลำยก็ไม่อำจจะปลด เปลื้องควำมประหลำดใจออกเสียได้

(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 16)

“even if he was kind-hearted and had the dignified bearing of his age.” (Barang, 2009, p. 16)

In terms of deletion of words, sample 2, the word “


” was translated into “ the soft autumn sunlight” ; “


” that should have been translated to “ season”

disappeared from the target text because ‘autumn’ was a season. The other two samples were from a group of deletion of phrases/ clauses/ sentences. In sample 1 and 3, the translator decided to delete clauses/sentences, not translating “

ภำพนั้นวำดด้วยสีน ้ำ

” (sample

1) and “


” (sample 3), as the clauses/

sentences were not necessary and did not affect the content of the novel.

4.3.5 Using a More Neutral or Less Expressive Word

This strategy was related to the use of a more neutral meaning. 20 samples were found ( 10. 30% ) which can be divided into three groups which were a group of Noun, Adverb, and Adjectives.

Table 4.9 Lexical Level: Using a More Neutral or Less Expressive Word Lexical Level: Using a More Neutral or Less Expressive Word

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ขอให้ข้ำพเจ้ำช่วยจัดแจงบ้ำนพักไว้ให้และ รวมทั้งควำมสะดวกอื่นๆตำมที่ผู้ซึ่งออกมำอยู่


” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 6)

“…and had asked me to help find accommodation for him and make any other arrangements required of foreign visitors.”(Barang, 2009, p. 6)

2. “

ต่อมำอีกประมำณ ๖ เดือน ข้ำพเจ้ำได้รับ ข่ำวจำกหม่อมรำชวงศ์กีรติดีว่ำ เจ้ำคุณ อธิกำรบดีได้ถึงแก่กรรมเสียแล้วด้วยโรคไต พิกำร

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 119)

“Some six months later, I received news from Princess Keerati that Lord

Athikarnbordee had passed away as a result of kidney failure.”(Barang, 2009, p. 111)

Table 4.9 Lexical Level: Using a More Neutral or Less Expressive Word (Cont.) Lexical Level: Using a More Neutral or Less Expressive Word

No. Source Language Target Language

3. “


” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 82)

“In so doing I have achieved several ambitions.”(Barang, 2009, p. 78)

As itemized in Table 4.9, in sample 1, “


” was translated to a more neutral text, “ other arrangements” because it could meet the context and explain how the characters are helping each other. Sample 2 “


” translated to “ kidney failure” was an interesting finding since the target text was a disease name while the source text was not. It is possible that, at the time of publishing the novel, such a disease was an unknown disease. For sample 3, “


” were translated to “ambitions”, and the meanings of these target text was more neutral than those in the source text.

4.3.6 Cultural Substitution

This focused on the things that have the same characteristics and situations in the target language instead. Only one sample (0.5%) was found as follows;

Table 4.10 Lexical Level: Cultural Substitution

Lexical Level: Cultural Substitution

No. Source Language Target Language


“ ควำมรักอำจให้ก ำเนิดควำมขมขื่น หรือควำมร้ำยกำจต่ำง ๆ นำนำแก่ชีวิตได้

แต่ว่ำในดวงใจของผู้ที่มีควำมรักเช่นนั้น จะมี

น ้ำทิพย์แห่งควำมหวำนชื่นที่หล่อเลี้ยงอยู่ชั่ว นิจนิรันดรเป็นควำมหวำนชื่นที่ซำบซึ้งใจ อย่ำงประหลำดมหัศจรรย์ ฉันยังไม่เคย ประสบสิ่งนี้ด้วยตนเอง ฉันพูดตำมควำม

“Love may give rise to bitterness or other miseries in life but in the hearts of those who experience it there is a sweet, refreshing ambrosia sustaining them forever – a feeling that is pervasive and wonderful. This I have never

experienced for myself. I am speaking

Table 4.10 Lexical Level: Cultural Substitution (Cont.)

Lexical Level: Cultural Substitution

No. Source Language Target Language

เชื่อถือของฉัน ”

(Sriburapa, 1973, p.


from what I believe.” (Barang, 2009, p.


According to Table 4.10 that displayed cultural substitutions at the lexical level, the source text “

น ้ำทิพย์

” defined by the Office of the Royal Institute’s Dictionary as “

น ้ำ ที่เป็นของเทวดำ, ดีวิเศษอย่ำงเทวดำ, ดีวิเศษเหนือปรกติธรรมดำ

(angels’ water, angelically splendid or magnificent, extraordinarily magnificent) ,” which was a cultural term in Thai. The translator then substituted it with “ambrosia” defined by Cambridge Dictionary as “the food eaten by Greek and Roman gods,” which was a cultural term in the target language.

The cultural substitution conducted by the translator allowed the target reader to understand the meaning of the source text. This strategy was more appropriate in use than word- for- word or literal translation because it could minimize cultural misunderstanding.

4.3.7 Using A Loanword or A Loanword Plus Explanation

The translation editing at the lexical level using “ A Loanword or A Loanword with Explanation” was employed for one time or 0.5% as well.

Table 4.11 Lexical Level: Using A Loanword or A Loanword Plus Explanation Lexical Level: Using A Loanword or A Loanword Plus Explanation

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ในเวลำที่ได้รับควำมเบิกบำนใจในกำร สนทนำกับข้ำพเจ้ำสองต่อสอง เธอเคยเปล่ง หัวเรำะเต็มที่ เสียงหัวเรำะของเธอเต็มไปด้วย ชีวิตและควำมบริสุทธิ์ของเด็ก

(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 2)

“When she was enjoying our

conversation en tête-à-tête, she would burst out laughing, a laugh full of vitality and child-like innocence”(Barang, 2009, p. 4)

Table 4. 11 presented that The translator used a French word “ en tête- à- tête”

which meant an informal conversation between two persons, especially friends, to replace “


” in the original text in order to emphasize that the conversation between the two characters was in a private and informal manner.

4.3.8 Using the Proper Word Register

In a view of the translation editing at the lexical level “ Using the Proper Word Register” was employed for two times or 1%.

Table 4.12 Lexical Level: Using the Proper Word Register

Lexical Level: Using the Proper Word Register

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

เจ้ำคุณอธิกำรบดีได้เขียนมำถึงข้ำพเจ้ำว่ำ ท่ำนจะออกมำประเทศญี่ปุ่นพร้อมด้วยภรรยำ ใหม่ของท่ำน—หม่อมรำชวงศ์กีรติ—

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 5)

“His Lordship had written to me that he would be travelling to Japan with his new wife, Princess Keerati.” (Barang, 2009, p. 6)

2. “

เมื่อข้ำพเจ้ำสั่งรถยนต์ให้แล่นช้ำตอนจะเลี้ยว เข้ำประตูบ้ำน เจ้ำคุณอธิกำรบดีชะโงกตัว เอื้อมมือมำตบไหล่ข้ำพเจ้ำเบำๆ

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 10)

“As I ordered the car to slow down to enter the gate of the house, Lord Athikarnbordee leaned over and, patting me on the shoulder”(Barang, 2009, p. 11)

As indicated in Table 4.12, the translation editing at the lexical level “Using the Proper Word Register” was employed for two times or 1% . In sample 1, the word


” was employed to specify the royal title which Keerati, the protagonist, inherited from her parents. To translate this word, the translator selected the word

“ princess” to indicate the status of this character as it should be in the target language.

Nevertheless, the royal title “


” was generally equivalent to the honorific title

“Dame” in the British honor system. In addition, in sample 2, the author employed the word “


” which was the title for persons whose ranks were higher than “


” ( Phraya) . To translate this word and help facilitate the target language readers, the translator used the word “lord”, an appellation for a person with authority and power in England.

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