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4.2 Sound & Orthographical Level

The last problem encountered in Number 6 is the lack of a Specific Word when the target language has no specific words as in the source language. Therefore, the translator must find the word that conveys the meaning as close as possible.

Therefore, the strategy Using Words Referring to General Meaning will be used as an example below;


“เมื่อวันอำทิตย์หรือวันหยุดงำน คู่ผัวเมียและคนหนุ่มคนสำว ตลอดจนบิดำมำรดำก็


(Sriburapa, 1973, p. 63)

TL: “ When Sundays or bank holidays came round, sweethearts, husbands and wives, and parents with children would all go off on outings to such places.” (Barang, 2009, p. 59)

Table 4.3 Sound & Orthographical Level: Sound

Sound & Orthographical Level: Sound

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ผู้เขียนคงตั้งใจเห็นเป็นชื่อของภำพนั้นตอนล่ำงของ มุมหนึ่งเขียนไว้ด้วยตัวหนังสือเล็กๆว่ำ “มิตำเกะ”

และลงวันเดือนปีไว้ข้ำงใต้ แสดงว่ำเป็นเวลำ ๖ ปี


” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 3)

“In the bottom corner, in small letters, is the word ‘Mitaké’ and, below it, the date, indicating that the work was done six years ago.”

(Barang, 2009, p. 4) 2. “

ท่ำเรือบริษัทมิตซุยบุยซันไกชำ ในเช้ำวันที่เรือเดิน

ทะเลได้น ำข้ำพเจ้ำจำกประเทศญี่ปุ่นมำสู่กรุงเทพพระ มหำนครนั้น ไม่สู้มีผู้คนคับคั่งนัก

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 125)

“On the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Company’s wharf on the morning when the ship brought me from Japan back to Bangkok, there was hardly a crowd.” (Barang, 2009, p.

116) 3. “

ข้ำพเจ้ำไปเยี่ยมเธอที่บ้ำนต ำบลบำงกะปิ ปลูกเป็น

ตึกย่อม ๆ ชั้นเดียว

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p.


“I went to visit her at her house in Bang Kapi, a modest single-storey building.” (Barang, 2009, p. 122)

As seen in Table 4. 3, sample 1 displayed the translated text contained four Japanese place names including “ Mitake” ( sample 1) transliterated from the name of a well- known mountain and waterfall in Tokyo “御岳山” as well as sample 2 that

“ Mitsui Bussan Kaisha” ( sample 16) transliterated from “三井物産” , a Japanese company specializing in energy, machines, chemical products. These two samples came from a group of those transliterated Japanese names and compared their names to English. Moreover, there was also a sample 3 coming from a group of specific place names in Thailand and transcribed in English. It was found to transliterate a Thai proper name, “

ต ำบลบำงกะปิ

,” to “Bang Kapi” (sample 17) which once was a sub-district but is a present district in Bangkok, Thailand.

4.2.2 Structure of Words

The researcher found 20 texts or 10.30%, which were classified into four groups according to features which were a collection of the Editing of Verbs, Numbers, Tense, and Possessive Nouns. Here are some samples to visualize as follows;

Table 4.4 Sound & Orthographical Level: Structure of Words

Sound & Orthographical Level: Structure of Words

No. Source Language Target Language

1. “

ภำพนั้นประดับไว้ในกรอบซึ่งมีขอบสีด ำ สนิท แขวนไว้ที่ผนังด้ำนตรงข้ำมกับโต๊ะ ท ำงำน

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 3)

“The picture is set in a jet-black frame and hangs on the partition wall opposite my desk.”

(Barang, 2009, p. 4) 2. “

อีกด้ำนหนึ่งของล ำธำร เป็นทำงเดินเล็กๆ

ผ่ำนไปบนชะง่อนหิน บำงตอนก็สูงบำงตอน ก็ต ่ำตะปุ่มตะป ่ำไปด้วยก้อนหินใหญ่น้อย มี

พรรณไม้เลื้อยและดอกไม้ป่ำสีต่ำงๆ บนต้น เล็กๆ ขึ้นเรียงรำยอยู่ตำมหินผำนั้น

” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 3)

“On the other side of the stream a small path climbs past an overhanging rock, winding up and down amidst a scree of boulders and stones, with creepers and wild flowers of various colours forming a line of low bushes along the rock.”

(Barang, 2009, p. 4)

3. “

ท่ำนเห็นด้วยควำมสุจริตใจของท่ำนว่ำ ค ำ ขอของเจ้ำคุณเป็นโอกำสอันเดียวที่เปิดไว้ให้


” (Sriburapa, 1973, p. 78)

“He thought in all sincerity that His Lordship’s request was the only chance I had to enter the world of matrimony.”

(Barang, 2009, p. 74)

Demonstrated in Table 4.4, sample 1 came from a group of Verbs. “The picture is set in a jet-black frame and hangs on the partition wall opposite my desk.” translated from “

ภำพนั้นประดับไว้ในกรอบซึ่งมีขอบสีด ำสนิท แขวนไว้ที่ผนังด้ำนตรงข้ำมกับโต๊ะท ำงำน

”, an “s”

was added after “ hang” to identify a special relationship and agreement between the

subject and the verb according to an English grammatical rule. The following sample came from a group of Numbers. The translator translated “


” (sample 2) to

“ creepers” , adding an “ s” to the noun in the target text to maintain the number of the noun as meant by the source word “


” . Another sample came from a group of Possessive nouns. In this sample, the translator translated “His Lordship’s request” from

ค ำขอของเจ้ำคุณ

” by connecting “ His Lordship” and “ request” with “ s” to indicate the possessive quality. This feature is commonly found in the target language but not in Thai. In English, an apostrophe is placed either before or after an “ s” at the end of the noun owner, and the noun owner is followed by the thing it owns.

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