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Rapat Direksi

Dalam dokumen Laporan Tahunan 2015 Pelindo IV (Halaman 178-189)

dan dapat dihadiri oleh pihak-pihak yang diundang oleh Direksi. Aturan Rapat Direksi diatur dalam Board Manual, sebagai berikut:

1. Rapat Direksi diadakan minimal satu kali dalam satu bulan.

2. Direksi dapat mengadakan rapat di luar jadwal tersebut berdasarkan:

a. Permintaan satu orang atau lebih Anggota Direksi b. Permintaan tertulis dari satu orang atau lebih

Anggota Dewan Komisaris

c. Permintaan tertulis dari Pemegang Saham

3. Rapat Direksi diadakan di tempat kedudukan Perseroan atau di tempat kegiatan usaha Perseroan atau di tempat lain di wilayah Republik Indonesia yang ditetapkan oleh Direksi.

4. Panggilan/undangan rapat dilakukan secara tertulis oleh Anggota Direksi yang berhak mewakili Perseroan dan disampaikan sekurang-kurangnya 3 (tiga) hari kalender sebelum rapat diadakan, dengan mencantumkan agenda, tanggal, waktu, dan tempat rapat.

5. Materi rapat disampaikan bersamaan dengan penyampaian undangan oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan. 6. Rapat Direksi adalah sah dan keputusannya

mengikat apabila dihadiri oleh lebih dari ½ (satu per dua) dari jumlah anggota Direksi atau wakilnya. 7. Seorang anggota Direksi dapat diwakili dalam rapat

oleh anggota Direksi lainnya berdasarkan kuasa tertulis yang dibuat khusus untuk keperluan tersebut. 8. Seorang anggota Direksi hanya dapat mewakili

seorang anggota Direksi lainnya.

9. Rapat Direksi dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama. Dalam hal Direktur Utama berhalangan, rapat dipimpin oleh seorang anggota Direksi yang ditunjuk oleh Direktur Utama.

10. Rapat Direksi dihadiri oleh Direksi, pejabat satu level dibawah Direksi atau pejabat lain yang ditugaskan oleh Direksi, kecuali untuk rapat-rapat khusus yang hanya boleh dihadiri oleh Anggota Direksi.

Meeting of the Board of Directors is held by the Board of Directors and may be attended by the parties invited by the Board of Directors. the Board of Directors Meeting Rules are arranged in the Board Manual, as follows: 1. the Board of Directors Meeting is held at least once

a montahun

2. the Board of Directors may hold meetings outside the schedule by:

a. Request from one or more Members of the Board of Directors

b. Written request of one or more members of the Board of Commissioners

c. Written request of shareholders

3. the Board of Directors Meeting is held at the domicile of the Company or at the Company’s place of business or elsewhere in the territory of the Republic of indonesia established by the Board of Directors. 4. summon/meeting invitation is made in writing

by Member of Directors entitled to represent the Company and is submitted at least three (3) calendar days before the meeting is held, stating the agenda, date, time, and place of the meeting.

5. the Meeting Materials are submitted along with the delivery of the invitation by the Company secretary. 6. Meeting of the Board of Directors is valid and binding

if attended by more than ½ (one half) of the number of members of the Board of Directors or his deputy. 7. A member of the Board of Directors can be

represented at the meeting by members of the Board of Directors based on the written authorization made speciically for this purpose.

8. A member of the Board of Directors can only represent a member of the Board of Directors. 9. Meeting of Directors is chaired by the president

Director. in case the Director is absent, the meeting is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors appointed by the Director.

10. the Board of Directors meetings are attended by directors, oficers below the level of the Board of Directors or other oficials appointed by the Board of Directors, except for special meetings that may only be attended by Directors.

Rapat Direksi

11. Proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan Direksi dalam Rapat Direksi harus berdasarkan itikad baik, pertimbangan rasional, dan telah melalui investigasi mendalam terhadap berbagai hal yang relevan, informasi yang cukup dan bebas dari benturan kepentingan serta dibuat secara independen oleh masing-masing anggota Direksi. Secara umum, Direksi memiliki beberapa jenis rapat sesuai dengan kepentingan dan pihak yang diundang dalam rapat terkait, seperti:

1. Rapat Internal Direksi, merupakan rapat yang dihadiri oleh Anggota Direksi saja untuk membicarakan dan memutuskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan Perseroan. Rapat internal Direksi dilaksanakan setiap dua minggu. Rapat tersebut dilakukan guna mengevaluasi kegiatan yang telah dan atau yang sedang dilaksanakan. Selain itu Direksi mengadakan rapat untuk membuat kesepakatan bersama dalam penentuan kebijakan untuk kegiatan masing-masing bidang.

Selain itu, dilaksanakan pula Rapat Direksi dengan para Staf yang dilaksanakan sekali dalam sebulan. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Direksi memaparkan kegiatan-kegiatan Direksi yang telah, sedang dan akan dilaksanakan dalam upaya menaikkan pendapatan, penekanan biaya, kebijakan di bidang SDM, dan lain sebagainya. Pertemuan Direksi dengan Staf tersebut sebagai wujud penerapan sistem manajemen transparansi yang dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari para Staf melalui diskusi.

Adapun realisasi pelaksanaan dan kehadiran Rapat Internal Anggota Direksi adalah sebagai berikut:

nama Name jumLah raPaT Total Meetings jumLah KehadIran Total Attendance


Mulyono 21 12 57 Doso Agung 16 10 63 Alif Abadi 33 31 94 Susantono 33 26 79 Niken Probowati 33 24 73

11. the process of decision-making in the Board of Directors Meeting is based on good faith, rational considerations, and has been through a thorough investigation of the various relevant issues with adequate information, free from conflicts of interest, and made independently by each member of the Board of Directors.

in general, the Board of Directors to have several meetinsg in accordance with the interests and the parties invited to the relevant meetings, such as:

1. internal Meetings of the Board of Directors, is a meeting attended by only the Directors to discuss and decide matters relating to the Company’s interests. the internal meeting is held every two weeks. the meeting is conducted to evaluate the activities that have been or are being implemented. in addition, the Board of Directors hold the meeting to create a consensus in determining policy for each ield of activity.

in addition, the Board of Directors also holds meetings with staff that are held once a montahun During the meeting, the Board of Directors explains the activities of the Board of Directors that has been, is, and will be implemented in an effort to increase revenue, cost containment, policy in human resources, and etc. the meeting between Board of Directors with the staff is a form of management system implementation of transparency that is used to acquire feedback from the staff through discussion.

the execution and the presence at internal Meetings of the Board of Directors are as follows:

2. Rapat Bersama Dewan Komisaris, merupakan jenis rapat yang dilaksanakan antara Direksi bersama Dewan Komisaris yang dipergunakan sebagai wadah koordinasi dan pengambilan keputusan bersama lintas Organ Tata Kelola Perusahaan.

Secara periodik, Direksi mengadakan Rapat dengan Komisaris yaitu:

a. Pembahasan Pendahuluan Laporan Tahunan PT Pelabuhan IV (Persero) Tahun Buku 2014 (Audited);

b. Pembahasan Laporan Perhltungan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2014 (audited);

c. Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen Perusahaan Triwulanan Triwulan I Tahun 2015;

d. Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen Perusahaan Triwulanan s/d Triwulan II Tahun 2015;

e. Pembahasan Rancangan RKAP Tahun 2016 sebanyak 3 kali;

f. Pembahasan Laporan Manajemen Perusahaan Triwulanan s/d Triwulan III Tahun 2015 dan RKAP Tahun 2016;

Adapun realisasi rekap pelaksanaan dan kehadiran Rapat Gabungan Direksi bersama Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut:

nama Name jumLah raPaT Total Meetings jumLah KehadIran Total Attendance


Mulyono 11 7 64 Doso Agung 3 2 67 Alif Abadi 15 10 67 Susantono 15 10 67 Niken Probowati 15 9 60 Budi Revianto 15 11 73

3. Rapat Bersama dengan Kementerian BUMN, merupakan jenis rapat yang dilaksanakan oleh Direksi bersama dengan perwakilan dari Kementerian BUMN sebagai perpanjangan tangan Pemerintah Adapun realisasi rekap pelaksanaan Rapat Bersama dengan Pemegang Saham (Kementerian BUMN) adalah sebagai berikut:

2. joint Meeting with the Board of Commissioners, is meeting held between the Board of Directors along with the Board of Commissioners that is used as a coordination and joint decision-making across Organ Corporate governance

periodically, the Board of Directors held joint meetings with the Commissioners, namely:

a. Discussion on introduction of Annual Report pt pelabuhan iV (persero) for Fiscal year 2014 (Audited);

b. Discussion on Calculation of Annual Report 2014 (audited);

c. Discussion of Quarterly Corporate Management Report - First Quarter 2015;

d. Discussion of Quarterly Corporate Management Report – up to second Quarter 2015;

e. Discussion on Working plan and Budget 2016 as many as 3 times;

f. Discussion of Quarterly Corporate Management Report – up to third Quarter 2015 and Working plan & Budget 2016

the execution and the presence at the joint Meetings of the Board of Directors with the Board of Commissioners are as follows:

3. 3. joint Meeting with the Ministry of state Owned enterprises, is meeting held by the Board of Directos along with representatives from the Ministry of sOes as an extension of the Company’s major shareholder the realization and the presence at the joint Meetings of the Board of Directors with the shareholders (Ministry of state Owned enterprises) are as follows:

nama Name jumLah raPaT Total Meetings jumLah KehadIran Total Attendance


Mulyono 4 4 100 Doso Agung 3 3 100 Alif Abadi 7 7 100 Susantono 7 7 100 Niken Probowati 7 7 100 Budi Revianto 7 7 100

4. Rapat dengan Komite di Bawah Direksi, merupakan rapat yang dilaksanakan antara Direksi dengan Komite-Komite di bawah naungan Direksi untuk membicarakan hal yang berkaitan dengan fungsi tugas dan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab terkait Berikut diungkapkan secara detail, agenda rapat Direksi yang dilaksanakan selama tahun 2015, baik rapat internal Direksi, ataupun gabungan bersama Dewan Komisaris dan Komite lain di bawahnya:

4. Meeting with the Committee under Board of Directors, is a meeting of the Board of Directors with the Committees under the auspices of the Board of Directorss to discuss matters related to the execution of the functions and related responsibilities

the following is disclosed in detail, the agenda of the Board of Directors meetings held during 2015, both internal meeting of Board of Directors, or joint Meetings with the Board of Commissioners and other Committees:

no. TanggaL raPaT

Date PeserTa raPaT Participants agenda raPaT Agendas 1 16 Januari 2015 january 16, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Biro PSP dan Senior Manager terkait

joint meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, psp unit and related senior Managers

1. Progres kerja Komite Risiko Tahun 2015

Work progress of Risk Committee 2015

2. Progres General Audit Tahun Buku 2014

Progress on General audit iscal year 2014

3. Rekonsiliasi Realisasi Biaya Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2014 dan Pengendalian RKA Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2014

Board of Commissioners Reconciliation of cost realization 2014 and Board of Commissioners Work plan and Budget Management 2014

4. Rencana Tindak lanjut Assessment GCG Dewan Komisaris & Direksi

Follow-up planning of gCg Assessment of Board of Commissioners & Directors

5. Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan

the soundness of the Company

6. Rencana Tindak Lanjut Capaian KPKU 2015

Follow-up plan of KpKu Achievement 2015

7. Tanggapan Dewan Komisaris terhadap RJPP 2014-2018

Board of Commissioners’ Response on Rjpp 2014-2018


22-23 Januari 2015

Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Para General Manager/

no. TanggaL raPaT Date PeserTa raPaT Participants agenda raPaT Agendas 3 6 Februari 2015 February 6, 2015

Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Para Senior Manager terkait

Board of Commissioners, Directors, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan rencana penerimaan dan Penggunaan Dana PMN sebesar Rp2 triliun,

Discussion on the plan of Receiving and the utilization of pMn Fund amounting to Rp2 trillion

2. Pembahasan hasil evaluasi BPYBDS menjadi tambahan PMN ke dalam saham PT Pelindo IV (Persero) atas Pembangunan Fasilitas Pelabuhan Tarakan Tahun Anggaran 2004-2011

Discussion on evaluation results of unassigned government assistance assets (BpyBDs) to be additional pMn into the shares of pt pelindo iV (persero) on Development of port Facilities tarakan year 2004-2011

3. Pembahasan rencana pelelangan Investasi tahun 2015 sebesar Rp1,4 triliun dan Pembahasan laporan Keuangan Tahun Buku 2014 (Unaudited)

Discussion on auction investment plans 2015 amounting to Rp1.4 trillion and Discussion of Financial reports Fiscal year 2014 (unaudited) 4 13 Februari 2015 February 13, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

Pembahasan tentang laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian, Laporan PKBL, Audit Memorandum dan Skor Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan

Discussion of consolidated inancial reports, CSR reports, Audit

Memorandum and Company health Level score


23 Februari 2015

February 23, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

Pembahasan Final Laporan Keuangan Audited Tahun Buku 2014

Final Discussion of Audited Financial statements for Fiscal year 2014 6 20 Maret 2015 March 20, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Persiapan Pra-RUPS/RUPS Pengesahan Pelindo IV Tahun Buku 2014 ;

preparation of pre-gMs/gMs Approval pelindo iV for Fiscal year 2014;

2. Realisasi RKAP s/d Februari 2015;

Realization of Working plan and Budget until February 2015;

3. Road Map Pengembangan SDM/Karir

Road Map for Development of human Resources/Career

4. Kebijakan Pengaturan Anak Perusahaan

subsidiaries settings policy

5. Pedoman/kebijakan pengadaan barang;

guideline/policies for procurement;

6. Posisi kerjasama dan posisi persewaan tanah jangka panjang

Cooperation position and long-term land lease position;

7. Implementasi Manajemen Risiko

implementation of Risk Management

8. Dan lain-lain and Others 7 23 April 2015 April 23, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

Laporan Realisasi RKAP s/d Triwulan I Tahun 2015

Realization of Work plan and Budgeting Report up to the First Quarter of 2015

no. TanggaL raPaT Date PeserTa raPaT Participants agenda raPaT Agendas 8 28 Mei 2015 May 28, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan Realisasi RKAP s/d April 2015;

Discussion on Realization of Work plan and Budgeting until April 2015;

2. Pembahasan realisasi Program Kerja (PKPT) SPI dan TL temuan SPI s/d TRW I Tahun 2015;

Discussion on realization of Work plan (pKpt) spi and

several indings until the First Quarter of 2015;

3. Pembahasan Master Plan TI (2014-2018) & Realisasi Implementasi TI s/d TRW I tahun 2015;

Discussion on it Master plan (2014-2018) & Realization of it implementation until the First Quarter of 2015;

4. Pembahasan Realisasi Program Kerja Komite Risiko s/d TRW I Tahun 2015;

Discussion on Realization of Risk Committee Working plan until the First Quarter of 2015;

5. dan lain-lain and Others 9 12 Juni 2015 june 12, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Laporan Tim Self Assessment GCG Tahun 2014

gCg self Assessment team Report 2014;

2. Pemaparan progres rencana peminjaman Bank sebesar Rp3 triliun

progress of Bank Loan plan amounting to Rp3 trillion;

3. Pemaparan Progres Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) tahun 2015

progress of state Capital (pMn) 2015;

4. Pemantauan TL Keputusan Rapat Dewan Komisaris tanggal 28 Mei 2015

Monitoring of Board of Commissioners Meeting Decisions 28 May 2015

5. Pembahasan mengenai permintaan rekomendasi ulang penghapusan aset Tetap Umur ekonomis lebih 5 (lima) tahun di Cabang Makassar

Discussion on the request for a new recommendation,

destruction of ixed assets more than 5 years in Branch


6. Assessment Cargo anggota Komite audit pada Dewan Komisaris

Cargo Assessment by Audit Committee members towards the Board of Commissioners;

7. dan lain-lain and others 10 23 Juli 2015 july 23, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan Realisasi RKAP s/d Trw II tahun 2015

Discussion on Realization of Work plan and Budgeting until the second Quarter of 2015;

2. Pembahasan LHAT SPI s/d TRW II Tahun 2015

Discussion on LhAt spi until the second Quarter of 2015;

3. Pembahasan Realisasi Penerapan dan Pengelolaan Manajemen Risiko s/d TRW II Tahun 2015

Discussion on realization of implementation of risk management until the second Quarter of 2015

4. dan lain-lain

no. TanggaL raPaT Date PeserTa raPaT Participants agenda raPaT Agendas 11 25 Agustus 2015 August 25, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan kajian rencana Penerimaan Pinjaman Bank;

Discussion on the study plan of acceptance Loan from Bank;

2. Pembahasan Road Map Pengembangan SDM dan Karir tahun 2014-2018 dan realisasi s/d TRW II Tahun2015;

Discussion on Road Map of human Resources Development and Career 2014 to 2018 and the realization until the second quarter of 2015;

3. Pembahasan kebijakan pengadaan dan realisasinya s/d TRW II tahun 2015

Discussion of procurement policies and its realization until the second quarter of 2015;

4. dan lain-lain and others 12 16 Oktober 2015 October 16, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan Realisasi RKAP s/d TRW II tahun 2015

Discussion on Working plan and Budget until the third quarter of 2015;

2. Pembahasan LHAT SPI s/d TRW II Tahun 2015

Discussion on LhAt spi until the second quarter of 2015;

3. Pembahasan Realisasi Penerapan dan Pengelolaan Manajemen Risiko s/d TRW II Tahun 2015

4. Pembahasan Realisasi Penerapan dan Pengelolaan Manajemen Risiko s/d TRW II Tahun2015

Discussion on realization of implementation of risk management until the second Quarter of 2015

5. dan lain-lain and others 13 12 November 2015 november 12, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan Laporan Realisasi RKAP s/d Bulan Desember 2015

Discussion on Report of realization of Working plan and Budgeting until December 2015

2. Pembahasan/Pendalaman lanjutan usulan RKAP tahun 2016

Discussion/further in-depth discussion on the proposed Working plan and Budgeting 2016;

3. Pemantauan Progres Pembangunan Makassar New Port

Monitoring on Makassar new port Development progress

4. dan lain-lain and others 14 18 Desember 2015 December 18, 2015

Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekper dan Senior Manager terkait

joint Meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Corporate secretary, and related senior Managers

1. Pengenalan Perusahaan Kepada Anggota Dewan Komisaris Baru

Company introduction to new members of Board of Commissioners

2. Pembahasan Realisasi RKAP s/d bulan Nop.2015

Discussion on Working plan and Budget until november 2015;

3. Pemantauan Progres Pembangunan Makassar New Port

Monitoring on Makassar new port Development progress

4. dan lain-lain and others 15 15 Januari 2015 january 15, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Senior Manager terkait

internal meeting between Directors and related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan Tentang Rencana Pemberian Bantuan Bina Lingkungan Berupa Beasiswa Bagi Putra Papua di Merauke

Discussion on CsR plan (providing scholarships) for men (putra papua) in Merauke

2. Pelaksanaan Enhancement Aplikasi Container TerminalAplication System (CTOS) pada TPM dan Upgrade SIM Terpadu di Pelabuhan Cabang

enhancement of Container terminal Application system (CtOs) on tpM and integrated siM upgrade in port Branches

no. TanggaL raPaT Date PeserTa raPaT Participants agenda raPaT Agendas 16 9 Februari 2015 February 9, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Sekper dan SM terkait

internal Meeting of Directors, Corporate secretary and Related senior Managers

1. Pembahasan laporan PBL Januari 2015

Discussion on pBL report january 2015

2. Pembahasan Tindak lanjut Rapat Dewan Komisaris-Direksi dan lain-lain

Discussion on Follow-up meeting of Board of Commissioners, Directors, and others


12 Februari 2015

February 12, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Sekper dan SM terkait

internal Meeting of Directors, Corporate secretary and Related senior Managers

Pembahasan Tindak Lanjut Penyertaan Modal Negara dan lain-lain

Follow-up Discussion of the state Capital and others


24 Maret 2015

March 24, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Direksi anak perusahaan

internal Meeting between Directors and Directors of the subsidiaries

Pembahasan Pengoperasian Dermaga 150’M oleh PT NTS

Discussion on pier Operation 150’M by pt nts


31 Maret 2015

March 31, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Sekper dan SM terkait

internal Meeting of Directors, Corporate secretary and Related senior Managers

1. Progres Penyertaan Modal Negara dan ICT

progress of the state Capital investment and iCt

2. Pemanfaatan Dermaga Pelabuhan Makassar oleh NTS

utilization of Makassar port pier by nts

3. Persiapan Pelaksanaan QBR dan RUPS

preparation of QBR and gMs

4. dan lain-lain

and others

20 2 April 2015

April 2, 2015

Rapat Internal Direksi dengan Sekper dan SM terkait

internal Meeting of Directors,

Dalam dokumen Laporan Tahunan 2015 Pelindo IV (Halaman 178-189)

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