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The analysis of communicative translation bilingual book strawberry shortcake makeover madness and the butterfly ride by Windrati Hapsari


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1

Written by:








Book Strawberry Shortcake “Makeover Madness” and “The Butterfly Ride” by

Windrati Hapsari. Thesis. English Letter Department: Adab and Humanity Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

This thesis aims to analyzes the application of communicative translation method in translating a bilingual book Strawberry Shortcake “Makeover Madness” and “The Butterfly Ride”. The writer tries to find how the translator

applied the communicative translation method in translate the text.

The writer analyzes this translation according to the theory of communicative translation by Newmark. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. She reads, identifies, classifies, and collects the data, and then combines it with its translation.

The writer finds that there are many translation were translated by using communicative translation method. The translator also uses some of translation procedures to help her in translating the text, i.e. modulation, transposition, transposition, paraphrase, addition, reduction, and naturalization.



knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person no material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, August 2015




First of all, the writer would like to express the most gratitude and praise to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, affection, and generosity in completing the writer’s study in the State of Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Then,

peace and blessing is upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his family, his disciplines, and his followers.

The thesis is submitted in partial accomplishment of the requirement for the Strata 1 Degree to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, English Letters Department of the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In the term of completion, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, States Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Department, and Elve Oktaviani, M. Hum., the Secretary of English Letters Department.

3. Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M. Pd., as my thesis advisor who has sent me suggestions, corrections and criticisms.



Sholehan Ismail, and Hj. Siti Khodijah, since they always support the writer financially, morally, and spiritually.

6. My oldest sisters Silvy Ramalia, S. E and Saulia Rohimakumullah, S. Hum who has been supported me and helped me from my first life in Jakarta.

7. My best friends who always stand by me, Kurnia Hesti, and Mala Himmatul Aulia. Thanks for humbly sharing your cheerfulness and sadness days with me

In addition, the writer would like to thank the following acquaintance to her beloved friends of class B grade of 2011 and translation class especially her classmate who has helped her. She really enjoyed the friendship as long as four years with all of her friends by theirs beautiful memories, laugh, activities, support, spirit, soul, love conveyed the writer into life-mature.

Jakarta, August 2015










CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Focus of Study ... 2

C. Research Question ... 3

D. Significant of Study ... 3

E. Research Method ... 3

1. The method of Research... 4

2. The Object of Research ... 4

3. Data Analysis ... 5

4. Research Instrument ... 5

5. Unit of Analysis ... 6



C. Translation Method ... 15

D. Types of Text in Communicative Translation ... 18

E. Process of Translation ... 19

F. Translation Procedures ... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH RESULT A. The Data Description ... 25

B. The Data Analysis ... 25


B. Suggestions ... 40




A. Background of study

The purpose of the communicative translation is to make the TL readers have the same feeling as the SL readers about the text. Communicative translation focuses on readers, taking explaining the obscurities into consideration and expecting to make the translation smoother, briefer and more understandable. Such translation should respect the culture background of the readers so some foreign element would be transferred where necessary. On the other hand, adopting communicative translation doesn't equal to ignoring the syntactic equivalence.

In connecting with this issue, the writer finds many translations used communicative translation method in translating the bilingual book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg. The writer sees there are many translations which emphasize in how the readers understand the exact meaning from the SL, besides the structure of grammatical in TL is not 100% as same as in SL. It happened because the target readers of these books are children. To obtain the appropriate meaning as in source language, the translator oriented to communicative translation than semantic translation in which the delivery of meaning is the ultimate goal.


support their ability. These are the following competences that the translators should master:

1. Grammatical competence: knowledge of the rules of the code, including vocabulary and word formatting, Pronunciation/spelling and sentence structure.

2. Sociolinguistic competence: knowledge and ability to produce and understand utterances appropriately in context.

3. Discourse Competence: the ability to combine form and meaning to achieve unified spoken and written in different genre: this unity depends on cohesion in form and coherence in meaning.

4. Strategic Competence: the mastery of communication strategic which may be used to improve communication or to compensate for break down.1

Generally, Communicative translation is always concentrated on the TL readers, normally makes the text smoother, lighter, more idiomatic and easier to read.

B. Focus of the Study

According to the background of study above, the writer only focuses on the text that consist of communicative translation in the bilingual book Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg.




C. Research Question

Based on the focus of the research, the writer tries to answer the following questions:

1. How does the communicative translation occur in the bilingual book Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg?

2. To what extend does the target language differ from the source language in terms of the message conveyed?

D. Significance of study

This research is expected to be useful in giving the information about translation especially in communicative translation. This study is also expected to give academic input to those who concern in translation either theoretically or practically. In addition, the writer hopes that this research can help students in mastering the subject. Besides, this research can be one of references for translators to develop their knowledge about theory of translation.

E. Research method

1. The method of the research


in qualitative research, (2) qualitative data are collected in the form of words or picture rather than numbers, (3) qualitative researchers are concerned with process as well as product, (4) qualitative researchers tend to analyze their data inductively, (5) how people make sense of their lives is a major concern to qualitative researches.2

A descriptive method will be applied in presenting the data, analysis, and its findings. This method is the most appropriate method because it will systematically and factually describe and illustrate the characteristics and the connection between the phenomena studied.3 Therefore, the writer chooses descriptive qualitative method in analyzing this research.

2. Research object

This research aims to know what method that translator used in translating the bilingual book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness and The Butterfly Ride. Besides, this research aims to describe and analyze the communicative translation which occurred in its translation.

3. Data analysis

The data of this study is the sentences from translation‟s result of the bilingual

book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg. The data will be analyzed in accordance with the theory of communicative translation by Newmark. In analyzing the data, the writer


R. C. Bogdan and S. K. Biklen, Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction To Theory and Methods, (Universitas Michigan: Allyn & Bacon, Incorporated, 1982), p.37




uses the following steps: firstly, collecting the communicative translation that occurred in the text. Secondly, compering the grammatical structure between SL and TL, and then, presenting the data that has been found to be analyzed by using qualitative method which is relevant with the theory of communicative translation by Newmark.

4. Research instrument

The writer will analyze each text that contain of communicative translation by using the theory of communicative translation by Newmark.

In this research, the writer will perform several stages: (a) Reading and comparing every dialogue to determine the communicative translations which are employed by the translator, (b) identifying the data, (c) classifying the text that contain communicative translation, (d) analyzing the data, (e) presenting the result of research.

5. Unit of analysis


6 A. Previous Research

Actually, this research is not the first research that analyzes communicative translation. There are many researchers have also observed about this topic. One research paper that will support the research is written by Wang Miaomiao, a lecturer of Foreign Languages in Electric Power University, Beijing.4 In his research, he

chose Peter Newmark‟s semantic translation and communicative translation theories

as the guiding principles to analyze the translation of fantasy literature which takes both the Western and Chinese culture into consideration, keeps its mysterious magical mood and realizes the effects of clarity and straightaway. The translation under this method is clear, smooth and concise. This paper takes the simplified Chinese version of Harry Potter as an example to illustrate the strategies used in the translation of magical things. It finds that there are generally three ways used in the translation of Harry Potter: semantic translation, communicative translation and the combination of the two.

Another researcher is Shabnam Shakernia.5 The findings obtained from the analysis show that the readability of the translation especially in short stories is more


Wang Miaomiao, April 2014, A Study on Semantic and Communicative Translation of Magical Things in Harry Potter. Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 8, No. 2

http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/sll/article/view/4353. 15 July 2015, 15 July 2015.

5 Shakernia, Shabnam. 2013. Study of Nida‟s (formal and dynamic equivalence) and Newmark‟s



important than preserving the original wording. This paper worked some approaches in translation which were proposed by Nida (formal and dynamic equivalence) and Newmark (semantic and communicative translation) on two English short stories and their different translations. The result of this comparison shows that the more generic, conventional, smoother, simpler, clearer translation is the less danger in having difficulties, obscurities and confusion among the readers.

Rozi Hanifia Putri has the same analyses about communicative translation.6

He conducted an analysis of Indonesian version in children‟s storybook entitled Ms

Wiz the Series„Ms Wiz Goes Live‟ based on communicative translation method. In

analyzing the research, the writer applied the theory of Nida; formal and dynamic equivalence. This study more focuses on the usage of naturalization in translation. The writer concluded that the usage of naturalization in translating the text is important and the most appropriate. It is because there are many words of source text have been borrowed in target text.

In the three previous researches, the writers analyze some kinds of translation; semantic translation and communicative translation that occur in the text. One of them is focus on the usage of naturalization. Different from previous researches, in this research, the writer only focuses on the application of communicative method in the translation by using the theory of translation by Newmark. This observation aims http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/er/MRJER%202014%20Pub/content/2014/January/Shabnam.pdf , 20 July 2015.

6 Rozi Hanifia Putri. (2013). The Communicative Translation Analysis Of Children‟s Bilingual Story Book Ms Wiz The Series „Ms Wiz Goes Live‟ By Terence Blacker. Thesis in Study Program Of English Department Of Language And Literature Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya:


to know how the communicative translation occurs in the text and how the way translator translates it.

B. The Concept of Communicative Translation

According to Nida and Teber, translation is “consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message,

first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.7 Besides, Pinchuck defines

that translation is “a process of finding a TL (target language) equivalent for an SL

(source language) utterance.8 Peter Newmark defines that translation is “rendering

the meaning of text into another language in the way that the author intended the


Basically translation is the language transfer of a source language into other language or target language in the way to convey the message to TL readers.

To acquire good translation from SL to TL, the translators not only translate word by word but also they should pay attention in some aspects like language style, culture, esthetic etc. During this transplanting process of texts from one language to

another, the translators should try to make the TL readers understand the SL author‟s

thoughts, and make both the TL and SL readers share common ideas about the text. The main contribution of Newmark is that he analyzed two ways of translation: communicative translation and semantic translation. Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render the exact meaning of the


E. A. Nida and C. R. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1982), p. 12 8

Isadore Pinchuck, Scientific and Technical Translation, (London: Andre Deutsch, 1977), p. 38 9



original.10 In other word, semantic translation is individual, follows one single person (the author of the original text), while communicative translation is social, concentrates on the message and the main force of the text and serves a large readership.

Most texts require communicative rather than semantic translation, since the number of informative and vocative texts far exceeds that of expressive texts. Mostnon – literary writings comprise material suitable for communicative translation. On the other hand, original expression, where the manner is as important as the matter, whether it is philosophical, political, technical or literary, needs to be translated semantically. Autobiography, private correspondence and any other personal effusion also require a semantic translation, since the original is more important than the effect on the reader.

It is not thoughtful to say that a text requires a completely semantic or communicative translation. In a literary text there may be a sentence, a paragraph or a section that requires communicative translation. For instance, when a figurative usage

can‟t be transferred or if transferred the form will be quite misleading or

incomprehensible to the reader, and then it must be translated communicatively. On the other hand, there may be part of non – literary writing that requires a semantic translation. It is impossible to apply only one method to a text. The two methods are usually taken into use alternatively with varying focuses. And there are times when

the two methods can‟t be distinguished from each other. They actually become one.



For instance, if the translation of serious philosophical, artistic or technical works is not constrained by temporal or geographical elements and a rather close translation can render the reader in the target language with the same message and acquaint him with the stylistic features of the original language, there is no way and no necessity to identify which method is applied.

Theoretically, communicative translation addresses itself solely to the second readers, who does not anticipate difficulties or obscurities and would expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his language where necessary.11 Communicative translation is likely to be smoother, simpler, clearer, more direct, and more conventional. This method pays attention to the readers or listeners of target language that hope there is no difficulties in reading and understanding the text.

In communicative translation method, the translators concern from start to finish with the meaning. However, they not concern with the theoretical, linguistics, or even philosophy, they just concern with their perception as far as they can help the TL readers enjoying the text translation.

A translation results can be considered successful if the messages, thoughts, ideas, and concepts that exist in the source language can be delivered into the target language as a whole. This will be difficult because of the differences between the source language and the target language in language style and culture system, the translators not only be able to overcome the differences the things that have been




described above, but also must be able to capture the implicit message in the source language and deliver it into the target language.

In the application of the communicative translation, translators will translate the original texts in a way that will be easy to understand by the TL readers. It tries to deliver the original information accurately in the target language. But when the original information is in conflict with the communicative purpose, equivalence effect will be chosen as a compromise or mediator.

Nida divides the equivalence into two types: formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence.12 Formal equivalence tries to remain as close to the original text as

possible, without adding the translator‟s ideas and thoughts into the translation.

Dynamic equivalence is an approach to translation in which the original language is

translated “thought for thought” rather than “word for word” as informal equivalence.

Dynamic equivalence involves taking each sentence (or thought) from the original text and rendering it into a sentence in the target language that conveys the same meaning, but does not necessarily use the exact phrasing or idioms of the original. Dynamic equivalence is useful when the original language is very different from the target language, making a more literal translation difficult to understand.

The more the source language differs from the target language, the more difficult it may be to understand a literal translation on the other hand, formal equivalence can sometimes allow readers familiar with the source language to see how meaning was expressed in the original text.



In communicative translation, it is important to make the translation makes sense and reads naturally like any other text in the target language. This is apparently more difficult than one might expect, because one tends to reproduce a lot of grammatical structures, phrases and wordings which are natural in the source language but, while possible in the target language, which do not feel natural as such in the target language.

To get the text translation naturally is not easy, because there are some problems that will be faced by translation as Newmark lists:

a. Word order. In all languages, adverbs and adverbials are the most mobile components of a sentence, and their placing often indicates the degree of emphasis on what are the new information as well as naturalness.

b. One-to-one translation making common structures seem unnatural c. Cognate words

d. The appropriateness of gerunds, infinitives, verb-nouns e. Old-fashioned or lofty target language diction

f. Non-corresponding categories and phenomena such as tense-aspect, definite article use,

g. Idioms and metaphors, nominal compounds, collocations etc.

h. Random, unpredictable things that just seem unnatural in the target language13




What make things more complicated is that naturalness often depends on the situation, such that something might seem natural in one context but unnatural in another. Most translators do something to minimize the unnaturalness by reading the translation and spot unnaturally sounding parts and change them into something that sounds more natural.

The translation of meaning is the main goal in communicative translation. It is more understandable whether on the respect of cultural background and syntactic structures. The writer concludes that in communicative translation, translators are loyal to target language norms. Communicative translation attempts to reproduce the exact contextual meaning of the SL text. But both content and language should be acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.

As a guide in translating the text communicatively, Newmark has explained some principles of communicative translation: (1) Communicative translation is social, (2) concentrates on the message and the main force of the text, (3) tends to under-translate, (4) to be simple, clear and brief, and (5) is always written in a natural and resourceful style.14 This happens because the communicative translation method is more consider the maturity level of language and the level of knowledge of the TL readers.



C. Translation Method

According to Machali, translation method is “cara melakukan penerjemahan

dan rencana dalam pelaksanaan penerjemahan”.15

Before translating the text, the translators should determine what method that they will use in translation. Some of translation theorists described several types of translation method.

Newmark lists the following translation methods, one extreme being total focuses on the source text/language and the other extreme being total focuses on the target text/language.

1) The methods closest to the source language

a. Word-for-word translation: preservation of word order and as literal translation as possible of individual words, including cultural words, in which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context.

b. Literal translation: apart from as literal as possible translation of individual words, grammatical structures are converted into the nearest target language equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context.

c. Faithful translation: it attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. d. Semantic translation: which differs from 'faithful translation' only in as far

as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text.




Semantic translation more emphasis on naturalness than in faithful translation, and translation of certain cultural words into neutral equivalents in the TL.

2) The methods closest to the target language

a. Adaptation: which is the freest form of translation, and more of a target language/culture based interpretation of the source text than a translation and is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is rewritten.

b. Free translation: focuses on the content of the target text rather than the form, which means that the same content is expressed in the target text but with very different grammatical structures if need be. It produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original.

c. Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.

d. Communicative translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. Communicative translation is reputed to be an ideal way in translation.16



See the following diagram of translation method by Newmark, V diagram:

SL emphasis TL emphasis

Word for word translation Adaptation

Literal translation Free translation

Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Communicative translation

In brief, Newmark divided the method of translation into two types, (1) communicative translation, in which the translation attempts to produce the same effect on the target language readers, and (2) semantic translation, in which the translation attempts within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the target language, to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author.17

D. Types of Text in Communicative Translation

Newmark‟s puts a very important view, by dividing texts into universal and

local, which informative, expressive and vocative texts can fall into easily. This will ease the process of matching between the text type and translation approach. Expressive texts content will mostly be under local texts, approached formally and semantically as it is composed of culturally specific components. The concept of text types was present in Peter Newmark‟s writings. He particularly categories text types according to their translation approaches.




1. Informative texts: which are mostly documents that transfer information and facts. These types of documents can most likely be translated according to

Nida‟s mix of formal- dynamic equivalence approach, and Newmark‟s

communicative approach.

2. Expressive texts: Aesthetic style is present heavily in the text, transferring images and emotions through the language of the text. It is best to tackle it semantically and formally staying as close as possible to the author.

3. In vocative texts, if a communicative translation is pursued then equivalent effect will be sought. This type of texts usually aimed at persuasion and behavior influence. Therefore, it will be so much important to transfer the meaning that adapts –or with equivalent effect- in the TL culture.18

Normally, communicative translation used to translate the particular text, mainly publicity, propaganda, persuasive or eristic writing, and perhaps popular fiction or book for children.

E. Process of Translation

The process of translation can be defined as the activity of translation. The translation process is usually used by a translator as a guide in translating text from the source language into the target language. The process of translation consists of three steps: analyze texts of source language, transfer, restructuring.19


Peter Newmark, op. cit., (1988), pp. 39-41 19


1. Analysis

Before translating the texts, translators should analyze the whole of text from the first until the end. It aims to know the type of text. While reading the text, the translators make a note about word, phrase, clause, the meaning of the word, culture, grammatical relationship and even individual life of author.

2. Transfer

In this stage, translators demanded to transfer the content or message that exists in the source language. It could be said that this stage is one of difficult steps in translation because translators must be very competent in seeking the equivalent meaning between source language and target language.

3. Restructuring

Restructuring is the last stage in translation by reviewing the result and combining the two texts. The purpose of this restructuring is producing the translation that has same meaning and acceptable in target language. This phase includes the unity of idea, style, and translation acceptable.

F. Translation Procedures

Newmark lists the translation procedure as follow:

a. Transference: it is the process of transferring an SL word to a TL text. SL: Menu



b. Naturalization: it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL.

SL: Ice Cream TL: Es Krim

c. Cultural equivalent: it means replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL text.

SL: Porto Bello Road TL: Porto Bello Road

d. Functional equivalent: it requires the use of a culture-neutral word. SL: The House of Common

TL: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR)

e. Descriptive equivalent: in this procedure the meaning of the text is explained in several words. The translators add some description that has correlation to make the sentence easier to understand.

SL: They were celebrating their annual Thanksgiving Day. TL: Mereka merayakan hari memperingati panen tahunan.

f. Componential analysis: it means "comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components.

SL: He‟s been stayed for 2 months in his new Bungalow.


g. Synonymy: it is a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps accuracy.

SL: The advanced guard

TL: Pengawal canggih

h. Through-translation: it is the literal translation of common collocations,

names of organizations and components of compounds. It can also be called:

calque or loan translation.

SL: It rains cats and dogs

TL: Hujan sangat lebat

i. Shifts or transpositions: it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL,

for instance, (1) Change from singular to plural,

SL: There are children playing in the garden.

TL: Ada banyak anak bermain di taman.

(2) Change required when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL,

SL: She was unconscious when she arrived at the hospital.

TL: Setibanya di rumah sakit, dia sudah dalam keadaan tidak sadar.

(3) Change of an SL adjective to a TL verb, and so forth.

SL: We had a quarrel.

TL: Kami bertengkar.

j. Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the

original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL,



SL: Jiggly jellyfish

TL: Ubur-ubur bergoyang

k. Recognized translation: it occurs when the translator normally uses the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term.

SL: Trade Minister

TL: Menteri Perdagangan

l. Compensation: it occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part.

SL: Green with envy TL: Cemburu

m. Paraphrase: in this procedure the meaning of the text is explained. Here the explanation is much more detailed than that of descriptive equivalent.

SL: He looks green at the gills. TL: Dia kelihatan pucat.

n. Reduction and Expansion: in this procedure, the translators do constriction and expansion of meaning.

SL: The month of fasting for Muslim TL: Ramadhan (Reduction)

o. Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two different procedures.20



The procedure of transference cannot be asserted to be effective where connotations and implied meanings are significant. Newmark's solution of the mentioned problem is as follows: "first translate the word that underlies the SL proper name into the TL, and then naturalize the translated word back into a new SL proper name."21




A. Data Description

The writer would like to show the following data which are taken from the bilingual book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and

The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg. The writer analyzes the selected data such as: words, phrases, and sentences and then, compares it with its translation. The selected data includes the types of communicative translation that are used by translator Windarta Hapsari.

B. Data Analysis

In data analysis, the writer compares the English version (SL) and Indonesian version (TL) of the Bilingual book to find out the data that contain of communicative translation and tries to classify it which will be analyzed by using the relevant theory:

Newmark‟s perspective in communicative translation. The data can be analyzed as


Datum 1

SL : I can‟t wait until my friends see this!

TL : Aku ingin segera menunjukkan pada teman-temanku


while the TL uses a simple sentence indicated by single clause. The translator does it to get the translation result more simple and easier to be understood. Here, there are some reductions or elimination of words which do not break the meaning of source

text by changing the negative sentence into positive sentence such as “I can‟t wait . .

.” it is translated as “Aku ingin segera . . .”. The translator also reduces the original

text without eliminating the purpose or meaning such as eliminating word “until” in

the source text “I can‟t wait until my friends see this!”. This sentence has meaning

that Lemon Meringue as speaker wants to show the thing that she has found to her friends immediately. So that the translator reduces “until” and translates “can‟t wait”

become “segera” in TL.

It is considered communicative because it fulfills four principles of communicative translation method; it is concentrates on the message, it is attempt to be more simple and brief in selecting word and it was natural. Therefore, the TL can be categorized by communicative translation. Overall the sentence from the target text is still reasonable and comprehensive enough for target readers.

Datum 2

SL : “It does manicure like magic, gives perfect pedicure, and style hair faster

than you‟ve ever seen before!”

TL :“Ia bisa melakukan medikur dengan ajaib, pedikur dengan sempurna, dan



In this sentence, the translator uses the naturalization borrowing to naturalize the word manicure and pedicure. In TL, the translator does not explain what manicure

and pedicure is. According to Cambridge Dictionary, manicure means “a treatment

for the hand which involves softening the skin and making the nails look better by

cutting, smoothing and possibly painting”,22 while pedicure means “a beauty

treatment for the feet which involves cutting and sometimes painting the nails and

softening the skin”.23

The translator thought that manicure and pedicure has been adapted in TL, so that, she did not need to explain the words manicure and pedicure clearly. Moreover the story is talking about barbershop; definitely, manicure and pedicure refer to the treatment of beauty nails and feet. In short, she just naturalizes

the words become “menikur” and “pedikur”.

The translation of this sentence is also using literal translation method. Every

single word in this sentence is translated as its translation. Such as “magic” become

“ajaib”, “perfect” become “sempurna”. The translator thought that the magic thing

can do something perfectly; therefore words “ajaib” and “sempurna” are appropriate

words for “magic” and “perfect”. The translator does not need to do some reduction

or addition in TL because she has fixed it to be a good translation.

The TL text is considered communicative and has fulfilled the five principles of communicative translation method: it is oriented on the message, it is attempt to be more simple and clear, it tends to under-translate, and how well short and meaningful


Elizabeth Walter, Cambridge Advance Learner‟s Dictionary, Third Addition. (Cambridge: University

Press. 2008), p. 871 23


language that is used by translator to translate the source text that cause the TL very natural. It is why this translation is very communicative.

Datum 3

SL : “I‟ll give it a try,” said Strawberry Shortcake. TL : “Aku mau,” jawab Strawberry Shortcake.

In this sentence, the translator applies free translation method to translate the source text because grammatically, between SL and TL have different syntactical structure. The SL uses simple future tense while TL uses simple present tense.

Besides, there are unnecessary words reduction such as “. . . it a try” but TL still

provide the meaning of SL sentence.

This translation also uses one of translation‟s procedures; modulation that

make the meaning, “give it a try” become “mau”. In Cambridge Dictionary, “give”

means “to offer something to someone, or to provide them with it”24 and “try” as

noun this this sentence means “an attempt to do something”.25

In Indonesian language, according to An Indonesian-English Dictionary,“mau” equivalent with

“ingin”means “wish, desire”,26

literally was very different with “give it a try”. If the text translated literally, it will be “aku akan member ini percobaan”. It was so difficult to understand and unnatural. That is why the translator used reversal of terms modulation to make the translation sound natural.


Ibid, p. 606 25

Ibid, p. 1564 26



This translation result is communicative because it fulfills all principles of communicative translation: it concentrates on the message, it attempts to be more simple, clear and brief, under-translate, very natural, it is easy to understand and acceptable in TL.

Datum 4

SL : “I want to do something new and bery special!”

TL : “Aku ingin melakukan hal yang baru dan sangat istimewa!”

In this sentence, the translator applies the faithful translation method to translate the text. She definitely noticed the appropriate level of using well language such as “aku ingin melakukan hal yang baru dan sangat istimewa”. How simple and meaningful language that is used by translator to translate the source text. The

additional word such as “yang” is more comprehensive to read the sentence. The TL

has meaning that the speaker wants to do something that she would never done in her life and she hope that it can provide very meaningful impression to her.

The TL text is considered very communicative. It is because it fulfills the principles of communicative translation method; it concentrates on the message, under-translate, very simple and clear. The selecting words are reasonable and acceptable in TL.

Datum 5

SL : “Who wants to go first?”


In this translation, the translator also applies the modulation in translating the

sentence: “go first” becomes “mencoba”. According to Cambridge Dictionary, “go”

means “to travel or move to another place”27 and “first” means “coming before all

others in order, time, amount, quality, or importance”28

while “mencoba” in Indonesian-English Dictionary means “try or make an attempt”.29 If the text translated literally it could be “siapa yang mau pergi duluan?” According to the context, the translator knows that the speaker showed something new to her friends and offered them to try; therefore she translated “go first” become “mencoba”. Selecting word “mencoba” is appropriate word for “go first” to make the sentence is more simple and reasonable and comfortable to read. It is just also because the translator sees the condition of the story.

This translation emphasizes on the meaning and target readers, it is oriented on the meaning to have readable level and it is also notice the level how well using

language from the original text‟s readers. It was natural and simple. The translator is

able to select the appropriate word, so that it is very communicative.

Datum 6

SL : “And it doesn‟t have a shoulder to cry on,” Plum Pudding added. TL : “Dia tidak bisa mendengar keluhan kami,” tambah Plum Pudding.


Elizabeth Walter, op. cit., p. 612 28

Ibid, p. 534 29



There is an idiomatic sentence in SL “a shoulder to cry on” but the translator

does not translate it into idiomatic translation in TL, she does some reductions of

words which do not break the main message of source text, such as “… a shoulder to

cry on” into “mendengarkan keluhan kami”. The translator also reduce word “and”.

Every words of each sentence in this translation are representative enough to reflect the meaning of the target text, so that the readers are able to catch what the

purpose of it. According to Cambridge Dictionary, “shoulder” means “one of the two

parts of the body at each side of the neck which join the terms to the rest of the


but the translator prefers to translate it into “mendengar” because the using

of the word is more suitable to the context of sentence. The word “cry on” become

“keluhan” is more communicative rather than “tangisan”. Using word “keluhan”

literally convey how Plum Pudding as speaker needs friends to share with. It is not

always “cry on” translated into “tangisan”, so the translator has tried to notice at the

condition of the story.

The TL text is considered a communicative because it fulfills the principles of communicative translation method. The translation is concentrates on the message, it attempts to be simpler and the selecting words are also reasonable and readable, so that the translation is easy to be read and easy to be understood.



Datum 7

SL : “I wish something exciting would happen.”

TL : “Andai saja ada hal menarik yang bisa dilakukan.”

In this translation, the translator uses transposition to translate the source text.

The source text is active form but the target text is passive form; “would happen” if it

is translated literally could be “akan terjadi” but the translator more emphasize to translate it into “bisadilakukan” because according to the point of view, the speaker wish that she can do something exciting by her own self not by others, if it is translated “akan terjadi” will appear many interpretation. The selecting word

“dilakukan” to translate “happen” is the best choosing because the translation

becomes more simple, readable, and easy to understand.

The translator also does some reduction by throwing the subject “I” and does

not translate it into the TL. “I wish something exciting would happen” become “andai

saja ada hal menarik yang bisa dilakukan”. Grammatically, the translator changes

the formulation from the sentence into clause, but it does not eliminate or change the

exact meaning of SL. She also uses modulation in word “I wish” become “andai

saja”. Here, the translator focuses on how the translation can replace the meaning of

SL as whole, so she uses modulation.



communicative translation because it is fulfills the principles of communicative translation.

Datum 8

SL : “Maybe we could go on a hike,” said Plum Pudding.

TL : “Mungkin kita bisa naik gunung,” kata Plum Pudding.

In this sentence, the translation applies modulation to translate the sentence.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, “hike” means “a long walk, especially in the


but the translator chooses “gunung” to translate “hike”. The translator

tries to combine the SL‟s context with the culture of the TL. The translator knows

that Plum Pudding wants to do some interesting adventure that she never done before

by walking around, while in TL‟s culture, climbing the mountain is one of the

interesting adventure. So, the translator prefers to translate “hike” into “gunung” because it is more reasonable.

In communicative translation, it is possible to translate the text faithfully and free as far as the translation is fulfill the principles of communicative translation method. In this text, the translator translates it faithfully, she does not need to change the syntactical structure or reduce some words to achieve a good translation. The translation has fulfilled the principles of communicative: it is attempt to the message conveying and target readers, it is effective, simple, and acceptable in TL. Therefore this translation include in communicative translation.



Datum 9

SL : ”I always do the same things,” Orange said with a sigh.

TL :”Aku selalu melakukan hal yang sama setiap harinya,” kata Orange Blossom sambil mengeluh.

This translation is effective because it was faithfully.32 But the translator

paraphrases the translation to get enough information of SL. She translates “. . . do

the same thing” into “melakukan hal yang sama setiap harinya”. The adding of

“setiap harinya” give the information to the readers how bored Orange Blossom with

her activity.

The selecting word “mengeluh”is the most precise one to translate “sigh”. In

Cambridge Dictionary, word “sigh” means “to breathe out slowly and noisily,

expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure, etc”.33

This translation is very communicative because it fulfills the principles of communicative translation: it is simple, clear, brief, natural, readable, and acceptable in TL.

Datum 10

SL : Then she held on tight as the butterfly fluttered its wings and took off, leading the way.

TL : Lalu, Orange Blossom pegangan kuat saat kupu-kupu mengepakkan sayapnya dan terbang.


Peter Newmark (1988), op. cit., pp. 45-47 33



In this translation, the translator also does some reduction to get the

translation effectively. Here, the translator reduces some words: “. . . and took off,

leading the way” the translator translated it become “terbang”. It is because the

translator sees the situation of the SL context. She knows that when the butterfly

leaves means that the butterfly is flying. Therefore she just translated “. . . and took

off, leading the way” become “terbang”.

According to English-Indonesian Dictionary, word “as” means “selama,

sambil, seraya”34

but while translate this sentence, by using of her imagination, the

translator finds another word that more communicative to reflect word “as”, the

selecting word of “saat” is more appropriate to represent the situation. It becomes

more simple and readable. The conveying of the message is acceptable well in TL, so the target readers will not confused to understand the sentence.

In translating this text, the translator is able to make the translation not awkward and understandable. It has fulfilled the principles of communicative translations method: It concentrates on the message conveying and target reader‟s TL. It is very effective and under-translate. It is also reasonable ad acceptable in TL. In short, this translation include in communicative translation because it is very communicative.

Datum 11

SL : “I know just the butterfly who can take us!” said Strawberry. TL : “Aku tahu hanya kupu-kupu yang bisa kita naiki!” kata Strawberry.



In this sentence, the translator applies transposition in translating the text: there is a different syntactical structure between SL and TL. The SL is active form while the TL is passive form. “. . . can take us” is simple present active form, but the translator uses passive form to translate it by adding suffix -i “bisa kita naiki”.

It is possible for translator to translate it as SL form; “I know just the butterfly

who can take us!” become “aku tahu hanya kupu-kupu yang bisa membawa kita”, but it becomes awkward and unnatural. It is way the translator change grammatical form to make the translation more natural.

The translator did a good way to translate this sentence, even there is a different form of syntactical structure, but she can convey the message of SL as whole. By changing the structure of grammar also make the translation more simple and natural. It was under-translate, clear and reasonable. Therefore this translation also include in communicative translation because it has fulfilled the principles of communicative translation.

Datum 12

SL : “But don‟t worry. I can fix everything.”

TL : “Tapi tak perlu khawatir, akan aku rapikan rambut kalian.”



natural and acceptable in TL: “I can fix everything” is translated into “aku rapikan

rambut kalian”. In source text, there is no word “hair” or “your”, but the translator

put it in TL because she has understood the context of source text. To make it clear, she directly translates it as the situation of the story without considering the text. The adding of word “akan” also make the translation readable.


36 A. Conclusions

According to the analysis, the writer concludes that the method which is used by the translator is communicative translation method only. The translations are translated very communicative. It proved from the data that has been analyzed by the writer. Every single data has fulfilled the principles of communicative translation method.

Using different ways but still communicative had been done by the translator as well. To achieve a good translation, the translator also uses some procedures of translation such as: naturalization, modulation, transposition, reduction, addiction, and paraphrase. She uses more additional words or sentences on some of paragraph, sometimes she reduces unnecessary words. That cause there was the differences between SL and TL. Those methods and procedures of translation are used by translator to get the translation appropriate to the target culture and acceptable for the target readers. In the other hand, the translator wants to make the translations are smoother, simpler, clearer, and reasonable.

The writer adds that the naturalness is the important one to be preserved in rendering stories. Besides, readability and acceptability of the translation especially in short stories are more important than preserving the original wording. This research

tries to show that translator should provoke reader‟s interest toward her translation by



B. Suggestions

Through this research, the writer suggests that the translator has to read the text first, understand it well before starting to translate. She has to recognize what kinds of source text and what kind of translation approach is appropriate to apply because it will be very helpful to the translator in finding the appropriate words. The writer also suggests to the readers who are interested to analyze the same topics especially in communicative translation to learn several theories and read many references that related to topics. It is important because they can analyze their research easily.



Catford, J. C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation.An Essay in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: University Press. 1965.

Gay. L. R, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications. Ohio: Merill Publishing Company. 1987.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti.Kamus Linguistik.Jakarta: Gramedia. 1982.

Machali, Rochayah. Pedoman Umum Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. 2000. M. Echols. John.An Indonesian-English Dictionary, Third Edition. Jakarta:

Gramedia. 1997.

Miaomiao, wang. 2014. A Study on Semantic and Communicative Translation of Magical Things in Harry Potter. Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 26-31. http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/sll/article/view/4353. 15 July 2015.

Newmark, Peter. A Text Book of Translation. London: Prentice-Hall. 1988. Nida, E. A. Toward a Science of Translation. Lieden: E. J. Brill, 1964

________. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1969.

________. and C. R. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1982.

Pinchuck, Isadore. Scientific and Technical Translation. London: Andre Deutsch. 1977.

Roger T. Bell. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. New York: Longman Inc., 1991.

Rozi Hanifia Putri. (2013). The Communicative Translation Analysis Of Children‟s



Shakernia, Shabnam. 2013. Study of Nida‟s (formal and dynamic equivalence) and

Newmark‟s (semantic and communicative translation) translating theories on

two short stories. Merit Research Journals. Vol. 2(1). pp. 001-007.

http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/er/MRJER%202014%20Pub/content/20 14/January/Shabnam.pdf. 20 July 2015.

University Press, Cambridge. Cambridge Advance Learner‟s Dictionary, Third Addition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2008.

Venuti, Lawrence. The Translation Study Reader. Routledge: Psychology Press. 2000.


1 A. Background of study

The purpose of the communicative translation is to make the TL readers have the same feeling as the SL readers about the text. Communicative translation focuses on readers, taking explaining the obscurities into consideration and expecting to make the translation smoother, briefer and more understandable. Such translation should respect the culture background of the readers so some foreign element would be transferred where necessary. On the other hand, adopting communicative translation doesn't equal to ignoring the syntactic equivalence.

In connecting with this issue, the writer finds many translations used communicative translation method in translating the bilingual book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg. The writer sees there are many translations which emphasize in how the readers understand the exact meaning from the SL, besides the structure of grammatical in TL is not 100% as same as in SL. It happened because the target readers of these books are children. To obtain the appropriate meaning as in source language, the translator oriented to communicative translation than semantic translation in which the delivery of meaning is the ultimate goal.



support their ability. These are the following competences that the translators should master:

1. Grammatical competence: knowledge of the rules of the code, including vocabulary and word formatting, Pronunciation/spelling and sentence structure.

2. Sociolinguistic competence: knowledge and ability to produce and understand utterances appropriately in context.

3. Discourse Competence: the ability to combine form and meaning to achieve unified spoken and written in different genre: this unity depends on cohesion in form and coherence in meaning.

4. Strategic Competence: the mastery of communication strategic which may be used to improve communication or to compensate for break down.1

Generally, Communicative translation is always concentrated on the TL readers, normally makes the text smoother, lighter, more idiomatic and easier to read.

B. Focus of the Study

According to the background of study above, the writer only focuses on the text that consist of communicative translation in the bilingual book Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg.



C. Research Question

Based on the focus of the research, the writer tries to answer the following questions:

1. How does the communicative translation occur in the bilingual book Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg?

2. To what extend does the target language differ from the source language in terms of the message conveyed?

D. Significance of study

This research is expected to be useful in giving the information about translation especially in communicative translation. This study is also expected to give academic input to those who concern in translation either theoretically or practically. In addition, the writer hopes that this research can help students in mastering the subject. Besides, this research can be one of references for translators to develop their knowledge about theory of translation.

E. Research method

1. The method of the research



in qualitative research, (2) qualitative data are collected in the form of words or picture rather than numbers, (3) qualitative researchers are concerned with process as well as product, (4) qualitative researchers tend to analyze their data inductively, (5) how people make sense of their lives is a major concern to qualitative researches.2

A descriptive method will be applied in presenting the data, analysis, and its findings. This method is the most appropriate method because it will systematically and factually describe and illustrate the characteristics and the connection between the phenomena studied.3 Therefore, the writer chooses descriptive qualitative method in analyzing this research.

2. Research object

This research aims to know what method that translator used in translating the bilingual book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness and The Butterfly Ride. Besides, this research aims to describe and analyze the communicative translation which occurred in its translation.

3. Data analysis

The data of this study is the sentences from translation‟s result of the bilingual

book, Strawberry Shortcake Makeover Madness by Samantha Brooke and The Butterfly Ride by Amy Ackelsberg. The data will be analyzed in accordance with the theory of communicative translation by Newmark. In analyzing the data, the writer


R. C. Bogdan and S. K. Biklen, Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction To Theory and Methods, (Universitas Michigan: Allyn & Bacon, Incorporated, 1982), p.37



uses the following steps: firstly, collecting the communicative translation that occurred in the text. Secondly, compering the grammatical structure between SL and TL, and then, presenting the data that has been found to be analyzed by using qualitative method which is relevant with the theory of communicative translation by Newmark.

4. Research instrument

The writer will analyze each text that contain of communicative translation by using the theory of communicative translation by Newmark.

In this research, the writer will perform several stages: (a) Reading and comparing every dialogue to determine the communicative translations which are employed by the translator, (b) identifying the data, (c) classifying the text that contain communicative translation, (d) analyzing the data, (e) presenting the result of research.

5. Unit of analysis




A. Previous Research

Actually, this research is not the first research that analyzes communicative translation. There are many researchers have also observed about this topic. One research paper that will support the research is written by Wang Miaomiao, a lecturer of Foreign Languages in Electric Power University, Beijing.4 In his research, he

chose Peter Newmark‟s semantic translation and communicative translation theories

as the guiding principles to analyze the translation of fantasy literature which takes both the Western and Chinese culture into consideration, keeps its mysterious magical mood and realizes the effects of clarity and straightaway. The translation under this method is clear, smooth and concise. This paper takes the simplified Chinese version of Harry Potter as an example to illustrate the strategies used in the translation of magical things. It finds that there are generally three ways used in the translation of Harry Potter: semantic translation, communicative translation and the combination of the two.

Another researcher is Shabnam Shakernia.5 The findings obtained from the analysis show that the readability of the translation especially in short stories is more


Wang Miaomiao, April 2014, A Study on Semantic and Communicative Translation of Magical Things in Harry Potter. Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 8, No. 2

http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/sll/article/view/4353. 15 July 2015, 15 July 2015.

5 Shakernia, Shabnam. 2013. Study of Nida‟s (formal and dynamic equivalence) and Newmark‟s


important than preserving the original wording. This paper worked some approaches in translation which were proposed by Nida (formal and dynamic equivalence) and Newmark (semantic and communicative translation) on two English short stories and their different translations. The result of this comparison shows that the more generic, conventional, smoother, simpler, clearer translation is the less danger in having difficulties, obscurities and confusion among the readers.

Rozi Hanifia Putri has the same analyses about communicative translation.6

He conducted an analysis of Indonesian version in children‟s storybook entitled Ms

Wiz the Series„Ms Wiz Goes Live‟ based on communicative translation method. In

analyzing the research, the writer applied the theory of Nida; formal and dynamic equivalence. This study more focuses on the usage of naturalization in translation. The writer concluded that the usage of naturalization in translating the text is important and the most appropriate. It is because there are many words of source text have been borrowed in target text.

In the three previous researches, the writers analyze some kinds of translation; semantic translation and communicative translation that occur in the text. One of them is focus on the usage of naturalization. Different from previous researches, in this research, the writer only focuses on the application of communicative method in the translation by using the theory of translation by Newmark. This observation aims http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/er/MRJER%202014%20Pub/content/2014/January/Shabnam.pdf , 20 July 2015.

6 Rozi Hanifia Putri. (2013). The Communicative Translation Analysis Of Children‟s Bilingual Story Book Ms Wiz The Series „Ms Wiz Goes Live‟ By Terence Blacker. Thesis in Study Program Of English Department Of Language And Literature Faculty Of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya:



to know how the communicative translation occurs in the text and how the way translator translates it.

B. The Concept of Communicative Translation

According to Nida and Teber, translation is “consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message,

first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.7 Besides, Pinchuck defines

that translation is “a process of finding a TL (target language) equivalent for an SL

(source language) utterance.8 Peter Newmark defines that translation is “rendering

the meaning of text into another language in the way that the author intended the


Basically translation is the language transfer of a source language into other language or target language in the way to convey the message to TL readers.

To acquire good translation from SL to TL, the translators not only translate word by word but also they should pay attention in some aspects like language style, culture, esthetic etc. During this transplanting process of texts from one language to

another, the translators should try to make the TL readers understand the SL author‟s

thoughts, and make both the TL and SL readers share common ideas about the text. The main contribution of Newmark is that he analyzed two ways of translation: communicative translation and semantic translation. Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect that o


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