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An Item Analysis of English Summative Test; An Analysis Study in the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok in the 2013/2014 Academic Year


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Amalina Shomami








“A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education


Amalina Shomami









Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyatr and Teachers' Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Shata I (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education


Amalino Shomami


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nIP. 1965Ut10 200003 01 002















Dr. IVff6-rklian. M.Pd


Summative (An Analyris Study in the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok in




20l3n0l4r, written by Amalina

Shomami, NIM

109014000054 was examined by the Committee on July 7h,2014. The


bas beea accepted and declarcd to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the Degree of S.Pd (Sl) in English Langrrage Education at the English Department.'

Jakarta, July 7th'2014



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Examiner II:


Drs. Svauki. M.Pd. NIP. 196412t2t99103



Acknowledged by

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyatr and Teachers Training


Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini,


Tempa! Tanggal Lahir NIM

JurusanlProdi Judul Skripsi

Amahna Shomami

Depok, 16 November 1991 109014000054

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggns

An Item Analysis of English Summative

Dosen Pembimbing

Test (An Analysis Study in the Second Crrade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok in the Academic Year 201312014)

: l. Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd 2. Teguh Khaerudin, M.Appling

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan saya bertanggrrng jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis. Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah safir syarat Ujian Munaqosah.

Jakartq 18 Juni 2014 --_Jd3hpsiswa Ybs.



Amalina Shomami, 2014. An Item Analysis of English Summative Test; An Analysis Study in the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok in the 2013/2014 Academic Year. Skripsi. Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Keywords : Test, Item Difficulty, Discriminating Index, Distractor Efficiency



Amalina Shomami, 2014. An Item Analysis of English Summative Test; An Analysis Study in the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok in the 2013/2014 Academic Year. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Agar pengajar mendapatkan butir soal yang mampu menggali seluruh kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran dan menghasilkan nilai yang adil sesuai kemampuan siswa dalam menjawab soal, maka perlu dilakukan kajian butir soal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari bukti empiris apakah butir soal ulangan akhir bahasa inggris memenuhi kriteria tes yang baik dari segi tingkat kesukaran soal, daya pembeda, dan efektifitas butir pengecoh. Obyek penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 6 Depok, dengan metode penelitian analisis isi. Jumlah responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 161 siswa. Penulis menentukan 27% awal untuk kelompok atas dan 27% terakhir untuk kelompok bawah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 6 (15 %) butir soal yang memenuhi kriteria daya kesukaran soal, 1 (2.5%) butir soal yang dikategorikan sebagai soal yang terlalu sulit, juga terdapat 33 (82.5%) butir soal yang tidak memenuhi kriteria daya kesukaran soal. Sedangkan pada daya pembeda, penulis menemukan bahwa terdapat 23 (57.5%) butir soal dengan kategori pembeda yang tidak baik, 1 (2.5%) butir soal dengan hasil negatif yang mana harus dibuang, dan 16 (40%) butir soal dengan kategori pembeda yang baik. Untuk keefektifan butir pengecoh, penulis menemukan terdapat 166 (83%) pengecoh yang tidak efektif. Maka, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa; Ulangan akhir semester ganjil untuk kelas XI mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 6 Depok tidak memenuhi kriteria tes yang baik dan efektif.



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad S.A.W, our beloved Messenger, and his families, his companion, and his faithful followers. The writer is sure that without His help and mercy this “skripsi” would never be completed.

This “skripsi” is presented to Department of English Education,

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata I (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education.

On this great occasion, the writer would like to thank to her beloved parents, Mochammad Sholeh and Gemi Dyah Irawati, for their love, never ending prayers, support, advice, motivation, and patience for the writer in finishing this “skripsi”. She also would like to thank her big brother Mohammad Ihsan Rosyadi, for his encouragement and motivation to finish “skripsi” together.

The Writer realizes that she would not finish writing this “skripsi” without help from some people around her. Therefore, she would like to give her gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Her advisors, Mr. Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd and Mr. Teguh Khaerudin, M. AppLing for their valuable advice and guidance in developing and accomplishing this skripsi.

2. All the inspiring lecturers of English Education Department who have already taught and educate the writer during her study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, the secretary of Department of English Education.

5. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA. Ph.D, the Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training.

6. The whole teacher at SMA Negeri 6 Depok, who allowed and support the writer to do a research in their school.

7. The English teacher of SMA Negeri 6 Depok, who spends her time and helps the writer in collecting data she needs.

8. Her lovely friends, Abdurachman, S.Kom i, Hazana Itriya, S.Pd i, and Risna Pranandari, S.Psi who always encourages, support, and entertain the writer when she feels desperate in writing skripsi.

9. Her beloved friends in English Education Department Class B for academic year 2009 who always give her 5 years precious memories, inspiration, ideas, and remind the writer in finishing this skripsi.

Finally, the writer realizes that this “skripsi” is far from being perfect, therefore it is really a pleasure for her to receive suggestion and criticism from everyone who will encourage her to continue her study.

Jakarta, July 2014



COVER ... i





ABSTRAK ... vi






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.The Background of Study... ... 1

B.The Limitation of Study ... 3

C.The Objective of Study ... 3

D.The Formulation of Problem ... 3

E. The Significance of Study ... 3

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A.Test 1.The Understanding of Test ... 4

2.Kinds of Test ... 4

B.Item Analysis 1.The Understanding of Item Analysis ... 5

2.The Construction of Multiple-Choice Test Item ... 6

3.Kinds of Item Analysis a. Difficulty Index ... 8

b. Discrimination Index ... 9


C.Relevant Studies ... 12

CHAPTER III RESEARH METHODOLOGY A.Place and Time of the Study ... 15

B.Population and Sample ... 15

C.Research Instrument ... 15

1. Students Answer Sheet ... 15

2. Answer Key ... 15

3. English Summative Test Paper ... 15

D.Technique of Data Collecting ... 16

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 16

F. Method of the Study ... 19

G.Data Description ... 19

H.Data Analysis ... 20

I. Data Interpretation ... 22



B.Suggestion ... 51 REFERENCES



Table 2.1 The Classification of Index Difficulty ... 9

Table 2.2 The Classification of Discrimination Index ... 11

Table 3.1 The Classification of Index Difficulty ... 17



Chart 3.1 Index Difficulty ... 21

Chart 3.2 Discriminating Index ... 21



Appendix 1: Students Score of English Odd Summative Test in the

2013/2014 Academic Year ... 56

Appendix 2: Upper and Lower Group of English Odd Summative Test in the 2013/2014 Academic Year ... 57

Appendix 3: Student’s (Upper Group) Summative English Test Answer Result ... 58

Appendix 4: Student’s (Lower Group) Summative English Test Answer Result ... 59

Appendix 5: Data of Difficulty, Discrimination Index, and Distracter Effectiveness of English Odd Summative Test in the 2013/2014 Academic Year ... 60

Appendix 6: Lembar Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Ganjil ... 65

Appendix 7: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 69

Appendix 8: Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ... 70




A. The Background of Study

One aspect in learning process is to do an evaluation to the students. It is done to make sure whether the learning process has been running well over the term. In education field, evaluation has an important role, because it shows the result of learning program. The objective of the evaluation itself is to help the teacher ascertain the degree to which educational objectives have been achieved, to review the effectiveness of teaching method and to help the teacher know his pupils as individual.

According to Ahmann and Glock, evaluation is the systematic process of determining the effectiveness of educational endeavors in the light of evidence.1 Teacher also can make an evaluation through assessment and measurement. Once assessment information is collect, teacher use it to make a decision, reflection, or judgment about pupils, instruction, or classroom climate.2 In another words evaluation can be defined as a system, a decision, or a judgment about the process in determining the value of students performance based on information that had been collect, synthesized and reflected by the teacher.

There are several methods in getting the data for the sake of evaluation purpose, one of them is by using a test. The test items are supposed to be well constructed so it can be used efficiently. To be an effective test, it has to fulfill the criteria of a good test, they are validity, reliability and practicality. The test is recognized as valid if it can measures what supposed to be measure. It is reliable


J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 1967), 4th edition, p. 4.



if the result of the test is similar even the test administered with the same standard for several times. A test is practical if it easy to do, and administer.3

To acknowledge whether the test has accomplished the standards of a good test, the teacher should evaluate the quality of the test item. The investigation that teacher did in order to know the quality of each item test is called item analysis. Item analysis is helpful for improving teachers' skills in test construction and recognizing specific areas of course content that need greater emphasis or clarity. The characteristics that determine an item analysis test are item difficulty, item discriminator, and item distracter.

The item difficulty means the rank of difficulty for each item test for students. The item discriminator tells how well each item test differentiates the comprehension ability among the higher and the lower student. Lastly, item distracter indicates how effective each alternative or option for an item on multiple choice questions.

Based on the preliminary study conducted by the writer on the second grades of 6 State Senior High Schools while teaching learning activity, the writer found some facts about the evaluation constructions and content. It was found that some of the students said the question in mid-term test was confusing, due to ambiguous options and some of the options are the same also the instruction of the question was not clear.

Furthermore, the mid-term test was a teacher-made test which was designed by the teacher herself. The teacher designs the item test based on item bank by using search engine from the internet that may not fit with the local content. If the test item is suitable to the local content, the difficulty level on the item test is not fairly distributed. This condition makes the writer doubt about the quality of the item test and the ability of the teacher who design the test.

Concerning on the problems that the writer found on the preliminary study, qxthe writer believes the presence of study that focuses on discussion about item analysis is necessary. Not only to find out the quality of the test item which used



in SMA Negeri 6 Depok, but also to know the weakness in each item test. The writer decided to focus on item analysis because it is an important key to knowing whether or not each item in English summative test has classified into a good item test. After doing an analysis on each English summative item test, the writer will make a revised version from it.

Realizing the important to know the quality on English Summative in each item test, the writer decides to bring an item analysis as the main topic of this study it is entitled “An Item Analysis of English Summative Test (An Analysis Study in the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 6 Depok)” then make a revising items based on analysis result.


The Limitation of Study

Based on the problems above, the writer will limit this study of item analysis into three points; which are the value of item difficulty, discriminating power index, and distracter effectiveness of the English summative test.


The Objective of Study

The objective of the presents study is to find empirical evidence of whether or not the summative test items have good characteristic of test in terms of difficulty level, discriminating power, and distracter effectiveness.


The Formulation of Study

Based on the limitation of problem above, the writer formulates the problem as follow “Do the test items of English summative test items use for second grades students of SMA Negeri 6 Depok fulfill criteria based on difficulty level, discriminating power, and distracter effectiveness?”


The Significance of Study




A. Test

1. The Understanding of Test

Assessment is an activity done by teachers to obtain information about the knowledge, skills and attitude of students. This action can involve the collection of formal assessment data as an objective test or informal assessment data as observation checklist.1 In doing the assessment, there is a long process in collecting, synthesizing and interpreting the information in which testing, measurement and evaluation take parts.

A test is a method to measure the ability of a person in knowledge or performance in a given program.2 A test is a formal, systematic procedure for gathering information.3 A test also created as a device to monitor the development of the program, to diagnose the difficulties in the program and to measure the performance of the test taker in and at the end of the program.4

Based on those opinion above, the writer conclude the test as a method to monitor the development of the program in teaching-learning process, diagnose the difficulties during and at the end of the program by measuring the ability of test taker intelligence both in knowledge and or performance. Test also helps the teacher to notice which students have the same level ability in some subject.

2. Kinds of Test

There are many kinds of test ranging from a diagnostic test, achievement test, proficiency test to aptitude test. The test that mainly directed with teaching


Colin Marsh, Becoming a Teacher: Knowledge, Skills and Issues, (Frenchs Forest: Pearson, 2010), 5th edition, p. 311 .


H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practice, (San Francisco: Longman, 2003), p. 3.


Peter W. Airasian and Michael K. Russel, Classroom Assessment, (New York: McGrawHill, 2008), 6th edition, p. 9.



material in the classroom called as an achievement test. Achievement tests have been created primarily to help teachers answer questions regarding the present status of pupils.5 There are two categories of achievement test; formative and summative test.

Formative evaluation takes place when the program is still in progress that implies that the students being taught could have benefits from insights gained.6 Formative test is important since it can provide data so; the changing are possible to be made. Whereas, a summative test which at the same time is also called as terminal evaluation occurs at the end of the program when all of the experiences are being summed up.7A test like summative test, which is used in a larger group of students, is suitable for use norm-referenced test because the main purpose for this measurement is to compare the ability of each student with his or her classmates.8



Item Analysis

1. The Understanding of Item Analysis

In teaching-learning process, teachers often refer on textbooks to make the information relevant and meaningful to their students. Instead of reading from the textbook provided by school, a teacher might use non-fiction books, movie, experiments, field trips and demonstrations to teach course content. It also goes when it comes to testing; tests that mainly taken from the textbook does not always include the knowledge in which students gain from outside experiences. Therefore, a teacher-made test should be used since it reflect what is taught in the class and fits better with the teaching methods that teacher use. With teacher-made tests, teachers can assess their student comprehension development.

As mentioned above, teacher-made tests are intended to measure students' mastery of subject matters that have been taught. The teacher-made test is a


John W. Wick, and Donald L. Beggs, Evaluation for Decision-Making in the Schools,

(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971), p. 79. 6

Desmond Allison. Language Testing and Evaluation: An Introductory Course.

(Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1999), p. 65. 7




temporary test, means that it only applies to certain situations because it is likely that the items or the capacity of the students will change.9 When a teacher creates his or her tests, she or he has a complete control over the format. However, it does not mean that a teacher made test is always perfect. In fact, teacher made test still needs to be revised.

According to Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (The Principles Basics for Evaluation in Education) by Suharsimi Arikunto, there are four ways to check the quality of the test items, they are; by checking the clarity of questions, by doing item analysis, by checking the validity and the last is by checking reliability of the test. It is also written there “Item analysis is a systematic process, which provides specific information to the item test that teacher has constructed”.10Meanwhile Ahmann and Glock states “Item analysis is reexamining each item test to discover its strength hand flaws.”11

From those two opinions, the writer concludes that item analysis is a systematic process in order to get specific information about the strength and flaws of the test item. An item analysis tells about three things; first is to know how difficult each item is, the next is to know whether or not the test items have ability to discriminate higher and lower students, and the last is to know whether or not the distracters have functions as they should. An analysis like this is used with any important exam – for example, review test and test given at the end of the school term or program.12 Throughout item analysis, the teacher will get specific data about item flaws and provide information to improve the test item.

2. The Construction of Multiple-Choice Test Item

Multiple-choice test items are commonly used to review students learning. However, not all of the teacher in high school are know how to make a good


Zainal Arifin, Evaluasi pembelajaran: Prinsip, Teknik dan Prosedur, (Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2011), p. 120.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1999), Edisi Revisi, p. 205.


J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. ,1967), 4th edition, p. 184.



multiple-choice test items.13 Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to know are the items have well made. Although multiple-choice test items are commonly used in school, teacher can not use it in any circumstances. It is only appropriate to use multiple-choice of items when the objective of learning can be measured by having students choose his or her response from several alternatives.14 There are three parts in multiple-choice test item; One or more introductory sentence called a stem, a correct alternative as a key, and several wrong alternative called distractors.15

According to Effective Instructional Strategies by Kenneth D. Moore, multiple choice should be well constructed, so they are straightforward, clear, and concise. In order to make a straightforward, clear, and concise multiple-choice test items, D. Moore make a guidelines16 that can be followed, as follows:

The central issues or problem should be stated clearly in the stem, and

there should be no ambiguity in terminology.

A stem and the alternatives should be in one page.

Avoid to provide grammatical or contextual clues to the correct answer.

Use language that even the most unskilled readers will understand. Keep

the reading requirement question to a minimum. Write brief stems and accurate choices.

Avoid using absolute terms (such as always, never, none) in the stem or


Alternatives should be grammatically correct. The use of is or are can help

students to guess the correct response. All alternatives should be fit the stems to avoid giving clues to items that are incorrect.


Dawn M. Zimaro, Writing Good Multiple-Choice Exams, (Austin: University of Texas, 2004), p. 2.


Steven J. Burton, et.all, How to Prepare Better Multiple Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty, (New York: Brigham YoungUniversity.1991), p. 9.


Kelly V. Kings, et.all, The Distractors Rationale Taxonomy: Enhancing Multiple-Choice Items in Reading and Mathematics, (San Antonio: Pearson Inc., 2004), p. 3.


Kenneth D. Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice,


Avoid the use of negatives (such as not, except, and least) and double negatives in the stem or alternatives. If negatives are used in the stem, put the as near the end of the stem as possible.

Avoid giving structural clues. This means, not to use one letter for the

alternatives than the other, or make a pattern of a correct response.

Make sure to use “all of the above” and “none of the above” with care. Because, “all of the above” usually have poorer response than “none of the above”; because all the alternatives must be correct.

Avoid pulling statements directly from textbook. The objective of the test

is for students understanding not memorization.

Alternatives should be plausible to less knowledgeable students. Write

distractors with common errors, errors that likely, and erroneous common sense solution.

3. Kinds of Item Analysis a. Difficulty Index

The difficulty index is the percentage or proportion of students who answered the item correctly. The Higher the percentage of the students who answer correctly, the easier the item is. 17 To obtain specific data, the writer differs students into two groups; upper and lower group.

The writer here uses top 27% of high group and the 27% bottom of the lower group method. The 27 percentage is shown by Truman that it was small enough to clearly identify high and low students group, yet large enough to provide a sufficient number of score as a base for item statistic.18

The difficulty index is found quite easy by dividing students who get the correct items with the total number of students whom taking the


John C. Ory and Katherine E. Ryan, Tips for Improving Testing and Grading, (Los Angeles: SAGE Publication. Inc., 1993), p. 93.



test, after that multiply with 100%.19 The formulation of difficulty index is shown below:


ID: index difficulty

: the number of pupils who answered the item correctly in the upper


: the number of pupils who answered the item correctly in the lower


N: the number of pupils who took the test 20


Table 2.1

The classification of Index Difficulty:21

Difficulty Level

0.00 - 0.30 Difficult

0.30 - 0.70 Medium

0.70 - 1.00 Easy

The test is appropriate for being tested if each item in the examination passed by half of the students.22 Difficulty Index is relevant for determining whether students have learned the idea of being tested. It also plays an important role to determine the ability to discriminate the students who know the concept of materials being tested and those who do not.

b. Discrimination Index

Discrimination index refers to the ability of an item to distinguish among the students on the basis of how well they know the material


Arikunto, p. 208. 20

Ibid. 21

Ibid., p. 210. 22


that has been tested. It is also important to note that the difficulties of items can identify the comprehension ability among the students. As well as item difficulty, the student will also differ into two groups; upper and lower group. All of the groups will be a representative for 27% from the whole student who took the test.

The higher the percentage of discrimination index means the ability of items to differentiate the comprehension ability among students is high.23 The discrimination index is range between -1 to +1. An item with positive discrimination is the one that is more frequently answered correctly by students who scored high on the test as a whole than by students who scored low.24 Also, Surhasimi stated that a good test item is the one having discrimination index between 0.4 until 0.7.25

Discrimination index can be obtained by subtracting the number of students in a lower group who get the item right (L) with the number of students in the upper group who get the item right (U). After that the result will divide with the half total number of student both in lower and upper group. The formulation of discrimination index as shown below:


DI = discrimination index

: the number of pupils who answered the item correctly in the upper


: the number of pupils who answered the item correctly in the lower


: the number of pupil in the upper group

the number of pupil in the lower group


Arifin, op. cit., p. 273. 24

Airasian, op. cit., p. 388 25


: the proportion of pupil who answered the item correctly in

the upper group

: the proportion of pupil who answered the item correctly in

the lower group 26


Table 2.2

The classification of Discrimination Index:27

DP Quality Recommendation

1.0 - 0.70 Excellent Retain

0.70 - 0.40 Good Possibilities for improvement

0.40 - 0.20 Mediocre Need to check/review

0.00 - 0.20 Poor Discard/Review in Depth

< -0.01 Worst Definitely Discard

A test has discrimination index if more of the upper group answer the questions correctly than the lower do.28 By Analyzing the discrimination index of each item, it will show the information that helps the teacher in identifying the flaws, giving further explanation about material, and also giving the feedback in learning materials.

c. Distracter Effectiveness

To diagnose the problem shown in difficulty and discrimination index, the proportion of student choosing the distracter can also be calculated to assess how the distracters are functioning. It can be compared with the proportion of students choosing the correct response. The distracter is considered as effective if it is chosen by the most of students in a lower group. If the distractor is mostly chosen by


Ibid, pp. 213-214. 27

Ibid, p. 218. 28


the upper group, it can be said that the distracter did not function as it should be.

One of the objectives of item analysis is to know about the answer distribution to a subject in alternative answers. Through distracter efficiency, teacher may know the number of students who answered correctly, which distractor is too showy and make it easier for students not to vote, the misleading distracter and the distractor who managed to attract lower group students.29

Distractor is considered as an effective (functioning) if it is selected at least by 5% of examinees, and if it is chosen by less than 5% of examinees, it means that the distracter is categorized as an ineffective (non-functioning) distracter. This principle is based on Marrie Tarrant’s theory,30and Suharsimi Arikunto’s theory.31

C. Relevant Studies

The research concerning in item analysis have numerously been carried out by. The first study comes from Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University written by Rakhmaddiniah Sulistyawati (2012). The title of her study is “An Analysis of items on Arabic Final Examination on the eighth grade of State Islamic Junior High School Piyungan, Bantul Academic Year 2012/2013. This study focused on the validity, reliability, discriminating power, level of difficulty and the conformity between item test, standard competence and basic competence. This study use program from Microcat Model ITEMAN version 3.0 and Anates version 4.0.5 to study the data. Although this study use document based analysis, the researcher here also uses computer analysis program to make her analysis of data easier to process. The result of her study is 55% of the items are valid, the reliability score passed 0.83 which means good, the difficulty level of the items is


Sumarna Surapranata, Analisis, Validitas, Realibilitas, dan Interpretasi Hasil Tes, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya Offset, 2006), pp. 43-44.

30Marrie Tarrant, et.all, “An Assessment of Functioning and Non

-functioning Distractors in Multiple-Choice Questions”, BMC Medical Education, 9, 2009, p. 2.



55% good, but for the discriminating power it has 47.5% bad and most of the distracters did not work as it should. Based on the feedback from this study, the researcher concludes that the items of a summative test may be categorized as good items, but since the ability and comprehensive of students’ skill in receiving the material is still low; therefore, the items that have good quality will turn out into lousy. So it would be better if the teacher gives more concern in the mastery and the development to teaching material in the Arabic.32

The second study is conducted by Marrie Tarrant, James Ware and Ahmed M Mohammed. This study was taken at Department of Nursing Studies, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at 2009. The title of the study is “An Assesment of functioning and non-functioning distractors in multiple-choice questions." The purpose of this study was to examine non-functioning distractors in teacher-developed tests to provide additional guidance to teachers in health-science disciplines regarding the optimal number of distractors to include in MCQs. This study uses item-analysis data, they assessed the proportion of non-functioning distractors on seven test papers administered to undergraduate nursing students. tThey reviewed 514 items, 1542 distractors and 514 correct responses. Non-functioning options were defined as ones that were chosen by fewer than 5% of examinees. The study shows a result that the proportion of items containing 0,1,2 and 3 functioning distractors was 12.3%, 34.8%, 39.1% and 13.8% respectively. Overall, items contained an average of 1.54 (SD = 0.88) functioning distractors. Only 52.2% (n=805) of all distractors were functioning efficiently and 10.2% (n=158) had a choice frequency of 0. The result showed that the majority of items developed by teacher will not have more than two functioning distractors, and including more distractors may not be a good investment in item development. Three option-items have many advantages for both item writers and examiners, while further non-functioning distractors are not likely increase the item.33

32Sulistyawati, Rakhmaddiniah, “An Analysis of items on Arabic Final Examination on 8th grade of State Islamic Junior High School Piyungan, Bantul Academic Year 2012/2013”, Skripsi of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, 2013, pp. 50-93, not published.



The last is the study titled “Relationship between Types of Distractor and Difficulty of Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Tests in Sentential Context." This study was conducted by Yuko Hoshino. This study uses 372 students from seven universities in Japan. Hoshino divided the participants randomly into (a) those who took the test with paradigmatically related distractors, (b) those who took the test with syntagmatically related distractors, and (c) those who took the test with distractors with no related to (a) or (b).This study focused on the change of test difficulty by different types of distractors. The result showed that the test with syntagmatically related distractors were the most difficult and the test with unrelated distractors, the easiest; the paradigmatically related distractors remained in the middle.34

The three research above focused on analyzing the test items by doing item analysis with document based method. The first study focused on finding the quality of the whole test items based on the validity, reliability, difficulty and discrimination index, also distractors efficiency in general. The second and the third study focused on the non-functioning distractors. The second study focused on investigating the NF-D in teacher-made test while the third study focused on the changing of difficulty index by the difference of distractors on English test.

All of the research above had both strength and weakness. The strength of these studies is the researcher doing it in order to make a good item through difficulty and discrimination index, also the relation between the ideal of item and non-functioning distractor. The weakness of these studies is all of the researcher of those previous studies did not rewrite the items based on their analysis result.

Therefore, the writer interested in conducting a study in item analysis to overcome the weakness occurs in those previous studies. This study will hopefully, turn out quite different from those studies above, because the writer intended to include the strength side from the research above also intended to revising the items based on analysis result.





A. Place and Time of the Study

The writer conducted the research at SMA Negeri 6 Depok. This study was conducted after English summative test which held on December 11th, 2013. On early of December 2013, the author asks the permission from the headmaster and the English teacher to make a copy on students’ answer sheet and ask for question paper of odd English summative test.

B. Population and Sample

The writer chose the top 27 percent for the upper group and 27 percent for the lower group. The writer choose 27 percent because it is small enough to clearly identify the upper and lower performer, yet large enough to provide a sufficient data as a base for item statistics.1 There are eight classes of second grade in SMAN 6 Depok with the total amount of students are 298 pupils. But the writer only took half of the class, with amount of the students 161 pupils. So, 27 percent from 161 pupils are 43.47 or 43 pupils.

C. Research Instrument

1. Students Answer Sheet

The students answer sheet which students give their repond to English summative test in the softcopy data form.

2. Answer Key

The answer key that writer used is the answer key based on teacher made.

3. English Summative Test Paper

The English summative test paper that writer used is the odd semester of second grade of SMAN 6 Depok, 2013/2014 academic year.



The total number of the item test are 40 questions, all of the questions are multiple-choice item.


Technique of Data Collecting

In order to collect the data based on topic discussion, the writer took a visit to ask the teacher for english summative paper test, and ask the administration staff for students answer sheet and key answer in softcopy form.


Technique of Data Analysis

There are several procedures followed by the author in doing this research after gather the data:

1. Calculating the discrimination index using statistical method by using formula:


ID: index difficulty

: the number of pupil who answered the item correctly in the upper


: the number of pupil who answered the item correctly in the lower


N: the number of pupil who took the test 2


Table 3.1

The classification of Index Difficulty:3

Difficulty Level

0.00 - 0.30 Difficult

0.30 - 0.70 Medium

0.70 - 1.00 Easy


Ibid. 3


2. Calculating the difficulty index using statistical method by using formula:


DI = discrimination index

: the number of pupil who answered the item correctly in the upper


: the number of pupil who answered the item correctly in the lower


: the number of pupil in the upper group

the number of pupil in the lower group

: the proportion of pupil who answered the item correctly in

the upper group

: the proportion of pupil who answered the item correctly in

the lower group 4


Table 3.2

The classification of Discrimination Index:5

DP Quality Recommendation

1.0 - 0.70 Excellent Retain

0.70 - 0.40 Good Possibilities for improvement

0.40 - 0.20 Mediocre Need to check/review

0.00 - 0.20 Poor Discard/Review in Depth

< -0.01 Worst Definitely Discard

3. Checking the distracter efficiency; if the distractors is selected by 5% of the students, therefore the distractor categorized as effective distractor.6


Ibid., pp. 213-214. 5

Ibid., p. 218.



4. Revising the summative test items based on the result of data analysis using Kenneth D. Moore’s guideline7


The central issues or problem should be stated clearly in the stem, and

there should be no ambiguity in terminology.

A stem and the alternatives should be in one page.

Avoid to provide grammatical or contextual clues to the correct answer.

Use language that even the most unskilled readers will understand. Keep

the reading requirement question to a minimum. Write brief stems and accurate choices.

Avoid to use absolute terms (such as always, never, none) in the stem or


Alternatives should be grammatically correct. The use of is or are, can help students to guess the correct response. All alternatives should be fit the stems to avoid giving clues to items that are incorrect.

Avoid the use of negatives (such as not, except, and least) and double negatives in the stem or alternatives. If negatives are used in the stem, put the as near the end of the stem as possible.

Avoid giving structural clues. This means, not to use one letter for the

alternatives than the other, or make a pattern of correct response.

Make sure to use “all of the above” and “none of the above” with care. Because, “all of the above” is usually have poorer response than “none of the above”; because all the alternatives must be corret.

Avoid pulling statements directly from textbook. The objective of the test

is for students understanding not memorization.

Alternatives should be plausible to less knowledgeable students. Write

distractors with common errors, errors that likely, and erroneous common sense solution


Kenneth D. Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice,



Method of the Study

This study considered as quantitative approach due the writer use statistic method in order to analyze difficulty index and discrimination index using a statistical analysis formula which also has been stated in chapter two.

This study categorized as content analysis. Because this study, studying the content of document especially in written text. To gather the document needed, the writer collects all suitable documents. Those documents are the English odd summative paper test, the softcopy of students’ answer sheet and answer key.


Data Description

The writer analyzes item difficulty, discriminating index, and distracter effectiveness in multiple-choice question of the English summative test. To get the data, she took the students’ answer sheets and the English odd summative test document to be analyzed. The data that the writer used in this study is the English summative test for odd semester. The total number of the items are 40 questions, with all of multiple-choice items. The test was held on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 with the given time 90 minutes. In doing this analysis, the writer took 27 percents of students’ answer sheet to determining upper and lower group students. For upper group students is defined as as the students who had good performed in a test, and the lower group can be defined as the students who had bad performed in a test.

Therefore, from 27 percents from 161 students there are 43 students answer sheets for each upper group and lower group students. Another 75 students answeer sheets categorized as middle group students. This middle group students was put aside because it has average score.


index, an item test considered to be a good test if it has discrimination index range from 0.4 – 0.7. The last is distracter, distracters are considered to be effective if it selected at least by 5% of examinee. That means, if the distracters are choosen less than 5%, the distracters are considered to be ineffective. This principle are based on Suharsimi Arikunto’s8and Marrie Tarrant’s9


The writer here adopt Soenardji Djiwandono’s the distribution table of students’ responses concept10

and use Arikunto’s formulation in order to know difficulty index, discriminating index, distacter effectiveness.

Based on the analysis of students’ answer sheet of English Odd Summative Test from upper and lower group for difficulty index, the writer found that, from 40 items, there are 6 (15%) acceptable items to meet the criteria of index difficulty. Besides there is 1 (2.5%) too difficult item and there are 33 (82.5%) unacceptable items due to the easiness of the items. For the discriminating index, the writer found there are 23 (57.5%) poor items, 1 (2.5%) items has negative result, which has to be discard, and 16 (40%) acceptable items. Moreover for the distractor effectiveness, the writer found there are 34 (17%) distracters with effective distractor and 166 (83%) distracters with in-effective distractor. (See Appendix no. 5)


Data Analysis

From the data description above, the writer make a pie chart in order to make the result more easier to read.


Arikunto, op. cit., p. 205.


Marrie Tarrant, et.al, “An Assessment of Functioning and Non-functioning Distractors in Multiple-Choice Questions”, BMC Medical Education, 9, 2009, p. 2.



From the chart above, the writer assume that almost all of the test item on English summative test are easy items and poor in discriminate among the upper and lower group. This kind of result was caused by the test maker who did not know how to make a good multiple-choice item test. The writer has found out in this multiple-choice item test there are some ambiguity and unclearity both in the stem and alternatives area despite the clearity of the stems are crucial in item writing guideline. Also, not all of the alternatives fit with the stem, the test maker intentionally giving many contextual clues, and there are some structural clues. Those problems reflected in distracter effectiveness chart result. Because the test maker giving out a lot of clues like structural and contextual clues in alternatives. Therefore the lower group also choose the right answer, and this situation caused the poor discriminating index between the upper and the low.

Moreover, the test maker gives too much reading requirement question in each reading section. In contrast, Kenneth said to keep the reading requirement question minimum.11 In Evaluasi Pendidikan (Evaluation for Education) by Wayan and Sunartana, the pattern in placing the items is based on students psychological. It said to start the items from the easy level and continues to the hard one; the ration is 3:5:2. Three items have easy in difficulty, five items have medium difficulty, and two items have hard in difficulty12.


Data Interpretation

From the analysis result, overall this English summative test has 34 (17%) distracters with effective distractor. Meanwhile, the non-functioning distracters or in-effective distracters are 166 with 83% of the percentage. For the discriminating index there are 23 (57.5%) poor items, 1 (2.5%) negative result, and 16 (40%) acceptable items. For difficulty index, there are 33 (82.5%) easy items, 6 (16%) moderate or medium items, and 1 (2.5%) too difficult item.


Moore, op. cit., p. 270.






Revision of the Test Items

Based on index difficulty (ID) and discrimination index (DI) of the test, there are 20 items that did not meet the criteria both in ID and DI. Here the writer tries to revise the items. They are item number 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and the last is 40.

The text for number 1 – 9

1. Weak item number 3:

a. The copy of original item:

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no another parrot like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano.

The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”

In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day then man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very suprised at what he saw!


b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID 0.95 and DI 0.09. It discriminates students poorly and makes the item categorized as too easy.

The writer found out that the stem of the item is not clear, because it did not refer to specific text. Therefore, the stem should be changed into “the generic structure from the text above is...” Also, the proportion of the student response who choose option A are 3, option B are 82, option C is 0, option D is 1, and option E is 0 pupils; it can be seen that option A, C, and E are not working as they should. As stated in D. Moore guideline, all of the alternatives should be fit the stems to avoid giving clues to items that are incorect.

In order to distract lower group students choose the right answer (option B), all of the option (A, C, D and E) should have 3 answer and place “orientation” in the first answer. Therefore, option A. Orientation – Events – Reorientation is changed into A. Orientation – Complication – Reorientation; option C. General Classification – Description is changed into C. Orientation – Description – Complication; option D. Identification – Description is changed into D. Orientation – Identification – Resolution; and the last option E. Orientation – Description – Reorientation is changed into E. Orientation – Complication – Description.

3. The generic structure of the text is... a. Orientation – Events – Reorientation b. Orientation – Complication – Resolution * c. General Classification – Description d. Identification – Description


c. The revision:

2. Weak item number 5:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID 0,90 and ID 0,12. It discriminates students poorly and the item categorized as too easy.

From distractor efficiency for number 5; the proportion of the student response who choose option A is 3, option B is 2, option C is 2, option D is 3, and option E is 76 pupils.

Moreover, the writer found out the ambiguity in option A and E. option A and E has similar meaning that is “the parrot could say the word of Catano”. A revised taxonomy of multiple-choice item-writng guidelines by haladyna stated that the test-maker should make sure there is only one choice is the right answer.1 Therefore, one of the option should be changed while the other one remains the same.

Option A. The parrot could say Catano is changed into A. The parrot could not say Catano. Also, the writer found out that


Thomas Haladyna, et.al, A Review of Multiple-Choice Item-Writing Guidelines for Classroom Assessment, Applied Measurement in Education, 15, 2002, p. 312.

5. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? a. The parrot could say Catano

b. Catano was the name of the parrot c. The man never got angry at the parrot d. The man ate the parrot for dinner e. At last the parrot could say Catano * 3. The generic structure from the text above is...


option D has ambiguous message, it did not clearly explain when the man ate the parrot for dinner, therefore it should be changed into D. The man ate the parrot for Sunday’s dinner. Therefore, the distractors should be revised into:

a. The parrot could not say Catano b. Catano was the name of the parrot c. The man always angry at the parrot

d. The man ate the parrot for Sunday’s dinner e. At last the parrot could say Catano

c. The revision:

3. Weak item number 6:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID 0,88 and DI 0,19. It discriminates students poorly and the item can categorized as too easy.

From distractor efficiency for number 6; the writer found out that no students have selected option C due to the obviousness. Therefore, the writer changed option C. Chicken into C. The Bird. Also, the writer found a grammar mistake in the option D. So, the writer changed option D. Catano into D. The Catano in order to clear the meaning.

6. What is the main character of the story?

a. The man d. Catano

b. The Parrot * e. The dead chicken c. Chicken

5. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? a. The parrot could not say Catano

b. Catano was the name of the parrot c. The man always angry at the parrot


Moreover, the writer found out the direction in the stem is not clear. The stem stated “What is the main character of the story?” which supposed to be “Who is the main character of the story?”. Therefore, this item should be revised into:

Who is the main character of the story?

a. The man d. The Catano

b. The parrot e. The dead chicken c. The bird

c. The revision:

The text for number 10 – 19

4. Weak item number 10:

a. The copy of original item:

10. The above passage is in the form of ... a. Narrative d. Hortatory Exposition b. Descriptive e. Analytical Exposition c. Report *

Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problem with your health? A group of doctor wrote a report about some of the effect of too much fat.

One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack; or it may lead to other heart problem.

In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious diseas such as diabetes.

Furthermore, high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.

More studies are needed about at all these problems. But one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life shorter.

6. Who is the main character of the story?

a. The man d. The Catano


b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has DI 0,97 and ID 0,07. It discriminates students poorly and it can categorized as too easy question.

From distractor efficiency for number 10; the proportion of the student response who choose option A is 0, option B are 2, option C is 0, option D is 1, and option E are 83 pupils. The writer found out that the distracters are too obvious so they are not working at all. Also it seems like the test-maker give a slight clue in the length of the distracters. In order to make the length of all distracters equal and distract more students in lower group, the word “text” should be add at the end of the distracters.

Option A was not choosen by the students because it is already obvious that the passage above is not categorized as narrative text, therefore option A should be changed into A. Exposition text; Option B. Descriptive is changed into B. Descriptive text; Option C. Report is changed into C. Report text; Option D. Hortatory Exposition is changed into D. Hortatory text; Option E. Analytical Exposition is changed into E. Analytical text.

Moreover, the stem of this question has grammar mistake, the stem is “The above passage is in the form of...” it should be “the passage above is the form of....” Therefore, this item should be revised into:

The passage above is the form of ...

a. Exposition text d. Hortatory text b. Descriptive text e. Analytical text c. Report text

c. The revision:


5. Weak item number 11:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has DI 1.00 and ID 0.00. It discriminates students poorly and the item categorized as too easy.

Beside the item instruction was not clear, the writer also found that this types of question has already asked in the first place after the text, therefore this kind of text is not needed anymore.

Also, the proportion of the student response who choose option A are 86, option B is 0, option C is 0, option D is 0, and option E is 0 pupil. Since the option A was selected by all of the students, it can be concluded that the distractors did not functioned at all. The item should be changed into:

What is the purpose of the writer wrote this passage? a. To give advice on health problem

b. To complain about having too much fat c. To support the reader to have a lot of fat

d. To show the reader the bad effect of too much fat e. To persuade the reader to not have too much fat

c. The revision:

11. What is the purpose of the writer wrote this passage? a. To give advice on health problem

b. To complain about having too much fat c. To support the reader to have a lot of fat

d. To show the reader the bad effect of too much fat * e. To persuade the reader to not have too much fat 11. What is the text organization of the first paragraph? a. Thesis * d. Orientation


6. Weak item number 14:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID 0.98 and DI 0.05. It discriminates students poorly and make the item categorized as too easy.

Beside the item instruction was not clear, the writer also found that types of question has already asked in the previous question. Also, the proportion of the student response who chose option A is 1, option B is 0, option C is 1, option D is 84, and option E is 0 pupil. Since option D was selected by most of the students, it can be concluded that the distractors did not function at all. Therefore, this item must be changed into:

What does the text tell about?

a. The effect on having high blood pressure b. The effect of having heart problem c. The effect on having too much fat d. The studies about health problem e. The studies about heart attack

c. The revision:

14. What does the text tell about?

a. The effect on having high blood pressure b. The effect of having heart problem c. The effect on having too much fat * d. The studies about health problem e. The studies about heart attack 14. The generic structure of the text is ...


7. Weak item number 19:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID -0,02. It discriminates students worst and since this item has DI 0,01 it categorized as very difficult item.

The writer found out that the item has miskeyed item. The right key should be option “C” rather than option “D.” It clearly stated in the previous text that “if you are fat, your heart has to work harder.” Apparantely, most of the upper group and lower group students choose option C or the “wrong” answer. In fact, they choose the right answer.

c. The revision:

The key for number 19 should be option C.

19. Choose the correct statement based on the text above! a. The text is to persuade the readers to be fat

b. More researches is not needed anymore

c. The heart will work harder as the effect of being fat * d. Being fat may not lead you to heart attack

e. Diabetics is not serious disease

19. Choose the correct statement based on the text above! a. The text is to persuade the readers to be fat

b. More researches is not needed anymore

c. The heart will work harder as the effect of being fat d. Being fat may not lead you to heart attack *


The text for number 20 – 30.

8. Weak item number 20:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

The Item has ID 0,07. It discriminates students poorly and since it has DI 0,97; the item categorized as too easy.

The writer found out the options for this item is too obvious. Some studies said, the items are easier when a keyword in the stem

20. There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to arachnids family.

The statement tells the readers about.... a. Behaviour of a spider

b. Colony of spider c. Habitat of a spider d. Species of a spider * e. Friends of a spider


There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family. Spiders are not insects, but are related to scorpions and other arachnid that have eight legs and no antennae. Most spiders have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do, however, have a well-developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover theirs body. They may vary in size from about 1 mm to a giant 200 mm.

Spiders are known for their ability to spin silk. They are able to produce this glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through organ called spinnerets. The silk is strong and elastics and is used to trap the spider’s prey. Spiders use their webs in different ways. Some weave a net to throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end of the silken thread and whirl around in a circle to wrap around an insect.

Spiders suck the fluids fron their victims rather than eat solid food. Then they crush the hard part, mixing them with disgestive juices to make them a liquid as well.


is also included in the answer.2 In this case, the writer found out that the sentence “Species of a spider” clearly stated both in the instruction and the text. That is why the students are easy to choose the right answer. Therefore, the item should be changed into: Most spiders have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do have a well-developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover theirs body.

The statements above tell the reader about... a. Behavior of a spider

b. Colony of spider c. Anatomy of spider d. Species of spider e. Habitat of spider c. The revision:

9. Weak item number 21:

a. The copy of original item:


Steven J. Burton, How to Prepare Better Multiple-Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty, (New York.: Brigham Young University Testing Services, 1991), p. 27

21. From the text above, we can conclude that spiders... a. are not insects*

b. eat leaves c. are mammals

d. have least number of species e. are marsupials

20. Most spiders have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do have a well-developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover theirs body.

The statements above tell the reader about... a. Behavior of a spider


b. The analysis and prediction:

The Item has DI 0,99 and ID 0,02. It discriminates students poorly, and categorized as too easy item.

Moreover, the proportion of the student response who choose option A are 85, option B is 0, option C is 0, option D is 0, and option E is 1 pupil.

The writer found out the options for this item are too obvious since the keyword also included in the answer. In line with Burton, he stated to keep the distracters free from clues to which the response is correct.3 In this case, the writer found out that the sentence “are not insects” clearly stated in the stem (first paragraph of text). That is why the students can easily choose the right answer.

Therefore, Option A. Are not insects should be changed into A. Related to arachnids. Option B. Eat leaves should be changed due to unlogic answer, into B. Eat solid food. Option C. Are mammals also should be changed due unlogic answer, into C. Are insects. Option D. “Have least number of species” should be changed, because in the stem clearly stated that there are over 3000 species of spider; it change into D. Have undeveloped sense of touch. Option E. Are marsupials should be changed into E. Related to insect.

c. The revision:


Ibid. p. 20.

21. From the text above, we can conclude that spiders...

a. Related to arachnids* d. Have undeveloped sense of touch b. Eat solid food e. Related to insects


10.Weak item number 23:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has DI 0,91 and ID 0,19. It discriminates poorly and the item categorized as too easy.

From distractor efficiency for number 23; the proportion of the student response who choose option A are 2, option B are 2, option C are 2, option D are 78, and option E are 2 pupils. The writer found that the distractors are too obvious since most of the students in the lower group choose the right answer. It seems that the stem is too easy, so the students are easily to choose the right key. Therefore, this item should be changed into:

23. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through organ called spinnerets.

The word abdomen has similar meaning to... a. Diaphragm d. Belly

b. Pelvis e. Cardiac c. Thorax

c. The revision:

23. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen

and the silk comes out through organ called spinnerets. The word abdomen has similar meaning to...

a. Diaphragm d. Belly*

b. Pelvis e. Cardiac

c. Thorax

23. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through organ called spinnerets.

The word They reffers to ... a. Spinnerets

b. Organs c. Glands d. Spiders *


11.Weak item number 25:

a. The copy of original item:

b. The analysis and prediction:

This item has ID 0.97 and DI 0.07. It discriminates students poorly and categorized as too easy item.

The proportion of the student response who choose option A are 83, option B are 2, option C is 1, option D is 0, and option E is 0 pupil. In line with the proportion of students, it looks like the instruction is not clear and have grammar mistake.

At the stem of this question states “paragraph 4th

tells us about...” however, it should be “paragraph 4 tells the reader about....” Also, the distractors are not function properly since most of the students get the right answer. Since option D and option E has been chosen by no students, therefore option D. Behaviour should be changed into D. Types and option E. Food is changed into E. Digestion. For option A, almost all of the students in lower group choose that option, therefore option A. Reproduction should be changed into A. Mating in order to distract lower students group.

From the text above, at the parag


Table 2.1 The Classification of Index Difficulty  ...........................
The classification of Index Difficulty:Table 2.1 21
The classification of Discrimination Index:Table 2.2 27
The classification of Index Difficulty:Table 3.1 3


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