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A Study On English Salang Used In Hello Magazine


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The Examination is held on the: 25th May 2009

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Examiner : Drs. Matius C. Sembiring



I, NADIA ZAFIRA, declare that I am the sole of author of this paper, except where reference is made in the text of this paper contains no material published

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First of all, I would like to thank to the almighty God, ALLAH SWT for

the great bless and mercy at my activities, so that I could finish this paper.

In writing this paper, there are many people who had great role both

mentally and spiritually. In this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere

gratitude to :

1. Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of North


2. Dra. Sahyar Hanum, the head of English Diploma Study Program.

3. Drs. Matius as my supervisor who has guided me in writing this paper.

4. Dra. Oliviana Harahap as my reader this paper. Thank you, Mam…

5. My beloved parents. Mr.Sunarto and Mrs. Mutia for their great love,

pray, and warm attention. I may not your good daughter, but I will always try to

be the best only for you. Love you more than anything.

6. My brother Fariz. You must study hard, guys!!. Also for my nephew and niece

(Kak Ayu, Bang Ega, Bang Egi, Ulan, AXA), you always make me smile when

I am lost.

7. Biwa Muchlis, Miwa Dan, Miwa Ida, Ayahwa thank you for all of the advice

you give to me. All of you are my best Uncle and Aunt.

8. Last but not least, I also dedicated my best friend: Rhani, Azmi, Dara, Lita,

Siska, Dina , Reni, Ryoga, Qi2, Chrizt, Yennika, Yulis, Dewi. Thank you for

the laugh tears, gossip, and everything along our togetherness. Thank you for


9. Thank you all of the SOLIDAS COMMUNITY.

I realize this paper is not perfect yet, but I wish this could be additional

information for the readers.

Medan, 28th May 2009

The writer,










1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Scope of the Study ... 2

1.3 The Purpose of the Study ... 3

1.4 The Significance of the Study ... 3

1.5 The Method of Writing ... 3


2.1 What is Slang? ... 4

2.2 Extent and Origins of Slang ... 7

2.3 Distinction Between Slang and Colloquialisms ... 8

2.4 Slang Functions ... 9



3.1. Observation on Slang and Unconventional English ... 11

3.2. Slang Today and Yesterday ... 12

3.3. Here, There, and Everywhere ... 12

3.4. Kinds of Slang ... 13

3.5. Usage and Abusage ... 15



4.1 The Colloquial Pronunciation ... 17

4.2 Slang Found in Hello Magazine ... 19


5.1. Conclusions ... 24

5.2 Suggestions ... 25






1.1 The Background of the Study

A word is a set of some letters or just a letter implied a notion. We are able

to communicate with people by using words. And we know information and news

all over the world through words stated in the form of newspaper and television

media. One’s intention can also be known by their own words. Moreover, we are

able to attain knowledge through words. Afterwards, we can make a research and

find new invention. Words, wrapped in one unity called language, play the most

important role in human living all around the world. In conclusion, people will not

able to survive their life without words.

Slang has always been the province of the young. Words come in and out

of favor in direct proportion to the speed with which they travel through the age

ranks. Once college kids know that high school kids are using a term, it becomes

passe. And seniors don't want to sound like freshman and so forth. Once a word

finds its way to mainstream media or worse, is spoken by parents, no young

person with any self-respect would use it.

Slang is the use of informal

condition. Slang is meant to be

interpreted quickly but not

necessarily literally, as slang words or terms are often


terms are frequently particular to a certainsuch as

members of

outside their original arenas to become commonly used, such as

While some words eventually lose their status as slang, others continue to be

considered as such by most speakers. In spite of this, the process tends to lead the

original users to replace the words with other, less-recognized terms to maintain

group identity.

The definition of slang varies, however the generally accepted definition is

of language which is very informal or much below the standard level of education

- colloquially known as 'street talk'.

Many terms start as slang, and become adopted as standard language.

Similarly, the precise meanings of slang terms varies through the ages. Because

the term slang also encompasses vocabulary not in general use, many dialectal

words may also be considered slang.

1.2 The Scope of the Study

Everything is different with the others if we compare one thing to other

things as we can approach from many view points. It also happens in Slang. But


1.3 The Purpose of the Study

In accordance with the explanation above, the general purpose of this

paper is therefore to describe the process and meaning of slang. Besides that, there

are also several pupose of wrting this paper, they are :

1. To enrich the basic knowledge of the reader about slang, especially slang

dictionary on Hello Magazine.

2. To remind the reader that slanguage is very interesting to learned.

3. Then, the writer also hope that this paper can be effective tool to inform

people especially for everyone who want to know more about slang.

1.4 The Significance of the Study

This paper is just a reference. By study this paper, I hope that the readers

will get an additional about slang. This paper can help the readers study how

indentify and to use slanguage and to know the vocabulary of slang words on

Hello Magazine.

1.5 The Method of Writing

In writing this paper, I use the library research, by taking data from books,

magazine, etc. that relevant for this paper. Besides that, I also take data from



THE MEANING OF SLANG 2.1 What is Slang?

Slang is crucial part of a young person's 'coming of age', one of the first

detectable signs of a their breaking away from their parents and their parents'

values. It is a cheap second language that expresses the differences between a

young person who is about to enter adulthood from his or her parents' generation.

Slang is actually not a language or a dialect at all, however. It is more a

code in which one vaguely related or unrelated word or phrase is substituted for a

more common one. The words that are replaced in slang are the most common

ones: good (cherry, boss, phat, da bomb), bad (icky, yucky, jankety), crazy (nuts, bananas, crackers, bonkers), smart (brainy, savvy, sharp), fast (scream, tear out, fly, like greased lightning), slow (dragging, poky, crawling, creeping).

Slang is different from a register, though. We would use slang at a football

game though probably not on a job interview. We might use it at home but

probably not in church. However, we could use slang in all these situations, so if it

is a register, it is a uniquely different one, associated with an stage of development

rather than a profession or situation.

Slang does favor various grammatical means of forming new words.

Clipping is one of them, removing syllables from words, like teach for teacher or

phys ed for physical education.

It is important to remember that slang is not bad grammar so there is no


vocabulary. Live-wire, jive, copacetic, and jazz are all words that came to us from slang. While slang is often accompanied by bad grammar and pronunciation, these

are separate issues.

The used of slang is means of recognizing members of the same group,

and to differentiate that group, and to differentiate that group from society at

large. In addition to this, slang can be used and created purely for humorous or

expressive effect. In this case many of linguist says about slang in their own

concepts, they are :

According Brayan A. Garner : Slang is,

A notoriously difficult terms to define, has potentially for characteristic : 1. it is markedly lower in dignity than Standard English,

2. it is typically surfaces first in language of people with low states or with a low status or with a low level of responsibility,

3. it is more less taboo in the discourse of those with high status or high degree of responsibility, and

4. it displaces a conventional tem or from the annoyance of fully elaborated expression.

According F. Genung, Outlines of Phetoric :


According H. N Mac Craclan & Helen E. Sandison, Manual of English :

Slang words belong to generally unauthorized vocabulary, which every speaker of English should be able to without.

According Robert L. Chapman: Slang is,

The body of words and expressions frequently used by or intelligible to a rather large portion of the general American public, but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority.

According Jonathan E. Lighter, Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Slang, at it’s worst, it is stupidly coarse and provocative. At its best, it makes standard English seem pallid.

According S. I. Hayakawa, Language in Action, Slang is poetry of everyday life.

According George Eliot, Middlemarch, 1871 : Slang is,

I shall invent a new game; I shall write bits of slang and poetry on slips and give tham to you separate.

According Carl Sandburg :

Slang is “language which takes off its coat. Spits on its hands – and goes to work”

According John Algeo, Univeristy of Georgia professor: Slang is,

Slang is humanity’s first play toy.


This scholary source provides a limited amount of information regarding slang. It is a helful source in studying such aspects of the English language as the history of the language, English vocabulary, English grammar, and uses of English. It also contains a helpful glossary of terminology and reference listing.

2.2 Extent and Origins of Slang

Slang is sometimes regional, in that it is used only in a particular

such a

such a

original areas to become commonly used, like

words eventually lose their status as slang, others continue to be considered as

such by most speakers. When slang spreads beyond the group or subculture that

originally uses it, its original users often replace it with other, less-recognized

terms to maintain group identity. One use of slang is to circumvent socia

as mainstream language tends to shy away from evoking certain realities. For this

reason, slang vocabularies are particularly rich in certain domains, such as

familiarity with the things described.

Even within a single language community, slang tends to vary widely

across social, ethnic, economic, and geographic strata. Slang may fall into disuse

over time; sometimes, however, it grows more and more common until it becomes


regarded as mainstream, acceptable language (e.g. the Spanish word caballo), although in the case of

mainstream or acceptable. Numerous slang terms pass into informal mainstream

speech, and sometimes into formal speech, though this may involve a change in

meaning or usage.

Slang very often involves the creation of novel meanings for existing

words. It is common for such novel meanings to diverge significantly from the

standard meaning. Thus, "cool" and "hot" can both mean "very good,"

"impressive," or "good-looking".

During the 1990s, and into the early 21st century, however, Leet became

increasingly more commonplace on the Internet, and it has spread outside

Internet-based communication and into spoken languages. Other types of slang


acronym meaning "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud"), which is widely used

in instant messaging on the Internet.

2.3 Distinction Between Slang and Colloquialisms


often transient) lexical items used by a specific social group, for instance


(speech), which is informal, relaxed speech used on occasion by any speaker; this

might include contractions such as 'you’re,' as well as colloquialisms.

A colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the

broadest sense of the term

sense does not. Slangisms are often used in colloquial speech but not all

colloquialisms are slangisms. One method of distinguishing between a slangism

and a colloquialism is to ask whether most native speakers know the word (and

use it); if they do, it is a colloquialism. However, the problem is that this is not a

discrete, quantized system but a continuum. Although the majority of slangisms

are ephemeral and often supplanted by new ones, some gain non-slang colloquial

status (e.g. English silly – cf. German selig ‘blessed’, Middle High German sælde

‘bliss, luck’ and Zelda, a Jewish female first name) and even formal status (e.g.

English mob)."

2.4 Slang Functions

One use of slang is a simple way of circumventing social taboos. The

mainstream language tends to shy away from explicitly evoking certain realities.

Slang, and also the informal forms of language, permit one to talk about these

realities in a special language stripped of the usual connotations in the normal

register. Slang vocabularies are particularly rich in certain domains, such as


There is not just one slang, but very many varieties—or dialects—of slang.

Different social groups in different times have developed their own slang. The

importance of encryption and identity vary among the various slangs.

Slang must constantly renew its process of expression, and specifically its

vocabulary, so that those not part of the group will remain unable to understand

the slang. The existence of slang dictionaries, of course, cancels the effectiveness

of certain words. Numerous slang terms pass into informal mainstream speech,

and thence sometimes into mainstream formal speech.

Originally, certain slang designated the speech of people involved in the

criminal underworld, hooligans, bandits, criminals, etc. Therefore, their

vocabulary carried very vulgar connotations, and was strictly rejected by speakers

of "proper" language. Other groups developed their own slangs. In general, groups

on the margins of mainstream society who were excluded or rejected by it.

Slang is a language based off of shortened words; something like a

contraction but used to shorten speech in a hasty manner.

2.5 Hello Magazine

Hello Magazine is published monthly by Widya Niti Bahasa Foundation to

provide English Learners of any background study (especially youth) with good




3.1 Observation on Slang and Unconventional English

In English, the ideas most fertile in synonyms are those are drinking,

drunkenness, money, and the sexual organs and act.

Many slang words, indeed, are drawn from pleasurable activities (games,

sports, entertainments), from the joy of life, from a gay abandon: for this reason it

has been wittily called ‘language on a picnic’.

The metaphors and allusions (in slang) are generally connected with some

temporary phase, some ephemeral vogue, some unimportant incident; if the origin

is not nailed down at the time, it is rarely recoverable.

War always produces a rich crop of slang. War (much as we may hate to

admit the fact), because, in all wars, both soldiers and sailors and, since 1914,

airmen and civilians as well, have imported or adopted or invented hundreds of

words, terms, phrases, this linguistic aspect ranking as, if we except the

unexceptable ‘climate of courage’, the only good result of war.

Human characteristics, such as a love of mystery and a confidential air (a

lazy freemasonry), vanity, the imp of perversity that lurks in every heart, the

impulse to rebellion, and that irrepressible spirit of adventure which, when

deprived of its proper outlook in action, perforce contents itself with verbal


3.2 Slang Today and Yesterday

From about 1850, slang has been the accepted term for ‘illegitimate’

colloquial speech. Slang is much rather a spoken than a literary language. It

originates, nearly always, in speech.

Slang is easy enough to use, but very hard to write about with the facile

convincingness that a subject apparently so simple would, at first sight, seem to

demand. But the simplest things are the hardest to define, certainly the hardest to

discuss, for it is usually at first sight only that their simplicity is what strikes one

the most forcibly. And slang, after all, is a peculiar kind of vagabond language,

always hanging on the outskirts legitimate speech, but continually straying or

forcing its way into the most respectable company.

Language in generally and every kind of language belongs to everyone

who wishes to use it. Slang, being the quintessence of colloquial speech, must be

related to convenience rather than scientific laws, grammatical rules and

philosophical ideals. As it originates, so it flourishes best, in colloquial speech.

Slang may and often does fill a gap in accepted language.

3.3 Here, There, and Everywhere

When slang be familiar speech generally, and the department of the

vocabulary in which British and American differences are naturally greater than

anywhere else, just as they are greater in the colloquial language generally than in


Canada also has extensive and picturesque objective slang, but that slang

is 80 percent American, with the remainder rather more English than native –

Canadian. It is linguistically unfair to condemn it for being so much indebted to

its near and “pushing” neighbour.

Australian speech and writing have, from the outset, tended to be

unconventional. The unconventionality is linguistic.

The truth is that South African slang, as distinct from indispensable

Africanderisms, is not intrinsically so vivid, humorous, witty, or divinely earthy

as Canadian and Australian Slang, nor is it nearly so extensive, nor has it, except

during the Boer War, succeeded in imposing itself upon English slang, much less

upon Standard English.

New Zealand is like South Africa in that its population is too small to have

much influenced the language of the mother country whether in Standard or in

unconventional English.

3.4 Kinds of Slang

One use of slang is simply to circumvent social taboos. For this reason,

slang vocabularies are particulary rich in certain domains, such as sexuality,

violence, crime and drugs. There are not just one slang, but very many varieties or

dialect of it. In different social groups and in different time have developed on

their own slang such as college slang, youth slang, and teenager slang. Many of

encryption, it must contantly renew it is process from expression, so that not part


Originally, certain slang was associated with the criminal underworld, it

carried vulgar connotations, and rejected by speakers. Other group, especially

those on the margins of mainstream society, developed their own slang. The usage

of slang very often involves the creation of novel meanings for existing worlds. It

is very comment for such novel meaning to diverge significantly from the

standard meaning. In fact, one common process is for slang word to take one

exactly the opposite meaning of the standard definition. There are any kinds of

slang, such as :

1. Dialect :

Cohesive, chiefly regional and socioeconomic varieties of a language.

2. Catch Phrases :

Cultural phrases which derive their meaning from a cultural references

With which the speaker and listener must both be familiar.

Example : Who loves ya baby?

3. Jargon :

1) the technical language of a special field ;

2) the obscure use of specialized language

4. Slogas :

“ a forceful, catchy, mind – grabbing utterance which will rally people

to buy something or behave in certain way”

Example : Make love, not war !


5. Graffiti :

“any spontaneous or unauthorized writing or drawing on walls,

vehicles, and other public places. It is typically obscene or political in

character, but a great deal of humor and wisdom can also be found.”

Example : Lethargy rulezzzzzz.

Lisa loves Michael.

6. Argot and Cant :

“ Special vocabulary used by a secretive social group”

Example : Pig Latin

7. Register :

“ in stylistic, a social defined variety of language, such as scientific or

legal English.”

8. Colloquialism :

“ n. an expression used in ordinary conversation, but not regarded as

slang.” “simply informal English.”

9. Solecism :

“n. breach of grammar; a breach of etiquette”

Example : “ He don’t know better.”

3.5 Usage and Abusage

Slang of the upstart qualities of slang and part of the aesthetic (as opposed

to the moral) impropriety spring from the four features present in all slang,


and light – headedness as well as light – heartedness ; ephemerality ; the sway of

fashion. In the standard speech and still more in slang had been note that the

motive behind figurative expressions and all neologisms is the desire to escape

from the old accepted phrases : the desire for novelty operates more freely,

audaciously, and rapidly in slang – that is the only difference.

Slang is indicative not only of man’s earthiness but of his indomitable

spirit: it sets him in his proper place: relates a man to his fellows, to his world and

the world, and to the universe.

And slang is employed for one or two or more of eleven reasons :

1. In sheer high spirits; ‘just for the fun of the thing’.

2. As an exercise in wit or humour.

3. To be ‘different’.

4. To be picturesque.

5. To be startling; to startle

6. To escape from clichés and long – windedness.

7. To enrich language

8. To give solidity and concreteness to the abstract and the idealistic, and

nearness to the distant scene or object.

9. To reduce solemnity, pain, and tragedy.

10.For ease of social intercourse

11.To be secret – not understand by those by around one. (Children, student,

lovers, members of political secret societies, and criminals in or out of



However, if the speaker takes a brief pause before reducing the conjunction and, ‘an is commonly used:

Yesterday I went to an amusement park ‘an

tomorrow I’m spending the day at the beach.

Because ‘cuz I don’t like Steve ‘cuz....

Can C’n I c’n be ready to leave in two minutes.

Did you Didja / didju

Although these reduction may be used

interchangeably, didja is commonly followed by a consonant, and didju is usually followed by a vowel:

Didja see Nancy at the party?

Didju invite him for a dinner?


Him ‘im Look at ‘im run!

His ‘is That’s ‘is mother.

Look at Look ‘it Look ’it what you’ve done!

Of ‘a / ‘ev

Although these reductions may be used

interchangeably, ‘a is commonly followed by a consonant, and ‘ev is usually followed by vowel: Karen has a lot ‘a children. (pronounced: a

Should have Should ‘a I should ‘a listened to Connie when she warned me not to buy a used car.

Some s’m I need s’m more time to finish this work. Than th’n Jim is a year older th’n you.

Them ‘em / th’m

Although both reductions may be

interchangeably, th’m is often used to make a distinction from ‘im (a reduction of “him) when the context is not clear:

I haven’t met ‘em before. I haven’t met th’m before.

To Ta / da

When followed by a vowel, ta becomes da: Did you give a birthday gift ta Rob? I’ll go da the store later.

Would have Would’a I would’a called you but I lost your telephone number.

You Ya How are ya?


4.2 Slang Found in Hello Magazine

Hello Oktober 2005

B.R.B : tunggu sebentar (gue pasti balik lagi)

Asal Singkatan dari Be Right Back

Baby : n. benda, barang.

You bought this computer? This baby must have costed you a fortune!

Baby dady : 1. cowok, sering untuk gebetan (cowok) atau bekas cowok. Sering sekali bermakna sebagai bapak dari, atau seseorang

yang memberi makan anak dari seorang cewek.

Contoh : - He is my baby’s daddy

- When my baby daddy get back, he’ll bust you in

your grill!!

Bacon : n. sebutan untuk polisi.

Asal : Penyebutan polisi sebagai pigs.

Contoh: You smell bacon!? Oh Snap! Here comes 5.0.

Bad : adj. sangat bagus, keren abis, sempurna, hebat. Istilah ini sekarang jarang dipergunakan lagi.

Badass : adj. vulgar.

1. Jelek dan Bahaya.

Don’t get close to that badass!


Badload : n. pemabuk.

You really need to slow down with the alcohol. You’re being a real

badload tonight!

Badunkadunk : 1. adj. digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan pantat dengan

kualitas khusus.

That pretty pretty girl has a serious badunkadunk.

2. n. pantat yang lebar dan besar.

Bag : v. mendapat, memperoleh.

I bagged the job I interviewed for!

Bag on someone : v. 1. memarahi seseorang.

Chintya bagged on me for picking her up late last night.

2. Mengkritik.

My teacher keeps baggin’ on me in the classroom. I

don’t know why she hates me so much.

Baggin : v. mempermainkan, menghina.

Yo man, why you always baggin on me?

Bah : eksklamasi menunjukkan terkejut/ jijik.

Bah! Did that really just happen in front of you, and you just kept silent?

Bail : v. 1. Pergi.

I’m late! I gotta bail!


Bail on : v. meninggalkan (seseorang/ sesuatu).

I don’t believe you! You’re not going to bail on me, are you?

Bail out : v. meninggalkan.

Are you bailing out on me?

Bail up : v. menyuruh seseorang berhenti dengan tujuan untuk merampok.

Asal : menempatkan (bail) sapi di kurungan sebelum di perah. He tried to bail up a traveler en route to the diggings.

Bairn : n. bayi. Asal : Skot landia.

Look at this cute little bairn! He’s got amazing blue eyes!

Bait : adj. untuk menggambarkan bahwa sebuah lokasi atau tempat tidak aman atau high – profile. Biasanya mengacu pada kemungkinan bisa tertangkap polisi atau pihak otoritas lainnya.

I ain’ smokin’ here, this place is mad bait.

Baked : adj. Akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh merokok marijuana, di bawah pengaruh obat bius.

His bloodshot eyes showed that he got baked.

Baldwin : n. cowok menarik.

He is such a Baldwin.

Ball :v. 1. bermain bola basket.

When you went to the post office, I was balling with some friends. 2. menangis keras – keras.


Baller : n. 1. orang yang memamerkan uangnya,snob. Let’s jack that baller’s car!

2. seorang yang punya banyak uang.

Yo man, you’re a baler.

3. Seorang yang sangat mahir main bola (football atau basketball).

Dodi is a baler.

Ballin :v. memamerkan uang agar diketahui (orang lain) kalau ia kaya.

Yo man, check out his Mercedes. He is ballin!

Balling : v. punya banyak uang.

He’s balling now!.

Bentuk lain dari istilah ini yakni dengan penambahan kata “big”. *Big balling.

Yo man, you big balling now.

Ball out : v. cabut, meninggalkan suatu event/ kejadian.

We balled out when the police showed up.

Ball up : ekslamasi yang menetapkan permulaan pertandingan bola basket. Sebuah pernyataan yang mengklarifikasi bahwa waktu mulai tiba atau saat untuk melanjutkan permainan bola basket setelah semua siap.

Baltic : adj. dingin.

It’s so Baltic out there.


Bananas : adj. nggak dapat dipercaya (unbelieveable), menggelikan, gila (heboh).

You really love it? That movie was bananas.

Banging : v. 1. sangat menarik.




5.1 Conclusions

From the previous description it can be concluded that slang is the

changing of cultural, the body of words, the expression that always used with

frequently, to show the status that can make people know where they will be go /

identity, and they different contrast that there where created from environmental

which that always changing and increase from year to year. And it is always have

a new word in everyday, but parents do not understand what their teens mean in

sometimes. Slang is used because it is informal speech and writing than very

enjoy to used it, but do not used it in informal business correspondence or special

event and for polite conversation it is still consider.

So, based on the description slang is the unique language that spread from

people to people, and it created and issued is not just from under level of general

social status but is used too in high social status. As far as people and teenager

very enjoy and feel comfortable to use that, although slang make a English


5.2 Suggestion

After learning and discussing the previous chapter, the writer like to give

some suggestion as follow :

1. The writer hopes that slang language is added the number of one a

beautiful language that can using in every classes and status.

2. For people should know there are many kind of slang language in

teenager is used and not just one slang.

3. For the teenager, the effect of slang make their life style is always

changing and can influence to their culture everyday.

4. The teenager when they used slang language in their group it can make

them more confidence to have a relationship to another people.

5. For the parents, they do not push their teenager for not used slang in

their daily life because it make teenager not feel comfortable with their



Berney, V. Lester and Van Den Bark Melvin, 1953. The American Theasurus of Slang, United States: Crowell Company.

Burke, David 1997. Biz Talk-2 More American Business Slang & Jargon, United States : Optima Books.

Burke, David, 1998. Street Talk – 2 Slang Used in Popular American Television Show (Include Teens and Surfer Lingo), California: Optima Books.

Chapman, L. Robert, 1986. New Dictionary of American Slang, New York : Harper and Row Publisher.

Frank, Marcella. Modern English. Pretience – Hall, Inc. 1972. New Jersey

Garner, Brayan A. 2003. Modern American Usage. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

Lighter, J.E, 1994. Historical Dictionary of American Slang volume I, United States: Random House.

Lighter, J.E, 1994. Historical Dictionary of American Slang volume II, United States: Random House.


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