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Sartika Dewi Harahap. Registration Number 8146112036. English Teachers’ Language Teaching Activities with Different Gender and Attitude. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.

This study deals with English teachers’ language attitude in classroom activities with different gender. It was aimed to find out attitudes are reflected by male and female English teacher in teaching activities, attitude is reflected through the language of male and female English teachers’ attitude toward English in the teaching activities and the reason why do they have the attitude such the way it is. This study used descriptive qualitative method was the design describe in qualitative research. The source of data this research were focused on the English teachers the state Senior High School in Kotapinang in Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan namely SMA Negeri 2. The data of this study were the transcription from 2 male and 2 female teachers’ language when they were teaching in the classroom. The data were analyzed by applying Interactive models techniques by Miles, Huberman & Saldana analysis. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there are the differences attitudes showed by English teacher namely positive and negative attitude. Then the researcher found how and when male and female English teacher used English or Indonesia and they mixed or switched the language in the teaching activities. It had been showed the components that influenced the practice. The last, the reason of English teacher positive and negative attitude toward English have such attitude. Gender is more dominant factor that showed the attitude in teaching activities. Male teacher is more positive than female in deliver the language as a whole.



Sartika Dewi Harahap. Registration Number 8146112036. Bahasa Guru Bahasa Ingggris di dalam kegiatan mengajar dengan gender dan sikap yang berbeda. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan sikap bahasa guru bahasa inggris dalam kegiatan mengajar di kelas dilihat dengan melihat gendernya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu sikap bahasa yang ditunjukkan guru bahasa inggris terhadap bahasa inggris dikelas, bagaimana guru laki-laki dan guru perempuan dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam mengajar dan juga apa alasan mereka untuk hal tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa inggris di SMA Negeri 2 Kotapinang di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan. Data penelitian ini adalah transkip dari bahasa guru yaitu 2 guru laki-laki dan 2 guru perempuan ketika mengajar bahasa inggris dalam mengajar. Data penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan analisis dari Miles, Huberman dan Saldana. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, terdapat perbedaan sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh guru bahasa inggris laki-laki dan perempuan yaitu sikap yang positip dan sikap yang negatip. Temuan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana dan kapan guru bahasa inggris mencampur dan merubah bahasa mereka ketika mengajar dikelas dari bahasa inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hal tersebut terlihat dari komponen yang mempengaruhi ketika mereka menggunakan bahasa tersebut. Temuan terakhir adalah alasan guru bahas inggris bersikap positip dan negatip. Gender adalah faktor yang dominan yang terlihat dalam kegiatan mengajar. Ternyata, guru laki-laki bersikap lebih positip dari pada guru perempuan dalam berbahasa secara keseluruhan.




Alhamdulillah, in the name of Almighty Allah swt, the most Gracious and the

most Merciful, first of all, the writer would like to thank God for His Blessing in the

completion of this thesis. Praises are also addressed to our prophet Muhammad SAW

who has guided us to the better life of today.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge her deepest

gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to her by a lot of


The highest appreciation goes to her two advisors, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,

M.Pd. as her first advisor and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP. as her second advisor for

their all guidance through the completion of this thesis.

Then, her appreciation also goes to. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. as the Head of

English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as

the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who has assisted her in

processing the administration requirements during the process of this studies in the

Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan.

The writer’s great thanks also goes to her reviewers and examiners, Prof. T.

Silvana Sinar, M.A.,Ph.D., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan,

M.Hum. They had given valuable inputs, suggestions, criticisms, and improvements for

this thesis. She also would like to express her thankfulness for all lecturers taught him

during the academic years of LTBI.

Her greatest and sincere gratitude should also go to her beloved parents H. Azhar

Harahap and Hj. Rawiyah, her lovely sisters, Rasyidah Harahap, Rosdiana Harahap,

Izriyani Harahap, S.Pd, SD and brothers, Syaiful Haris Harahap and Syafrialdi Azwar

Harahap, S.Pd with his wife Rena Mahriani Nasution, S.Pd, who have patiently given


Next, the gratefulness is given to Mahran Simamora, S.Pd as the Headmaster of

SMA Negeri 2 Kotapinang, 4 English teachers they are Jonson Manurung, M.Pd,

Jamaluddin Abduh Nasution, M.Pd, Herniwati Hasibuan, S.Pd, an Popi Wulansari

Nasution, S.Pd also all teachers there for help her in collected the data, gave the

opportunity to followed their class and as the source of data.

Then, last but not least, her gratitude goes to her friends of LTBI B1 who have

supported him to conduct this thesis, especially for H. Matrejo, Saddam Syarif Nasution,

Hajar Affiah, Orli Binta Tumanggor, Inaswari Sijabat, Frida Dian Handini, Rahmat Huda,

Makhraini Agustina, Nurlaili Khaira Khalid, Afer Jayanti Mendrofa, Jien Riski Magsara

Rumahorbo, Mairtati Dewi, Gaby Maureen, H. Bahrein Simamora, Edward Wilson

Purba, Nur Alfi Syahri, Tita Nirmalia Ginting, Marwah Hasibuan, Isrami Andika

Febiyanti, Pranata Roy Ganda Sihaloho and all for their friendship also for the


She also want to say big thanks to Head of UNIVA Labuhanbatu, the head of

English department and Lecturer and all ODOJer for the dua. The special friends outside

also supported her in always giving the motivation, especially for Warningsih, S.Pd, Sella

Noventi, S.Pd, Syahril Tahir Parinduri, S.Si and Arfin Muhammad. She offers her regards

and thanks to Brother Farid MH, who has helped her in providing the academic


Medan, June 2016 The writer,

Sartika Dewi Harahap



1.2 The Problems of the Study ...5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ...6

1.4 The Scope of the Study...6

1.5 The Significant of the Study...6


2.1 Gender ...8

2.3.2 The Role of Gender toward English in Teaching Activities ...20

2.4 Relevant Studies ...21



3.1 Research Design ...27

3.2 The Source of Data and Data...28

3.2.1 Source of Data...28

3.2.2 The Data...28

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ...29

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis ...30

3.5 Trustworthiness of Data ...33

3.5.1 Credibility ...33

3.5.2 Transferability...34

3.5.3 Dependability ...34

3.5.4 Conformability ...34


4.1 Data Analysis...36

4.1.1 Attitude toward English in Teaching Activities ...38

4.1.2 The attitudes are reflected in teaching activities...39





Appendix A English Teachers’ Information ...54

Appendix B Questionnaire Sheet...55

Appendix C Interview Sheet...56

Appendix D Observation Transcriptions ...57

Appendix E Data Analysis...88

Appendix F Questionnaire...146

Appendix G The Percentage of English Teachers’ Attitude Based on the Questionnaire (Likerts’ Theory) ...154

Appendix H Interview Transcriptions...156



Pages Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of this Research ... 26 Figure 2. Interactive model of analysis by Miles,







Appendix A English Teachers’ Information ...54

Appendix B Questionnaire Sheet...55

Appendix C Interview Sheet...56

Appendix D Observation Transciption ...57

Appendix E Data Analysis...88

Appendix F Questionnaire...146

Appendix G The Percentage of English Teachers’ Attitude Based on the Questionnaire (Likerts’ Theory) ...154

Appendix H Interview Transcriptions...156




Pages Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of this Research ... 26 Figure 2. Interactive model of analysis by Miles,







1.1 The Background of the Study

Attitude is important to teacher because it cannot be neatly separated from the teaching and learning process (Reid, 2003:33). Attitude is considered as essential factor influencing language performance. Achievement in a target language relies not only on intellectual capacity, but also on the teacher’s attitude toward language in teaching activities. Teaching learning should be approached by English teacher as a social and psychological phenomenon rather than as a purely academic one. Believe emotion and behavioural components of attitude deals with the way one behaves and reacts in particular situation.



behaviours. They vary in direction (positive or negative), degree (amount of positive or negative feeling), and intensity (the level of commitment the individual has to the position). Attitudes are not directly observable, but the actions and behaviours to which they contribute may be observed (Bednar & Levie, 1993:70). Although the cognitive, affective and connective “domains interact significantly in instruction and learning” (Martin & Birggs, 1986:3), any behaviour that has an emotional component lies within the affective domain.

Teacher’s attitude focuses on reinforced behaviour as the primary factor responsible for attitude development. When a person is persuaded to act in a way that is not congruent with a pre-existing attitude, he or she may change the attitude to reduce dissonance (Smith & Ragan, 1999). Affective, cognitive connective examines the relationship between attitude and beliefs and posit that individuals are in an unstable state when their attitude toward object, event or person and their knowledge about that are inconsistent (Simonson & Maushak, 2011). Krathwohl (1993:42) states that attitude is built through successive stages. It means that teaching and learning process be at given levels depend on prior teaching and learning at lower levels.

Here are examples of male and female utterances in the classroom activities and students’ responds:



Female : Assalamualaikum... Good morning class.... how are you today? Students : Waalaikumsalam... Good morning miss.... We are fine. And you


Female Teacher: I am fine thanks. We will check your attendances first. Kita cek kehadiran dulu ya

Based on the examples male and female teachers’ attitude with English in the classroom, there is the difference between male and female English teacher. Male teacher is more positive attitude than female teacher (Smith & Ragan, 1999). There can be seen that female teacher suddenly mixes or switches up English into Bahasa.

The factors which cast influences on the attitude toward English are the skill, experience, education background and gender (Grosjean & Soares, 1986). These hold true for teaching profession also. Teachers as speaker and students as listener skill are the consideration of both. Teacher has to know which class are ready to achieve English as well as possible. Teaching experience of the teacher contributes significantly in forming attitude. The teachers’ attitude towards the subject and students is significant in creating desire to learn. Gender is the paramount factors influencing the attitude of the teacher (Bozdogen, 2007). It is found that male teacher have positive attitude towards teaching profession.



towards the teaching profession than female teachers. Conversely, other studies concluded that female teacher have more positive attitudes.

In Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan context gender based attitude is important, gender plays a great role in different attitude formation due to different exposure of both gender roles assigned to the teacher. The differences of attitude exist between male and female teacher because of their different experiences related to outer education side and individual differences in social structure of Indonesian society which rise to different attitudes can be positive of negative. In this context, teacher has an effect on the teachers’ attitudes toward English subject and the teachers’ attitude is a significant predicator of the students’ language acquisition as well as their attitude then gender has to be considered carefully in the national-stuffing policy in Indonesia. (Sultan, 2012)



In this case, teacher does not use English fully or mixed language when they are teaching English subject in the classroom. They often use Indonesian more than English in the classroom activities (Ashadi, 2015). The people can count how many percent English teachers are consistent uses English fully when the teachers are perform in front of the students. Actually, this case is very serious problem because English is one of major subject for National Exam in the end of the studies as a students’ barometer become a clear one at Senior High School. So, the effect of the teacher habitual since studies incurs the difficulties for listening section. As we know, listening section as an important part in the beginning of national Exam.

In this case, the people can see the percentage of attitude and ability of English teacher in presenting the material, whether stick with the English or mix up with Indonesian language? Or even speak Indonesian or local language as a whole to be quickly understood between teacher and students. How male and female show it in front students in the classroom activities? Who is more consistent with English or even lower the standard of teaching by mixing or switching the language? So the researcher will discuss about “English teachers’ language teaching activities with different gender and attitude”.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems are formulated as the following:



2. How is the attitude reflected through the language of male and female English teacher in toward English in the teaching activities?

3. Why is happened in the way they are?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In the problems of the study, the objectives of this research are:

1. to find out attitudes are reflected by male and female English teacher in teaching activities.

2. to describe attitude is reflected through the language of male and female English teachers’ attitude toward English in the teaching activities.

3. to elaborate male and female English teachers’ way is happened.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The study was focused on the attitude of male and female English teachers toward English through the language in the teaching activities in SMA Negeri 2 in Kotapinang and some reasons which is influenced by the component of language attitude.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

A study is academically will be conducted to enrich on the development of knowledge. Findings of this study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically and practically.



teaching activities with different gender and attitude is educational research that challenging to be conducted because it is one of many aspect of the language being studied.




5.1. Conclusions

Based on the data analysis, there are some important points that can be concluded, they are:

1. It was found that there are the different attitudes showed by English teacher namely positive and negative attitude in teaching activities.

2. From the analysis, it was found how and when male and female English teacher used English or Indonesia and they mixed or switched the language in the teaching activities. It had been showed the components that influenced the practice. It can be seen in appendix E, F and H.

3. The reason of English teacher positive and negative attitude toward English have such attitude. Gender is more dominant factor that showed the attitude in teaching activities. Male teacher is more positive than female in deliver the language as a whole. It can be seen in appendix E as the result of data analysis, and it was supported from the questionnaire result in appendix F, the percentage of attitude in appendix G and interview result in appendix H.

5.2. Suggestions



1. Since this research was conducted only in 40 days, the researcher suggests to the next researchers to conduct a longer research to get the better result. The researcher suggests investigating another aspect of attitude which occurs in the school interaction.

2. To other researcher, the researcher suggests to find out a new phenomenon of attitude toward language in another context so it will produce newest findings of the realization of language attitude.



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Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of this Research...............................................26
Table 2.1. Components of Attitude.......................................................................17
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of this Research...............................................26
Table 2.1. Components of Attitude.....................................................................17


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