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An analysis of translation procedure in handphone nokia exprees music 5300 and motorola l6 user's guide books


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A Thesis

Submitted to

Letters and Humanities Faculty

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Strata One








Novita Sari Dewi Prawiradireja. An analysis of translation procedure in handphone Nokia Express Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books.Thesis. Jakarta: Letters and Humanities Faculty, UIN Syarief Hidayatullah, February 2011.

The thesis is aimed to find out how the translation procedures are used in the handphone Nokia Express Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books, how they are applied in the translation, wheter using transposition, modulation, adaptation or many kind of translation procedure, or the structure of each sentence in the handphone Nokia Express Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books is appropiate to the translation procedures or not.

The writer analyzes the data using qualitative method. Firstly, the writer reads the original handphone Nokia Express Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books and compares it into handphone Nokia Express Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books that has been translated by the translator to find the data. Then she looks upwhat the translation procedure are used in the data to analyze how the translator applied the procedures. After that, she categorizes the data based on each kind of translation procedure. Finally, if there any incorrect or mislead meaning in the translation, the writer looks up realiable dictionary to finds out whether the meaning is suitable or not.



I hereby declare that is submission in my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, February 9th 2011


In the name of Allah SWT, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praises be to Allah SWT, the Sustainer of the worlds, Lord of the

universe, the all merciful God. The writer is really sure in her deepest heart that

without His help and His Mercy this paper would not have been completed. Peace

and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, His family, His companion,

and His followers in this earth.

This paper could not be completed without a great deal of help from many

people. In this occasion the writer would like to thanks to the writer’s beloved

mother (alm) Marsidah binti Musa in the paradise who has fully given her love,

motivation, spiritual support, and prays during she is growing and studying. May

her rewards and her kinds be received by Allah SWT. Amin. She also would like

to thanks to her beloved father, brothers, sisters, and Habib Ahmad Bin Abdullah

Bin Soleh Al-Hamid who supports and prays her from making this Thesis.

This Thesis would not complete without a great deal of Moh. Supardi,

M.Hum. as advisor who guides and supports her to finish the paper from

beginning until the end.

The writer also wishes to say gratitude to the following persons:

1. Prof. Dr. Wahid Hasyim, MA. as the Dean of Faculty of Adab and


2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd., the Head of English Letters Department,

and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani M. Hum. as the Secretary of English Letters


3. All lectures of English Letters Department who thought and educated the

writer during her study at State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah”

Jakarta. All staff of Faculty of adab and Humanities, Staff of library

Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Staff of library State Islamic


4. The writer’s big family, grandmothers, uncles, aunts and cousins who

give her supports and motivation.

5. Her closed friends Nurul Khasanah, Lya Fadhilah and Lorania, and All

friends in class B which cannot be mentioned one by one at English

Letters Department. Our memories will never be forgotten.

6. For Kuswandi, Amd. who given the writer a little financial and support

when the writer doing this Thesis.

May Allah bless and guide them all, amin. Finally, the writer realizes that

this paper is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer hopes any constructive

criticism, suggestion and advice to make this paper better.

Jakarta, February 2011








A. Background of The Study …….………. 1

B. Focus of The Study ……….……….. 3

C. Research Question ……… 3

D. Significance of Study ……… 3

E. Research Methodology ……….. 4


A. The Definition of Translation …...……… 6

B. The Translation Procedure ………. 8

C. Equivalence ……….………. 12


A. Data Description ………. 16

B. Comparing Procedure of Translation in Handphone Nokia Express Music 5800 and Motorola L6 User’s Guide Book ……… 35


Nokia Express Music 5800 and Motorola L6

User’s Guide Book ……… 39


A. Conclusions ……… 42

B. Suggestions ………. 43



A. Background of the Study

Now days, The translation become necessary in the era of globalization,

information and communication. The product of translation can be found in many

sectors such as education, entertainment, and technology. One of them is

Handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6, the information of it has two languages

they are Bahasa and English languages.

Before translate the text, the translator must know about the text and after

that can continue the next process of translation in the user’s guide book of

handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6. The translator must do the translation

procedure in their work to translate the text like transposition, modulation, and

adaptation, and each translation has differences translation each others.

So the writer wants to analyze the translation procedure used by the

translator in handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books, and

than writer wants to know about the result of translation procedure used by the

translator in translating the text. There are theories of translation according to

Newmark “a result of translation can be considered successful if the massage,

thoughts, ideas, and concept contained in the source language can be conveyed into the target language.”1

Actually, some people can use dictionary to read texts in Handphone

Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books. But they may make mistake.




The mistakes usually happen because Bahasa and English language have different

style. The procedure of translation also must be noticed to get the equivalent

meaning. In Handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide books, the

translators also give attention in the meaning of the text. According to Eugene A.

Nida and Tiber “translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language and

closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first, in term of the meaning and secondly in term of style.”2

The translation of a text is viewed from procedures that appear in every

word, phrase and sentences. In this case, many ways to know the translation

procedures which are used in each Handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6

user’s guide books.

For example:

In Motorola : SL : This model meets international guidelines for exposure to radio wave.

TL: Model ponsel ini telah memenuhi ketentuan international untuk

aplikasi gelombang radio.

In Nokia : SL: This device meets international guidelines for exposure the radio wave.

TL: Perangkat ini telah memenuhi pedoman internasional untuk

sambungan ke gelombang radio.

From the text above the writer find a word meets translated in different

lexical meaning “memenuhi” in target language. First, the writer analyze the word



meets in Motorola and Nokia translated telah memenuhi. the word meets in the

dictionary is bertemu or berjumpa, so the translation telah memenuhi expressed

modulation. Modulation is a variation through a change of viewpoint, of

prespective and very often of category of thought.3

The word guidelines in Jhon M Echols dictionary means garis pedoman,

and in the KBBI it means pokok yang menjadi petunjuk atau pegangan

menentukan atau melaksanakan sesuatu. In Nokia user’s guide the word the

guidelines translated pedoman it is has equivalent with the meaning of word from

Jhon M Echols dictionary that is garis pedoman. But in Motorola user’s guide the

word guidelines translated ketentuan, in KBBI ketentuan means kepastian, so this

meaning almost equal with pedoman. So this translation expressed free

modulation because the translator used the modulation to make the clearer

meaning or to make the translation in the TL feels natural and familiar.

Based on the example above the writer is interested to analyzed the

procedure of translation in handphone user guide’s guide book in Nokia 5300 and

Motorola L6.

B. Focus of Study

In order to avoid broad discussion, the writer limits the research only in

the translation procedure of the text in Handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola

L6 user’s guide books.

C. Research Question

According to the focus of the research, the question is:

1. What kinds of translation procedure used by the translator in translating

Handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide book?




D. Significance of the Study

From the result of the study, the writer hopes this research may

enrich the insight and the reader’s knowledge about theories and procedure

of translation in handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 guide books

used by the translators.

E. Research Methodology

The research methodology comprises many aspects such as method

of research, technique of data analysis, instruments of research and

analysis unit.

1. Objectives of the Study

Based on the research question above, the objectives of this

research is to know the translation procedure used by the translators in

translating handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s guide book.

2. Method of the Research

The writer uses the descriptive qualitative as a method of the

research. In this research, the writer tries to analyze the equivalent

meaning of the text using the translation procedure and the theory of


3. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer collects the data and analyzes the

research using the qualitative method by comparing relevant theory of

translation and translation procedure in Handphone Nokia 5300 and


some words and some sentences to find translation procedures that have

equivalent meaning from the text which are used by the translators.

4. Instrument of Research

The research instrument of this qualitative research is the writer

herself who analyzed the text in user’s guide handphone Nokia 5300 and

Motorola L6.

5. Analysis Unit

Analysis unit that is used in this research is the user’s guide of

handphone Nokia 5300 and Motorola L6 and the translation translated in

Indonesia. Nokia 5300 XpressMusic, is a Nokia Series 40 3rd Edition FP2

mobile phone by Nokia. It was launched in the third quarter of 2006.

Motorola L6, is a mobile phone by Motorola, Inc. It was launched in 2005.

6. Place and Time

The research started on the seventh semester of academic year

2010-2011, at the Department of English Letters, State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The research was also conducted at Adab and

Humanity Faculty’s library, main library of UIN, Atma Jaya’s library

University of Indonesia’s library, and other libraries which can give






The Definition of Translation

Many ways to make a good translation, but for the beginning, the writer

must find out and understand the definition of translation. Many various ways

that translation can be defined by different approaches and theoretical

backgrounds. So, the writers will define translation in differentways by taken

from many source, such as:

Rochayah Machali explains the definition of translation given by

Newmark, that “translation is a rendering the meaning of a text into another

language in the way that author intended the text.”1

In other side, J.C. Cartford said that “translation is the replacement of

textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language”.2 In addition the theory of translation is concerned with a certain type of relation between languages and consequently a branch of

comparative linguistics.

Quoted by Zuhridin Suryawinata, from Nida and Tiber, “translation is

consist of reproducing the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of


Peter Newmark, “A Text Book of Translation”, on Rochayah Machali , Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo, 2000, P.5.



the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style.”3

Larson explain, “translating means the study of lexicon, grammatical

structure, communication situation and culture from source language to find the equivalent expressed in the target language’s lexicon, structure, and culture”

(Menerjemahkan berarti mempelajari lexicon, struktur gramatikal, situasi

komunikasi, dan konteks budaya dari bahasa sumber, kemudian menganalisis

teks tersebut (Bsu) untuk menemukan maknanya dan mengungkapkan kembali

makna yang sama itu dengan menggunakan lexicon dan struktur grammatical

yang sesuai dalam bahasa sasaran dan konteks budayanya.)4

The conclusion of the definition above according Frans Sayogie is (1) the

translation relate to two languages, there are source language and target

language or receptor language. (2) Translation is the effort of reproducing,

rendering, a process of finding a massage, the meaning, utterance, style the

source language into the equivalent target language. (3) The text is the

meaning that translator has translated.5

Translation involve the rendering of Source language (SL) text into the

Target language (TL) so as to ensure, that (1) the surface meaning of the two


Zuhridin suryawinata dan Sugeng Hariyanto, Translation. : Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Penerjemahan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 2003.P.12


Mildred, L, Larson, Penerjemahan Berdasar Makna : Pedoman Untuk Pemadanan Antar Bahasa, Jakarta :Arcan, 1991, p.3




will approximately and (2) the structure of the SL will be preserve as closely

as possible, but not so closely that the TL will be seriously distorted.6

Many kinds of translation definitions above have different methods,

different results, and they are used in appropriate field. However, the actual

truth of translation is the process of translating meaning from source language

into target language which gives expression in the target language with the

form of target language that consist the same meaning with the source



The Translation Procedure

A knowledge of translation procedure become very important for the

translator. The translation procedure is useful for the translation process, in

order that the translator always be able reconciled a grammatical structure

change that the equivalent meaning in target language. Because of this

knowledge, the translator did not trap to straightaway translating based on

grammatical source language, so they did not find a difficult meaning in the

target language.

Rochayah Machali explains that there are five most important procedures

in translation. The procedures are:

1. Transposition

Transposition is the one translation procedure that changes grammatical

structure of SL with different form in the TL. There are four kind of




a. The automatic transposition. In this case, the translator has no any option

beside do it, because of the language system and grammatical rule.7

Example : SL: A pair of trousers.

TL : sebuah celana

a plural in English language become a singular in Bahasa Indonesia.

SL : The houses in Jakarta are built beautifully.

TL: Rumah di Jakarta bagus-bagus.

The different meaning in the phrase built beautifully is special verb than

the target language is “bagus-bagus”

b. Transposition that conducted when the grammatical structure in SL text is

not equivalent in TL text.8

Example : SL: Bukuini harus kita bawa.

TL : We must bring this book.

The object is in front of the sentences in Bahasa Indonesia but it is not in

English grammatical structure. Except in passive voice or special grammatical


SL: Berbeda penjelasannya.

TL: the explanation differs.

In Bahasa Indonesia, verb is in front of the noun. In English language, it is

not concord in English grammatical structure.

c. Transposition conducted to the reason of natural utterance.9


Rochayah Machali, Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah, Jakarta, PT.Grasindo, 2000, p.63. 8

Ibid. p.64 9



Example : SL: The cells carrying the germ are dangerous.

TL: Sel-sel yang mengandung kuman berbahaya.

The clause carrying explain totality in source language and explicit in

target language.

SL: Thinking person

TL: Orang yang berfikir.

English noun phrase with adjective from verb intransitive become


d. Transposition conducted to fill up the gaps of the word.10

Example : SL: Adept

TL: Sangat terampil.

The word sangat is replacement of a virtual lexical gap in Bahasa

Indonesia by a grammatical structure.

SL : It is this agreement which is referred to (not anything else)

TL: Perjanjian inilah yang diacu.

The instrument of textual focus mark in target language clarifying with

structure grammatical construction in Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Modulation

According to Newmark, modulation is a change of the meaning that is

caused by a shift of perspective or point of view,11 and Rochayah Machali

divided the modulation into two parts. There are obliged modulation and free



Ibid. 11


a) Obliged modulation

Obliged modulation must be done if there are no equivalent words,

phrases or structure on TL.12

Example : SL: Lesse

TL: Penyewa

SL: Lessor

TL: Orang yang menyewakan.

The word lessee translated as penyewa in Bahasa Indonesia, but is no

equivalent word for lessor. So, the equivalent for the word lessor can be found by

shifting the point of view. Lessor translated as orang yang menyewakan.

Example SL: The problem is hard to solve.

TL: Masalah itu sukar (untuk) dipecahkan.

The active structure on SL changed into Passive in TL, or vice versa.

b) Free modulation

Free modulation is the modulation that must be done by considering to a

non-linguistics aspect. It is conducted to make the clearer meaning, or to make

the TL text so natural and familiar.13

Example : SL: Environmental degradation (degradation quality environment).

TL: Penurunan mutu lingkungan.

Constitute a case commonly known as explicit meaning in the target language

from implicit meaning in the source language degradation quality environment.






SL: These conflicts, which more often than not have regional causes.

TL: konflik-konflik ini, yang disebabkan oleh sebab-sebab regional.

In the italic words the translator not translated the words than not.

3. Adaptation

Adaptation is an effort of finding a cultural equivalent on two certain

situations. It must be done if there are any differences culture utterance on SL

and TL.14 For example, “Dear sir” on English translated as “Dengan Hormat”,

not as “Tuan yang terhormat”.



Vinay and Darbelnet define equivalence essentially as the translation of

idioms when two languages refer to the same situation in totally different ways.

As such, it is not, in their presentation, an especially interesting translation case

since it is based essentially on language knowledge.15

The ultimate goal of the various translation techniques and strategies outlined

in the all of theory is equivalence, a concept that has probably cost the lives of

more trees than any other in translation studies. Meaning equivalence is more

needed in translation than only replacing a text from source language into target

language, so that it can be understood by target readers. Eugene. A. Nida explains

that differences in language mean differences in culture.16


Ibid. P.71 15

Peter Fawcett, Translation and Language, Linguistics Theories Explained, Manchester, UK: St. Jerome publishing.1997, P. 38



There are two kinds of equivalence:

1. Dynamic equivalence focuses in terms of the degree to which the receptor

of the message in the receptor language. Dynamic equivalence has purpose

to get the expression natural meaning and try to pay attention the reader’s

culture of source language. It oriented to target language.17

2. Formal equivalence gives attention on the message of source language.

The message includes the form and content form text of source language.

Example of this equivalence is translation on poetry, sentence, concept

which appropriates to formal. In this case, the language should match as

close as possible into source language in form and content.18

The equivalence may be achieved if SL and TL words having similar

orthographic of phonological features. Nevertheless, if there is no equivalence

meaning to translate, the translator may adapt and add vocabularies. There are

three are three ways to solve this problem. First, the translator gets foreign

language fully. Then the translator may adapt source language into target

language which is suitable with culture of target language. Last, the translator

translating the text of source language freely.

The following are some of different translation procedure according to

Newmark proposes:


ibid 18



Transcription : it may or may not be required for SL institutional or

cultural words to provide authenticity.

Transpotition: the replacement of one grammatical unit by other. It

involves a change in the grammar from SL to SL, for instance, (i)

change from singular to plural, (ii) the change required when a specific

SL structure does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to a

TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun and so on.

Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the massage of

the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of

the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of


Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two differences


But Dagut’s distinction between “translation” and “reproduction” like

Catford’s distinction between “literal” and “free translation” does not take into

account the view that sees translation as semiotic transformation. In his definition

of translation equivalence, Propovic distinguishes four types:

1) Linguistic equivalence, where there is homogeneity on the linguistic level of both SL and TL text, i.e, word for word translation.

2) Paradigmatic equivalence, where there is equivalence of “the elements of a pragmatic expressive axis”, i,e. elements of grammar, which Propovic sees

as being a higher category than lexical equivalence.



3) Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is “functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity

with an invariant of identical meaning”.

4) Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, where there is equivalence of the

syntagmatiic structuring of a text, i.e. equivalence of form and shape.20







Data Description

The writer analyzes and compares the words, phrases and sentences in the

handphone user’s guide books. they are Nokia 5300 Xpress Music and Motorola

L6 from English language as Source Language (SL) with Bahasa as Target

language (TL) to find out how the translation procedures are used. The writer also

analyzes it becomes a table in the appendix. The data analyzes are as follows:

NOKIA 5300 Express Music

Source Language Target Language

Certification information (SAR) Informasi pengesahan (SAR)

The phase certification information in SL translated in the TL is informasi

pengesahan. The translators change the position of the meaning word certification

in the behind. If the phrase translated word by word it is become pengesahan

informasi and the meaning of translation become not clear for the reader. So in

this phrase the translator used transposition.

Source Language Target Language

This device meets international

guidelines for exposure the radio waves.

Perangkat ini telah memenuhi


The writer analyze the word meets in SLtranslate in TL telah memenuhi.

The word meets in the real translated or in dictionary is bertemu or berjumpa, so

the translation telah memenuhi have expressed modulation. Modulation is a

variation through a change of viewpoint, of perspectives and very often of

category of thought. Phrase international guidelines translated pedoman

internasional. In Jhon M. Echols dictionary the word guidelines translate garis pedoman, and in Oxford dictionary the meaning of guidelines is advice on how to do something. The writer can look the translation that closest in the meaning that is Pedoman international. In Nokia the translator used the method faithful

translation for that word. In translation procedure the word international

guidelines get transposition the word guideline is noun and international is adjective (adj+noun). If the word translate in Bahasa the structure change become

(noun+noun) pedoman penerjemahan. So the phrase expressed transposition.

The word for exposure to radio wave in SL translated to TL is untuk

sambungan ke gelombang radio, we must find the similar meaning of exposure is put sb/sth in a place or situation where they are unprotected against harm or

danger from Oxford Dictionary. In Jhon M. Echols dictionary the word exposure

translated pembukaan, kedapatan, pembongkaran dan pencahayaan. The

translators expressed modulation for that word, so they have equivalent meaning


Source Language Target Language

Your mobile device is radio

transmitter and receiver.



The word mobile in Oxford dictionary means can moved or be moved easily

and quickly from place to place, in Bahasa it means perangkat yang

berpindah-pindah. In KBBI the word seluler has same meaning with tanpa kabel dan

berpindah-pindah. And the word device translated perangkat. So the phrases

perangkat seluler in the TL have the explicit meaning and it explain totally in the SL. It is transposition.

Source Language Target Language

It is designed and manufactured not

to exceed the limits for exposure to

radio frequency (RF) recommended

by international guidelines (ICNIRP).

Perangkat ini di rancang dan di

produksi untuk tidak melampaui

batas hubungan ke frekuensi radio (RF) yang direkomendasikan oleh

pedoman internasional (ICNIRP).

The phrase the limits for exposure in SL translated in TL is batas hubungan,

the words for exposure that translated in the translation before is sambungan but

in this phrase the words for exposure translated hubungan. The words have

different meaning in this translation so in this phrase the words exposure

expressed obliged modulation.

Source Language Target Language

These limits are part of

comprehensive guidelines and

establish permitted levels of RF

energy for general population.

Batas ini merupakan bagian dari

peraturan menyeluruh dan

menetapkan tingkat energy RF yang

di perbolehkan oleh masyarakat


The phrase general population in SL translated in TL is masyarakat. The

meaning word of masyarakat is more general in Bahasa than English language.

The Word masyarakat can translate in many words in English language such as

population, society, and community. All of those words are more particular in

English language. So in this sentence the words population expressed obliged


Source Language Target Language

The guidelines were developed by

independent scientific organizations

through periodic and through

evaluation of scientific studies.

Peraturan tersebut dikembangkan

oleh organisasi ilmiah independen

melalui evaluasi studi ilmiah yang

cermat dan berkala.

The word periodic in Jhon M Echols dictionary translated only berkala but in

the TL it translated become the clause yang cermat dan berkala. It means the

word in the SL become clause in the TL. So the translation expressed


Source Language Target Language

The guidelines include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the

safety of all persons, regardless of age

and health.

Serta mencakup marjin keamanan

penting yang dirancang untuk

menjamin keselamatan semua orang

tanpa memperhitungkan usia dan


In the sentences before, The word the guidelines has translated peraturan,

but in this sentences the word the guidelines in SL is not translated in the TL. But



sentences and it collected together become one sentence, and change the word the

guidelines become conjunction serta. So this translation expressed obliged modulation.

The word exposure in SL is a noun but in the TL translated hubungan that is

verb. So the changes form word from noun become verb. So it is expressed

transposition. Word employs oxford dictionary is to give work to somebody

usually for payment, but in TL it is translated menggunakan. It means the

translator used modulation in this translation because a change of perspective.

The word form of stated is adjective in SL but in TL translated

direkomendasikan and the word form is verb. The adjective in SL become verb. In TL it is expressed to transposition. The word stated in John M Echols dictionary

means yang ditetapkan/dijanjikan, but in this translation the translator translating

the word stated become direkomendasikan. So it is expressed obliged modulation.

Source Language Target Language

The exposure standard for mobile

devices employs a unit of

measurement known as the Specific

Absorption Rate, or SAR.

Standar hubungan untuk perangkat

selular menggunakan unit

pengukuran yang dikenal sebagai

Angka Absorsi Spesifik atau SAR.

Source Language Target Language

The SAR limit stated in the

international guidelines is 2.0

watts/kilogram (W/kg).

Batas SAR yang direkomendasikan

peraturan internasional adalah 2,0


The word form of the device transmitting in SL is noun and verb, in TL

translated pemancaran perangkat, the word form of that phrase is verb and

noun. It related to transposition. Actually the verb on the front in the Bahasa is

unusual in English grammatical structure. So it is expressed transposition.

The pronoun namun in SL is not translated in SL. The translator adding

the word namun for fulfills the lexical gap by a grammatical structure. The word

can be well translated dapat berada it means the translator used modulation in that word purpose a change of category of thought.

Source Language Target Language

This is because the device is designed

to operate at multiple power levels so as

Ini karena perangkat dirancang untuk

beroperasi pada level daya yang

Source Language Target Language

Tests for SAR are conducted using

standard operating positions with the

device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested

frequency bands.

Pengujian SAR dilakukan

menggunakan posisi pengoperasian

standar dengan pemancaran

perangkat pada level daya tertinggi

yang diperbolehkan di semua

gelombang frekuensi yang di uji.

Source Language Target Language

Although the SAR is determined at the

highest certified power level, the actual

SAR of the device while operating can

be well below the maximum value.

Walaupun SAR ditentukan pada level

daya tertinggi yang diperbolehkan,

namun level SAR pada perangkat yang sebenarnya ketika beroperasi dapat



to use only the power required to reach

the network.

beragam, sehingga perangkat hanya

akan menggunakan daya yang

diperlukan untuk mencapai jaringan.

The Word perangkat in the phrase “so as to us…..” in SL is not exist in that

phrase. So the translator adding the word perangkat in the TL for fill the lexical

gap by a grammatical structure. Word form designed is noun but in the TL

translated dirancang, the word form is verb. So the translation that has word form

from noun becomes verb is transposition.

Source Language Target Language

In general, the closer you are to a base

station, the lower the power output of the device.

Secara umum, jika Anda mendekati

stasiun pangkalan antena, maka akan semakin rendah output daya.

The phrase a base station in SL if it translated in literal translation, the

translation becomes stasiun pangkalan, but the translator translates the phrase in

TL is stasiun pangkalan antena. So the phrase expressed modulation with

purposed to clearly the meaning and then the translator put the word maka in this

translation for filling the lexical gap by grammatical structure. it means this

translation expressed transposition too.

Source Language Target Language

The highest SAR value for this device

when tested for use at the ear is


Nilai SAR tertinggi untuk model


The word device in the SL if it is translated perangkat, but in the TL that word

becomes a clause model perangkat. So, the word becomes a clause, it means the

translator used a transposition in the translation.

Source Language Target Language

SAR values may vary depending on

national reporting and testing requirements and the network bands

Nilai SAR dapat bervariasi, tergantung

cakupan nasional, persyaratan pengujian, dan gelombang jaringan.

The phrase national reporting in SL translated cakupan nasional in TL,

word forms of cakupan nasional are verb+noun. Verb placed on the front in

Bahasa is unusual in English grammatical Structure. So the phrase showed

transposition in the translation.

Source Language Target Language

Use of device accessories and enhancements may result in different

SAR values.

Penggunaan aksesori perangkat utama

dan tambahannya dapat menghasilkan

nilai SAR yang berbeda.

The phrase device accessories in SL become aksesori perangkat utama in TL.

That translation showed transposition, because the word accessory in the SL is

plural noun in the English grammatical structure and becomes singular in the

Bahasa there is aksesori. In that phrase the translator also used free modulation

that tries to be neutral and objective, by adding the meaning and the style become



Source Language Target Language

Additional SAR information may be

provided under product information at


Informasi SAR tambahan mungkin tersedia pada informasi produk di


The word SAR information is an object, it is translated informasi SAR. It laid

down forward in the sentences of TL. The object that laid down forward in the

sentences does not exist in English grammatical structure. So the translation

expressed transposition.

Source Language Target Language

The SAR limit for mobile devicesused

by the public is 2,0 W/kg averaged

over 10 grams of body tissue.

Batas SAR untuk perangkat seluler yang

digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah 2,0

W/kg atau setara dengan lebih dari

sepuluh gram jaringan tubuh manusia.

The word public in the SL is translated Masyarakat in the TL, the word

public more particular than the word masyarakat. The word masyarakat have

many similar words in English languages, such as society, community, population,

etc. so the meaning of that word is more general. In this sentences showed

modulation. Phrase body tissue in the SL translated becomes jaringan tubuh

manusia. It expressed modulation means make the meaning more clear.

Source Language Target Language

The guidelines incorporate a substantial

margin of safety to give additional

protection for the the public and to account for any variations in

Batasan ini mencakup marjin keselamatan penting untuk memberikan


measurements. setiap variasi pengukuran.

The word of the guidelines, the translator translated it becomes batasan

ini, otherwise in the translation before, word guidelines translated peraturan. It

means the word guidelines expressed modulation in this translation that the

translator used a variation words through a change point of view. The word ini

does not exist in the SL, so the translator used transposition in that translation

which is replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure.

Phrase additional protection in the SL have word forms adjective and

noun. But in TL it translated perlindungan tambahan, the words form is noun and

noun. It means the phrase changes word form from adjective + noun becomes

noun + noun. So the phrase expressed transposition. The word account in SL have

word form noun but in the TL it is translated memperhitungkan, and the word

form is verb. So the translation expressed transposition because the word form

from noun becomes verb.

Source Language Target Language

SAR values may vary depending on

national reporting requirements and

the network band.

Nilai SAR dapat bervariasi, tergantung

cakupan nasional dan gelombang jaringan.

The Clause national reporting requirements and phrase network band

expressed modulation because that clause and phrase translated cakupan nasional



perspective meaning of the clause and the phrase to give the reader a clear


Source Language Target Language

For SAR information in other regions,

please look under product information

at www.nokia.com

Untuk informasi tentang SAR di

wilayah lain, lihat pada informasi produk di www.nokia.com

The command Please look under in SL translated lihat pada. The word

please is not translated in TL. It is because the word please in Bahasa is not

necessary to translate because the word lihat in TL has clearly meaning for

command. So the translator works on changing the content and the form of the SL

in a way that conforms to the rules of the language and culture in the TL

community, it means the translation expressed adaptation. Word regions in SL

translate wilayah in TL. In this translation the translator uses obliged modulation,

because the particularly word in SL become general in TL. The word wilayah can

translate in another similar word, not just one word.

Phrase another regions showed a particle letters S after the word, it means

there are many regions and that word is plural. But in Bahasa that word translated

just wilayah and showed singular. So the translation expressed transposition,

because the words change the plural into singular.


Source Language Target Language


The phrase specific absorption rate data in the SL become data nilai penyerapan khusus in the TL, because if the translation translated in the literal translation, the result of this translation feels awkward in the TL. So the translator

used transposition in this translation for the equivalent meaning in the TL not

feels awkward.

Source Language Target Language

This model meets international

guidelines for exposure to radio wave.

Model ponsel ini telah memenuhi

ketentuan international untuk aplikasi

gelombang radio.

A word meets translated telah memenuhi. the word meets in the real

translation or in dictionary is bertemu or berjumpa, so the translation telah

memenuhi have expressed modulation. The translator has used selective word for

their translation in Motorola the word international guidelines translate ketentuan

international, the translator only translate the word, phrase, and sentences that the meaning can be able accept to the target language. So the translation expressed

modulation. The word for exposure translate untuk aplikasi in TL, in this

translation the translator must find the similar meaning of exposure is put sb/sth in

a place or situation where they are unprotected against harm or danger. In Jhon M.

Echols dictionary the word exposure is translated pembukaan, kedapatan,

pembongkaran dan pencahayaan. The translators expressed modulation for that word.

Source Language Target Language



transmitter and receiver. dan penerima gelombang radio.

The word mobile in oxford dictionary it means can move or be moved

easily and quickly from place to place. So, the phrase mobile device means the

instrument that can move. In TL the phrase mobile device translated a word

ponsel, the meaning of the ponsel is the telephone that we can bring wherever we go. This translation expressed adaptation. It is because the translator used as an

effective way to deal with culturally-bound words/expressions. The word ponsel

is general used by the public in Indonesia.

The word transmitter in SL translated alat pengirim in TL. Actually in

Jhon M. Echols dictionary the word transmitter means pemancar. So translator

expressed modulation for this translation because they use another words to make

equivalent meaning.

Source Language Target Language

It designed not to exceed the limits for

exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines.

Ponsel tersebut telah di desain sehingga

tidak akan melampaui batas

pemaparan gelombang radio yang

direkomendasikan dalam ketentuan


The clause the limit for exposure translated batas pemaparan. The translator

used modulation in the translation because a word exposure means pembukaan,

pencahayaan, kedapatan etc. in Bahasa. But a word exposure in the TL translated


Source Language Target Language

These guidelines were developed by the

independent scientific organizations

INCIRP and include safety margins

designed to assure the protection of all

persons, regardless of age and health.

Ketentuan tersebut di buat oleh

organisasi sains independen ICNIRP

dan mencakup batas aman yang telah

dirancang untuk melindungi semua

orang, tanpa memperhatikan tingkat usia

dan kesehatan.

The word forms in phrase safety margins is adjective + noun in SL, but

not same as the TL safety margins translated batas aman. The word forms of

batas aman is noun + noun, so in this phrase expressed transposition in the

translation. The word to assure in the SL is not translated in the TL, because the

translator used free modulation who wants to get clear meaning in the TL.

Source Language Target Language

The guidelines use a unit of

measurement known as the Specific

Absorption Rate, or SAR.

Ketentuan tersebut menggunakan unit

pengukuran yang dikenal sebagai Data

Nilai Penyerapan Khusus, atau SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).

The clause the Specific Absoption Rate in SL translated Data Nilai

Penyerapan Khusus. If that clause translates with word- for –word, that translation can not be understood by the reader. So, the translation used

modulation to find out the equivalent meaning of the clause.

Source Language Target Language

The ICNIRP SAR limit for mobiles

devices used by the general public is 2

W/kg and the highest SAR value for this

Batas SAR ICNIRP untuk ponsel yang

digunakan oleh publik adalah 2 W/kg



device when tested at the ear was 1.33


saat di uji di telinga adalah 1.33W/kg.

In the SL the phrase general public only translated publik in the TL. The

word general is not translated in the TL. It means the translator used modulation

in the translation.

Source Language Target Language

As mobile devices offer a range of

function, they can be used in other positions, such as on the body as

described in this user guide.

Karena ponsel menawarkan jangkauan

fungsi yang beragam, maka ponsel dapat digunakan pada posisi yang

berbeda-beda, seperti yang digunakan di

tubuh seperti yang diuraikan di buku

petunjuk pengguna.

Phrase a range of functions translated fungsi yang beragam, it is free

modulation because in the TL the phrase is not translating in the contextual

meaning but it is translated in the nearest meaning from the SL. So it is expressed

free modulation.

Source Language Target Language

In this case, the highest tested SAR

value is 0,72 W/kg.

Dalam kasus ini, nilai SAR tertinggi

yang di uji adalah 0,72 W/kg.

The phrase SAR value is an object in the SL and TL, but in the TL the object

nilai SAR laid down forward, that is not exist in English grammatical structure.


Source Language Target Language

As SAR is measured utilizing the

device’s highest transmitting power, the

actual SAR of this device while

operating is typically below that indicated above.

Karena SAR dihitung dengan

menggunakan perangkat berdaya

pengiriman tertinggi, maka nilai SAR

aktual dari perangkat ini saat

digunakan berada di bawah nilai yang diindikasikan di atas.

A word measured is an adjective in the SL, but in the TL the word

measured translated dihitung is a verb. So the changing word form from adjective

become verb expressed transposition. The phrase while operating translated into

TL is saat digunakan. In the SL the sentence is active, but the translator changes it

into passive in the TL. So the translation expressed transposition. In the SL the

word operating according to Jhon M. Echols dictionary the meaning is

mengoperasikan, but in the translator change the word in the TL become

digunakan. So it means the translator used modulation in the translation.

Source Language Target Language

This is due to automatic changes to the

power level of the device to ensure it

only uses the minimum level required to reach the network.

Hal ini disebabkan oleh perubahan

otomatis pada level daya di perangkat tersebut untuk memastikan perangkat

tersebut menggunakan level daya

minimum yang dibutuhkan usntuk

menjangkau jaringan.

The phrase automatic changes consists of adjective and noun in the SL that

phrase is translated into TL perubahan otomatis that consists noun and noun. The



transposition. The word only in the SL is not translated into TL, the translator

eliminate the word only for clearly the meaning in the TL. So the translator used

modulation in the sentences.

Source Language Target Language

While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various

phones and at various positions, they all

meet the governmental requirements

for safe exposure.

Pada berbagai jenis ponsel dapat

memiliki tingkat SAR yang

berbeda-beda dan pada berbagai posisi,

kesemuanya memenuhi persyaratan

pemerintah untuk penggunaan yang


In the conjuction While there may be in the SL the translator translated

Pada in the TL it is expressed free modulation because it change point of view,

perspective, and category of thought, because if the reader read the whole

sentence in the context, the translation is absurd, because it is not easy to

understand. So the translator makes the reader is easy to understand with the

meaning using modulation in those sentences.

Source Language Target Language

Please note that improvements to this product model could cause differences

in the SAR value for later products; in

all cases, products are designed to be

within the guidelines.

Perhatikan bahwa pengubahan terhadap model produk ini dapat

mengakibatkan perbedaan dalam nilai

SAR untuk produk selanjutnya; dalam


berdasarkan persyaratan.

Command please note in the SL translated perhatikan. The word please

note in the literal translation become tolong catat. But in this translation it is

expressed adaptation about the word please, sometimes in Bahasa the word please

in the sentences is not translated but it changes into word or phrase that meaning

is a warning. It is related the rules of the language and culture in the TL

community. The word the guidelines in the translation before in the TL translated

ketentuan, but in this translation, word the guidelines becomes persyaratan. So

the word the guidelines expressed free modulation, because the meaning of that

word can change into equivalent meaning.

Source Language Target Language

The World Health Organization has

stated that present scientific

information does not indicate the need

for any special precautions for the use

of mobile device.

Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia telah

mengeluarkan pernyataan bahwa

informasi sains saat ini tidak

menunjukan pentingnya tindakan

pencegahan khusus untuk menggunakan


A word stated in the SL become clause in the TL that is mengeluarkan

pernyataan. So it expressed transposition that the word become clause. The word

need in the SL translated pentingnya in the TL. Actually the word need if it is

translated from dictionary Jhon M. Echols the meaning is butuh. But the translator

translates that word become pentingnya with purpose to finding equivalent



Source Language Target Language

They note that if you want to reduce

your exposure then you can do so by

limiting the length of calls or using a

“handsfree” device to keep the mobile

phone away from the head and body.

Mereka hanya menyarankan apabila

Anda ingin mengurangi tingkat

pemaparan terhadap gelombang radio, Anda cukup mengurangi penggunaan ponsel atau menggunakan

perangkat bebas genggam untuk

menjauhkan ponsel dari kepala dan

tubuh Anda.

A word note in the SL translated hanya menyarankan is a cluase in the TL, the

word become clause expressed transposition in the translation. Same as the

explanation above, the word exposure translated a clause tingkat pemaparan

terhadap gelombang radio. The word become clause expressed transposition.

Pharse limiting the length of calls translated become mengurangi penggunaan

ponsel. The negative sentences become positive in the TL. So it expressed modulation.

Source Language Target Language

Additional information can be found on the websites of the World Health

Organization (http://www.who.int/emf)

or Motorola,Inc.


Informasi lebih lanjut dapat Anda

peroleh di situs web Organisasi

Kesehatan Dunia

(http://www.who.int/emf) or



The word additional is adjective and information is noun in the SL, in the TL


expressed transposition because the word form adjective+noun changed into



Comparing Procedure of Translation in Handphone Nokia

Exprees Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s Guide Books.

In the translation above, they have same words, phrase, and sentences in

these translation, so the writer tries to comparing it in the translation procedure

that translator used, here they are:

Source Language Target language

international guidelines

for exposure to radio waves.

Nokia Motorola

pedoman international

untuk sambungan ke

gelombang radio

ketentuan international

untuk aplikasi

gelombang radio

The word guidelines in Jhon M Echols dictionary means garis pedoman,

and in the KBBI it means pokok yang menjadi petunjuk atau pegangan

menentukan atau melaksanakan sesuatu. In Nokia user’s guide the word the

guidelines translated pedoman it is has equivalent with the meaning of word from

Jhon M Echols dictionary that is garis pedoman. But in Motorola user’s guide the

word guidelines translated ketentuan, in KBBI ketentuan means kepastian, so this

meaning almost equal with pedoman. So this translation expressed free

modulation because the translator used the modulation to make the clearer

meaning or to make the translation in the TL feels natural and familiar.

The word exposure in Nokia user’s guide book translated sambungan but

in Motorola the word exsposure translated aplikasi. In Jhon M Echols dictionary



translation in Nokia user’s guide book expressed obliged modulation and

transposition. The first, the translator used obliged modulation in the word

exposure translated sambungan in Nokia user’s guide book because that word has not the equivalent word in the SL, so the translator must set it in the context

become sambungan. The second is the word form from exposure in the SL is

noun and in the word form sambungan in the TL is verb, so the translator used

transposition the word form noun become verb in that translation.

In Motorola user’s guide books the word exposure translated aplikasi. The

translator translated the word exposure become aplikasi because that word has not

the equivalent word in the SL, so the translator must set it in the context become

aplikasi for make the reader understand with the translation.

Source Language Target language

Your mobile device is

radio transmitter and


Nokia Motorola

Perangkat selular anda

merupakan pemancar

sekaligus penerima

gelombang radio

Ponsel anda merupakan

alat pengirim dan

penerima gelombang


The word mobile in Oxford dictionary means can moved or be moved easily

and quickly from place to place, in Bahasa it means perangkat yang berpindah-pindah. And the word device translated perangkat. In KBBI the word seluler in

the TL has same meaning with tanpa kabel dan berpindah-pindah. So the

translator used transposition, because the phrases mobile device translated


totally in the TL from SL in Nokia user’s guide book. It is different from

translation procedure of Motorola user’s guide book, the word mobile device

translated ponsel. In this translation, the translator used as an effective way to deal

with culturally-bound words/expressions. The word ponsel is abbreviation from

handphone seluler, so that word is usually used by general public in Indonesia. So

it is expressed adaptation.

The word transmitter in John M Echols dictionary means pemancar. In

Nokia user’s guide book the word transmitter translated pemancar, it means the

translator translated the text same with the John M Echols dictionary and it can be

equivalent in the translation. But in the Motorola user’s guide book the word

transmitter translated alat pengirim in TL. So translator expressed modulation for this translation because they use another words to make equivalent meaning.

Source Language Target language

Not to exceed the limits

for exposure

Nokia Motorola

Tidak melampaui batas


Tidak akan melampaui

batas pemaparan.

As we know in the translation before the word exposure means

pembukaan, pencahayaan, kedapatan etc. but in both translation the word

exposure translated hubungan and pemaparan. It showed that the translator used obliged modulation in both translation because that word has not the equivalent

word in the SL, so the translator must set it in the context become hubungan and



Source Language Target language

Regardless of age and health

Nokia Motorola



tingkat usia dan


Tanpa memperhatikan

tingkat usia dan


In John M Echols dictionary the word regardless means tanpa

memperhatikan, in Motorola user’s guide book the word regardless translated

tanpa memperhatikan, it means the translator translated the text same with the John M Echols dictionary and it can be equivalent in the translation. But in Nokia

user’s guide book the word regardless translated tanpa memperhitungkan. It

means the translator used the free modulation in that phrase to make clearer the

meaning and have equivalent meaning in the TL.

Source Language Target language

The specific absorption rate.

Nokia Motorola

Angka absorpsi spesifik Data nilai penyerapan

The phrase specific absorption rate data in the SL become data nilai

penyerapan in the Motorola user’s guide book in the TL and angka absorpsi spesifik in the Nokia user’s guide book, because if the translation translated in the literal translation, the result of this translation feels awkward in the TL. So the

translators used transposition in this translation for the equivalent meaning in the


Source Language Target language

Safety margin Nokia Motorola

Marjin keamanan Batas aman

The word forms in phrase safety margins is adjective + noun in SL, but not

same as the TL, safety margins translated in Motorola user’s guide book is batas

ama, and in Nokia user’s guides book is marjin keamanan. The word forms from both Target Language is noun + noun, there have changes word form from SL

into TL, adjective + noun become noun+noun. so in those phrase expressed

transposition in the translation.


Analysis of Translation Procedure in Handphone Nokia

Exprees Music 5300 and Motorola L6 user’s Guide Books.

Based on the data description and explanation in the handphone user’s guide

books above, the writer tries to find out some analysis. Here they are:

1) Transposition in the handphone user’s guide books Nokia 5300 Express Music

and Motorola L6 is found mostly when the translation changing word forms

from Source Language into Target language, they are adjective+noun

becomes noun+noun, word becomes clause, adjective+noun becomes

noun+clause, noun becomes verb, adjective becomes verb, noun+verb

becomes verb+noun, the active sentences becomes the passive sentences,



object and verb that placed in forward does not exist in the English Grammatical structure.

2) Modulation in the handphone user’s guide books Nokia 5300 Express Music

and Motorola L6 occurs mostly when the translators translates words, phrases,

and sentences into TL based on the TL’s perspective. There are some words

and phrases which are not translated literally in the handphone user’s guide books Nokia 5300 Express Music and Motorola L6 because of the differences point of view, perspective, and category of thought. If the translator translates the text literary, the TL would be awkward and the readers could not

understand to read the text. It is in accordance with the theory that modulation

is a procedure of translation occurs when there is a change of perspective

accompanied with a lexical change in the TL. Also the particular word in SL

changes general in TL and negative sentence become positive sentence to get

the equivalent meaning.

3) Adaptation, in the handphone user’s guide books Nokia 5300 Express Music

and Motorola L6, the translator has to create a new situation that can be

considered as being equivalent, and for this translation adaptation is generally used culturally bounds in expression that the people usually used in daily life

to decrease misunderstanding.

4) Couplets, it occurs when the translator combines two differences procedures.

In those translations the translator used more than one translation procedure. It

is because in each word, phrase, and sentences have some translation



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