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An error analysis on students’ using modal auxiliaries can and could


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Junior High School Al-Ma’mun - Education Center Serua, Depok) A “skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments

for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Language Educational


LU,LUIL MAKNUN 208014000107





A “skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments

for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Language Educational


LU,LUIL MAKNUN 208014000107

The advisor 1 The advisor II

Drs.Nasifuddin Jalil M.Ag Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum


NIP.19761007 200710 1 002






Lu,luil Maknun (208014000107) AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON STUDENTS


Grade of SMPIT AMEC (Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center), Serua Depok. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Advisor l : Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil,M.Ag Advisor ll : Zaharil Anashy,M.Hum

Keyword: Analysis, Grammatical Error on Modal Auxilaries Can and Could.



Education Center), Serua Depok. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Pembimbing l : Drs.Nasifuddin Jalil,M.Ag Pembimbing ll : Zaharil Anasy,M.Hum

Kata Kunci : Analysis, Grammatical Error on modal CAN and COULD.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui jenis dan penyebab kesalahan grammar MODAL Can dan Could dan penyebab kesalahan yang banyak dilakukan oleh siswa kelas VIII A SMPIT AMEC (Sekolah Menegah Pertama Islam Terpadu AL-Makmun Education Center), Serua Depok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis / metode quantitatif dengan menggunakan rumus: P = F/N. Data diambil dari hasil tes siswa dengan mengikuti prosedur pada metode tersebut yaitu menghimpun data dari siswa,menganalisanya, dan mendeskripsikan kesalahan yang terdapat pada soal siswa kemudian mengambil langkah interpretasi data dan langkah terakhir menyimpulkan hasil penelitian ini, Data dikumpulkan melalui test yang sudah diberikan ke siswa. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive clustering sample

dengan total populasi 120 siswa dari 3 kelas, tetapi hanya kelas VIII A yang berjumlah 30 siswa yang diambil sebagai sampel karena pada saat itu dua siswa sakit dan yang empat absen jadi peneliti hanya mengambil 24 siswa untuk diteliti.Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan yang paling banyak adalah salah formasi yaitu sebanyak 131 kesalahan atau 55%. Kemudian yang kedua adalah penambahan kata yaitu sebanyak 40 kesalahan atau 17% menghilangkan yang seharusnya ada dengan Kesalahan 34 atau 15% Kemudian yang terakhir salah membuat struktur kalimat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebanyakan siswa kelas VIII A SMPIT AMEC, Serua Depok banyak membuat kesalahan pada formasi dengan total kesalahan 131 kesalahan, kedua penambahan kata, menghilangkan kata dan kesalahan penempatan kata dalam kalimat. Penulis menyimpulkan empat dasar pengajaran itu telah gagal diajarkan di SMPIT tsbt. Alasan mengapa mereka membuat kesalahan tersebut karena mereka sulit membedakan antara bahasa ibu dengan target language



be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his followers.

The researcher presents this “Skripsi” to Department of English Education of

Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training Faculty UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for sarjana degree (S1). This work could not be completed without great deal of help from many people, especially Drs.Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag and Zaharil Anashy,M.Hum, Advisors who always guide and suggest the

researcher for making a “Skripsi”, from the beginning until the end.

On this occasion, the researcher would like to express the great honor, his beloved parents, Nurkholis & Munawiroh, who always give support and motivation

to finish the “Skripsi”.

The researcher also would like to convey his sincerest gratitude and acknowledgement to:

1. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the head of English Education Department.

2. Mr. Zaharil, M. Hum., the Secretary of Department of English Education.

3. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers‟ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. All lecturers in English Education Department who have taught the researcher during his study in Islamic State University.

4. His beloved brother and sister for their helps and supports.

5. The researcher classmate PBI C Non Regular 2008 who have given the researcher great supports and motivations.

The researcher also wishes to thank to his entire friends for their support.where he cannot mention one by one. And may this “Skripsi” be useful to the

readers, particularly to the researcher. Also the researcher realized that this “Skripsi is

far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for his to receive constructive suggestion from

anyone who reads his “Skripsi”.

Jakarta, July 31, 2015









A.Background of the Study... 1

B.Limitation of the Study ... 3

C.Formulation of the Study ... 4

D.The Significance of the Study ... 4

E. Organization of the Study ... 5


A. Error ... 6

1. Definition of Error ... 6

2. The Types of Error ... 7

3. The Cause of Error ... 8

B. Error Analysis ... 9

1. Definition of Error Analysis ... 9

2. The Differences between Error and Mistake ... 10

3. Steps in Analyzing Error ... 11

4. The Goal of Error Analysis ... 13

C. Modal Auxiliaries ... 13

1. Definition of Modal Auxiliary ... 13

2. English Modal Auxiliary ... 14




A. Place and Time of the Study ... 22

B. The Subject of the Study ... 22

C. Method of the Study ... 22

D. Instrument of the Research ... 23

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 23

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 23


A. Research Finding ... 24

1. Data Description ... 24

2. Data Analysis ... 25

B. Interpretation ... 74


A. Conclusion ... 76

B. Suggestion ... 76







Interview Guide for Teacher……….. 1A

The Result of English Teacher Interview ………. 1B

Interview Guide for Student ………. 2A

The Result of Students’ Interview ……… 2B

The Test Instrument ………. 3

The Answer key of Instrument Test ………. 4

The Students’ Score of the Test ………... 5

Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ……….. 6



In this chapter the writer would like to explain about the background of the

study, limitation of the study, formulation of the study, the significance of study

and the organization of study.

A. Background of Study

Nowadays, it is acknowledged that English is one of the well-known

languages in the world. It has become the most widely studied foreign language

on the earth1. English language is an international language that is mostly utilized by the word society to get interracial interaction and communication. One of the

important things for preferring in that communication is mastering the

international language, whether it is in written form or spoken form.

The other reason language is important : we use it to define who we are

and to shape our place in life. people use it to learn, to socialize, to dream, to

think,etc.2 According to Raja T.Nasr Language is a part of culture ; it is a part of human behavior . Language is an acquired habit of systematic vocal activity

representing meaning coming from human experience.3

In Indonesia English is the first foreign language. Hartono, said : At least,

three major roles are played by this foreign language ; (1) as a means of

communication with other nations, (2) as an aid to develop Indonesian people to

have modern language ; and (3) as an instrument in utilizing science and

technology for the nation development.4 Grammar is also needed even in the communication even in the communication because it can avoid


Jack C Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method’s in language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University press, 1980), p. 25.


James D. William, The LEA Guide to Composition, (New York: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,200), p. 1.


Raja T. Nasr, The Essentials of Linguistic Science), (Singapore: Longman Singapore Published (Pte) Ltd., 1985), p. 1.



misunderstanding. By mastering grammar, it is hoped that students can share the

information and be more confident to express your idea when you do the

communication with other people. If students good in saying the words you will

understand about the things that you wants to share. The effective communication

would be seriously impaired without the ability to use grammar in a variety

situation. The more someone can master the grammar, the more he or she proves

that he or she is capable in English.

Grammar is an important element to be learned in learning a language

because it is used to understand the language. Language without grammar can

cause confusion in comprehending the ideas, opinions, feelings of the person who

expresses oral or written. Any person who is good at grammar can communicate

with language better than person that is low at grammar.

Grammar is one of the language aspects which is taught to every language

learner. It is as the basic knowledge and as important role in understanding the

English language. “Grammar is partly the study of what forms (or structures) are

possible in a language. Traditionally, Grammar is a description of the rules that

govern how language‟s sentences are formed‟‟5

According to As Paul Robert; “grammar is a body of generalization about

how people say things”6

Cook and Suter also said that “Grammar is a written description of the

rules a language"7 According to Celce Murcia and Sharon Hills, grammar is a subset of those rules which govern the configuration that the morphology and

syntax of a language assume. 8 Using language with grammar accuracy is only part of communication to convey a message, where grammar is merely a tool. For

some student who have a lack of knowledge in grammar, of course they will get

confused how many different meaning of the verb “in spoken and written”, why


Scott Thornburry, How to teach grammar, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 1999), p. 1.


Paul Robert, Understanding grammar, p. 15.


Stanley J.Cook and Richard W. Suter the scope of Grammar : A study of modern English

(USA:McGraw-Hill,Inc.,1980), p. 2.



the verb in sentence must change, etc. there for to make them not confused

anymore, they have to master grammar. By mastering it they will understand the

rules and how the sentences are constructed.

There are many aspects discussed in English grammar one of them is

“Modal auxiliaries”. Or “modal verb” are: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, and must. These auxiliaries add to a special semantic component such

as Ability, obligation, possibility. They have special grammatical features; have

more than one meaning, and also complex. Some Grammatical modal change

meaning in the negative must be expressed with other auxiliaries. Even though the

modals are used only with the simple form of the verb. And here the students still

have difficulties to make the sentences using auxiliaries and to decide the meaning

of the modal.

Next, here are examples of wrong sentences that are often made by the

students using the form of modal.

We must to study hard for English test He can to speak English

She could spoke English well, and soon

In this case, the writer is interested to search the student‟s errors in learning some

modal auxiliaries entitled An Error Analysis on Students’ Using Modal

Auxiliaries CAN and COULD (A Case Study at The Eighth Grade Students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Ma’mun Education Center),the writer tries to identify, observing and analyze them.

B.Limitation of the Study

It is essential to limit the problem in order to avoid misunderstanding in

interpreting the problem. The writer limits the problem in this writing only in the

student‟s Error made by students using modal auxiliaries. They are: both can and could and the reasons why the students find difficulties in learning these modal


C. Formulation of the Study

Based on the statement in the background of the study described above, it

is necessary to analyze the student‟s difficulties using modal auxiliaries at second

year of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Ma’mun -Education Center, The general question of this study is

“Do the second year students ofintegrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Centerfind difficulties using modal auxiliaries?”

To specify this problem, the specific research questions are formulated as follows;

1. What types of error are made by second year students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center using modal auxiliaries

Can and Could?

2. Why do the second year students of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center make error using modal auxiliaries Can and


D. The significance of the study

This results of the present research are expected to give some benefits or

suggestion not only theoritically but also practically go to:

1. Students

The findings of the present study may encourage the students to produce

Modal Auxiliaries correctly and enhance their English proficiency; they are also expected to be able to identify their error and to avoid the error or mistake in the


2. Teacher

It is expected to be useful information for the teacher so that they will

know how far the students comprehend the Grammar Modal and the errors made. It also enables the teacher to do some evaluation to improve their teaching

techniques, and to develop teaching materials effectively.

3. Other Researcher

It can be used as basic information and suggestion for further studies


E. Organization of the study

In discussing the topic, the writer divides this study into five chapters as

follows: chapter one is introduction, involving the background of study, the

limitation of the study, the formulation of the study, the significance of the study

and the organization of study. In chapter two, the writer will discuss about

theoretical framework. This chapter will be divided into three sub chapters. The

first is talking about modal auxiliaries, kinds of modal, form of modals and

meaning of modals. The second is talking about modal auxiliaries; Can and

could, usage of Can and could, and similar expression of Can and could. The

third is talking about students difficulties using Modal auxiliaries of can and



framework which is covering the definition of error, type of error, the causes of

error, the difference between error and mistake, error analysis, definition of error

analysis, steps in analyzing error and the goal of error analysis.


1. Definition of Error

According to Brown errors are part of the students Interlingua that is the

version of the language which a learner has at any one stage of development, and

which is continually reshaped as he or aims toward full mastery.

Therefore, Dullay stated that error is the flawed side of learner speech or

writing. Those are part of conversation or composition that deviates from some

selected norm of mature language performance1. it means that there is a stray norm of language performance . the making of an error is part of language

learning, and it is invitable because people cannot learn language without

commiting error, But here Brown has different opinion . He define an error as

noticable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker reflecting the

interlingual competence of the learner2

The writer also conclude error is a part of foreign language learning process

that made by students cause by thier lack of comprehending in the target language

rules. When the students learn about target language they make plenty of error, it

is natural part of language acquisition process, How to know the students error are

needed the error analysis.


Heidi Dullay, Marina Burt, Stephen Karshen, Language Two (New York: Oxford university Press, 1982), p. 138.



2. The types of Error

Based on surface strategy taxonomy, Dulay classify types of error, such as

Omission, addition, misformation, and misordering:3

1. Omission

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in

a well- formed utterance. Although any morpheme or word in a sentence is an

ommision, this type of erro occure if there is an omission of some required item,

such as morpheme or word. For example : Hani is the owner of the new company

The correct one is ; Hani is owner new company

2. Addition

Students not only omit elements, which they regard as redundant, but they also

add dedudant elements. Addition error is the opposite of omission. They are

characterized by the presence of an item which must not appear in well- formed

utterance. There are three types of addition errors:

a) Double Marking

Double Marking Error, occurs when two items with the same feature in a

sentence, but only one item is required

For example : He doesn‟t knows my name The correct is: He doesn‟t know my name

Because, that item rather than one is marked for the same feature ( tense,

in that example), this type of addition error has been called double marking.

b) Regularization

A rule typically applies to a class of lingustic items, such as the class of

main verbs or the class nouns. There are both regular and irregular forms and

construction in language, learners apply the rules used to produce the regular

ones to those that are irregular, resulting in error of regulation. Such as, the

verb eat no become eated ; the noun sheep is also sheep in the plural, not sheeps.



c) Simple Addition

Simple Addition error is the use of an item which should mot apperar in

well-formed utterance, and they are not double marking or regularization error.

3. Misformation

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form

of the morphemes or structure. In misformation errors the learner supplies

something, although it is incorrect.

4. Misordering

Misordering error occurs because of incorrect placement of a

morpheme or a group of morpheme in an utterance. Example: he is all the time late. All the time late is misordered. The correct one is : He is late all the time.

3. The Causes of Error

Error occurs when the students learning foreign language, so the teacher must

analyze what kinds of causes of errors that happened to students. Some expert

discuss about causes of errors.

Brown states four sources of error, they are : iterlingual transfer, intralingual

transfer, context of learning and communication strategies.4

a. Intrerlingual Transfer

Interlingual errors happened because the interference of a mother tounge

into a target language. In this early stage, before the system of the second

language is familiar, the native language is the only linguistic system in previous

experience upon which the learner can draw.

b. Intralingual Transfer

The early stage of language learning is charaterized by a predominance of

interlingual transfer, but once the learner have begun to acquire part of the new

system, more and more interlingual generalization within the target language



manifested , and thier previous language experience begin to include structure

within the target language itself.

c. Context of Learning

In the case of school learning, context refers to the classroom with its teacher

and material, and in the case of untutored second language learning, context refers

to the social situation. In a classroom context, the teacher or text book can lead the

learner to make faulty hypothesis about the language. Students often make errors

because of misleading explanation of the teacher, faulty presentation of a structure

or word in a textbook, or even because of improperly contextualized pattern.

d. Communication Strategies

Communication strategies were defined as related to learnning style,

Communication strategies related to how people express meaning and deliver

messages to others. In learning process, some students may be using some

strategies and styles to express thier messages. However, those strategies that

students use sometime can make themselves become a source of error.

B. Error Analysis

1. Definition of Error Analysis

It is imposible that learners never make some errors in language learning

process. In fact, it is very normal and unavoidable during the process of learning.

Dulay said that “ making error is an inevitable part of learning. People can not

learn language without first systematically errors”. 5

The fact that the learners do make errors and that these errors can be

observed, analyzed, and clasified led to a surge of learners‟ errors called as errors

analysis.6 Trough the error analysis teacher or researcher except to know more

why students make some error. James pointed out, “ Error analysis is the process

of determining to incidence nature, cause and consequences of unsuccesful



Heidi Dulay, op. cit., p. 138.


H. Douglas Brown, op. cit., p. 218.



Moreover, Crystal pointed out, “ Error analysis in language teaching and

learning, the study of unacceptable forms procedure by someone learning a

language, especially a foreign language” 8

Sharma stated that error analysis is defined as a process based on alaysis of

learners‟ error with one clear objective: evolving a suitable and effective teaching learning strategy and remedial measure necessary in certain clearly marked out

areas of the foreign language.9

The writer summarize, error analysis is done because there are unacceptable

forms that apper by student, notably for the students who studying second

language. And error analysis is the study of lignustic that gives a way to teachers

about how to correct the students error in order to improve the effectiveness of

thier teaching learning.

Meanwhile , Brown briefly stated, “ The study of learners” error is called error analysis”10

Based on the statement above, the writer summarizes that error

analysis is a procedure that is done by teacher or researcher for the unacceptable

forms of procedure by students who learn a foreign language. Then, to identify an

error is “ However, as linguists pay attention to the distinction between an errror

and mistake , it is necessary to go over the definition of the two different

phenomena11 Furthermore, Erdogan concludes that there are two types of classification between error and mistake

2. The Differences Between Mistake and Error

Error is usually compared with mistake, but there is distinction between them.

Error and mistake are not the same, but most people still misunderstand in getting

definition of both. To be more clarified between error and mistake, Hubbard et al

said,“Error are caused by lack of knowledge about the target language (English)


David, Crystal, An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages., (England: Blackwell., 1992), p. 125.


S.K Sharma, Error Analysis: Why and How?. English Teaching Forum, (April, 1982), p. 21.


Brown, Principle of Language., p. 217.


Vecide Erdogan, Constribution of Error Analysis to Foreign Language Teaching,


or by incorrect hyphotheses about it: and mistake is caused by temporary lapes of

memory is if the learners can correct themselves, it is probably a mistake, if they

cannot , it is an error. 12

According to Hubbard et al, “Mistake is caused by temporary lapses of memory, confused, slips of tounge and soon”

Corder made a distinction between a mistake and an error,i.e: Wherease a

mistake ia a random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitement, etc, and

therefore can be readily self-corrected, an error is a systematic deviation made by

learners who have not yet mastered the rules of L2. A learner cannot self-correct

an error because it is a product reflective of his or her current stage of L2

development, or underlying competence. Rather than being seen as something to

be prevented, then errors were signs that learners were actively engaged in

hyphothesis testing which would ultimately in the acquisition of TL rules. 13

Language use that is caused by some aspects of performance such as

emotion and exhaust. It also can happen when learners get lack of some

performance such as carelessness and lack of attention. On the other hand, errors

are the failure to apply the language system or because the learner‟s lack of

knowledge about the rules, etc. The difference between error and mistake are,

error cannot be self- correction thus mistake can be self-correction.

3. Steps in Analyzing Errors

According to Rod Ellis, the procedure for analyzing errors includes five

steps, there are: 14

1. Collection a sample of learner‟s language

Most samples of learners language which have been used in error analysis

include data collected from many speakers who are responding to the same kind

of task or test. Some studies use samples from a few learner that are collected over


Vecide Erdogan, loc. cit., p. 263.


Diane Larsen-Freeman and Michael H.Long, An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research, (London and New York: Longman Group UK, 1991), pp 58-59.



a period of weeks, months, or oven years in order to determine patterns of change

in error occurrence with increasing L2 exposure and proficiency.

2. Identification of errors

The first step in the analysis requires determination of elemements in the

sample of learner language which deviate from the target L2 in some way. The

indentification of error involves a comparison between what the learner has

produced and what a native speaker counterpart would produce in the same


3. Description of errors

The description of error involves specify how the form by the learner differ

from target form. For purposes of analysis, errors are usually clasified according

to language level (whether and error is phonological, morphological, syntactic

etc). General lingustic category (e.g. auxiliary system, passive sentence, negative

sentence, negative construction). Or more specific lisngustic elements (e.g.

articles, preposition, verb form).

4. Explanation of errors

Accounting for why an error was made is the most important step in trying to

understand the processes of SLA. Two of the most likely causes of L2 errors are interlingual and intralingual factors.

5. Evaluation of errors

This step involves analysis on what effect the error has on whoever is being

addressed. According to Ellis, the design of error evaluation studies involves

decision on who the addressees (e.i. the judges) will be, what errors they will be

asked to judge, and how they will asked to judged them. 15 morever, in the evaluation of errors the teacher may asks the adressees of error then try to correct

the error by themselves. There evaluation of error includes the following steps:

a. Selected the errors to be evaluated

b. Decides the criterion on which the errors are to be judged

c. Prepare the error evaluation instrument

d. Choose the judges.



4. The Goal of Error Analysis

Error analysis also has a purpose in the last of the analysis. According to

Dulay that studying students‟ error serves two major purposes:16

a. It provides data from which inferences about the nature of language learning

process can be made.

b. In indicates to teacher and curriculum developers which part of the target

language students have most difficulty producting correctly and which errors

types detract most from a learners‟ ability to communicate effectively.

The theroritical aspect of error analysis is part of the methodology of

investigating that the language learning process. Ellis states that the purpose of the

error analysis is to help learners learn a L2, there is a need to evaluate errors. 17 it means that after the research found the errors that students make, it is important to

evaluate them and explain to learners so they will not do the same errors in

another time. And then they will understand and learn L2 better than before.

C. Modal Auxiliary

1. The Definitiation of Modal Auxiliary

Modal auxiliary or called modal verbs may sound difficult but in fact they

are easy. They are invariable (no conjuction). And the main verb is always the “ bare infinitive” (without “to”). Modal auxiliary generally express a speaker‟s attitudes, or “mood” for example, modal can express that a speaker fells something necessary, advisable, permisabble, possible, or probable: and in

addition they can convey the strength of these attitudes.18 There are the modal verb can, could, may, might, must, will, would,shall,should, ought, and need.

They are different from the other three auxiliary verbs (do, be and have). In two ways. Firstly, they have special grammatical features (for instance, they have no

infinitive and the third person singular has no “S”). And secondly, most modal

verbs have not only a grammatical function, but also a “ dictionary meaning” for

instance,must can mean “be obliged to” (do, be and have do not really have


Dulay, Burt, Krashen, op.cit., p. 138.


Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquisition, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 19.



“meaning”) of this kind when they are used as auxiliary verbs). 19

modal verb is

technical one of these verb form: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will,

would, must, ought to, need, had better and dare. They are all used with other

verb to change thier meaning by expressing ideas such as possibility, permision,

or intension. 20

Modal verb is different from auxiliary verb (or helping) verbs that are used

togerther with other verbs to “help” them particular grammatical functions or

meaning ( for instance, to make questions, or to form tenses). In English, a lot of

important meaning are expressed by changes in the verb, for example :

questioning, negation, time, completion, continuation, repetation, willingness,

possibility, and obligation. But English verb do not have may different forms,

(e.g.see, sees, seeing, saw, seen). So to express these meanings, a number of

auxiliary verbs are used such as do,be and have.

Do is used to make question and negative form of simple tenses, and for

some other purposes, Be is used with particeples (-ing and –ed form) to make

progressive and passive verb-form. Have is used to make perfect verb forms. Do,

be and have also have other “non-auxiliary uses.21

In conclusion, modal auxiliaries are functional words that help verbs forms

to express specific meaning such as ability, probability, posibility, obligatory, etc.

2. English Modal Auxiliaries

In English, such verbs have largely replaced the subjunctive mood, and

three kinds of modality can be distinguished for them: 22

1. Epsitemic modality, which expresses a judgment a bout the truth of a

preposition (whether it is possible, probable, or necessarily true): jhon may be in his home.

2. Deontic modality, which involves the giving of directives (in terms of such

notions as permission and obligation) : you must leave immediately.


Betty Schramfer Azhar, Understanding and using English Grammar Edition, (New Prentice Hall regents. 1989), p. 68.


Longman Dictionary, p. 916.


Michael Swam, (Practical English Usage), p. 91.



3. Dynamic modality, which describes such properties as ability and volition to

the subject of the sentences : l can come. Often the same modals verb is used for more than one kinds of modality: may, for possibility (it may rain tommorow) and permission (you may smoke now): must for necessity (the plane must have landed by now). And obligation (l must go).

According to Betty schramfer azhar, the types of modal auxiliaries can be

divided into two kinds. First , modal auxiliaries with different meaning such us :

can, could, had better, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would.

Second, modal auxiliaries with similar expression such as: be able to, be going

to,be supposed to, be to, have to, have got to, used to. 23

Modal and semi modal can be grouped into three major categories according

to thier main meaning (excluding used to, which relates to past time).

a. Permission/possibility/ability: can, could, may, might

b. Obligation/neccesity: must, should, had better, Have (got) to, need to, ought

to, be supposed to.

c. Volition /prediction : will, would, shall, be going to.24

Can and could are modal auxiliaries that used to assist verb to express

ability, possibility and permission. Like other modal auxiliaries can and could are

usually placed before the predicates of the sentences in positive sentence, for

example : l can swim, he could play guitar. In negative sentences, modal need

“Not” between modal and verb, for example: I cannot swim, he colud not play guitar. In interrogative sentence, for example : Can I swim? Could he play Guitar?

3. Sentence pattence of modal

Sentence is a group of word that contains at least object and one verb. A

sentence expresses a complete thought.25

a. Positive sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliaries in the positive sentences is:


Betty Schramfer Azhar, Understanding and Using English Grammar p. 68.


Stig Johanson, Geoffy Leechand Doughlas Bibes, Longman Grammar of spoken and Written English, (London: Edinburgh gate 2000), p. 485.



S + modal auxiliaries + V ( invinitive without “to” +o/c)

e.g: Hani can speak English well

b. Negative sentence

The pattern of modal auxiliaries in the negative sentence is :

S + modal auxiliaries +not+V( infinitive without “to” +o/c)

e.g: Hani can not speak English well

c. Introgative sentence

The pattern of modal auxilaries in the introgative sentence is:

Modal auxilaries +S+V (infinitive without “to”+ o/c)

e.g: Can she speak english well?

D. Modal Auxilaries : Can and Could

Usage of modal : can and could

Can is used informally to request permission, especially if the speaker is

talking to someone he/she know fairly well.26 The detail functions of can are followed:

a. To express the ability.

e.g: I can speak three foreign language

b. To express request to someone else for doing something.

e.g : Can you help me?

c. To express asking or giving permission.

- Giving permission

e.g: you can go home now you can smoke here



- Asking permission e.g: Can l go home now? Can l use your Dictionary?

d. To express posibility.

e.g: She can be a good doctor in the future

e. To express offering something to someone else.

e.g: Can l get you some tea? 27

The detail functions of could are followed.

a.Could expresses ability, subject to certain conditions which

probably do not exist. In this use, could can refer to the present,

the past, or the future.

e.g: I could go now, if I wanted to. (I do not want to)

b. Could is used to request permisson. It is somewhat more formal

and polite than can.

e.g: Could l borrow your pen?

c. Could is used to express the ability in the past.

e.g: When l was younger, l could run fast.28

d. Could also expresses the posibility.

e.g: He could be very busy at that time.

2. Meaning of Modal Auxiliaries : Can and Could


Silver Goridas Sukur, Complete English Grammar For TOEFL, (Yogyakarta Indonesia 2007), P. 116.



According to Michael Swam, there are fives meanings can and could,

namely to express ability, to show possibility, to indicate permission, offers, and

to express request and order. 29

a. Ability : Can and Could

1). Present, past and Future

Can is ussualy used to talk about the present, or about “general ability.30 - You can certainly cook, even yo can’t do anything else.

Could is used for general ablitiy, to say than you could do something anytime you

wanted to.

- She could sing like an angel when she was a kid.

To talk about future ability, can is often possible when people make present

decisions about future ability.

- We can talk about that later

2). Conditional Could

Another meaning of could with expresses an ability, can also be found in

conditional sentences such as:

- I could have a really good time if l had a flat of my own.

- I could break your neck if l want!

b. Possibility : Can and Could.

Another meaning of can andcouldis to show possibility of something.

Detailed explanations are as follows:

1). Theoritical possibility

Can is used to say that events and situations are possible (without taking

anout the chances of them actually happening)

- How many elephant can fit into a mini?

Sentence with can often give information about the characteristic behaviors

of people things.


op,cit., p. 125.



- Scotland can be very warm in September

- Gold can’t be dissolved in hydrochlic acid.

To talk about the past, could is used

- My mother could be very unpleasant at times.

Can also used to make suggestions about possible solutions to a problem, or

possible actions.

- Here there are three choices: we can go to the police, we can talk to Hani

ourselves, or we can foget all about it.

- What shall we do ? We can try asking Hani for help. Can we meet again


In order to make suggestions more “tentative” –less strong or definite , the writer used Could.

- We could try asking Hani, if you think it‟s good idea.

- Could we meet again tommorow?

“Suggestion “ are sometimes really requests or orders.

- You could give me a help with the cooking.

2). Change

a) Future possibility. The writer don‟t use can to say that there is a change that something will happen.

Could is used to give the idea that something is just possible, but not

particulary likely

- We could go climbing this summer, but l doubt if we will have time. - It could rain later on this evening.

b). Present possibility. Could are also used to say that something is possibly true

at the moment of speaking.

- You couldbe right, but l don‟t think you are

- This could be your big chance

Can is sometimes used to talk about present possibility, but only in


- Who can that be at the door?

- It can be true, She must be mistaken. 31

c. Permission: Can and Could

Can and Could also have meaning to indicate permision. The following details are the use of can and could to express permission. 32

1) Asking for permission

Can and Could are all used in asking for permission. Can is probably the

commenest of the two ( though some people consider that can is “ not correct”)

- Can l have a drop more whisky?

Could is rather more hesitant than can, and is used when you are not sure that

you will get permission (or when you don‟t want to sound too sure).

- Could l ask you something, if you are not too busy?

2). Giving permission

When someone gives permission, he/she uses can , but not Could.

(Could is suggest respect, so it is more natural in asking for permission that

in giving it).

- Could l use your phone? – yes , of course you can. „(Not:...”of course you


3). Reporting permission

When the writer talks about permission that has already been given, may is

not usually used.

- It‟s not fair joey can stay up till ten and have to go to bed at eight.(not:*..,

Joey may stay up ...?)

- Can you park on the pavement in your country? (Not:* ..May you...?)

In the past, could is used to say that one was allowed to do something at any

time (“General permission”).

When l lived at home, l could watch TV whenever l wanted to.

But the writer don‟t use could to talk about permission for one particular

action in past.


Ibid., p. 130.



- I was allowed to see her yesterday evening. (Not: I Could see her) 33 d. Offers; Can and Could

Can and Could are also often used to offer something to another people. To

make offers more polite could is used more approprite than can. The following

example are some of the use when could and can express offers. - I can lend you the money till tommorow, if you need it. - I could do shooping for you, if you are tired.

- Can l carry your luggage?

- Could l give you dinner tonight?

e. Request and Order: can and could

Can and Could are also used to make someone to do something, or to orders someone to do as they are orders. For example , in restaurant, when customer

make an order, they ask waiters to bring them meals such as drinks, desert,

cigarette, etc. The following examples show how can and could fit these


- You can start by doing the washing up, and then can clean the car.

- Hani can do the shopping, and l will do the cooking. John can do the


- You could phone Hani and see what time she is coming.

- Can you come here a minute,please?

- Could you help me with this latter?





This chapter presents place and time of the study, the subject of the study,

method of the study, instrument of the research, technique of data collecting and

technique of data analysis.

A.Place and Times of the Study

The writer took place for research at SMIP AMEC (Integrated Islamic

Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center) which is located on Jln.Nawi

Malik, Serua, Bojongsari, Depok. The Research was conducted for one month

Since May to June 2015.

B.The Subject of the Study

In this research, the writer took the population from the Eighth Grade

students of SMPIT AMEC,was about 123 students, which divided into four

classes. The writer decides to random sampling which was taken only one class

consisting of 30 students but at times two students were sick and four was absent

so the writer only give 24 instrument of the research questions in Vlll-A class.

C.Method of the Study

The writer used the descriptive analysis method and uses the procedures of

error analysis itself. The method is purposed to analyze problem or case happened

at the Eight Grade students of A class . It invovles accumulating, analyzing and

classifying data with various techniques, also interpreting data. The final step, the

writer has conclude the result of research. The study is also based on field

research. Through field research , the writer explains the tenses through Modal

Auxilaries in the class, examines the Eight Grade students of SMPIT AMEC by

doing the test to get some data from the students. It also supported by some books


D.Instrument of the Research

To get the data, the writer gave a test to the Eight Grade Students of SMPIT

AMEC, at VIII- A class. The test consist of 24 items focused on Modal Auxilaries

Can and Could.

E.Technique of Data Collecting

There are two techniques of collecting data applied in this study:

1. The writer used the test. He gave 24 items of sentences completion test to the

Eight Grade Students of SMPIT AMEC . the test were about modal auxilaries

Can and Could . before students doing the test, the writer gave a little explanation about those modal auxilaries.

2. The writer also used interview . the interview purposes to find what source of

the reason why students face difficulties in using modal and made an error in

using modals especially modal Can and Could. One for teacher and more is for students.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting data from test and interview , the writer analyze the students’ error by focusing thier grammatical errors in using modal auxilaries Can

and Couldfrom the students’ answer sheet.

The precentage of the errors will be presented based on the terms of

descriptive analysis technique. The writer applied the following formula to calculate the precentage of students’ grammatical error in using modal auxilaries

Can and Could.

The formula as follow :

P : Percentage

F : Frequency of errors

N : Number of observed sample1






1. Data Description

The researcher conducted a test to get the data to the Eight Grade Students of

SMPIT AMEC (Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al-Makmun Education Center), Serua, Bojongsari Depok. The researcher has given the test about

Grammar Modal Auxilaries to 30 students of SMPIT AMEC on 28 of May 2015. Actually the number of the students in Vlll-A class is 30, but at that time two of

them were sick and four of them were absent. So, the samples of this research are

24 students. The test consists of 24 items which only focus on Grammar Modal

Auxilaries Can and Could. After conducting the test, the researcher analyzed the

data from the students’ test to find out the errors that students made in his/her

answer by circling each erroneous item. After identifying the data, the researcher

analyzed the errors and classified them based on the Surface Taxonomy

Categories to know whether these errors involve in omission, addition,

misformation, or misordering.

The students made errors in four types; Omission, Addition, Misformation,

and Misordering. The total of all errors is 237 errors made in using Modal Can

and Could from 24 students. There are 34 errors in Omission, 40 errors in Addition, 131 errors in Misformation, and 32 errors in Misordering.

A. The Result of Interview

This technique is used to collect the data and that can be used as

supporting data. The researcher did interview after giving the test to the students.

First, researcher interviewed the teacher after researcher observed him in

delivering his teaching. Researcher conducted it on Wednesday, 28 of Mei 2015 at

09.00 – 10.00a.m. The researcher asked ten (10) questions. The research interview

guide for teacher in (appendix 1A) and (appendix 1B) to the teacher answer in

interview besides interviewing the teacher, researcher also interviewed the


categories interview guide for student in (appendix 2A) and (appendix 2B) to the

students answer in interview.

From the students’ interview, the researcher found that most of students faced difficulties on types of Grammar modal Can and could also how to using the

Modal. because they did not understand in teacher’s explanation. Those are the

data are use in this research. Hopefully it can support final result of this research.

2. Data Analysis

In this part , the researcher analyzed the errors that made by the students based

on their types. Here is the analysis:

Table 4.1

The identification of errors of students 1 up to 24 students

Students 1:

Item Number

Identification of Errors

Classification Of Errors Description

Explanation Correction Cause of



She can sing like a Bruno Mars if she never practices it.


Can should be replaced by Can not

She can not sing like a Bruno Mars if she never practices it.



Andi’s sister

can talk when she was two years old.


Can should be replaced by Could not


sister could not talk when she was two years old.



Explanation Correction Cause of



My sister can not sing very well because she took a singer course.


Can not

should be replaced by


My sister can sing very well because she took a sing course.

Context of Learning



grandfather can walk without any help last Sunday.


Can should be replaced by Could


grandfather could walk without any help last Sunday.



When my mother was younger she can sing beautifully.


Can should be replaced by Could

When my mother was younger she could sing beautifully.



Could you please pass the salt ?


Could should be replaced by Can

Can you please pass the salt ?



You can not smoke here,but you could smoke in the garden


Could should be replaced by Can


Student 2:

Explanation Correction Cause of

Errors practices it.


Can should be replaced by

Can not

She can not sing like a Bruno Mars if she never practices it.

Interlingual replaced by

Can read arabic when she was a little girl


Could should be replaced by

Could not

She could not read arabic when she was a little girl

Intralingual whenever l wanted to


Can should be replaced by

Could not whenever l wanted to



According to television , it could rain this morning


Could should be replaced by


According to television , it can rain picnic with them


Can should be replaced by

Can not

I dont have enough money. So l can go on picnic with them



Explanation Correction Cause of



Hani could sing a song when she was young


Could should be replaced by

Could not

Hani could sing a song when she was young


18 Can l eat in

this room? Misformation

Can should be replaced by



Could should be replaced by


Canyou help me with my homework



Explanation Correction Cause of



Andi’s sister

can talk when she was two years old


Can should be replaced by Could not


sister could not talk read arabic when she was a little girl


Can not

should be replaced by

Could not

She could not read arabic when she was a little girl



Explanation Correction Cause of



My sister could not sing very well because she took singer course


Could not

should be replaced by


My sister can sing very well because she took singer course

Context of learning whenever l wanted to.


Can should be replaced by Could not whenever l wanted to.

Context of learning


Could you tell me what time is it? (please)



should be replaced by

Can picnic with them.


Can should be replaced by Can not


Can not

should be replaced by

Could not

Hani could not sing a song when she was young



Explanation Correction Cause of




should be replaced by


Sorrry, l’m

bussy today but l can



should be replaced by

Can replaced by


Explanation Correction Cause of




should be replaced by

Can not

She can not sing like an Bruno mars if she never practice it



Andi’s sister

can talk when she was two years old


Can should be replaced by Could not


sister could not talk

Explanation Correction Cause of



My sister could sing very well because she took a singer course



should be replaced by


My sister can sing very well because she took a singer course



My brothers can speaks English and rusian when they in Senior High school.


Can should be replaced by Could

My brothers could speaks English and rusian when they in Senior High school.



Could you tell me what time is it? ( please).



should be replaced by

Can mother was younger she can sing beatifully


Can should be replaced by Could

When my mother was younger she could sing beatifully



She could sing




should be replaced by

Can please pass the salt?



should be replaced by


Can you please pass the salt?

Explanation Correction Cause of



sing a song when she was young

should be replaced by

Could not be replaced by Could

Could l eat in this room?



You can not smoke here, but you could not smoke in the garden


Can not

should be replaced by

Can the garden

Context of learning

Explanation Correction Cause of

Errors replaced by


I’m sure

you can not get high score if you study hard

Context of learning


My sister could sing very well because she took a singer course


Could not

should be replaced by


My sister can sing very well because she took a singer course



Explanation Correction Cause of



My brothers could not speak english and Rusian when they in Senior High school


Could not

should be replaced by


My brothers could speak english and Rusian when they in Senior High school

Context of learning whenever l wanted to.


Can should be replaced by Could not whenever l wanted to.

Context of learning


When she was young, she can play guitar very well.


Can should be replaced by Could not

When she was young, she could not play guitar very well.

Context of learning


Could you please pass the salt?



should be replaced by


Can you please pass the salt?

Context of learning


Can not

should be replaced by

Could not

Hani could not sing a be replaced by Could

Can l eat in this room?



Explanation Correction Cause of



Could not

should be replaced by


Can you help me with my homework?

Context of learning

Total 9

Students 6:


Explanation Correction Cause of



Could should be replaced by Can not practices it.

Context of learning


Andi’s sister

can talk when she was two years old


Can should be replaced by Could not


sister could not talk when she was two years old

Context of learning


My brother’s

can speak English and Rusian when they in senior High School.


Can should be replaced by Could and Rusian when they in senior High School.



Explanation Correction Cause of



Could not

should be replaced by


Context of learning


When mother was younger she can sing beautifully


Can should be replaced by Could

When mother was younger beautifully


Can should be replaced by Could not



Could not

should be replaced by


she can sing beautifully

Context of learning


Can should be replaced by Could not

Hani could not sing a song when she was young

Context of learning


Can not

should be replaced by

Can the gardern

Context of learning


Could not

should be replaced by


Can you help me with my homework?

Contect of learning


Student 7:

Explanation Correction Cause of



Can should be replaced by Can not practices it.

Intralingual replaced by


I’m sure

you can get high score if you study hard



My sister could not sing very well because she took a singer course


Could not

should be replaced by


Context of learning


My brother’s

can speak English and Rusian when they in Senior high School


Can should be replaced by Could and Rusian when they

Could you tell me what time is it? ( please).


Could should be replaced by Can

Context of learning

Explanation Correction Cause of



According to television , it could not be replaced by


According to

television , it can rain this morning

Context of learning l


I don’t have

enough money. So l can go on picnic with them


Can should be replaced by can not

Context of learning

14 She could not

sing beatifully Addition

Could not

should be replaced by


She can sing


Context of learning


Hani could sing a song when she was young


Could should be replaced by Could not

Hani could not sing a replaced by


Could l eat in this room?

Context of learning

Explanation Correction Cause of


2 be replaced by Could not read arabic when she was a little girl



should be replaced by

Could not

Context of learning


My brother’s

can speak English and Rusian when they in Senior high School


Can should be replaced by Could and Rusian when they without any help last Sunday


Can not

should be replaced by



grandfather could walk without any help last Sunday

Context of learning


According to television , it could not replaced by


According to

television , it can rain this morning

Context of learning

Explanation Correction Cause of



When my mother was younger she


Can should be replaced by Could

When my mother was younger


can sing guitar very well


Can should be replaced by Could not guitar very well



Could you please pass the salt?


Could should be replaced by can

Can you please pass the salt? replaced by



Can not

should be replaced by

Can the gardern

Intralingual replaced by


Can you help me with my homework?

Context of learning

Explanation Correction Cause of


2 Andi’s sister

could talk Misformation

Could should be replaced



when she was


Could should be replaced by Can

I’m sure

you can get high score if you study hard



My sister could sing very well because she took a singer course


Could should be replaced by Can without any help last Sunday


Can should be replaced by Could


grandfather could walk without any help last Sunday



Could you tell me what time is it? (please).



Table 4.1 The Identification of errors of students..............................            25
Table 4.1 The identification of errors of students 1 up to 24 students
Table 4.2 The Recapitulation of Classifications Student’s Error
Table 4.3 The Recapitulation of Error Kinds


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