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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


DWI MAYA NOVITRI Registration Number: 8126111006







All praises belong to Allah, who has commanded us to spread peace to all

man kind and also who gave health, chance and capability to the writer to finish

the thesis. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW

who introduced us good behaviours.

Foremost, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to her

advisers, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP for

the continuous support and guidance to finish the thesis, for their patience,

motivation, enthhusiasm, and immense knowledge given to the writer. Moreover,

the writer would like to express her thanks to the examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih,

M.A., Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S for

their suggestions, comments and questions for the thesis improvement. Their

guidance helped her all the time of research and writing of this thesis. Besides her

advisers and examiners, she would like to thank to all lecturers of English Applied

Linguistics Program for their encouragement and insights.

Sincere are expressed to her parents, Darmaji and Elfi Farida S.Pd. Her

special thanks also go to her brothers Chairul Devialdi SE and Muh. Arief

Trimanda for their support, love and care. Special thanks for her husband to be

Mahpuddin, S.Pd.I for his motivation and care to the writer,Last but not least, her


Ismayani S.Pd, Elvida Wahyuni S.Pd M.Hum , Marina Sari Rambe S.Pd M.Hum,

Mahya Humairah S.Pd M.Hum,Indri Harmaili S.Pd,Muhammmad Mahfuz S.Pd.I

M.Hum, Hiskia Manurung M.Hum for their support and suggestions.

Finally, the writer hopes that the readers will give any comments, respons,

and corrections for the mistakes of this thesis. The writer realizes that this thesis is

still far from being perfect. May this thesis be useful and may it be one of the

references for the next research and enhance our knowledge. May Allah SWT

bless us forever. Amin ya Rabbal ‘alamin

Medan, 14th January 2016



DWI MAYA NOVITRI. Registration number: 8126111006. Lexical Cohesion in Math Bilingual Text Book of Junior High School. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistic Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2016.

The objectives of this study are to derive the pattern of cohesive relation in math bilingual textbook and to reason for the contextual elements encapsulating the pattern. The data are collected by using documentary technique in lexical cohesion only. The source of data was taken from Mathemathics for Junior High School year VII which is published by Yudhistira. There are three topics were studied that represented from whole topics, they are Integers, Algebra and Applications and Planes. The sentences were analyzed by using cohesion theory by Halliday and Hasan (1976). After that, the data were presented by using Sudaryanto (1993) analysis. It began from identifying the data that are needed for this research, classifying the data based on the lexical cohesive in pragmatic, and analyzing the data based on the theory that is used. The findings are (1) Lexical Cohesion in Math Bilingual Text book is dominated by repetition (2) Repetitions occurred to emphasize the previous explanation and explore them in detail explanation (3) Collocations in Math Bilingual textbook occurred to make the contrast between two terms hence the explanation is clearer. It is often occur as antonym or pairs (4) Super ordinates in Math Bilingual textbook occur to inform part of a term in Math (5) Synonyms in Math Bilingual textbook are used to give another name and to explain its terms, symbol or a pattern (6) There are two genres in these data, they are Explanation and Procedure. As a result, the lexical cohesion in Math Bilingual Text book has a pattern which consist of four elements in lexical cohesion, they are: Repetition, Synonym, Super Ordinate and Collocation. From all elements, the dominant element of lexical cohesion was repetition both in Bahasa (36.50%) and English (39.74%). In addition, The four element of Lexical cohesion occurred in Math Bilingual Text book have the main purpose to build the reader understanding about the explanation and information of terms, kinds or elements, and symbols.



DWI MAYA NOVITRI. NIM: 8126111006.Lexical cohesion in Math Bilingual Text book of Junior High School. Thesis. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pasca Sarjan. Unimed. 2016.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pola dari leksikal kohesif dalam buku Matematika Bilingual dan untuk menemukan penyebab konteks elemen-elemen yang berada didalamnya. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik dokumen. Sumber data diambil dari buku Mathemathics for Junior High School kelas VII yang diterbitkan Yudhistira. Ada tiga topik yang diteliti yang mewakili keseluruhan topik yaitu integral, aljabar dan aplikasinya dan bangun datar. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut kemudian dianalisis melalui teori kohesi oleh Halliday and Hasan (1976). Kemudian data yang telah dianalisis disusun dengan menggunakan analisis yang dikemukankan oleh Sudaryanto (1993). Yang pertama sekali data diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tipe-tipe leksikal kohesif, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang digunakan. Penemuannya adalah (1) pola leksikal kohesif dalam buku Matematika Bilingual, baik yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia maupun yang berbahasa Inggris memiliki keseluruhan tipe leksikal kohesif yaitu repetisi, sinonim, super ordinat, dan kolokasi. Repetition merupakan tipe yang dominan dikedua bahasa. Repetisi digunakan dalam buku tersebut untuk lebih menekankan penjelasan istilah pada kalimat sebelumnya dan menjelaskannya lebih detail sesudahnya. Kolokasi digunakan untuk membuat penjelasan istilah dalam buku Matematika Bilingual lebih kontras dengan menampilkan lawan istilah (antonim). Selain melalui antonimm, kolokasi juga timbul dalam bentuk pasangan kata. Sementara itu, Super ordinat digunakan untuk menginformasikan bagian-bagian dari istilah yang dimaksud serta sinonim digunakan untuk menampilkan istilah lain atau definisi dari istilah sebelumnya (2) pola yang timbul dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut berupa genre explanation dan procedure. Leksikal kohesif dalam buku Matematika Bilingual memiliki pola yang terdiri dari empat tipe (elemen) yaitu repetisi (pengulangan), sinonim (persamaan), super ordinat and kolokasi. Dari keseluruhan elemen, repetisi merupakan tipe yang dominan baik dalam bahasa (36.50%) maupun dalam bahasa Inggris (39.74%). Kemudian, keempat elemen tersebut terdapat dalam buku Matematika Bilingual bertujuan untuk membangun pemahaman pembaca (siswa) mengenai istilah-istilah dalam matematika, jenis-jenis, elemen-elemen serat simbol-simbol.



1.5 The Significance of the Study……… 6


2.1 Textual Function………...……… 7

2.6 Conceptual Framework………... 28


3.1 Research Design……….. 32

3.2 The Data and Source of Data……….. 32

3.3 Technique of Collecting Data………. 33

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis……… 33



4.1 Data Analysis………. 35

4.1.1 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in Math Bilingual Text Book35 4.1.2 The Reason of Employing the Pattern in Math Bilingual Text Book 42 4.2. Findings………. 43

4.3. Discussion………. 44


5.1 Conclusions……… 51

5.2 Suggestions……… 51




Appendix 1 Lexical Cohesion: Repetition (in English)………..… 58

Appendix 2 Lexical Cohesion: Synonym (in English)……….. 62

Appendix 3 Lexical Cohesion: Super Ordinate(in English)……….. 63

Appendix 4 Lexical Cohesion: Collocation (in English)……… 65

Appendix 5 Lexical Cohesion: Repetition (in Bahasa)……….. 67

Appendix 6 Lexical Cohesion: Synonym (in Bahasa)……… 73

Appendix 7 Lexical Cohesion: Super Ordinate (in Bahasa)……… 74

Appendix 8 Lexical Cohesion: Collocation (in Bahasa)……….. 75

Appendix 9 Data in Bahasa……….. 79




1.1 The Background of the Study

Language can be expressed in spoken and written. When two people

speaking it is easy for them to deliver their thought and ideas because it supported

by gestures. On the other hand, in written form, the text should be coherence in

order to make the readers understand what the writer means. Both of spoken and

written deal with communication instead. Communication deals with transferring

information between people. Thompson states that communication covered all of

human language into their daily activity.

Communication is such a well-integrated part of our day to day existence

that people tend to take it for granted, rarely passing to consider what it involves or just how important it is. Communication concerns to share and deliver a message between people. People are able to gain the information by reading (Thompson: 2003)”

When people read a magazine, a book, an article, they need to find out the

meaning and the goal of the text. Generally, in a text, the readers try to find out

the ties between sentences to get the point of the text. The term cohesion is

sometimes confused with coherence which has to do with sense. Osisanwo (2005)

explains that cohesion differs from coherence. He illustrates with these sentences:

(a) He phoned the police

(b) The midnight guests had come

(c) He phoned the police bec ause the midnight guests had come

The sentences (a) and (b) are coherent but not cohesive. The sentence (c) is

cohesive and coherent.The cohesive device used in the sentence is because. It

gives the reason why the police was phoned. Thus, this makes a complete text.


tie between clauses or sections of text in such a way as to demonstrate a

meaningful pattern between them, though conjunctive relations are not tied to any

particular sequence in the expression. Therefore, among the cohesion forming

devices within text, conjunction is the least directly identifiable relation.

Conjunctions can be classified according to four main categories: additive,

adversative, causal and temporal. Additive conjunctions act to structurally

coordinate or link by adding to the presupposed item and are signaled through

and, also, too, furthermore, additionally, etc. Additive conjunctions may also act

to negate the presupposed item and are signaled by nor, and...not, either, neither,

etc. Adversative conjunctions act to indicate contrary to expectation and are

signaled by yet, though, only, but, in fact, rather, etc. Causal conjunction

expresses result, reason and purpose and is signaled by so, then, for, because, for

this reason, as a result, in this respect, etc. The last most common conjunctive

category is temporal and links by signaling sequence or time. Some sample

temporal conjunctive signals are then, next, after that, next day, until then, at the

same time, at this point, etc. The use of a conjunction is not the only device for

expressing a temporal or causal relation. For instance, in English a temporal

relation may be expressed by means of a verb such as follow or precede, and a

causal relation by verbs such as cause and lead. Moreover, temporal relations are

not restricted to sequence in real time; they may also reflect stages in the text

(expressed by first, second, third, etc.) Examples: time-sequence:


Cohesion covered text, texture and tie. The connection between one

sentence and the others are related by conjunction. The texture deals with

coherency and sequences to build cohesion. A text has texture, and this is what

distinguishes it from something that is not a text. Text in narrative has its own

language features such as using past tense, action verb, thinking verb, conjunction

such as after, so, and so forth. Texture in science text and social text are different.

Social texts describe language clearly, but in science especially math, symbolic

also exist. It usually use the word plus symbolized by +, equal symbolized by =

and so forth. For example integers are the numbers which consist of whole

numbers and negative numbers (the opposite of natural numbers) such as 3, 2,

-1, 0, -1, 2, 3....

The words on bracket refer to negative numbers in the sentence. The

explanation of the word in bracket available in order to tie the explanation

previously about natural number in integers. The concept of tie makes it possible

to analyze a text in terms of its cohesive properties and gives a systematic account

of its patterns of texture. Tie can further show the relationship between cohesion

and the organization of written texts into sentences and paragraphs. However,

cohesion occurs in texts where the interpretation of some elements in the

discourse is dependent on that of another. The relation between clause the integers

and consist of whole numbers and negative numbers… related by using which

known as conjunction.

Bilingual lessons are a promising opportunity to enable pupils to acquire

greater foreign language competence within the school context. Bilingual covered


Math, etc. The phenomenon is take place in the text of bilingual text book which

has strong relationship to the sociocultural context. Even though any discussion

on mathematics lessons cannot really ignore the sociocultural context of this

school subject, this is even more the case for bilingual mathematics lessons. The

language used in the textbook should be comprehensible. One of the language

functions, as mentioned by Halliday (1994) is needed to attain cohesion and

coherence in arranging text, as a result, the reader or hearer is easy to understand

the text. It is hoped that reading texts in the text book serve a good cohesive ties.

In a text, there is relationship between one sentence to the other sentences or one

clause to the other clauses which build coherency.

The success of teaching and learning at school is much endorsed by the

use of good teaching materials in class (Nunan, 2003: 8). Textbook is one of

teaching materials that is used as the main resources of teaching and learning.

Many students find difficulties in comprehending English text in their reading.

They do not find the real message from the text promptly. It can be caused by

lacking of knowledge of the world in English. It has been suggested that effective

readers have to be able to understand the relationship between the parts of a text.

The quality of the English textbooks used by students in secondary schools

constantly requires improvement. A number of efforts have been done to meet the

quality expected. In terms of learning materials, for instance, the compulsory

textbooks used, the exercises for reading are given more priority or portion

compared with materials or exercises for other language skills. Thus, it is no doubt

to say that students reading ability in English written texts must be much more


In this study the writer would like to find out the cohesive device in Math

bilingual textbook. Understanding the lesson from text book especially for

bilingual students is depend on cohesion. In this case, the writer choose math

bilingual book because the writer interest in studying the language of math which

often used symbols. Therefore, the writer would like to study about cohesion

especially to analyze pattern of lexical cohesion in the textbook of the seventh

grade student. It was chosen because the process of understanding bilingual text

book is begun from here.

1.2 The Focus of the Study

The study focuses on lexical cohesion. The pattern covers the type of

lexical cohesion. Lexical cohesion covered reiteration and collocation. The text

will be taken from Math Bilingual text book at the seventh grade.

1.3 The Problems of the Study

As Math bilingual textbook that will be analyzed of its cohesive, the writer

presents some problems as follow:

1) What is the pattern lexical cohesion in math bilingual textbook?

2) Why is the pattern employed in math bilingual textbook?

1.4 The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are formulated as follows:

(1) to derive the pattern of cohesive relation in math bilingual textbook


1.5 The Significance of the Study

(1) The researchers will have foundation, reference, or alternative view of

research on the realization of cohesion in text or specifically English


(2) The students/researchers who study about cohesion can add up more

horizons in theories of cohesion.

(3) The students and teachers, especially in junior higher level, will have good

understanding of a good book viewed from cohesive devices and their uses

in right context.

(4) English teachers will be selective to decide which textbook will be used in

class by considering the cohesive devices used in the textbook.

(5) The government can improve the quality of textbooks by especially paying




5.1 Conclusions

After analysis all the data the conclusion can be drawn:

(1) The types of Lexical cohesion in Math Bilingual Text book consist of two

types (reiteration and collocation). Reiteration consist of repetition, synonym

and super ordinate. Therefore, there were four elements in lexical cohesion,

they are: Repetition, Synonym, Super Ordinate and Collocation. In Bahasa,

repetition was 36.50%, synonym 15.87%, super ordinate 17.46% and

collocation 30.15%. In English, repetition was 39.74%, synonym 17.94%,

super ordinate 21.74% and collocation 20.51%. The dominant element of

lexical cohesion was repetition both in Bahasa (36.50%) and English


(2) The reason why the pattern occurred because the genre of math bilingual text

book were explanation and procedure. Explanation conveyed

5.2 Suggestions

With reference to the conclusions, there are some suggestions needed to be


(1) It is suggested for those who want to take types of lexical cohesion study,

they are able to investigate the features of the text. They may take the

different object of the research such as from text book, students’ essay,

advertisements, literary work like novels or short stories, television show,

radio program, or the others so that it will make the research to be more


(2) It is suggested that the writer should be concerned about the pattern of text

book used in presenting their idea. The findings of this research is able to

used as a reference to give better understanding for the future researcher,

provide additional information and comparison that might be relevant to



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