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Submitted As aPartial Fulfillment for Requirements for The Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Department

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University








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Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University

Thesis Supervisor,

Dyah Ayu Nila K, S.S, M.Hum NIP. 19830211200604 2 001

The Head of English Department


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Accpted and Approved by the Board of Examiners Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University On March 2011

Chairman :Dr. Djatmika, M. A. ( )

NIP. 19670726 199302 4 001

Secretary : Agus D. Priyanto, MCALL ( ) NIP.19740818200012 1 001

First Examiner : Dyah Ayu Nila K, S.S, M.Hum ( ) NIP. 19830211200604 2 001

Second Examiner : Ardianna N, S.S, M.Hum ( ) NIP.19820927200812 2001

Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University


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Name : Rio Abdulbari Agusman

NIM : C 0303046

Stated whole-heartedly that this thesis entitled An Analysis of Translation

Techniques and Quality of the URL :

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party translated by Google Translate is

originally made by the researcher. It is neither a plagiarism, nor made by others.

The things related to other people‘s work are written in quotation and included in

the bibliography. If it is then proved that the researcher cheats, the researcher is

ready to take the responsibility.

Surakarta, January 2011

The Researcher


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All praise to God that I can finish my thesis. The researcher needed a lot of

time, energy, patience and cry to finish this thesis. The researcher realized that

without the support and encouragement from people around the researcher, this

thesis would not to be completed. Therefore, I would like to give special thanks to

people who give contribution to my thesis. I owe debt of gratitude to :

1. Drs. Sudarno, MA, the Dean of Letter and Fine Arts Faculty, for approving

my thesis

2. Drs. Djatmika, M.A, the Head of English Department and also my academic

supervisor, thank you for all guidances bestowed to me.

3. Dyah Ayu Nila, S.S, M.Hum, my thesis supervisor. Thank you very much for

your guidance, patience, concern, and critical advice.

4. All the lecturers of English Department, Thank you for the guidance and

knowledge. I got many important and useful information from this


5. Mr. Herianto Nababan (R1), the first rater. Thank you very much for being

my rater. You are very helpful for your comment. Thank you for your advice


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6. Rifana Indira S.S (R2), the second rater. Thank you very much for your help

in assessing those data. I am sorry for disturbing your time

7. Karina Wulandari S.S, M.Hum (R3), Thank you for giving your time helping

me fulfilling the assessment. You are very helpful.

8. My parents, I am proud of being your son.

9. Rizky Agusman, my only and one brother, and also his wife, Pertiwi Rizky,

Thank you for all support and faith for me.

10.Iriana Indrawati, my dearest, thank you for your endless effort to encourage

me in finishing my study.

11.Nocturne Elz, Ochid Fei Hung, Tatta Tammy, Gamal Nesser, and James

Valentine. This research would not be completed without you. I owe you a

really big time.

12.All of my precious friends which I do not mention on this acknowledgment.

Thank you for all laugh and tears that we share together. I love you all.

13.For the librarians of post graduate and English Department library, thank you


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MOTTO . . . v






A. Research Background . . . 1

B. Research Limitation . . . 6

C. Problem Statement . . . 5

D. Research Objectives . . . 7


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F. Research Methodology . . . 8

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Definition of Translation . . . 9

B. Principles of Translation . . . 10

C. Types of Translation . . . 12

D. Problems of Equivalence . . . 17

E. Translation Techniques . . . 19

F. Accuracy in Translation . . . 24

G. Acceptability in Translation . . . 25

H. Sentence……… 26

I.Webpage . . . 27

J. Machine Translation . . . 28

K. Google Translate . . . 29


A. Research Type and Design . . . 31

B. Data and Source of Data . . . 32


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D. Method of Data Collection . . . 34

E. Research Procedure . . . 36


A. Introduction . . . 38

B. Research Finding . . . 38

C. Assessment of Translation . . . 58


A. Conclusion and Suggestion . . . 79

B. Recommendation . . . 82



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Rio Abdulbari Agusman. C0303046. Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality of URL: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party Translated by Google Translate. Undergraduate Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. 2011.

This research belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive method. It aims to describe the translation technique occurrs in the translation and the quality assessment that covers accuracy and acceptability of the sentence of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page translated by Google Translate. This research applied total sampling as the sampling technique since all sentences on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page were taken as data. This research was conducted based on primary and secondary data. The primary data consists of 117 sentences taken from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page. The secondary data were taken by distributing questionnaire to some raters.

The analysis shows that Google Translate applied 7 kinds of translation techniques to translate en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page. The techniques are literal, amplification, reduction, transposition, borrowing, calque, and particularization. considered to be acceptable, 87 data considered to be less acceptable, and, 10 data considered to be unacceptable. It means that, in general, the translation is less acceptable.

The analysis also shows that implementation of techniques makes the translation less accurate and less acceptable. It means that Google Translate can not determine a suitable technique to produce a quality translation in translating sentences found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page.

It is hoped that this thesis will be beneficial for the students, especially

English Department Students, to enlarge their translation knowledge of web page


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improvement of web page online translator technology, this research also

recommends Google Translate to enrich its translation database and upgrade its

engine of machine translation tool. Also, this research can be a consideration for


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A. Research Background

Nowadays, everyone uses internet service to resolve all matters. By

accessing the internet, anyone may take advantage of a wide variety of

communication and information retrieval methods. ―e-mail,‖ "newsgroups," "chat

rooms," and the "World Wide Web" are such kinds of methods that can be found

on internet or so-called ―cyberspace‖. The best known category of communication

over the Internet is the World Wide Web, which allows users to search for and

retrieve any information in related sites or URL. In other words, the Web consists

of a vast number of documents contains of various file stored in web pages. By

downloading method, anyone can retrieve any available file attached on the pages

anytime, anywhere in the world, with access to the Internet.

As it is accessed from all over the world, the language gaps become a

problem in retrieving information on foreign web pages. Some advance sites, such

as yahoo, google, facebook, wikipedia, attached their webpage with multi

language featured to aid language problems for all internet users from different

countries. Unfortunately, most of website does not have such a kind of feature.

That can be troublesome for foreign users if they do not master the language on

HTML or web page. In order to overcome these language gaps, some developers

launch an online machine translator as a translation services for online users.


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Machine Translator (MT) is a sub-field of computational linguistics that

investigates the use of computer software to translate source language into target

language. Recently, online machinetranslators are developed into advanced level.

Using corpus technique allows the machines for translating a complex translation

better than previous level. As it is always updated and customized by its developer

from time to time, the output quality of an online MT can be improved more and

more again. One of those is Google Translate which is launched by Google Inc.

Google Translate is a beta service provided by Google Inc. to translate a

section of text, or a webpage, into another language. The service limits the

number of paragraphs, or range of technical terms, that will be translated. It is also

possible to enter searches in a source language that are first translated to a

destination language allowing the user to browse and interpret results from the

selected destination language in the source language. Unlike other translation

services such as Babel Fish, AOL, and Yahoo which use SYSTRAN, Google uses

its own translation software.

According to Alexa Web Information Company, Google Translate is the

secondof the chart ‗high impact and top search queries for google.co.id‖.In

addition, ―google terjemahan‖, one of Google Translate web localization, also has

a rank in that chart. It is fact that there are huge numbers of google users in

Indonesia search for google translate in Google.co.id search box.The images


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(Taken from: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/google.co.id) From the statement above we can conclude that Google Translate

translation is searched a lot by Indonesian users, especially google users in

Indonsia. Though, it has many limitations which emerge many problems in

translating texts since Google Translate is only a machine. As following

Example 1:

SL: The Tea Party as the culmination of a resistance movement

throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been passed by the

British Parliament in 1773.

TL: The Tea Party, adalah puncak dari sebuah gerakan perlawanan di

seluruh Inggris Amerika terhadap UU Teh, yang telah disahkan oleh Parlemen

Inggris pada 1773

This part of text is taken from Boston Tea Party article on web page

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party. Then it is translated into Indonesian

language by Google Translate. There are three translation techniques applied by


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above. Whole content of sentence is translated using literal technique.

Calquetechnique is applied to translate all phrases which form the sentence,

except on The Tea Party. In translating The Tea Party, the machine applies

borrowing technique. As there is no equivalence for such as name of event terms.

However, the machine can not apply appropriate technique in translating British

America terms on that sentence. It reveals that Google translate can not produce

translation accurately somehow.

Example 2:

SL: Colonists objected to the Tea Act for a variety of reasons, especially because

they believed that it violated their right to be taxed only by their own elected


TL: Koloni keberatan terhadap UU Teh untuk berbagai alasan, terutama karena

mereka percaya bahwa hal itu melanggar hak untuk dikenakan pajak hanya oleh

wakil-wakil yang dipilih mereka sendiri.

It can be seen that calque, amplification, and reduction techniques are

applied in translating the datum above. Amplification of the words hal, and the

reduction of the words their on TL are applied to produce clearer information for

the target readers. As for the rest, it was translated with calque technique.

Unfortunately, the machine can not find the most appropriate technique in

translating by their own elected representatives. It makes the translation result of


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SL: The Boston Tea Party arose from two issues confronting the British Empire

in 1773: the financial problems of the British East India Company, and an

ongoing dispute about the extent of Parliament's authority, if any, over the British

American colonies without seating any elected representation.

TL:Boston Tea Party muncul dari dua masalah yang dihadapi Kekaisaran

Britania pada tahun 1773: masalah keuangan dari British East India Company,

dan sengketa yang sedang berlangsung tentang sejauh mana kewenangan DPR,

jika ada, atas British American koloni tanpa tempat duduk pun perwakilan


Various techniques were applied for translating source text above.

Borrowing was applied on translation of words; Boston Tea Party, British East

India Company, and British American because all of them were categorized as

terms of name or title. Amplification techniques can be found on the addition of

word tahun to reveal implicit information refers to year on TL. Google Translate

also applies particularization technique in translating Parliament‟s authority into

Kewenangan DPR. The machine applies this technique as Kewenangan DPR

sounds more particular for Indonesian reader than Kekuasaan Parlemen. Another

technique applied by the machine is transposition technique as there is a

grammatical shifting on translation „…without seating any elected representation

into ‗…tanpa tempat duduk pun perwakilan terpilih.‟. Then calque is applied on

the rest. Although, there were many techniques applied, the output of overall


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ability of machine to find the most appropriate technique to solve translation

problems on text above.

From the example above, it can be said that translations techniques applied

by Google Translate influence the quality of translation. Appropriate technique

applied by the machine in translating the text will result a good translation, while

inappropriate one will produce inaccurate and unacceptable translation.

Based on the phenomena above, the researcher tries to investigate the

translation techniques applied by the machine translator and its impacts to the

quality translation, in terms of accuracy and acceptability, of an article text on

web page. The researcher chooses Google Translate by Google Inc. as the thesis

subject because it is the best online MT recently. In this research, the researcher

analyzes an article text in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page. The

article text describes about Boston Tea Party event. The researcher uses this URL

as source of data because Wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia ever made

in the world and Boston Tea Party is an important historical event ever happened

in America.

B. Research Limitations

This research focuses on analyzing translation techniques applied by

Google Translate and the quality translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability


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C. Problem Statements

1. What techniques are applied by Google Translate in translating web page


2. How is the quality of translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability.

D. Research Objectives

Based on problem statements, the objectives of the research are:

1. To find out the translation techniques applied by Google Translate in

translating web page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party

2. To find out the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability

E. Research Benefits

The research is conducted to find out the translation technique applied by

Machine Translator Google Translate in translating the URL:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party article text and its quality in terms of

accuracy, and acceptability.

Therefore, the result of this research is expected to give contribution to the

students and lecturers of English Department in their attempts to learn about how

Google Translate is in translating web page. This thesis may become as a

reference for students and lecturers in studying subject related with researcher‘s


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F. Research Methodology

This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative method is

applied because the data of this research are all senteces taken on

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party. Descriptive method is to describe

translation techniques and to find out the quality of translation, in terms of

accuracy and acceptability, of Google Translate, conducted by collecting


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A. Definition of Translation

The transfer of the meaning from one language into another language is

the definition of the translation in general. However, in line with the advance of

century, many experts develop its definition with different tendency. Newmark

(1988 : 5) states ―Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another

language in the way that the author intended the text. ‖Based on the quotation

above, it can be said that when a translator translates source language texts into

the target language text, he/she should be able to transfer the meaning as close as

the author‘s intention. It is not allowed for a translator to make new meaning or

messages because he/she will convey incorrect messages to make the readers.

Almost similar to Newmark, Machali (2000 : 114) states that translation is

a process of ―recreate―. It can be said that when a translator does his/her job,

he/she recreates a product. Therefore, a translator must be careful in translating a

text because he deals not only with the language grammar but also the language

style. For example, when a translator translates an article, he/she cannot translate

it into literature text or a text which contains slang language but it should be

translated into an article, too. It is suitable to a statement of Brislin (1976 : 15) :

―Every translation, accordingly, is an attempt to synchronize the syntactic, lexical


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and stylistic systems governing performance in two different languages, a source

language (SL) and a target language (TL).‖ Therefore, it can be said that

translation also considers the style of the text.

It should be known that it is impossible to produce a translation product

perfectly since both languages has different system. Therefore Brislin uses the

word of ―to synchronize‖. That is why the translator should find correct

equivalence for every single word when he/she translates a text. As stated before

translation considers three terms such as the syntactic, lexical and stylistic

systems. The syntactic system means the surface structure of the source language.

The lexical system is the meaning of the source language and the stylistic system

refers to the style of the source language. Three of them are supported each other

because three of them determine the translation strategies carried out by the

translator. The translator should decide the right strategy when he/she translates a

text so the messages of the source language can be produced well into the target


B. Principles of Translation

In order to achieve the purpose of translation and to produce a qualified

translation, the translation has to acknowledge several principles of translation.

They will help the translator solve problems found in the process of translation. It


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According to Bell (1991 : 11), there are three principles that should be

acknowledged by the translator.

1. Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original


2. The style and the manner of writing should be as the same character as the


3. The translation should have all the ease of original composition

From the quotation above, Bell tends to emphasize the source language

rather than the target language. Therefore, the readers will get the same effect as

the readers of the source language get.

In line with Bell, Larson (1998 : 6) also offers three principles which are :

1. The one which uses the normal language forms of the receptor language

2. The one which communicates, as much as possible, to the receptor

language speakers the same meaning that was understood by the speakers

of the source language

3. The one, which maintains the dynamics of the original source language

text. It can be said that the translation will evoke the same responds as the

source text attempted to evoke.


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There are many types of translation and the translators are free to choose

the type in the process of translation. The selection of the translation types is

influenced by several factors, as stated below :

―Dalam praktek menerjemahkan diterapkan berbagai jenis

penerjemahan. Hal itu disebabkan oleh 4 faktor, yaitu : 1)

Adanya perbedaan antara sistem bahasa sumber dengan sistem

bahasa sasaran, 2) Adanya perbedaan jenis materi teks yang

diterjemahkan, 3) Adanya anggapan bahwa terjemahan adalah

alat komunikasi, dan 4) adanya perbedaan tujuan dalam

menerjemahkan suatu teks. (Nababan : 2003 : 29)”

Newmark (1988 : 45) divides the method of translation into two emphases

which are the source language oriented and the target language-oriented. The

selection of the types affects the translation result. The types of the translation

which belong to the source language-oriented and the target language-oriented can

be seen below :

1. Types of Translation Emphasizing the Source Language

a. Word-for-word translation

Word-for word translation is applied by placing the

words directly below the source language. It can be said that the

source language is literally translated into the target language text.


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Example : Eliminating some of the taxes was one obvious

solution to the crisis

Penghapusan beberapa dari pajak adalah satu

nyata solusi untuk krisis

b. Literal Translation

The grammatical structures of the source language text are

translated into the nearest equivalence of the target language text

but the lexical words are translated singly or one by one and it is

out of context. If both languages are related to each other, it will be

understandable for the readers because they have similar

grammatical forms. However, the negative effect of the used of this

type is unnatural translation.

Example : It‘s raining cats and dogs

Hujan kucing dan anjing

c. Faithful Translation

This type is reproducing the contextual meaning of the

source language but it is still restricted by the grammatical form of

the target language text. The deviation of the source language is


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translation attempts to be faithful to the intentions and the

text-realization of the source language writer.

Example : Ben is too well aware that he is naughty

Ben menyadari terlalu baik bahwa ia nakal

d. Semantic Translation

Nababan (2003: 45) states that semantic translation focuses

on the equivalences of the word by keeping the cultural term of the

source language text. It can be said that this type is more flexible

rather than faithful translation since the aesthetic value of the

source language text is endured. The text sounds neutral because

the translator does not add or decreases or even makes the text


Example : It doesn‘t pay

Itu tidak ada gunanya


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It can be said that adaptation is the freest and the closest

translation in the target language. In addition, the important

elements like theme, character, and plot should be retained.

Usually, poetry and comedy are translated with this type. It is

applied by adapting the cultural terms of the source language into

the cultural terms of the target language text then the original text

is rewritten.

b. Free Translation

This type is applied by translating the messages of the

source language only and it is rewritten in the new form in the

target language. The original form of the source language is

ignored. This type cannot be used too often because it will ruin the

original form and the aesthetic value of the source language.

Example : To play truant



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The aim of this method is reproducing the source language

by using the colloquialism and idiom that do not exist in the source

text. Due to this, there will be distortion of meaning nuance.

Adjustment is often used when the translator applies this type a lot.

Example : I‘ll treat you a cup of coffee

Aku akan mentraktirmu kopi

d. Communicative Translation

Communicative translation is applied by translating the

exact contextual meaning of the source language in such away so

that the content and the language structures are acceptable for the

target readers. Thus, the translator should consider the aim of the

translation and also the target readers. Communicative translation

attempts to create the same effect experienced by the target readers

as the effect experienced by the readers of the source language.

The translator is free to change the clumsy words of the source

language becoming more natural in the target language text.

Newmark (1988: 47) stated that among those eight types, only two

types that fulfill the aims of translating covering accuracy and economy. They are

semantic translation and communicative translation. Semantic translation puts

emphasize on the author‘s linguistic level; while communicative translation puts


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D. Problems of Equivalence

The aim of translation is to find the equivalence, which gives the same

effect as obtained in the readership of source language. When the translator is in

the process of translation, he/she is going to look for the equivalence from the

source language into the target language. However, the different system between

the source language and the target language becomes problem in the translating


As stated by Bell (1991: 5) :

“Language are different from each other; they are different

in form having distinct codes and rules regulating the

construction of grammatical stretches of language and these

forms has different meaning”

Due to the differences of system between both languages, obstacles

will be found by translator in translating text. However, it is impossible to

produce perfect equivalence since the difference of language system and cultural

gap of source language and target language. According to Hervey, Higgins and

Haywood (1995: 14), there are two reasons why it is difficult to produce total


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―First, the requirement that the TT should affect its

recipients in the same way as the ST does (did) its

original audience raises the difficult problem on how

any one particular recipient responds to a text, and of

the extent to which text have constant interpretations

even for the same person on two different

occasions……Second, the principle of equivalent effect

presumes that theory can cope not only with ST and SL

audience but also with the impact of a TT on its

intended TL audience.”

There are several types of equivalence given by experts; Nida gives

two types which are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal

equivalence emphasize to both form and content. It is expected that the readers of

target language are able to understand the context of source text as close as the

readers of the source language are able to. Meanwhile, dynamic equivalence

based on ―the principle of equivalent effect, where the relationship between the

receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which exists

between the original receptors and the message.‖ (Nida in Nababan, Subroto and

Sumarlam, 2004: 15)

Newmark (1988: 48) calls dynamic equivalence as ―equivalence


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as possible‖ on the readership of the translation as was obtained on the readership

of the original.‖

The problem of equivalence influences the technique used by

translators and determines the quality of translation. Therefore, loss, gain and

adjustment are unavoidable in the process of translation.

E. Translation Techniques

Sometimes, it is very difficult to differ translation strategy from

translation techniques. Shortly, translating strategy is applied in time when the

source text is translated. However, translating techniques is related to the

translation result. Based on Collins English Dictionary in Machali (2000 : 77) ; a

technique is a practical method, skill or art applied to a particular task. It can be

said that translation technique is procedural or normative and done based on the

available alternatives.

According to Molina and Hurtado Albir, translation technique

describes the result and it can be used to classify various solutions of translation.

They define translation technique as a procedure which is used to analyze and to

categorize the way of the equivalent works. Molina and Hurtado Albir classify the


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1. Separating the technique of translation from another related notion

like strategy, method and mistake of translation.

2. Putting the only procedure which is suitable to the characteristic of


3. Not judging whether the translation technique is correct or incorrect

but they consider the context situation of the text and the chosen method

4. Maintains usual terms

5. To formulate the new technique in order to explain the mechanism

that is not described yet.

There are various types of translation technique that can be used to

solve problems of equivalence. They are discussed in sub parts below.

a. Calque

It is also called loan translate (Bosco : 2003) Calque means a word

or phrase which is literally translated from the source language into

the target language. It can be in lexical or structural system.

Example : week-end activities.


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This technique is applied by taking the words without

translation (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).In Indonesian

language, there are many terms or words which are borrowed or

taken from English language and it cannot be translated since the

readers are familiar with the words and it is difficult to find the

equivalence in target language.

Example : Please download this file!

Tolong download berkas ini!

c. Word-for-word

This technique translates the text based on dictionary

without any structure and grammatical change into the target


Example: I eat an apple.


commit to user d. Literal Translation

The source language text is translated literally, focuses on

the form and structure, without any addition or reduction, into the

target language.

Example: I wear red hat.

Saya memakai topi merah.

e. Transposition

It is a sense a shift of word class. It changes grammatical

category. It happens because of the differences of the grammatical

structure in different languages (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example : Out of control.

Tidak terkendali.

f. Amplification

This technique introduces or adds detailed information

which does not exist in the source language namely explicit

paraphrase or explicit (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).


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Dia lahir pada tahun 1985

g. Reduction

This technique is used to make a simple and efficient

translation by reducing unnecessary words on target language

(Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example : I like banana very much.

Saya suka pisang.

h. Discursive Creation

It determines the unexpected temporary equivalence or the

out-of-context equivalence (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example: ―I will blow your head into pieces..!!‖

*sensor karena kata-kata kasar*

i. Generalization

The technique is applied by using general term or neutral

term in the target language (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example : I love that wallpaper.


commit to user j. Particularization

The technique uses more particular or concrete term

(Molina and Hurtado Albir, 2002).

Example : Colonists rejected the Parliament decision.

Kolonis menolak keputusan DPR.

k. Substitution

It replaces the linguistic elements into the paralinguistic

elements or vice versa (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example: Take the patient to ICU!

Bawa pasien ini ke UGD!

l. Variation

It changes the linguistic or paralinguistic elements affecting

to the linguistic variation (Molina and Hurtado Albir : 2002).

Example : Please call 911!


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F. Accuracy in Translation

Accuracy is one of the factors that determine the quality of translation.

The accuracy of the message is an important aim in translation (Baker, 1992: 57).

Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997: 63) define accuracy as a term used in translation

equivalence to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original. In

other word, accuracy means that the content message of source language is

transferred or rendered into the target language correctly.

Basically, the preservation of meaning is a very important aspect in

determining quality of translation. Also, the meaning covering becomes the main

factor that need to be paid attention. It should clearly convey the meaning. In

other words, there will be no ambiguous and there is no chance of

misinterpretation on target readers.

In conclusion, a translation is considered to be accurate if it conveys

the meaning of the source text into the target text correctly without seeing the way

of translator transfer the message to target text. Therefore, accuracy is a kind of

source text oriented approach to translation.

G. Acceptability in Translation

Acceptability is another important factor that determines the quality of

translation. It refers to the natural "feel" of the translation. A translation which


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"reading as an original" that is written in target language rather than that of

"reading as the original". (Shuttleworth and Cowie : 1997: 103)

Therefore, the translator needs to observe the norms of the source

language and the target system before translating the text. The translated text will

be considered available if it is read as an original written in target language and it

is sounded natural for the target readers. In contrast with accuracy, acceptability is

a kind of target text oriented approach in translation. (Suryawinata: 2000: 40-43)

H. Sentence

According to Collins English dictionary, sentence is a set of words

that is complete in itself, conveying a statement, question, etc. Mish (1991:256)

stated that sentence is a grammatical unit that is composed of one or more clause

(consist of subject and predicate). It can be expanded by adding grammatical

words such as object, adverb or conjunction. For example:

 I ride a bike carefully.

Subject : I

Predicate : ride

Object : a bike

Adverb : carefully


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Web page is not the same thing as a Web site. A Web page is an

individual HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) document. But, a website is a

collection of web pages that is hosted on one or several web server. In general, a

web page is a document or resource of information that is suitable for the World

Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a

monitor or mobile device.

Web Page consists of verbal component that is text and non –verbal

component that are pictorial (images, icons), graphic (layout and typographic

features), videos, audio, music, and other multimedia elements. It is line with

Sandrini, ―A website contains different types of digital assets which can be text,

pictures, multimedia such as audio and video streaming […]‖ (Sandrini : 2005)

Web pages are accessed and transferred with the Hypertext Transfer

Protocol (HTTP) by typing significant address or domain name in the Uniform

Resource Locator (URL) attached on internet browser. URL is an address that is

used to locate a particular resource (website, file, server, etc) on the internet. The

URL‘s of the pages organizes a website into hierarchy. Then, the user or a web

browser renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto

a display terminal.


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According to Collins English Dictionary, ―Machine translation (MT)

is the production of text in one natural language from that in another by means of

computer procedures‖. In other words, MT is the application of computers to the

task of translating texts from one natural language to another. The most previous

version of MT only employs simple substitution of words in one natural language

for words in another. Then MT is developed and able to employ corpus

techniques. This techniques able to translate more complex sentence and allowing

for better handling of differences in linguistic typology, phrase recognition, and

translation of idioms, as well as the isolation of anomalies.

Currently, machine translation software allows for customization by

domain or profession (such as weather reports). This technique is very effective in

domains where formal or formulaic language is used. So, it makes machine

translation of government and legal documents can produce a better translation

output than a less standardized text.

Improved output quality can also be achieved by human intervention:

for example, some systems are able to translate more accurately if the user has

unambiguously identified which words in the text are names. One of MT which

used this system is Google Translate.


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Google Translate is an online translator service provided by Google

Inc. to translate a section of text, or a webpage, into another language. In details,

Google Translate can translate any web page into 51 languages around the world

only in a second. Also, Google Translate is very easy to use. The user only inputs

the URL of desired web page on available box, chooses the available target

language, then clicks enter command, and the web page has been successfully


Moreover, Google translate is a free domain area. It means the internet

users do not have to become a member or pay the charge to obtain a full services

of Google Translate. It is also possible to enter searches in a source language that

are first translated into a destination language allowing the user to browse and

interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language

Google translate is based on an approach called statistical machine translation

which is developed by Franz-Josef Och. His research made him the winner on the

DARPA contest for speed machine translation in 2003. Nowadays, Och is

appointed to be a head of Google's machine translation department.

According to Och and Ney (2002 : 298), a solid base for developing a

usable statistical machine translation system for a new pair of languages from

scratch, would consist in having a bilingual text corpus (or parallel collection) of

more than a million words and two monolingual corpora of each more than a

billion words. Statistical models from this data are then used to translate between


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In order to store this massive amount of linguistic data, Google

uses United Nations documents. The same document is normally available in all

six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish),

so Google has a 6-language corpus of 20 billion words' worth of human

translations. Then, Google keeps developing a better version of Google Translate

from time to time. On June 2010, Google has launched its 20th stage of Google

Translation. And, still, the quality of Google translation will be improved more


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A. Research Type and Design

In this research, the researcher applied a descriptive qualitative method.

By using descriptive qualitative method, the researcher only collected, classified,

analyzed the data and then drew a conclusion. A further explanation about

qualitative research is also given by Cresswell (1998:15):

Qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, reports detailed views of informants, and conducts the study in a natural setting.

Qualitative research was applied in this research because the data are not

statistical data. Although there is a simple counting in this research, this counting

was only used as a medium to analyze the data and to make conclusions. For

addition, the counting was also used in order to asses the translation quality.

In this research, the data are descriptive since the data are in the form of

words, picture, rather than numbers (Bogdan and Biklen, 1992: 30). Besides, this

research was not conducted to make any prediction and to prove or disapprove

any hypothesis.


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The researcher employed a single embedded-case study since the

researcher only focuses on a particular aspect. In this study, the researcher focused

on analyzing translation techniques applied by Google Translate and the quality

translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability in translating the text on

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page. Sutopo (2002:112) says that a

research is called a single embedded-case study if it focuses on one characteristic.

B. Data and Source of Data

Data source refers to the subject from which the data can be obtained

(Arikunto 1997: 114). The source data of this thesis are all sentenceson

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea/Party web page. The title of the article is

Boston Tea Party. The article tells us about the culmination of a resistance

movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been

passed by the British Parliament in 1773. The text was translated by Google


There are two types of data used in this thesis so called Primary data and

the secondary data. The primary data is all sentences in the article entitled Boston

Tea Party and taken from en.wikipedia.org/wiki web page. The secondary data is

the scale given by the raters. The researcher took three raters to asses the

translation quality of the text in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The raters

must posses several criteria to asses the quality. The researcher used questionnaire


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As stated before that the raters should posses several criteria so that they

can asses the translation quality of the text. The criteria of the raters are shown


1. Rater

- The raters are willing to participate in this research

- The raters should master both languages, English and Indonesian

- The raters should have knowledge of translation

- The raters should have practical experiences in translation

- The raters should capable of using internet services

- The raters should know how to use Google Translate translation services.

2. Document

Document is written source of data. Document used in this research as

source of data were all manual text English sentences and their translation, taken

from an article text on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page

C. Sampling Technique

The researcher employed total sampling technique to collect the data since

the choice of subject is based on all characteristics or features which have


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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page. According to Tatang M.

Amirin (2009), total sampling means researching all data on population.Thus, all

data were taken from all sentences on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party

web page.

D. Method of Data collection

Data collection means a series of interrelated activities aimed at gathering

good information to answer emerging research question (Creswell, 1998: 110)

The researcher used two methods to collect the data which are content

analysis and questionnaire.

1. Content analysis

Bernard (in Morse, 1994: 179) states that content analysis is ―a catch-all

term covering a variety of techniques for making inferences from text data‖.

Content analysis was used by the researcher because it helps the researcher

in drawing conclusion. In content analysis, the researcher collects the data by

analyzing the content of the English and the Indonesian translation of the article

text on web page. The data includes all words, phrases, clauses, and sentences

found on Google-translated text on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web


commit to user 2. Questionnaire

This research applied two types of questionnaire; close format and

open-ended format. The close format questionnaire means that the questionnaire is in

form of scaled questionnaire. The researcher distributed questionnaires containing

scale of the translation's accuracy, and acceptability to the raters. Meanwhile, in

open-ended format, the raters are allowed to give their comments dealing with the

translation's accuracy, and acceptability.

The questionnaires containing scales of accuracy and acceptability are

distributed to the raters. The scales of accuracy are described in the table below:

Scale Level Description

1 Accurate The meaning of the source language sentences is

accurately conveyed into the target language text. There

is no meaning distortion.

2 Less Accurate The meaning of the source language sentence is less

accurately conveyed into the target language. There are

some meaning distortions.

3 Inaccurate The meaning of the source language sentence is definitely

not accurately conveyed into the target language. It is

omitted or deleted.


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The scales of acceptability are shown in the table below:

Scale Level Description

1 Acceptable The source language sentences are translated naturally. It

does not feel like a translation product. There is no

grammatical mistake. The terms of the source language are

suitable with the culture of the target language.

2 Less


The translation sound natural enough but it feels like

translation. It is rather clumsy and not in accordance with

the language system and culture of target language.

3 Unacceptable The translation extremely sounds like translation,

unnatural, and clumsy. It is not grammatically and

culturally accepted

Adapted from Machali, 2000: 119-120

E. Research Procedure

This research was designed to be conducted in the following stage.

1. Reading the data

Read the article on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page

browsed on February 8th 2010 and its translation which is translated by Google


commit to user 2. Collecting Primary Data

The primary data were collected in the form of English sentences taken from

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page browsed on February 8th 2010.

Primary data in the form of Indonesian sentences were collected by translating the

web page using Google Translate online web page translator service.

3. Encoding Primary Data

The collected primary data were given a code and number. For example: TL/054

or SL/054

054 – The number of the taken data

TL– Target Language

SL – Source Languag

4. Analyzing Primary Data

The primary data were analyzed to find out the translation techniques

applied by the Google Translate in translating

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party web page.

5. Collecting Secondary Data

The secondary data were collected from questionnaires distributedto the

raters. The data were assessed by the raters based on the classification which was

given by the researcher. The raters assessed the translation quality interms of


commit to user • Classification A (Accuracy):

Al: accurate

A2: less accurate

A3: inaccurate

• Classification B (Acceptability):

Bl: acceptable

B2: less acceptable

B3: unacceptable

6. Analyzing Secondary Data

The secondary data were analyzed to find out the quality of translation in

terms of accuracy and acceptability.

7. Drawing Conclusion

Based on data analysis some conclusions were drawn and some


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This chapter presents data analysis to answer the problems as mentioned in

chapter one. It is divided into three parts. There are technique analysis, accuracy,

and acceptability.

The first part of the analysis discusses the translation techniques used by

Google Translate in translating web page. The second part presents data analysis

of the accuracy of the translation. The last part aims to reveal the level of

acceptability of the translation.


I. Translation Techniques

1. Literal Translation and Calque

Literal translation means the source language text is translated literally,

without any addition or reduction, into the target language. Literal translation

focuses on the form and structure of the original text. The other technique is

calque. This technique is a word or phrase borrowed from another language and

directly translated it without paying attention the cultural background of target


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readers. That is why some calqued translation works are not sounded familiar and

natural for target readers. The implementations of these two techniques can be

The North ministry's solution was the Tea Act , which received the assent of

King George on May 10, 1773

Kementerian Utara solusi adalah UU

Teh, yang menerima persetujuan dari

Raja George pada 10 Mei 1773

The example above show the implementation of the literal translation

technique. The machine looks for the literal equivalence for every word in ST that

is conveyed into TT. Thus, there is a change on grammatical structure in

translating “Tea Act” which has M (Modifier) – H (Head) structure. Shifting M –

H into H – M (UU – teh) is the right choice in translating phrase: “Tea Act” since

H – M pattern is a general form in Indonesian language structure.

Another technique occurred on example above is calque. The application

of this technique can be found when Google Translate translates“The North

ministry‟s”and ―Tea Act‖ into “Kementrian Utara” and, “UU teh”. The machine

simply translates those directly based on dictionary meaning. Using calque to

translate ―Tea Act‖ into ―UU The‖ is a right choice since there is no equivalence


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can not determine a right technique in translating the other phrase; “Kementrian

Utara”. In this context, North is name of person who take hold the Prime Minister

of Great Britain in Boston Tea Party historical age. So, using calque to translate

phrase “North ministry‟s” makes original message on ST can not be conveyed on


Example 2: Datum no. 72


According to historian Benjamin Labaree, "A stubborn Lord North had unwittingly hammered a nail in the coffin of the old British Empire."

Menurut sejarawan Benjamin Labaree, "Tuhan yang keras kepala Utara secara tidak sengaja ditempa sebuah paku di peti mati yang lama Kerajaan Inggris."

On datum above, there is calque technique consists in literal translated

work. The machine uses calque to translate every phrase on TT above. It is like

previous example, on phrase ―A stubborn Lord North Google Translate makes a

mistake by translating a name of person Lord North” into literal meaning

Tuhan Utara”.

The machine makes another mistake when translating an expression

“hammered a nail in the coffin”using calque technique. On ST context, that

expression means ―make a very fatal mistake‖. So, translating it directly into

literal meaning would not be conveyed ST context. Then, the rest of phrase also

translated using calque because the machine is only translate the text directly

without paying attention a whole sentence context of ST.


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The translation which uses literal, borrowing, and calque can be found in:

Datum no. 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

For other uses, see Boston Tea Party Untuk Kegunaan lain, lihat Boston Tea Party.

On datum which is literally translated, we can see calque is implemented

to translate the phrase “other uses” into ―kegunaan lain‖. Borrowing is applied by

having a loan of the original word and putting it into target language text. It can be

pure (without any change) or naturalized (to fit the spelling rules in target

language). The pure borrowing can be found on phrase ―Boston Tea Party”. The

machine applies the right thing by simply taken these words since the name of the

event should not be translated to maintain the original meaning on source text.

Example 2: Datum No. 62


The Tea Act retained the three pence Townshend duty on tea imported to the colonies


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From datum no. 62 which is literally translated, we can see that there are

two words which are borrowed from ST, there are “tea” and “pence”. Applying

simple borrowing technique on translating these two words are not deliver a good

translation output. Hence, “tea” and “pence” should be translated into ―teh‖ and

―sen‖ to produce a better translation. Oddly, on other datum, we can find that

“tea” is translated into ―teh‖. It means Google Translate, actually, capable to

translate “tea” correctly. So, the researcher assumes that this mistaken is caused

of the bug on Google Translate system. As for the rest, they are translated using


Example 3: Datum no.18


When tea became popular in the British colonies, Parliament sought to eliminate foreign competition by passing an act in 1721 that required colonists to import their tea only from

Great Britain.

Ketika teh menjadi populer di koloni Inggris, Parlemen berusaha untuk

menghilangkan persaingan asing

dengan mengesahkan suatu tindakan

pada 1721 yang mengharuskan

penjajah untuk mengimpor teh mereka hanya dari Britania Raya.

On TT which is literally translated, there are some implementations of

borrowing and calque techniques. Just like on example above, “Parliament” and

―import‖ are borrowed from ST then they are naturalized into “parlemen” and

“mengimpor” (it adds prefix meng- since it is a verb). As for the rest, they are

translated using calque. One of implementation of calque translation on TT can be

found when translating into “Britania Raya”. Eventhough it is calque translated,

the term “Britania Raya” is quiet familiar in target reader.


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Borrowing and calque can be found inside TT which is literally translated.

Pure borrowing can be seen in word “detail”. As for calque, it can be seen when

the machine directly translates “Townshend Acts” into “Kisah Townshend”.

Example 5: Datum no.75


Americans learned the details of the Tea Act while the ships were en route, and opposition began to mount.

Amerika mempelajari rincian Undang-Undang Teh sementara kapal-kapal dalam perjalanan, dan oposisi mulai untuk me-mount.

On TT which is literally translated, we can find two borrowed words and a

phrase is translated using calque. The two borrowed words are “Opposition”

which is naturalized into “oposisi” and “mount” which is simply borrowed from

ST. It seems that the systems of Google Translate can not find any equivalence

word for “mount”. Then the implementation of calque is used to translate the rest

of phrase.

3. Literal, Borrowing, Particularization, and Calque.

These translation criteria can only be fulfilled on datum no. 63. On this

datum, TT is translated literally. Also, borrowing and particularization techniques

can be found inside it. Particularization technique uses more particular or concrete


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Beberapa anggota DPR ingin

menghilangkan pajak ini, menyatakan

bahwa tidak ada alasan untuk

memancing kontroversi kolonial lain.

On TT which is literally translated, the word ―controversy‖ is borrowed

and then it is naturalized into ―kontroversi‖. It is right decision since ―kontroversi‖

fits the spelling rules and also commonly used in target readers. As for the

implementation of particularization technique, we can see it on the word

“parliament” which is translated into more particular term “DPR”. DPR is a

name of Indonesian parliament. However, On ST above, “parliament” refers to

Great Britain parliament. So, translating it into DPR distorts original meaning of

ST. Hence, applying particularization technique is incorrect because it distorts the

original context of ST. As for the rest, it was translated with calque technique.

4. Amplification and Calque

Amplification technique is used to introduce or add detailed information in

target text which does not exist on source text. Amplification and calque


commit to user reduce costs by eliminating the

middlemen who bought the tea at wholesale auctions in London.

dengan menghilangkan perantara yang membeli grosir teh di lelang di London.

On datum above, whole content of sentence were translated by

calquetechnique, except on word “this”. The context of ―this‖ refers to a kind of

thing on previous sentence of datum no. 59. To explain ―this‖ context, the

machine gives additional information “hal”. Also, adding the word “hal”

clarifies the context of the word ―ini‖ on TT.

Example 2: Datum no. 64


Former Chancellor of the Exchequer William Dowdeswell, for example, warned Lord North that the Americans would not accept the tea if the Townshend duty remained.

Mantan Menteri Keuangan Britania

Raya William Dowdeswell, misalnya,

Tuhan memperingatkan bahwa Amerika Utara tidak akan menerima teh jika tugas Townshend tetap.

On TT above, the machine adds “Britania Raya” to give information for

target reader that William Dowdeswellis Former Chancellor of the Exchequer of,

none other than, Great Britain. Then, the machine is calque translated “warned

Lord North that the Americans would not accept the tea if the Townshend duty

remained” into Tuhan memperingatkan bahwa Amerika Utara tidak akan

menerima teh jika tugas Townshend tetap.

5. Amplification, Calque, and Borrowing

These three techniques can be found on:


commit to user Total Data 10

Example: Datum no. 11


Parliament responded in 1774 with

theCoercive Acts, which, among other provisions, closed Boston's commerce until the British East India Company had been repaid for the destroyed tea.

Parlemen menanggapi pada tahun

1774 dengan paksaan Kisah Para Rasul, yang antara lain ketentuan, menutup perdagangan Boston sampai

British East India Company telah

translated with naturalized borrowing into “parlemen” to fit the spelling rules in

Indonesian language. Then, amplification technique on this datum can be found in

translating “in 1774”into “pada tahun 1774”. In Indonesian language structure, it

is necessary to give an indicator of time such as ―tahun‖, ―bulan‖, ―hari‖, ―jam‖,

etc. So, the machine does the right thing by adding the word ―tahun‖ on TT. Then,

calque technique is used to translate the rest of phrases. After paksaan Kisah”,

there is an addition phrase “Para Rasul”. However, this addition phrase “Para

Rasul” does not explain any single information of ST context. On biblical

translation, “Acts” is translated into “Kisah Para Rasul”. The researcher assumes

that the machine recognizes the term “Coercive Acts” as a biblical translation. It


table below is shown what translation techniques with its quantity are.
Table of Accuracy
Table of Acceptability


Dokumen terkait

(jawaban ST2) Berdasarkan lembar kerja subjek di atas terlihat bahwa ST1dan ST2 mampu menentukan persamaan dan perbedaan prisma segitiga dan limas segitiga dengan

Pada lembar peraturan, terdapat 14 aturan yang harus ditaati pemain dalam memainkan shuo jenga, antara lain; (1) pemain maksimal berjumlah 4 orang, (2) undi urutan pemain

perusahaan yang masuk Sepuluh Besar CGPI dan Non Sepuluh Besar CGPI. Alat analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode event study, uji hipotesis

Masalah yang akan dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah reliabilitas dan okupansi dari angkutan kota jurusan Stasiun Hall – Sarijadi pada ruas jalan Surya Sumantri di kota

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat penguasaan pemahaman matematika siswa dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran dasar dan pengukuran listrik kelas X

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan metode KLT Densitometri yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan penetapan kadar campuran deksametason dan deksklorfeniramin

Mengatasi permasalahan terabaikannya budaya yang dimiliki maka perancangan dan pembangunan aplikasi media pengenalan berbasis multimedia interaktif ini bertujuan