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The Development of Institutional Models for Community Food Security in West Nusa Tenggara (Ntb) Province-Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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"ntemational Organization

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e-ISSN : 2279-0837

Volume : 19 Issue: 7 (Version - I)

p-ISSN : 2279-0845


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·om 1930 To

in all these ers of Raipur

i th eir voices .e lped peopl e il1ete freedom

r 4\

"-, I


IOSR Journal Of Hum anilies And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)


19, Issue 7, Ver 1

(J llly.

2014), PP


e-ISSN: 22 79-0837, p-1SS:';




The Development of Institutional Models for Community Food

Security in West Nusa Tenggara (Ntb) Province-Indonesia



Setia Hadj2, Bambang Juanda


EmaIl Rustiadi


'(Student of Post-graduate School ''''ilh a SlUdy Program


Regional and Rural Planning and Development Science-Faculty of Economic and Management- Bogor Agriculture University -In do nesia)

l(Lec furers of Posl-graduate Sc hool with a Study Program ofRegional and Rural Planning an d Development

Science-Fa,.;u!fy ofEconomic and Management- Bogor Agriculture University -indonesia)

Abstract: NTD province is a/ood surplus area, but at the same time it belongs 10 an area Ihal hus a high risk of food shortage . Therefore , STB should requ.ire a handling priority in Ihis particular aspecl. In Ihe communiry,

there are groups (hat can ./01/0... th.! mark.et mechanism, but there are also groups with low incomes who need commUirity institutions OJ" mechanisms outside the market. This study aimed to develop models vf community

institutions to improve food sec urir)' in NTB . The analytical me/hods used were Analysis of Food Security, InslllulionaJ Descriptive Analysis, Analysis of Transaction Cost (TC) and Palh Analysis. The research result showed that the i;1come and food stocks of families and pal/ems of community interactions in NTB through social trunsjers had increa.)·l:!d fhe foo d secun'ty of indiyiduals / families in NTB. Development models of ['ommunity institmions t (l impr(j\'e food security, among olhers, were dhers!'fication of family economic activin'es, encvuragelllel1l of community parn'cipation both in formal and injormal institutions, rural infrastructure deve;opment, Posyar.du re l-'ilalization, Raskin orragemenrs. and insfirulional integralion, ' e,<;pecially informal ィセwHuQゥッョ ウ@ in o!"£I-l!1" to Improve food securiry,

Keywords: commIlni!y instilutiv17,/uud sec/{!'il)', social transfer, transue/ion ellsr



NTB provin ..:e is a foo j surplus area as indicated by th e valu\:: of the rice producti on surp lus and the availability or' rood crops and foods of animal' origin which is likely to increas\::. However, the existing data show that some areas in NTB are still inc luded in 100 regenc ies in Indonesia bein g in danger of food shortage, In fa cl, approximately 70.83 % of the tOla l number of ウオ「M、ゥセエイゥ」エウ@ in NTB are vulnerable to rood shortage (FSVA, 2C09 and Government of NTB, :010).

The ェウウ オセ@ of fO()(l securi ty In NTB ーイ ッカ セョ 」 ・@ is mainly related to the suffic ient food availability at the regional le vel , blJt in term s Pヲ エィ セ@ di siribution and ('.onsum plion at the community and indi vidual :' family iセ カ・ャウL@ the ーイッカゥョセ・@ ゥ セ@ ヲ。セゥヲQァ@ セ ッ t N ・ョAゥゥZャN@ ャ@ problems.


the |N セ oャャQゥャャェNNiヲャゥlケL@ th ere are groups that can full ow the markel me c hanis m, but tr.e re ar.: :;],,0 セPセ_ s@ 'vith low incomes whl,) need c0mmunity ゥョ セ ャゥャャ Z@ エゥ g ョ ウ@ or ュ・」ィセョゥ ウ ュウ@ o l!ts ide the r.1ar:':e!. sセ ィPョ・イ@ (1981 ) de fine s an institut ion as the regulation of human behav io r thal is acceptt:d by ali me mbers of th e community a;1d serveS 。セ@ an ゥョエセイ。」エェ ッョ@ panem in a cert:lin reCUiTent situation,

In the traditional arrange ments, the people of NTB province initiall y had local instituti ons that managed food security in accord wce with their need, e.g, village bzms or scarc ity barns, but unfo rtunately vari ou3 local insti!utions and tradi tion'll kn owledge ウケウ エ・ュセ@ rel ating to fooe! security are gradually fading away (Ka ryadi L\\', 2009). Th l!n came polici es and fo rmal institutions that touched the li ves and activiti es of c o mmunity food sec urity, but according to Arifin B (2005), the eftectiveness of the various p o li cies / institutional arnsn g...:m'-.!nts is slill qu\::stionable.



Acti o n Arena


iョ 」・ ョエゥセ



Figure 1. The .\1ost Gc'neral Flerm:nts of lnstiWlinnal Analys is (O stro rll et ai, 2002.):

RelateJ to the dTon s 10 develop institution s. particularly the one s al com munity le vel. Ostro m eL al. (200 2) rres ents a framework or an analytical fh" ....cll art of institutional devel opment effort s (Figure I), that is, by id enti fy ing the act Or situa til)1I (ac tion arena) lhal has dir(;ct relevance to エィセ@ problems studieJ, th e cOllte xl lhat shapes and in llueO!.:I.: !\ the ac tor siluation (incl uding ot her イ・ャエセ| G 。ョ H@ aren3s) anJ beh a\'iora l inte racti ons (Patt ern s o fintt:-ra cti on l :llld Iht:: outcomes oblained.

W\\ w , ゥ オウセ ェ ッ ャャイョ。Aウ Nッ イァ@ !)



The Development ofInstitutional Models jar Community Food Security in West Nusa Tenggura (Nt b)

Karyadi LW (2009) has identified the fonn s. importance and dynamics of food security instituti ons at the community level in NTB, and finds that (he presence of formal food system (as a form of system adaptati on to technologi cal development) culturally and institutionally has comered the original food stock institution s.

S ince the questi on raised in this research


conccming a proper institutional development model at th e community level to improve food security in line with the regional chara_cteristics and the community in lT B provin ce, the aims of this ,research were: (1) to anal yze Income and Food Stock (IFS) and their contributio ns lO

indi vidu al and family food security levels in NTB; (2) to analyze patterns of community interaction ( soc ial solidarity I social transfer) and their contribution to individual and family food security levels ill NTB ; and (J) {Q

formulate a model of community instituti onal deve.lopmcnt to improve food security in NTB .

II. Methods

This research was conducted in the regcncies of Dompu and Sumbawa (Sumbawa Island) and in the regencies of Central Lombok and West Lombok (Lombok Island) , NTB province. The forst objec tive was achieved using Analysis of Indi vidual I Family Food Security and t-test. The second objective was reached using a descripti ve analysis of Social Transfer (ST) and a desctiptive analysis o f Transaction Cost (TC) in addition 1O the previous analy s is. The third objective, which was a synthesis. was attained using a descripti ve analysis of institutions in addition to the previo us kinds of analyses. and all the model s were tested with a path analysis .

1.1. Analysis oflodividuol / Family Food Ser.urity

Analysis of Family Food Security was carried out using cross-classification of two indi cators of food security , namel y food spending share and energy (kcal) consumption adequacy levels as shown in Table I .



Determining the Level o flndividuals .'


Foo d Securi ty

Energy con sumption p-<:r UrlH - ec;uj\'aknt

10 adulS (Kcal)

Adequate (":>8 0 % entTgy 。、セアオ。」ケ@


Food srcnding s....are

to'\ «f1U%


4. Foot.l stXure

lO tal

[nadCllUa!e «80 % energy 。、」アオ 。」セ@ 2. Food questlonahle

1. Food. Insecure

rcqulrcm..:nt) (IH.lJ<!'1 u8Ie )

Sa uro< : Jonsson and Toole (1991) in Maxwell , D et al. (2000)

2.2. Test of difference (t test)

- Tv find Olll the difference s in the (t ven,\se income (tnd food ウエP」ォセ G@ b::lween reg :om .I ゥ@ セ@ ャ。 d、ウL@ ( (est \\(\5 d0ne:

two SIOlr1e assumi!1g IInequal variance'S

- To find out the differences in the average ・ョセイァケ@ consumption level and the spending on food before ane: after social ;rans fer, t test was conducted : paired two simple for mean s

2.3. Uescriptive AnalYSis of Social Transfer (TS)

Sodal Transfer (TS) = Relati ves Triins fer + Zaka ( T C ommunity Loan + Other Transfcrs (a r:san. mbolo

·Wok i. banjar, etc.)

2.4. Descriptive AnAlysis


Tran saction Cost (TC)

Transac tion Cost (TC) = custs of search and informat ion. meetings and decision-making process. monitoring. evaluati on and enforcement of 。ァイエZ・ュ セ ョ ャセ@ (rule s), and so un

2.5. Descr iptive Anal ys is



Institutional anal ys is inc ludes in stitutional identifi cation and ro le ana lysis

2.n , PRth aョ。ャケウゥセ@

Path Analys is is an analysi s (hat is use d [0 explore the efTects ( whether direct or indirect) ber· ...('en

\.ariahle:l. Th e path analysi s in thi s stud y used LlSREL 8.3 'iofiwarc, 2nd the pat h 。ョ。ャケセゥウ@ in cluded ::;uc h nl lxiel dia gram constnlction, preparation of mod el eq ual ion s and model estimatio n.



Developmenr of fn slilUliolJal Models for Community Food Security in WeS I Nus" Tenggara (NIb)


(N ib)


Regional General Conditions

instituti o n s at

em ad ap tation

NTB province has an area of 49,312. 19 km' , consisting of two large islands, namely Lombok Island with an area of 4.738.80 km2 HRSNU@ iッLN セ QI@ and Sumbawa Island with an area of 15,414.4 5 km1 (76.49%).

:;titution s. Administratively, NTB province cons ists o f eight regencies and two cities, namely West Lombok, Mataram

t model a1 the


North Lombok Regenc)" , Central Lombok Regency and


Lombok Regenc)" (located on Lombok

lunity in NT B Island) and West Sumbawa Regenc) . Sumbawa Regency, Dompu Regency. Bima C ity and Sima Regency mtribLiti ons to (located on Sumbawa Island). NTH has a population of 4,5 87,562 in 2012. The percentage of population aged

"acti.on (social above 15 who worked in the av ai labl e occupations in NTB in 2012 was 44 .25% in the agricultural sector,

TB; and (3) (o 18 .83% in the trade sector, 16 .0 5% in (he servi ce sectOr and the rest in o ther sectors.


Results And Discussion

1.2. Income and Food Stock (lfS) and Their Contribution to Indhddual / Family Food Security

nd) and in Ihe Levels

objective was To assure a reliable and s ustainable level of indi vidual / family food security , it is imperative to pay a

e w as re ached s pecial attention to two indicators of food security: the share of food expenditure and the level of energy

, Cost (TC) in consumption adequ,acy. Tables 2 a nd .1 e xplain that the average level of food security of individual / famil y

g a descripti ve イ・Uーッョ、・ョセ@ in NTB is still at the level of food vulnerable. This condition was actually the contribution of the

led with a patli average indicators of the food consumption share / capita of 0.95 and the food expenditure share o f 0.71 . The

data explained that in the short-term the average co nsumption o f the community had ful filled energy adequecy

(> 80 % 'energy adequacy requiremem) , but because the average total spending was; io w, the share of food

expenditure was mOre dominant ('> 60 % o f total family expenditure) whkh indicated that o n the average the

icaters o f food individuals I families were in a Slmu.S o f food v ulnerable.

Table I.

Table 2. Value, of Inco nle and Food Stock (lFS) Family Respondents in NTB



enl . )

オ セ@

Dompu S llmba ...-a Loleng



( u nt カー・ イ N [G セGョセL セ G。セ __LM」M セ ________________セ ____________________


Aycrn@e of Incorne UI\J FCQ<! - - -

-Slock (Irs ) Rp 000 . 40-' .8 .6617 }28.? 3<j t 2 440:3

IrS<Rp 250,ll{):) % 12 .50 2S 00 25.00 15 .63

Irs>'''o (XX)·



SI 25 4 j ·15 M 75 6150 64 ,;)()


<. R£ 1.00O.{J(lO


1875 187S 625 62 5 12 SO

IfS> Ro IJ),)O.OC,o % 25 00 6.25 J 81

2 Coeffic ienl oi IFS Varia tio n OJ ) 0 64 0 38 06 { O.r;;l

3 Difference Test (I-! esl. lhe 3\'cra@c of IFS Sumhawa Islane > Lomb(JklslanJ

si gnifIC3r,\ at セBG U BGNI@

Source: Pro..;essed primary data

test was dcone :

B ased o n t-le<;t. the ZGi@ カ・ イセァセ@ inC0rilt" and rood slO(:k:; o f S umbawa I:-:and キ 。セ@ hi f!. her thJ.n Lomb()k

)efore ane: a ft er Island (significant at 0 g 5%). tィセ@ next I-tes t showed that the average eriergy consumption of s オュ「。 ᄋ セカ。@ Is l .. nd

was higher than Island o f Lotnbck , [Lセ@ G@ ィゥャ・@ the average s hare of food expenditure of Sumbawa I@ セ ャ。ョ、@ was 1000've r

than Lombok Island (signiticam at a = 5%). nlis suggested that the level cf food security in Sumbawa Island

was relati ve ly hi gher than in Lombok Is land . The res ult of path analysis indicated that the in crease in energy

(a r:sa n. mbol 0 ";uJl s umptioll 。 、・アオセ」ケ@ and the 、・」イ ・。セ ・@ iii the :,hare of food ex penjiture were influ cr,c'!u by the inc re35t ill

family ・ セー ・ョ、ゥエオイ・@ (s ignificanl a[ a = 5% ), while the in crease in spending co uld be boosteo Ihro ugh Ihe

inc reased inc omes and food s tocks ( significant al a セ@ 5%) and Ihe decrease in tran sac tion cOS t (signifi cant al a :=


lak ing p ro ces s.

Tahle J. Level s o f Energy Cons umplion . Food Sepending, and


Security Levels o f Indi v idual I Family

__セ __MLLMセ ___ セ _ __ _ _ _- ,R-=espo nde nts in NTB Province

COIl IPI.lII <:1I 1


\ Monthfy pcr cl1p.\l 1 Unit 1X1mpu Sumnaw<I loャセャャ ァ@ Lohar NTB

Consumpuun PS .... lセョ セ ャ@ ,CELl Index l.()(! 0% OQ] 1)<1 1



Spendins Shore Fam o!) Food

ISS F t lode.\ ヲ jWセ@ fl ; 5


076 (1 7 1

iirecl ) between

jed s uch nlodd ],



FOOcJ Sc(uril: Level ,FSL )

!ndl"·,(! ual "'aJnlh


Food InadeqlJa!c f-ood Vulnera ble



• 0



ャセ@ 50 Q@ セ@ SO 1セ N@ so@

5 00 2500 02.50 62 SO W セ@ 00

3d r nod S.:t:urc:'


セ U⦅オ HI@ 6l.5!) 2500 2500 セ ェ@ N oiI

D.ITc.ffilCII: Tt:51 II-tl:$!. \ : ':.'ll t'oc.anl [h..: i\vcr..ij.C e El . or Sunloowa IsllUld '" LOfTIool.. t.d;mJ

:11 u-S-,\ The ....:Cfa£C S:-iF nr Sum\l;lw!l ltll&lId I ' Lomboll; Ishlnd


l tィ セ@

Development a/Institutional Models/or Community Food Security in West Nusa Tenggara


Source: Processed primary data

1.3. Community Interaction PatterDs (Social Solidarity / Social TraDsfer) aDd Their Contribution to Individual/Family Food Security Levels


Food, security 15 a collective problem; therefore, it is necessary for a community in a social arrangement to organize collective actions to so lve the problem, for instance, through social so lidarity in the fonn of social transfers to individuals / families in need. Social solidarity I social tran sie r can increase income and food stock and family spe nding.

Table 4'. Community Interactio n Patterns (Social Transfer and Transacti on Cost) and Its Contribution to Indi vidual / Family_Food Security Level

No Compenent Umt 'I Dom-pu  Sunlbaw'3  Loteng  Lobar NTB 

LMonthlH.er caDlla)


Social Tr:l.'1sfer(TS) from Communif'.,'  Rn (00:0  4132 11.25  33.41  724  23.58 

2  Transaction  CoSt  (Tel in  Community  Rp (000)  772  1.11  1.9 1  1.4 2  323 


J  Consumption  Energy  Level tCEL)­after social,  Index  1.00  0 .97  100  095  098 



Spending  Share  FamJly  Food (SSF)- .ft...  ,Index  067  0.53  0 .66  0.74  0.65 

soclal' transfer 

; Fo()(rSecurit)' Level (FSl) (ndividualfFamlly  .  after social transfer 


Food Insecure  %

025  625  .


.FooJ iョャャ、セオ。ャ・@ '% 


ruw Vulnerable  I % I

I 62.50  2500  6250  62.':U 62. 50 


rood Secure 



6875  37 .50  3US  3i 50 

6  Tl1'e  average  of eEL before SOCial  transfer <

dャヲヲセイ」ョ」・@ T est (t·test. signi(i('am on Cl"" 5%)  al'\\.'( soctal  transfer 

The 3\"ef3gC of  SSF before socia! エセBイ」イ@

;-after socia! lr:lJ1sfer 

Source:  Processed prtmary data 

becaus  d isince 

IA . 


and Ie'

lransfe  attrihut  insticut 

ウ・」 オイゥ{ セ@


0.064 セ@





(Source  increase:  income  mmUi Table 4 illustrates that  after socia l transfers  thoe  lverage ャ・ カセ Q@ of the  food sec urity of indi vidual  /  farTlliy 

respondents  increased  as  evident  from  the  Hest result showing  thai エィセ@ 3verage  level  of energy  consumption  in 

T he fir:

NT B prov!nce  before soc! 31  tre. nsfers  was  lower than  that  after  socia l tran sfers. while the  average  share  o f food 


expenditure  in NTB provi nce  before  social  transfers  was  higher than that after soci ailtans[ers (significant 2( a =.

­. Il{util  5 %). Thc  resul!  of path  analyo;is  indicated  that  the  increase  in  food  security  was  d;Je to the  increase ill famiiy 

ki p; HセクゥG・ョ、ゥエオイ・N@ Thc  Aョ 」 イセ。ウ・@ in  family  expend iture  was  deter!1linec!  hy  the  i:litia!  value  of expenditure,  dri ven  ·cet; ...-through  the  increased  social  transfers to the co nmll.!nity サウゥァョゥヲゥ」。ョセ@ at a = 5 セᄋッ I N@

k ip:

The  value  of social  transfers  received  by  the  family  respondent  pe r ca pita  per  month  in  NTB  'Nere  on 

ijQQ 「。セ

the  average  of Rp  23,580,  especial I)'  fro m  relatives  and  z.akat.  The  high est  av erage  o f  soc ial  transter  was  in   Dompu  at  Rp 411.320 pc:­ capi ta  per  month  and  Central  Lombok  Rp  33,470 .  Social  transfe rs  from  z.akat  COille 

mu,   ..mn,  セ@

fr om  the  residents  \­""ho  pa y  zakat  through  zakat  officers/  mosque  officers  to  be  submitted  to  families  who  arc 

-l5ed Ii

entitled  to  receiv e.  The  kinship  institution s  in  Dompu  and  Sumbawa  are  in  form  of neighbor  relationship  or 


familial  relati onship.  Neighbo r  relationship  is  coordinated  by  the  head  of  RT I RWand  Village  Head.  Meanwhile,  kinsh ip  in  the  regenc;ies  of Central  Lombok  and  West  Lombok is in  the  foml of Gubug, namely  the 


commun ity relation ship  in  a neighhorhood unit  which  genera lly has  family  ti es. Guhug  is coord inated hy ((uhlig 

セ@ ir

sc:: nior which is more informal (custom function) . 

Raskin  (l ow. priced  ri ce to be so ld  to  the  poor),  loans  from  the  co mmunity  and  other  kiilds of ··help·· 




(ill  the  form  of arisan  or  banjar). The  loan s  from  the  community  for  needy  families  are  on  the  bas is  of  trust. 


generall y  without margins.  so  as to  be economica ll y  beneficial  for Ihe  families .  Another  social transfer is  in the 



form  of  arisan  or  banjar  which  is  a  form  of  institutional  mechani sm  of sharing  and  mutual  help  and or the 

t'  :­.tc

sharing  of  asset  in  fo rm  of cash  an d  certai n  items.  Social  transfers  in  such  institution 


ari san  or  banjar arc 


generally accepted  at  the community  level,  not  spec ifically  for  poo r fanlilies.  _,,:ta ll Social  tran sfers done  in  NTB  commu nity  ha ve  several  motives.  T he  most  domi nan t  motif was  a  hab it 


custom  (76.56 0.'11 of thc  respondents).  Another  motive  was  for  the  rurrose  of |vHIイセィゥー@ ...­a lue  (57.81 %). and  in 


terms  of worship  motive  87.50 %  of respo ndents  were  from  C'oentral  Lombok and  West  Lombok,  while  56.25 %

TII.,h " 

respondents  were  from  Sumbawa.  The  mot ive  for  property  adequacy  was  4.69 %, givi ng  out of shame  4.69 %

and  social  sanctions of 3. 13 %. lllese data  suggest  that  social  transfers ha ve  been  in stituti onali zed and  sustained 


among others,  P­value 


0.05489 >  0 .05  and  the  value  o f RMSEA­Roo(  Mean Square  Error o f  Approximation =

0.064 :00.08). 

The Development ofInstitutional Models jvr Community Food Security in West Nusa Tenggara (NIh)

mggara (NIb)

because  of the  awareness  of applying c u sセoイNャ@ or ウ セゥイゥエオ。ャ@ value  in  addition  to  the  structure  o f  incentive s  and  disincenti yes (sanc tions). 

'ontribution  to  104.   Community lostitutional Development Model  to  Improve Food Security 

The  preparation of an instiltlfi on(l.l .,,:,o nlmun i,y development  model  was  cHrried oul by  conc;itiering  the  lal  arrangemenl  relations  among  outcome  component.  f,nni! ) ウ イセョ、ゥョァN@ spending  on food, level  of e nergy  consu mpti on (food) form  of soci al  and  level  of  food  security.  which  rue dete rmined by  the  patterns  of  interaction  (social  so lidarit y  .'  soc ial  and  food  stock  エイ。ョウヲセイウI@ and  the  aotion  arena  (income  and  fU0d  stocks)  and  context  (biophysical  environmenl ,  community  attributes,  and  the  role  of  instituti ons  in  the  food  securit y  and  livelihoods  and  the  role  of  citizens  in  the  institutions). The test  results  of PATH  conlo rmity  criteria  showed  an  institutional  devel op ment  model  of tood  security at the co mmunity  level  in NTn pr1.1\·ince (Figure 2) meet  the  criteria  of goodness  o f fit (with  indicators,  Lobar  Nro

7.24  23.58  \.42  J.2j 

095  09R 

0.74  0.65 




62 セッ@ 62 .50 

31  ::5  I 37 SO SOC ia! tranS ltr <.

SOl.:la! tmr!.sfer

;-lividual  I  family  consumption  in 

セ・N@ share 0 



ignifican( 21 a 

=-: rea se in  famii),  !nditurc.  dri ven 

n NTB were  on  transter was in

'00'1 zakat  co me  amili es  w ho  are  rel3lions hip  or  Village  Head.  bug,  namely  the  nated hy uuhllg

kinds of "help"  e  bas is  of trust.  :ran sfer  is  in  Ihe 

help and or the

In  or  banjar  a re  Itif was  a  habit J

57.81 %), and  in  ,  while  56. 25 %

f shame 4.69 セ サ i@ セ、@ an d sus tained 

the  fo od security and  livelih ood and  the  role  of c itizens in the  institutions 

ACTION  ARENA  :  PATIERNS OF INTERA CTION :  Socia l  Income and  food  stock  so lidarityisocial transfer 

OUTCOM.ES:  Fam!ly  spell di:;£ , ウー|N セ ョ、ゥゥャ ァ@ on  food,  energy consumption lev e l (food)  an d  food security iセカ・ャ@



.. . .


, ..  セ@

. ... 

- . . I .


.. , .... n

gure ,!..• In:,tthJtlonal  uevelOjlmeill MO,de! o t rood セ・NZオイャエケ@

CONTEXT: Biophysical  envirolltllcnt.  community attributes, and the role  ofinstiluti ons in 

(Sources: pイッ」・ウセ・、@ Primary  Data,  modilied based on Ostrom  model , セャ@ aI,  2002) 

The  analysis  iesult  with  a  p;Jlh  mo del  described  that  to  achieve  the  desired  outcom"!s,  namely  the  increase  in  spending  potential  and  individual I family  food  sec urity  leve:,  it  is  ne cessary 10 ゥ[セ」イ・。ウ・@ family  in come  and  food  supp.l y.  decrease  tran saction  costs  and  increase  social  trans fers  from  co mmunity  and  community through 

model  of in stituti ona l devel opment described below. 

The  first  objective  was 


increase  intorne  and  food  stocks (lFS). As  for  other  (pot.ential)  pro blems,  among  other s,  the  average  IFS  were  arprllac bir.g  the  poverty  I ine,  the  low  presence  of economic  a: ld  financial 

ゥョウエゥエオエゥッョセN@ particularly  in  villages (i[:5 exist ence  only  contricuted to 20.31  % of  respondents)  and  the  low  pani cipa!i011  I')f cit izens  in  i:1stitutions OU.79 セセQ@ were  not  a..:tive ill the  institutio nal  com munit y) . T o a(hic'/e the

objec tive,  the ウエャ。エセァケ@ was  by ゥョ 」ZM・ 。ウゥョ セ@ IFS I,a mon g  0thers,  thro ugh  family  economic  diversification),  c i[ize.l1s  participation  in  institutions, 。 ャセ g@ instiwticn<::l イッセ・ ウ@ related  to  economic ac ti vities /  family  food  c;ecurity. 

Sltm bawa  Island  has  such  potentials  as  agricultural  land.  piantations  and  farm s  (owned  by  individual .  famiiy  o r  co mmunity),  cre3ting opportunities  for  families  to  do  economic  diversification  in  agri c ulture,  plantations  and  larm .o;;,  rャi セ ゥョ・ セセ@ ュ・」ィ。ョゥ セュ@ is  c(,ord inated  through  agricultural  land­ha sf.d  groups  and  shared  gra!.ing  !and-based  livest ock  (Institutional  Lar),  whic h  is  su ppo n e d  by  the  agencies  of Agriculture,  Plantati on  and  Animal  Husbandry . 

oセ@ the  island  of Lombok, the farm!and  is  on  the  decrease,  whereas  th e  activities  of to urism ,  trade  and  se rvices  have greatly  increased , opening  0p ponun ities  [or  familic.5 to do economic diver sificati on  in  th e  form  of  ho me  indu.str;;:  and  services.  These  businesses  are  conducted  throug h  co mmunity  economic  groups,  am ong  othe.rs,  supported by the agencies  of Indu stry  anJ T rade,  Cooperati ves and  5MEs, and  Tourisill. 

TIJ  support  family  econo mi c  diversificati o n,  it  is  necessary  10 ha ve  eC0nomic  institutional  facilit ies  and  comm unit y­based  financial  inst itu tio ns  that  are  supported  by  the  the  agencies  of  Inuu Slry  and  Tra de.  (oo perative.o;;  and  SMEo;;,  and  Rankin g  InstiH Hinn<;  ,'  Non­hanking  Financial ャョウ ャゥエオエゥ ッ ョセ@

The  second  ッ「ェ・」エゥ セ ・@ セ。ウ@ Co  lower­ IrlinslICfi o n  cost  (Te). The  potential  I prohh.:m  was  Ihe  la ck  o f 

accessibilit), so  the  strategy  used  was  to  increase the  accessibility  oftransp0rl,  info rmati o n and  co mmuni ca ti o n ,  espcl..'ially  in  rural  areas.  To  exec ul e  th e  strateg:,  there  should  be  effort s  to  encourage  the  Inec hanism s  of  cOlllillunity  Ill l!eti ng.  mutual  help,  sharin g  and  cooperation ,  including  rural  infrastructurC'  devel opmen t 

Hエイ。ョ セーッ イエN@ info rmation  and communi catio n)  through  planning and  budgetin g  at regionallc\"cl (APl:JD:'APBN). 

The third  objecti\'c WAS 10 incf'c<lse  socil'll  tntnsrers (51),  To  help  poor  families,  the  govermt::llt  has  provided 

(t srecial  program  culled r。セャ|ェャQ@ althuugh  the  allocation  is  still  low  (15  kg I fami ly).  nOI  to  mentioll  in  its 

www. ゥッウ イェP ャQイョ。ャ セ@ N ッイァ@   I J  . rag!..' 


The Development ofIllstitutional Models for Communir)' F uoJ Security in Wesr Nusa Tenggara (Ntb)

The D

strength  to  rai se  the  nutritional'  status  and  food  security  of poor  families,  On  the  o ther  hand,  the  utilization  of the  capacit)  instituti o nal  community in  food  security early warning system  is s[ ill  low.  For  that  purpose, the strategy  required 

implementation  in  the  field  where a  family  con  only get  5­6  kg.  Therefore,  Rask.in  program COMot  be  expected 

the  utili  is  to  arrange  Raskin and the  instituti onal  commWlity.  role 


At  the  stage  of  data  collection  and  Raskin  distribution ,  control  mechani sm  is  needed  using  such  4)  Furtl  narrowe  mechani sms  as 「ッエエッュセオー@ (from  residents)  and  top­down  (from  the  government) .  This  way it is  expected  that 


the  distribution  of Raskin  will  reach  the  target.  However.  to  assure  that  the  rice  food  will  reach  the  right  individual.  Raskin  should  be  allocated  on  the  basis  of nornlative  food  need  for  individuals  and  the  number  o f  family  members . 

In  addition  to  structuring  Raskin  policy,  the  local  capacity  should  also  be  increased  to  ensure  food  IIJ  A

[2J  B

security  through the development of community­level  barns  and  area supported  by community reso\lrces (family 

[J J  F 

bam,  communal  bams,  banjar,  arisan,  etc.)  which  are  supported  by  village  government,  traditional  institutions,  P   Agency  for  Rural  Development. Food Security Agency.  Food  Security  Agencyl and  other panies.  [4J  1<   F,  In institutional  development,  it  is  necessary to note  on  the  institutional  characteristics  o f  each  region.  The 

institutional  characteristics  that contribute  to  food  security  and  the  lives  o f  residents  on  the  island  of Sumbawa  G I which  is  dominantly  characterized  by  formal  institutions  such  as  farmer  group  institutions  and  government  [5J  K institutions.  The conununity on the  island o f Lombok has the  potential  o f informal  instituti ons  that co ntribute to  d, 


the livehood of the  re.s idents and  food security such as  institutional  Gubug (institutional  unit o f residential  area I [6J 

kinship),  banjar  institutio ns  (mutual  help  and  asset  sharing  in  the  form  o f  mo ney  o r  goods),  and  religi ous  p<

I7J  N

institution I teacher  institution  (playing  a  role  in  the  transfer  of knowledge  and イ・GゥァゥッオNセ@ teachings,  and  ha vi ng  [8 J  an  influence  in  decision  making  at  community  level).  Info rmal  institutions  accordi_ng  to  N orth (1990)  are  the  [9J  0 

institutions  in  the conununity (usually オョwjゥエエ・ョI セ@ 」オセエッュウL@ traditi ons,  taboos,  conventio ns  and  other types  with  C


a  'Variety of other names and titles.  p, 


In th­e  implementatio n  of the  mechanis ms  !  institutions  above.  ir.  (lie  event  of a  dispute  o r  co nflict  in  rescurce  management  or  in  transaction  activitie­s  and  social  inleracti0ns at community  level.  there  is  an 

ZョUエ ゥエオ Aセ ッ ョ。ャ@ 。イセゥエイ。エゥ ッ ョN@ whe:­e  the  Vi lla ge  Head I Village  Government  is  supported  hy  the  rules  in  the  form  of  Village  Regulati ons (Perdes)  while  in  the  community  on  the  island  o f  l.ombok  there  is  a  traditi onal  institution  called  Gubug s:nior, supported hy rules  in  the  form  of Awik  ­ A\\·ik  (cl.stomary  laws) . 

In  various  areas  in NTB, Posy and II institutions  are  easil y  found.  Historically,  these  institutions  ha.ve a 

relatively  well­established  arrangement  in  the  New  Order  era.  However,  in  the  fo llowing  era,  relatively  less  attention  has  been  given  by  the  go¥emment  so  that  the  role  of Posyandu  in  food  sec.urity  was  relatively  low  (3.13 %). Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  revitalize  Posyandu,  which  could  be  integrated  with  educational  and  women  institutions.  The existence o f  Posyandu  is  expected to  playa role  in  implementing early  warning systems  and additional  intake of nutriti on.  providing information and  basic care of children,  mothers  and the elderly. 

To  enhance  the  institutional  role  in  improving  fuod  security,  it  is  necessary  to  increase  citizen  particiration  in  fomull  and  informal  institutions  as  well  JS  institutional  integration,  parti cularly  informal  institutions 


all  effort to  improve  foo d security. 



And  Recommendation  5.1.  ConciusioD 

I)  heorne  va lue  and  Family  food  stock  (IFS)  in  NTB  which  were  relatively  low  contributed  sigr:iticantiy  to  indi vidual /  famil y  food  security  level , namei y with a status of f(lod  vul nerabl e. 

2) Social  interactio n,  among  othe rs,  in  the  form  o f  soc ial  so lidarity I soc ial  trans fer  (ST)  could  significantl y  increase  individual !  famil y  food security  leve l in NTB .

3) Community  instituti onal  devel o pment  model in improving  food  sec urit y  in NTB. among  others.  through  famil y economic  diversifi cation.  increa sed c lcizer. participati on  in  community  institutions.  rural  intTastructure  devel opment ,  Posyandu  rcvitali7ali0n ,  Ras kin  arrangement  a.,  well  。 セ@ inc:;;tilUtionat  integration,  especially  informal  institut ions in  an  effort  to  impro ve  food  security. 

5.2. RecommendafioH 

1) To  increase  the  ....·al ue  o f  family  income and  food  stock (lFS ) in  r\TI3  throug h  business  divers itication  s hould  pay  attention  to  the  socio ­economic  characteristics  of the  region.  [n so  doing,  it  is  expected that in  Sumbawa  Island  there  shoul  be  a  syne rgy  between  government  working UlliLs alld other  related  parties 10 develop  the  agricultural  sector.  plantati ons and  farms, while in Lombok  Island it is  conducte.d  through  home  industry  activity  and service sector at  th e co mmunity  leve l. 

2) To  encnurage  soc ial  tran s fer  (ST)  mechani sms  at  the  cnmmunity  level  \ ..·hich  are  initiall y  mme  oriented to 

cultural  activities.' traditi ona l ce remoni es to ィ セ@ adopted with  the  aim of enhcnc ing  food  sec urity. 

J) Community  institutional  developmen t  model  shnuld  cOllsider  institutional  characteristics . Su mba.wa  Is land  is  dominantly  characteri zed  by  fu rrnal  institution,  so  th<jt  various  mcchan isllls o f  improvi ng  food  security  c an 「セ@


renggara (Ntb)

mot be expected 

ltilization  of the 

strategy  required 

セ・、@ using  such   is  expected  that   reach  the  right   d  the  number of  

:I to  ensure  food  esources (family  onal  instituti ons, 


:ach  region .  The  :lnd of Sumbawa  and  government  nat contribute  to 

residential  area /  s),  and  religious  ings,  and  having 

.h (I 990) are  the  other types  with  Jte  or  conflict  in  vei.  there  is  an 

;:5 in  the  form  of  tional  institution 

Istitutions ha ve a  a,  relativel y  le ss 

as  relativel y  low  educational  and  warning systems  I the elderly. 

increase  citizen  cularly  infonnal 

j significantly  to  mId  sign ifi cantly 

:  others,  thr ough  ral  infrastru cture 

'alion, espec iall y


ficati on s hould 

(hat  in  Sumbawa 

:5  10  develop  the 

, industry activity  more  oriented  to 

Llrnbawa I slan d is

j security can be

T].e Development of Institlltiollul Models for Community Food Security in West NIL,a Tenggara (Ntb)

strengthened, among others,  thro ugh \"illage regulations (Perdes)  and the  !m::>rOlie!!!t:'H  0f V!lh.g<" Goventment  capacity. while  in  Lo mbok  Is land  Community  infonnal (traditional)  institutions should  be strengthened through  the  utilization  and  preservation  of  ,.l,wik  ­ Aw ik  (customary  rules)  as  well  as  the  capacity  improve me nt  of  the  ro le  of adatl  insti tutions.  teacher inst iTu tio n and otheF  institutions, 

4)  Further  research  is  requ ired  to  セエ オ、ケ@ community  in stitutional  development  model  more  deeply  wit h  a  narrov:er  area  scope  (eg  regency) , :.J.ll d  10  learn  about  linkages  at  every  institutional  level  (cente r­regio n-commuoity). 


[I] Anfin  B, Ekonomi  Kelembaga;m  P:Jl'Igan  LP3ES  Jakarta, 2005 


BPS  NTH.  Ptovinsi NlTI dalam Al lJ.!.k:I tahun  2012.  BPS  NTB  MiUaram,  2013 

[JI FSVA,  Peta  Ketlihan an din kセセセ ャ| 。ョ 。ョ@ Ptlp,gan  Indonesia. Dev.'an  Kelahanan  Pangan d・ー。イエ・ュセャャャ@ PcrtTmian .  World  Food  Pmgrallle (WFP) j。ォゥャイセ L@1('1()9 

14)   jッョセウッョ N@ LI  .  and  D  Toole.  l'IOuSott)(.M rood security  and  nutrition:  A  conceptual  analym  New  York.  Unlled  Nations  Cbl ld ren 's 

Fund  Oalam  Ma:meli.  0  :Uld 


R fョ ュォ・ イ セ 「 ・ イァ・イN@ 1992 . Urban  livelihoods  and  food  Hnd  nutrillon  sccunty  in  Greater  Accr.!. 

GhW13. IFRl in Coliabora(I\ (I  \.. ,Ih Nogucbl  Memoria l for  Medical  Research and  World h セ 。ャエィ@ O rgani za tion  Rescaro.;h Repon No. 

112 . Washington, 0  C.  1991 

(5) Karyadi  L W  Slralegi  dan pengemb3ns:­:m  masyarakat  lokal  menghadapai  perubahan  lin@kungan  ali.lb::tt  akt lvltas  penambangan di 

daerah  linBkar tambang PT NC'''ml)JlI Nusa Tenggara. Univer.;itas Malaram. MataJ1lm , 2005 

[6)  Karyadi. LW  ?erubahan  50Sla l  o lpcrdesaan  N.!sa  Tenggarn Bara!  Rtkonstruksi  kelembagaan  sosial a.."h  unlUK penanganan  dan 

ー」ョセァ。ィ。ョ@ rawan pa.,g.a.n. u ョ ャ| セャ。ウ@ Mataram. Matarnm . 2009 

[7) North  OC.  Institutio ns.  insti tutiullal change and  economics performance. Cambridge Unive rsity  Press.  1990 

[8)  Ostrb:n  E.  GQ\'eming ofthe COnlmQIl .The  evol ullon of mstitutio..15 for colleclive ac tion Cambridge UniverSity  Press.  1990 . 

[91  Ostrom E. Glb w n C,  Sh lyakumur  S,  .'\.ndersson K. Aid, Incenti ves, and Sustainabiltty an InSlitutlonal aョ。セケウゥウ@ of Development 

Cooperation Won..shop  111  Politiealll h!t) ry  J.lld  Polley  Analysi s,  Ind iana  Un;vcrsir/, 2002 

1101 Pemenntah Pro\ inSl  NTI3 Renc Mla.\:S I daernh  pallgan dan  gizi . Pemen nlah PnWIn:'il  NTB . Malarnm  20 I 0 

Ill) SchoNer A.  The  ec.onornic.  Lheol')  of soc La I institutions. c。セ「イゥ、ァ・L@ Carnbddg!.'  University  Press  In I . 

W\\ ' \\ io<,.rjnlJl"Ilal s. l)rg   15  Page


Table I. Determining the Level oflndividuals .' Family Food Security
Table 4'. Community Interaction Patterns (Social Transfer and Transaction Cost)


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