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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan



REG.NO : 2112121022




Samtami, Mira Dwi. 2016. The Effect of Using Predict, Locate, Add,Note (PLAN) Strategy on the Students’ Reading Comprehension of Argumentative Texts. A Thesis. Medan: English Education and Literature Department Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan.

This study was aimed at finding out the effect of using Predict,Locate,Add,Note (PLAN) Strategy on the Students’ Reading Comprehension of Argumentative Texts. This study ased the experimental design. The population of this study was the students of SMA Negeri 14 Medan. There were sixty students as the sample of research. This study was conductedwith two randomized group. Namely experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught by Predict,Locate,Add,Note (PLAN) Strategy while control group was taught without Predict,Locate,Add,Note (PLAN) Strategy. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice test which consists of 25 items. To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher used Kuder Richardson (KR-20) formula. The calculation shows the reliability is 0.83 (very high). The data were analyzed by using test. The calculation show that t-observed (6.5) is higher than t-table (2.00) at the evel of significance (x)0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58. Therefore, the null hyphothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hyphotesis(Ha) is accepted. It means that teaching reading comprehension of argumentative texts by Predict, Locate, Add, Note (Plan) Strategy has more significant effect than teaching reading comprehension of argumentative texts without Predict, Locate, Add, Note (PLAN) Strategy.




The greatest gratitude is expressed to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Most

Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor and Mercy that has been given to writer so that she finally accomplishes her thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Predict, Locate, Add, Note (PLAN) Strategy on the Students’ Reading

Comprehension of Argumentative Texts”

This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages

and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. During the completion of this thesis, the

writer realized that she had received a lot of help, and suggestion. Therefore, the

writer would like to express her sincerest gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.Meisuri, M.A., as the secretary of English Department.

Nora RonitaDewi,S.S,M.Hum., the head of Englihs Education Study Program.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her first thesis consultant. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum., her second thesis consultant Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl, Appl, M. pd., her academic advisor and her


Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D., and Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., as reviewer

All the lecturers of English and literature Deparment who have taught, guided, and advised her tough guided, and advised her throughout



 The academic staff, and administrative staff of English Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in completing it

Sofyan, S.Pd., the headmaster of SMA Negeri 14 Medan

Her beloved parents, Alm. Syamsul Bahri, and Zubaidah, for their love, pray, support, guidance, and advice during the completion of her

study. And thank to her sister Decika Azmy and her husband Syaifuddin

Zuhri and youngest brother Tri Apriyogi Bahari who always support, care and love to encourage her to learn and work hard in order to finish

her study in English Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Her beloved close friends Chairul Umam Nst, thank you so much for every single smile, laugh, tear, help, struggle that we have passed and for

sweet and happy memories we shared together.

Her beloved friends Dewi Apriliyani and the students of English Department, Ika Nurkasih, Dwika Suci Muliana Pane, Sriertina

Siregar, Lismayana Ginting, Nuraini, Putri Srimurnita Bangun for always be there when she needed their support and motivation.

Medan, Maret 2016

The Writer




A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. The Nature of Reading Comprehension ... 6

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension ... 6

b. Levels of Reading Comprehension ... 7

c. Factor Influencing Comprehension ... 8

2. Argumentative Text ... 9

a. Definiton of Argumentative Text ... 9

b. The Purpose of Argumentative Text ... 10

c. Generic Structure of Argumentative Text ... 10

d. Language Structure of Argumentative Text ... 10

e. Example of Argumentative Text ... 11

3. Predict, Locate, Add, Note (PLAN) Strategy ... 12

a. Nature of PLAN Strategy ... 12

b. The Grand Theory of PLAN ... 13

c. The Effectiveness P.L.A.N Strategy to Facilitate Reading Comprehension ... 15

d. Applying PLAN Strategy in Teaching Reading ... 16

4. Conventional Method... 18

B. Relevant Studies... 19

C. Conceptual Framework ... 20

D. Hypothesis... 21


A. Research Design ... .22

B. Population and Sample ... .23

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 23

D. Scoring the Test ... .24

E. The Technique for Collecting Data... 24

F. The Procedure of Research ... 24


1. Pretest ... 24

2. Treatment ... 26

3. Post - Test ... 27

G. The Validity and Reliability of the Text ... 27

1. Validity of the Test ... 28

2. Reliability of the Test ... 28

H. Homogeneity and Normality of the Text……….29

1. Homogenity of Varience……….29

2. Normality of the Test………..30

I. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 31

J. Statistical Hypothesis………31


A. Data Description ... .32

B. Data Analysis ... .33

1. Reliability of the Test ... .35

2. Test of Homogeneity of variance……….36

3. Testing Normality……….37

4. Data Analysis by Using t-test Formula. ... .38

C.Testing Hypothesis ………... 39

D.Research Findings………...………….40

E. Discussion ………...41


A. CONCLUSION ……….... 43



APPENDIX ………...………..... 47




APPENDIX A The Scores of Pre-Test and Post Test of Control Group ··· 47

APPENDIX B The Scores of Pre-Test and Post Test of Experimental Group.. 48

APPENDIX C The Calculation of Reliability ··· 49

APPENDIX D Test for Homogeneity of Varians of Pre-test in Experimental and Control Group ··· 51

APPENDIX E Test for Homogeneity of Varians of Post-test in Experimental and Control Group ··· 53

APPENDIX F Test for Distribution of Frequency of Pre-Test in Experimental Group ··· 55

APPENDIX G Testing Normality ··· 63

APPENDIX H The Calculation of the t-test Control Group ··· 71

APPENDIX I The calculation of t-test for Experimental Group ··· 72

APPENDIX J Table of Distribution Test ··· 73

APPENDIX K Lesson Plan ··· 74

APPENDIX L Reading Comprehesion Test ··· 85





Table 3.1 Research Design ... 22

Table.3.2 Teaching Procedure in Experimental Group ... 26

Table 3.3 Teaching Procedure in Control Group ... 27

Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-test ... 34



A. The Background of the Study

Reading is one of the most important skill in language learning. Reading

cannot be separated in studying and learning process in the class. The necessity of

reading skill is needed from the basic level until the higher academic level. In

reading skill, the students are expected to be knowledgable and familiar with what

the teacher has explained in the context. It means that the student are expected to

have more skills to explain the content of the text after they comprehend the

reading text. That is why the purpose of reading is to get some information from

the text. The readers uses knowledge, skill, and strategies to determine what the

text meaning is.

Reading texts consist of some kinds of reading text or genre, such as narrative

text, recount text, argumentative text, analytical text, descriptive text, etc. In this

case, argumentative text becomes one of the important reading text to be learnt,

McCann (1989) states argument is an essential instrument for a free society that

deliberates about social, political and ethical issues. Despite the importance of

comprehending argumentative text, the research indicates that expository or

argumentative text are not easily comprehended by students (Chambliss, 1995).

There are several reasons that explain this difficulty in comprehending

argumentative text. One of the reasons for poor understanding of argumentative

text is that often students are not exposed to reading materials that include



extensive arguments . A second reason is that argumentative text is inherently

difficult because unlike narrative text, One reason for this is that narrative texts

have a consistent structure--setting, initiating event, internal response, attempt,

consequence, and reaction. Argumentative texts may have a variety of structures.

Because students in secondary schools as well as in colleges must be able to learn

by using expository argumentative texts. Development of these strategies do not

occur automatically for the majority of students, they need explicit strategy

instruction. thus it is difficult for the students to navigate through the text to figure

out the author’s argument. students have difficulty conceptualizing structural

elements of the argumentative genre. the last reason indicated that typical

weaknesses include lack of support for reasons and poor organization.

In reality, Based on the writer observation in SMA Negeri 14 Medan , and

founded that from 12 students, 8 students said that argumentative texts is a

difficult texts , and they said argumentative texts is too Iong and using immature

Ianguage, This indicates that their comrephension in Argumentative still low, they

can not comprehend the content of the text, of course they will be difficult to do

the task. Finally some of students couldn not pass the passing grade (KKM).

According to Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pengajaran ( KTSP ) of Senior High

School, students are expected to be able to comprehend essay such as in

descriptive, narrative, exposition and argumentative form in their daily life

context and to access their knowledge. In this study, the writer only focuses on



Reading comprehension is the process of making sense of text. One of skill

that the students have to be mastered, but actually teaching reading

comprehension is not easy task, because many of students bore and most of them

became passive in the class when teaching learning process. They do not know

what the text wholly is talking about. This situation is caused by sometimes the

reading text is too long and the strategy of teaching that is used not suitable with

students’ needed. The teachers still use conventional strategy in teaching. The

teachers distribute the text, ask students to read the whole text by using dictionary

and then answer the questions related to the text. These activities are boring and

do not motivate students to learn more.

Dowhower (1999) describes three interactive phrases of reading

comprehension. The first is Pre-reading, this phrase for the reader activates prior

knowledge, the second is Active Reading, this phrase for the readers set a purpose

for reading, read silently and self monitor, the last is Post reading, this phrase for

the reader recalls information, responds to reading, and extends knowledge. Most

of the common study strategy programs incorporate these phrases in the process

of comprehension. Finding, Observing, Reading, Connecting and Embracing

(F.O.R.C.E.); Predict, Locate, Add, and Note (PLAN); and Know, Want to Know,

and Learn (KWL) are strategies that incorporate activating prior knowledge,

generating purpose for reading and questioning, monitoring comprehension, and

extending information to new knowledge (Andrews, 1997; Caverly, Manderville,



Based on the explanation above, among those strategies, PLAN strategy is a

great strategy to help readers read informational texts actively and strategycally.

PLAN strategy is a four step used to increase comprehension of argumentative

texts such as nonfiction and textbooks. It is an excellent strategy to promote study

skills and should be taught as part of literacy. It is hoped that using PLAN strategy

is a good way of teaching reading comprehension to help the students to make

them more active in the class. In other words, by using PLAN strategy in teaching

reading comprehension, it can increase students’ skill in reading comprehension

especially in argumentative texts.

B. The Problem of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the problem of the study is formulated

as the following: “Does The Predict, Locate, Add, Note (PLAN) strategy

significantly affect the students’ reading comprehension?”

C. The Objective of the Study

This study is conduct to investigate the significant effect of using P.L.A.N

strategy on the students’ reading comprehension.

D. The Scope of the Study

Reading comprehension is dominantly affected by the strategy that is used.

The comprehension in reading process can be reached when the reader knows



use it. Beside the strategy, the level of comprehension that the readers need to be

reached is important. There are some kinds of text such as narrative, recount,

argumentative, descriptive, expository text and etc. This study focuses on the

applying of P.L.A.N strategy on the students’ reading comprehension in

argumentative text.

E. The Significances of the Study

The results of the study are expected not only to be the marely data aggregation,

but something more advantages theoritically. It can be described as follow:

Theoritically, the result of this study can be a reference for those who are

interested in teaching reading argumentative text .

Pratically, the result of this sttudy will be usefull for:

1. The Students; to give them information of reading comprehension strategy

which can increase their ability in comprehending text.

2. The teacher; to increase the teaching ability to be more creative in teaching

reading comprehension

3. The other researchers; to enlarge the understanding of improving reading

skill and provide reference for further study research, especially in reading




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of this study, it was found that there was a significant

effect of using PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy on the students’

reading comprehension of argumentative text. The researcher found that the

students’ comprehension taught by using PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note)

strategy was higher than the students’ comprehension taught without PLAN

(Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy. It was indicated from analyzing the data

statistically that the result of calculation of t-observed value 5.83 was higher than t

-table (2.00) at the significance level of 0.05, which implied that the Alternative

Hypothesis (Ha) was acceptable.

After analyzing the data, it was found that the students’ score in

comprehending argumentative text was significantly affected by using PLAN

(Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy. The using of PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add,

Note) strategy has improved the students’ reading comprehension of

argumentative text than by using control group .

As the pre-test and the post-test were done. The students’ scores in

experimental group were more secced to pass the minimum standard level than in

control group. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a significant effect of Using

PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy on students’ reading comprehension




The findings of this study have showed that the using of PLAN (Predict,

Locate, Add, Note) strategy have improved the students’ comprehension of

argumentative text. Based on the conclusion given, the writer suggest that :

1. English teacher should apply PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy in

their teaching learning process so that they can improve their students reading

comprehension because this strategy is designed as a way to develop their

active students’ prior knowlegde that related to the reading text. So it is

expected for the students to understand the text easily.

2. students should apply this learning strategy in comprehending a text because it

can stimulate students’ critical thinking when the students relate their

background knowledge with reading text. Therefore, the students will find by

using PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) strategy is easier to comrehend text.

3. The readers who are interested for further study related to this research should

explore the knowledge their understanding about how to improve reading




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Table 3.1   Research Design .........................................................................
table (2.00) at the significance level of 0.05, which implied that the Alternative


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