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Using Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Pro


Academic year: 2017

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Written by : Herawati Abuhaer NIM.15B01128

Short Research Proposal

Using Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning Writing recount text Students of SMAN 3 Pangkajene)

Writing requires a rich vocabulary, imagination, thus giving birth to the creativity of the students in writing recount text Literally, recount means "telling". So recount text could be interpreted as "Text that tell". The biggest challenge for the students to write it because of the fear that writing is difficult, because it is necessary for a teacher to make programming the unconscious mind because one is never apart from his unconscious mind. According to

Mc Gragfor (2008) the role of the unconscious 88% 12% whereas the conscious mind. In

fact, a study released by Azegedy-Maszak in his article titled "Mysteries ot the Mind: Your Unconscious is Makin guide Everyday Decision which states that:" Cognitive neouroscient find that the mind of the unconscious is responsible influence and determine the process and the results of 95% to 99 % thinking activity, and may be said to determine almost all of the decisions, actions, emotions and our behavior. Good understanding of the workings and principles of the unconscious mind will make every teacher will be able to make planning attractive and efficient effective. Learning may be planned better it will be not optimal due to the deemed trivial, but for the unconscious conscious it is very important because the unconscious mind that has principles :

1. What is expected by the unconscious mind, the more likely that is what happened. 2. The unconscious mind will consider new information as long-term memory if coded into the association and imagination,

3. The unconscious mind observing the plain every learning and give an honest response by sending signals in a unique way

4. The unconscious mind is very easily influenced by gravity and thrust 5. The success of small to lead to big success

6. Emotion can propagate from anywhere.

Both in the classroom and outside the classroom, programming the subconscious mind occurs because the 5 things :

1. Speech / action / story respected figure 2. Activities / remarks made repeatedly

3. Genesis is accompanied by a very intense emotion 4. Group Influence

5. Hypnosis

Based on the statements above, the writer are interested to study the effect of pemrograman pikiran bawah sadar hipnolearning dalam pembelajaran Menulis recount text Students of SMAN 3 Pangkajene, specifically the research attempted to answer the following questions :

1. what is the effect of Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning Writing recount text Students of SMAN 3 Pangkajene ?

2. What are improvements in students “ writing recount text” after having Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming as platform for their academic essays ?

METHODOLOGY Research Design

This descriptive qualitative study aims to ascertain the effect of Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning Writing recount text Students of SMAN 3 Pangkajene” through survey, focus group interview and students essay.


Written by : Herawati Abuhaer NIM.15B01128

The respondents of the study consisted four students (one students refresentativ each class X) SMAN 3 Pangkajene.

Research Instruments

To gather partinent data for this reseach, the following reseach instruments were utilized :

 Writting are the respondents essay

 Reflections, three reflections were written by students based on the following prompts , effect of of Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning in Writing recount text, their reactions to write students experience.

 Interview was designed to triangulate the quantitative and wualitative data obtained from students “ essays and reflections.

Procedure of the Study

Survey questionnaire and materials for instruction like web-based activities were design and modified prior.The treatment periot. The treatment periot ran for 2 months with one sessions per week for two hour per session. Since the treatment period, the class were provided with Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning Writing recount text.

Data Analysis procedure

To find out the effect of of Hypnolearning Unconscious Mind Programming in learning Writing recount text by students write. To measure whether the students gains in post writing score significant,pair sample t-test was students used. In addition, improvements in their writing recount text were quantitatively and qualitatively.


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