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Academic year: 2017



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(ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012)


Winny Sunfriska Limbong 408141124

Biology Bilingual Education


Submitted to the State University of Medan as Fulfillment as SarjanaPendidikan






(ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012)

Winny Sunfriska Limbong 408141124


This quasy experiment research aims to investegate the comparison of student learning outcome and retention through implementing word square and crossword puzzle model on plant movements in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year 2011/2012.

The population of this research was all students in class VIII RSBI SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi totaling 119 students. The sample was taken by using random sampling and was obtained the sample for 28 students of word square class (VIII-3) and 28 students of crossword puzzle class (VIII-1). The instrument of research was student’s learning outcome test in multiple choise form with 25 questions which had been validated by expert.

The result of data analysis showed that pretest in word square class (60,71±16,26) and pretest in crossword puzzle class (57,14±14,84). After t test was carried out by using significance degree ά = 0,05, it was obtained that tobs =0,85 < ttable = 2,006, so it can be known both classes had not significant difference of student’s learning outcomes before implemation. Post-test in word square class (78,29±9,39) has significant different compare with postest in crossword puzzle class (75,14±12,57). it was obtained that ttable = 2,006 > tobs= 1,05, define student’s learning outcomes of biology in word square class higher than crossword puzzle class. Then, post test II (retention) in word square class (61,21±13,19) has no significant different compare with postest II (retention) in crossword puzzle class (60,29±16,86) it was obtained that ttable= 2,006 > tobs=0,85 ( = 0.05). The result of study implies success of teaching word square model that on the main subject plant movements can increase the learning outcome and retention.




First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank God, the almighty,

who has granted countless blessing, knowledge, and opportunity to the writer, so

that I have been finally able to accomplish the thesis.

Apart from the efforts of me, the success of thesis depends largely on the

encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express

my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful

completion of this thesis.

The writer hardly knows where to start expressing the gratitude but for

sure the gratitude goes to all those who have assisted her in the process of

completing this thesis. It would be impossible to list all names but several people

deserve her sincere and special thanks.

I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Dr. Hj. Ely Djulia, M.Pd.,

as the thesis advisor. I can’t say thank you enough for her tremendous support and

help. I feel motive and encouraged every time I attend her meeting. Without her

encouragement and guidance this thesis would not have materialized.

She gratefully acknowledges the deepest gratitude to Drs. Tri Harsono,

M.Si., the head of Biology Department, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar M. Si., M.

Sc., the coordinator of Bilingual Program, Mr. Samsuddin for his administrative

assistance and Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph. D., as dean of the Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan.

Her enormous appreciation is addressed to Prof. Herbert Sipahutar M. Si.,

M. Sc., Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M. Sc., and Dr. Syahmi Edy, M.Sc., as her

examiners, for the valuable inputs to be included in this thesis and generously

spent precious time in giving the guidance, encouragement, suggestion, and

comments for this thesis.

She is indebted to Dr. Hasruddin, M. Pd and Drs. Tri Harsono as evaluator

for her research instrument, for their constructive comments and suggestion for


lecturers of biology education bilingual program, who has become her inspiration

during the academic years and also during the completion of this thesis.

Special thanks are extended to Drs. Adrul, headmaster of SMP Negeri 1

Tebing Tinggi, Biology teacher of class VIII and Salamah, S,Pd for the

cooperation during research. I am grateful for his constant support and help.

Finally, she will forever be indebted to her beloved parents J. Limbong

and T. br Aritonang, for having given her unfailing support and encouragement

during the academic year and the completion of this thesis, her lovely brother and

sister, Julita Dewi Limbong, Marito Desi Limbong and Gondo Michael Limbong

for always trying to keep her on track whenever and whatever problems she have

to overcome.

Last but not least, the guidance and support received from all her best

friend syevo group (Tari, Keasy, Meti, Chistina), Aisah, Uci, Lastria, Siti, Debora,

Nike, Doyar, Tusam family and all friends from Biology Bilingual Program Year

2008 for their friendship, motivation, and cooperation.

It would be difficult to find adequate words to convey how much she owes

the people. Lots of love and thank to all of you. May God bless us.

Medan, October 2012





Table 3.1. Cognitive questions 33

Table 3.2. Distribution of Questionnaire Statement 34

Table 3.3. Research Design 35

Table 4.1. Normality Test 49

Table 4.2. Homogeneity Test 50



Figure 2.1. Phototropism 25

Figure 2.2. Geotropism 25

Figure 2.3. Hydrotropism 26

Figure 2.4. Thigmotropism 27

Figure 2.5. Photonastic 27

Figure 2.6. Thigmonasty 28

Figure 2.7. Thermonasty 28

Figure 2.8. Nasty Complex 29

Figure 2.9. Hydroscopic Movement 30

Figure 4.1. Diagram of Pre-test Word Square and Crossword Puzzle 46

Figure 4.2. Diagram of Post-test Word Square and Crossword Puzzle 47

Figure 4.3. Diagram of Retention Word Square and Crossword Puzzle 48

Figure 4.4. Diagram of Pre-test, Post-test and Retention Word Square

and Crossword Puzzle 49

Figure 4.5. Diagram of Students’ Response in Positive Statement 52




1.1. Background

Biology derives from the word bios for live and logos which means

science. So, biology is a science that learns everything about organism. Biology

can help human being solving the problems that they are facing in their daily life.

Biological discussion in form of organism included various life organization level,

from molecule, cell, tissue, organ, individual, population, ecosystem to biome.

Biology is belongs to the group of pure science. Its position is equal to physics,

chemistry and mathematics. As a pure science, biology has an important role in

applied science development (Riandari, 2006).

Biology is as one of Sciences (IPA), which is quite interesting basically,

where we can learn the symptoms or phenomenon that often occurs in everyday

life. However, in fact many students do not like biology. Many students say that

biology is a difficult science because it always leads to the Latin term and


Moreover, schools with a program RSBI / SBI which use English as

prologue language in teaching and learning is also a challenge and a big problem

for teachers and students. Teachers can be led to deliver learning materials in

English and understand using ICT as a tool in teaching and learning in the

classroom RSBI.

RSBI is an educational program established by the Minister of National

Education under:

(a) Law No. 20 of 2003 article 50, paragraph 3, which states that the Government

and / or Local Governments conduct at least one unit of education at all levels

of education to be developed into an international educational unit,

(b) Regulation No.19 of 2005, section 61, paragraph 1 which states that the

Government jointly with the local government should develop at least one unit

of education in basic education and at least one unit of education in secondary


(c) Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2005-2009 Chapter V page 58, about the

SBI should be developed at the Regency / City through cooperation between

government in consistent with the Government of Regency / City, to develop

the international level of elementary junior high school, high school and

vocational school.

(http://sbi.sman5bekasi.blogspot.com cited in http://gurupembaharu.com)

However, the presence of RSBI school program as the reason for the

teacher to increase the quality of education. In teaching and learning, teachers in

RSBI classroom use English and ICT as a facility to support students’

achievement. But in fact many students have less understanding of the subject and

difficult to remember the terminology in biology as described in English so that

score they receive is not satisfying. The writer has a proof from students’

formative test monthly did as PPL-T in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi, the mean

English test score is only 26.7. When the teacher helps interpret the words in the

test; the mean is 67.80 in class VIII. While KKM assigned for biology subject

class VIII is75.

During doing practical teaching (PPL-T), researchers and teachers have

good relationships and cooperation. Researchers and advisors tried to use the

available facilities in teaching-learning process. Teachers also often used power

point for delivering the materials. This made students bored. Based on the

questionnaire that ever was given to students, they argued that the power point is

less interesting from its colors or appearances. It also led students less interesting

in learning because of children who have been 13-15 years old is more interesting

visual learning than others for their learning. However, this is also not helping the

result students’ study. Those scores are far from expected.

In Mid Semester for knowing students’ study learning outcomes, teachers

use choice and essay to measure students' cognitive abilities. In

multiple-choice questions, students did not seem serious answering questions, especially if

they did not know the correct answer. Students often chose the answer they think



taught first. They feel the memories they have been full. But when students are

given a sudden quiz with specific clues they can answer that question well.

The low score obtained represents the level of students’ ability in

mastering the subject. Teachers also still use lecture method in which the teacher

is explaining the subject while the students copy material so that the material is

less attracted the attention of students. In addition, most of students had a

tendency not want to study first the concepts of the subject prior to the subject


Based on problem above, to improve students’ learning outcomes needed a

way or correct strategy in motivating students to develop an innovative attitude to

learning and intend to make active in teaching and learning.

According to the researchers’ interviewing with some students from the

junior high school class IX, who has been studying on Plant Movement topic said

that Plant Movements material need high logical reasoning or comprehension

level because it will find many terms in biology (terminology) for the first one to

hear and difficult to distinguish between one another. As well as subject is

difficult to stay in students’ memories for example; tropism movements. Students

must know the distribution of tropism movements and distinguish the samples of

tropism movements with others.

One of alternatives answer for this problem is teachers choose learning

model that can improve student learning outcomes and students’ retention to the


Examples of innovative learning model are role playing, group

investigation, talking stick, word squares, crossword puzzle, snowball throwing,

course review hooray, etc. To improve teaching and learning activities is being

more innovative and overcome boredom in teaching and learning. Word square

and crossword puzzle have similarities because of the words in certain boxes.

Word squareandCrossword puzzle is an innovative learning model where

it is fun for everyone who is in the classroom or school and student-centered

activities. Innovative learning is a learning process that is designed in such a way


More innovative learning leads to student-centered learning (student centric) that

the process designed and conditioned for students to learn. Relationship between

teachers and the students to learn from each relationship and each may develop.

Innovative learning called is active learning.

The steps in word square model are as follows: Students given activity

sheets and answer the questions and the shading of letters in the boxes according

to the answers. The steps: (a) Teachers deliver the material according to

competence (b) Teachers distributed according to the example sheet activities (c)

Students were told to answer the question then shading corresponding letters in

the answer box (d) Give each answer in a grid point. In crossword puzzle: (a)

Write key words, terms or names that related to the subject matter taught (b)

Creating a grid that can be filled with words that have been selected and shade in

area sections that are not needed. (c) Make the questions whose answers are words

have been made or that lead to these words. (d) Divide the class into several

groups. (e) Each group was given a piece of the puzzle together with other groups.

(f) Give a deadline for work on the puzzle. (g) After the specified time runs out,

each group read results in turn. (h) Correcting the work of the group and gave

gifts to groups that work most quickly and completely.

Retention is process to recall previous lesson that taught where the lesson

enters to long terms our memories. This can be done by reviewing where we are

going to re-examine the structure and function and may remove misconceptions

that exist in their brains. Theory used in this learning model is a theory of

information processing. Stages of a good learning process, According to Gagne

(1975) includes eight phases: (1) motivation, (2) apprehending phase, (3)

acquisition phase (4) retention phase, (5) recall phase, (6) generalization phase ,

(7) performance phase and (8) feedback phase. From the steps above, teachers can

make learning innovations for interventions and learning processes can be run in

accordance with the intended purpose (Hamzah, 2011).

Previous studiesWord squaremodel on learning biology has been done by



in the matter of classification of animals in SMP Negeri 8 Purworejo can improve

student learning activities that the average grade from 69.63 to 76.38 with

classical completeness 77.5% -87.5%. More research is also conducted by

Nainggolan (2010), with the implementation of word square model to improve

student learning activities in molusca material in class X-2 SMA Negeri 1 Sei

Rampah can improve activities students much as 87.5%. Other research has also

conducted by Regar (2008) with acrossword puzzlemethod can improve student's

vocabulary to English subject as much 80.67%. Based on Journal of effective

Teaching, Davis (2009) Reviewing for exams with title: Do crossword puzzles

help in the success of student learning can increase of the mean score from 68.57

to 76.07 and based on the journal with title Effect of evaluative feedback on

performance and retention of secondary school students in Biology with

immediate evaluation feedback get score standard deviation 1.77 to 2.43 and

without feedback 2.46 to 2.05.

Based on the above considerations, the researcher tried to compare two

models of innovative learning of student learning outcomes and students’

retention on ‘Plants Movement’. Therefore, researchers intend to research at SMP

Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi because this school is the researchers’ PPL-T school;

researcher has learned the weakness and strengthens learning at the school. So, the

writer will hold a study titled“The Comparison of Student Learning Outcomes

and Retention Through Implementing Word Square and Crossword Puzzle Model on Plant Movements in Class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi (Academic Year 2011/2012)”.

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the above background of the study, the problems

identification in the study was:

1. Lack of students' understanding of vocabulary in English terminology in

Plant Movement lessons


3. Score of students’ biology is still low when questions test in English is

about 26.7%

4. Teacher does not yet use learning method exactly during learning

process plant movements

1.3. Research Scope

1. This research is experimental research on Plants Movements topic

2. Performed for students VIII 1 and VIII 3 SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi

Academic Year 2011/2012

3. Performed to see learning outcome and retention through implementing

word square and crossword puzzle model

1.4. Research Question

Starting from this background and identification of the problem, so the

problem can formulated as follows:

1. Is there any difference between students learning outcome who taught by

usingword squareand those who taught by usingcrossword puzzlemodel

on plant movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year


2. Is there any difference between student retention who taught by word

square model and those who taught by usingcrossword puzzle model on

Plant Movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year


3. Which one do better are used betweenword square model andcrossword

puzzle model to know student learning outcome and students retention on

plant movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year



1.5 Research Objective

The purpose of the study was conducted to determine:

1. Knowing difference between students learning outcome is taught by using

word squareand those who is taught by usingcrossword puzzlemodel on

plant movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year


2. Knowing difference between student retention is taught by word square

model and those who is taught by using crossword puzzlemodel on plant

movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic year


3. Knowing which one do better are used between word square model and

crossword puzzle model to know student learning outcome and students

retention on plant movement topic in SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi

Academic year 2011/2012

1.6. Significance

Benefits of the implementation of this research are:

1. As an alternative learning model for teachers

2. To introduce an innovative learning model for students who can overcome

boredom for students and improve learning outcomes better.

3. To help student can remember biology terms easily

1.7. Operational Definition

1. Word Square model is the innovative learning that base on information

processing theory especially Gagne theory in which using word square

games as the media for plant movement topic

2.Crossword puzzlemodel is the innovative learning that base on information

processing theory especially Gagne theory in which using crossword


3. Retention is a process to recall our memories with to give evaluation to

measure it after the topic finish taught since fourteen days the lesson


4. Learning outcome is result obtained by students after learning process on

biology subject that can shown by score of test

5. Plant movement is topic in biology in class VIII semester II that will

reviewed using word square and crossword puzzle model to support





5.1. Conclussion

The conclussion of this research are:

1. There is no significant difference of student learning outcomes in class

VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi taught by using word square and

crossword puzzle model on plant movements

2. There is no significant difference of retention in class VIII SMP Negeri 1

Tebing Tinggi taught by using word square and crossword puzzle model

on plant movements

3. There is no better than both models between word square and crossword

puzzle model.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on these result the suggestions that researcher can provide are:

1. The teacher of biology can make word square and crossword puzzle model

as alternative in choose the model of learning that is expected to increase

students learning outcome and retention.

2. To the next researcher is hoped to be better to do the research because of

researcher’s experience for implement learning model when study,

researchers wa not capable to master the class in whole and influced the

research’s result, so the next researchs will get more maximum result.

3. Giving reinforcement to students that have increase of learning outcome is



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TABLE LISTTable 3.1. Cognitive questions


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