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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Literature Degreeat English Literature Department

by Reka Yuliana NIM. 403170910




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ii ii


iii iii




By signing my name below:

Name : Reka Yuliana

NIM : 403170910

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S. Pd., M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Department : English Literature Faculty : Adab and Humaniora

I certify that I wrote this thesis in order to fulfill the requirements for a bachelor’s degree (SI) in English Literature, Adab and Humaniora Faculty, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The thesis entitled “Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly” is my original work. It does not plagiarize any material from other studies expect for the quotations and bibliographies. I will be ready to take responsibility if there are objections or claims for others.

I affirm that this statement is true and was made in good health and mind.


The Researcher,

Reka Yuliana

NIM. 403170910




ْنُكِتٌَِسْلَا ُف َلَِت ْخاَو ِضْرَ ْلْاَو ِت ٰو ٰوَّسلا ُقْلَخ ٖهِتٰيٰا ْيِهَو

(QS. Ar-Rum: 22)

َيْيِوِل ٰعْلِّل ٍتٰيٰ َلْ َكِل ٰذ ْيِف َّىِا ْْۗنُكًِاَوْلَاَو

Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu.

Sesungguhnya pada yang demikan itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui. (QS. Ar-Rum: 22)1

And among the signs of His power is created the heavens and the earth and divergent language and skin color. Thereby Verily in that are indeed signs for people who know. (QS. Ar-Rum: 22)2

1 Ar-Rum- مو ّرلا |Qur’an Kemenag. (2022) Retriveed 09 February (2022), From https://quran.kemenag.go.id/index.php/sura/30/22

2 The Nobel Quran. (2016). Qur’an.com. Retrieved 09 February 2022, from https://quran.com./30




My deepest dedication goes to my loved ones:

Both of my parents;

Mr. Ahadi and Mrs. Hikmah, who never stop loving and praying for me.

There are not enough words to express thanks

for all this time. I feel blessed to be the daughter of you both.

My beautiful sisters; Nurmala and Dwi Yuliani,

my only brother who is pious and handsome is Syaid Muji Burahman, and thank you to all my family who always encourage and pray for me

I love you all.




Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, all praises to Allah, the Almighty God, for the presence of plenty of mercy and his grace, so that the researcher could complete the thesis entitled Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and salam are upon our prophet Muhammad Saw, who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era and better life.

In accomplishing this thesis, the researcher had been given one great to many people. So, the researcher’s sincere gratitude goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi, MA., Ph.D as a Rector of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and the Vices of Rector; Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati, SE., M.El;

Dr. As’ad Isma, M.Pd; Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag., MA.

2. Dr. Halimah Dja’far, M.Fill.I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty;

Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag. as the first Vise Dean of Acadmic, Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed as the second Vise Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third vise Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd., MA and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd. as the chairperson and secretary of English Literature Department.

4. Dr. Alfian , S. Pd., M.Ed and Firdiansyah, M.A as the researcher's supervisors, mentors, and life coaches. Their wise counsel led me through the technical and non-technical aspects of writing this study. Suggestions and constructive criticism from them greatly aided in the improvement of this thesis, making it much more interesting and engaging than the researcher had expected



5. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. The head and officers of the library of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and public library of Jambi province.

7. Especially for my brothers and sisters, Khoirul Akhyar and Rizky Widia Wulandari who have been willing to help me in finishing this thesis. Thanks also to Azwenda who is always ready to be an outlet for anger and at the same time calm me down in all the problems during the making of this thesis. Without you, this thesis probably would not have come this far. Thank you very much, I love you.

8. All of my friends, especially my best friends; Maysaroh, Nurbaiti Awaliya, Rahmania, Nur Husna, Nurrahmi Putri, Ahmad Saifudin, Faisal Khoir, Susama, Amelina Ulandari dan Desi Nurpita. Thanks for the help, advice and love that you all have given to me while we were studying at our beloved campus.

This study is a long way from being perfect. The researcher needs some feedback and suggestions in order to improve in the future. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will benefit readers, especially students in English Literature Department faculty of Adab and Humanities.

Jambi, March 02nd 2022 The researcher,

Reka Yuliana NIM. 401370910



Reka Yuliana, 2022 : Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian , S. Pd., M. Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.A

In this study, the researcher analyzes a comedy-drama genre film about racism, which is a belief that signifies biological differences in the human race in cultural or individual achievement, that if a certain race is more dominant then it is able to regulate other races. Racism can happen anywhere and can interfere with a person's mental and physical so that victims feel insecure about their race.a world- class black pianist Don Shirley who on a concert tour must rely on the "green book" therefore, the researcher gives The title of this research is "Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly". This research aims to discuss; 1) Racist acts done by white people to Don Shirley in the Green Book film, and 2) The effects of racism experienced by Don Shirley in the Green Book film. The design of this study is descriptive qualitative researchers use two theories to analyze the data, racism from Kenneth J Neubeck and Schroder, D.A. A sociological approach is also used in this study. In collecting data, researchers used documentation techniques. The technique used in collecting data in this research is descriptive technique. The results of this study are; 1) There are two types of racist acts depicted in the Green Book film, namely; (a) personal racism and (b) institutional racism. Both types occur between individuals vs society such as search for names, physical and distinctions between blacks and whites. 2) The impact of racist actions, experienced by the main character in this film, namely;

(a) Mental conditions such as mental disorders and (b) Physical conditions such as criminal acts against black people.

Keywords: Racism, Movie, Green Book



Reka Yuliana, 2022 : Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S. Pd., M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.A

Dalam studi ini, peneliti menganalisis sebuah film bergenre drama-komedi yang mengangkat mengenai rasis yang merupakan sebuah kepercayaan yang menandakan perbedaan secara biologis pada ras manusia dalam pencapaian budaya atau secara individu, bahwa apabila sebauh ras tertentu lebih dominan maka mampu mengatur ras yang lainnya. Rasisme bisa terjadi dimana saja dan bisa mengganggu mental dan fisik seseorang sehingga korban merasa tidak percaya diri dengan ras yang dimilikinya. Seorang Don Shirley pianis kulit hitam kelas dunia yang dalam tur konser harus bergantung pada “ buku hijau” oleh karena itu, peneliti memberi judul penelitian ini dengan “Racism As Seen In The Green Book Movie By Peter Farrelly”, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan mengenai; 1) Tindakan rasis yang dilakukan orang kulit putih kepada Don Shirley dalam film Green Book, dan 2) Dampak rasisme yang dialami oleh Don Shirley dalam film Green Book. Desain dari penelitian ini adalah diskriptif kualitatif peneliti menggunakan dua teori untuk menganalisis data, rasisme dari Kenneth J Neubeck dan Schroder, D.A. Pendekatan sosiologis juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penggumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriftif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah; 1) Ada dua tipe tindakan rasis yang tergambar dalam film Green Book, yaitu; (a) Personal rasis dan (b) Institutional rasis. Kedua tipe tersebut terjadi antara individu vs masyarakat seperti penghinaan nama, fisik dan pembedaan antara orang kulit hitam dan putih. 2) Dampak dari tindakan rasis, yang dialami tokoh utama dalam film ini yaitu; (a) Kondisi mental seperti gangguan jiwa dan (b) Kondisi fisik seperti adanya tindakan kriminal terhadap orang kulit hitam.

Kata Kunci: Rasis, Film, Green Book








MOTTO ... iv



ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii



CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Purpose of the Research ... 4

E. Significance of the Research ... 5


B. Racism ... 7

C. Types of Racist act ... 9

1. Personal Racism ... 10

2. Institutional Racism ... 11

D. Impact of Racism ... 12

1. Mental Condition ... 13

2. Physical Condition ... 14

E. Review of Related Literature ... 15




A. Design of the Research ... 18

B. Source of the Data ... 19

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 19

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 21


1. Personal Racism ... 23

2. Institutional Racism ... 27

B. Impact of Racism ... 34

1. Mental Condition ... 35

2. Physical Condition ... 38


B. Suggestions ... 41






Picture 1 and 2 ... 24

Picture 3 and 4 ... 25

Picture 5 ... 25

Picture 6 and 7 ... 26

Picture 8 ... 27

Picture 9 and 10 ... 29

Picture 11 and 12 ... 30

Picture 13 and 14 ... 31

Picture 15 and 16 ... 32

Picture 17 and 18 ... 33

Picture 19 ... 35

Picture 20 ... 36

Picture 21 ... 37

Picture 22 ... 38



A. Background of the Research

Literature is an imaginative work created by writers whose objects are humans and their lives. Literature was born amid society as a result of the author's imagination and reflection on social phenomena around him.

Literature is bound by the world in words created by writers based on social reality and experience and is considered an imitation of social life.3A literary work that is produced from one's mind so that it becomes a work that will always be used and will always be remembered from the work of one's hands and thoughts.

Literary works are not simple objects, but complex and complicated objects. Every literary work is the result of the intricate interplay of social and cultural factors. Literary works cannot be understood thoroughly if they are separated from the environment and civilization that has produced them because literary works are the product of writers who live in a social environment. Literary works show the reality experienced by writers in various aspects of their lives, namely society, culture, and language, and can show the symptoms described by writers through language about all things related on social and cultural issues. Literary works are products of life that contain social and cultural values in the phenomena of human life.4 It can be concluded that literature is a form of creative and productive activity of a person so as to produce a work that has social work.

In line with the literature, A film is a sequence of moving images recorded with a sound that tells a story, seen in a movie theater or on television, or other

3 Wellek, Rane & Austin Warren. Teori kesusastraan (Melani Budianata, Penerjemah) (m).

Jakarta: Gramedia. (1989) 4 Ibid



devices. According to Hornby in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,

“Film is a story, etc. Recorded as a set of moving pictures a to be shown on television or in a cinema”5. Furthermore, the movie is one of the literary genres, which, based on the opinion of Klarer, a professor of English and American studies, in a book entitled An Introduction to Literary Studies, specifically includes the film genre as a literary work.

At the end of the twentieth century, the film as a semi-textual genre couldn't be influenced and influenced by literature and criticism. The film is defined by engineering literature; on the other hand, literary practice develops certain characteristics under the influence of film.

Many dramatic forms of the twentieth century, for example, have evolved in interaction with film, whose means of photographic depiction go far beyond the realistic means of depiction in theatre.

Specific modes of film presentation—such as camera angles, info, montage, slow and fast motion—are often parallel features of a literary text or can be described in a textual framework.6

From this quote, it can be concluded that film is a contemporary movement from textual literary mode to the visual literary mode which contains important actions, messages, and ideas that can be conveyed to the public in the form of spectacle. Because the film is one of the literary genres, this research is by the research department, namely English Literature

Green Book is a 2018 American comedy-drama biographical film directed by Peter Farrelly and produced by Jim Burke, Charle B. Wesseler, Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrelly, and Nick Vallelonga. The screenplay was written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie, and Peter Farrelly. This film is in set 1960’s.7 This true story film has successfully attracted the attention of the world community. Based on its position, the Green Book film is ranked 9th in the Box Office with revenues of 5. 5 million USD. The ability of actor Mahershala Ali is playing the character of Don Shirley well, also led him to win a trophy in the Best Supporting Actor category at the 2019 Golden Globe.

5 Hornby, A. Film. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford:

Oxford.University Press (1984)

6 Klarer, M. Introduction to Literary Studies. English: Routledge.(1999)


The Green Book film also won the Best Screenplay category and won the 2019 OSCAR trophy which beat several prestigious films such as competitors. A Star Is Born, Black Panther, and Bohemian Rhapsody.8

Based on the description above, the researcher sees that the Green Book film is a work that is quite interesting in expressing racism wrapped in comedy-drama elements. Green Book is based on a true story. Set in 1960 in the Deep South, Green Book tells the story of a friendship between a white thug who becomes the tour driver of a black jazz musician. Their journey was guided by The Negro Motorist Green Book, a book that became a reference for African-Americans to find 'safe' places for blacks. Frank "Tony Lip"

Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen) is a nightclub thug in New York City. He had to lose his job after the club closed for renovations. One day he meets Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), a famous jazz pianist. Don is in need of a driver to accompany him on his eight-week concert tour in the Deep South. From here Tony started working for him. Their journey did not go well at first. Tony with his reckless and rude attitude, is in contrast to Don who tends to be calmer. But as time goes by, they both suppress their egos and accept each other's differences. During the concert tour, Don always gets unpleasant treatment from the white people. This film tells the story of Tony's friendship who always protects Don during his concert tour. Don also managed to change Tony's behavior for the better than before.9

The reason the researcher chooses the Green Book film as the object of research is that this film provides many descriptions of various scenes or dialogues based on racist behavior. The scenes and dialogues are in the form of discrimination, violence, and hateful prejudices. For example, there are

8 Synopsis Film Green Book 2018. Retrieved (13/08/21 at 20.29. p. m) from

https://id.bookmyshow.com/blog-hiburan/sinopsis-film-green-book-drama-rasisme-dibalut- sentuhan-komedi/(20019)

9 Synopsis Film Green Book 2018. Retrieved (10/03/22 at 22.45. p. m) from

https://id.bookmyshow.com/blog-hiburan/sinopsis-film-green-book-drama-rasisme-dibalut- sentuhan-komedi/(20019)



differences that result in racist acts in the form of violence or discrimination between white people and black people.

The reason the research examines the racist theory is that America is a democratic country. All residents should be treated equally but there is still racism against black people there. Racism is the difference in attitudes and treatment of certain groups of people because of differences in skin color.

Sometimes Indonesians, which are made up of hundreds of ethnic groups, languages , and customs without us realizing it, often even take actions that are included in this discrimination or different treatment for fellow citizens (based on skin color, class, ethnicity, economy, religion). Therefore, the researcher uses “Racism As Seen in The Green Book Movie by Peter Farrelly” as the title of this research.

B. Formulation of the Problem

About the background above, the problem of the research can be formulated as follow:

1. What did racist acts white people do to Don Shirley in the Green Book movie?

2. What are the impacts of racism experienced by Don Shirley in the Green Book movie?

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this study, the researcher emphasizes the scope and limits to determine what causes Don Shirley, namely white people to experience racist acts until the impact of these racist actions occurs. This study will focus on the characteristics of Don Shirley, the main character in the Green Book film who experiences racist acts and the impact of these racist acts, whether it is physical discrimination, a place that has become a rule for black people, namely Don Shirley.


D. Purpose of the Research

Based on the formulations above, the researcher find several purposes.

They are:

1. To find out the types of racist acts experienced by Don Shirley the main character in the Green Book movie

2. To find out the impacts of racism experienced by Don Shirley in the Green Book movie

E. Significant of the Research

The interests of this research are divided into two kinds, namely theoretical and practical.

1. Theoretical significance, this significance is to provide a theory that can be useful for future researchers who want to analyze the same object but with a different point of view.

2. Practice significantly. This research is expected to be additional information and knowledge for writers because this is an important requirement for obtaining a bachelor's degree, and especially for English literature students who want to analyze this film as a reference.




A. Sociological Approach

The approach is a way of dealing with something and in every analysis using theories and approaches when you want to analyze a literary work as in this study, one of them is film. Sociology is the study of social relations, and the main subject matter is groups, not individuals. Social is the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behavior. A literary work, which tells about characters and actions. The figure here is the community, while the action is the community's activities in social life. Therefore, literary and social subjects, such as society and its activities, have a close relationship. Sociology of literature is a branch of reflective research, this study focuses on human problems by viewing literature as a reflection of human life.10 The approach is a very important part of analyzing a literary work. Sociology is an approach or a method whose discussion or an object is based on the existing community in particular research.

Nyoman Khuta Ratna in her book stated that: "Pendekatan sosiologi menganalisis manusia dalam masyarakat, dengan proses pemahaman mulai dari masyarakat ke individu".11 This means that the sociological approach has method implications such as a basic understanding of human life to society. The process of identifying a sociological approach begins with the assumption that there is a reciprocal relationship between the individual and society. Social conditions have made people's identities coherent and single while providing empirical evidence for irreducible differences between people in society.

10 Evan M, William. The sociology of Law, A social Structural Perspective. New York: The Free Press. (1980)

11 Nyoman Khuta Ratna. S.U. Teori, Metode Dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra.(2004)


According Swingewood in his book stated that: sociology is the scientific and objective study of the people of society, the study of social institutions and processes. Sociology seeks to answer the questions of how societies are possible, how they work, and why they survive.12 Sociology in literature is the study of social conditions in society

This research uses a sociological approach because sociology examines how people face the challenges of working, interact with each other, understanding with humans and their social groups, from which social problems sometimes occur between communities, caused by many factors, one of the important factors that cause problems in society is racism.

B. Racism

The term racist is used to define humans based on a person's perception of physical differences that indicate genetic differences.

Anthropological studies publish that race is not a natural category, but race has become a social and cultural fact that is used to justify policies, discrimination and influence the lives of both the majority and minority races.

The first thing that should be emphasized in this discussion of races is that there is only one human race. Human biology does not divide humans into different races. It is racism that confirms this division that racism is an act that distinguishes humans from one another by looking at differences in physical terms such as skin color, hair, height, and others. Racism is routinely institutionalized mistreatment of a person based on his or her membership in a group under power. Racism has been rampant since time immemorial racial discrimination occurs in various forms, such as public facilities, employment, education, and other fields. In other words, it is clearly stated by John Storey in his book. However, the difference is not

12 Laurenson, Diana Dan Alan Swingwood. Sosiologi sastra, New York. (1972)



only a choice but also a created condition of racism interpreted as an attack on a person's nature against people who are considered different from him.

Such as the nature of tendencies, statements, and actions that favor or oppose a group of surrounding communities.

“Race is a cultural and historical category or a way of making a significant difference between people of different skin colors. What matters is not the difference, but how it is made to signify, how it is made meaningful in terms of social and political hierarchies. This is not to deny that humans come in different colors and with different physical characteristics, but to assert that these differences do not give rise to meaning, they must be made meaningful.”13

Besides, there's no reason why skin color is more important than a person's hair color or eye color. In other words, racism is more about meaning than about biology. While it is possible to argue that xenophobia, stemming from ignorance and fear, may have existed for as long as different ethnic groups have existed, race and racism have a very particular history.

Racism first developed in England as a defense of slavery and the slave trade. The British slave trade, the slavery of Britain's sugar- producing plantations, and the British manufacturing industry had begun to operate as a system of triple mutual benefit, the economic basis having been laid for all the pieces of ancient myths and prejudices to be weaved into a more or less coherent one. racist ideology, racial mythology.

In other words, racism first emerged as a defensive ideology, promulgated to defend the economic advantages of slavery and the slave trade. The slave trade in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of profitable crops such as tobacco. Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries,

13 John Storey, an Introduction of Cultural Theory And Popular Culture, 5th Edition, University of Sunderland


and African-American slaves helped build the economic foundations of the new nation. The invention of the cotton gin machine in 1793 reinforced the importance of slavery to the Southern economy.

In the mid-19th century, America's westward expansion, together with the growing abolitionist movement in the North, would spark the great debate over slavery that would destroy the nation in the bloody American Civil War (1861-65). Despite the Union victory freeing the nation's 4 million slaves, the legacy of slavery continues to influence American history, from the turbulent years of Reconstruction (1865-77) to the civil rights movement that emerged in the 1960s, a century after emancipation.14 It can be concluded that racism has developed to include many aspects, such as hostility between ethnic groups and races. So that the occurrence of acts of discrimination against people of color, and the development of racism has the consequences of negative economic effects during the emergence of racism. First, racism in England led to slavery or trafficking in black people. Thus, racism in Britain was seen as a means of sustaining economic gains from slavery to the black trade.

In this study, the researcher uses the theory of racism which explains the application of racist segregation, such as differences in the physical characteristics of the white race and black race, because the white race is considered the most superior of the black race. Treats others differently with judgments based on racial characteristics.

C. Types of Racist Acts

According to Keneth J Neubeck Racism is behavioral differences and inequalities based on a person's skin color, race, ethnicity, and origin that limit or violate a person's rights and freedoms. The act of racism begins with an action carried out by a superior group who views another group is a group that is lower than their own group.

14 Ibid



There are two types of racism. The first type is personal racism (individuals or small groups) expressing negative emotions verbally and/or physically towards black people. The second type is institutional racism, in which organizations carry out large-scale activities such as political and business work systems to the detriment of minorities in general.15 Racism is created due to economic and psychological factors. Personal racism is expressing negative feelings with harsh words or discrimination against black people and institutional racism refers to individual attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors that result in unfair treatment or minority opportunities against black people.

1. Personal Racism

Personal racism occurs when an individual (or a small group of individuals) has a suspicious attitude and/or engages in discriminatory behavior and the like. Manifestations of Personal Racism are individual stereotypes based on alleged racial differences, insulting names and references, discriminatory treatment during interpersonal contact, threats, and acts of violence against people. Members of minority groups are suspected of being racially inferior. The following are examples of Personal Racism actions;

a. Officials hire blacks only for low-level work, based on stereotypes about skills or fearing that blacks will provoke negative reactions from white workers.

b. One teacher assumed that children in a class who were not members of the white majority could not learn and therefore they were given little attention,

15 Kenneth J. Neubeck . Social Problem: A Critical Approach. USA: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc (1997)


c. The car driver stopped at a red light, saw a black young man approaching the crossing, the driver rushed to lock the car door because he thought that maybe the black youth was dangerous.

On the other hand, personal racism can also be the actual act of racial hatred. It often gets the attention of the media, especially if the act is life- threatening or has a violent effect. In recent years, "hate crimes " or " bias crimes" against blacks (and Jews, homosexuals, lesbians, etc.) have been seriously injured, killed, and prosecuted in several countries hate crime laws to prevent acts of racism.16 Racism individuals also express negative feelings with words towards black people so that black people become insecure because they think that they are not worthy of the things that make them confident.

2. Institutional Racism

Institutional racism includes the special treatment of those institutions in the minority community. Institutional racism notes the fact that groups such as Native Americans, African Americans, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans are often victims of work complaining about these organizational structures. Turn to. Unlike some types of personal racism, racism that occurs in the daily and annual work of large institutions is often difficult to detect without investigation. The following are examples of institutional racism actions;

a. The Seniority Rule applied only whites were employed. Recently minority workers are more subject to layoffs than whites.

b. Tests or academic credentials are routinely used for potential employees when the tests are geared towards the knowledge and experience that members of the white middle class are most likely to have.




c. The credit policies of banks and other financial institutions are implemented in ways that make it difficult to obtain a mortgage or loan for home improvement in minority neighborhoods.

Institutional racism is a social phenomenon where white people are in a position to mobilize and defend themselves. The key is power over their organizational structures and operations. Since people of dark color generally do not have access to positions of power in the major institutions that influence them, they cannot afford to discriminate against white people at this level. One could talk, for example, about incidents of "black racism" on a personal level. But it must be remembered that minorities have never had, and do not have today, the means of acts of racism in the same institutions and with the same effect as whites.17Institutional racism focuses on policies and practices that have unequal consequences for minorities.

The researcher concludes that racist acts are events, situations that judge various actions and values in a group based on their cultural perspective and also who view all the social values of other people outside themselves or look down on themselves and that is wrong and unacceptable by people. considered low, giving rise to acts of discrimination may affect inappropriate interactions.Personal racism is in the form of discriminatory actions that refer to racial differences, while institutional racism assesses social phenomena where white people have access to power, while black people do not. Until now, the existence of racism in this world has caused the division of tribes, races, and cultures.

These types of racist acts are one of the problems that can be seen in the film studied by the researcher, namely the Green Book.

17 Ibid


D. Impact of Racism

The impact of racism always leads to a certain intention: misery.

Discrimination that legitimate by the 18 police towards the colored people in America which just based from the subjective prejudice, a colored people could be arrested by the police. Moreover, the effect of racism that happened in the world could bring a negative act like a chain that connected each other. Impacts of racism towards the survivor are measured from two aspects: mental condition, and physical condition.

As for the impact of racism in society, it causes many negative impacts on social relations in society, one of which is that the social relations that are established are not good, between the races in power and those controlled are very unbalanced, there is a limit between the two.

Many people's mindsets still carry out acts of racism both consciously and unconsciously so that it has an impact on a person's mental and physical condition.18The impact of racist acts is an act that causes many negative impacts for many people, or victims who receive such treatment. It can even affect the psychology of people who experience the effects of racist acts.

1. Mental Condition

Mental health is affected by events in life that leave a great impact on a person's personality and behavior. If mental health is disturbed, then mental disorders arise. Mental disorders can change the way a person handles stress, relates to others, makes choices, and triggers feelings of self-harm. Examples of mental conditions are prolonged sadness, difficulty thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, excessive fear, worry, or guilt.19 Mental condition related to a person's psyche, which will be seen when a

18 Schroder, D.A., Penner L.A., Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin J.A. The psychology of helping &

altruism. New York: Problem & Puzzle.(1998) 19 Ibid



person feels that he is inappropriate or there is no longer hope for something he hopes.

Racism can have an impact on mental health, mental health can affect individuals' decision-making processes, impair their ability to access information about their own health, prevention, and the quality of health care providers, and thus can also have an impact on a person's physical health. Little is known about the potential pathways by which health affects physical health and vice versa, namely the so-called "indirect effects". Indirect effects can be seen through how a person varies with the people around him and these people can also have an important impact on the design of health policies.20 A mental health condition experienced by a person from racist behavior that results in basic emotions that affect daily activities, including ways of thinking, communicating, psychological resilience and self-confidence.

Mental health can be affected by a variety of overlapping factors including biology mental health is influenced by genes and linked to one's family history of mental illness, a person's current state whether it's stress at work, money problems, or isolation, life experiences such as trauma, abuse or sadness.21 Mental health is a part of health that cannot be separated, mental health is a condition when a person feels prosperous, either psychologically, emotionally, or socially.

2. Physical Condition

Physical conditions are the most dangerous conditions that can trigger health problems. The physical effects that occur from racist behavior are mostly initiated by stress factors. Stress causes the body to accelerate cell aging and causes damage the immune system. With a weak immune system, the body is susceptible to various diseases. In addition, stress

20 Ibid 21 Ibid


factors can motivate the brain to immediately perform unhealthy behaviors. Such as drinking liquor, and drug abuse that have a bad impact on the body. Some examples of physical conditions are self-hatred, feelings of guilt, shame, false consciousness, and stress.22 Physical is a part of the human body from birth which has different characteristics in every human being.

Physical and mental health can influence each other through work.

Poorer physical or mental health can imply a loss of productivity that reduces access to healthier food and environments.23Physical health is the body's ability to carry out body functions efficiently and then maintain optimality in every condition.

The researcher concludes that the impact of racism measured into mental conditions is related to mental conditions such as depression, anxiety when interacting with other people, and physical conditions related to the body and appearance of a human being such as insecurity that makes a person feel uncomfortable in the community. The impact of racism in people's lives causes many negative impacts on social relations in society, making social relations in society less good between the races in power, and those controlled are very unbalanced, there are boundaries between the two and cause effects and divisions between each ethnic group, one with the other. another ethnicity. This impact is also one of the problems seen in the films studied by researchers.

D. Review of Related Studies

In this study, the researcher is not the first researcher who will research racism or social cases where there are white people and negroes in conflict there are several theses whose discussion is the same and relevant to the thesis.

22 Ibid

23 Ibid



Firstly, Nurjanah, (2014) a student of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Institute of Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, wrote a thesis entitled History of Racial Crimes in California in the Film The Freedom Writers. He analyzes the state of California and the history of hate crime in California. He uses a historical approach and the theory of racism by analyzing the material. The result of this thesis is that the condition of Californian society is: First, social conditions are racist conflicts everywhere in California, wars occur between whites and blacks, they kill each other and make their gangs. In California, racial conflicts have a close relationship with the form of the slavery system in the country in the period of the 18th and 19th centuries.24

Secondly, Billy Susanti, (2014) a student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Faculty of Communication and Informatics, wrote a thesis entitled Reception Analysis of Racism in Film (A Study of 12 Years Slave Film Reception Analysis on Multi-Ethnic Students). He analyzed the audience's interpretation of racism in the United States. The researcher uses Stuart Hall's encoding-decoding reception analysis method, with a qualitative type of research that focuses on racism that occurs in the United States. The results showed that all informants were in the option position, namely rejecting the scenes of slavery and violence due to racism that were displayed. Some informants are in a dominant position in a certain scene.25

Thirdly, Ika Diansari, (2014) a student of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic Institute of Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, wrote a thesis entitled Analyzing Racial Discrimination as Seen in the film Freedom Writers. He analyzed the types of racial discrimination, the causes of racial discrimination, and the impact of racial

24 Nurjanah, History of racial Crimes in California in the film Freedom Writers. States Institute of Islamic Studies Sulthan thaha Saifuddin Jambi. (2014)

25 Billy Susanti, The Analysis of Receptions on Racism in Films (A Study of 12 Years Slave Film Reception Analysis on Multi-Ethnic Students). Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. (2014)


discrimination in the film. This study uses the theory of racial discrimination and a sociological approach. Results From this thesis there are four forms of racial discrimination, namely: Direct Discrimination and Stereotyped Discrimination. Based on the level of racial discrimination, this thesis finds two forms of racial discrimination, namely: physical attack and extermination. The result of the second thesis is that racial discrimination is caused by two factors, namely: Race Factors and Environmental Factors, which are included in environmental factors like physical characteristics and differences in genetic or hereditary elements.

Third, the racial discrimination felt by African-American students, which in the end caused several impacts such as hatred, resentment, and frustration, the negative impacts experienced by African-American students were from skin color, prejudice, and forming gangsters.26

Fourth, by Damara Komala, (2020) a student from the Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University. Analyzing the content of acts of racism in Tate Taylor's The Help, Racism is a problem that has existed throughout the world since ancient times. Indonesia is also not spared from this racism problem. From small problems that we are not aware of to big problems that involve many parties. The existence of this racist behavior makes the atmosphere uncomfortable and conducive if it has to involve many parties. Therefore, many filmmakers are trying to raise the theme of racism in a film. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the content of the film The Help, especially relating to forms of racism.27

Fifthly, Siti Fatimah, a student from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic Institute Jambi, Wrote a thesis entitled Analysis of Apartheid Between the Black and White

26 Ika Diansari, Analyzing Racial Discrimination as Seen in the film Freedom Writers. State Institute of Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. (2015)

27 Damara Komala, Analyzing of The Action of Racism in Tate Taylor's The Help. Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University.(2020)



Race As Seen in the Invictus Movie. He analyzes the types of apartheid systems and apartheid systems that are evident from Nelson Mandela. This research uses postcolonial theory and a historical approach. The results of the study found four types of apartheid systems, namely the area where blacks and whites lived very differently, voter representation: before Nelson Mandela was released from prison, language: whites and blacks were in the same country but they had their language, hobbies: white and black have different hobbies, songs: white and black have different songs.

Some kind of apartheid film, changed his interests, united black and white work, encouraged black peace, and cleaned white people's fears.28

From several previous related studies above, this researcher found some similarities and differences with this research. The similarities lie in research topic and design. While the difference lies in the formulation of the research problem in this study, the researcher focuses on the types of racist actions and racist impacts. This study uses a sociological approach.

Moreover, no research takes the Green Book film as data to be analyzed.

these are the research differences associated with this study.

28 Siti Fatimah, Analysis of Apartheid Between the Black and White Race As Seen in the Invictus Movie. State Institute of Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi




A. Design of the Research

Every researcher has design of the research to do the research of academic writing. In writing this thesis, the researcher used qualitative descriptive method. It was suitable for this research because there were many interpretations and perceptions in this research, and the qualitative method could bind the whole differences of interpretation and perception.

Judith Preissle in Creswell’s book, he states that:

Qualitative research is a loosely defined category of research designs or models, all which elicit verbal, visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory data in the form of descriptive narratives like field notes, recordings, or other transcriptions from audio and videotapes and other written records and pictures or films.29

From the statement above, qualitative research could be defined as a research procedure that produce descriptive data in form of written words and from people that can be observed.

According to Lexy J. Moleong, qualitative research is research that is intended to understand phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects, for example, behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, and others, holistically and using descriptions in the form of words and language, in a specific natural context and by utilizing various natural methods.30 It could be concluded that the purpose of the descriptive method is to capture the fact accurately. It can be used to answer the research questions. The presentations’ data describe in form of words.

29 Creswell, J. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks:

Sage Publications.(1998)

30 Lexy, J. Moleong, Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya). (2005)



The researcher applied qualitative descriptive method to explain the materials because it analyzed the nature of object, to describe a situation systematically, problem, phenomenon, or provide information about living condition, or describe attitude towards an issue. In this study, researchers focus on racism as seen in the Green Book Movie. Therefore, qualitative descriptive research was used to analyze the issue of this research.

B. Source of the Data

According to Sugiyono, the object of research is a scientific target to obtain data with specific uses and purposes about a matter or a variable.31 The source of data in this study is a film entitled Green Book by Peter Farrelly. The object of this research is the story of a world-class black pianist, on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South, they must rely on the book “Green” to guide them to some safe places at that time For African Americans. Faced with an unexpected story of racism, humanity and humor. The 130-minute film directed by Peter Farrelly premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2018, was released exclusively on November 16, 2018, and was released in the United States in November 21, 2018 broadly.32 The film received positive reviews from critics. Researchers took scripts and scenes from the film to identify racism and its impact on the main characters in the film.

Therefore, the data form is dialogue and pictures from movie.

C. Techniques of Data Collection

Data collection has a very vital role in a research, Sugiyono states;

“Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research, because

31 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendekatan Kualitatif Kuantitatif dan R &D. Bandung:


32 Green Book (2018) - IMDb. (2011). Retrieved 02 Juni 2021, from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6966692/


the main purpose of research is to get data”.33 The purpose of data collection is to get information related with the topic.

Creswell states: ”The data collection procedures in qualitative research involve four basic types: observation, interview, documentation and visual image”.34 In this research, the researcher used documentation to get the information.

Sugiyono defines documentation as a “record of past events. It can be in the form of writings, pictures, or monumental works of a person”.35 From the quote above, it can be concluded that Documentation refers to a way of recording events in the form of documents, records or stored files.

It is about an event or something that has happened in the past. Some of them as a type of documentation are pictures and literary works by someone. Therefore, documentation is one method that can be used for research. The researcher took several steps to collect this research data:

1. Downloading the movie

The researcher downloaded Green Book movie by Peter Farrelly from vidio.com and took the script from subscane.com

2. Watching the movie repeatedly

The researcher watched the movie repeatedly and took the scenes and dialogues that related to formulation of problem in this research

3. Reading the script and marking the sentences

The researcher read the script and marked the words or sentences that related to formulation of problem in this research

33 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kualitatof (p.24). Bandung: Alfabeta. (2008)

34 Creswell, J. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches . USA: Sage Publication.(1994)

35 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R &D.

Bandung: Alfabeta. (2019)



D. Techniques of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the research analyze the data. In qualitative research, data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling data. Data analysis techniques are used to answer the problem formulation in data analysis. According to Sugiyono stated:

“Data analysis technique is the process of searching for data, systematically compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and documentation, by organizing data into categories, describing them into units, synthesizing, compiling into a pattern of choosing which one to use. important and what will be studied, and make conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and others”.36

In this study, the researcher use descriptive analysis because this research is descriptive. The way the researcher describes and analyzes the data obtained from the Green Book film is to find out of the answers to the problems that have been formulated. This study has several steps in analyzing data so that this research can be carried out more specifically, the steps are:

1. Identification

The researcher identify the data and make assumptions or racists found in the Green Book film. Research-based on the theories used to create a sociological approach in the film Green Book by Peter Farrelly

2. Classification

Researcher classifying data in the form of actions, conversations, and expressions in that movie that are related to racism.

36 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R &D.

Bandung: Alfabeta.(2019)


3. Analysis, describing, explaining

The researcher analyzes, describes, and explains the data based on the theory that supports this research about the racism seen in the Green Book film so that the results of this study are presented in analytical descriptive, namely describing the facts first and then analyzing them.

4. Making the conclusion

The researcher making a conclusion, after all the data had been analyzed, described and explained in the research researcher makes conclusion about the research.




A. Types of Racism Act As Seen In Green Book movie

After doing the analysis, the researcher found that there are two types of racism act in the Green Book movie based on types of racism theory of Kenneth J Neubeck; Personal Racism and Institutional Racism.37Based on the research results, it can be seen below.

1. Personal Racism

As mentioned in the second chapter, personal racist is an individual stereotype of alleged racial differences, insulting someone's name and reference, which expresses negative words towards black people. This makes them insecure.

The possibility of personal racism in the Green Book film is in several scenes which will be discussed below. The first personal racism is racism about the distinction of a place that will be used by black people which distinguishes about race, culture, ethnicity, and physical that often occurs in society. With their differences, therefore the occurrence of differences from one another, physical differences, one of which often occurs in individuals and groups.

Racism also often occurs through social media so that bullying can occur due to ethnic, racial and physical differences. As the researcher has mentioned in the previous chapter regarding examples of personal racism.

differences often lead to misunderstandings with the existence of racism between them. This happens in Peter Farrelly Green Book. There are several scenes in this film that depict the difference between a black

37 Kenneth J. Neubeck. Social Problem: A Critical Approach. USA: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc (1997)


person and a white person. It can be seen from the image and dialogue below:

(Picture 1)38 (Picture 2)39

Host : Are you looking for a toilet?

Don Shirley : Yes…

Host : Let me help. It's outside beside the pine tree Don Shirley : I don't want to wear that

Host :Don't be silly Don, it looks really bad Don Shirley : I think you know from your experience Host : I've never received a complaint

Don Shirley : I can go back to my motel, and use the restroom there. But it took 1.5 hours.

Host : We don't mind waiting.40

The picture and dialogue above show a scene of a conversation between the Host who organized the event, and Don Shirley who wanted to use the toilet at the event. Then, the Host told Don Shirley to use a bad toilet outside the venue.

The scene is classified as personal racism, where a black person is distinguished from a white person. A black person feels cornered or differentiated so that it seems that the view of black people is always negative. Whereas in African-American culture there are no rules about the difference between white people and black people. America is a democratic country, all residents should be treated equally but there are still racist actions against black people there.

38Green Book Movie:01:05:07-01:04:57 39 Green Book Movie: 01:05:07-01:04:57 40 Green Book Movie: 01:05:o7-01:04:57



The next scene is a white manager at a restaurant directing Don Shirley to a small dressing room. This is where black people are distinguished from white people, even though in this scene black people are the performers at the restaurant.

(Picture 3)41 (Picture 4)42

The picture above shows Tony Lip stopping on the side of the road with Don Shirley. Tony Lip wanted to pee but after getting out for a while he went back to the car to get his wallet which was on the dashboard. Here it can be seen that Tony Lip, a white man, did not trust the safety of his wallet when he lived with a black man. Tony Lip thought that the black man, Don Shirley, could have stolen his wallet. Black people are always suspected by white people where blacks often commit criminal acts. From this scene, there has been Personal racism to Don Shirley where Don Shirley is considered a thief by his driver Tony Lip but Don Shirley does not really respond to the racism that happened to him.

(Picture 5)43

41 Green Book Movie: 00:34:24-01:35:40 42 Green Book Movie: 00:34:28-01:35:36


Graham Kindell : As you can imagine, our Christmas show is the biggest how of the year and we are delighted invite you, Mr. Don Shirley. if you need anything, just let me know.

Don Shirley : Thank you

Graham Kindell : We're here. Show in 1 hour, Any questions?

Tony Lip : Where's the restaurant?

Graham Kindell : Straight to the end. Tony, turn right and cross the lobby. Good luck./Thank you.44 Above is Graham Kindell directing Don Shirley into his dressing room.

The changing room comes from the kitchen food equipment warehouse.

From this scene, it shows the occurrence of personal racism for black people. However, Don Shirley doesn't mind about it, here it appears that black people are placed in an inappropriate place for him even though black people here are performers by playing the piano for white guests.

(Picture 6)45 (Picture 7)46

The picture above shows Tony Lip driving Don Shirley who was stopped at a red light. Then there were white citizens who watched the two of them in amazement. White people find it strange to see there are blacks who occupy high social status and there are whites who want to work for black people. The view that blacks occupy high social status is surprising to white people. Because, white people always occupy a higher 43 Green Book Movie: 00:37:48-00:32:16

44 Green Book Movie: 00:37:48-00:32:16 45 Green Book Movie: 01:23:48-00:46:16

46 Green Book Movie: 01:23:48-00:46:11



social status than black people whose social status is set low and only work and do activities that are only provided for by white people.

(Picture 8)47

Police : Why did you drive him?

Tony Lip : He's my boss.

Police : He can't go out at night. It's a gray city.

Tony Lip : What is it?

Police : Take him out and check his ID card.

Tony Lip : Come on sir. It's raining.

Police : Sir, I can only check from the window.

Police : Get him out of the car Police : Come on out. Get out, now.48

The picture and dialogue above shows that Tony Lip and Don Shirley were stopped by a white police officer. Where, a law enforcer also views that white people should have a higher social status than black people. So something like driving black people by white people is weird and embarrassing. Black people are always considered unworthy of good treatment such as being superiors for white people from law enforcement for black people. Whites are in a position to drive and maintain to always be higher than black.

The scene above shows that white people, they look higher caste because they can always attend luxurious events and always get good facilities from black people, such as hotel facilities, bars, restaurants, and clothing. Meanwhile, black people are described as low caste because they

47 Green Book Movie: 01:25:47-00:44:17 48 Green Book Movie: 01:25:47-00:44:17


are only servants, drivers, uneducated and always exiled and get poor facilities compared to white people. this reveals that whites are thus shown that they are richer, educated, and more polite people than blacks who are portrayed as lazy, irresponsible people.

Racism is the difference in attitudes and behavior towards a particular person and society because of differences in skin color. Sometimes we, the Indonesian people, who are made up of hundreds of ethnic groups and languages and customs without us realizing it, often even take actions that are included in discrimination every day and can offend each other or discriminate in treatment of fellow citizens. "Based on skin color, ethnicity, economy and class".

2. Institutional Racism

Institutional racism described in the previous second chapter is a form of racism that is embedded in everyday life in a society or organization.

Describes the pattern of community structure that imposes oppressive or otherwise negative conditions on groups identified based on race or ethnicity. oppression may come from business, government or other institutions. This racism may also be called societal racism, institutionalized racism, or cultural racism.49 This racism should not be confused with individual racism, which is directed against one or more individuals. While this has the potential to affect people on a large scale negatively.

The institutional racism that occurs in this film is found in several scenes and dialogues. There are some economically disadvantaged black people and groups where, white people have access to power while black people do not. Institutional racism draws attention to the fact that groups such as African Americans are often victims of the regular functioning of these organizational structures. Unlike some forms of racism that occur in

49 Kenneth J. Neubeck. Social Problem: A Critical Approach. USA: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc (1997)


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