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A TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF DEIXIS IN THE DREAM OF TRESPASS NOVEL BY FATIMAH MERNISSI AND ITS TRANSLATION A Translation Analysis Of Deixis In The Dream Of Trespass Novel By Fatimah Mernissi And Its Translation (Pragmatic Perspective).


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department

Written by







Untung Wisuda Purnama Putra A320070284

Consultant 1:

Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M. Hum.

Consultant 2:

Siti Fatimah, S.Pd. M. Hum





This research belongs to a qualitative research. The researcher tries to identify the types of deixis and the equivalence of deixis in The Dream of Trespass novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its Translation.

The object of the research is the novel The Dream of Trespass written by Fatimah Mernissi that consists of 226 pages. It is translated into Indonesian novel Harem by Amad Baiquni. In collecting the data, the researcher uses the document. The data in this research are sentences containing deixis, they are personal deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. The data are analized based on the theories, the knowledge and desire of the researcher related to the problem statements. From the collected data, the researcher finds 202 data of English deixis and equivalence.

The result of the research shows that : based on the equivalent and non equivalent deixis from 202 data of the research, the data involved in: (a) the equivalent deixis which are translated into Indonesian are 183 data or 90,6%, (b) the non equivalence deixis which are translated into Indonesian are 19 data or 9,4. It means that the translation analysis of deixis in novel Dream of Trespass is very good.


A. Introduction

1. Background of the Study

Translation is an activity related to the diversion process of language from the source language into the target language, and the message in the source language must be reasonable and in the closest meaning to the target language. Translation can also be interpreted as an act of communication in writing between the author of source text or original text through a translator as reader of source text as well as the sender of the message of the author of source text to the readers of the target text which has a language background and cultural backgrounds that are different with the author of source text.

To do translation, a translator has to master both the source language and target language. It’s in order to make a good translation, which is able to transfer the message from source language (SL) into target language (TL). In other hand, translation plays an important role to solve the problem of Interlingua communication.

According to Levinsson (1983:3) “pragmatics is the study of the relationship between language and the context, which is a basis in understanding the meaning of language”. Refering to this statement, pragmatics is the study of the aspect of the relationship between language and context that are relevant the writing grammar. It is dealing with language use and the relationship between language form and language use. Deixis concerns the ways in which language encode or grammatical features of the context of utterances on the analysis of that context on utterances (Levinson, 1983:54)

The writer wants to analyze the types and the equivalence of deixis in this novel. The writer chooses this novel because there is an interesting phenomenon to be searched. The novel has detail and complete utterances.

2. Literature Review

The research in deixis has been analyzed by graduate students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Juliari (UMS, 2007) analyzed the Personal Deixis and the Reference of Deixis used in English Translation of Al-Qur’an and Hasanah (UMS, 2006)


between the previous researches with the present research is in the analysis of deixis. While the difference is that the previous researchers were focusing on deixis in a movie and English Translation of Al-Qur’an. In this research, the writer focuses on the types of deixis in a novel using Hurford and Brendan theory of deixis, which is reported speech. The writer analyzes “a Translation Analysis of Deixis in The Dream of Trespass Novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its Translation (Pragmatic Perspective).

3. Problem Statement

Based on the research background above, the problem of the study is what are the types and how is the equivalence of deixis in The Dream of Trespass Novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its translation.

4. Objective of the Study

The objectives of this study are to describe the types and the equivalence of deixis in The Dream of Trespass Novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its translation.

5. Benefit of the Study

There are two benefits in this study; they are theoretical and practical benefit. In theoretical benefit, the study is projected to give movie contribution and information to the large body of knowledge particularly in the linguistic studies. Whereas, in practical benefit, the study is expected to enrich the knowledge and experience of the writer, and other students at UMS, and other Universities who have interested in linguistic study especially in learning deixis.

6. Underlying Theory


a. Notion of Translation

Widyamartaya (1989:38) defines “that translation is a process of shifting the meaning from the source language becomes closet equivalent and sound naturally in target language”. The definition is added by Machali (2005:5) who declares that “translation is the replacement of textual material in target language by equivalent textual material in target language”.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that translation is reproducing source language in equivalent way into target language as close as possible to the original one to ensure that the surface meaning of the two will. Furthermore the translator must concern that in conveying the message to target language they should not distort the message from source text.

b. Process of Translation

Nida (1975:80) states that there are three steps of translation process. First, translator should analyze the source text language by reading it to get the message that will be conveyed into the target language text. Second is transferring process. It means that after he or she gets well understanding the source text, he or she begins transferring the message into target language. The last step is restructuring the message to target language structure equivalently, in order to make it readable or communicative and to be easy understood by target language reader then the last as the result is the product of translation in the receptor language.

c. Principle of Translation

Nida and Taber (1969:12) proposed some principles of translation, as follows : reproducing the message, equivalent rather than identity, natural equivalent, closest equivalent, priority of meaning, significance of style.

d. Translation Shifts


e. Equivalence in Translation

Equivalence and quality are closely related concepts in translation. Baker (1992:5) classifies equivalence into 5 categories, those are: equivalence at word level, equivalence above word level, grammatical equivalence, textual equivalence, pragmatic equivalence.

f. Notion of Pragmatics

According to levinson (1983:3) pragmatics is the study of the relationship between language and context, which is a basis in understanding the meaning of language. Yule (1996:5) states the pragmatics is the study about the relationship between linguistic form and the use of linguistic term. According to Yule (1996:129-133) pragmatics study covers: entailment, implicature, presupposition, speech act, deixis.

g. Notion of Deixis

In English, the term deictic is used to as pointing directly that opposite from the word electric which pointing indirectly. Deictic deals with connection between discourse and situation in which discourse used. The writer concludes that deixis refers to word in which it’s referred and its pointing is always moving or changing depends on the speaker, place, and time of utterance. Moreover, the meaning is still relevant with the context.

h. Kind of Deixis


B. Research Method

In analyzing and discussing the data, the writer has to enter the research method to get success in conducting the research. In relation to this research, the writer chooses a descriptive method to frame the research. The writer uses qualitative research because the writer wants to classify the types of deixis and to describe the functions of deixis in in The Dream of Trespass novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its translation. The data in this research

are the utterance containing deixis words. And the data source is The Dream of Trespass novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its translation. For collecting the data, the writer uses documentary method by the following procedures: Reading both of the original and the translation of the novel entitled Dream of Trespass and Harem, Underlying the deixis words and their translations, Rewriting the underlined data, Coding the data using the following system. The writer uses comparative method to analyze the data. The writer compares between source language and target language.

C. Reseach Finding and Discussion

This part describes research result and discussion. The issues of the problem statements are elaborated here, started from the types of deixis and the equivalence of deixis in The Dream of Trespass novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its translation.

1. The Types of Deixis in The Dream of Trespass Novel by Fatimah Mernissi and its Translation

a. Personal Deixis

Personal deixis here refers to the use of first person referring to the speaker itself, second person refers to the addressee (s), and third person refers to the other who is neither the speaker nor the addressee.

1) First Person Deixis

First person here refers to the speaker of the utterance. 001/DOT/03/H/15

In this datum, the utterance below is uttered by Fatimah Mernissi to herself. SL: But since then, looking for the frontier has become my life’s occupation.


TL: Tapi sejak saat itu, menemukan batas menjadi pencarian dalam hidupku. personal pronoun. It refers to Fatimah Mernissi. The world “my” is translated into the word “aku” and it has function as possessive adjective pronoun of Fatimah

In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Fatimah’s mother to Fatimah Mernissi. SL: You have to judge by yourself the impact of your words.

TL: Kamu harus nilai sendiri akibat dari kata-katamu.


pronoun of Fatimah Mernissi. The word “your” is translated into the word “mu” which has function as possessive adjective. The word “your” or “mu” refers to the possessive adjective pronoun of Fatimah Mernissi.

3)Third Person Deixis

Third person deixis is deitic references to a referent (s) not the identified as the speaker or the addressee, such as: he, she, him, himself, his, her, herself, they, them, their, and themselves.


In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Grandmother Yasmina to Fatimah’s mother.

SL: Hanging on to samir for protection could be okay, but if she figures out how to protect others, she can use that skill for herself.

TL: Bergantung kepada samir untuk membela diri juga tidak salah, tapi jika dia dapat menunjukkan bagaimana melindungi orang lain, dia tentu dapat

melindungi diri sendiri.

Grandmother Yasmina said to Fatimah’s mother that if she (Fatimah Mernissi) Hanging on to samir for protection could be okay, but if she (Fatimah Mernissi) figures out how to protect others, she (Fatimah Mernissi) can use that skill for herself.

The deitic word in the utterance above is the word “she”. The type of the word

“she” is second person deixis. The word “she” is translated into the word “dia”.

It has function as subjective pronoun of Fatimah Mernissi.


In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Fatimah Mernissi to her mother.

SL: Mother, do you mean that if the king does not like Scheherazade’s story, he will call in his siaf (executioner)?

TL: Ibu, apakah kalu sang raja tidak menyukai cerita shahrazad, dia akan memerintahkan siaf (algojo) memenggal kepalanya?


The deitic words in utterance above are the word “he”, the word “his”. The type of the word “he and his” are singular third person deixis. The word “he” is translated into word “dia” which has function as subjective personal pronoun. It refers to the King. The word “his” is not translated and it has function as possessive adjective pronoun. It refers to the possessive adjective pronoun of the King.

b. Place Deixis

Place deixis refers to the location of the person who is doing communication. It can be proximal and distal. It is used in adverb “here versus there”, in demonstrative “this versus that”

1) Proximal Distance 076/DOT/55/H/77

In this datum, the utterance below is uttered by Tamou to Yasmina

SL: If all you need is banana tree to feel at home on this farm, we’ll grow you one right here.

TL: Kalau yang kamu butuhkan untuk merasa betah disini adalah pohon pisang, kami mau menanamnya disini.

Tamao said to yasmina that if all you (Yasmina) need is banana tree to feel at home on this (The farm) farm, we (Tamou) will grow you (Yasmina) one right here (The farm).

The deitic word in the utterance above is the word “this” and the word “here”. The word “this” is translated into the word “disini” which has function as relative adverb of place. The word “this” means the object in close to the speech location. The word “here” is translated into the word “disini”. The word “here” means close to speaker’s location. The word “here” has function as relative adverb of place. It refers to the place where the utterance is uttered.

2)Distal Distance 094/DOT/62/H/86


SL: Wherever there are human beings, there is a qa’ida, or invisible rule. TL: Di mana ada manusia disitu ada qa’idah atau aturan tak tampak.

Grandmother Yasmina said to Fatimah Mernissi that wherever there are human beings, there (place where the human beings life) is a qa’ida, or invisible rule. The deitic word in the utterance above is “there”. The word “there” is translated into the word “di situ”. The word “there” has a function as relative adverb of place. The word “there” means distal or away from the speaker’s location. It refers to the place where far away from the speaker.

c. Time Deixis

Time deixis is code of time refers to time in which relative to the time of speaking or an utterance was spoken.

For example: now, yesterday, tomorrow, then, etc. 001/DOT/03/H/15

In this datum, the utterance below is uttered by Fatimah Mernissi to herself. SL: But since then, looking for the frontier has become my life’s occupation.

Anxiety eats at me whenever I cannot situate the geometric line organizing my powerlessness.

TL: Tapi sejak saat itu, menemukan batas menjadi pencarian dalam hidupku. Cemas aku manakala aku tidak dapat mengurai jalinan kusut yang membuatku tak berdaya.

Fatimah Mernissi said that since then (when Fatimah Mernissi looking for hudud meaning) looking for the frontier has become her (Fatimah Mernissi) life’s occupation. She (Fatimah Mernissi) said that she (Fatimah Mernissi) was anxiety whenever she can’t situate the geometric line organizing her (Fatimah Mernissi) powerlessness.

The deitic word in the utterance above is the word “then”. The type of deixis

“then” is the time deixis because it refers to time past time or the time after the


d. Discourse Deixis

Instance of discourse deixis are the use of demonstrative “this” and “that”. Demonstrative “this” and “that” are place deixis forms that are reuse in discourse deixis.


In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Grandmother Yasmina to Fatimah Mernissi.

SL: I could not care how rich this woman is.

TL: Aku tidak pedui betapun kayanya perempuan itu.

Grandmother Yasmina said that she (grandmother Yasmina) could not care how rich this (Lalla Thor) woman is.

The deitic word in the utterance above is the word “this”. The type of deixis

“this” is discourse deixis. The word “This” is translated into “nya” which has

function as objective pronoun. The word “this” refers to Lalla Thor.

e. Social Deixis

Deixis is code to know social relationship between speaker and addressee or audience. The categories are honorifies, title of address, vocative and pronoun. There are ttwo tends of social deixis, they are absolute deixis and relational deixis.

1)Absolute Deixis

Absolute deixis are forms uniformly attached to a social role. Absolute deixis may involve more than just little title.


In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Fatimah Mernissi to her mother.

SL: Mother, do you mean that if the king does not like Scheherazade’s story, he will call in his siaf (executioner)?


Fatimah Mernissi asked to her (Fatimah Mernissi) mother that did he (the King) will call in his siaf, if the King does not like her (Scheherazade) story

The deitic words are the words “He”. The type of deixis “He” are absolute social deixis. The word “He” is translated into “dia” which has a function as objective pronoun. It belongs to absolute social deixis because the speaker has a respect to the addressee “He”. It refers to the King.

2) Relational Deixis

Relational deixis term after absolute term is to locate person in relation to the speaker rather than their roles in society as a whole. In English, relational deitic may be lexical term, pronoun or particles. In this novel, there is no relational deixis. This novel commonly is dominated by absolute social deixis.

2. The Equivalence of Deixis in The Dream of Trespass Novel by Fatimah Mernissi and Its Translation

Equivalence translation is needed to achieve accuracy and appropriateness of SL message in TL. Translation is said equivalent if the translation equivalent in meaning and the form of structure both SL and TL.

a. Equivalence Translation

The translation equivalence when there is no omission and addition information that not relevant of the message of TL. And it is also natural based on the context.


In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Grandmother Yasmina to Fatimah Mernissi.

SL: I will teach you how to get over fears.

TL: Aku akan mengajarimu bagaimana menghadapi rasa takut.

Grandmother Yasmina said that I (Grandmother Yasmina) will teach you (Fatimah Mernissi) how to get over fears.

The datum above belongs to equivalent translation. The second person pronoun


“kamu”. The first pronoun “I” is translated into “aku”. The Indonesian semantic meaning of “I” is “aku”. There is no omission and addition information. The form and the meaning are accurate. So the translation above is classified into equivalent translation.

b.Non Equivalence Translation 010/DOT/09/H/23

In this datum, the utterance is uttered by Lalla Mani to some people.

SL: A beautiful golden tan and the largest black velvet eyes you ever saw

TL: Kulitnya cokelat indah keemasan dan mata hitam beledu, mata terbesar yang pernah dia lihat.

Lalla Mani said that he (Samir) has a beautiful golden tan and the largest black velvet eyes she (Lalla Mani) ever saw.


D. Conclusion

Based on the analysis, the writer draws the following conclusions: There are 202 data types of deixis. The 202 data include to personal deixis (first person, second person andthird person), place deixis (proximal and distal), time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis (absolute and relational).

The equivalence of translation of deixis can be divided into two, namely equivalent translation and non equivalent translation. The researcher focuses on the types of deixis. The translation is considered equivalent if the meaning of SL is appropriate with TL, and considered non equivalent if the meaning and information are added and omission and not relevant to the TL. From 202 data of deixis above, there are 183 data of equivalent translation and 19 data of non equivalent translation. So, the translation is good.

E. Suggestion



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