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Operational chart of accounts 2


Academic year: 2022

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Chart of account that is used to capture daily transactions is called…

1. Operational chart of accounts 2. Local chart of accounts

3. Group chart of accounts 4. General chart of accounts

Jawab: 1


Stakeholders that may be interested in

looking at the accounting from an external view points may include…

1. Customer

2. Share holder 3. Supplier

4. Tax agency

5. All of the above

Jawab: 5


A ‘/i’ entry instruct the SAP system to…

1. Close current session 2. Open new session

3. Deletes current session

4. Display overview sessions 5. None of the above

Jawab: 3


An organization unit that is responsible for negotiating prices with vendors is called…

1. Company Code 2. Purchasing Area

3. Purchasing Department 4. Purchasing Organization 5. Purchasing Group

Jawab: 4


It is possible to conduct good issue for selected items in a delivery document.




Good Issue can only be performed after the transfer order is created.




One of the organizational objects is known as organizational unit where the following object is assigned:

1. Position 2. Job

3. Division 4. User

5. Person

Jawab: 1


When user created Company code in client 200, the same Purchase Order can also be found in Client 300.




Sales Order document can be created by referencing the following documents…


2. Quotation 3. Sales Order 4. Delivery

5. Billing

Jawab: 1, 2, 3


During good issue, the following activities take place in the background, except…


1. Stock quantity is reduced by the quantity in delivery

2. Serial number status is updates 3. Material document is generated

4. Stock value in balance sheet is updated 5. Billing status is updated

Jawab: 1, 2, 3, 5


The Activity Based Costing (ABC) allows

costs to be analyzed at the product level by calculating the cost of each processes



Jawab: TRUE


Personnel Development module maintains the

development and further education for employees.

When it compares the job/position requirements and employee qualifications, it is called as:

1. Job comparison 2. Profile matchup

3. Development plans

4. Training and Event Management 5. None of the above

Jawab: 2


The following transaction can generate posting to Financial Accounting…

(MULTIPLE ANSWER) 1. Sales Order

2. Purchase Order 3. Delivery Order 4. Good Issue

5. Invoice Verification

Jawab: 4, 5


It is possible to maintain different vendor addresses for the same vendor number in different company codes.


Jawab: FALSE


Training and Event Management has an intuitive menu that enables user to access individual

functions of the application directly via the objects in the business event catalog. These menus are known as:

1. Dynamic action 2. Personnel action

3. Day-to-day activities 4. Attendance menus 5. Dynamic menus Jawab: 5


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