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Academic year: 2023



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This chapter provides a review of related theories and discuss the literature in details related to the research.

2.1 Previous Study

The first previous study was conducted by Kusuma (2018) has the purpose related to develop learning media in the form of English vocabulary cards and to it was to find out how the feasibility of the media is to produce validity, effectivity, and responsivity of media. The results of this assessment indicate that the English vocabulary card media has very good feasibility according to media experts, getting a percentage of 96%, material experts 96%, teacher assessment 96%, and student response 86%, which means this learning media is very appropriate to use.

The second study was conducted by Soimah (2020). This study aimed to find out how to introduce English vocabulary through early childhood picture media in extracurricular activities at Masyithoh 25 Kindergarten, Central Sokaraja. The research subjects were class B students, namely the Bahran group. The research informants were the Principal and English teacher of group B. The results showed that the picture media used in the introduction of English vocabulary at an early age at Masyithoh 25 Sokaraja Tengah Kindergarten were still image media, namely poster images, and caricature images. The introduction of English through picture media at Masyithoh 25 Sokaraja


Tengah Kindergarten was carried out through three stages, namely the learning planning stage, the learning implementation stage and the learning evaluation stage.

The third study was conducted by Aminah (2011). The results of this study indicated that the level of mastery of English vocabulary for children in grade B Kindergarten Aisyiyah Pantirejo in the 2010/2011 academic year before Class Action Research was carried out, namely children who could answer children's English vocabulary questions were as large as 31.25%. After the agreed action was taken, namely by using picture media in the learning process for mastering English vocabulary, the results obtained were the first cycle to 62.5%, the second cycle increased to 75% and the third cycle increased to 87.5%.

The last previous study was conducted by Ernawati (2014), the results showed the average score in the pre-cycle was 1.9, which reached 0% KKM 0 children, in the first cycle the average score was 2.5 and those who had reached KKM 9 children became 52.95%, in the second cycle it became 100% or 17 children with an average score of 3.3. Data analysis used interactive analysis techniques. Based on these data, the children experienced a consistent increase from pre-cycle, to cycle I and to cycle II. The results of the study, which targeted 80% of children to reach the KKM, turned out to be 100%, exceeding the target. This study can be concluded, the application of flash card media can improve English vocabulary in group B children in TK Pertiwi Pijiharjo Manyaran Wonogiri in the 2013/2014 school year.


Based on the previous studies above, I can conclude that using picture media can increase students’ ability in learning vocabulary. From the previous research above, it can be show that the use of pictures as a medium for learning vocabulary is very effective way. The result from the four studies above shows almost the same result with a significant increase in student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the data on the improvement of students’ learning outcomes in previous studies in each cycle.

From the previous studies above I also found a gap of this research. The difference between the author's research and previous research is that the previous research conducted the study about the implementation of pictures as medium for learning vocabulary at kindergarten students, while this study conducted at MI/SD students. So the difference between this research and the previous studies is about the implementation of pictures media in the different school levels, how is the level of students’ interest in learning using pictures if it applied at different school level especially in elementary school.

2.2 Theoretical Review 2.2.1 Learning Media

Teaching methods and learning media are two critical components of the learning process. These two elements are interrelated. Although there are other factors to consider when picking media for learning, the choice of one particular teacher will have an impact on the proper type of learning media. Students are expected to master objectives, types of tasks, and responses after completing the course learning takes


place. Media in the learning process has an essential role in supporting students' perceptions and understanding of learning. Good student perception and understanding will help student learning success which means student learning achievement will increase. In addition to conveying messages or learning materials, the media also increases the attractiveness and motivation of students to learn. Thus, student participation in learning will also increase.

The word media comes from the Latin medium, which means "intermediary"

or "introduction". According to Association for Education and Communication Technology (AECT) defines media as objects that can be manipulated, seen, heard, read, or discussed together with instruments that are correctly used in the process of teaching and learning activities that can affect the effectiveness of learning programs (Asnawir and Usman, 2002). People, materials, or events that create conditions for students to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes are referred to as media. In the teaching and learning process, media is frequently interpreted as a graphic, photographic, or electronic tool for capturing, processing, and rearranging visual or verbal data (Arsyad, 2002).

According to Ibrahim and Syaodih (2003), media is defined as anything that can be used. Media is used to channel messages or lesson content, stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, attention, and abilities, to encourage the teaching and learning process. From the various definitions above, it can be concluded that the media are all objects that can channel messages or lesson content to stimulate students to learn.


Gagne also states that the media are various types of components in the student's environment that can stimulate them to learn. Meanwhile, Briggs argues that the media are all physical tools to present messages and enable students to learn (Sadiman, 2003).

Learning media are tools, means, mediators, and connectors for disseminating, communicating, and communicating messages and ideas, and in a way that enhances a student's education and learning process. Learning media can stimulate interest and attention of the students. The learning media contains the following elements:

a. Messages, training materials, or software to be provided, and b. Hardware or a viewer device

c. Provide direct and practical experience to MI Muhammadiyah Kranggan 4th grade students

d. Students are better able to comprehend and remember the significance of objects and occurrences that they see, hear, utilize, or encounter first hand.

From the various definitions above, it can be understood that the learning media is anything that can be used as an intermediary in the process of interaction between teachers and students with media notes that can facilitate or streamline the learning process. Meanwhile, the picture media is the tool or visual media that can be seen which can describe something.

Based on Sadiman (2010), the use of learning media in general, including the use of picture media properly, it can be useful for:


a. Clarify the presentation of the message so that it is not too verbalistic b. Overcoming the limitations of space, time, and senses

c. The use of varied and appropriate media can overcome the passive attitude of students

d. With the use of media, the teacher can convey material with the same experience and perception for each student.

Furthermore, the benefits of using learning media can also be seen as follows:

1) Learning will attract more students' attention so that it can foster learning motivation.

2) Learning materials will have a clearer meaning so that they can be better understood by students and allow students to better master the learning objectives.

3) Learning methods will be more varied, not just verbal communication through the words of the teacher so that students do not get bored and the teacher does not run out of energy, especially if the teacher teaches every lesson.

4) Students do more learning activities because they listen to the teacher's explanation and other activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating, and others.


The Encyclopedia of Education Research in Hamalik (1994:15) details the benefits of learning media as follows:

1) Laying the foundations of concrete thinking, there by reducing verbalism.

2) Increase students' attention.

3) Laying the basics that are important for developing student learning to make the lesson more stable.

4) Provide real experiences that can foster entrepreneurial activities among students.

5) Develop regular and continuous thinking, especially through clear picture.

6) Helping the growth of understanding that can help the development of students' language skills.

7) Provide experiences that are not easily obtained in other ways and help more efficiency and diversity in learning.

Based on the literature review above about learning media, it can be concluded that using learning media in the classroom, it is possible to attract students' attention and engagement. They will be more active and interactive in learning. In addition, the use of picture media also allows students to better memorize vocabulary. It is certainly beneficial for teachers in achieving the learning goals.

2.2.2 Picture Media

(8) Picture as media

The meaning of the word picture has been very stable in English. Just as it originally did in the late 1300s, a picture can still refer to a drawing or painting whether it’s your kid’s crayon-scrawled family portrait on your fridge or Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Both are masterpieces, as far as we’re concerned.

Please note, though, that when referring to formal or professional works, we often use the name of the medium (painting, photograph, film), with picture referring to more informal or amateur creations. But picture has also been remarkably adaptable, readily lending itself to images created by new technologies: photography, cinema, TV, and all the pictures we take on our smartphones and post on social media.

Meanwhile, among the many media in learning, picture as media is a very easy and effective medium that we can use. Words and pictures are a very effective combination in the learning process of elementary school children. According to some experts, the definition of image media is explained as follows :

1. The general form of picture media is summarized in terms of graphic media.

Graphic media is a visual-based media consisting of symbols, images, dots, lines to describe and summarize ideas and events. picture media is the most commonly used intermediary. It is a common language, which can be understood and enjoyed everywhere (Sadiman, 2011).

2. According to Kusnandi (2014), picture media is a medium that serves to convey messages through picture that involve the sense of sight. The message conveyed


is expressed through visual communication symbols. Image media aims to attract attention, clarify the material, and describe facts and information (Kusnandi and Sujtipto, 2013).

3. Picture media are all forms of static or dynamic graphics, including photos, graphics, floor plans, illustrations (consisting of two or more images), and animations or cartoons. Establishing a connection between mental verbaland mental pictorials is an important step in conceptual understanding. Materials delivered with well-constructed multimedia should be better at receiving messages than just words (Mayer, 2009).

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that picture media is a kind of media which contains a picture, photos, graphics, symbols, dots, line etc, which can describe visually about something that it can attracts attention of the readers or viewers. Picture Media Function

The effectiveness of the picture media used in the teaching and learning process is an effort to foster students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills through student interactions with the teacher-regulated learning environment. In essence, this learning studies verbal and visual symbols, in order to obtain the meaning contained in them. The symbols are digested, listened to by the students as recipients of the message conveyed by the teacher. Therefore, teaching is said to be effective if students can understand the meaning ordered by the teacher as a messenger. The


most simple, practical, easy-to-make visual messages that are in great demand by students at the elementary education level are pictures. According to Sudjana (2000), about how students learn through pictures are as follows:

1. Illustrations are a teaching tool that can attract students' interest in learning effectively.

2. Image illustration is an abstract level device that can be interpreted based on past experience, through the interpretation of words.

3. Illustrations help students read textbooks, especially in interpreting and remembering the contents of the accompanying text.

4. In booklets, in general, children prefer half or full pages of pictures, accompanied by some clear instructions.

5. Illustrations of the contents must be related to real life, so that the interest of the students becomes effective.

6. The illustration of the picture content should be arranged in such a way that it does not conflict with the eye movement of the observer, and the most important parts of the illustration should be centered on the upper left of the picture media.

Picture media is one of the effective learning media techniques because it combines facts and ideas in a clear, strong and integrated manner through the


expression of words and pictures. The following are some of the functions of picture media :

1.) Attention Function

Here the visual media or picture are the core, which is to attract and direct students' attention to concentrate on the content of the lesson related to the visual meaning displayed or accompanying the text of the subject matter.

2.) Affective Function

Visual media or picture can be seen from the level of enjoyment of students when studying or reading illustrated texts.

3.) Cognitive Function

Visual media or picture can be seen from research which reveals that visual symbols or images facilitate the achievement of goals to understand and remember information or messages contained in picture.

4.) Compensatory Function

According to the results of the study that visual media or picture provide context for understanding the text, it helps students who are weak in reading to organize information in the text and recall it in other words.


The benefits of using media in learning and learning In the book by Ginting, it is stated that there are eight benefits of media in the implementation of learning and learning, namely :

a. Submission of learning materials can be uniformed b. The instructional process is more interesting c. The learning process is more interactive

d. The amount of teaching and learning time can be reduced e. The quality of learning can be improved

f. The learning process can happen anytime and anywhere

g. Increase students' positive attitudes towards learning processes and materials.

h. The role of the teacher can change in a positive and productive direction.

i. Besides, the media can indirectly be used as a scenario that directs the course of the learning and learning process as planned.

j. Teaching materials can be prepared beforehand so that they can be more adapted to the learning objectives. Example of picture

There are many types of pictures that can be used by the teachers as learning media, especially for elementary school children. Pictures that are often used by teachers as learning media for elementary school children are cartoon and posters.

The following are examples of the pictures :


a) Posters are picture media in the form of simplified illustrations, these are made in large sizes so that they can be seen clearly, the goal is to attract attention and the content is in the form of persuasion, motivation, and so on.

b) Cartoon is a unique image medium to express an idea.

c) Comics are a unique image medium other than cartoons. But the difference is that comics have characters who play stories in sequences.

d) Photographic images are media images that are produced by taking pictures with a digital device such as a photo camera and others.

e) Graphics are picture media that aim to present data in the form of numbers.

Graphs provide the core information of a data.

f) Charts are a combination of graphic and photo media, designed to illustrate a main fact or idea in a logical and orderly manner. Its function is to display comparisons, relative numbers, processes, developments, classifications, and organizations.

g) Diagram is a picture that is used to show or explain a data presented.

2.2.3 Vocabulary Definition of vocabulary

The definition of vocabulary explained, according to certain authorities, includes:

1.Vocabulary, according to Burhan Nurigiyantoro (2001), is a language's collection of words.


2. Vocabulary according to Soedjito (1992) is as follows : a) The total number of words in a language

b) Science-related terms

c) The number of words possessed by a speaker

d) The dictionary's list of words is followed by a brief and practical solution Type of Vocabulary

Good vocabulary mastery in question is the ability of children / students to know and understand words both orally and in writing and can use them in the form or context of sentences. (Journal of language and literature education, January 2016).

Vocabulary is divided into two types, namely receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary.

1. Receptive vocabulary replaces words that learners know when they receive ideas from others. This vocabulary is the basic vocabulary and store of words used by learners to understand how other people feel when they listen and read, as well as the words they can describe when they speak and write.

2. Expressive vocabulary is the words that learners use when they speak, write, or express their opinion. This vocabulary can be used after they get receptive


vocabulary. For example, they read a story or find new words. They can talk about something or express their ideas to use new words again in their speech or writing. Vocabulary Teaching

Teaching is a complex activity involving integrated skills such as sharing opinions or views. The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to help students give and derive meaning from word clues, signs, and symbols. To achieve this goal, students should be taught various things about words and the best way to recognize and define words, combining them into sentences and paragraph phrases in written language. This shows that teaching vocabulary does not only teach the meaning of words in writing. Vocabulary Teaching Techniques

There are two vocabulary teaching techniques, namely vocabulary teaching techniques and vocabulary meaning teaching techniques. "Vocabulary teaching techniques" can be done in three ways, namely visually by touch and verbally.

Meanwhile there are three techniques that can be used as references in "vocabulary meaning teaching techniques", namely: demonstrations, pictures, and explanations.

Healey (2000) says that there are three main principles that emerge to underline effective vocabulary learning. First, the learner must be informed about the definition and context of the word; second, the learner must push word processing information at a deep level; third, for learners of English as a foreign language, students should try to expose or sharpen words over and over again. Learning techniques at MI


Muhammadiyah, especially in class IV English subjects still use conventional techniques, namely the teacher only teaches and explains to students. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important in learning English, especially in reading comprehension. The reasons for this opinion are important: First, vocabulary is an important tool in understanding forms, phrases, sentences, and texts that have one or more paragraphs. Second, vocabulary serves to present the meaning of the word itself in the reading text. To be able to communicate well in English, students must master several and know how to use these words accurately.

Wilkins (2002) said that without knowing grammar, we can speak very little, but without knowing vocabulary, we can say nothing. If we do not know or understand vocabulary, there are many things we cannot understand in linguistics. Thus, teaching vocabulary is very important because vocabulary is the basis for understanding English in knowing vocabulary and understanding the various meanings of these words in various forms of use in sentences or readings.

Characteristics of students who master vocabulary according to Penny UR, are as follows :

a. Forms : Pronunciation and Spelling Pronunciation


Spelling Pronunciation (sound pronunciation) and Spelling (spelling) are real characteristics, and one or more students will feel when they encounter this form for the first time.

b. Grammar (Grammar)

Grammar (grammar) of a vocabulary is needed to be taught which closes clearly in a general grammatical way. Vocabulary has unpredictable changes in form in general grammatical contexts or has some odd way of relating to other words in a sentence.

c. Collocation (Word Placement)

The type of collocation (placement of words) of vocabulary adverbs is another factor that includes a sound relationship that is "true" or "wrong" in a given context.

d. Aspects of meaning: Denotation, Connotation, and Appropriate Denotation

Denotation, Connotation, and Appropriate Denotation is the meaning of a word that generally leads to the actual word. Connotation is an additional component of the meaning of words. Appropriate is a more advanced aspect of meaning that is often needed to learn where the general forms of words are. Forms of words Vocabulary


Forms of words vocabulary consists of one word or many words, often broken in few components. We generally study prefixes and suffixes. The form of vocabulary is formed by the combination of these two words.

Furthermore, Penny UR said, to present new vocabulary it can be done by : 1. There are ideas for presenting new vocabulary

2. Further learning techniques 3. Application and comparison Vocabulary Type

Good vocabulary mastery in question is the ability of children/students to know and understand words both orally and in writing and can use them in the form or context of sentences. (Journal of language and literature education, January 2016).

Vocabulary is divided into two types, namely receptive vocabulary, and expressive vocabulary :

a. Receptive vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary replaces words that learners know when they receive ideas from others. This vocabulary is the basic vocabulary and store of words used by learners to understand how other people feel when they listen and read, as well as the words they can describe when they speak and write.


b. Expressive vocabulary

Expressive vocabulary is the words learners use when they speak, write, or express their opinion. This vocabulary can be used after they get receptive vocabulary.

For example, they read a story or find new words. They can talk about something or express their ideas to use the new words again in their speech or writing.


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