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Error Analysis of Verbs : Errors in Paragraph and Narrative Writing Mid-Term Test Made By The First-Year Students of The English Department, Maranatha Christian University.


Academic year: 2017

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iii Maranatha Christian University


Dalam skripsi ini, saya akan membahas kesalahan-kesalahan penggunaan verba Bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswi Paragraph and Narrative Writing 2010, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.

Dalam menganalisis data, saya menggunakan beberapa teori error analysis dari John Norrish, S. P. Corder, Heidi C. Dulay dan Mariana K. Burt,

dan Jack C. Richards. Teori-teori ini membantu saya untuk mengerti lebih lanjut tentang analisis kesalahan dalam mempelajari bahasa asing. Teori-teori ini mencakup jenis-jenis kesalahan dan penyebab kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut.

Saya menemukan bahwa dari beberapa jenis kesalahan yang pada umumnya dilakukan, jenis misformation: alternating form adalah jenis kesalahan yang paling banyak ditemukan, karena mahasiswa cenderung menggunakan bentuk kata yang salah. Selain itu, penyebab dari kesalahan tersebut, yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah interference, karena mahasiswa masih banyak terpengaruh oleh bahasa ibunya.


ii Maranatha Christian University Background of the Study ... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 5

Method of Research ... 5

Organization of the Thesis ... 5


2.2 Error Analysis ... 7




APPENDICES Appendix A: Data 1-12 ... 49

Appendix B: Table of the types of error ... 64




Appendix A



Tidak mengerti struktur yang sebenarnya, mengira bahwa are atau is tidak harus ada setelah kata there.

Karena mau menyatakan mereka masih biasa datang (terjadi di masa sekarang/sedang berlangsung) maka verb + -ing di gunakan dalam kalimat.

Karena subjek yang digunakan they adalah jamak, maka kata kerja yang digunakan adalah comes (dengan suffix -es) yang menyatakan jamak, seperti pada kata books.

Menceritakan bahwa orang-orang sejak dulu sering ke Bandung, maka kata kerja yang digunakan adalah goes (dengan suffix -es), kata lampau.

Menceritakan bahwa orang-orang yang sejak dulu

sering ke Bandung ‘telah’ mendapatkan apapun yang

mereka mau. Untuk menyatakan masa lampau, maka kata kerja yang dipakai adalah got.

Alasan yang sama dengan nomor empat.



Data 2 (Student B)

Interview result

No Sentence Reason



*Usually they comes from another city.

*Bandung has so many place to eat without spends a lot of money.

Sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.



Data 3 (Student C)

Interview result

No. Sentence Reason



*Another reason why people like to spend their holiday in Bandung, because Bandung was a fashion city that have a many

factory outlet…

*Another reason why people like to spend their holiday in Bandung, because Bandung was a fashion city that have a many

factory outlet…

Menggunakan was dengan maksud untuk menceritakan berita tentang Bandung itu sudah lama terdengar (menceritakan dengan bentuk lampau).




53 places that you can visit when you spent your

people’s still keep the environment health.

*Even though there are many industries that has build here, Bandung

people’s still keep the environment health.

Tidak tahu perbedaan dan penggunaaan dari spend maupun spent.

Tidak tahu perbedaan dan penggunaan have dan has.

Tidak mengerti struktur yang benar.

People adalah subjek tunggal, peoples adalah subjek jamak. Karena menggunakan people, maka kata kerja yang dipakai adalah is.

Tidak mengerti struktur kalimat yang benar.

Tidak mengerti struktur kalimat yang benar.



*They are talk the price of factory outlet is cheap.

*They are like foods

*Bandung have a cool air,

that’s make other peoples

like to stay in Bandung *Bandung have a cool air,

that’smake other peoples like to stay in Bandung.

*From all the reason Bandung it’s a good place to spend

Menulis sesuai dengan contoh kalimat yang lain seperti I am happy.

Alasan yang sama dengan yang pertama.

Masih bingung cara membedakan penggunaan kata have dan has.

Mengikuti struktur kalimat yang pernah dipelajari sebelumnya, seperti subjek yang diikuti oleh kata kerja.



Ditulis sesuai struktur bahasa Indonesia: yang mana menjadi…

-ing dipakai karena menceritakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan, menggunakan present continuous tense.

Tidak tahu peraturan dari like + v-ing / like + to + v



Interview result

No. Sentence Reason




*Usually in other city, there’s

haven’t the cool weather, they always felt hot about their weather.

*Usually in other city, there’s

haven’t the cool weather, they

always felt hot about their weather.

*Finally, another reason why the people like to spend their holiday in Bandung is because they can choose any place for they to shopping.

Dituliskan berdasar terjemahan langsung, di sana tidak ada dan tidak mengetahui struktur dari there + is no.

Tidak tahu.

Sering mendengar kata shopping dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.



Data 8 (Student H)

Interview result

No. Sentence Reason



*There have many mountains and trees and green forest in Bandung,

*These place is a popular place in Bandung than make us relax and enjoy.

Tidak tahu adanya struktur there + are di dalam bahasa Inggris.



Data 9 (Student I)

Interview result

No. Sentence Reason



*We have to dare to speculate the price of the things which will be buy by us with the solder if there are no Bandrol.

*We have to dare to speculate the price of the things which will be buy by us with the solder if there are no Bandrol.

Tidak menguasai kosep dari kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris.



Data 10 (Student J)

Interview result

No. Sentence Reason




*Many years ago Bandung known as city that has a cold weather and great mountain view, but now people knows Bandung as city to shopping *Many years ago Bandung known as city that has a cold weather and great mountain view, but now people knows Bandung as city to shopping *For all the reason people like to spend their holiday in Bandung than any other city.

Tidak tahu struktur dari Bandung + is (to be) + known

Tidak tahu bahwa peraturannya adalah people (jamak)+ know (tanpa suffix -s)



*I think they are like spend their holiday in Bandung because Bandung is nice city.

*I think they are like spend their holiday in Bandung because Bandung is nice city.

*Bandung have a lot interesting place to enjoy.

*Bandung have many place we can visited like kampung Gajah.

*Bandung have many place we can visited like kampung Gajah.

Mengikuti struktur dari kalimat yang sering didengar misalnya, they are happy.

Tidak tahu adanya peraturan preference: like + verb-ing.

Tidak tahu cara menggunakan has dan have.

Tidak tahu cara menggunakan has dan have.



Data 12 (Student L)

Interview result

No. Sentence Reason




*There are three reasons why people like to spend their holidays in Bandung.

*Bandung have cold weather every day.

*If they want to ….. back to nature, Bandung have strawberry park..

Tidak tahu struktur yang benar.

Tidak tahu perbedaan dan penggunaan dari has dan have.


Appendix B

Table of the Types of Error

Type of Error


Appendix C

Table of the Causes of Error

Cause of Error

Data Interlanguage Intralingual and developmental error

Interference Over-generalization Ignorance of the rule restrictions Incomplete application of rules False concept hypothesized

Student A ● ●● ●●●●

Student B ●● ●

Student C ● ●

Student D ●● ● ● ●● ●

Student E ● ●●● ●●

Student F ● ●●● ●●

Student G ● ● ●

Student H ●●

Student I ● ● ●

Student J ● ● ● ●

Student K ●● ●●● ●

Student L ●● ● ●


1 Maranatha Christian University



Background of the Study

Nowadays, cooperative relationship across the nations is getting better and better such as in politics, economics, science, technology, and also culture. In this relation, language as a system of communication in speech and in writing has a significant role. Through language, people connect with other people across the nations.

Since language is a communication tool, it is important in this modern age to learn a foreign language, for instance, the English language, which has

officially been adopted as the world‟s lingua franca. People around the world can

communicate with one another by using the English language even though they come from different countries. Due to the benefit of mastering the English language, people are encouraged to learn English. They can learn the English language at school, at an English course or by themselves.


2 Maranatha Christian University acquiring another language. It may also lead the learners to an erroneous system of acquiring another language. John Norrish, a linguist, defines error as a

“systematic deviation that happens when a learner has not learnt something and

consistently „gets it wrong‟” (7).

Corder states that it happens to be an error when a sentence contains a systematic deviation toward the rule system of the target language (Richards 1). To make it clear, the sentences containing errors can be represented in the patterns such as did he comed, what you are doing, he coming from Israel, and I can to speak French (173).


3 Maranatha Christian University the target language, there are many differences in the structure. On top of that; in writing a composition, the students tend to make errors in the verb scope. After that, I will find out the causes of the errors that the students have made.

In order to understand the error analysis, I take a look at some explanations from several linguists such as John Norrish and S. P. Corder. Furthermore, in analyzing the data, I use Heidi C. Dulay and Mariana K. Burt‟s theory about contrastive analysis hypothesis and I also use Jack C. Richards‟ theory to identify the types of errors and the causes of errors through his non-contrastive approach in error analysis.

Since I decide to analyse the occurrence of errors in writing, the data taken is in the written form. I choose the particular data because the emergence of errors can be more clearly noticed in writing. The source of data is taken from the writing of the first-year students of the English Department, Maranatha Christian University. Specifically, the data is taken from thirty-three students who take Paragraph and Narrative Writing class 2010. Therefore, the topic of my study is

“Error Analysis of Verbs: Errors in Paragraph and Narrative Writing Mid-Term

Test Made by the First-Year Students of the English Department, Maranatha Christian University”.


4 Maranatha Christian University compositions that have many incorrect words, I interview the students who have written the compositions. This interview is made in order to know whether the incorrect word is classified into error or mistake. The result of the interview can be seen in the appendix.

The mid-term examination is divided into three parts with a different instruction for each part. The first part is related to the use of active or passive voice in various tenses. The second part is related to punctuation marks. The last part is writing a paragraph. However, the data taken is only focused on the third part because in this part the students are instructed to write a paragraph using their own words.

It is expected that the result of this study can help the learners of English to understand the types of errors and the causes of the errors, so they will not repeat the same errors; moreover, it is also expected that the result of this study can enlighten teachers of English in finding a new method to deal with the causes that can lead to the students‟ making errors. And finally, it is expected that the result of this study can help researchers to expand their knowledge about the types and the causes of verb errors when they do a research in the same field.

936 words

Statement of the Problem

In this analysis, the problems are formulated in the following questions: 1. What types of verb errors are made by the first-year students in Paragraph and


5 Maranatha Christian University

Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the purposes of the study are: 1. to show the types of verb errors made by the first-year students in Paragraph

and Narrative Writing mid-term test. 2. to show the causes of the errors.

Method of Research

In writing this thesis, I search the theories that can be used in analysing the data and after that I collect the data. In the process of analysis, I use the following procedures: (1) reading the work of the students, (2) marking the sentences that have wrong verbs, (3) classifying the wrong verbs into mistake or error by interviewing the students based on their work, (4) identifying the type of the errors based on Richards‟ theory, (5) revealing the cause of the errors based on the interview result, and finally I draw a conclusion on the most and the least common types of errors and causes of errors made by the students.

Organization of the Thesis


43 Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter, I will show the types and the causes of the errors found in the data analysis. Then, I will draw my own conclusion on the error analysis of verb based on the frequency of the appearance of the type error and the cause of the error. I also add my thought about how the most common cause in the analysis influences the student in learning another language.

In Chapter Three, I have analysed twelve data that consist of forty-five errors. Data analysis, fourteen errors are categorized into misformation: archi

-form, thirteen errors are categorized into addition: simple addition, nine errors

are categorized into omission, and six errors are categorized into misformation:

alternating forms. One error is categorized into addition: regularization. One

error is categorized into misformation: regularization and one is categorized into misordering. However, out of the fourty-five errors presented, I could not find any error categorized as addition: double marker (see appendix B).


44 Maranatha Christian University errors are related to the limited knowledge of the student, and ten errors are related to the wrong use of verb in relation to the subject. The use of wrong verb can be seen as a result of the different rules between the student’s first language

and the target language. For instance, in Indonesian there is no difference in using a verb in relation to the time and there is no difference in using a verb in relation to the subject. As a result, misformation: archi-form becomes the most common type of errors that the students have made.

On the other hand, addition: regularization, misformation: regularization and misordering are the least common types of error made by the

students. I find that only one student regularizes the form of a word with the previous word he has heard frequently in his daily life, which is shopping. Most students have understood the structure in English. In relation to the structure, a problem may occur only when the student uses to be, which does not exist in the Indonesian structure. That is why misordering becomes the least common type of error made by the students.

When I relate the types of errors found to the causes, I find that out of the twenty-two errors of misformation: archi-form, seven errors are caused by the

interference from the student’s first language, four errors are caused by

ignorance of the rule restrictions, two errors are caused by false concept

hypothesised, and only one is caused by incomplete application of rules. Out of

thirteen errors which are classified into addition: simple addition, four errors are caused by the ignorance of the rule restrictions, three errors are caused by

over-generalization two errors are caused by false concept hypothesized, two errors


45 Maranatha Christian University caused by the incomplete application of rules. Out of the nine errors that are classified into omission, four errors are caused by incomplete application of

rules, three errors are caused by interference, one error is caused ignorance of

the rule restrictions and one error is caused by the over-generalization. Out of

the six errors that are classified into misformation: alternating forms, three errors are caused by the interference, one error is caused by incomplete

application of rules, one error is caused over-generalization and one is caused

by false concept hypothesized. In addition, there is one error categorized as

addition: regularization that is caused by the ignorance of the rule restrictions,

one error categorised into misformation: regularization and another error categorized as misordering which is caused by over-generalization.

Based on the analysis result above, I find that the errors are mostly caused by interference; there are fifteen errors. Ten errors are caused by the ignorance

of the rule restrictions. Nine errors are caused by incomplete application of

rules. Six errors are caused by overgeneralization and five errors are caused by

false concept hypothesized (See appendix C).

In learning other languages, it is acceptable to use the concept of the student’s first language as long as it helps the student to understand the target

language correctly. In some cases, the concept helps the student to learn the target language well, for instance, when the structure in the first language is the same as that in the target language. The students will compare the concept in their first language with that in the target language; besides, the concept in the target language will be easily stored in the student’s mind because they are similar.


46 Maranatha Christian University the interference from the students’ first language. I believe the errors happen because the students still keep the concept of their first language. By keeping that, the students are often led to making errors, especially when the rules and the concept between the first language and the target language are different. For example, compared to English, there are many rules which do not exist in Indonesian. English has its own rule about the tenses, while Indonesian does not. The English language concerns with the verb relating to the subject, while in Indonesian there is no difference in using a verb in relation to the subject.

After working on the study of the error analysis, I believe that learning another language is not a simple task. Learning new different rules in the target language needs time and strong will. Personally, I suggest that the students not use the strategy of learning other languages based on the concept of their first language too often. The student can use this strategy as long as the pattern, rules, and structures are the same as those in the target language. Otherwise, the student will keep making errors if they keep applying the wrong concept. Furthermore, as a student who learns another language, she or he should learn the pattern, rules, and structures existing in the target language, so that he or she should not make an error. In addition, for those who are interested in a research in the same field, my suggestion is that he should expand his knowledge about the theory of error analysis, and always bear in mind that interviewing the person who makes the


47 Maranatha Christian University



Dulay, Heidi, M. Burt & Stephen Krashen. Language Two. New York Oxford: Oxford University press, 1982. Print.

Hartanto, John S.,S Koentjoro & Manaf Asmoro Seputro. Accurate, Brief and Clear English Grammar. Edisi Baru. Surabaya: Indah, 2003. Print.

Hornby. A. S. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. New York Oxford: Oxford University press, 1975. Print.

Norrish John. Language Learners and Their Error- Essential Language Teaching Series. London & Basing Stoke: The Macmillan Press Limited, 1983. Print.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York Oxford: Oxford University

press, 1995. 223,505. Print.


Table of the Types of Error
Table of the Causes of Error


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