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An Analysis of Conversational Implicature Found in The

Dialogue Transcript of “22 Jump Street” Movie


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nurul Aida

NIM: A83212178

English Department

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of

Sunan Ampel


An Analysis of Conversational Implicature Found in The


Transcript of “22 Jump Street” Movie


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Nurul Aida

NIM: A83212178

English Department

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of

Sunan Ampel



Aida, Nurul. 2016. An Analysis of Conversational Implicature Found in The Diologue Transcript of 22 Jump Street movie. Thesis English Department, Faculty of Act and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor:M. Thoriqussu’ud, M. Pd.

Key Words: Conversational Implicature, Generalized Implicature, Particularized Implicature.

This study explains about the analysis of conversational implicature found

in the dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie. Data are explained by showing the context of situation, the type of conversational implicature theory of Grice

(1975) and the function of implicature theory of Searle (1975).

The researcher uses the method of qualitative approach. The steps of analysis are reducing, displaying, analysis. First reducing, the resercher selecting

the data that exist in the real transcriptions. Then, display, the resercher identifying and classifying the utterance in table finding to make the researcher

easier to analyze. Next, analysis the data, the resercher analyzing the utterance that have been choosen.The last the researcher drew a conclusion the types of conversational implicature and the function of implicature.

The result of the study describes the process of identifying conversational implicature, There are 30 utterance that have implied meaning include of

conversational implicature. There are 11 utterance that include of generalized and 19 utterance that include of particularized implicature. The mostly finding is



Aida, Nurul. 2016. An Analysis of Conversational Implicature Found in The Diologue Transcript of 22 Jump Street movie. Thesis English Department, Faculty of Act and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: M. Thoriqussu’ud, M. Pd.

Kata Kunci: Implikatur Percakapan, Percakapan Umum, Percakapan Khusus Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis dari implikatur percakapan yang ditemukan dalam transkrip percakapan dari filem 22 Jump Street. Data dijelaskan dengan menujukkan situasi konteks, tipe dari implikatur percakapn teori dari

Grice dan funngsi dari implikatur teori dari Searle.

Peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan qualitatif. Langkah-langkah

dari analisis skripsi ini adalah data reduksi atau meringkas data, yaitu peneliti memilih data yang ada di transkrip nyata. Kemudian, data displai, peneliti mengidentifikasi dan mengkalsifikasikan ucapan dalam tabel penemuan untuk

memudahkan peneliti dalam menganalisis. Selanjutnya, data analisis, peneliti menganalisis data yang teleh dipilih. Yang terakhir adalah ringkasan, peneliti

meringkas tipe dari implikatur percakapan dan fungsi dari implikature.

Hasil dari analisis ini menjelaskan tentang proses dari identifikasi implikatur. Ada 30 ucapan yang mempunyai makna tersirat yang termasuk dalam

implikatur. Ada 11 ucapan ynag termasuk kedalam percakapan umum dan ada 19 ucapan yang termasuk kedalam percakapan khusus. Paling banyak ditemukan


Examiners Approval Sheet ... vi

Acknowledgements ... vii


2.1.1 Implicature ... 11 Conversational Implicature ... 13 Generalized Conversational Implicature ... 14 Particularized Conversational Implicature ... 15



3.1Type of Research Approach ... 21

3.2Instrument ... 22

3.3Data and Data Source ... 23

3.4Data Collection ... 23

3.5Data Analysis ... 24

1. Reduction the Data ... 25

2. Display the Data ... 25

3. Analysis the Data ... 26

4. Verification and Conclusion... 27


4.1.1 The Conversational Implicature ... 30

1. The type of Conversational Implicature ... 30

2. Implicature and the Function of Implicature ... 30

4.1.2 Analysis... 37

1. Generalized Conversational Implicature ... 38

2. Particularized Conversational Implicature ... 39

4.2Discussion ... 68

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion ... 73

5.2 Suggestion ... 74






This chapter presents about background of the study, problem of the study,

objective of the study, scope and limitataion, significance and definition of the key terms.

1.1.Background of the Study

Movie is a moving picture that be produced by recording people or objects. Movies are a type of visual communication which use moving pictures

and sound to tell stories or to inform. Usually people watch movie to entertainment or sometimes improve language skill. For some people, movie can

make someone laugh, while to others people it can make someone cry, or feel afraid. Movie is the most popular media and can be watched easly. People can go to cinema to watch the movie, or they can watch the their favorite movie in home

by DVD or download. Stoehr (2002: 2-4) state that movie has the innate capacity, much like that of novels and poetry, to stimulate our thinking and knowledge

acquisition as our reason and imagination are called forth to participate directly in a human creted “world”. Movie is closely releted to traditional painting in terms

of their visual presentation of shape and images upon two dimensional canvas (in the case of cinema, upon a motion picture screen)”. Therefore, in this study, the

researcher uses movie as object to analyze. In this case, the movie that coosen by



22 Jump Street movie is the sequel to the 2012 movie 21 Jump Street, based on the television series of the same name in 1987 by Stephan J. Cannell and

Patrick Hasburgh.Wikipedia state that 22 Jump Street movie is a american action comedy movie directed by Phil Lord and Cristopher Miller, written by Jonnah

Hill, Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel and Rodney Rothman. The movie production in 2014 by colombia Pictures and Metro Goldwyn Mayer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/22_Jump_Street).

The movie who produced and starred by Jonah Hill (as Schmidt) and Channing Tatum (as Jenko) tells about the two police officers, Schmidt (Jonah

Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum). They will recive a new assignment from their Deputy and their Captain. Before that, their assignment is undercover as college students and locate the supplier of a drug that usually called by student collage with “WHY-PHY” (Work Hard, Yes, Play Hard, Yes) that killed a student that

named cinthya. They both masquerade as collage students to facilitate


The reason why the researcher is interested to choose movie is because movie provides the language phenomena within its dialogue transcript such like implicature. Then, why “22 Jump Street” movie is because this movie rich humor

and Jokes and in dialogue of 22 Jump Street movie have utterance that include of

implicature expecially utterance of conversational implicature.

The researcher focuses on utterances that include of implicature. Analyzing utterances that include of implicature in 22 Jump Street movie can use



the relationship between context and meaning. Yule (1996:3) stated that pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker

and interpreted by a listener. There are many advantages of studying pragmatics as stated by Yule in his book “Pragmatics”: The advantage of studying via

pragmatics is that one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their

assumptions, their purpose or goals, and the kind of actions (for example, request) that they are performing when they speak (1996: 5).

Furthermore, there are many topics of pragmatics they are speech act theory, cooperation and implicature, persuposition and etc. In this study, the

researcher uses theory of implicature that focused in conversational implicature. Grice (in Putrayasa, 2014:65) says “implikatur percakapan sebagai salah satu

aspek kajian pragmatik yang perhatian utamanya adalah mempelajari maksud

suatu ucapan sesuai dengan konteksnya”. (Conversational implicature as one of

aspect in the study of pragmatics that the main concern was to learn the implied

meaning of an utterance in context). The philosopher Grice introduced the term conversational implicature. Grice sets out four conversational maxims that he asserted people generally follow when communicating efficiently. They are

Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance and Maxim of Manner. The category of Quality is governed by a supermaxim: “Try to make your contribution one that is true”. The category of Quantity relates to the quantity

of information to be provided. The category of Relation has a single maxim, “Be

relevant”, while the final category of Manner has a short “super” maxim “Be



According to Grice (1975), There are two types of Conversational Implicature, they are Generalized Implicature and Particularized Implicature.

Generalized implicature is a conversational implicature that is inferable without reference to any special context. Particularized Implicature is conversational

implicature that is derivable only in specific context. Beside that, the researcher also focused on the function of implicature based on the theory of speech act classification which is proposed by Saerle (1975). Saerle intruduces five function

of the implicature based on the theory of speech act classification. These function of implicature are representative, directive, commissive, declarative, and


In this research the writer uses Yule’s book as guide to analyze and solve

the problem of the study. The reason why the writter choose George Yule’s book

entitled “Pragmatic” as guide to analyze is because in pragmatic’s book by George Yule published 1996, George Yule unchange but to support the more

academically oriented introductions to linguistic, to prepare the conceptual ground. Moreover, in his book Yule explains about parts of pragmatic. Grice’s

theory about cooperation and Implicature in George Yule’s books explained one

by one, the begining from cooperation that explain about cooperative principle and Implicature that explain about type of Implicature and type of converational

implicature. In type of conversational implicature George Yule adds about Scalar implicatures. In other book such us Grice’s book entitled “Studies in the Way of

Words” published1989 and Gerald Gazdar’s book entitled “Pragmatic



not choose to use this book as guide to analyze because in the book only explains specific part of Implicature and special part of Conversational Implicature that is Generalized Conversational Implicature. In Gazdar’s book did not explain

generally type of conversational Implicature. Either Yule’s book, Grice’s book or

Gazdar’s book have each leftover and shortage about implicature.

The writer finds several reseachers who used theory of pragmatic in the term grice’s maxims of cooperative principle especially in conversational

implicature. They have the same topic or subject, but different in using the way and how to apply it. Some of these thesis have each purpose to analysis. The

following previous study that used theory of conversational implicature.

Firstly from Makin (2015) the research is about “The Analysis of Conversational Implicature and its Violation Maxims in the Movie Grown Ups 2

2013. The researcher analyzes utterances that contain of conversational implicature and violation maxims in the data. His research uses qualitative

method. It is used to interpret the data discriptively based on conversational implicature and cooperative principle theory proposed by Grice. The data is explained by showing the context of situation, the implicature of utterance, and

the maxims. This research deals with collecting and analyzing unstructured information which is messy and uninformative. Then, classifying data based on

the type of utterances, describing and analyzing the conversational implicature and its violation maxims in the movie “Grown Ups 2 2013”, and the last drawing

the conclusion and suggestions based on data analysis. The rusult of this research



conversational implicature and 13 data Particularized conversational implicature. the most violation maxims is maxim of quantity which is 44% or 11 data.

Whereas, the others are 24% or 6 data for maxim of quality, 12% or 3 data for maxim relation, and 20% or 5 data for maxim of manner.

Secondly from Muvida (2015) this research is about “The Conversational Implicature that is used by the three main character in Hotel Transylvania

movie”. Data are explained by showing the context of situation, the types of

conversational implicature, the maxim that can be considered, and the implicature of the utterance. This research use a descriptive qualitative method to explain the

problems statement. To inform the questions, the researcher collects the data, the basic units or building blocks of information. The result of this research fouded there are 278 data. There are 234 utterances included as Generalized

Conversational Implicature, and 44 utterances are included as Particularized Conversational Implicature. In generalized conversational implicature, 46

utterances are included as scalar conversational implicature.

The previous research above have simmilar theories that are being applied in their thesis. They use theory of Cooperative Principle and use theory of

Conversational Implicature that is proposed by Grice (1975). The previous studies above use qualitative approach to analyze the data and both of the previous study

above used movie as object. In this thesis the researcher also uses the Conversational Implicature theory by Grice (1975). The different from the research with the previous studies above is the writer not only discuss the



function of implicature based on the theory of speech act classification which is proposed by Searle (1975). So, from the background of the study above can

conclude that the writer use implicature as theory of this research and entitled is “An Analysis of Conversational Implicature Found in The Dialogue Transcript of

22 Jump Street Movie”.

1.2Research Problem

Based on some reasons that explained in the background of the study and

to make this research easier to be solved, some questions to answer in this research stated below, they are:

1. What are the type of conversational implicature that found in the dialogue transcript of “22 Jump Street” movie?

2. What are the function of each implicature that found in the dialogue transcript of “22 Jump Street” movie?

1.3Objectives of the Study

In relation the problem of the study is try to answer two problems above.

This study is aimed:

1. To find the type of each conversational implicature that is found in the dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie.



1.4Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on conversational implicatures as found in the dialogue

of 22 Jump Street movie, its intended of type of conversational implicature that is the utterance of conversation to classified in types of implicature. Type of

conversational implicature that include generalized implicature and particularized implicature. Then, those utterance identyfied in function of conversation implicature.


This research analyzes the conversational implicature and function of

implicature in the movie of 22 Jump Street, it hopefully can be useful and give contribution either theoretically nor practically.The theoretically significant of this research is this research useful to give explaination and information about

implicature expecially in type of conversational implicature and function of implicature. This research would give advantage and useful for the reader as next

reference of linguistic to undersatand about study of pragmatic expecially in implicature. In addition, this research will increase our understanding about the implied meaning in the utterance of the speakers that include in implicature.

The practially significant of this research the, researcher want to show the implied meaning of the utterance that found in dialogue transcript of “22 Jump

Street” movie. The reeader of this research would be understand the menaing of



1.6Definition of Key Terms

Conversational implicature is the proposition or statement which may be interpreted, implied or intended by the speaker, different from what was actually said by the speaker (Gazdar 1979: 38).

Generalized implicature is when no special knowledge is required in the context to calculate the additional conveyed meaning (Yule, 1996: 130).

Particularized Implicature is an additional unstated meaning that depends on special or local knowledge (Yule, 1996: 132).

22 Jump Street Movie is a 2014 american action comedy movie which is written

by Jonah Hill, Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel and Rodney Rothman. The movie is about two police who undecover as student collage in MC state university





In this chapter, the writer reviews some theories which are related to this

study. This review is very important because it is used as the basic of the analysis of the study. This chapter discusses the explanation of the theories connected with

implicature. There are some theories used to analyze the data. They are implicature, conversational implicature, type of conversational implicature (that include of generalized and particularized conversational implicature) and speech

act. The following are the explanation.


Pragmatics is a part of linguistic that learning about the relationship between context and meaning. The science of pragmatic is learning about how the convey of meaning not only depends on linguistic knowledge from the speaker

and the listener, but also from the narattive context, and implied purpose of the speaker. Yule (1996: 3) states that pragmatic is concerned with the study of

meaning as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. Consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterance than what the words or phrases in those utterance might mean by

themselves. Levinson also defines of pragmatics that is the study of those relations between language and context that grammaticalized, or encoded in the



Pragmatics have some branch, they are speech act theory, conversational implicature, talk in interaction, presupposition, cooperative principle and etc. In

this case, pragmatics explains about how language users are able to overcome apparent changing of uttarance. The researcher take one of pragmatic branch as

theory to analyze this study and only focus on the utterance that include of implicature and type of conversational implicature.

2.1.1 Implicature

Implicature is one of the concept of pragmatics that most protruding. The word implicature is derived from the verb “to imply”. Imply means that when we are communicate, we want to express our idea or feeling, but without saying it

directly. Mey state that to imply means to fold something into something else (from the Latin verb plicare to fold) hence, that which is implied is folded in, and

has to be unfolded in order to be understood (2001:45). Implicature itself means that a language phenomena that explain about the different that happend in conversation, such as what speaker said unsuitable with what will be applied by

listener. Gazdar defined implicature that is an implicature is a proposition that is implied by the utterance of a sentence in a context even thought that proposition is

not part of nor an entailment of what was actually said (1979: 38).

Therefor, implicature is a form of speech that implies something and

different with the actually spoken. So, implicature is the purpose, desire or expressions of hidden heart. The term implicature is used by Grice (1975) to account for what a speaker can implay, suggest, or mean as distinct from what the



implicature is generated intentional by the speaker and may (or may not be understood by the hearer (2006:70). In other hand, sometimes hearer do not

undersatand about the discussed by speaker. furthermore, the hearer must understand the speaker said and interpret the speaker implied. In the below is one

example of implicature.


Rendi: Do you want to come to the rani’s home?

Joko: I'm finish homework today.

In example above, Joko is not actually answering the question of Rendi. He does not actually say Yes or Not he will go to the rani’s home with Rendi. The

implicature of his response is that, Joko is not coming. Joko has conveyed a meaning, intentionally, without explicitly stating it.

Grice distinguishes between two types of implicatures, they are conventional implicature and conversational implicature. Yule (1996: 227) states

that Conversational implicatures is pragmatic implication that implied in a conversation. Conventional implicatures is implicature obtained directly from the meaning of the word not from the conversation principle.

In this research, the researcher focused in type of conversational implicature. So, the researcher more explain in conversational implicature, but the

researcher bit explain about definition of conventational implicature. Below the reseracher would like to explained type of conversational implicature. Before that,


13 Implicature

Conversational implicature is pragmatic implications contained in the

conversation that appear as a result of violation of the conversation principle. Yule (1969: 227) states that conversational implicature an additional unstated

meaning that has to be assumed in order to maintain the cooperative principle. Conversational implicature it is a proposition or statement, namely what might be interpreted, implied or intended by the speaker, which is different from what was

actually said by the speaker in a conversation (Gazdar 1979: 38). Mey state that one could say that conversational implicature concerns the way we understand an

utterance in conversation in accordance with what we expect to hear (2001:46). Thus, when speaker ask a question, a response from the hearer it doesnot appropriate with the intended by speaker make.

In the below is an example of utterance in a conversation that contain an conversational implicature.

A: Your mobile phone is new. Why you do not buy iPhone?

B: The price is more expensive.

Implied meaning in B’s utterance state that mobile phone that bought by A

is cheap while the price of iPhone is more expensive than mobile phone that bought by A. B’s statement not say No or say Yes, B only say the price is more expensive means that B’s statement do not want to buy the mobile phone is



Grice introduces a distinction between two of spesific types in conversational implicature: Generalized Implicature and Particularized

Implicatures Generalized Conversational Implicature

Generalized Conversational Implicature is when no special knowledge is required in the context to calculate the additional conveyed meaning. Levinson (1983: 126) defines Generalized conversational implicatures occur without

reference to any particular features of the context. Appearance of generalized conversational implicature in conversation do not need special context. In other words, special background knowledge or inferences are not required in calculating

the additional conveyed meaning. Grice (1989:37) states that this type of implicature is characterized by the application of a certain form of words in an

utterance (in the absence of special circumstances) would normally carry such implicature. For example:

Aqilah walked into a house today and saw a flower.

The expression implies of the Aqilah’s utterance above state that the house is not



Anathor example that include of generalized conversational implicature as following:

David : Did you invite Bella and Riko in your party tonight?

Lenita : I inveted Bella.

From the utterance of David and Lenita there is no special context of the Lenita’s statement. Yet, when David ask to Lenita about whether Lenita invite

Bella and Riko in her party. Lenita only say if she invite Bella, she does not say invite Riko also. It means that Lenita does not invite Riko, she only invite Bella.

When no special knowledge is requares in the context to calculate conveyed meaning, it is called generalized conversational implicature. Particularized Implicature

Paltridge (2006:70) state that particularized conversational implicatures, however are derived from a particular context, rather than from the use of the

words alone. These result from the maxim of relation. That is, the speaker assumes the hearer will search for the relevance of what they are saying and

derive an intended meaning. Yule (1996: 234) states that particularized conversational implicature an additional unstated meaning that depends on special or local knowledge. Particularized conversational implicature is an implicature

where some assumed knowledge is required in very specific contexts during a conversation. Futhermore, in this case particularized conversational implicature is



For example:

Ana : Hey, coming to the willy’s party tonight?

Samuel : My parents are visiting

From these utterance above, where Samuel’s respon does not appropriate

with Ana’s question. Samuel does not say Yes or No, moreover he say if his

parent came to visiting him. In order to make relevant between Ana’s question

with samuel’s respon, Samuel must say to Ana “No, I can not came to the willy’s

party to night because my parent come to visiting me. Samuel will be spending

that evening with his parents, and time spent with parents is quiet and consequently Ana not at party. In short the implicature that rely much on the

special context, it is can be classified into particularized conversational implicatures.

2.1.2 Speech act

Speech act theory was developed by philosopher John Austin in an effort

to explain how particular utterances operate within natural language. Yule state that speech act an action performed by the use of an utterance to communicate

(1996: 239).Thus, can conclude that the speech act has psikologis function and social function when we are communicating. Beside that, speech act have function as a means to do something through the actions that said through orally.According to the book of “The Study of Language by Yule (2010: 133) the term of speech

act is to describe action such as requesting, commanding, questioning, or



you say I will be there at six, you are not just speaking, you seem to be performing the speech act of promising. Theory of speech act explain how this done. When you want to say toward someone if “in the closet there is a

sheepdog”. You not only say something but you warn also (Fromkin, Robert and

Hyams, 2009:215).

Speech act in linguistic is an utterance that has performative function in language and communication. Utterances produced in the process of

communication consist of some different functions. They cannot only be seen structurally, but other possible functional uses of language are also involved.

Therefore, Searle (1976) state that there are just five basic kinds of action that one can perform in speaking, by means of the following five types of utterance.

Representative is speech acts that commit a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition and to the truth of something. Yule (1996:92) also state

that representative is kind of speech act that state what the speaker believes to be the case or not. (eg: critisizing, asserting, informing, claiming, reporting.

For example:

a. The materials for learning today is about language phenomena in pragmatic .



The A’s statement above include of Representative which is informing.

While the B’s statement which is asserting. In using representative, the speaker

makes words fit the world (true statement).

Directive is a speech acts that are to cause the hearer to take a particular action, or when the speaker expects the listener to do something as a response. Putrayasa (2014:91) state that directives which are attempts of the speaker to

encourage the hearer to do something. Such us ordering, commanding, requesting, and etc.

For example:

a. Rani: Could you lend me a pen, please? b. Fera: Close the window!

The Rani’s utterance above include of Directive which is requesting, while

in Fera’s utterance is commanding. In using directive speaker trying to adjust the

world with word (through listener)

Commissive is speech acts that commit a speaker to some future action.

Yule (1996: 94 ) define that commissiveare those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to commit themselves to some future action. Commissive express



For example:

a. I promise, I will came back tomorrow

b. I don’t want to do things that you command

In example above that include of Commissive but different purpose. the A’s utterance is about promise and B is about refusing. In using commissive,

speaker trying to adjust world with word (through speaker).

Expressives is speech acts that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition. In the pragmatic’s book Yule state that expressivesare

those kinds of speech acts that state what the speaker feels (1996:93). Expressive is to express the psychological state about affairs. Express our psychological states like pleasure, pain, likes, dislikes, sadness, and joyfull, thanksfull, greating

apologizing , praise, etc.

For example: Excellent idea!

The expression above which is praise. In using expressive, speaker adjust

words with the world (with our fealling)

Speech acts that change the reality in accord with the proposition of the



For example:

Priest : I know pronounce you husband and wife.

In using declaration speaker changes the world with the our utterance.

The process of conveying message in communication can be in form anything,

either verbal nor implied. When speaker conveys the message through the verbal it means that the speaker convey the message is directly. Yet, when the speaker convey the message through the implied means that the speaker convey the





In this chapter, the researcher discusses the researcher method used in this

research. This chapter consist of four section. The first section explains the type of research used in conducting the study. The second section is instrument. The third

section is about data and data source. The four section explains the method of collecting data, and the last section describes a method of analyzing data.

3.1Type of Research Approach

The study used descriptive qualitative approach as the research design. The researcher chooses qualitative as research approach because the researcher describes and analyzes the type of conversational implicature in dialogue of 22

Jump Street movie and analyze the function of implicature. Descriptive qualitative is the type of research that analyzes the data by using explanations or discussion

questions. This method is usually used to describe about language phenomena. Denzin and Lincoln offer defined about qualitative researche that adapted

in the Handbook of Qualitative Research: second edition (in Ritchie and Lewis, 2003: 2) that Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that makes the

world visible. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the

meanings people bring to them (2000: 3). Beside that, Bryman (in Ritchie and



Lewis, 2003: 3) said that the way in which people being studied understand and interpret their social reality is one of the central motifs of qualitative research.

According to Mason (2002: 3) state that qualitative research was grounded in a philosophical position which is broadly “interpretivist” in the sense that it is

concerned with how the social world is interpreted, understood, experienced, produced or constituted. While different versions of qualitative research might understand or approach these elements in different ways (for example, focusing

on social meanings, or interpretations, or practices, or discourses, or processes, or constructions).

Qualitative research design is the research method that usually use comprehension of the researcher to analyze the data. It means that the research design of a qualitative study differs from quantitative study started with an

understanding to be tested, where must make the hypothesis first and required the special scope to make right hypothesis. Therefore, qualitative research is

interpretative approach that concerned with understanding the meanings.


The instrument of this research is the researcher herself, because this

research is used qualitative descriptive approach which focus on theoretical to collect the data and analyze the data. In descriptive qualitative research, the most

important instrument used is the instrument of observation, interpration, and documentation. Mukhtar (2013: 109) state that ourself is a instrument or rool of direct observation, because all sense of researcher is essentially a tool of



3.3Data Sources and Data

Mukhtar defined the data source, according him the data source is Data

sources are the sources that enabled a researcher to get some information or data that is needed in a study (2013: 107). Mason, Jenifer also state that data source is

important to begin a few words in analysis. Data sources in the sense are repositories of knowledge, experiences, feelings or whatever, which are relevant to your research (2002: 53). Source of data is the source from which the data is

taken. In this research, the source of data is transcript the 22 Jump Street movie. This study concerned with the conversational implicature. Mukhtar

explains about the understanding of data. Data is the all of empirical information and documentative that obtained in the field as a construction science in scientifically and academically. (2013: 99). The data of this research were

utterences in the dialogue of 22 Jump Street movie which are indicated conversational implicature. The researcher limited the data only on utterances that

related with conversational implicature in 22 Jump Street movie. The data occured in the dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie.

3.4Data Collection

In this case, the researcher collected the data related to utterances in dialogue of 22 Jump Street movie. Creswell (2014) state that the data collection



method is a method of collecting data in form of notes, transcript, book, newspapers, minutes of meetings, personal journals and diaries, letters, e-mails,

etc. The writer uses transcript to collect the data. Thus, there were some ways of collecting the data in order to complete this study:

1. The first step, the researcher watching the movie of 22 Jump Street and listen carefully of each conversation in 22 Jump Street movie to check the accurates of English transcription with motion picture.

2. The second step, the researcher read the transcription movie to choose the utterence of implicature in dialogue of 22 Jump Street movie.

3. And the last the researcher classified the utterence include generalized or particularized conversational implicature that

include in type of conversational implicature. This step is done to easier the researcher to analyze the data.

3.5Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher uses Grice’s theory to find the type of

conversational implicature. Then, the writer also uses the theory of speech act

classificaton which is proposed (by Searle, 1975 to find the function of implicature. Miles and Huberman (in Denzim and Lincoln, 1994: 429) state that



There are some steps to analyze the data, in the following below the researcher will be explain those steps:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming data that exists in the real transcriptions. In this frist step, the researcher choose some relevant utterances in the dialogue of 22 Jump Street movie. The researcher only focused on the

utterances which include of conversational implicature.

Data Utterance Implicature


What are you talking

about? Look around. This

is our city. What do we

want to be in collage for?

We can do everything in

this city, without must to be the real student



3. Data Display

Miles and Huberman explain about data display that adapted on the qualitative data anlysis: a sourcebook of new methods is an organized



conclusion. In data display the researcher classified these utterances based on the type of conversational implicatue and the function of implicature.

Data Utterance Implicature

GCI : Generalized Conversational Implicature

PCI : Particularized Conversational Implicature

4. Data Analysis

After showing and classified the utterance according to type of



Sample of analyze the utterance in dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie stated below.

Dantum 1

Context: Schmidt and Jenko are watching the lecture on their

iPad as they stand by their car in a parking lot.

Jenko: What are you talking about? Look around. This is our city. What do we want to be in collage for?


Jenko gives the information which is not true. Jenko state that they can do everything in their city without they must in collage first. They

must not going in actual collage just in onlain collage, listening to coded messages and lecturer. They are a cap, so they can do everything. The type

of implicature belongs to Generalized conversational Implicature since inference can be drawn from general features of the context and

world-knowledge and does not depend on particular features of the context .

The function of implicature is Representative. This function is used to describe the world or reason about it. Jenko claims that that is their city,

so they can do everything without being the real of student collage.

5. Conclusion Drawing or Verification

In this step explain about conclusion drawing and verification.



to decide what things mean, is noting regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configurations, causal flows, and propositions (Miles and

Huberman, 1984:22). In the last step, the researcher drew a conclusion in relation to process of forming implicature, the types of conversational




In this chapter, the researcher presents two points, the first point is the

research findings and the second point is discussions. This chapter the researcher analyze all of the main character’s conversation that happen. In data findings there

is table of types of conversational implicature and the function of implicature that is appeared on dialogue transcrip of 22 Jump Street movie. In this chapter the researcher will give brief explanation and interprets the types of conversational

implicature. There are two the type of conversational implicature, they are generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational

implicature. Then, the researcher provides the interpretation of the function of implicature, they are representative (assertive), derictive, commissive, expressive

and declarative.


This sub chapter illustrate the findings is derived from the research

problem, which is the first concerns on the type of conversatioanl implicature based on Grice’s theory of implicature (1975), and concerns on the function of

implicature based on speech act theory which proposed by Searly (1994). Beside

that, the writer provides the table of the type of conversational implicature. In the table contain utterance on the dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie that



conversational implicature and the function of implicature that is appeared on the

dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie.

4.1.1 The Type of Conversational Implicature and The Function of


In this part, the data occurs as result of the implicature that include to type of conversational implicature based on the theory of implicature which proposed by Grice and the function of implicature wich correlate with speech ct theory wich

proposed by searle. To make easy understandable, the explanation will be elaborated by the researcher more complete in the table below 4.1.1.

4.1.1 Conversational implicature classification based on type of

conversational implicature and The function of implicature based on


16. Covalent bonds Yeah, what? Directive, ask



Why am I always

getting hurt around


allright. I don’t

want to around you.

painfulness, or illness


GCI: Generalized Conversational Implicature

PCI: Particularized Conversational Implicature

According to the table above, there are 30 conversational

implicatures occur in the Dialogue of 22 Jump street movie. there are 11 utterance of conversational implicature that include to Generalized

Conversational Implicature and 19 utterance of conversational implicature that include to Particularized Conversational Implicature. Then, there are 13 that include to representative function, there are 5 implicature that

include to directive function, 2 implicature that include to coomissive function, 10 implicature that include to expressive function, and the last



4.1.2 Analysis of The Data

Dantum 1

Context: Schmidt and Jenko head to Metro City and Schmidt

notices the wanted drug lord, the Ghost.

Schmidt: That’s the Ghost.

Jenko: The Ghost?

Schmidt: Lousten Nilsen. The biggest trafficker of illegal goods in Mexico City. Then he teamed up with the Mexican cartel and running all this shit though the poor. What the hell are we supposed to be buying.


In conversation above Jenko’s statement not an answer to

Schmidt’s question. Jenko’s utterance is not relavant with the Schmidt’s

utterance. Jenko even repeat Schmidt’s utterance. Schmidt first try to

describe who is the Ghost to Jenko because the question of Jenko contain

of implied meaning if the Jenko do not know who is the Ghost. Utterance’s Jenko is “The Ghost” the utterance have many significance.

Before the Jenko’s utterance, Schmidt say to Jenko “That’s the Ghost” and

Schmidt answer “The Ghost”. Jenko should say “who is the Ghost”.

Therefor the utterance above include of the type of conversational



The function of implicature is Derective function. Directive means speaker expects the listener to do something. The utterance of Jenko

include ask of Directive. Jenko ask Schmidt about the Ghost.

Dantum 2

Context: Schmidt starts buttoning up his shirt

Jenko: What are you doing?

Schmidt: Huh? I got a new identity that’s gonna be killed. I’am

going to be throwing it to you to make it legit.

Jenko: Okay.


In conversation above not appropriate with the rule of conversation. when the Jenko said the schmidt “what are you doing” and

schmidt answer “Huh? I got a new identity that’s gonna be killed. I’am

going to be throwing it to you to make it legit”. So schmidt violating

maxim of conversational implicature. The utterance above include of Generalized conversational implicature. Referred to Generalized Conversational Implicature because Jenko’s utterance not appropriate.

Schmidt should answer to Jenko’s question with “I was do camouflage to

be a killed....”. but here the Schmidt not answer like that.



Schmidt’s utterance is about inform or advise. Schmidt advise Jenko if he

was camouflage as killed.

Dantum 3

Context: Schmidt cloeses his eyes and puts his fingers by the

bridge of his nose to concentrate.

Jenko: Can you give me like a head start on character...

Schmidt: I need absolute silence. I need absolute silence.


The utterance above include of particularized Conversational Implicature. In the Schmidt’s atatement is not answer Jenko’s question.

When Jenko ask to Schmidt, can Schmidt give Jenko a heard start a

character. Because Schmidt want to change his character to camouflage when meet the Ghost. The Ghost is the one of criminal who pursued by police. Schmidt change the character to be a killed. Schmidt begin to form

the character with the closes his eyes and puts his fingers by the bridge of his nose to concentrate. The Schmidt try camouflage to find out what is

being brought by The Ghost in the big tracks. While Jenko ask to Schmidt, Schmidt not answer the Jenko question, Schmidt just say “I need absolute silence. I need absolute silence.” It’s mean that Schmidt need

consentration to his mask. And Schmidt command Jenko to silence.

The function of implicature is Directive function which means that



request, asking, invited, command and recommend. The utterance above indirectly Schmidt command Jenko to silence because he need


Dantum 4

Context: Jenko and Schmidt walk toward warehouse where there

the Ghost Scarface and subordinates of the Ghost.

Schmidt: Oh, shit. Yoh, sleepy! What’s up homie? You know my cousin Savoy?

Scarface: I think you’ve got the wrong guy, homes?


Scarface remark’s is include of Particularized Conversational

Implicature, because which do require spesific contexts. Spesific context in Scarface’s remark is “the wrong guy”. Scarface regard that Schmidt

have been wrong guy and intended by schmidt is not him. Yet, in

conversation above Schmidt was pretending known Scarface. So, it can be conclude that Scarface’s remark implies “No, homes. I didn’t recognize


The function of implicature is Representative function. Representative which meant of Scarface’s utterance is about refuses.

Scarface refuses what Schmidt said, because he did not know the causin of



Dantum 5

Context: Jenko and Schmidt are talking with the Scarface, at the

time Jenko looks uncomfortable.

Schmidt: Oh, man! When you were telling the story last night, you had so much detail. The details was so rich...it was rich detail. Go into incredibely descriptive details of the story so that we all know.

Jenko: Oh, yes. Uh ...it was Dora and Diego and Swiper.


In conversation above include of Particularized Conversational Implicature, because which do require such specific contexts. Spesific contexts in utterance above is “Dora, Diego and Swiper”. Schmidt asking

Jenko to tell the story about crazy adventure but Jenko do not tell the story about crazy adventure but rather mention “Dora, Diego and Swiper” that

tell about child advanture. Actually Jenko do not know what the Schmidt say?. So, Jenko spontaneously say what any in his mind. “Dora, Diego and

Swiper” is the name of player from child animation adventure television

series. The name of the television series is “Dora the Explorer”. Wikipedia

state that “Dora the Explorer” is an American education animated TV

series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh, and Eric Weiner. Dora is the main chracter in Dora the Explorer, Dieogo is the Dora’s cousin and



should tells the story which about challenging adventure movie not adult adventure.

The Jenko’s utterance is about affirming. Affirming is include in

representative function which is used to describe the world and reason

about it. The utterance of Jenko reffered informing because Jenko advise Schmidt what the Schmidt asked about adventure.

Dantum 6

Context: The Ghost pulls out a switchblade and ejects the blade,

then the Ghost places the edge of knife against Schmidt’s throat for a


The Ghost: Can’t believe the punks I have to deal with these days.

Really makes me miss the 90s. When we has

professional around. You want to check out the goods?

Check it out. And shut up, right?

Schmidt: Where did you find this gringo, man? The fucking Mumfrod & Sons concert and shit?


The Ghost’s utterance intend to convey implied meaning to the

Schmidt. The Ghost tries to remember abot last when the Ghost and his subordinates are bring goods and any someone who want to check out his goods is about 90s, they are punks. The Ghost intimidate Schmidt to say



conclude that The Ghost’s remark implies “Don’t courteous talk. I’m

gonna ask you to stop talking. If you wanna check out the goods, please check it out. And don’t say any one, right?. The implicature above is

include of Generalized Conversational Implicature since inference can be

drawn from general features of the context and world-knowledge and does not depend on particular features of the context.

The function of implicature is belongs to Commissive function. In the Ghost’s utterance is about threat which the Ghost try to threat Jenko

and Schmidt by knife to do not say anyone and to keep secret that they

have seen.

Dantum 7

Context: When the Ghost and Scarface in truck of carriying

goods, they want to Shoot Jenko and Schmidt who were catch up


The Ghost: Shoot him!

Scarface: I’m all out!

The Ghost: You stupid moron!


The utterance above include in implicature of Particularized



of the Ghost) to Shoot Jenko and Schmidt because they (Jenko and Schmidt) try to foil the project of The Ghost and the Ghost know if the

Jenko and Schmidt is a police that want to catch him (The Ghost and the Subordinates of the Ghost). The scarface can not Shoot they (Jenko and

Schmidt) because bullets in his gun has been empty.

The function of the implicature is Representative function. Representative function which is commit the speaker to the truth of

something, for example asserting, claiming, affirming, etc. The utterance above is about affirming which Scarface state that the bullet in the guns is

used up and Scarface can not shoot Jenko and Schmidt.

Dantum 8

Context: Schmidt turns his head to reveal massive marks on the

side of his neck.

Deputy Chief Hardy: Is that Hickey?

Schmidt: Oh, this uh...this was actually uh...an octopus from the incident. Um...I opened a crate, and

uh..the octopus had leapt onto face and it

has...apparently they have many many arms.





say yes or no. Because in utterance of Deputy Chief Hardy need answer yes or no. Yet Schmidt interpret in his statement Deputy Chief Hardy

which meaning yes or no. The answer of Schmidt is not simple, his answer is more prolixity. The type of Schmidt’s utterance above is belongs to

Particularized Conversational Implicature since the inference worked out while drawing totally on the specific context of the utterance.

The Function of Implicature is Representative function. The function is used to discribe the world or reason about it. Schmidt’s

utterance means to inform the turth about the his neck was get incident.

Dantum 9

Context: In the office Schmidt and Jenko sit in front of Deputy

Chief Hardy, who simply stares at Schmidt and Jenko.

Deputy Chief Hardy: Yeah. Well, the commissioner’s convinced this debacle happened because you were’t doing the same undercover student thing you did the first time. She doesn’t get that it’s always worse the second time around. You settle into worn out roles. One gets possessive, the other suns away. You begin a slow painful unraveling as all of the good things that came before begin to be crushed by the trash compactor of sadness.

Schmidt: That doesn’t sound like us. I mean..




Statement of the Deputy Chief Hardy tell about Jenko and Schmidt which has failed undercover became senior high school student. Jenko and

Schmidt not aware if the Deputy Chief Hardy were talking about them. they thought that if the deputy Chief Hardy were talking about someone else. Schmidt said that “That doesn’t sound like us. I mean..”. After

Schmidt say like that, Deputy Chief Hardy respond Schmidt’s statement,

Deputy Chief Hardy said “I’m getting a divorce”. Deputy Chief Hardy say

like that to make Schmidt and Jenko sympatic and not protest to what he had to say about them. So, the Hardy’s remark above include of

particularized Conversational Implicature. Particularized Conversational Implicature since the inference worked out while drawing totally on the specific context of the utterance.

The function of the implicature is Representative function. Representative function which is commit the speaker to the truth of

something, for example asserting, claiming, affirming, etc. The utterance above is about affirming which Deputy Chief Hardy state he was not joking. The discussed by Deputy Chief Hardy is Jenko and Schmidt not



Dantum 10

Context: In the office room, Jenko simultaneously bust through

the palm of his hand with the other hand and chant.

Jenko: We don’t want to do the same thing. We want to burst through our ceiling, you gotta find another ceiling and

you gotta burst throughthat one. And you just gotta

keep hammering ceilings.

Schmidt: Okay, okay, okay.


Jenko’s utterance intended to convey implied meaning to the

leadership (Deputy Chief Hardy). The implied meaning of the Jenko

utterance is he want to stop to do undercover that command of Deputy Chief Hardy, because Jenko and Schmidt want to become a normally cop. The implicature of Jenko’s utterance is “burst through our ceiling”. Jenko use “burst through our ceiling as a representation to inform that

Jenko and Schmidt did not want to do camouflage and they want to be

theirself, do anaything that they want. The type of implicature is belongs to Generalized Conversational Iplicature since the inference can be drawn from general features of the context and world-knowledge and does not

depend on particular features of the context.

The function of implicature is belongs to Commissive function.



is include of refusing or rejecting. In Jenko’s utterance state that he

rejecting to do what the Deputy Chief Hardy instructed.

Dantum 11

Context: Schmidt and Jenko walk over to Captain Dickson.

Captain Dickson: How you bitches like Jump Street now?

Schmidt: Hey.


Schmidt’s statement is not answer the Captain Dickson’s question.

In fact, Schmidt say “Hey” to Captain Dickson. Word of “Hey” used to

attract someone's attention or to express surprise, joy, or angry and usually to greeting of someone. But in conversation above not relevant between

what the Captain Dickson say and Schmidt say. Captain Dickson ask to Schmidt “How you bitches like Jump Street now?” it means that Dickson

ask to Schmidt and Jenko about the office of 22 Jumpt Street, is better than previous 21 Jump Street. Yet Schmidt answer the Dickson’s question with

greeting, that is not relevant with the Dickson’s Question. The utterance

above include of Particularized Conversational Implicature since the inference worked out while drawing totally on the specific context of the


The function of implicature is Expressive function. Expressive function is speech act that expression our feeling through utterance like



above is include of greeting. Schmidt say “hey” to Captain Dickson,

because they have been long time no see.

Dantum 12

Context: Captain Dickson reffering to the interior of the


Captain Dickson: You all see this shit! 22 Jump Streetis the lick. And I gotta big ass raise to babysit you two fuckers again. Designed it myself. We got espresso bar, thinking about a shark tank over there.

Jenko: Ooh, I like sharks.


Jenko’s gives information which is less informative. He says

something about Shark but he does not say anything about Espresso. Captain Dickson say “We got espresso bar, thinking about a shark tank over there”. Dickson made self espresso bar and shark tank but Jenko’s

statement just say about Shark. Jenko just like about Shark and he does not

like about espresso. Jenko does not say Espresso he just refer to Shark. The implicature belong to Generalized Implicature since the inference can be drawn from general features of the context and world-knowledge and



The function of implicature is Expressive. It report feeling of speaker toward something. The utterance of Jenko include of think liked

means that Jenko like Shark tank than espresso bar.

Dantum 13

Context: Jenko and Schmidt are sat in Dickson’s office. Dickson

throws a folder to Schmidt and Jenko.

Jenko: We’re going back to high school?

Captain Dickson: Your ass look like you’re about fifty. You’re

going to MC State.


The implicature can be found in Captain Dickson’s utterance, by

saying “your ass look like you’re about fifty. You’re going to MC State”.

Captain Dickson give information which less that required and less contribute. Captain Dickson should say “No, you’re come back to became

student collage not high school. The term of “you look like about fifty”

and “MC State” is a spesific context which had implied meaning.

Dickson’s remark try to judge Jenko if he old and (tidak muda lagi)

inappropriate to become student of high school. So, he undercover become student collage in Mc State university. The implicature is belongs to



The function of implicature is Representative function and include of informing. Informing which is when speaker say something and speaker

believe any something that happened. In Captain Dickson’s utterance state that Schmidt and Jenko did camouflage as student collage in one of


Dantum 14

Context: Jenko and Schmidt walk in the hall class and looking at

their classes timetable.

Jenko: Dude, in Human sexuality do you get to fuck or do you just get to watch people fuck?

Schmidt: Neither.


The Schmidt’s utterance is belongs to Generalized Conversational

Implicature since the inference can be drawn from general features of the context and world-knowledge and does not depend on particular features of the context. Implicature in Schmidt’s utterance is “Neither”. Schmidt

use “Neither” as a representation to inform that in Human sexuality

Schmidt do not get to fuck or get to watch people fuck. Neither means that did not get both of that Jenko said. Schmidt should answer to Jenko’s

statement with “I did not get to fuck or get to watch people fuck.



believed that said by speaker. in Schmidt’s utternace is a asserting toward

Jenko if Schmidt did not get to fuck or get to watch people fuck.

Dantum 15

Context: Jenko sees the football in Rooster’s hand.

Jenko: Hey, you guys play football?

Rooster: No, this is actually my laptop. Yeah, I’m taking notes

right now, huh?. I’m kidding, it’s a football.


The implicature can be found in Rooster’s utterance, by saying

“No, this actually my laptop. Yeah, I.m taking notes rightnow, huh?”, he

gives information which is less than required and les contribute. He actually kidding to Jenko, dengan mengatakan jika yang di bawa itu bukan bola melainkan laptop dan dia sedang mengetik. It also raises an

implicature that implied “Yeah, this is my football and we are play football”. The type of that implicature belongs to particularized

implicature because the inference can be drawn by knowing the context of utterance. Special context in Rooster”s utterance is “this is my laptop and

I’m taking note”.

The function of implicature is Representative function. Representative function which is commit the speaker to the truth


table contain utterance on the dialogue transcript of 22 Jump Street movie that


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