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This thesis entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN SPEAKING ABILITY BY USING STORY RETELLING (An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 Of SMA N 1 Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic Year 2014-2015) -


Academic year: 2017

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An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 Of SMA N 1 Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic Year



Submitted in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for The Master’s Degree in English Language Education






I, Pamujo Effa Kusdianang, hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability by Using Story Retelling (An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 os SMAN Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic year 2014/2015)” is entirely my original work and effort. It has not submitted to any institution for any award. I am fully aware that I have used some statements and ideas from other sources and I have properly cited all sources of information used in the thesis.

Semarang, May 2016



This thesis entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN SPEAKING ABILITY BY USING STORY RETELLING (An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 Of SMA N 1 Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic Year 2014-2015)” written by,

Name : Pamujo Effa Kusdianang Students Number : 2003512114

Department : English Language Education

Has been examined and defended before the board of thesis examiners in the English Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Semarang State University on Friday,13th May 2016 and was decided acceptable.

Semarang, 13th May ,2016 The Board of Examiners

Chairman, Secretary,

Prof.Dr.Tri Joko Raharjo,M.Pd NIP.195903011985111001

Dr. Januarius Mujiyanto, M.Hum. NIP 195312131983031002

First Examiner, Second Examiner,

Drs. Ahmad Sofwan, M.A.,Ph.D NIP 196204271989011001

Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati ,M.Pd. NIP 195901141989012001

Third Examiner,



My beloved parent

My beloved wife Grahita Putri Reswari and my angel Qiana Iftinannisa




In the name of ALLAH SWT, the Almighty God, the writer would like to thank for every single thing, blessing, health and inspiration in leading me to complete the thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability by Using Story Telling (An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 os SMAN Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic year 2014/2015)”. This thesis is submitted to the English Education Department of Graduate Program of State University of Semarang in partial fullfillment of the requirement for Master Degree.

I would like to express my best gratitude and appreciation to all who have helped, supported, and encouraged me in process of the thesis completion.

1. Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Slamet, M.Si as the Director of Post Graduate Program at State University of Semarang.

2. Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati,M.Pd as the first advisor for the suggestion, guidance, support and patience in completing this thesis.

3. Dr. Joko Sutopo ,M.Pd as the second advisor for the encouragement and motivation.

4. My beloved parent H. Baidi and Hj. Sri Rahayu Asih, H. Azzam S and Hj. Yati Rohayati for the support and encouragement.



6. All lecturers of English Education Department of Graduate Program, thank you for sharing the wonderful experience during the study.

7. My classmates in Tegal Special Class 2012. Thank you for being good friends.

8. The second semester student of SMAN Jatitujuh Majalengka, academic year 2014/2015. Thank you for being very good students.

The writer realize that this thesis is still faar from being perfect. Therefore, I will accept any constructive suggestion for the goodness of education field. Hopefully, this thesis will give contributions for all readers.

Semarang, May 2016



Pamujo Effa Kusdianang. 2016. Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability by Using Story Retelling (An Action Research Study at the Second Semester Students of Senior High School Class XI IA 1 os SMAN Jatitujuh, Majalengka Academic year 2014/2015). Thesis. English Language Education, Graduate Program, Semarang State University. The First Advisor, Dr. Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, M.Pd, The Second Advisor , Dr. Djoko Sutopo, M.Pd Keywords: Motivation, Speaking, Story Retelling

This study investigated the story retelling in relation to students’ motivation in speaking ability of narrative story.

The objectives of the study were to find out: (1) The problems were faced by the students of the grade XI of SMA N Jatitujuh in teaching learning process of speaking , (2) How story retelling be implemented in speaking class, (3) How story retelling improved students’ speaking ability in speaking class, (4) How story retelling improved students’ motivation in speaking class.

The design of this research was Classroom Action Research.There were three cycles done in this study. The researcher acted as the teacherto implement planning, implementation, observing and reflecting the action. The result of the study concluded that the implementation of story retelling in teaching speaking of narrative story could improve students motivation and also their speaking ability. Based on the observation, the students who have high motivation increase from 37% in the pre-cycle to 40% in the first cycle then become 70 % in cycle 2 and finally 90 % in cycle 3.The result of students motivation based on the questionnaire from pre-cycle to cycle 1 increased 9.29 %. From cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased 10.97% and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased 4.74%. This findings showed that there were significant improvements of students motivation in speaking class during the implementation of story retelling.The result of students’ speaking skill also showed some improvements as follows: from pre-cycle to cycle 1 increased 6%. From cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased 9.92 % and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased 7.31 %. It means that story retelling could improve students speaking ability.


viii LIST OF APPENDICES ….………...……….


1.2Reason for Choosing Topic ………

1.3Statement of the Problem ... ...……...………..…………... 1.7Limitation of the Study……….…………... 1.8Outline of the Study ……….…………...


2.2 Review of Previous Studies ... 2.3 Theoretical Review. ...



2.2.1 General Concept of Speaking... Teaching Speaking ... Goals of Teaching Speaking ...



4.3.1 Cycle 1 ... 4.3.2 Cycle 2 ... 4.3.3 Cycle 3 ... 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion ... 5.2 Suggestion ... REFERENCES ... APPENDICES ...

85 86 88




This study was intended to examine the improvement of students’ motivation in speaking ability by using story retelling. This chapter dealt with the background of the study, the reasons for choosing topic, the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, the significance of the study, limitation of the study, outline of the study and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, teaching English in senior high school should be focusing on the local society interest. This is the effect of the curriculum 2006. This curriculum gives teachers so many chances to explore their creativity. The improvisation is needed to accommodate the local society interest. They can make their own syllabus. It has already known that there is no perfect curriculum, so the problems may appear.

There are 2 major problems that may appear in the teaching-learning process. The first problem is the lack of students’ motivation in learning English and the second problem is the lack of students’ absorbing ability on the material given by the teacher. Teachers should be aware of the problems that can appear in the classroom, because, sometimes, those problems can disturb many things, such as, the teaching-learning process, the situation of the classroom, or, even, the goal



of teaching-learning process. When the teaching-learning process is disturbed, the goal will be difficult to be reached.

In the need to determine the classroom problems of XI A class of SMA N Jatitujuh, researcher did some early actions. Those actions included evaluating the teacher and the students. Then researcher concluded that the main problem of the class was that the students completely lacked of motivation and lacked in speaking skill.



Considering to the causes above, finally, the teaching technique used in the research would be story retelling to improve students’ motivation and speaking ability.

1.2 Reason for Choosing Topic

Speaking is productive skill. It gives direct effect when we are learning a new language. Therefore it plays important role in communication. When we are learning a language, generally we are learning to communicate orally. Mastering English speaking gives direct effects to the learner to enjoy the language. They can directly get the benefit when they have capability to speak English. When the writer shares this point of view with the students, they all agree with this opinion that learning English speaking will give direct benefit for them. They can use the skill to communicate, to add their knowledge etc.



Speaking is very important in learning a language. The researcher wants to keep focus on speaking area of students’ learning. The researcher would like to improve students speaking ability. Students English speaking skill in SMAN Jatitujuh were still poor. Some reasons basically contribute into this condition, such as students’ motivation, students’ basic competence, their environment etc. Most students used their local language such as Indramayu Javanese and Sundanese language to communicate in the classroom. Most of them do not understand bahasa Indonesia even English language. So it becomes a challenge for the researcher to conduct the researcher. The potencial of the place also take into the researcher consideration that near the school, there will be an International airport built. It will be a big opportunity for students’ to have a career there and mastering English for communication will give them so many benefits.



1.3 Statement of the Problems

The problems of this research can be formulated as follows:

1) What problems were faced by the students of the grade XI of SMA N Jatitujuh in teaching learning process of speaking?

2) How would story retelling be implemented in speaking class?

3) How would story retelling improve students’ speaking ability in speaking class?

4) How would story retelling improve students’ motivation in speaking class?

1.4Aims of the Study

In the relation to formulation of the problems above, the aim of this study can be stated as follows:

1) to explain the problems faced by the students of the grade XI of SMA N Jatitujuh in teaching learning process of speaking.

2) to explain the implementation of story retelling in speaking class.

3) to explain the implementation of story retelling to improve students’ speaking ability in speaking class.



1.5Significant of the Study

The significant of this study is presented in three dimensions, including theoretical, practical, and pedagogical. Theoretically, the results of this study would enrich the body of literature, particularly the literature of strategies for teaching speaking class. This study furthermore will provide evidence whether students’ motivation level contributes a significant role on the students speaking skill and whether there is significant interaction among the teaching strategies of using story retelling, students’ motivation and speaking skill.

Practically, this study is expected to inspire English teachers and provide them alternative strategies for teaching speaking by improving their students’ motivation in speaking ability. Motivation plays important role in order to improve students’ speaking ability. The result of the study may also serve solutions to encourage students with various level of motivation when realizing their strengths and weaknesses during English Speaking Class. Likewise, this study hopefully promotes educational authorities and curriculum or syllabus designer to create alternative strategies for teaching speaking.



1.5 Definition of Key Terms

There are few technical terms used in this study. The researcher would like to define them one by one to ovoid ambiguity and misunderstanding. Those terms are defined as the following:

The first one is about motivation. Harmer (2001: 51) says that motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. Motivation is one of the important factors that influence individual levels of success in any activities. No wonder, there have been many studies seeking to investigate and explore the motivation-related issues comprehensively for its paramount role. In spite of that, motivation is not easy to define. It has been defined in many perspectives. Motivation is one important key in succesfull learning. Motivation is “fuel” of learning. There are not all students have this “fuel”. Some of the are having problem with motivation. It is a teacher duty to make sure that all of his students are motivatd in order to make succesfull learning.

Based on the explanation above, motivation could be defined as a power that involves desire, effort, and enjoyment which gives someone energy to do something or move toward an end or goal.

In this research, the researcher as an English teacher try to improve students’ motivation in speaking ability by implementing story retelling.



thoughts, oppinion, or feeling by uttering with the voice. Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving. However, speech is not always unpredictable.

Further information about speaking, Florez (1999) states as follows: Speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistic competence), but also that they understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language (sociolinguistic competence). Finally, speech has its own skills, structures, and conventions different from written language

Then speaking ability in the language teaching is the ability to use the language, and the goal of teaching speaking is the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately. The desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker does.



to work around gaps in one’s knowledge of the language, and how to learn more about the language and in the context.

The conclusion about what is meant by "speaking" is communication, not only producing English words and sentences correctly, but also understanding the whole conversation.

Thirdly is story retelling. Tanner (1991: 55) said that story retelling is an act of sharing, often as important to the storyteller as to the listener. Story retelling could come from imagination or from stories heard or read. Students would feel as they experienced the story by themselves. It created a link with the oral tradition and with literature. Story retelling is a part of speaking activities in the classroom, an effective teaching tool that enables students to focus on the story.

Story retelling provided procedures enable students to play a large role in reconstructing stories. It underlines both social and academic development. When they tell a story, they use language for an extended period of time. They construct the story. This activity increases their language development.

When narrating stories, the speaker uses the language for an extended period of time. This active participation with stories results in increased language development, comprehension and interest.



face, or of a location”. While according to Schmidt and Richard (2002: 349) narrative text are:

1. The written or oral account of a real or fictional story 2. The genre structure underlying stories

Based on the above oppinion narrative text is about oral account and fictional story. Fictional means that the students can write their own imagination of story and it can make them easy in writing a story.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

This research is limited to the investigation of speaking class which story retelling is practiced in order to improve the students’ motivation and speaking ability.

This study focusses on student’s motivation. Students achivement in speaking ability were used as supported result. The population and the sample of the study are students’ of XI IA 1 of SMAN Jatitujuh Majalengka academic year 2014/2015. There are 30 students in the class.

1.7 Outline of the Study



The second chapter presents review related literature, this chapter states about some theories related to the research. This part consist of: theoretical review, previous study, theoretical framework.

The third chapter explains about the method of the research investigation. The researcher particularly explain about research method, setting of the study, research design, classroom action research procedure, data collection technique, data analysis technique.

The next chapter is chapter four. It explains about the research findings and the intepretation of them.


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