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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

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Sarjana Pendidikan

Shirley Permata Sari 112006008






This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@ 2014. Shirley Permata Sari and Prof. Dr. Gusti Astika, M.A.

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University, Salatiga.




Shirley Permata Sari


This study aimed to investigate teacher‟s questioning strategies. This research used descriptive method and the data were collected and obtained from observation of class activity and the recordings of teacher‟s talk. Furthermore, the findings show that most of the time in the classroom, the teacher used descriptive questioning strategies. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that compare contrast questioning strategies were suitable to be applied in teaching junior high school students.

Keywords: Questioning strategies, Students‟ Skills, and Teacher‟s Talk.


It is believed that teachers play an important role in the students‟ learning process. Therefore, teachers need to consider some strategies when they teach their students. One of the teaching strategies is how teachers ask questions. Asking questions and leading classroom discussions can have a positive impact on student learning. However, the ways teachers ask questions to students in real classrooms in Indonesian settings await further attention.


there are many classrooms in which teachers rarely pose questions above the „read it and repeat it‟ level. Shaunessy (2005) says that most classrooms divergent

thinking is a nontraditional concept and occurs infrequently in most classrooms. In fact, it has been documented that teachers typically ask the 96 percent of the questions in a classroom environment (Graesser & Person, 1994). According to Thompson (1989), both teachers and students should be caught up in a “mode of inquiry”. In other words, teachers should play a role as guide to learning rather than as

an authority that dispenses questions and answers. Therefore, teachers are expected to be facilitators, which means they have to be able to support the students in learning progress, instead of being the only ones who in charge in classroom. The effect of the teacher as a learning guide will build students‟ confidence and bring comfort in a

learning process.

This study attempted to find out the questioning techniques that the English teacher used in SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. Hopefully, this knowledge about questioning strategies, as well as the classroom observation activity, could help teachers become skillful in using questions effectively and productively.

Literature Review

Usually, a teacher will ask questions to the students for measuring the students‟ knowledge, or to find out whether or not the students understand the subject


Furthermore, Hyman (1979) states that teachers develop a plan of action for strategic questioning. Educators should understand why they are asking particular questions so that the intended student outcome is considered when designing the questions. Because student teacher interaction is so complex and unpredictable, preliminary planning for a discussion or lesson is desirable. However, the teacher should not attempt to map out exactly which questions to pose at any specific moment. Rather, the teacher should be aware of the learning occurring, where the learning is headed based on student interaction, and how a specifically posed question may alter, enrich, or extend the situation. Thus, knowing when and why to ask the appropriate question is a skill to be honed by the teacher. Hyman (1979) recommends that teachers employ specific strategies when asking questions.

Theories of questioning

Dori and Herscovitz (1999) points out that questioning is a key to active and meaningful learning, and is the cornerstone of scientific enquiry. The formulation of a good question is also a creative act, and at the heart of what doing science is all about. Questions help us to make sense of the world, and to construct meaning from data and information. They are psychological tools for thinking as they help to explore and scaffold ideas, steer thinking in certain specific directions, and can advance students' understanding of scientific concepts and phenomena.


important role in engaging students' minds more actively. Such questions can help learners initiate a process of hypothesizing, predicting, thought-experimenting and explaining, thereby leading to a cascade of generative activity and helping them to acquire missing pieces of knowledge or resolve conflicts in their understanding (Chin , 2004). When students engage socially in talk and activity about shared problems or tasks, an individual's questions can also stimulate another group member to use these strategies and thinking processes. The questions embedded in the conversation of peer groups help learners‟ co-construct knowledge.

Types of Questions

There are several types of questions teachers can use to stimulate creative, critical, and higher level thinking. The most commonly recommended is the divergent thinking question that probes beyond the convergent, one correct answer question, thus allowing students to delve more deeply into an idea. Letzter (1982) says that teacher questions should be broad or open so that students will be free to respond with their own thoughts. Pollack (1988) argues, although the use of open ended questions may be somewhat threatening to the teacher because of the lack of guidelines in evaluating children‟s responses, teachers

should still strive to find meaningful and purposeful opportunities regularly for this line of inquiry. The goal is to encourage a learning environment that values the process of learning to arrive at answers, rather than just the answers themselves.


These questions encourage students to establish their own narrative and prioritize information. Usually these kinds of questions begin with such words or expressions such as: “tell”, “discuss”, “describe”, “illustrate”, and “show.”

2. Analysis Questions

These questions provide basic facts and call for sustained answers involving critical thinking. These questions begin with such words as:“why”, “how would you explain the fact that”, “prove”, “what is the importance of”, “how do you account for”, and “what is the meaning of.”

3. Evaluation Questions

These questions are structured like analysis questions but are based on quotations or statements. These questions begin with such words or expressions as “evaluate the statement that,” “what is meant by,” explain how.”

4. Compare / Contrast Questions

These questions call attention to common elements or major differences between ideas or arguments. These questions begin with such words or expressions as “compare,” “contrast,” “What is the difference,” “What is the similarity.”

5. Causal Relationship Questions

These questions may be used to show causal relationships or to determine whether such relationships exist. These questions begin with such words or expressions as, “what are the causes of,” “what connection is there,” “what are the results of.”

Similar to Chin‟s descriptive question, Gall (1984) defines the term fact


Gall (1984) concluded that emphasizes on fact questions is more effective for promoting young disadvantaged children‟s achievement, which primarily involves

mastery of basic skills; and emphasizes on higher cognitive questions is more effective for students of average and high ability especially when they enter high school, because they need to think independently. Furthermore, Gall (1984) states that both fact questions and higher cognitive questions are useful, but the purposes of those questions are different.

Research Question

This study was conducted to answer the following question:

 What are questioning strategies that the English teachers use for the students? Purpose of Research

The purpose of this study was to analyze the questioning strategies that the English teachers used to the 1st and 2nd grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. This study analyzed teachers‟ questioning strategies to find out problems

that might appear when teachers asked questions to their students. Significance of the Research


The Study

This study was a descriptive method. It described the teachers questioning strategies in class activities. This study applied several activities, for example recording the teachers‟ talk and taking notes for the class activities for the

observation purpose. This study‟s basic interest was to monitor teacher‟s questioning strategies. The data gathered were analyzed descriptively.

The Participants

The participants of the study were two English teachers who taught the 1st and 2nd grade students in SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. The teachers had more than three years experience in teaching English, which meant they had enough experiences in teaching English and dealing with the students in the school.

Research Instrument

This study aimed to analyze the questioning strategies that the English teachers used to the 1st and 2nd grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga. in order to the aim of the study, I used a recorder as an instrument to record the conversation during the time of teaching and learning process, that was used to collect the data.

Data Collection

In gathering the data of this study, I recorded the teacher‟s talk with a

recording tool and took notes for anything important related to the classroom conditions and teacher‟s talk. The ones that need to be paid attention to are the


Data Analysis Procedure

The analysis was based on Chin‟s questioning strategies (2004) that are

covered in the discussion. First I recorded the teachers‟ talk and transcribed them. The second step was identifying the types of the questions. Then I put the questions into the table. The last step was analyzing the data and interpreting the data based on Chin‟s questioning strategies (2004). From the research, I found out the questioning

strategies that were used by the teacher. It was probable that the teacher used various different questioning strategies, because the teachers had their own reasons for using those questioning strategies.

Finding and Discussion

This study attempted to find out the research question “What are questioning strategies that the English teachers used for the students?” I would analyze the data

that have been obtained through observation class activity in SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga.

Based on the observation class activity, the teacher‟s questions could be classified into five question categories based on Chin‟s questioning strategies (2004)

as can be seen in table 1.

Types of Question

Table 1

No Types of Questions Frequency Percentage


2 Analysis Questions 5 7.94%

3 Compare / Contrast Questions 3 4.76%

4 Evaluation Questions 1 1.59%

5 Causal Relationship Questions - -

Total 63 100%

According to the observation activities, most of the questions were the descriptive questions. As the Table 1 shows, there were 85.71% of descriptive questions used in the class during the observation. The rest of the questions were analysis questions, 7.94%, compare contrast questions, 4.76%, and evaluation question, 1.59%of the total questions. However, as seen in the table, the causal relationship questions did not appear in the class activities during observation.

Descriptive Questioning Strategies

In this questioning strategy, students were only asked to recall information. This strategy was the same as fact question categories from Gall (1984) which also required students to recall previously presented information, as in utterance 17, when the teacher asked “What is the meaning of nuclear family?” In utterance 17, the teacher wanted to measure the students‟ knowledge about the nuclear family. As it


with Gall, but Chin used different terms for this kind of question, descriptive questions. As it has been mentioned earlier, the knowledge level of questions only needs to recall students‟ answers.

It can thus be suggested that the teacher used knowledge level questions not frequently, because they taught students in junior high school. Junior high school students were expected to think in higher cognitive level, unlike the students in elementary school. In other words, they should be given questions that stimulate students to think creatively and modify their answers. However, the knowledge level of questions was also necessary for the students, since it expected the awareness of students to pay attention to the teacher. The students only need to answer the question based on the knowledge that they have already known. For example, in utterance 11, the teacher asked “Plural and singular forms. Apa itu?” The students automatically

recalled their memories based on their knowledge or their experiences.

Based on the graphic bar below, it can be concluded that “tell” were used

more frequently than the others. However, the further explanation with the differences among tell, discuss, describe, illustrate and show can be seen in appendix table 3 page 32.

0 5 10 15 20 25


Based on The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000), tell means express in words with the short explanation, as for example “Do

you know speaking?” This means the speaker expects short explanation from the

person he or she asks. On the other hand, Discuss means to talk with others in an effort to reach agreement. For example, “ Siapa yang tau simple present tense itu bentuknya seperti apa? Terdiri dari apa saja?”

Describe is often used when we try to visualize something, for example “Today we are going to make a card. Do you know card? Card itu opo?”

Furthermore, Illustrate means to clarify as by use of examples or comparisons, for instance “Dalam kondisi yang seperti apa verbnya tidak ditambah dengan s/es?”

While Show can have the meaning of to point out to make it clear, as in this example “Mr. Smith itu siapa? Posisi yang paling atas itu posisimu apa orang tuamu?”

Analysis Questioning Strategies

The second questioning strategy found in this thesis study was analysis questioning strategies. In this questioning strategies, students were asked to put information in another form. It required using independently generated data or a new direction or perspective on a given topic. Chin (2004) called this kind of question as action questions, because the questions always ask the students to predict the outcome, as in utterance 2, when the teacher asked “Kalau misalnya cats (like) milk. Yang bener bagaimana?” By asking this question, the teacher expected the students to

predict the outcome by changing the sentence into good sentence with good grammar. Another example of analysis questioning strategies could be seen in the utterance 6, “Kalau sisternya lebih dari satu bagaimana? Ditambah huruf apa?” The teacher was


the clue she gave. The students were expected to answer the question with a full sentence by using the proper grammar. It was the same with the utterance 3, when the teacher asked ”Kenapa kok bukan likes?” The teacher wanted to stimulate the

students to be active in thinking process. Moreover, at this level of question, students were asked to apply known facts to solve a problem and it also had potential to stimulate higher level thinking. By using this kind of question, students would be stimulated to think in higher level thinking. Moreover, it required students‟ perspective on a given topic.

Evaluation Questioning Strategies

In this questioning strategy, the students were expected to reason their answers. It can be seen from utterance 1 from the evaluation questioning, “Sudah tau

ya bedanya? Coba kalau yang ini bagaimana? “The sun (rise) every morning.”Yang bener bagaimana? “The sun is rising every morning” atau “The sun rises every morning?” Based on the previous question, it seems that teacher wanted to correct the students‟ answer. In other words, when the students answered the previous question

inappropriately, the teacher gave clue to them by asking that question. Obviously, the teacher did not want to judge the answer as right or wrong. Instead, the teacher gave clue to the students by giving another question to think, so the students would be stimulated to think their answers again. The student might think a covert or overt response to the teacher‟s question depending on what happens next. If the teacher


Compare / Contrast Questioning strategies

In this questioning strategy, the teachers asked the questions that call attention to common elements or major differences between ideas or arguments. The Cause and Effect strategy systematically analyzed and evaluated the relationship of two or more subjects. The comparison was a process that shown how subjects were alike (similarities), while the contrast was the process of showing how subjects were unlike (differences). In this situation, students were expected to think critically and to find out the differences, as in utterance 3 “Sebenarnya secara grammatical dua-duanya

benar. Tidak ada yang salah.Tetapi yang benar tetap yang kedua.Kenapa?Ada yang bisa menjelaskan?” By analyzing the two similar things and finding the differences,

the students could be stimulated to think the right answer.

In addition, based on the observation, Chin‟s causal relationship questioning

strategy did not appear in the classroom. The teacher did not ask this kind of question during the teaching learning activities.


From the observation class activities that were done it could be concluded that the teachers used descriptive questioning strategy most frequently in teaching. Theoretically, by using descriptive questions the teacher could dig into the students‟


After conducting this study, I would like to give some suggestions related to the questioning strategies. First, compare contrast questioning strategies should be applied more often in teaching students in junior high school, because it has the potential to stimulate higher-level thinking. For example, when the teacher asked the students about the differences between nuclear family and extended family, the students were forced to think about the two things which have a common thing. Basically, a nuclear family and extended family is the same, the only difference is the members of the family. Therefore, it should make the students to think harder about the differences of nuclear family and extended family.

Second, the teachers should give students more chances to explain their answers because the first answers usually are superficial. For instance, from the observation class activity, the teacher asked the student “Do you know habits?” and the student answered “Yes.” However, the teacher did not give the student a chance to explain why he answered “yes”, instead they explained about the meaning of

habits. Based on the observation of the class activity, the teacher did most of the talking and reasoning instead of the student.





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Dori, J. and Herscovitz, O. (1999).Question posing capability as an alternative evaluation method.New York: Longman.

Feldhusen, J. (1994). Thinking skills and curriculum development. In J. V. T. (Ed.). Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Gall, M. D. (1984).Synthesis of Research on Teachers’ Questioning. Illinois: Charles C Thomas Publisher.

Gallagher, J. J. (1985). Teaching the gifted child . Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Gallagher, J. J., & Gallagher, S. A. (1994). Teaching the gifted child. Boston:

Allyn and Bacon.


Harcourt, H. (2000). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Houghton and Mifflin Company.

Letzter, F. (1982). Meeting the special needs of the gifted and creative student in the world history classroom. New York: Mckay.

Pollack, H. (1988).Questioning strategies to encourage critical thinking.NewYork: Wiley.

Shaunessy, E. (2005). Questioning Strategies for Teaching the Gifted. Texas: Prufrock Press Inc.

Strasser, B. (1967). The use of questions as an aspect of a teacher’s behavior. New York: Wiley.

Thompson, R. (1989). Learning to question in R. A. Neff and M. Weimer (eds). Classroom Communication: Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and Questioning. London: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.




Date : September 13th 2013

Grade : 7th grade (7C) Number of students : 24 students

Teacher : Mrs. X

Topic : Daily Activities (Family)

• Do you know daily activities? Apa itu? Aktifitas?Ke?Kegiatan.Daily?se?

sehari-hari.. okay. (1)

• Lalu kita juga akan belajar tentang speaking. Do you know speaking?

Berbicara (2)

• Talking about habits. Do you know habits? Kebiasaan. (3)

• Language focus. Language focus itu struktur nya atau tata bahasanya? (4) • Talking about family life. Do you know family? (5)

• Asking for information. Dou you know information? (6) • So asking for information? Menanyakan informasi. Okay. (7) • Now let‟s go to grammar points. Grammar itu apa? (8)

• Simple present tense dulu waktu SD pasti sudah di ajarkan. Apa itu? Kalimat bentuk? Bi…? Biasa.. (9)

• Adverb of frequency? Keterangan frequency.Pernah dengar dalam bahasa

Indonesia? (10)


• Plural and singular forms. Apa itu? Plural ki opo? (12) • Kalau singular? Apa? (13)

• Countable and uncountable noun apa itu? (14)

• Okay, now let‟s go to family words. Do you know family? (15)

• Our lesson today is about family. There are two kinds of family. Apa saja?


• Yaaaa…. Extended family dan nuclear family. What is extended family? (17) • Siapa yang tau apa itu extended family? (18)

• Ndak ada yang tau?

• Extended family itu artinya keluarga besar. Lha kalau nuclear family itu apa?


• What is the difference between nuclear family and extended family? (20) • Heeee? Keluarga nuklir?ya bukan to ya. (21)

• Nuclear family is keluarga inti. Keluarga inti itu terdiri dari siapa saja to? (22) • Ah mosok ndak ada yang tau to? Keluarga inti itu ya mother, father, and


• Lha kalau extended family tadi terdiri dari siapa saja? Kok diem? Ya

selainnya mother, father, and children to ya.Siapa saja? (23)

• Iyaaaa… grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, niece, cousin, nephew

• Di sini, tugas kalian adalah mengkategorikan itu masuk di N or E. N itu opo?


• E itu apa? (25)


• Mother? E or N? (28)

• Grand children? E or N?grand children itu apa to? (29) • Son? What is son? (30)

• Jadi son itu E apa N? (31) • Niece. What is niece? (32) • Niece itu E apa N? (33)

• My brother‟s daughter is my …… itu berarti artinya gimana? Daughter itu apa? Kalau brother? “‟s” di situ artinya apa to? Jadi my brother‟s daughter itu

artinya apa? Anak perempuannya kakak laki-laki saya. Lha anak perempuannya kakak laki-laki saya itu siapa?Apa namanya in English? (34) • Dah lainnya lanjutkan sendiri. Yang sudah selesai boleh come forward and

write it in the black board. Buat yang maju, you will get the point. Iya iya aja. Opo jal artinya you will get the point?

• Okay..lets check.lhooooo… wife itu artinya apa to? Lha kalau father? Berarti kalau my father‟s wife itu apa artinya? Papa nya istri saya apa istrinya papa

saya? Ayo ah di cek lagi.Ndak asal ngerjakan. (35)

(Then the students come forward to do the rest of the task and check it whether it is true or false and ask the students to write the correct answer in the blackboard)

• Ini bener apa salah jawabannya? Yang bener apa? (36)



Date : September 13th 2013

Grade : 8th grade (8C) Number of students : 23 students

Teacher : Mrs. X

Topic : Plants and Animals

(The students are already had the meaning of the text from the previous meeting. And now they are reading the text about proboscis monkey all together. The teacher‟s goal

is just to make sure that the students can pronounce each word correctly, because they are the 8th grade students.)

• No no no no..bukan “son” bacanya… tapi apa? (37) “soon” kalau bahasa Indonesia tulisannya “sun”. huruf double o itu kalau dalam bahasa inggris bacanya “u”

• Bukan “monkey” ya bacanya..ndak dibaca plek sama hurufnya gitu.. gimana

bacanya yg bener? (38)

(in this session the students are given an opportunity to work in group to make a poster, and the theme is “go green”)

• Okay students.. Please make a group of three. And choose your group member by yourself. Lha kok apa tu ma‟am? Buat grup, satu grupnya terdiri dari tiga


• Sudah selesai buat grupnya. Do you still have spare paper to be submitted to

me? okay, kalau gitu tulis ketua grup dan anggotanya in your paper and give it to me when you finish. Ki Mrs. X ngomong gini mudeng ga artinya apa? (40)


Date : September 16th 2013

Grade : 8th grade (8B) Number of students : 24 students

Teacher : Mrs. X

Topic : Go Green Poster

• Tugas kalian sama dengan kelas sebelumnya, yaitu make a poster, temanya go

green. Berarti tugas kalian apa? Tentang apa? Sudah tau ya apa saja yang harus kalian lakukan? Pertama buat kelompok in a group of three.Berarti satu kelompok berapa orang?

• Kira-kira buat poster isinya tiga orang butuh waktu berapa lama? Satu minggu

apa dua minggu?

• Sekarang move on the next page. Di situ ada bacaan yang punya banyak

difficult words.Apa itu difficult words? (41)

• Di halaman berapa Intan? Ngerti ndak kamu kita belajarnya sudah sampai


• Sampai halaman berapa? Sebelahnya Intan itu siapa?Kamu juga tau ndak kita


(The teacher mentions all of the difficult words and the students are announced to prepare their ruler and pencil to underline the difficult words mention by the teacher. After that the students are announced to find the meaning of the difficult words from the dictionary.)


Date : September 16th 2013

Grade : 7th grade (7A) Number of students : 26 students

Teacher : Mrs. X

Topic : Making Cards

• Today we are going to make a card. Do you know card? Card itu opo? (42) • What is Easter card? Kartu apa? Easter tu apa to? Jadi Easter card tu apa? (43) • Okay terus ada anniversary card. Apa itu anniversary card? (44)

• Condolences card. Apa itu condolences card? Kartu apa? Fungsinya buat apa?


• Ada lagi graduation card. What is graduation card? Kartu apa itu? ( 46 )

• Naaaaa… dari banya kartu itu, please make one of them. Do you understand?


• I give you a week to do. Do you know a week? A week itu satu minggu.Cukup

ya waktunya?

• You may draw or download from internet. Do you know how to download


• Any question about your home work? Ada yang mau ditanyakan? • Iya, bisa cari di google. Tau google kan?

• Terus tugasnya yang kemarin mana? Kok belum ada yang ngumpulkan? • Yang tentang family tree? Apa jangan-jangan belum pada buat ya?

• Ya sudah, sekarang di buat dulu family treenya. Kemarin Mrs. X bilangnya

suruh buat family tree yang nuclear family apa yang extended family hayo? Lupa juga ndak?

• Kalau family tree itu posisi yang paling atas itu posisimu apa orang tuamu?

Gitu aja kok tanya. (49)

(The students have submitted their family tree. This is the next family tree reading based on the hand book.)

• Mr. Smith tu siapa? Posisinya apa dalam keluarga? (50)

• Lah kalau Mr. and Mrs. Smith itu parentsnya berarti ditaruh diposisi yang

mana? (51)

• Ayo ni dikerjakan dulu. Bisa ndak?

• Yang ini masih belum bener. Ni siapa yang mengerjakan? Di betulkan dulu tu

(go to the next page)

• Sekarang waktunya kalian boleh jalan-jalan kesana sini. Tapi untuk asking for

information ke teman-teman sekelas. Informationnya apa? (52) • How many………? How many itu artinya apa? (53) • How many brothers do you have? Naaa gitu cara bertanyanya. • Kalau punya, jawabnya apa? (54)

• Noooo bukan hanya one aor two saja. Harus lengkap. Bagaimana cara


• Siapa yang tau? Lha kok ndak ada yang tau?Mau dapet poin ndak? • Kalau yang punya jawabnya yes… yes apa? (56)

• Kalau tidak punya jawabnya yes apa no? no apa? (57) • Do you understand?

• Finish?

• Ardi, do you want to try to read aloud the result in front of the class? • Who want to try?

• Who else? Siapa lagi?


Date : September 17th 2013

Grade : 7th grade (7A) Number of students : 25 students

Teacher : Mr. Y

Topic : Simple Present Tense

• Simple present tense itu fungsinya untuk apa to? Untuk menjelaskan apa?

Kejadian yang sedang terjadi atau untuk menerangkan kejadian yg biasa terjadi seperti itu? (58)

• Siapa yang tau simple present tense itu bentuknya seperti apa? Terdiri dari apa

saja? (59)


• Dalam kondisi yang seperti apa verbnya tidak ditambah dengan s/es? Coba

bandingkan dengan yang diberi s! (61)

• Kalau ditambah s/es subjectnya in third person. Artinya apa itu? (62) • Orang ketiga tunggal itu siapa saja? (63)

• Yang di tambah s kalau yang bagaimana verbnya? (64) • Kalau yang di tambah es kalau yang bagaimana? (65)

• Itu pelajaran di SD ya saya kira. Di SD sudah perrnah di ajarkan to seperti itu? • Sekarang kalau verb nya “have”. Apa itu have? Artinya apa? (66)

• Kalau I? have apa has? (67) • Kalau we? (68)

• Kalau they? (69) • Kalau she? (70) • Kalau he? (71)

• Kalau misalnya cats (like) milk. Yang bener bagaimana? (72) • Kenapa kok bukan likes? (73)

• Sudah tau ya bedanya?

• coba kalau yang ini bagaimana? “The sun (rise) every morning.”Yang bener

bagaimana? (74)

• “The sun is rising every morning” atau “The sun rises every morning”? (75) • Sebenarnya secara grammatical dua-duanya benar. Tidak ada yang

salah.Tetapi yg benar tetap yang ke dua.Kenapa?Ada yang bisa menjelaskan? (76)

• Baik kalau sudah mengerti perbedaannya, sekarang coba dikerjakan sendiri



Date : September 17th 2013

Grade : 7th grade (7C) Number of students : 24 students

Teacher : Mr. Y

Topic : Daily Activities (Family)

• Kemarin sama Mrs. X pelajarannya sudah sampai mana? • Siapa yang mau membaca paragraph pertama?

• Paragraph kedua siapa ini?

• Kita kerjakan family tree nya bersama-sama ya..Mr. Smith nya kita letakkan

dimana anak-anak? (77) • Mrs. Smith?

• Harry?

• Jody?

• July?

• Mr. Edward? • Mrs. Edward?

• Sekarang tugasnya kalian bertanya kepada teman kalian tentang berapa


• Siapa yang mau duluan? Atau urut nomor aja ya, biar semuanya dapat giliran. • Lha kalian sudah tau belum bagaimana cara bertanyanya?

• How many sister do you have, Siska? (78) • Lalu Siska harus menjawab bagaimana? (79)

• Kalau Siska hanya punya one sister, Siska harus menjawab “I have one sister”


• Na ini Kiki tugasnya melaporkan kepada saya, bagaimana cara


• Siska has one sister and no brother. Begitu ya? • Tau ga kenapa has kok bukan have? (80)

• Kalau sister nya lebih dari satu harus bagaimana? Ditambah huruf apa? (81) Baik. Let‟s start. Number one Intan… (…till the last number)

Table 2

2. Do you know speaking? 3. Do you know habits?


Descriptive Questions Analysis

16. What is extended family? 17. What is the meaning of

nuclear family? 18. Keluarga inti itu terdiri

dari siapa saja to? 25. Niece. What is niece? 26. Lha anak perempuannya

kakak laki-laki saya itu siapa? Apa namanya in English?

27. Berarti kalau my father‟s wife itu apa artinya? Papa nya istri saya apa istrinya papa saya?


Descriptive Questions Analysis

35. Ada lagi graduation card. What is graduation card? Kartu apa itu?

36. Do you know how to download from internet? 37. Kalau family tree itu

posisi yang paling atas

40. Simple present tense itu fungsinya untuk apa to? Untuk menjelaskan apa? 41. Siapa yang tau simple

present tense itu 45. Orang ketiga tunggal itu

siapa saja?

46. Yang di tambah s kalau yang bagaimana verbnya?


Descriptive Questions Analysis


No Tell Discuss Describe Illustrate Show

dalam bahasa Indonesia?

14 bukan “son”

bacanya… tapi apa?

Sekarang kalau verb nya “have”. Apa itu have? Artinya apa?

15 Dan anggota

grupnya choose by yourself. Artinya apa tu?

16 Kalau I? have apa has?

17 Kalau we


18 Kalau they?

19 Kalau she? Have

apa has?

20 Kalau he?



Table 1 No
table 3 page 32.
Table 2 Evaluation Compare / Contrast Causal
No Table 3 Tell Discuss Describe


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