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The Indonesian translation of Hagrid`s expressions in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer`s stone.


Academic year: 2017

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ADYATMIKA, RISA. The Indonesian translation of Hagrid’s expressions in

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This under graduate thesis is about the strategy used by the translator to translate Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone into good Indonesian. In this thesis the focus is Hagrid’s speech since they are not in proper English and those who did not understand may find difficulties to understand the meaning.

There are at least two problems that need to be analyzed, first what are Hagrid’s expressions translated into Indonesian and second what are the method applied to translate Hagrid’s expressions into Indonesian.

In the problem solving for the first and second problems the translator conducted a Library Research to collect data for Hagrid’s expressions are translated into Indonesian language and what methods are applied to translate it into Indonesian, it is used to find what methods used by the translator to translate Hagrid’s expressions on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and other extra methods used by the translator other than the main methods used by the translator.



ADYATMIKA, RISA. The Indonesian translation of Hagrid’s expressions in

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris,

Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015

Thesis ini mengenai strategi yang dipakai oleh Pengalih Bahasa (Penerjemah) untuk menterjemahkan Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar. Didalam thesis ini yang menjadi fokus utama adalah percakapan Hagrid yang tidak mengikuti tata Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai sehingga sulit untuk memahaminya.

Setidaknya ada dua masalah yang akan dianalisa, pertama adalah Hagrid’s expressions di translasikan ke Bahasa Indonesia menjadi apa, Kedua metode apa sajakah yang digunakan untuk menterjemahkan Hagrid’s expressions ke Bahasa Indonesia.

Di dalam masalah pertama dan kedua penulis melakukan Library Research untuk mengumpulkan data Hagrid’s expressions yang harus di translasikan ke Bahasa Indonesia dan bagaimana cara translator mentranslasikannya ke Bahasa Indonesia, untuk menemukan metode apa yang digunakan oleh translator untuk menterjemahkan Hagrid’s expressions di dalam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone dan metode extra lainnya yang digunakan oleh translator disamping metode utama.







Presented as P arti al Ful fill ment of t he R equirem ent s For t he Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in Englis h Lett ers


Risa Adyatmika Student Number: 084214104











Presented as P arti al Ful fill ment of t he R equirem ent s For t he Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in Englis h Lett ers


Risa Adyatmika Student Number: 084214104







I certify that this undergraduate thesis contain no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, September 10, 2015





Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Risa Adyatmika

Nomor Mahasiswa : 084214104

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul






Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royality kepada saya selama tetap mencantumpak nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 10 September 2015

Yang menyatakan



Knowledge is a weapon You can use it to do harm




First of all I would like to thank the people who always supporting me. I

am thankful to my Lord Allah SWT who helps me to finish my thesis.

My thanks also go to my thesis advisor Harris Hermansyah S., S.S.,

M.Hum and Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum who guided me through the time

and have been helpful in giving counsel for me in finishing this thesis, and given several essential inputs for this thesis.

My deep thanks and gratitude go to my Mother and Father I give special

thanks to Mbak Ninik and to English Letters Teaching Staff and SAC staff who

have been very helpful.

Special thanks for my friends Benediktus Purnomo, Ferdinandus Giovanni

Kusuma Leonheart, Rachel Herlina Retnoningsih, Tan Michael Chandra and

many more of my friends that I cannot write down and not forget my thanks to my

laptop that helps finish my paper in time.









MOTTO PAGE ……….…….. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ……….…... viii



ABSTRACT ………. xii

ABSTRAK ……….…… xiii


A. Background of the Study ……… 1

B. Problem Formulation ……….… 3

C. Objectives of the Study ……….… 3

D. Definition of Terms ……….. 4


A. Review of Related Studies ……… 5

B. Review of Related Theories ……….. 6

C. Theoretical Framework ………. 16


A. Area of Research ……….. 18

B. Object of the Study ……….. 18

C. Method of the Study ……… 18

D. Research Procedure ……….. 19


A. What are Hagrid’s expressions translated into Indonesian…… 22

B. The methods applied to translate Hagrid’s expression into Indonesian ……….. 32

1. Word-for-word ……….. 32

2. Literal Translation ……….. 37

3. Faithfull Translation ……… 40

4. Deletion strategy………. 45

5. Addition strategy ……… 49








ADYATMIKA, RISA. The Indonesian translation of Hagrid’s expressions in

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This under graduate thesis is about the strategy used by the translator to translate Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone into good Indonesian. In this thesis the focus is Hagrid’s speech since they are not in proper English and those who did not understand may find difficulties to understand the meaning.

There are at least two problems that need to be analyzed, first what are Hagrid’s expressions translated into Indonesian and second what are the method applied to translate Hagrid’s expressions into Indonesian.

In the problem solving for the first and second problems the translator conducted a Library Research to collect data for Hagrid’s expressions are translated into Indonesian language and what methods are applied to translate it into Indonesian, it is used to find what methods used by the translator to translate Hagrid’s expressions on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and other extra methods used by the translator other than the main methods used by the translator.



ADYATMIKA, RISA. The Indonesian translation of Hagrid’s expressions in

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris,

Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015

Thesis ini mengenai strategi yang dipakai oleh Pengalih Bahasa (Penerjemah) untuk menterjemahkan Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar. Didalam thesis ini yang menjadi fokus utama adalah percakapan Hagrid yang tidak mengikuti tata Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai sehingga sulit untuk memahaminya.

Setidaknya ada dua masalah yang akan dianalisa, pertama adalah Hagrid’s expressions di translasikan ke Bahasa Indonesia menjadi apa, Kedua metode apa sajakah yang digunakan untuk menterjemahkan Hagrid’s expressions ke Bahasa Indonesia.

Di dalam masalah pertama dan kedua penulis melakukan Library Research untuk mengumpulkan data Hagrid’s expressions yang harus di translasikan ke Bahasa Indonesia dan bagaimana cara translator mentranslasikannya ke Bahasa Indonesia, untuk menemukan metode apa yang digunakan oleh translator untuk menterjemahkan Hagrid’s expressions di dalam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone dan metode extra lainnya yang digunakan oleh translator disamping metode utama.




A. Background of the study

Language is an interesting thing to study whether it is written or spoken

the Harry Potters novels are not an exception, the writer have a keen sense to put

various accent from around the world in his novels. Hagrid for example, he speaks

using Old English that for some people might be hard to understand what he is

saying, in the first Harry Potter novels, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone, he

is talking using Old English. The writer is interested in him not because he is big,

he caught the writers attention because he is talking using old English and to be

frank it is kind of hard to understand what he is talking about even if the readers

are English, if people from English speaking nation had difficulties to understand

how about people that come from non-English speaking nation.

Translating someone speaking style is difficult, not only the translator

must understand the language used but also finding the correct methods to

translate the language used by certain character Hagrid for example when he is

speaking using Old English, some people might be hard to understand what he is

saying for example on page 14 of the first Harry Potter novels he is talking using

Old English, he often changes the pronunciation, omits some letters and so on. To

give some idea how Hagrid talks here is some example of Hagrid‟s expression:

“You-Know-Who killed „em. An‟ then --- an‟ this is the real mist‟ry of the thing


he just liked kilin‟ by then. But he couldn‟t do it. Never wondered how you got

that mark on yer forehead? That was no ordinary cut. That‟s what yeh get when a

powerful, evil curse touches yeh --- took care of yer mum an‟ dad an‟ yer house

house, even --- but it didn‟t work on you, an‟ that‟s why yer famous, Harry. No

one ever lived after he decided ter kill „em, no one except you, an‟ he‟d killed

some o‟ the best witches an‟ wizards of the age --- the McKinnons, the bones, the

Prewetts --- an‟ you was only a baby, an‟ you lived.” (Harry Potter and the

sorceres stone, Page 55)

After reading sentences above the writer hardly understand Hagrid‟s

sentence. If the writer is unable to understand then imagine the translator‟s work

to translate Hagrid‟s exspression in Harry Potter‟s entire novel, From the Source

Texts into Target Texts for all of Harry Potter‟s series included other character

that had foreign accent. For the translator to convert those Hagrid‟s exspression to

the target language they must know the translation strategies and also theory of

Exspression to convert Hagrid‟s expression into a text that is understandable to

the readers, like this for example


“Anyway -- Harry,” “a very happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh here -- I

mighta sat on it at some point, but it ll taste all right.”


Yang jelas Harry, selamat ulang tahun untukmu, selamat panjang umur. Bawa


The example text above shows the translator‟s work in translating

Hagrid‟s expression.

Sometimes it is interesting to know how one‟s expressions can be

translated into other language, sometimes it is hard to understand yet sometime it

is easy to understand the meaning, the hard part is that it is in different word, same

as deciding on how the translation should be written, the translator have at least

two ways on how to write the translation of the work written as it is (above) or

written differently using different methods. The translator must choose one

method and stick with it from the beginning till the end of the work or use more

than one method to translate the work to gain the best result.

B. Problem Formulation

For the discussion, there are several problems which are formulated as


1. What are Hagrid‟s expressions translated into Indonesian?

2. What are the methods applied to translate Hagrid‟s expression into


C. Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to find out the methods used by the translator

to translate Hagrid‟s expressions word, also to determine if the translated word fit


used by the translator to translate Harry Potter and sorcerer’s stone from English

into Indonesian language.

D. Definitions of terms

Equivalent Effect: equivalent effect is the same effect (or one as close as possible)

on the readership of the translation as was obtained on the readership of the

original (1988)

Translation: based on dictionary it means to change words (of one language) to

other language.

Translation methods: it means a way on how to translate words (of one language)

to other language. The lists below are the methods of translation.

Word-for-word translation the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly.

Literal translation: the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents.

Faithful translation: it attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning.

Semantic translation: differs from 'faithful translation' only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value.

Adaptation: which is the freest form of translation.

Free translation: it produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original.

Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the 'message' of the original.





A. Review of Related Studies

In this study I try to figure out the strategy and method used by the

translator to translate Hagrid‟s exspression into Indonesian without losing its

meaning, the study is mainly focused on Hagrid‟s speech that are translated into

Indonesian language.

There is one undergraduate thesis written by Rianantang, entitled

“Classification of translation strategies of pure idioms in the translation of

Pramoedya‟s ‟ Rumah Kaca into House of Glass by Max Lane” the student is

analyzing what the translation strategies used to translate pure idioms in the

translation Pramoedya‟s RumahKaca into House of Glass. In his under graduate

thesis he explains about the translation of an idiom, there are three strategies,

using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning

but dissimilar form and translation by paraphrase.

The study above focused on analyzing the translation strategies used to

translate pure idioms in the translation, while the writer focused on the methods

used by the translator to translate Hagrid‟s expression.

Another study is written by Evi Susanti. In her study entitled “Translation accuracy based on the translation strategies in translating names and terms related to plant in Andrea Hirata‟s Laskar Pelangi into The Rainbow Troops” focuses on how accurate the translation of the terms is related to the novel based on


Another study in relation to this research is an undergraduate thesis of

Indah, entitled “The Study on Cultural Untranslatability: the Accuracy, the

Acceptability, and the Translation Strategies in Translating the Joy Luck Club into

Perkumpulan Kebahagiaan dan Keberuntungan”. She explains about the readers‟ cultural background which affects the acceptability of Chinese


The study above focused on the Accuracy, the Acceptability, and the

Translation Strategies in Translating the Joy Luck Club into Perkumpulan

Kebahagiaan dan Keberuntungan, while the writer focused on the methods used by the translator to translate Hagrid‟s expression.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. The Definition of Translation

There are some definitions in translations. According to Nida, translation

means to reproduce the equivalence meaning from source to target language, the

equivalence of the Source and the target must be as close as possible I terms of

natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style, it is used to increase the “Equivalence” of the meaning

of the words as close as possible to the source texts. According to Newmark in

Rudi Hartono, the translation meaning of a text is rendered by the author into


“decide” the meaning of the transferring thoughts and message from the source

language to the target language. From the definition above, the term

“equivalence” means that context, though, or message of both sources must close

in terms of “equivalent meaning and style” since the reader maybe have some

experience with the Source Language could be confused if the source language

influence the target language.

In order to make clear meaning, the result of the translation must transfer

the meaning from the source language to target language clearly, what it means is

the reader can easily understand the expected meaning of the target language. The

readable of the translation is needed because it makes reader understand the

content of the translation text.

2. The kinds of translation

There are differences and similarities in translation and certain strategy

have their own characteristic. What it means that one text cannot be translated as

it is but needed a different strategy, one translation method may proofed more

useful than other translation strategy in translating a certain text, as Newmark

states that translation methods to translate a text are using translation procedure

for sentences and smaller unit of language.

There are at least three types of written translation by Roman Jakobson,


1. Intralingual translation: translation within the same language, which can

involve rewording or paraphrase

2. Interlingual translation: translation from one language to another,

3. Intersemiotic translation: translation of the verbal sign by non verbal sign for

example music or image.

There is various kind of translation, they are word for word translation,

free translation, literal translation, dynamic translation, pragmatic translation,

aesthetic-poetic translation, ethnographic translation, linguistic translation

communicative translation and semantic translation.

3. The Process of Translation

To put it simply it is the activity of translation, the translator use a guide in

translating text from the source language into the target language. In translation

the translator must follow the three steps of translation they are; analyzing the

texts of source language, transfer the source text meaning into target language and

finally restructuring the grammar, meaning and other translation strategies into

target language.

C. Translation Accuracy

In The Theory and Practice of Translation by Nida and Taber, accuracy

can be determined by judging the extent to which the response of the receptor is


means that context, though, or message of both sources must close in terms of

“equivalent meaning and style” since the reader maybe have some experience

with the Source Language could be confused if the source language influence the

target language.

The very first stage of translation is the analysis, the translator read the

text to determine the grammatical relationship and meaning of the word. In

transfer stage, the translator makes some notes to be used in analyzing the text to

transfer the right meaning of source language and in to target language and when

it is restructured to make final message it is acceptable in receptor language.

D. Translation Equivalence

What it means with equivalence is that the languages describe the same

situation by different stylistic or structural means, here for example an American

idiom “Apple does not fall far from the tree” translated into Indonesian as “Air

cucuran jatuhnya ke pelimbahan juga” it means the same thing in both language as

A child grows up to be similar to its parents, both in behavior and in physical

characteristics, since both language have the same meaning for the idiom it will be


There are types of equivalence defined by Nida, which are also called two basic


E. Formal correspondence

It focuses attention on the message itself, in both of form and content.

Once is concerned that the message in the receptor language should match as

closely as possible the different elements in the source language.

F. Dynamic equivalence

In dynamic equivalence the relationship of the receptor and the message

should considerably equal in terms of the message conveyed for example

Indonesian word of “kamar mandi” cannot simply translated as “toilet” or “rest room” in English since it has different meaning or “Padi, gabah, and nasi”

(Indonesia) it may translated as “Rice Paddy (padi) and Rice (Nasi)” but what

about “gabah” what it translated as?. At this time the translator should use

adaptations technique of lexicon, and of cultural reference to be essential in order

to achieve naturalness.

Vinay and Darbelnet sees that equivalent-oriented translation should

replicate the same situation as in the original, even if using different word to

replace “lost” meaning. Equivalence is viewed as “the ideal” method to translate

or when the translator deals with proverbs, idioms, clichés, nominal or adjectival


Jakobson‟s theory „translation involves two equivalent messages in two different

codes‟, in translating diverse language, the grammatical point of view, may differ

either greatly or lesser degree of differences but it doesn‟t mean that the

translation is not possible, it still can be done but the translator may face a

problem of not finding the equivalent translation for the target language.

An extremely interesting discussion of the notion equivalent can be found

in baker who seems to offer more detail list of conditions upon which the concept

equivalent can be defined at different levels as follow:

1. Equivalence that can appear at word level. Baker gives a definition of the

term word since it should be remembered that a single word can be

regarded as being a more complex unit or morpheme and it discuss about

lexical meaning.

2. Above word level equivalence, when translating from one language into

another. In this section, the translator concentrates on the type of lexical

pattering, they are collocation, idioms, and fixed expression.

3. Grammatical equivalence, when referring to the diversity of grammatical

categories across languages. Baker focuses on number, tense and aspects,

voice, person and gender. In the process of translation; such differences

between SL and the TL often imply some change in the information

content. When the SL has a grammatical category that the TL lacks, this


other hand, if it is the target language that lacks a category, the change can

take the form of omission.

4. Textual equivalence when referring to the equivalence between a SL text

and a TL text in terms of thematic and information structure.She also adds

the discussion in this section about cohesion.

5. Pragmatic equivalence, when referring to implicaturs and strategies of

avoidance during the translation process.

The study of proper principle of translation is termed as translation theory.

This theory, based on a solid foundation on understanding of how languages

work, translation theory recognizes that different languages encode meaning in

differing forms, yet guides translators to find appropriate ways of preserving

meaning, while using the most appropriate forms of each language. Translation

theory includes principles for translating figurative language, dealing with lexical

mismatches, rhetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers, and many other

topics crucial to good translation. Basically there are two competing theories of

translation. In one, the predominant purpose is to express as exactly as possible

the full force and meaning of every word and turn of phrase in the original, and in

the other the predominant purpose is to produce a result that does not read like a

translation at all, but rather moves in its new dress with the same ease as in its

native rendering. In the hands of a good translator neither of these two approaches


Conventionally, it is suggested that in order to perform their job successfully,

translators should meet three important requirements; they should be familiar


a. The source language

b. The target language

c. The subject matter

Based on this premise, the translator discovers the meaning behind the

forms in the source language and does his best to produce the same meaning in the

target language – using the forms and structures of the target language.

Consequently, what is supposed to change is the form and the code and what

should remain unchanged is the meaning and the message. (Larson, 1984)

From the definition above, it can be inferred that language consists of

words. Consequently, to be able to use the language approximately, learners

should master the words of the language. Having mastered a large number of

words, they will likely to be able to express their ideas in the language


2. Translation Strategy

The process of translation, this strategy focused in the meaning of

sentences, idioms and phrases, it is regarded as the problems of translation. The

translator to pay attention with his/her translation strategy is imperative for them


Translation strategy is one of translators guide for translating words, phrases, or a

sentence (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 67)

G. Definition of Expression

According to the Cambridge Dictionary it is the act of saying what you

think or showing how you feel using words or actions and a word or group of

words used in a particular situation or by particular people.

H. Definition of Translation Strategy

The word strategy is used in many contexts. In translation studies many

theorists have used the term translation strategies widely but with some

considerable differences in the meaning and the perspective from which they look

at it. A list of more general definitions of the word strategy is given below:

A strategy is a long-term plan of actions designed to achieve a particular


A systematic plan, consciously adapted and mentioned, to improve one's

learning performance (Instruction Curriculum Reading Glossary, n. d.).

A strategy is a planned, deliberate, goal-oriented (has an identifiable

outcome) procedure achieved with a sequence of steps subject to

monitoring and modification (Curriculum Learning Literate-Futures


A set of explicit mental and behavioral steps used to achieve a specific

outcome (Deep Trance, n.d.).

Clearly, these definitions are general and can be related to different fields of

study. This study mainly concerns translation strategies, although the

above-mentioned definitions can be narrowed down to this research field, as well.

Translation strategies have their own characteristics, through which one can gain

an appropriate understanding of them.

Generally speaking, a translator uses a strategy when s/he encounters a problem

while translating a text; this means, when a translator translates a text literally,

translation strategies may not be needed. Bergen (n. d.) mentions that strategies

are not obvious and trivial. Although, when they translate word for word and use a

dictionary, beginners in the area of translation think they have made a good

translation; they do not understand that a problem still exists and changes must be

made at some levels of the translation. Therefore, problem-solving is the most

important function of the strategies. However, the question that arises here is:

what is a translation problem? Translation problems

According to Dr. Miremadi (1991), translation problems are divided into two

main categories: lexical problems and syntactic problems.

1. Lexical problems

In the interpretation of lexical problems, Miremadi states that, although words are


substituted with a word in another language when referring to the same concepts

or objects.

He divides lexical problems into five subcategories:

Straight/ denotative meaning

This kind of meaning refers to those words of the source text that can be matched

with those of the target text "without missing images" (e.g. mother, father, etc).

Lexical meaning

Lexical meaning refers to words or phrases which seem to be equivalen, although

in that situation this may not be the case; the translator must be aware of the

intention beyond the words in order not to misrepresent the author's message.

Metaphorical expression

This subcategory refers to the problematic issues of translating idioms and similar


Broeik (1981) quoted by Dr. Miremadi (1991) offers the following suggestions for

translating idiomatic expressions:

a) Distinguishing between ordinary expressions and metaphors

b) Having access to the resources of translating a single metaphor

c) Being aware of different contexts and their constraints on using metaphors

d) Correctly realizing the constraints on the translation, and rendering the


C. Theoretical Framework

In this part the writer will explain how the theories above will be used in


One most important point in translation is the result of the translation, and

the translator who translates Hagrid‟s expression in Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone must also consider the exact meaning of the expressions, idiom

and phrases used by Hagrid in the story. The theories on translation and

translation strategies will help the writer to analyze the Hagrid‟s expressions on





A. Areas of Research

This research emphasizes on the analysis of translated text which involves

the textual comparison of a translation with its original one. Based on the map A

Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies by Jenny William &

Andrew Chesterman 2002, the writer translation included in Prose Fiction, in this

type of Fiction the translation of dialogue, the handling of culture-specific items

or the translation of humor in narrative perspective of the author or the translator

sometimes can make sense to concentrate on the first chapter or opening scene in

the story or fiction requires some “fitting” to fit as close as possible to the target

language. The “fitting” may include cultural, idiom and or expressions.

B. Object of the Study

Object of this Study is of Hagrid’s expressions in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

C. Method of the Study

To analyze the problem the researcher use library research. First of all the

library research is used not only to limit the data but also to find methods used by

the translator to translate Hagrid’s expressions, second it also used to determine


D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data

In this research the writer collects and limiting the data, the data taken

from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Indonesian version of it. The data

consist of at least 23 pages with 135 data entries long. The story itself is about an

orphan named Harry Potter the series chronicles the adventures of a young wizard,

his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of them are students at

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns

Harry's quest to defeat the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who aims to become

immortal, conquer the wizarding world, subjugate non-magical people, and

destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.

2. Data Collection

The object of the study in this thesis is the Hagrid’s expression in Harry

Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The data collected from Harry Potter’s novel entitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone reached 135 data entries forboth

English and Indonesian version in the story and then try to determine how the

translator translate the words from English into Indonesian language.

3. Population and Sample

The population for this study was 135 data and the writer take 25 data as

sample and all of it come from Hagrid’s expressions in Harry Potter and the


3. Data Analysis

After reading and recording the data gathered from the story the next step

is to analyzed the data gathered from the novel and its translation afterward the

data gathered were analyzed to find the method/s used by the translator to

translate the Hagrid’s expressions

a. Identifying the data

Identifying the data of Hagrid’s expressions is the first thing to do to

answer the method used by the translator to translate the Hagrid’s expressions

from English to Indonesian the data that need to be identified are marked with

“Bold” font.

b. Analyzing the Translation

To have a clear understanding, the writer identified the Hagrid’s expression using “Bold” to separate and highlight the expressions for both English and Indonesian version,


After finding all of the Hagrid’s expression, the writer then try to identify

the other expressions of Hagrid’s and its translation then comparing their equality

c. Finding if the Target Language fit the Source Language

To find if the Target Language fit the Source Language the writer must

first examine the bolded word of English version into Indonesian version and then

applythe translation method fit for translating the Hagrid’s expressions, this is the

English Version Indonesian Version

“S-s-sorry,” “But I c-c-can’t stand it ---Lily an’ James dead --- an’ poor little Harry off terlive with Muggles---


step to answer the problem of what method used by the translator to translate the





In this section the finding of the analyzed data will be used to answer the

problems stated in the chapter 1. The first part of the analysis is the translation

methods that can be used by the translator to translate the Hagrid‟s expression.

The translations methods help the writer to decide the method the translator

maybe used to translate the Hagrid‟s expressions, the translation methods are used

to analyzed the Hagrid‟s expressions and the data are sorted in the table.

A. How are Hagrid’s expressions translated into Indonesian

After reading the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone, the writer

found several pattern on how the translator translate the Hagrid‟s expressions. The

data collected in Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone will be used to analyze the

Hagrid‟s expressions and the data are sorted in the table as displayed in the table


From the table above it show that the Hagrid‟s expressions can be translated more Number Expressions Indonesian version

1 yeh Kau, -mu

2 An Dan, nah, -mu,

3 G’night Selamat malam, malam

4 Fer untuk,

5 em mereka, diantara

6 las’ terakhir

7 Myst’ry Misteri

8 Nothin’ Tak ada


than one meaning, furthermore, based on the data some expressions words must

be attached to a word and it cannot stand alone, when it attached to a certain word

its meaning is modified to fit Indonesian words. Will the translation changed the

translated expressions of Hagrid‟s or not. To give a better understanding in a

certain type of translation the writer will give an example for each translation

method, then using the methods to analyze the data gathered by the writer to give

a better understanding.

In Indonesian version “yeh” translated mainly as “kau” or “kamu” but in other

cases it can be omitted as in page

page English version Page Indonesian version

47 “Couldn‟t make us a cup o’

tea, could yeh? It‟s not been an easy journey….”

64 Bisa bikinkan teh, kan? Tidak

gampang ke sini...

Or it can be attached to other word in Indonesian version like in page

In this page “yeh” and “fer” translated as “buatmu” if the “buat” and “mu” are

separated it will be incorrect in Indonesian form since the “-mu” is needed to Number English version Indonesian version

1 Yeh Kau, kamu or kalian

Page English Version Page Indonesian Version

47 “Anyway --- Harry,” “a very happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh here --- I mighta sat on it at some point, but it, ll taste all right.



modify “buat” and to complete “bawa sesuatu”, if they are separated it will cause

confusion, the same problem also occur when “Got summat fer yeh” or “got

something for you” if “yeh or you” is omitted will cause confusion. Then it is

acceptable if “fer yeh” is translated as “buatmu”

Number English version Indonesian version

2 An‟ Dan or nah

The “an‟” is mainly translated as “dan”, but in some cases it is not

translated as “dan”.

The “an‟” in page 47 (data) translated as “nah”, why not “dan” like the other.

The translator translate “an‟” as “nah” mostly because of aestatic reason as

the semantic translation described as it must take more account of the aesthetic

value of the SL text, therefore it is fitting to change the “an‟” as “nah” to give

more of aestatic value than “dan”.

Page 15 (English Version) and page 25 (Indonesian Version) Page English version Page Indonesian version

47 “An’here‟s Harry!” 64 Nah, ini dia Harry

Page English version Page Indonesian version 15 “S-s-sorry,” “But I c-c-can‟t

stand it ---Lily an’ James dead --- an’ poor little Harry off ter live with Muggles---“


The “an‟” in the page above clearly decided as “dan” as the translated

sentence show not as “nah”, if the translator use “nah” the translation will be

confusing. If the reader did not believe the writer please decide which one is more


Despite the fact that “nah kasihan Harry harus tinggal dengan Muggle...” can be used it still feels not right to replace “an’ poor little Harry off ter live with

Muggles---“with that kind of translation.

Number English version Indonesian version

3 G’night Malam or Selamat Malam

The word “G‟night” is a contracted form of “Good Night”, and the

translator seems to take advantage of it and translated “G‟night” as “Malam” not

as “Selamat Malam” the translated word may counted as an omission of word

(Selamat) and only write “malam” as the translated one. To be more exact please

look at the table below.

Page English Version Page Indonesian Version 16 “Yeah” “I‟d best get this bike

away. G’night, Professor McGonagall

25 Aku akan kembalikan motor sirius. Malam Profesor McGonagal

The table above clearly show that the “G‟night” translated as “Malam”

An‟ as dan An‟ as nah

Tapi aku t-t-tak tahan—Lily dan James meninggal—dan kasihan Harry harus tinggal dengan Muggle...


and the translator take advantage of the word to shorten the translated word into

“Malam” but is that it? Please remember that there is one translation strategy

which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly by their

most common meanings. The translator use “word for word translation” to solve

the translation problem in the contracted word such as “G‟night” and changed it

into “Malam” not “Selamat Malam” or “met malam” and is it acceptable in

Indonesian language? The answer is yes, why?, it is same reason as the American

or English they maybe just use “night” instead of “Good Night” in some


In Indonesian version “fer” or the correct form is “for” translated mainly

as “Untuk or buat” but in other cases it can be omitted as in page 49 ( table


Or it can be attached to other word in Indonesian version like in page 47.

In this page “yeh” and “fer” translated as “buatmu” if the “buat” and Number English version Indonesian version

4 Fer Untuk, buat and or maybe omitted

Page English version Page Indonesian version

49 ….. fer cryin’ out loud! Did

yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?”

67 …... Astaga! Tak pernahkah kau ingin tahu di mana orangtuamu belajar semua itu?

Page English version Page Indonesian version 47 “Anyway --- Harry,” “a very

happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh



“mu” separated it will be ill formed in Indonesian form since the “-mu” is needed

to modify “buat” and to complete “bawa sesuatu”, if they are separated it will

cause confusion, the same problem also occur when “Got summat fer yeh” or “got

something for you” if “yeh or you” is omitted will cause confusion to the readers.

Then it is acceptable if “fer yeh” is translated as “buatmu”. There is another type

of “fer” that the translator translate in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‟s Stone

that have the same problem as above, it occur at page 49 (Eng ver) and the

translated one in page 67 (Ind ver).

In the page 49 the “fer cryin‟ out loud” did not casually translated as “untuk

menangis (dengan) keras” but simply translated as “astaga” since they share

similar use or description.

The “„em” or the correct one is “them” is translated as “mereka” in

Indonesian version. The English word “„em” can be considered as contracted

word of “them” same like “an‟” in table below.

Both of the words are contracted form of the original word “them” and

“and” but why the translator did not do the same thing as the author did? Is it

because in Indonesia there are no contracted word or in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Number English version Indonesian version

5 „em (correct form “Them”) Mereka (mainly)

Page English version Page Indonesian version 55 “Maybe he thought he could

persuade ‘em …maybe he just wanted ‘em outta the way.


Indonesia (Great Indonesian Dictionary) did not allow such contraction of word.

In the table above the translator decided to translate “‟em” into “mereka”,

but „em or them also can mean something else such as “…why You-Know-Who

never tried to get ‘emon his side before (page 55)” into “kenapa Kau- Tahu-Siapa

tidak coba tarik ibu dan ayahmu ke pihaknya sebelumnya (page 73)” how the

„em can be translated as ibu dan ayahmu? How could it possible? The answer lies

within the same page (page 55) in the page Hagrid‟s already mention harry‟s

parent and it is not a secret anymore that repetition in a story not only a waste of

time but also space, that is why the author use „em to replace it. Since the author

use “„em” to replace the harry‟s parent the translator also able to use the same

strategy used by the author.

There is another example of the “„em” that translated into other word in

Indonesian language.

“Some of ‘em came outta kinda trances. (page 57)” “Beberapa di antaranya

seperti kerasukan. (page 76)”

The sentences above is one of evidence that can be observed by the writer

to proof that the word “„em” above can have more than one translation in

Indonesian words, the translated word can mean “mereka, antaranya, and ibu dan


Number English Version Indonesian Version

6 Las' Terakhir (kali), (tahun) lalu, Semalam

The “las‟” or “last” need another word to have more meaning, eventhough


translated as terakhir) but the meaning could change depend on the word it effect

or affecting it. There are some examples that the word “las‟” can have different

meaning when paired with other word.

page English Version page Indonesian Version 47 “Las’ time I saw you, you

was only a baby,” 64 Terakhir kali aku melihatmu, kau masih bayi 192 “Yeah — he‟s mine —

bought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub las’ year


"Yeah—dia anjingku—kubeli dari orang Yunani yang ketemu aku di rumah minum tahun lalu

233 “Las’ night. I was down in

the village” 289-290

"Semalam. Aku ke desa minum,”

In the table above show the possibility of the differences of the meaning

when the word “las‟” paired with other words. The translator translate the word

should not just translate the word as “terakhir” and use it without any second

thought, without put another consideration for other meaning that might more

appropriate than “terakhir”, also the meaning of the word when translated into

Indonesian. If the “las‟” in page 192 and 233 translated as “terakhir” the meaning

of “las’ year and Las’ night” will become “tahun terakhir and malam terakhir

it would not suitable for the whole sentence and the whole sentences will be

inappropriately translated. Please read the table below

English Las‟ as terakhir Las‟ as

1 bought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub

las’ year

kubeli dari orang Yunani yang ketemu aku di rumah minum tahun terakhir (or akhir tahun)


Both of translation using terakhir still needs more information to explain

the time. Take a look the sentences below;

“Kubeli dari orang Yunani yang ketemu aku di rumah minum akhir tahun 1994” “Malam terakhir bulan maret (atau musim panas). Aku ke desa minum,……”

Compared to the one in the table the one above have clearer date or time to give

further information to the readers.

The translasion of “myst‟rt” as “misteri” in the Indonesian version is quite

accurate in terms of meaning they are similar in meaning “something that beyond

understanding” as the table below show.

English Version Indonesian Version

something not understood or beyond understanding

I can‟t tell everythin‟, it‟s a great

myst’ry, parts of it…

sesuatu yg masih belum jelas (masih menjadi teka-teki; masih belum terbuka rahasianya)

aku tak bisa ceritakan semuanya ,soalnya sebagian di antaranya misteri besar….

Eventhough the word is not the correct one (myst‟ry  mystery) the

translator still can determine what Hagrid‟s meant when to say that word by

comparing the word with other word that have the same or similar sound, when

trying to understand Hagrid‟s expressions in the novel.

The translation of myst‟ry into misteri in Indonesian version is quite accurate in

both meaning and usage as the table above shown, since the word myst‟ry have an

equal equivalent in Indonesian word it is an easier task to translate it into 2 Las’ night. I was down

in the village

Malam terakhir. Aku ke desa minum,

Semalam. Aku ke desa minum,

Number English Version Indonesian Version


Indonesian compared to other Hagrid‟s expression since some of them have more

than one way to be translated also it will add more if it were influenced or

influence the neighboring word.

Number English Version Indonesian Version

8 Nothin’ Tak ada

The translation of “nothin‟” from English ver in to “Tak Ada” in

Indonesian ver, eventhough the word is not in its correct form like the other word

used in previous examples the word still can be identified and translated by the

translator as “Tak Ada” as the translated word show in page;

Page English Version Page Indonesian Version 197 It‟s nothin’ to you what that

dog‟s guardin‟ 244 Tidak ada hubungannya dengan yang dijaga anjing itu.


There‟s nothin’ that lives in the forest that‟ll hurt

312 Tak ada satu pun di Hutan yang akan melukaimu

As the example above show, the translation of “nothin‟” into “tak ada”.

The translation of “don‟ or don‟t” mainly translated as “Tak perlu or

tidak” as the two tables below shows.

Number English version Indonesian Version

9 don’ Tidak or Tak (contracted)

Page English version Page Indonesian version 50 “Yeh don’ know what yeh



As the tables above shows, the “don‟” is mainly translated as “Tidak or

Tak (contracted)”. The translator have two option on how to translate the “don‟”

either use “tidak” or its contracted form “tak” as the tables above shows to the


After analyzing the translation methods available and the example above

the writer then try to determine the methods used by the translator to translate the

Hagrid‟s expressions.

The translator seems using several translation methods to translate the

Hagrid‟s expressions, the translator mainly use A Word-for-word, Literal, and

Faithful Translation methods even though the translator mainly uses those

methods the translator also use other translation methods to deal with other

circumstances that the main translation methods cannot solve, the other methods

are Deletion, Addition, and Adaptation translation methods. Page English version Page Indonesian version 49 “Yer great puddin‟ of a son

don’ need fattenin‟ anymore, Dursley, don‟ worry”


B. The methods applied to translate Hagrid’s expression into Indonesian

1. Word-for-Word translation

In which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly

by their most common meanings. It means that the translator translate the work or

text word by word with their most common meanings.

To prove the translation is a word-for-word is quite simple;

1. Translate the word by word as the description suggest.

2. Evaluate that the SL word order is preserved and did not change much

other than to avoid confusion.

Example 1

To prove that the sentence is translated using the word-for-word translation, the

sentence must be divided one by one.

No English Indonesian No English Indonesian

1 No Tidak 9 Him Dia

2 Sir Sir 10 Out

3 House Rumah 11 All right Berhasil

4 Almost Nyaris 12 Before Sebelum

5 Destroyed Hancur 13 The muggles Para muggle

6 But Tapi 14 Started

7 I Aku 15 Swarmin‟ berdatangan

8 Got Ambil 16 around

Page English version Page Indonesian version 15 “No, Sir--- house almost

destroyed, but I got him out all right before the muggles started swarmin‟ around.


In the table above about 81.2% of the English word that are translated

word for word, but the other 18.8% did not translated some of it because two

words is translated as one word as in “swarmin‟(swarming) around” could be

translated as “berdatangan” and an omission of two words “started and around”

but the data above is still a solid proof that the example 1 is indeed a

word-for-word translation, but if the readers still not believe then there is another method

that can be used other than the table above, similar with side by side comparison

(table above) but it is “over and under” comparison.

After looking at the table above now try to compare with this one;

English version

No, Sir--- house almost destroyed, but I got him out all right before the muggles

started swarmin‟ around.

Indonesian version

Tidak, Sir—rumah nyris hancur, tapi aku berhasil ambil dia sebelum para Muggle


No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Eng No Sir House Almost destroyed but Ina Tidak Sir Rumah Nyaris Hancur Tapi

No 7 8 9 10 11 12

Eng I Got Him Out All right before

Ina Aku Ambil Dia Berhasil Sebelum

No 13 14 15 16


After analyzing the data thoroughly it is safe to say that the example 1 is

indeed a word-for-word translation.

Example 2

To analyze the example 2 to determine that it is translated using

word-for-word the writer will use the same strategy used to analyze the example 1.

No English Indonesian No English Indonesian

1 Las‟ Terakhir 12 A lot sekali

2 Time Kali 13 Like Mirip

3 I Aku 14 Yer -mu (kau)

4 Saw Melihat- 15 Dad Ayah-

5 You -mu (kau) 16 But Tapi

6 You Kau 17 Yeh‟ve

7 Was Masih 18 Got

8 Only 19 Yer -mu (kau)

9 A baby Bayi 20 Mum‟s Ibu-

10 Yeh Kau 21 Eye‟s mata

11 Look

Out of 21 words only 4 that are left blank since some words must be

linked to other word to hint the true meaning for example “look a lot like” if it is

translated separately it will become “lihat banyak mirip” or “banyak melihat

mirip” but if it was translated as one it will become “mirip sekali” or “terlihat Page English version Page Indonesian version

47 “Las‟ time I saw you, you was only a baby,” “Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh‟ve got yer mum‟s eyes”


sangat mirip (dengan)”, for the number 4,5,14 and 15 the “-mu” cannot be

separated from the word that it connected with, the meaning of the word that it

translate may be different or can be separated to have its own meaning but it is the

same principle used in morphology as in “free and bound word” where the word

can have another meaning when a certain word is attached to the original word,

the same thing happen with “melihat-” and “-mu” they have a different meaning

when combined and separated.

Next is to compare them using “over and under” strategy

No 1 2 3 4 5

Eng Las‟ Time I Saw You

Ina Terakhir Kali Aku Melihat- -mu (kau)

No 6 7 8 9 10

Eng You Was Only A baby Yeh

Ina Kau Masih Bayi Kau

No 11 12 13 14 15

Eng Look A lot Like Yer Dad

Ina sekali Mirip -mu (kau) Ayah-

No 16 17 18 19 20

Eng But Yeh‟ve Got Yer Mum‟s

Ina Tapi -mu (kau) Ibu-

No 21

Eng Eye‟s

Ina mata

The table above should provide enough data to it is safe to say that the

example 2 is indeed a translated using word-for-word translation method.


Example 3

Let‟s go straight to solve the problem using side by side and over and

under comparison below

Side by side comparison table.

No English Indonesian No English Indonesian

1 About Tentang 7 World Dunia-

2 Our Kita 8 My -ku (aku)

3 World Dunia 9 World Dunia-

4 I -ku (aku) 10 Yer -mu (kau)

5 Mean Maksud- 11 Parents‟ Orangtua-

6 Your -mu (kau) 12 World Dunia

Over and under comparison table.

No 1 2 3 4 5

Eng About Our World I Mean

Ina Tentang Kita Dunia -ku (aku) Maksud-

No 6 7 8 9 10

Eng Your World My World Yer

Ina -mu (kau) Dunia- -ku (aku) Dunia- -mu (kau)

No 11 12

Eng Parents‟ World Ina Orangtua- dunia

All of the table for Indonesian version are full not even one is blank, but

the readers may ask “why some of it not grammatically correct for Indonesian Page English version Page Indonesian version

49 “About our world, I mean. Your world. My world. Yer parents’ world.


version” then the answer is quite simple because the words are translated one by

one (contraction counted as one) furthermore the word “your” can be translated as

“kau” but when it is added with “world” it become either “duniamu” or “dunia

kamu or kau” but when the words are translated as one unity it will become

“duniamu”, about the English grammar the Indonesian version can follow the

English grammar but for certain case it cannot follow English grammar as the

above already explain, but still the example 3 is indeed a translated using

word-for-word translation method.

2. Literal translation

In which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest

TL equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. It

means that the translation translate the SL into TL but the grammatical

constructions their nearest TL equivalents.

To analyze the example the writer will break down the sentence into

several phrases and using side by side comparison to compare the phrases.

Example 1

To analyze the example 1 the writer will begin to use side by side


Page English version Page Indonesian version 49 “About our world, I mean.

Your world. My world. Yer

parents’ world.


No English version Indonesian version 1 About our world Tentang dunia kita,

2 I mean maksudku.

3 Your world Duniamu

4 My world. Duniaku

5 Yer parents‟ world. Dunia orangtuamu

In the table above the translated phrases are equally similar in terms of

meaning, accuracy and acceptability when compared side by side.

Example 2

To analyze the example 2 the writer will begin to use side by side


No English version Indonesian version

1 Yeh don‟ know Kau tak tahu

2 What yeh are? kau ini apa?

In the table above the translated phrases are equally similar in terms of

meaning, accuracy and acceptability when compared side by side.

Example 3

Page English version Page Indonesian version 50 “Yeh don‟ know what yeh are?” 67 Kau tak tahu kau ini apa?

Page English version Page Indonesian version 64 “Ministry o’ Magic messin‟


To analyze the example 2 the writer will begin to use side by side


No English version Indonesian version 1 Ministry o’ Magic Kementerian Sihir 2 Messin‟ things up Bikin kacau-balau

3 As usual Seperti biasanya

After comparing the translation using side by side method and comparing

the meaning of each number the writer is sure that the Indonesian versions are

equally similar in terms of meaning, accuracy and acceptability when compared

side by side.

Example 4

To analyze the example 4 the writer will begin to use side by side


After comparing the translation using side by side method and comparing

the meaning of each number the writer is sure that the Indonesian versions are Page English version Page Indonesian version

71 “Yeah, you‟ll be needin‟ one,” “but we gotta get yer money first.”

92 "Yeah, kau perlu satu," "tapi kita harus ambil uangmu dulu."

No English version Indonesian version 1 Yeah, you‟ll be needin‟ one Yeah, kau perlu satu 2 But we gotta get Tapi kita harus ambil


equally similar in terms of meaning, accuracy and acceptability when compared

side by side.

Example 5

Without further delay the writer will start analyzing the table above.

No English version Indonesian version

1 Just yer wand left Tinggal kurang tongkatmu 2 A yeah, an‟ I still haven‟t got yeh oh yeah, dan aku belum beli 3 a birthday present. hadiah ulang tahun buatmu

After comparing the translation using side by side method and comparing

the meaning of each number the writer is sure that the Indonesian versions are

equally similar in terms of meaning, accuracy and acceptability when compared

side by side.

3. Faithful translation

It is an attempt to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original

within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. What it means is that the

translation method tries to produce the meaning as close as possible between SL

and TL but still within the limitation of the TL grammatical structures. Page English version Page Indonesian version 81 “Just yer wand left — A yeah,

an‟ I still haven‟t got yeh a birthday present.”


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