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Prospective Career of the Graduates


Academic year: 2018

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People. Innovation. Excellence.

Information Systems Audit


IS/IT is essential to manage transactions, information and knowledge necessary to initiate and sustain economic and

social activities. These activities increasingly rely on globally cooperating entities to be successful. In many

organizations, IS/IT is fundamental to support, sustain and grow the business. While many organizations recognize the

potential benefits that technology can yield, the successful ones also understand and manage the risks associated with

implementing new technologies.

Therefore, in many organizations especially in accounting firm as external auditor and IT-dependent company such as

banking, telecommunication and oil and gas- as internal IS Auditor, the demand of Information System (IS) Auditor are

growing every year. So that, BINUS University offer ISA Program to fulfil the demand of IS Auditor and preparing

knowledgeable fresh graduate.


World class program in Information Systems Audit to pursuit the innovation and enterprise in IT auditing and



The mission of Information Systems Audit Program is to contribute to the global community through the provision of

world-class education by :

1. Educating students with the fundamental knowledge and skills in Information Systems Audit, IT management,

information systems development to become a professional IT auditor or practices consultant and prepare them

for continuing for advanced degrees.

2. Conducting professional services which focus on information systems audit based on national or international

standards, with an emphasis on application of knowledge to the society.

3. Recognizing and rewarding the most talented graduated by promoting them in global industry.

4. Improving the quality of life in Indonesia and international community through information systems audit sharing

knowledge to society.

5. Conducting intensive applied research activities in information systems audit and collaboration with global


Program Objective

The objectives of the program are :

1. To provide student with a solid foundation of IT management and IS development ranging from fundamental

principles to applied skills and ability in IT Governance, IT Service delivery and Support, System and

infrastructure life cycle management they will need in professional career.

2. To provide student with a solid foundation of information systems audit ranging from fundamental principles to


People. Innovation. Excellence. Graduate Competency

At the end of the program, graduates will be able to :

1. Illustrate an understanding of Information Systems Framework.

2. Analyze information requirements and business processes.

3. Design systems that are aligned with organizational goals.

4. Demonstrate knowledge necessary to provide information systems (IS) audit services in accordance with IS audit

standards, guidelines and best practices to assist the organization in ensuring that its information technology and

business resources are protected and controlled.

5. Graduate will be able to demonstrate knowledge of protection information assets, business continuity and disaster

recovery, in ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability of information assets and timely resumption of IT services

while minimizing the business impact.

6. Analyze financial and valuation of IS/IT.

Prospective Career of the Graduates

After graduate from Information Systems Audit Program, students can have career as: • Internal IS/IT Auditor

• IS Risk Management and Assurance Advisor • External IS/IT Auditor

• IS Security Consultant


Information Systems Audit curriculum has developed according to ACM – Information Systems Curriculum combined

with ISACA Model Curriculum for IS Audit and Control. According to ISACA Model Curriculum for IS audit and control,

the topics covered by model area consist of six content domains which are the IS audit process domain, IT

Governance domain, system and infrastructure lifecycle management domain, IT service delivery and support domain,

protection of information asset domain, and business continuity and disaster recovery domain. The following is the


People. Innovation. Excellence. Course Structure

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total


ACCT6133 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4

20 ISYS6186 Business Process Fundamental 4

ISYS6093 Information System Concept 4

STAT6081 Statistics 2

COMP6178 Introduction to Programming 2/2

English University Courses I

ENGL6128 English in Focus 2

ENGL6130 English for Business Presentation 2


CHAR6013 Character Building: Pancasila 2

20 ISYS6123 Introduction to DatabaseSystems 2/2

ISYS6188 Information Systems Analysis and Design 2/2

ISYS6189 Management Information System 4

ISYS6197 Business Application Development 2/2

English University Courses II

ENGL6129 English Savvy 2

ENGL6131 English for Written Business Communication 2


CHAR6014 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2


ENTR6003 Entrepreneurship I 2

ISYS6205 Enterprise Architecture 4

ISYS6264 Testing and System Implementation 4

ISYS6126 Enterprise System 4

STAT6021 Research Methodology 2

ISYS6198 Data & Information Management 4


CHAR6015 Character Building: Agama 2

24 ISYS6151 Information System Security 4

ISYS6216 Computer Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques I 2

ISYS6340 Information System Investigation* 4

ISYS6341 Information System Audit 4

ISYS6256 Information Systems Project Management 4

ISYS6206 IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition 4


ENTR6004 Entrepreneurship II 2

22 ISYS6342 Information System Control 4

ISYS6343 Information System Quality Assurance 4

ISYS6353 IT Governance* 4

ISYS6266 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 2

ISYS6339 Computer Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques II 2

ISYS7052 IS Risk Management 4

6 Enrichment Program I 16 16

7 Enrichment Program II 16 16

8 ISYS6056 Thesis 6 6


People. Innovation. Excellence.

*) Entrepreneurship Embedded

English University Courses:

-) For 1st Semester : English University Courses I, student with score Binus University English Proficiency Test less

than 500 will take English in Focus, and student with score test greater than or equal to 500 will take English for

Business Presentation

-) For 2nd Semester: English University Courses II, student with score Binus University English Proficiency Test less

than 500 will take English Savvy, and student with score test greater than or equal to 500 will take English for Written

Business Communication

Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester):

-) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus).

Enrichment Internship Track

Code Course Name SCU Total

Enrichment I

16 ISYS6207 Industrial Experience 8

COMM6155 Business Communication 4 ISYS6232 Applied Topics in Information Systems Audit 4

Enrichment II

16 ISYS6208 Professional Experience 8

BUSS6058 Business Ethic 4

ISYS6233 Advanced Topics in Information Systems Audit 4

Enrichment Entrepreneurship Track

Code Course Name SCU Total

Enrichment I


ENTR6062 Business Start Up 8

ENTR6145 Business Model for Technopreneur 2

ENTR6146 Launching New Venture for Technopreneur 2

ENTR6068 EES in New Business 4

Enrichment II


ENTR6070 Growing a Business 8

ENTR6147 Lean Start Up & Business Plan for Technopreneur 2 ENTR6148 Venture Capital for Technopreneur 2 ENTR6073 EES in Business Experience 4

Enrichment Research Track

Code Course Name SCU Total

RSCH6037 Research Experience 8

16 RSCH6110 Scientific Writing in Information Systems Research 4


People. Innovation. Excellence. Enrichment Community Development Track

Code Course Name SCU Total

CMDV6001 Community Outreach Project Implementation 8

16 CMDV6040 Community Outreach IS Audit Project Design 4

CMDV6003 Employability and Entrepreneurial Skills 4

Enrichment Study Abroad Track*

*)Transferred courses will be transferred based on credit transfer policies on study program with total of 16 credits.

Student should pass all of these quality controlled courses as listed below:

No Code Course Name Minimum Grade

1 CHAR6013 Character Building: Pancasila B

2 ENTR6004 Entrepreneurship II C

3 ISYS6126 Enterprise System C

4 ISYS6188 Information Systems Analysis and Design* C

5 ISYS6198 Data & Information Management* C

6 ISYS6256 Information Systems Project Management C

7 ISYS6341 Information System Audit C

8 ISYS7052 IS Risk Management* C

*) Tutorial & Multipaper

Course Name SCU Total

GLOB6005 Elective Course for Study Abroad 1 4

16 GLOB6006 Elective Course for Study Abroad 2 4

GLOB6007 Elective Course for Study Abroad 3 4

GLOB6008 Elective Course for Study Abroad 4 4

GLOB6009 Elective Course for Study Abroad 5 2

GLOB6010 Elective Course for Study Abroad 6 2

GLOB6011 Elective Course for Study Abroad 7 2

GLOB6012 Elective Course for Study Abroad 8 2

GLOB6013 Elective Course for Study Abroad 9 2

GLOB6014 Elective Course for Study Abroad 10 2

GLOB6015 Elective Course for Study Abroad 11 2


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