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Academic year: 2017



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This chapter discusses about background of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the research, uses of the research, and scope of the research and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is an important component of a language, in order to express one’s ideas. The learners need to master a number of words, in order that they can express the ideas well, because the ability of speaking requires the mastery of adequate vocabulary. Vocabulary can also contribute to students’ skill in reading, listening, speaking and writing (Meara, 1984:224), for example when they find some new vocabularies, they will try to find the meaning based on the context when they read, listen, speak or write about language. It can be said that vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.


Referring to the problems before, it can be concluded that vocabulary is very important in learning language. Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary because the language itself consists of vocabularies which support the language performance. It is impossible to learn language without learning vocabulary. As Wallace (1986: 1) states that vocabulary is the vital element of language. The existence of vocabulary is considered important since it should be acquired to express or share ideas to other people effectively. Besides that, vocabulary earns the highest score (4 of 10 points) in speaking and writing test, 40 percent in listening test score, and 30 percent in reading test score of Senior High School National Final Examination (Depdiknas, 2006: 11-14). Thus, vocabulary teaching should be taken into account in order to gain better result of the students’ English score.

However, with hundreds of thousands of words in English language, teaching vocabulary can seem like a very daunting process. Remembering rapid amount of using word list is considered inefficient since the students tend to forget the vocabulary they have learned if they do not recall the words afterwards (Maruyama, 1995:2).


According to the researcher’s experience while teaching first grade in SMA

Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung during teaching practice program (PPL) 27 July - 30 September 2011, the students only able to gain about 200 vocabularies after graduated from their Junior High School.

When the researcher was attending teaching practice program (PPL), she found that the students of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung experienced difficulties in using vocabulary in their class, because they had lack of vocabulary. Not all of the students, but most students have lack of vocabulary. They are not interested to learn English, as they think English is difficult to study like Mathematics. It also happened in SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung.


the students, but most students have lack of vocabulary. They are not interested to learn English, as they think English is difficult to study like Mathematics. The researcher assumes that it was also caused by the teacher teaching strategy. This might be a justification that is necessary to find out a suitable technique to solve those problems.

In this case, the researcher tried to help the students by giving the way of how to tackle words of these kinds. One way is to teach the students skill of morphological information that is derivational affixes and the way they are used to build words.

Derivational affixes are the way of forming words into affixes. In English, there are two kinds of affixes. The one that goes before the base word called a prefix and the other that goes after the base word called suffixes which basically change the function of word. For example, the prefix “il” is added to base word “legal”

becoming “illegal”. The suffix “ful” is added to the base word “beauty” becoming “beautiful”.

Learning the derivational affixes will serve as a useful tool in building students vocabulary achievement. It will help one to add clarity to his understanding of English because almost 60 percent of all English words are formed from derivation (Simanjuntak, 1988:64).


was no research before at that school by using derivational affixes. And based on the interview with the teacher and some learners show that the learners at that school have a problem with their vocabulary. And the researcher tried to help the students by giving the way of how to tackle words of these kinds. That is derivational affixes and the way they are used to build words. Therefore the researcher interested in to know the difference of student’s vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

1.2 Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background that has been discussed above, the writer formulated the problem were follows:

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ English vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes?

2. In which parts of speech of vocabulary do students get better result?

1.3 Objectives of the Research The objectives of this research are:

1. To see whether there is a significant difference of students’ English vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

2. To see in which part of speech of vocabulary do students get better result.

1.4 Uses of the Research The uses of this research are:


2. To give information to English teachers that derivational affixes can be used as a technique to increase students’ vocabulary.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This quantitative research was conducted at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. This research was focused on the effect of derivational affixes on students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through derivational affixes. The materials that were taught about Prefixes (un-, dis-, mis-, re-, over-, in-, ir-, il-, im-) and Suffixes (-tion, -sion, -ence, -ance, -ment, -al, -er, -y, -ness, -cy, -able, -ful, -ly, -est). Content words as a part of speech in this research (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) were taken as the material in teaching English vocabulary since it is appropriate with derivational affixes. The teaching material was taken from KTSP English curriculum for the first year of SMA and other textbooks.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Some terms are defined in order to give basic understanding of the related to the concepts. These are stated below:

1. Effect is to see the differences of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

2. Derivational affixes are the processes of forming new words which combined with base to derive a new word and can changes the meaning of word.


3. Vocabulary is a set of word known to a person or entity, or that are part of a specific language which will make the language meaningful.



This chapter discusses about the frame of theories used in this study, such as: concept of vocabulary, concept of teaching learning vocabulary, concept of derivational affixes, procedure of teaching vocabulary through derivational affixes, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

Literally vocabulary is total number of words which rules for combining them to make up language. We cannot develop four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing without having enough mastery of vocabulary. So, this becomes an English teacher’s task to help students enrich their vocabulary

mastery. The teacher of language should increase the students’ vocabulary because vocabulary is an important component in language.


possible to communicate by using the word we had learnt. An adequate vocabulary may enable the message to be expressed clearly.

Webster (1988: 110) defines vocabulary as a list of words usually arranged alphabetically and defined, explained or translated into the range of language, the stock of words at a person’s command, the word used in a particular, the branch

of a subject, language.

Wilkins (1983: 11) adds that without grammar, little things can be conveyed without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It means that the students will not able to communicate if they do not master vocabulary but if they do not understand grammar, they are still able to communicate although they have less vocabulary. Meanwhile, Harimurti as cited in Suprapto (1999: 6) states that vocabulary is component of language containing information about the meaning and the uses of word in language. Learning vocabulary has an important contribution in learning of language which must be considered by the teacher in order to be careful in selecting the vocabulary that will be taught. Teacher must decide which word should be taught since there are many kinds of word that belong to types of vocabulary.


This idea is similar to Burton’s (1982: 98) who explained that a large number of vocabularies help you to express your idea precisely, vividly and without repetition of words. He also said that with large number of vocabularies, we could better perform in all aspects of English language works.

2.2 Concept of Teaching Learning Vocabulary

Mastering English vocabulary is very important in order that we can communicate with others. Vocabulary is also an important factor in all languages. In teaching vocabulary, there are some important points to be considered. They are spelling, meaning, pronunciation, use and a number of words.

Knowing the new words is very important for the students in enriching their vocabulary. For this reason, there are two ways that can help the students to get the meaning of the words. Firstly, they should consult or ask new words to the teacher. Secondly, they are allowed to bring and use dictionary, in this case, it is better if the students be encouraged to use dictionary during studying English (Allen and Rebecca, 1977: 155).

Based on the preceding statement, the students are asked to use dictionary of English, and the students are trained to guess the meaning first before opening the dictionary. In this case, the role of English teacher is very important in guiding the students to study some new words.


adjectives, adverbs or all of these aspects. Therefore, the writer would like to say that learning vocabulary concerns in learning the real language which is learnt in useful utterances where the students employ immediately in communication and use in classroom. That is why; in teaching new words or vocabulary English teachers need an interesting way or technique.

As stated by Allen and Vallete (1983:116-117) teaching vocabulary can be meaningful if the teacher can conduct the teaching process by combining the available technique of teaching. It is hoped that a good technique will be more enjoyable, interesting and motivating so that the students will not be bored in process of learning. Beside the technique that should be considered, the teacher also should consider the material vocabulary that will be taught. The teacher must select the vocabulary based on the curriculum.

Referring to the importance of learning language the writer assumed that the teacher must be able to choose and use a technique for teaching language. This is important because it will affect the session of learning the language that is the ability of students to communicate in the target language.


specialist vocabulary – usually after 1500 to 2000 general service words have been learned.

Here are some considerations that can be implied in language teaching and learning:

First, teachers should carefully select words to teach, with special focus on the most frequent and useful words as they carry the most meaning senses. Special attention should also be given to words which are difficult to learn. Similarly, those which will be relatively easy to learn (i.e. those which there are close relatives in the first language) should be introduced early to build a start-up vocabulary base. Thus an early emphasis on vocabulary growth within language teaching will help kick start their meaning.


Thirdly, students should not be faced with material that is too difficult because they will not be able to guess successfully and easily add new knowledge to what they already know. Material that is a little easy is beneficial for language learning because the students can improve their reading speed and fluency. This is because they already know all the words and will be able to build their word recognition speed.

Fourthly, by teaching students how to learn vocabulary effectively, and use their dictionaries well, will save them a lot of time and will ultimately make them independent of teachers, dictionaries and textbooks.

Lastly, vocabulary exercises should focus on deepening and internalizing knowledge of words, but not only focus at the surface form-meaning level and should deal with collocations and multiple-word units, not only single words.

Teaching vocabulary is what the most teachers take for granted since it is said that essential area of language is the lexicon or vocabulary of the language. Vocabulary teaching should be part of the syllabus, and taught in a well-planned and regular basis. Furthermore Lewis (1973) argues that vocabulary should be at the centre of language teaching.

Kustarjo (1988: 24) gives five possible ways of learning vocabulary, namely: 1. Teaching vocabulary through creativity.


2. Teaching vocabulary through context clues.

The teacher can use a context clue in a word recognition by figuring out of meaning of a word based on the clues in the surrounding context. The teacher can give students synonyms, antonyms, or definition of words.

3. Teaching vocabulary through guessing.

The teacher can encourage the students to guess and to consult the words learned. To guess correctly, a student should have a good rational. The teacher can give example by pronouncing a sentence, and then the students guess the word the teacher means.

4. Teaching vocabulary through derivation.

The teacher involves the four classes of word in the position of accuracy in English sentences patterns; the teacher can give nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverb. Then the teacher asks the students to inform the words, for example: employ (verb), employer (noun), employable (adjective), etc.

5. Teaching vocabulary through definition.

The teacher guides the students to define the meaning of words into the correct sentence for example: a voter is someone who votes.


students to expand or develop the vocabulary. Teaching learning process will be more effective when the students have more chance to practice and produce new words they have learnt.

2.3 Concept of Derivational Affixes

Derivational affixes are the formation of a new word or inflectable stem from another word or stem. It typically occurs by the addition of an affix. The derived word is often of a different word class from the original, e.g: write (verb)  writer (noun).

Neufel and Webb (1984) in Simanjuntak (1988:64) say that root is the basic element of any word that gives its meaning. In other words, the root is a stem consisting of one morpheme only. Morpheme, as the smallest meaningful unit of language, can be divided into two types. They are free and bound morphemes. Boey (1975: 38) says that a free morpheme is a word which can stand alone, for example: book, pencil, tiger, give. Another morpheme is called bound morphemes are also classified as affixes; for example: un, re, miss, ity, etc.


Boey (1975: 39) says that “affixes are divided into prefixes, infixes and suffixes, according to the way combine with the base of stem”. It can be said that English affixes can be divided into two types i.e. prefixes and suffixes, whereas infix are not used in English because English has no infixes. Both prefixes and suffixes cannot occur in isolation, because they do not have meaning by themselves. They must be combined with the base to form new word. Prefixes occur before the base and suffixes occur after the base.

The use of prefix and suffix is one of the most common ways in which new words are created, so common in fact that a speaker will be unsure if a word exists or they have just created it. The key for the learners to develop their vocabulary knows how prefix and suffixes change the meaning and form.


A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. In other words, a prefix is a word part added before the word to change or to modify the meaning. These are some of the common prefixes that change parts of speech and also

change the meaning of the base-word:

a. To change noun form into verb: be-, en.

be- combine with fog (noun) becomes befog (verb). Meaning: fog (kabut), befog (mengabuti)

Example:Some regulations befog me

b. To change adjective form into verb: be-.

be- combined with calm (adjective) becomes becalm (verb). Meaning: calm (tenang), becalm (menenangkan).


These are some of the common prefixes that do not change the parts of speech but

can change the meaning:

a. Prefix added to verb:

re- combined with install (verb) becomes reinstall (verb). Meaning: install (memasang), reinstall (memasang ulang). Example: I have to reinstall my computer.

dis- combined with appear (verb) becomes disappear (verb). Meaning: appear (mucul), disappear (menghilang)

Example: My pens disappear as soon as I buy them.

b. Prefix added to noun:

dis- combined with advantage (noun) becomes disadvantage (noun). Meaning: advantage (keuntungan), disadvantage (kerugian).

Example: One major disadvantage of that area is lack of transportation.

in- combined with ability (noun) becomes inability (noun). Meaning: ability (kemampuan), inability (ketidakmampuan).

Example: Some families go without medical treatment because of their

inability to pay.

mis- combined with understand (noun) becomes misunderstand (noun). Meaning: understand (memahami), misunderstand (salah paham) Example: They broke up because of misunderstand.

c. Prefix added to adjective:

un- combined with happy (adjective) becomes unhappy (adjective). Meaning: happy (bahagia), unhappy (tidak bahagia).


im- combined with possible (adjective) becomes impossible (adjective). Meaning: possible (mungkin), impossible (tidak mungkin).

Example: It is impossible to climb Fujiyama Mountain now.

ir- combined with regular (adjective) becomes irregular (adjective). Meaning: regular (teratur), irregular (tidak teratur)

Example: The students must memorize 100 irregular verbs.

il- combined with legal (adjective) becomes illegal (adjective). Meaning: legal (resmi), illegal (tidak resmi)

Example: He was caught by police because he did illegal logging.

dis- combined with honest (adjective) becomes dishonest (adjective). Meaning: honest (jujur), dishonest (tidak jujur)

Example: He is a dishonest person.



Adding the suffix of ‘er’ to ‘breathe’ modifies the meaning to one that breathes, and the results in the word ‘breather’, which is noun.

These are some of the common suffixes that change parts of speech and also

change the meaning the base-word:

a. To change verb form into noun can be done by adding suffixes, such as: -tion combined with describe (verb) becomes description (noun).

Meaning: describe (menjelaskan), description (penjelasan). Example: I need clear description about her.

-sion combined with admit (verb) becomes admission (noun). Meaning: admit (mengakui), admission (pengakuan).

Example:Admission is by invitation only.

-er combined with write (verb) becomes writer (noun). Meaning: write (menulis), writer (penulis).

Example: I am a writer.

-ment combined with argue (verb) becomes argument (noun). Meaning: argue (membantah), argument (bantahan).

Example: His argument is strong.

-al combined with propose (verb) becomes proposal (noun). Meaning: propose (mengusulkan), proposal (usulan). Example: It takes so long to finish my script proposal.

-ence combined with prefer (verb) becomes preference (noun). Meaning: prefer (memilih), preference (pilihan).


-ance combined with endure (verb) becomes endurance (noun). Meaning: endure (bertahan), endurance (daya tahan).

Example: This event tests both physical and mental endurance.

b. To change adjective form into noun can be done by adding suffixes, such as:

-ity combined with able (adjective) becomes ability (noun). Meaning: able (mampu), ability (kemampuan).

Example: My son has musical ability.

-ness combined with dark (adjective) becomes darkness (noun). Meaning: dark (gelap), darkness (kegelapan).

Example: It depends on the darkness of your skin.

c. To change adjective form into verb can be done by adding suffixes such as:

-ize combined with character (adjective) becomes characterize (verb). Meaning: character (ciri), characterize (mencirikan).

Example: The utterance of someone can characterize their personality.

-fy combined with pure (adjective) becomes purify (verb). Meaning: pure (murni), purify (memurnikan).

Example: Hindus purify themselves by bathing n the river of Ganges.

d. To change verb form into adjective can be done by adding suffixes, such as:

-ive combined with attract (verb) becomes attractive (adjective). Meaning: attract (menarik), attractive (menarik)


-able combined with count (verb) becomes countable (adjective). Meaning: count (menghitung), countable (dapat dihitung)

Example: Book is an example of countable noun.

-ent combined with differ (verb) becomes different (adjective). Meaning: differ (membedakan), different (perbedaan).

Example: My children have different interests.

-ous combined with continue (verb) becomes continuous (adjective). Meaning: continue (melanjutkan), continous (berkelanjutan).

Example: Libya suffered continuous attacks.

-ful combined with beauty (verb) becomes beautiful (adjective). Meaning: beauty (kecantikan), beautiful (cantik).

Example: She is beautiful.

e. To change noun form into adjective can be adding suffixes, such as: -al combined with politic (noun) becomes political (adjective).

Meaning: politic (politik), political (berkepentingan politik). Example: Indonesia has a lot political parties.

-less combined with meaning (noun) becomes meaningless (adjective). Meaning: meaning (berarti), meaningless (tidak berarti).

Example: The words of him are meaningless.

-ful combined with fancy (noun) becomes fanciful (adjective). Meaning: fancy (indah), fanciful (mewah).

Example: This home is so fanciful.

-ous combined with danger (noun) becomes dangerous (adjective). Meaning: danger (bahaya), dangerous (berbahaya).


-ive combined with effect (noun) becomes effective (adjective). Meaning: effect (akibat), effective (bersifat efektif).

Example: Picture is an effective media for teaching.

f. To change noun form into verb can be done by adding suffixes, such as: -ize combined with symbol (noun) becomes symbolize (verb).

Meaning: symbol (lambang), symbolize (melambangkan). Example: Cotton and paddy symbolize prosperity.

-ate combined with active (noun) becomes activate (verb). Meaning: active (aktif), activate (mengaktifkan).

Example: I always activate the CCTV every day.

-en combined with strength (noun) becomes strengthen (verb). Meaning: strength (kekuatan), strengthen (memperkuat).

Example: The celebration of Independence Day will strengthen our


2.4 Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through Derivational Affixes The procedures of teaching vocabulary through derivational affixes: A. Pre Activity

1. Teacher greets the students.

2. Teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

3. Teacher tries to brainstorm the students with questions related to the material.

B. While Activity

1. Teacher writes the theme that will be discussed on the whiteboard. 2. Teacher tells to the students about prefix and suffix.


4. Teacher asks the students to listen to her description of a prefix and suffix.

5. Teacher describes each class of word which use prefix and suffix. 6. Students are given a chance to ask questions.

7. Representative students repeat what teacher has described (Tell what is prefix and suffix, gives an example of word which use prefix and suffix, describe each class of word).

8. Teacher divides the students into some groups.

9. Teacher gives a text which contains prefix and suffix to the students group.

10.Teacher gives a text which has blank word to the students group. 11.Teacher asks the students to read the text.

12.Students are instructed to solve the problem in the text. The problem consists of:

a. Using prefix and suffix in an appropriate context to complete the text.

b. Analyze each word into its part of speech.

13.Students are guided to discuss the problems that they have finished. (The students present the result of their discussion in front of the class).

14.Teacher asks each group to correct their exercise based on key answer and write the correct answer on the whiteboard.

15.Teacher asks the students to go back to their chair. 16.Teacher gives an individual exercise.

17.Students are asked to complete each sentences by typing the correct form of the word in the gap and analyze the part of speech prefix/suffix on their sentences

C. Post Activity

1. Teacher asks the students about what they have learnt.


2.5 Theoretical Assumption

Considering the concepts described above, mastering vocabulary is an essential area of language in order to have more effective communication. The use of derivational affixes is one of the most common ways which new words are created, so common in fact that a speaker will ensure if a word exists or they have just created it. Derivational affix is effective in decreasing the students’ burden in learning the vocabulary, because the material is not too difficult for the students since they have known the based word. It will be easier for the students to develop new words. Moreover, by using derivational affixes the students will remember those vocabularies easily.

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that teaching derivational affixes can be used to achieve students’ vocabulary as long as they follow the teaching learning process seriously.

2.6 Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theory and the theoretical assumption mentioned above, the writer formulates the hypothesis as follows:



This chapter discusses some aspects: research design, population and sample, data colleting technique, step in collecting data, instrument of the test, criteria of the test, scoring system, data analysis, and hypothesis testing. They are classifying like the followings.

3.1 Research Design

This research is a quantitative study which has one group pretest-posttest design. The research selects one class as the experimental group using simple probability sampling. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference of the student’s vocabulary achievement at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 B.Lampung before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

T1 X T2

T1 = Pretest X = Treatment T2 = Posttest (Setiyadi, 2006:133)

3.2 Population and Sample of the Research


of the students of each class consists about of 35-38 students. In relation to the design, the researcher took one class as the experimental class of the research randomly through lottery. The name of each class was written on small piece of paper. Then, the paper were rolled and put into a box after that the box was shaken, and then researcher took two pieces of the rolled paper, the first paper as try out class, and the second paper as experimental class. The first year students were chosen because they have studied English for three years at SMP and they still have chance to apply the technique of learning vocabulary proposed in this study.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

The data of the research was the students` vocabulary achievement before and after the treatments. The instrument of the research was test in form of multiple choices, where the pretest and posttest were given in order to evaluate, to measure the vocabulary achievement.

In collecting data, this research used the following procedures:

1. Pretest


2. Treatment

After giving the pretest, the writer treated the students by teaching them through derivational affixes. The treatment was given in three meetings. Each meeting was taken 2x45 minutes. The material was presented which focused on teaching derivational affixes.

3. Posttest

The posttest was conducted after the researcher gave the treatments. It was used to know how far the students had achieved the English vocabulary after being taught through derivational affixes. Similar to the pretest, in the posttest the researcher used of multiple choices. The questions were the same as the pretest. But, the researcher changed the order of the questions from those in the pretest in order that the students not only memorize or remember the order of the answer for each question but they can really understand the questions. The posttest consists of 35 items.

3.4 Steps in Collecting Data

3.4.1. Determining the subjects of the research

The subject of the research was selected using simple probability sampling, which was by using lottery. The subjects of the research followed pretest, treatment, and posttest.

3.4.2. Selecting instrument materials


3.4.3. Conducting try out

The try out was conducted in the different class of the experimental class in first grade class of SMA Negeri 1 B.Lampung. Try out was conducted to measure the reliability of pretest and posttest. It was administered for 50 items in 90 minutes. The aim of try out was to know the quality of the test which used as the instrument of the research, and determine which item should be revised for the pretest and posttest. This research used the result of the try out test to measure the level of difficulty and discrimination power, to find out the validity and reliability.

3.4.4. Conducting the pre test

Pretest was conducted for 35 items in 45 minutes to measure students’ basic ability in derivational affixes.

3.4.5. Conducting the treatments

After giving pretest, the students were given three treatments by using derivational affixes based on the lesson plan which has prepared. Each treatment was held for 90 minutes.

3.4.6. Administering post test

The post test was administered after the application of derivational affixes. It was conducted for 35 items in 45 minutes and the aim was to find out the students` vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

3.4.7. Analyzing the data


affixes have a difference of the students` vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

The instrument was held for pretest and posttest. Pretest was given before the treatment in order to know how far the students` achievement in vocabulary and posttest was given after presenting the treatment in order to know the difference of students` vocabulary. Then, the researcher found out whether there was a difference on the result between pretest and posttest.

3.6 Criteria of Good Test

In this research, to prove whether the test has good quality, it must be tried out first. The test can be said good quality if it has a good validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power.

3.6.1. Validity

The test can be said valid if the test measures the object to be measured and it is suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). To measure whether the test has a good validity, this research ware used content validity and construct validity.


related to the content word. Content validity also can be examined from the table of specification. The table presents the material that the researcher had applied the test. The content validity was constructed by including vocabulary material in the training they vocabulary.

The content of try out test was presented in the table of specification below: Table 1. Table of Specification of try out test.

No Word Class Number of Items Percentage

Prefix Suffix

1. Verb 33,34,35,36,37,38,39. 8,9,10,11,12,13,14. 28% 2. Noun 26,27,28,29,30,31,32. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. 28% 3. Adjectives 40,41,42,43,44,45,46. 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,



4. Adverb 23,24,25,47,48,49,50. 14%

Total Number: 50 100%


b. Construct validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to know the language (Hatch and Farhady 1982:252). It means that the items should really measure the students’

vocabulary achievement.

To fulfill this validity, the researcher would see the indicator of the instrument and analyze them whether measuring instrument have represented the material that measured or not. In this research, the researcher arranged the instrument based on the material given that was vocabulary and the researcher made the instrument related to vocabulary that was content word (noun, verb, and adjective). The writer only used content word because content words cover the materials.

3.6.2. Reliability

Reliability of test can be defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when administrated under similar conditions (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:243). To estimate the reliability of the test this research used split-half technique. To measure the coefficient of the reliability between odd and even group, this research used the pearson product moment formula as follows:



r : coefficient of reliability between odd numbers and even numbers items x : total numbers of odd numbers items

y : total numbers of even numbers items

n : numbers of students who take part in the test



rk : the reliability of the test

r1 : the reliability of half of the test (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:246)

3.6.3. Level of Difficulty

Difficulty level related to how easy or difficult the item was from point of view of the students who take the test. This was important since test items, which are too easy, tell us nothing about differences is discarded. To see the level of difficulty, this research was used the following formula:

LD = N R


LD : level of difficulty

R : the number of students who answer correctly N : the total number of students following the test The criteria are:

<0.30 = difficult 0.30-0.70 = average <0.70 = easy (Shohamy, 1985; 79)

3.6.4. Discrimination Power


To know the discrimination power of the test, the writer used the following

U : the proportion of upper group students L : the proportion of lower group students N : total number of students knowledgeable students then poor students good the item in correct. If the value is zero, no discrimination.

2. If the value is negative, means that more low-students than high level students got the item correct.

3. In general, the higher the discrimination index, the better. In classroom situation most items should be higher than 0.20 indexes.


3.7 Scoring System

In scoring the students result of the test, this research used Arikunto`s formula. The ideal higher scores of pre test and post test was calculated by using formula as follows:

S = 100 N R


S : the score of the test

R : the total of the right answers N : the total items

(Arikunto, 1997:212)

3.8 Data Analysis

After conducting pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzed the data. It was used to know whether there is significant difference of the student’s vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes. The researcher examines the students score using the following steps:

1. Scoring the pretest and posttest.

2. Tabulating the score of student’s vocabulary test results using Repeated measures T-test.


3.9 Hypothesis Testing The hypothesis is:

There is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes.

To check whether the effect of teaching derivational affixes on students’ vocabulary achievement after treatment is statistically significant to support the hypothesis or not, the writer used Repeated measures T-test in SPSS program.



This chapter discusses about the conclusions and suggestions of the research.

5.1 Conclusions

Having conducted the research at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung and analyzing the data, the conclusions are giving as a follows:

1. There is a significant difference of the students` vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes. It can be proved from the increase of the students` mean score in the pretest and the posttest. The result of the posttest is higher than the result of the pretest, the mean score of the pretest is 55.31 with the standard deviation 8.696. And the mean score of the posttest is 69.76 with the standard deviation 7.797. In which the significance is determine by P<0.05. The T-Test reveal that the result is significant (P=0.000).


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, some suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. Derivational Affixes as a way in teaching the vocabulary is recommended to be used by teachers of English, since it can encourage the students to be more active and creative in teaching learning process, and it is also applicable for beginner students.

2. The teacher must have a good preparation by using or implementing an interesting way of material presented. The teacher can use any media such as picture, cartoon, cards or everything in the class. It can be used as a tool to attract students’ attention. Once they are interested, it is easy for them to learn English and to participate in learning.



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By Emilia Rosanti

Vocabulary as one of the language components poses problem for learners, since it has many parts to master such as, verb, noun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, article, pronoun and interjection. Learners cannot automatically send their messages or express ideas to others; neither can they grasp what other people say without first having mastered elementary vocabulary. A derivational affixes is a process of forming a new word according to a regular pattern on the basis of preexisting word. Derivational is a bound of morpheme which generally combines with the base to change its parts of speech classification. In teaching learning process, the researcher designed the materials in different form. Derivation was classified into certain prefixes and suffixes for each meeting.


test and post-test.

The result shows that there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through derivational affixes. The significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement in experimental class is (p<0.05, p=0.000) with increase of mean in pretest and posttest is 14.44 points. It indicates that derivational affixes have a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement. The researcher used the level of significant 0.05. The result of the computation shows that the value of two tailed significance was 0.000. Students get better result on the aspect of noun. It can be seen from t-test computation that t-ratio of noun is higher than t-ratio verb, adjectives and adverb. T-ratio of noun gets 11.359. Whereas verb 6.633, adjectives only 3.263, and adverb 5.596. And all of t-ratio is higher than t-table. It means that the hypothesis of the research is accepted. In other words, there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through



Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, Praise is merely to The Mightiest Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enable me to accomplish this script entitled “The Effect of Teaching Derivational Affixes Through Derivational Practices on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at The First Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung”. This script is submitted as a compulsory fulfillment of the requirements for S1 degree of English Education Study Program at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung.

It is important to be known that the script would never have come into existence without any supports, encouragements, and assistance by several generous persons.

Among many individuals who have generously offered suggestions for improving this script, first of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude’s to Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D., the writer’s first advisor, for his willingness to give assistance, ideas, encouragement, and scientific knowledge within this time during this script writing process. Dra. Rosita Simbolon, M.A., the second advisor, for her suggestions and patience in guiding the writer and Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., the chief examiner for his valuable suggestions, ideas, and helps to make this script more valuable.

I would like to address my gratitude and respect to Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A., as the writer’s academic advisor and all the lecturers of English Education Study Program, for their contributions.

I also want to extend my great appreciation to Hi. Badruzaman, S.Pd., MM.Pd., as the headmaster of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung and Teti Hernawaty, S.Pd., as the English teacher of the first year of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung for their kindness during the research process and all students of class X 3 and X 5, academic year 2010/2011 at SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung for their good coorperation.

I would like to direct my indebtedness to my beloved father and mother, Hi. script. Thanks for your support and love for me.



Apridawati, S.Pd., Selvia Wuri H, Siti Maisaroh, Maulisa Muhas, Anisa Kencana, Harris Tamzil, Muhammad Kharisma, Noprisyah Harianto, Y. Alvin Novan, Nyoman Adi Irawan. Thanks for your support and spirit for me.

A deep thankfulness is addressed to my best friends at English Education Study Program ’07: Iwan Hari Purnomo, Dony Alfaruqy, Winda Tri Mundari, Vera Welianti, Tati Fatmawati, Harits Setyawan, Sulis Heryanto, Markhamah, Nur Sartika, Ariful Hakim, Rima Wati, Desy Putriani, Mesi Astriani, Yuyun Fadillah, Irma Junita, Dwi Paramita, Siti Nurjannah, Elfina Putri S, Betty Tresya MN, Heru Herdianto, Arif Hidayat, Rizco Angga Ariestama, and my lovely friends, ex-English Education Study Program ’07: Abdullah Rizky, Impas Agung, Tri Wahyuningsih, Rima Septiana, Okta Yulinda, Manja Restu Sari, Reni Ariyanti, Puput Heri Waskito, Rahmawati Bekti. Thanks for your nice friendship and togetherness, it will be forgotten. As well as my close friends in PPL, Weni, Bayu, Desi, Gusti, Ratna, Sulis, Hendri, Ari, Beni, thanks for your motivations, Education Study Program, Mb Qori, Mb Wiwik, Mb Eva, Mb Ketut, Mb Emi, Mb Nopi, Mb Mela, Mb Riska, Mb Tata, Mb Welli, Mb Ellin, Kak Uqi, Kak Kodri, Kak Yudi, Kak Erlan, Kak Eka, Kak Sahlan, Kak Agung, Kak Acong, thanks for your advices and helps for the first time I wrote this script.

Hopefully, this script can give benefit to the readers or those who want to carry out further research especially in vocabulary.



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. ………

Chief Examiner : Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. ………

Secretary : Dra. Rosita Simbolon, M.A. ………

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Hi. Bujang Rahman, M.Si.

NIP 19600315 198503 1 003

Graduated on: January 30th, 2012




Student’s Name : Emilia Rosanti

Student Regulation Number : 0743042011

Department : Language and Arts

Study Program : S1 English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education


Advisory Committee

Advisor Co-Advisor

Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. Dra. Rosita Simbolon, M.A.

NIP 19600719 198511 1 001 NIP 19480920 197503 2 001

The Head of

Language and Arts Education Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M.Si.










A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty





(A Script)






The researcher, Emilia Rosanti, was born on April 4th , 1989 in

Bandar Lampung. She is the second child of a wonderful couple, Hi. Firmansyah, S.H. and Hj. Nurbaiti, S.Pd.

She started her study from kindergarten at TK Satria in 1994 and graduated in 1995. In the same year, she was registered at Elementary School of SDN 2 Sukarame and graduated in 2001. She pursued her study at SMP Negeri 1 B.Lampung and graduated in 2004. She continued at SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2007.



This piece of paper is proudly dedicated to:

The greatest inspiration of my life, My Beloved Parents Hi. Firmansyah, S.H. and Hj. Nurbaiti, S.Pd.

My Beloved Brothers and Sister

Ahmad Yudistira, S.H., Firdaus Adam, and Ayu Permatasari

Kapt. Mustofa Family and M. Thoyib Family



Love what Alloh loves & hate what Alloh

hates. Obey Alloh's Commands & avoid


Table 1. Table of Specification of try out test.


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