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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


WAHYU PUSPITA SARI Student Number: 044214144





Three things destroy man: Greed, Jealousy, and Arrogance.

Imam Gazzali

Three are actual wealth: Knowledge, Courtesy, and


Imam Salabi

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the

word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger,

the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of

danger—but recognize the opportunity.










have given their support, care, love, advice, and prayer for me at any time. I really thank all of them, however I apologize if I cannot mention them one by one.

First of all, I would like to thank the one God, Allah SWT, who has given me the guidance, help, strength, and patience in every second in my life. You have given me the light and show me the right way to step. I also would like to thank to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has given me the examples to live in a right way. Alhamdulillah, finally I can complete my thesis.

Next, I would say thank you to my wise parents and my dearly loved sisters. All of you have given me prayer, love and support, so that I can be what you are dreaming of.

My deep grateful is aimed to my advisor Mr. J. Harris Hermansyah S., S.S., M.Hum.. Thank you for your advice, suggestion, and guidance during the completion of my thesis. Knowing you is a great moment for me and I am very proud to be a student whom you guide in accomplishing my thesis. I would also say thank you to my Co-Advisor, Ms. Luluk, who have spent your time in helping me to correct and improve my thesis.



in Department of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University. I also thank to all friends in Anyelir 9, FKM & Hamasah.

To all people in Department of English Letters secretary office, Mbak Ninik, Mbak Rus, and Mas Tri, thank you for serving me in administration during my four years study in Sanata Dharma University.

Last but not least, special thank to ‘Akhi’, my would be husband. Wherever you are, I’m waiting for you.


MOTTO ………. iv


A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

1. Study on the Method of Learning Foreign Language ... 6

2. Study on the Influence of the Use of Audio-Visual Media toward the Learning Achievement ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 9

1. Aspiration ... 9

2. New Method of Learning ... 9

3. The Relation between Learning a Second Language and Age ... 10

C. Theoretical Framework ... 11

D. Research Framework ... 13

A. Aspiration Mastery of the English Learners Senior High School and PGSD Students ... 19

1. Percentage Category Calculation of Habit and Aspiration Mastery ... 20



B. Correlation of Habit toward Aspiration Mastery ... 30

1. Habit Calculation ... 30

2. Summary ... 40

3. Analysis of the Correlation of Habit toward Aspiration Mastery ... 42

C. Relation between Age and Aspiration Mastery ... 46


LIST OF TABLE AND CHART PAGE Table 1 Category of Habit and Aspiration Mastery ... 21

Table 2.1. Aspiration Mastery of Senior High School Students ... 24

Table 3.1. Aspiration Mastery Percentage of Senior High School Students Based on Sex ... 24

Table 2.2. Aspiration Mastery of PGSD Students ... 26

Table 3.2. Aspiration Mastery Percentage of PGSD Students Based on Sex ... 27

Table 3.3. Aspiration Mastery Percentage of Senior High School and PGSD Students Based on Sex ... 27

Table 4.1. Aspiration Mastery Frequency ... 28

Chart 1.1. Aspiration Mastery Frequency of Senior High School and PGSD Students ... 29

Table 5 Answer Score of Questionnaire ... 31

Table 6.1. Habit of Senior High School Students ... 33

Table 7.1. Habit Percentage of Senior High School Students Based on Sex ... 33

Table 6.2. Habit of PGSD Students ... 35

Table 7.2. Habit Percentage of PGSD Students Based on Sex ... 36

Table 7.3. Habit Percentage of Senior High School and PGSD Students Based on Sex ... 36

Table 4.2. Habit Frequency ... 37

Chart 1.2. Habit Frequency of Senior High School and PGSD Students ... 38

Table 8 Case Summaries ... 39

Table 9 Case Processing Summaries ... 40



WAHYU PUSPITA SARI (2008). A Study of the Relation of Habit and Age with Stop Aspiration Mastery among English Learners of Senior High School and PGSD Students. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

English, like other languages, has its own complexity and among of which is pronounciation. In English, voiceless stop consonants ([p, t, k]) are aspirated whenever they are word-initial or begin a stressed syllable. Since there is no aspiration in Bahasa Indonesia, it is assumed that there will be some difficulties faced by English learners in pronouncing English vocabulary correctly, especially the words that contain aspiration.

The discussion in this thesis is made based on the objectives of this study which are to find out the aspiration mastery among English learners senior high school and PGSD students, to examine how the habit correlates with their aspiration mastery, and to observe the relation between age and aspiration mastery.

The three objectives were accomplished by doing data gathering and data analysis. The data of this study are the recording of the respondents’ pronounciations of some selected English vocabularies that contain aspiration and questionnaire. The respondents are twenty second- year students of Senior High School, SMAN 9 Yogyakarta and twenty fourth-semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University. The respondents’ pronounciation is identified to examine the presence of aspiration and calculated using microsoft excell program

in order to state the proportion to answer problem number one. Then, the score of the questionnaire is calculated. Later, the answer of the questionnaire was analyzed using microsoft excel and spss program to find out the significance of the respondent’s habit and age toward their aspiration mastery in order to answer the second and the third problem.


Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa Inggris, seperti bahasa-bahasa yang lain, memiliki kerumitan tersendiri dan diantaranya adalah cara pengucapan. Dalam bahasa Inggris, konsonan letusan tak bersuara ([p, t, k]) diucapkan dengan bunyi aspirasi ketika berada di awal kata maupun ketika memulai suku kata bertekanan. Karena bahasa Indonesia tidak mengenal adanya bunyi aspirasi, diperkirakan siswa SMA dan PGSD yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris akan menemui kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kosakata bahasa Inggris dengan benar, terutama kata-kata yang mengandung bunyi aspirasi.

Pembahasan dalam skrispi ini dibuat berdasarkan tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kemampuan mengucapkan bunyi aspirasi pada siswa SMA dan PGSD yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris, untuk melihat bagaimana kebiasaan berhubungan dengan kemampuan mengucapkan bunyi aspirasi, dan untuk melihat hubungan antara umur dan kemampuan mengucapkan bunyi aspirasi.

Ketiga tujuan di atas dicapai dengan mengumpulkan data dan menganalisanya. Data penelitian ini adalah rekaman ucapan beberapa kosakata bahasa Inggris yang mengandung bunyi aspirasi responden dan kuesioner. Responden berasal dari dua puluh siswa SMAN 9 kelas dua dan dua puluh siswa PGSD Universitas Sanata Dharma semester empat. Ucapan responden diidentifikasi untuk mengamati ada tidaknya pengucapan bunyi aspirasi dan kemudian dihitung menggunakan program microsoft excell untuk menunjukkan proporsinya dalam menjawab masalah yang pertama. Selanjutnya, jawaban kuesioner dianalisa menggunakan program microsoft excel dan spss untuk menemukan hubungan antara kabiasaan dan umur responden terhadap kemampuan mereka mengucapkan bunyi aspirasi untuk menjawab masalah ke dua dan ketiga.




A. Background of the Study

According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions of many people, it is language that is the source of human life and power. When people know a language, they can speak and be understood by others who know the language. This means they have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by others (Fromkin, Victoria and Robert Rodman, 1974:4). Nowadays in the modern era people have to communicate not only within their country but also with foreigners. Therefore English as the international language plays an important role. Considering this fact, many Indonesians begin to learn English as a foreign language (Astuti, 2006:1).

However, English, like other languages, has its own complexity and among of which is pronounciation. In studying the pronunciation of a language two things are necessary, firstly to acquire familiarity with the various elementary speech sounds of which the language is composed and the modes of producing them, and secondly to learn when and in what combinations the elementary speech sounds are used so as to form words and sentences (Jones, 1919:v).



consonants ([p, t, k]) are aspirated whenever they begin a stressed syllable, as in

pen, ten, and key ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspiration_(phonetics)). Since there is no aspiration in Bahasa Indonesia, it is assumed that there will be some difficulties faced by English learners in pronouncing English vocabulary correctly, especially the words that contain aspiration.

In this study, the writer examines the aspiration mastery among English learners of senior high school and PGSD students and analyzes whether or not their habit and age influence their aspiration mastery. It is expected that this study will give knowledge to English learners as to the more they listen and pronounce English vocabulary they will have better aspiration mastery. Later, they can improve their habit to listen and pronounce English vocabulary to develop their pronounciation skill, in this case aspiration mastery, since knowing a language includes more than knowing the sound systems, it includes knowing the rule to produce the speech sounds correctly. Even though the goal of native - like pronunciation is not realistic since English learner’s pronunciation habit are formed and not easy to change, but most people would agree that good pronunciation is important for English learners. Therefore those learners who try to sound as native – like as possible and have good aspiration mastery are better than those who are not. Through hard work, English learners can improve their pronunciation and achieve English pronunciation that is quite clear and accurate (http://www.learning-english.ca/).


study because the two groups of respondent differ in age, even though all respondents can be considered as teenagers. This study is intended to find whether or not the difference of age between the two groups of respondent signifies the aspiration mastery. Besides, the result of this study will improve the knowledge itself. To other researchers, hopefully this study result could provide useful information and give some clues for further study.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background mentioned above, in this research there are three problems the writer tries to find the answer. The problems are formulated as follows:

1. How is the aspiration mastery of the English learners senior high school and PGSD students?

2. How does the habit correlate with the aspiration mastery? 3. How is the relation between the age and the aspiration mastery?

C. Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the three questions stated in the problem formulation section, this study is aimed to answer those three questions. Therefore, the objectives of this study can be formulated as follows.



examine how the habit correlates with the aspiration mastery. The last objective is to observe the relation between age and aspiration mastery.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misleading interpretation in the process of analyzing the data, it is important to know some definition of linguistic terminologies. The terms used in this analysis are habit, mastery, English learners, Senior High School, PGSD, aspiration, voiceless, consonant, and stop.

The term habit in this thesis means the usual exposure dealing with English, for example the habit to watch English programme, listen and sing English song, try to pronounce English vocabulary, etc. The meaning of mastery is the state of having skill over something, in this case is the knowledge to aspirate the words that should be pronounced with aspiration. The definition of English learners here is everyone who studies English formally. Senior High School is a high school comprised of grades 10 through 12 (1971:877). PGSD (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar) is Elementary School Teacher Education Study Programme whose position is under Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Faculty of Teaching and Education) and the students are would be elementary school teacher (http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universitas_Sanata_Dharma).




A. Review of Related Studies

1. Study on the Method of Learning Foreign Language

Professor John B. Carroll of Harvard, an America’s foremost linguistic psychologist, described in the May, 1965, issue of Modern Language Journal, tried out to determine the efficacy of two basic methodologies, the audio-lingual (or aural-oral) and the cognitive code- learning (the old traditional method based on the written language). This experiment was conducted over a period of two years, with three hundred students divided into two groups, under the auspices of the U. S. Office of Education and the University of Colorado. At the end of the first year, the aural-oral group was significantly better in listening and speaking, but somewhat behind the traditional group in reading and writing. By the end of the second year, the traditional group was slightly ahead in writing ability (Pei, 1966, 38-39).

There is no such thing as a good or a bad method, a correct or an incorrect method for learning a language. There is only an effective and an ineffective method for the purpose to which someone wants to put what someone is learning. The audio- lingual method indicates that if someone’s primary purpose is to communicate orally (Pei, 1966, 37).


effective than the code-learning method. It is assumed that the more English learners listen and pronounce English vocabulary, they will have better aspiration mastery. This study will focus on different subject matter, that is how the English learners’ habit in listening and pronouncing English vocabulary influences their aspiration mastery.

2. Study on the Influe nce of the Use of Audio-Visual Media toward the Learning Achievement

In her master’s thesis entitled Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Media Visual dan Media Audio terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Jerman (Eksperimen pada Program



The population of 40 students attending German language is taken purposively to be research sample. Data were collected by the questionnaire of motivation, and pre-test and post-test, namely tests which were given before and after treatment. One of the research finding is that there is difference in students' learning achievement with the use of audio media (6.388), compared to those without it (2.033) as much as 4.355. Accordingly, it can be summed up that the students' achievement of German subject taught with the use of audio media differs with those without audio media (http://Top/S2THESIS/S2-MagisterTeknologiPendidikan/2006/laptunilapp-gdl-s2-2006-sudarsih-536).


B. Review of Related Theories 1. Aspiration

Jones, in his book entitled The Pronunciation of English, states that when we try to pronounce a breathed plosive e. g. p, by itself, it is generally followed by

a short breathed sound h (1919:65). In

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspiration_(phonetics), it is also stated that to feel or see the difference between aspirated and unaspirated sounds, one can put a hand

or a lit candle in front of his or her mouth, and say tore ([t???]) and then store

([st? ?]). One should either feel a puff of air or see a flicker of the candle flame

with tore that one does not get with store. In English, the t should be aspirated in

tore and unaspirated in store. The diacritic for aspiration in the International

Phonetic Alphabet is a superscript "h", [?]. English voiceless stop consonants are

aspirated when they are word- initial or begin a stressed syllable, as in pen, ten,


2. New Method of Learning



3. The Relation between Learning a Second Language and Age

Authors Marinova-Todd, Bradford Marshall, and Snow (2000) of Harvard University dispel as myth, the idea that age is the primary factor in successful language learning. The authors focus on three misconceptions about the relationship between age and language learning. The first misconception is the widely held view that learning a second language at a young age is easier. The authors report that the research shows clearly that older learners do better than younger learners on all measures of assessment. Adolescents are even better than younger children on pronunciation. The data show that children learn much more slowly and with greater effort than either adolescents or adults.

The second misconception concerns research that indicates differences in brain activity for learners of a second language. Magnetic resonance imaging has shown that the brain processes the first language and the second language in different areas of the brain. Since second language processing happens in a different area of the brain, researchers have hypothesized that this presupposes less efficiency and less ultimate success in the acquisition of the second language. The authors point out, however, that no study has yet confirmed this. More importantly, no brain research has reckoned with the fact that there are many learners of all ages who have, in fact, achieved native- like fluency and proficiency in a second language. It is clear that it is possible to achieve native- like performance, regardless of which part of the brain processes the second language.


fluency. Thus, it is assumed that it is virtually impossible or at least highly unlikely to reach this level of attainment. As the authors point out, this assumption ignores the many individuals who have achieved native- like ability in a second language (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pric/is_199812/ai_7300614).

There are some factors that affect learning a second language, including aptitude, time available to study, motivation, well- trained language teachers and a supportive learning environment. Pronunciation needs to be balanced with the other language skills, including the skills and strategies involved in negotiating meaning and repairing conversation breakdowns. An adult learner may be able to improve his or her pronunciation if he or she has the aptitude, the motivation, and the time as well as a supportive learning environment and a well- trained teacher.

C. Theoretical Framework

Pronunciation is the biggest thing that people notice about someone English. The theories of aspiration provides the basic information for this study because it explains what sounds have to be aspirated and in what environment those sounds have to be aspirated. The explanation of those theories will help someone to have not only an understandable pronunciation but also the pleasant one.



Based on this theory, it is predicted that those learners who use to be familiar with aural-oral or audio-lingual method of learning, in this case who often listen and pronounce English vocabulary, will have better aspiration mastery.


D. Research Framework

To explain the step of the study, it is presented a diagram assembling the flow of the study.


English Learners


PGSD Habit

Age Senior High School



A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is the aspiration mastery of the English learners senior high school and PGSD students. What is meant by the aspiration mastery is how they acquire that the English voiceless stop consonants are aspirated (pronounced with sound ‘h’ in it) when they are word- initial or in the beginning of

a stressed syllable. For example, tore should be pronounced as ([t???]) because /t/

is voiceless stop consonant and it is in the beginning of a stressed syllable.

This study will also analyze whether or not their habit and age influence their aspiration mastery. Based on the theory on Chapter II, it is predicted that those learners who use to be familiar with aural-oral or audio- lingual method of learning, in this case who often listen and pronounce English vocabulary, will have better aspiration mastery.


or PGSD have a possibility to be better in aspiration mastery if they have better habit, even though they differ in age.

B. Population and Sampling

Sprinthall defines ‘population’ as the entire group of persons, things, or events that share at least one common trait while ‘samples’ are only apart of the population which are used to be the representative of the population’s characteristics (1991:27). The populations of this analysis were the second-year students of Senior High School, SMAN 9 Yogyakarta and the fourth-semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University. The number of the second-year students of Senior High School, SMAN 9 Yogyakarta was 180 students, and the fourth-semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University was 141 students. The reason why the writer chose the population was for time efficiency, since the location of SMAN 9 Yogyakarta and PGSD Sanata Dharma University was near and easy to be reached. The students of the second-year of Senior High School and the fourth semester of PGSD were chosen because their mastery of English were already sufficient to acquire background knowledge of English pronounciation, in this case aspiration, at non-college and college student level. Moreover, later the PGSD graduates would teach all subjects of the Elementary School including English, therefore it was important for them to have good English pronounciation.



the fourth-semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University one by one since it would be time consuming and impractical. Therefore, samples of the population were used to get the representative of the population. The samples were limited on twenty second-year students of the Senior High School, SMAN 9 Yogyakarta, and twenty fourth-semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University. In order to be representative, the respondents were taken from different classes. Only twenty students of the second- year of the Senior High School Students and fourth-semester students of PGSD were chosen as the data in this study to present efficiency rather than the quantity of the data.

B. Method of the Study


C. Research Procedure 1. Data Collection

The sources of the data are the Senior High School students, SMAN 9 Yogyakarta, and the fourth semester students of PGSD, Sanata Dharma University. The data were collected by recording the respondents’ pronounciations of some selected English vocabularies (see appendix 5) using all sound recorder program. Besides, they are also given questionnaire (see appendix 6) to fill in about their English knowledge and habit in listening and pronouncing English vocabularies.

2. Data Analysis

The first step in analyzing the data was examining all respondents’ pronounciations and then identifying the correct and incorrect pronounciation. The identification was done through examining the presence of aspiration in respondents’ pronounciations of the selected vocabularies. The next step was giving point to each answer in the questionnaire. The point of every answer ranges from 4 to 1 (4, 3, 2, and 1). After identifying the respondents’ pronounciation, their aspiration mastery was calculated using microsoft excell program in order to state the proportion to answer problem number one which is meant to find how the aspiration mastery among the English learners senior high school and university students is.




This chapter will cover the analysis of the aspiration mastery of the English learners senior high school and PGSD students. It will be divided into three major parts to answer the three problem formulations. They are aspiration mastery of the English learners senior high school and PGSD students, correlation of habit toward aspiration mastery, and relation between age and aspiration mastery.

A. Aspiration Mastery of the English Learners Senior High School and PGSD Students



1. Percentage Category Calculation of Habit and Aspiration Mastery

The aim of the discussion in this sub chapter is finding the percentage category. When the percentage category is found, we can state which category of every data from the recording and the questionnaire belong to. The following calculation is a step to find the percentage category. We have to find maximum and minimum percentage first, range, and then class width.

In maximum percentage, the numeral 4 used as the numerator is taken from the maximum score of the questionnaire answer. While in minimum percentage, the numeral 1 used as the numerator is taken from the minimum score of the questionnaire answer. The numeral 4 used as the denominator in the

maximum and minimum percentage is taken from the maximum score of the questionnaire answer.

Percentage Category Calculation of Habit and Aspiration Mastery


Based on the above calculation, we have the result that the maximum percentage is 100% and the minimum percentage is 25%. The next percentage to see is range. The range can be found by subtracting the minimum percentage from the maximum percentage, the result is 75%. To calculate the width of the class (class width), the total of the category (total cetegory) must be determined first. After we determined that the total category is 5 (very poor, poor, enough, good, and very good), the class width can be calculated by dividing range by the total of the category, the result is 15 %.

Table 1 Category of Habit and Aspiration Mastery

No. Category Interval

1. Very poor 25 - 39%

2. Poor 40 - 54%

3. Enough 55 - 69%

4. Good 70 - 84%

5. Very Good 85 - 100%

After the class width is found, therefore the interval of each class can be calculated. For very poor category, the interval is between 25% and 39%, even though later for the percentage below 25% is included in this category. The interval for poor category is 40% to 54%, for enough category is 55% to 69%,



2. Aspiration Mastery Calculation

To see the respondent’s aspiration mastery, they were asked to pronounce 20 English words. 10 words contain aspiration, while the rest do not. The 10 words that should be pronounced with aspiration are pin, take, kite, time, put, keep, pass, top, pen, and car. The other 10 words are bin, die, go, do, gun, book, dig, give, bat, and deep. The other 10 words chosen are the words beginning with voiced stop consonants or the counterparts of the first 10 words. The 20 words are chosen because they are familiar and consist of only one syllable.

Two tables of the following page will show the aspiration mastery percentage of the senior high school students in general and based on sex. The first, Table 2.1., shows the aspiration mastery of the senior high school students. If they pronounce the words with aspiration, they will be given score 1 in the column below the words. If they do not aspirate the words, the score is 0. Total score is the total words pronounced with aspiration, while expectation score (exp.

score) is the maximum score that can be achieved. Percentage (%) can be calculated using the following formula:



The next table is Table 3.1.. It demonstrates the aspiration mastery percentage of the senior high school students based on sex. N is the total number of the respondent. Based on the table, we can see that the aspiration mastery percentage of the female students is higher than the male student. The aspiration mastery percentage of the female students is 47%, that is between 40% and 54%, it is included in poor category. Different from the female students, the aspiration mastery percentage of the male students is only 19%, that means it is included in


24 Table 2.1. Aspiration Mastery of Senior High School Students

Aspect of Aspiration Mastery

Table 3.1. Aspiration Mastery Percentage of Senior High School Students based on Sex

No Sex N Total Score Expectation Score % Explanation

1 Female (F) 10 47 100 47 Poor

2 Male (M) 10 19 100 19 Very Poor


The next three tables will show the aspiration mastery percentage of the PGSD students in general and based on sex and also show the habit percentage of the senior high school and PGSD students based on sex. The first, Table 2.2., illustrates the aspiration mastery percentage of PGSD students. Different from senior high school students, the result of the aspiration mastery of PGSD students are almost the same one another. Almost all PGSD students do not pronounce the words with aspiration, only three of them aspirate it. The highest percentage is 20%, and the lowest percentage is 0%, all percentage belong to very poor


The second, Table 3.2., shows the aspiration mastery percentage of PGSD students based on sex. Based on the table, we can see that the aspiration mastery of both female and male students is included in very poor category, that is 2% (<40%). The average aspiration mastery percentage of PGSD students is also 2%, it belongs to very poor category.


26 Table 2.2. Aspiration Mastery of PGSD Students


Average of Aspiration Mastery Percentage of PGSD Students 20 4 100 2 Very Poor Table 3.3. Aspiration Mastery Percentage of Senior High School and PGSD Students based on Sex

No Sex N Total Score Expectation Score % Explanation

1 Female (F) 20 49 200 24.5 Very Poor

2 Male (M) 20 21 200 10.5 Very Poor



Table 4.1. Aspiration Mastery Frequency

Senior High School PGSD No. Category Interval Absolute


Table 4.1. explains aspiration mastery frequency of senior high school and PGSD students. Absolute frequency is the number of the student included in the category, while relative frequency is the percentage of the absolute frequency, that can be calculated using the formula below. Total is the number of the respondents, for senior high school students are twenty, and for PGSD are the same.

Relative frequency=

The aspiration mastery of all PGSD students belong to very poor category (100%). For the senior high school students, 13 students belong to very poor category (65%), 2 students belong to poor category (10%), no one belongs to


Chart 1.1. Aspiration Mastery Frequency of Senior High School and PGSD

Very Poor Poor Enough Good Very Good


Aspiration Mastery Frequency

Senior High School PGSD

Chart 1.1. illustrates the aspiration mastery frequency of senior high school and PGSD students. It is the summary of many explanations before to answer the first problem formulation about the aspiration mastery of the senior high school and PGSD student. The data in the chart is the same as in Table 4.1. It only presents the data in a different shape since chart will ease the reader to see the difference of the aspiration mastery between senior high school and PGSD students.



and dot for PGSD students. The numbers in the chart are taken from the absolute frequency.

Based on the chart, we can answer the first problem formulation about how the aspiration mastery of the senior high school and the PGSD students are. It can be seen that the highest frequency is for very poor category, both for senior high school and PGSD students. There are 12 senior high school and twenty PGSD students whose aspiration mastery are very poor. The aspiration mastery frequency of the senior high school students is better than the PGSD students because all the PGSD respondents (100%) are included in very poor category, however the category for senior high school respondents are more varied. There are 4 senior high school students (20%) included in good category and 1 student (5%) included in very good category. It is clearly seen that the aspiration mastery of the senior high school students is better than the PGSD students.

B. Correlation of Habit toward Aspiration Mastery 1. Habit Calculation


The first thing to do to find the relation between the habit and the aspiration mastery is scoring the respondent’s answer of the questionnaire. There are fifteen questions in the questionnaire, four questions about English knowledge and eleven questions about respondent’s habit. The expectation score (Exp. Score) or the maximum score of all answer in the questionnaire is sixty. The score of each answer can be seen in table 5.

Table 5 Answer Score of Questionnaire

A. English Knowledge Answer Score Number

a b c

1 4 3 -

2 4 3 -

3 4 3 2

4 4 3 -

B. Habit

Answer Score Number

a b c d

1 4 3 2 -

2 4 3 2 -

3 4 3 2 -

4 4 3 2 1



6 4 3 2 -

7 4 3 - -

8 4 3 - -

9 4 3 2 -

10 4 3 - -

11 4 3 2 1

Two tables of the following page will show the habit percentage of the senior high school students in general and based on sex. The first is Table 6.1., which explains the habit of the senior high school students. The highest total score of the senior high school student is 50 while the lowest is 28. The percentage of the highest score is 83%, and the lowest is 47%. Different from the aspiration mastery percentage, the habit percentage of the senior high school students is better. Almost all students are included in good category, there are 14 students included in this category. 5 students belong to enough category, and only 1 student who is included in very poor category.

The second table, Table 7.1., shows the habit percentage of the senior high school students based on sex. Both the female and male students are included in good category, even though the habit percentage of female students is a little bit better. The habit percentage of female students is 75%, while the male is 70%. The average habit percentage of senior high school is 72%, it also belongs to good


2 Eva Nur Fadilla F 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 49 60 82 Good 3 Fergie Tami Prameswari F 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 4 4 3 3 50 60 83 Good 4 Fitria Resti N. F 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 4 3 48 60 80 Good 5 He-Yeon Asva Nafaisa F 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 3 3 46 60 77 Good 6 Jessica Nurhidayati Ellison F 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 46 60 77 Good 7 Novita Andi Kurniasari F 4 3 4 4 4 3 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 42 60 70 Good 8 Pratita Hening Pusparanti F 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 37 60 62 Enough 9 Sekar Atika Driyaastiti F 3 3 4 4 4 3 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 2 41 60 68 Enough 10 Tsalits Annisa Madarini F 3 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 43 60 72 Good 11 Adhimas Permana M 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 2 3 49 60 82 Good

12 Adimas Reza M 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 3 3 41 60 68 Enough

13 Arif Firmansyah M 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 33 60 55 Enough

14 Atta Rizky Suharto M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 2 4 1 49 60 82 Good 15 Yucaesario Mohammad R. M 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 1 3 4 4 3 3 47 60 78 Good 16 Aditya Syahwan Donadoni M 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 28 60 47 Very Poor 17 Denta Yuliansyah M 4 3 4 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 40 60 67 Enough 18 Galih Prabaswara P. M 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 42 60 70 Good 19 Garda Maharsi M 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 47 60 78 Good

20 Yotan Parahita M 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 42 60 70 Good

Table 7.1. Habit Percentage of Senior High School Students based on Sex

No Sex N Total Score Expectation Score % Explanation



The previous two tables show the habit percentage of the senior high school students in general and based on sex. The next three tables will show the habit percentage of the PGSD students in general and based on sex and also show the habit percentage of the senior high school and PGSD students based on sex.

The first, Table 6.2., illustrates the habit percentage of PGSD students. Different from senior high school students, the result of the habit of PGSD students are more varied. The highest total score of the PGSD student is 49 while the lowest is 26. The percentage of the highest score is 80%, and the lowest is 43%. There are 4 students who belong to good category, 7 students belong to

enough category, 3 students belong to poor category, and the rest belong to very poor category.

The next table on the next page, Table 7.2., shows the habit percentage of PGSD students based on sex. The PGSD female students belong to enough

category (63%), while the male belong to poor category (52%). It means that the habit of the female students is better than the male. The average habit category of PGSD students based on sex is 57%, it is included in enough category.


2 Etik Yuliayarsih F 3 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 27 60 45 Very Poor 3 Isabela Resita Yuliyanti F 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 42 60 70 Good 4 Kristina Dyah Cahyani F 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 2 38 60 63 Enough

5 Maria Suci Lestari F 4 3 4 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 32 60 53 Poor

6 Martina F 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 33 60 55 Enough

7 Novia Virgo Yuliana F 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 29 60 48 Very Poor 8 Siwi Ageng Prihatin F 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 3 49 60 82 Good

9 Sri Murtini F 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 2 3 4 4 3 3 44 60 73 Good

10 Yasinta Sri Lestari F 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 34 60 57 Enough

11 Albertus Nugroho M 3 3 4 2 4 1 1 2 4 4 3 3 34 60 57 Enough

12 Antonius Mamat M 4 4 4 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 30 60 50 Poor

13 Aris Budi Nugroho M 3 3 4 4 3 2 1 2 4 4 3 3 36 60 60 Enough

14 Doni Aryadi M 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 35 60 58 Enough

15 Heri Haryadi M 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 26 60 43 Very Poor

16 Setya Mandhala M 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 29 60 48 Very Poor

17 Sujatmoko M 3 4 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 28 60 47 Very Poor

18 Suparno M 4 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 25 60 42 Very Poor

19 Vinsensius Susilo D.A M 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 32 60 53 Poor


36 Table 7.2. Habit Percentage of PGSD Students based on Sex

No Sex N Total Score Expectation Score % Explanation

1 Female (F) 10 376 600 63 Enough

2 Male (M) 10 309 600 52 Poor

Average of Habit Percentage of Senior High School Students 20 685 1200 57 Enough Table 7.3. Habit Percentage of Senior High School and PGSD Students based on Sex

No Sex N Total Score Expectation Score % Explanation

1 Female (F) 20 826 1200 69 Enough

2 Male (M) 20 727 1200 61 Enough


Table 4.2. Habit Frequency

Senior High School PGSD No. Category Interval Absolute




that the habit frequency of the senior high school students is better than the PGSD students.

Chart 1.2. Habit Frequency of Senior High School and PGSD Students.


Very Poor Poor Enough Good Very Good



Senior High School



2. Summary

Table 8 Case Summaries

No Aspiration Mastery Habit Age



Table 8 shows the case summaries of the habit and the age of the respondents. The summary is significant to ease the analysis for the second and the third problem formulation. From the table, we can see the case variation of the respondents. For example, the first case, the respondent from senior high school has very poor aspiration mastery but she has good habit. The next example, the twenty-first case, the same as the first case, the PGSD respondent here has very poor aspiration mastery, however she has good habit. All the data in this table later will be simplified into numbers in Table 10.1. and 10.2..

Table 9 Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Habit * Aspiration Mastery 40 100% 0 0% 40 100% Age * Aspiration Mastery 40 100% 0 0% 40 100%


3. Analysis of the Correlation of Habit toward Aspiration Mastery

As mentioned previously, the data in Table 10.1. was taken from Table 8 which was simplified into numbers. Table 10.1. shows the crosstab between habit and aspiration mastery. The column is for the habit and the row is for the aspiration mastery. It can be seen that there are 7 students whose habit is very poor and also the aspiration mastery, 3 students have poor habit and very poor aspiration mastery, 10 students have enough habit and very poor aspiration mastery, 13 students have good habit and very poor aspiration mastery, 1 student has enough habit and poor aspiration mastery, 1 student has good habit and poor aspiration mastery, 4 students have good habit and good aspiration mastery, 1 student has enough habit and very good aspiration mastery, and the total respondents are 40, so all data are complete.

Table 10.1. Crosstab Habit with Aspiration Mastery Habit

Very Poor Poor Enough Good Total

Very Poor 7 3 10 13 32

Poor 0 0 1 1 2

Good 0 0 0 4 4

Aspiration Mastery

Very Good 0 0 1 0 1



After all data in the crosstab between habit and aspiration mastery are complete, then the analysis to find the relation between habit and aspiration mastery can be done using spss program. The following table, Table 11.1. and 12.1. are taken from spss program. The writer will not explain how the data are processed using the program because it is out of our discussion. When the data are entered into the program, automatically then the result of the analysis is presented into a table. Table 11.1. and 12.1. are the result of the analysis using spss program

to find the relation between habit and aspiration mastery.

After the result is found, the next thing to do is reading it using spss program approach in understanding every single number in the table. We do not have to understand the significance of all numbers in the spss table. Not only it is out of the discussion, it will also be time consuming. We only have to know the significance of the numbers which related with our discussion to find the relation between habit and aspiration mastery. Not only that, the explanation of some terms in the spss table will be limited only to the most related with this discussion to give some knowledge about some terms used in the spss program to the reader. Even though some numbers are not significance to understand, the writer prefers to present all data in the spss table to show the whole result of the analysis using

spss program.


are: nominal by nominal, ordinal by ordinal, interval by interval, and ratio. The group of data used to analyze the data in Table 10.1. is ordinal by ordinal because the data has been grouped into certain categories, that is: very poor, poor, enough, good, and very good. Somer’s d is the name of data. The meaning of symmetric is the general result of the analysis, different from two rows below it that has been differentiated into aspiration mastery dependent and habit dependent. Value is the amount that will be significant to find the relation between the data analyzed. The

Asymp. Std. Error and Approx. T columns are for nominal data. Since the group of data used in this analysis is ordinal, therefore the two columns are not significant. Approx. Sig. is the degree of the mistake in doing the research, it will be explained later in the following paragraph.



Table 11.1. Directional Measures Habit with Aspiration Mastery



Table 12. 1. Symmetric Measures Habit with Aspiration Mastery



those learners who use to be familiar with aural-oral or audio- lingual method of learning, in this case who often listen and pronounce English vocabulary, will have better aspiration mastery. Therefore based on the result of the data analysis we can conclude that the habit is related with the aspiration mastery.

C. Relation between Age and Aspiration Mastery

The last problem is intended to examine how the respondents’ age correlates with their aspiration mastery. The theory of the relation between learning a second language and age in Chapter II states that age is not the primary factor in successful language learning. Every English learner, no matter how old he or she is, may be able to improve his or her pronounciation if he or she has the aptitude, the motivation, and the time as well as supportive learning environment and a well-trained teacher. In this study, the theory is used in a broader case. It is assumed that their habit is one factor to succeed in learning English. Therefore, based on the theory above, both students of senior high school or PGSD have possibility to be better in aspiration mastery, even though they differ in age.


Table 10.2. Crosstab Age with Aspiration Mastery


Senior High School PGSD


Very Poor 13 20 33

Poor 2 0 2

Good 4 0 4

Aspiration Mastery

Very Good 1 0 1

Total 20 20 40

Based on the above table, it can be seen that all PGSD respondents have very poor aspiration mastery. While for the senior high school, there are 13 students who have very poor aspiration mastery, 2 students have poor aspiration mastery, 4 students belong to good category, and only 1 student who has very good aspiration mastery.



mastery. The explanation of some terms of the spss program are the same as in Table 11.1. and 12.1..

Table 11.2. Directional Measures Age with Aspiration Mastery



correlation of the age toward the aspiration mastery, therefore we have to consider the aspiration mastery dependent row.

In Table 11.2., the number -0.350 (printed boldly) explains that the age correlates negatively with the aspiration mastery in the amount of 0.350 and the significance is 0.01. The meaning of correlating negatively is when the age is younger, the aspiration mastery is better, and so when the age is older, the aspiration mastery is lesser. The amount of 0.01 for the significance (printed boldly) means that the degree of the mistake in doing the research is 0.01 or 1%. It also can be tolerated since the limit of the degree of the mistake for the social science research is 0.05 or 5%. In other words, it can be said that the validity of the result of the study is 99%.



Table 12. 2. Symmetric Measures Age with Aspiration Mastery



After knowing the result of the analysis on the third problem formulation, it seems the result proves the theory that states younger language learners are better than the older. On the other hand, the fourth theory used in Chapter II argues the theory that states younger language learners are better than the older one. Here, after we find the result that the age correlates negatively and significance with the aspiration mastery, we have to also see the result of the second problem formulation. The result shows that the aspiration mastery of the senior high school students is better than the PGSD students because they have better habit. Therefore we may say that the senior high school students have better aspiration mastery because they have better habit, it is not simply because they are younger than PGSD students or the PGSD students have lesser aspiration mastery because they are older.



At the end of the discussion of this study, some conclusions can be drawn based on the analysis which has been done in the previous chapter. The discussion of this chapter will include the finding of the study for each problem in the fourth chapter.


aspiration mastery percentage of senior high school and PGSD students is also 17.5%, it also belongs to very poor category.

The second problem, the study is intended to find out the relation between habit and aspiration mastery. Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the habit correlates positively and significance with the aspiration mastery. It correlates positively because the correlation coefficient is positive (0.173). The meaning of correlating positively is when the habit is good, the aspiration mastery is also good, and so whe n the habit is poor, the aspiration mastery is also poor. In the analysis it is proven that the habit of senior high school students is better than the PGSD students, therefore their aspiration mastery is also better than the PGSD students. It is significance because the

significance is 0.035 or 3.5% (less than 0.05 or 5%). The meaning of significance

is the degree of the mistake in doing the research. It still can be tolerated since the limit of the degree of the mistake for the social science research is 0.05 or 5%. In other words, it can be said that the validity of the result of the study is 96,5%.

The result of the second problem formulation proves the third theory about new method of learning on Chapter II, it is predicted that those learners who have good habit, will also have better aspiration mastery. Therefore based on the study, it can be concluded that the habit is related with the aspiration mastery.



is negative (-0.350). The meaning of correlating negatively is when the age is younger, the aspiration mastery is better, and so when the age is older, the aspiration mastery is lesser. It is significance because the significance or the degree of the mistake in doing the research is 0.01 or 1%. It also can be tolerated since the limit of the degree of the mistake for the social science research is 0.05 or 5%. In other words, it can be said that the validity of the result of the study is 99%.

After we find the result that the age correlates negatively and significance with the aspiration mastery, we have to also see the result of the second problem formulation. The result shows that the aspiration mastery of the senior high school students is better than the PGSD students because they have better habit. Therefore we may say that the senior high school students have better aspiration mastery because they have better habit, it is not merely because they are younger than PGSD students or the PGSD students have lesser aspiration mastery because they are older.




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Ladefoged, Peter. A Course in Phonetics. Los Angeles: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 1993.

O’Grady, William and Michael Dobrovolsky. Contemporary Linguistics – an Introduction. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989.

Pei, Mario. The New Grolier Webster International Dictionary of the English Language. New York: The English – Language Institute of America, Inc. 1971.

Pei, Mario. How to Learn Languages and What Languages to Learn. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1966.

Sprinthall, Richard C., Gregory T. Schmutte, and Lee Sirois. Understanding Educational Research. London: Prentice Hall, 1991.

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APPENDIX 5. Daftar Kata


Ucapkan kata – kata berbahasa Inggris di bawah ini! 1. Pin

2. Bin 3. Take 4. Die 5. Kite 6. Go 7. Time 8. Put 9. Do 10.Gun



APPENDIX 6. Kuesioner Pengaruh Kebiasaan dan Umur Siswa / Mahasiswa terhadap Pengucapan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang

Mengandung Bunyi Aspirasi



Responden Yang Terhormat, saya adalah mahasiswi jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma yang sedang mengadakan penelitian tentang pengaruh kebiasaan dan umur siswa/mahasiswa terhadap pengucapan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang mengandung bunyi aspirasi. Agar hasil penelitian ini mempunyai kredibilitas yang tinggi, saya mengharapkan anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini dengan lengkap dan penuh kejujuran. Terima kasih atas partisipasi anda dalam survei ini.

Wahyu Puspita Sari

Mohon untuk melingkari jawaban yang benar! A. PROFIL RESPONDEN

Nama :

Jenis Kelamin : L / P

Tingkat Pendidikan : 2 SMA ( IPA / IPS ) / PGSD



1. Apakah sebelumnya anda pernah mendengar semua kata yang telah anda ucapkan?

a. Pernah

b. Ada yang belum pernah, yaitu kata nomor:………... 2. Apakah anda pernah mendengar istilah aspiration (bunyi aspirasi) dalam

bahasa Inggris? a. Pernah

b. Belum pernah

3. Jika pernah, dari siapa anda mendengar istilah tersebut? a. Guru

b. Pengajar kursus Bahasa Inggris

c. Lainnya:………... 4. Apakah anda pernah menyadari adanya aspiration (bunyi aspirasi) ketika mendengar pengucapan bahasa Inggris seseorang (meskipun mungkin anda belum pernah mendengar istilah tersebut)?

a. Ya, yaitu di:……….... b. Tidak


1. Seberapa sering anda mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Ingris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu



2. Seberapa sering anda menyayikan lagu berbahasa Inggris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu

c. Seminggu sekali atau lebih

3. Seberapa sering anda melihat film berbahasa Inggris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu

c. Seminggu sekali atau lebih

4. Seberapa sering anda melihat tayangan berita berbahasa Inggris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu c. Seminggu sekali

d. Dua minggu sekali atau lebih

5. Seberapa sering anda mendengarkan siaran berita berbahasa Inggris di radio? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu c. Seminggu sekali

d. Dua minggu sekali atau lebih

6. Seberapa sering anda berlatih mengucapkan kata – kata berbahasa Inggris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu


7. Apakah anda (pernah/sedang) mengikuti kursus/les Bahasa Inggris?

a. Ya, yaitu di / waktu:………... b. Tidak

8. Jika ya, apakah pengajar anda memberikan latihan speaking (berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris) dan listening (mendengarkan percakapan berbahasa Inggris)? a. Ya

b. Tidak

9. Seberapa sering anda mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu

c. Seminggu sekali atau lebih

10. Apakah anda (pernah/sedang) mengikuti English Club (kelompok belajar bahasa Inggris)?

a. Ya, waktu:……….. b. Tidak

11. Jika ya, seberapa sering anda mengikuti English Club? a. Setiap hari

b. 3x - 5x seminggu c. Seminggu sekali


Table 1 Category of Habit and Aspiration Mastery
Table 2.1. Aspiration Mastery of Senior High School Students
Table 2.2. Aspiration Mastery of PGSD Students
Table 4.1. Aspiration Mastery Frequency


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