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The use of metaphor in advertisement: a case Study of Asean Tourism destination.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment as the Requirements for the SarjanaDegreeof English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Reni Ariyanti Reg. Number A73213124







Ariyanti. R. 2017.The Use of Metaphor In Slogan Advertisement: A Case Study of ASEAN Tourism Destination. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. A.g

Key words: Metaphor, Type of metaphor, coherence discourse, advertisement

Metaphor gets much attention especially in advertisement, which metaphor can influence the customer to interest with goods promote in advertisement. This thesis examines metaphor through slogan tourism in ASEAN which is concentrated in the content of slogan. Content of slogan is included about text and picture. In addition, type of metaphor in advertisement is investigated in research. And language uses in slogans tourism are also evaluated with discourse aspect, which the text is become the primary subject.

Forceville’s theory of type of metaphor in advertisement is applied. Forceville (2008) are explained that there are three type metaphors in advertisement. Besides, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Kovecses (2010)’s theory of coherence discourse in metaphor are also used to analyze the text of slogan tourism in ASEAN. Qualitative content analysis and descriptive research are chosen to investigate slogan tourism in ASEAN which consist of the text and the picture. The researcher herself becomes the only instrument or human instrument. Reading and selecting the entire text and picture of slogan tourism and video promotion tourism in ASEAN becomes the steps of data collection. Then, the procedures of data analysis contain identifying, classifying, and describing the data. The conclusion is also drawing in the last step to make understanding.



Ariyanti. R. 2017.The Use of Metaphor In Slogan Advertisement: A Case Study of ASEAN Tourism Destination. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. A.g

Kata kunci: metafora, tipe metafora, wacana koheren, iklan

Metafora mendapat banyak perhatian terutama dalam hal iklan, yang mana metafora dapat mempengaruhi minat pelanggan terhadap barang yang dipromosikan dalam iklan. Tesis ini mengkaji metafora melalui slogan pariwisata di ASEAN yang terkonsentrasi pada isi slogan. Isi slogan terdapat tentang teks dan gambar. Selain itu, tipe metafora dalam iklan juga termasuk dalam penelitian. Dan penggunaan bahasa dalam slogan pariwisata juga dievaluasi dengan aspek wacana, yang teksnya menjadi subjek utama.

Teori Forceville tentang jenis metafora di iklan diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. .Forceville (2008) menjelaskan bahwa ada tiga jenis metafora dalam iklan. Selain itu, teori wacana yang koheren Lakoff dan Johnson (1980) dan Kovecses (2010) dalam metafora juga digunakan untuk menganalisis teks slogan pariwisata di ASEAN. Analisis ini kualitatif dan termasuk penelitian deskriptif yang dipilih untuk menganalisa slogan pariwisata di ASEAN yang terdiri dari teks dan gambar. Peneliti sendiri menjadi satu-satunya instrumen atau sebagai instrumen manusia. Membaca dan memilih keseluruhan teks dan gambar di promosi slogan pariwisata di ASEAN menjadi langkah pengambilan data. Kemudian, prosedur analisis data berisi identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan penggambaran data. Kesimpulannya juga menggambar pada langkah terakhir untuk membuat pemahaman.



Inside Cover Page………i

Inside Title Page………..ii

Declaration Page……….iii


Dedication Page………....………..v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page………...vi

Thesis Examiners’Approval Page………vii


Table of Contents…………..………...x

List of Appendices………...………….………..xiii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study……….1

1.2Research Problems………...7

1.3Research Objectives………...7

1.4Significance of the Study………...8

1.5Scope and Limitations………..…9



2.1 Theories of Metaphor………....11

2.2 Conceptual of Metaphor………...13

2.2.1 The Systematic of Metaphorical Concept……….…14

2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor as a Set of Mapping……….………..16

2.2.3 Source Domain and Target Domain in Metaphor……….………....19 Source Domain……….…19 Target Domain………..23

2.3 Metaphor Coherence in Discourse………....25

2.4 Metaphors in Advertisement………....28

2.4.1 Types of Metaphors in Advertisement……….28

2.5 Slogan………...29

2.6 Tourism destination management ………29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1Research Design………...30

3.2Subject of The Study………...…....30

3.3 Data and Data Sources………...32

3.4Research Instruments………...33

3.5Techniques of Data Collection………....39



4.1 Findings……….………....41

4.1.1 Type of metaphor in Advertisement...………...41 Pictorial Metaphor………...45 Verbal Metaphor………...………...45 Metaphor……….……...49

4.1.2 The coherence text of slogan in advertisement………...60 Intertextual………...62 Intratextual………...68

4.2 Discussion……….…...82


5.2 Suggestion…….………...86






1.1 Background of Study

Metaphor is a figure of speech that consists of name or descriptive word is

concerned to an object or action (Oxford English Dictionary, 2007). The basic of

metaphor is contained a matter of language, which is described about certain

pre-existing similarities two things in the world (Rios, 2007). Metaphor is a class of

linguistic expressions that is called metaphorical linguistic expressions, which is

about linguistic words and expression that are from the terminology of the

conceptual metaphor. The conceptual metaphor has related with metaphorical

linguistic expression, which in conceptual metaphors, one domain of experience is

used to understand another domain of experience and the metaphorical linguistic

expression are explained particular conceptual metaphors. Metaphor is one aspects

of language where becomes the basic of the cognitive linguistic in conceptual

metaphor. The texts of metaphorical structure in the cognitive linguistic view

metaphor have two domains in conceptual metaphor. They are called source

domain and target domain. Metaphors are sets of mappings between a more

concrete or physical source domain and a more abstract target domain (Kovecses,

2002). To make understand this definition for purposes of the research, metaphor

is a powerful linguistic device because it extends knowledge about human

cognitive. Through linguistic metaphors, human can deliver the idea from the



The word Metaphor is commonly used by many researchers to analyze a kind

of language in the linguistic or literature field. Some researchers had already

analyzed metaphor in magazine, newspaper, advertisement, etc. It can be found in

the form of analysis, journal research (Rossa, 2009; Rios, 2007; Yu, 2009; Czerpa,

2006), undergraduate thesis (Yalcinkaya, 2012; Anderson, 1998) and dissertation

(Famelart, 2010) but in other case, the writer informs that some other researchers

had metaphors in literary works like poetry, novel (Freeman, 2007; Semino and

Steen, 2008; Hogan, 2003). Dealing with this, the writer knows some information

about metaphor and gets idea from those previous researches. The writer found

idea that metaphor has feature in analysis of text, especially in the advertisement.

Metaphor has great impact in text because metaphor makes art and unique in every

text. So, the writer is chosen metaphor for taking focus in her research.

American linguists, Lakoff and Johnson, has found theory of metaphor that

becomes a major pillar of cognitive linguistic paradigm, which relates linguistic

metaphors and human cognitive. Cognitive linguistic have knowledge about the

nature of human cognitive in various aspects of language structure and use. Lakoff

and Johnson’s theory of metaphor is commonly used by researchers to study in the term metaphor (Anderson, 1998; Maalej, 2005; Yu, 2009; Hong Bo and Wen-Juan,

2010; Wittink, 2010; Reichert and Morgan, 1999; Rosa, 2009; Famelart, 2010;

Pitcher, 2013). In the case, the writer found research from dissertation in Faculty

of English Philology I by Famelart (2010) who is done to analyze a trilingual

comparative study of the use of multimodal metaphor in Spanish and French bank



Dealing with previous research, the writer is interest to use theory of Lakoff and

Johnson with different object advertisement in the further research.

Metaphor has coherence in discourse. Through discourse, the metaphors find

a major function to know the meaning of metaphor usage in text. The coherence of

metaphors can be either intertextual or intratextual (Kovecses, 2002). Most

researchers who studies on metaphor in real discourse are agree that a major

function of the metaphors is provided coherence to discourse (e.g., Hong Bo and

Wen-Juan, 2010; Maalej, 2005; Wittink, 2010; Musolff, 2006; Herrmann, 2013;

Shen and Balaban, 1999). In addition, most of the research is done analysis about

the opportunities that arise from using the linguistic insight in identifying metaphor

in discourse. In this matter, the writer found analysis from the publication on

International journal by UV University of Amsterdam researcher is written by

Wittink (2010) who investigated identify of metaphor in discourse. In the analysis,

he put data from text of organizational research with focused aspect de-contextual

and contextual approaches in discourse. In the research, researcher also identified

locally specific uses and meanings of metaphors and the interaction with other

elements of discourse. Meanwhile, another analysis from Maalej (2005) is done

analysis about critical discourse with the contemporary theory of metaphor. In the

research, researcher used critical model of metaphoric discourse, the stage of

interpretation is the product complementary fashion of a critical mind, pursuing

the result of the description offered by discourse and following conceptual

metaphor. It is the real socio-cultural contexts, which is used to make sense



Therefore, by this study, the researcher has a space of the study for analyzing about

metaphor coherence in discourse with byidentifying metaphor in context-induced

across intertextual or intratextual approaches in discourse. This present study aims

to fulfill in these gaps by analyzing the metaphor with discourse coherence of the

text in slogan to investigate the study.

Metaphor are concerned with language (Written text), visual image (photo,

computer drawn images, or digital animations), and the combination of the

language with visual image in advertisement. In the study of metaphors, metaphors

have been classified to distinguish in differences usage in advertisement. The kinds

are pictorial or visual metaphor, verbal metaphor or verbo-pictorial metaphor.

Metaphors are also classified to divide between monomodal and multimodal

metaphors. The former are metaphors whose target and source are conveyed in the

same mode. Monomodal is typically a metaphor that is both target and source are

introduced in one mode. Multimodal is typically a metaphor that is target and

source are introduced entirely in two different modes (Forceville, 2008). Many

researchers are publishing in International journal and thesis that take types of

metaphors as their focus of study, but most of the study only focuses to analyze

one type of metaphors (Anderson, 1998; Kadry, 2015; Indurkhya and Ojha, 2008;

Yu, 2009; Rosa, 2009; Czerpa, 2006; Yalcinkaya, 2012; Oritonang and Ownie,

2011; Famelart, 2010; Xu, 2009). In addition, most researchers are done analysis

about the type of visual metaphors in advertisement. The research from the

publication on Thesis by Kristianstad University College researcher is written by



Researcher analyzed in one of slogan of McDonald’s, Mac your day (McDonald’s, 2000)”. The point from the analysis that day is conceptualized as food or the Big Mac hamburger in the slogan. The kinds of slogan are from McDonald’s, Cola-Cola, Burger King, and the others. Meanwhile, in the difference analysis of type in

metaphor from Kadry (2015) is done investigated about type of visual metaphor in

The Persuasive effect of using Visual Metaphors in Advertising Design.

Researcher is analyzed the persuasive role of visual metaphors as one technique in

advertising communication. It explored through the various types of visual

metaphors where the visual metaphor was the hero image in design and how the

effect image in the persuasive design is. Therefore, by this study, the researcher

intends to take analysis in kinds of metaphors for further research. The writer is

not only focused in one kind of metaphor, but also all kinds of metaphor in the

analysis. The kinds are verbal metaphors, the pictorial metaphors, and

verbo-pictorial metaphors.

Metaphors has implications for advertising as active audiences are highly

interpret the advertising message in a more meaningful and personal way.

Metaphor is used for people to understand an abstract concept in media industry,

advertising, as one of the most efficient ways of publicizing products. The selling

power of the advertisements largely depends on a well chosen the conceptual

metaphors like pictures or words used in them (Anderson, 1998; Yu, 2009). The

use of metaphor is an attractive and efficient way for advertisement to make

positive claims for the product, brands, or service. The metaphor is focused almost



(Forceville, 2008). The use of metaphors in advertisement is becomes special

interest as it comes to provide any linguistic researchers with accessible of thesis,

international journal, and dissertation (Yu, 2009; Czerpa, 2006; Indurkhya and

Ojha, 2008; Chorianopoulus and Spinellis, 2003; Aritonang and Ownie, 2011;

Famelart., 2010; Sacristan, 2009; Rios, 2007; Rosa, 2009).

Part of the research is done to analyze about advertisement in product, Yu

(2009) conducted a research on the use metaphors in food advertising, while

Czerpa (2006) observed metaphors in cosmetic advertising. And also magazine

advertising is becomes subject for researcher (Aritonang and Ownie, 2011; Rosa,

2009). Unlike the previous researchers, the writer takes different focuses in slogans

of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement. The reason of the writer choice of

ASEAN tourism destination advertisement is because tourism has a tractive power

that is very interesting for people in the world.

Nowadays, travelling becomes famous in world. Most of people are interested

in travelling. Slogan of ASEAN tourism destination is one of the important things

to become information for every people, especially for people who are interested

in travelling. But some people seem to do not care with slogan of ASEAN tourism

destination, although it is the only slogan in this country. Sometimes, the slogan of

ASEAN tourism destination advertisement is puzzling. There is an implicit

message hidden inside it. Thus, the writer wants to reveal what exactly the meaning

is behind. Therefore, the writer has a goal to know what kind of metaphors used in

slogan of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement and the coherence of



1.2 Research Problem

This research is analyzed to answer the problems formulated in the

following questions:

1. What is the most common type of metaphors used in slogan of ASEAN

tourism destination advertisement?

2. How is the coherence text of metaphors usage in slogan of ASEAN tourism

destination advertisement?

1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the problems described above, the objectives of the study are


1. To show the most common type of metaphors used in slogan of ASEAN

tourism destination advertisement.

2. To describe how the coherence text of metaphors usage in slogan of ASEAN

tourism destination advertisement is.

1.4 Significances of the Research

There are many kinds of advertisement, which has different interest for the

people. They are many kinds of advertisement likes food, cosmetic, cigarette,

fashion, magazine, and other advertisement. The writer of recent study takes

tourism destination advertisement, especially in slogan. Tourism destination



had been already done in analyzing advertisement by using metaphor aspect in

research. Therefore, the writer focuses metaphor aspect to analyze the slogan of

ASEAN tourism destination advertisement. Thus the recent study is for readers,

especially for the people who love travelling.

For the specific aim, the writer hopes the research can show the reader about

analyzing metaphor by using the conceptual metaphor, which consists of human

cognitive and linguistic metaphor from the slogan of ASEAN tourism destination

advertisement. In addition, the reader can understand the type of advertisement

likes verbal metaphors, pictorial or visual metaphors, and verbo-pictorial

metaphors in slogan ASEAN tourism destination advertisement. Also, the reader

can know the coherence text of slogan. Sometimes people still do not know the

coherence meaning in slogan of ASEAN tourism destination, thus in here, the

reader can be guided to understand how the coherence text of meaning metaphor

in slogan is through interpretation in this research.

Hopefully, the research about metaphor with slogan of ASEAN tourism

destination can be the reference for the readers so they can get advantage and

knowledge from this recent study.

1.5Scope and Limitations

This research is conducted in two major analyses, types of metaphor in slogan

tourism advertisement and metaphor coherence discourse in text of slogan tourism

advertisement. The Researcher also creates two different focuses. Firstly, types of



countries in ASEAN. They are investigated by using Forceville’s theory, which are

explained types of metaphors in advertisement. Secondly, for metaphor coherence

discourse, the researcher is focused the term of intertextual or intratextual in

analysis. The research focuses on language (written text), visual image (photo, hand

or computer drawn image, or digital animation) and both of them, which is

contained in the slogan. In addition, the video promotion tourism is also taken as

the data to support the analysis. The data is taken from slogan tourism in ASEAN,

which are only 10 countries that have slogan tourism.

1.6Definition of Key Term

The researcher gives the definition of key term which is related to the title of

the research and to make clear the discussion of research.

1. Metaphor is a figure of speech that consists of name or descriptive word

is concerned to an object or action, whether metaphor is a class of

linguistic expressions that called metaphorical linguistic expressions,

which is about linguistic words and expression in the conceptual

metaphor. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2007; Kovecses, 2002)

2. Slogan is a long-term headline that becomes a memorable phrase or a

motto, which is a key element in advertising strategies. (Ferris, 2014;

Krcmarova, 2008)

3. Advertisement is a form of communication used to persuade an audience

like viewers, readers or listeners to take some action with respect to



message such as words or images in a more meaningful in product.

(Anderson, 1998; Aritonang and Ownie, 2011; Krcmarova, 2008)

4. ASEAN is the largest continents and the most populated continent,

located primarily in the Eastern and Northern hemispheres.


5. Tourism destination is the place visited that is central to decision to take





In the previous chapter, the researcher has mentioned some researchers who

studied metaphor. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the reader about the

study of metaphor. The researcher will take a brief history of metaphor in linguistic

from different philosophical perspectives. This framework comprises some

required the theories to the analysis. The researcher investigated slogan of Asia

tourism destination advertisement. This present study combines some theories in

order to draw a great result of the analysis.

2.1 Theories of Metaphor

Metaphor is a figure of speech which implies comparison between two

differences entities, as distinguished from simile, an explicit comparison model by

the words “like” or “as”. There are most common definitions of metaphor in the study. Firstly, metaphor is a property of words in linguistic aspect. Secondly,

metaphor is useful for artistic purpose, for example in poem. Lastly, metaphor is a

figure of speech which is used for special effect and part of everyday human

communication. The definition of metaphor has been stated by some experts, such

as Kovecses (2010: 3-4) who defined that metaphor is large part of the way to speak

naturally for everyday purposes. Metaphor is also the abstract and explicit concept

of life. In the theory, he emphasized that metaphor is nature of language, which

words or other linguistic expressions come from the more concrete conceptual



explanation for understanding metaphor in the research. The theory still can not be

specific reference in metaphor. It is because metaphor is not only about nature of

language or word linguistic expression in speaking but also about the important part

that has relation with human thought.

In addition to Kovecses’s theory, Black (1955: 276-277) also has another theory about metaphor. Black asserts that metaphor is a loose word, which is as a

term properly applicable to certain expression without attention to anything likes

the thoughts, acts, feelings, and intentions of speakers on which the expression is

used. He suggests that metaphor only focuses in the frame. The main focus of the

metaphors is remained of the sentence in which that word. It would be good

understanding to know about the meaning of metaphor with translated word.

Through the black’s theory, it still can not be a good reference in understanding

metaphor because in metaphor we can not just focus in the sentence or word to

understand meaning from metaphor. There are other aspects which are important to

make sure about the meaning of metaphor likes though, feelings, and art.

Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 124) view metaphor as a concept of human

thought. Metaphor is human conceptual system, the way we think, what we

experience, and what we do every day is very much a matter of metaphor. The basic

of linguistic aspect, human has found the most ordinary conceptual system as

metaphorical in nature. Also, metaphors are that structure how we perceive, how

we think, and what we do. The theory is known as “cognitive linguistic view of



Lakoff and Johnson showed that theory of metaphor is included both in

though and in everyday language. Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 134) also emphasized

that metaphor is one of our most important tools for exploring to understand what

can not be understood totally as our feelings, aesthetic expression, moral practice,

and spiritual awareness. The function of metaphor is to better understand certain

concept, and not just some artistic or esthetic purpose.

Based on the three theories of linguist above, the researcher concludes that

the appropriate theory for conducting the research is from Lakoff and Jonhson

linguist (1980), and also Kovecses (2010) who is book writer the second edition

from book title “what we live by” by Lakoff and Johnson 1980 about metaphor to support this research. Metaphor is human though that is abstract concept of life,

which the part is used to speak naturally for everyday purposes.

2.2 Conceptual Metaphor

A conceptual metaphor consists of two conceptual domains, in which one

of conceptual domains is understanding another conceptual domain. Conceptual

metaphor contained metaphorical linguistic expression, which comes from the

language of the more concrete conceptual domain. There are two special names of

domains in conceptual metaphor. They are source domain and target domain

(kovecess, 2010: 4). The metaphorical linguistic expression is used to study the

nature of metaphorical concept and to get understanding of the metaphorical nature



the people use to talk about aspect of the concept is systematic (Lakoff and Johnson,

1980: 456)

2.2.1 The Systematic of Metaphorical Concept

According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 124-125), conceptual metaphor

becomes the basic of linguistic evidence, which most of our ordinary conceptual

system is metaphorical in nature. Conceptual system plays a central role in everyday

realities, then the way of thinking, what human experience, and what human activity

every day is very much a matter of metaphor. There are examples to give some idea

of what it means for a concept system to be metaphorical and a concept to structure

an everyday activity, the variety example of expression:

The example uses the concept ARGUMENT and the conceptual metaphor


ARGUMENT IS WAR Your claims are indefensible.

He attacked every weak point in my argument. His criticisms were right on target.

I demolished his argument.

I’ve never won an argument with him. You disagree? Okay, shoot!

If you use that strategy, he’II wipe you out. He shot down all of my argument.

From the example, it is not just talk about arguments in terms of war.

Many of the things we do in arguing are partially structured by the concept

of war. There are a verbal battle and structure of an argument as attack,

defense, counterattack, etc, which reflect this. The ARGUMENT IS WAR



in arguing. Imagining a culture, argument is viewed as a dance, the

participants are seen as performers, and the goal is to perform in a balanced

and aesthetically pleasing way. In such culture, people would view

argument in different perspective. This is an example of what it calls a

metaphorical concept, namely ARGUMENT IS WAR, to structure is what

we do and how we understand about it, so we argue. The essence of

metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of

another. Argument and war are different kind of things, which it is verbal

discourse and armed conflict. ARGUMENT is partially structured,

understood, performed, and talked about terms of WAR. So, the concept,

the activity, the language are metaphorically structured. This is the ordinary

way of talking about use the words in attacked position. The metaphor is not

always about the words we use but it is also in our concept of an argument.

2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor as a Set of Mapping

Kovecses (2010: 7-11) argues that conceptual metaphor as set mapping is

about the systematic correspondences between the source and the target in the sense

that the conceptual elements of B correspond to constituent element of A. However,

technically, the conceptual correspondences are often referred to as mappings.

Process of metaphorical understanding is the word “understand” as being

synonymous in the definition of metaphor to the words construe or conceive, which

it enters us to the real-time, online aspect understanding and can be more easily



construe a more abstract through a more physical domain in long-term memory or

as a result of a historical-cultural process. The word construe in the discussion

makes that conceptual metaphor coherent with grammatical construction that it is

used in cognitive linguistics, in grammatical contraction also has function as ways

construing aspects of experience in the more general sense.

There are examples to give some cases where elements of the source domain

are mapped into elements of the target domain, the example variety of expression:


This sentence gives three constituent elements of journeys as the travelers, the travel

or the journey as such, and the destination. When everyone sees the sentence, he/she

will interpret about love, and thinks that the speaker of the sentence has mind

lovers, not real as travelers, not only physical journey but also the events in a love

relationship, and not only physical destination but also the goal of the love

relationship. To give interpretation about sentence, we must map between

constituent elements of the source and the target.

Source: JOURNEY Target: LOVE

The traveler the lovers

The vehicle the love relationship itself

The journey events in the relationship

The distance covered the progress made

The obstacles encountered the difficulties experienced Decisions about which way to go choices about what to do The destination of the journey the goal(s) of the relationship

This is the systematic set of mappings that characterize the LOVE IS



systematic mapped with elements of conceptual domain B. From this discussion,

the domain of love did not have these elements before it was structured by the

domain of journey. Another thing of evidence for the target of love is not structured

independently of any source domains is the following. In the present example, we

talk about the goals associated with love, but this is just a slightly “disguised” way of talking about destinations given in the source. And the word goal has an

additional literal use, which it is not just a metaphorical one. This example showed

that many elements of target concepts come from source domains and they are not


Another example shows how correspondences or mapping make up a conceptual



Its means of more interpretation:

He works for the local branch of the bank Our company is growing

They had to prune the work force.

The organization was rooted in the old church.

There is now a flourishing black market in software there.

His business blossomed when the railways put his establishment within reach of the big city.

Employers reaped enormous benefits from cheap foreign labour.

The characterization by the following set of mapping:


(a) The whole plant the entire organization



(e) The root of the plants the origin of the organization (f) The flowering the best stage, the most successful stage (e) The fruits or crops the beneficial consequences

In the case, constituent elements of plants correspond systematically to

constituent elements of social organizations, such as companies, and the word the

words about plants that are employed systematically in connection with

organization. This correspondence can show in all the mapping, and the matching

expression that make them indicate in the plants metaphor are (b) branch, (c) is

growing, (d) prune, (e) root, (f) blossom, flower (g) fruits.

In the conclusion, we know that a conceptual metaphor is used in the

linguistic expressions that reflect it in such way that we do not violate the mappings

that are conventionally fixed for the linguistic community. In other means, there is

not any element of B which can be mapped into any element of A. The linguistic

expressions used metaphorically must be adaptable established mappings, between

the source and the target.

2.2.3 Source Domain and Target Domain in Metaphor

Source domain and target domain are included in conceptual metaphors,

which are as a set mapping to make understanding about metaphor. The source

domain is typically more concrete and more clearly described concepts, whereas

the target domain is natural abstract and less described concept. Kovecses (2010: )

defines about the direction of conceptual metaphor and also gives explanation to

allow us to understand more in one basic aspect of the cognitive linguistic view of


19 Source Domain

The most common source domains, there is the list of sources to briefly

mention in metaphor research especially in the most frequent sources:

a) The Human Body

The human body is included the source domain because it is clearly

delineated. The aspects which are used in metaphorical comprehension

involve various part in the body likes the head, face, hands, legs, heart,

and etc.

For example: The heart of the problem

b) Health and Illness

Both of health and illness frequently constitute metaphorical source


For example: She hurt my feelings

c) Animals

The animals are productive as source domain in metaphor. The body

parts of animals are also commonly used in the metaphorical

conceptualized of abstract domains. The metaphorical use of animal

terms is not limited to human beings.

For example: It will be a bitch to pull this boat out of the water.

d) Plants

Plants become the variety of purposes and different things in the concept



growth in relation to plants. One of the cases is that people cultivate

plants for eating, for pleasure, for making things, and so on.

For example: Exports flourished last year and He cultivated his

friendship with her.

e) Buildings and Constructional

Both the static object and the act of building are served as common

metaphoric source domain.

For example: A towering genius

f) Machines and Tools

Both the machines and tools are the activities related as metaphorical

expression. People use machines and tool to work, play, or for pleasure.

For example: The machine of democracy

g) Games and Sport

Games and sport are characterized by certain properties that are used for

metaphorical purpose. People play and do activities to entertain


For example: To toy with the idea

h) Money and Economic Transactions

People living in human society have relation in economic transactions

of various kinds. The understanding of various abstract things is based

on the example:

Spends your time wisely



Cooking is included a complex process of several elements likes recipe,

ingredients, action, and also product. The activity and product are served

as a source domain.

For example: what your recipe for success?

j) Heat and Cold

Heat and cold are basic human experiences. It is the result of the

temperature. We often use the temperature domain metaphorically to

talk about attitude people and things. For example: in the heat of passion

k) Light and Darkness

Light and darkness are also human experience. The properties of light

and darkness often appear as condition when people speak and think


For example: a dark mood

l) Forces

Kinds of forces are gravitational, magnetic, electric, etc. And also the

forces take many shapes in the physical words like waves, wind, storm,

etc. There are many different effects as there are different forces. For

example: Don’t push me m) Movement and Direction

Movement can involve a change of location. It has connection with

direction like forward and backward and up and down. The various

kinds are conceptualized metaphorically as movement that involves a



For example: she solved the problem step by step

In the discussion, common source domain includes the various properties of

object and substances, such as their shape, color, size, hardness, sharpness, and so

on. The representative of the source domain lists gives sense of the most common

source domains and the kind of world that our most common metaphor portrays.

The objects and substances from the list of source domain are the simple nature of

the world that enable people to make use of parts in creating more complex abstract

as metaphor. Target Domain

The targets have several sources as the source domains applied to several

targets in metaphorical conceptualization. There are the most common target


a) Emotion

The domain of emotion is superior in target domain. Emotion concepts

such as fear, love, sadness, and so on are understood by means of

conceptual metaphors. For example: He was bursting with joy

b) Desire

Desire is similar with emotion in metaphorical conceptualization. For

example: she is hungry for knowledge.

c) Morality

Moral is such as good and bad, which are understood by means of more



d) Thought

Rational thought is understood in terms of perception. Human tries to

understand the mind by resorting to metaphors in various kinds. For

example: she is grinding out new ideas.

e) Society / Nation

The concepts of society and nation are complex or calls for

metaphorical understanding. For example: neighboring countries

f) Politics

Politic has power in the exercise. Political power is conceptualized as

physical force. Politic has many variety aspects of further source

domains such as games, sport, business, and war. For example: The

president plays hardball

g) Human relationship

Human relationships include concepts as friendship, love, and

marriage. For example: Their friendship is in full flower.

h) Communication

Human communication involves a speaker and a hearer. It is viewed in

linguistic expression to transfer the message from the speaker to the

hearer. For example: That is a dense paragraph.

i) Time

Time is difficult concept to understand in the major of metaphor. Time



j) Life and Death

Life and death are included in every language of the metaphorical

concept. For example: The baby will arrive soon.

k) Religion

Religion has key aspect in relationship to God. Other aspects of

religious experience involve the conceptualization of such nations, life

and death, which are necessarily metaphorical.

l) Events and Actions

Events and actions are concepts that comprise a variety of different

kinds of events and actions. The aspects of events and actions are

understood as movement and force. For example: You are driving me


It can be seen in the discussion that the common target domains are

classified as psychological, social groups, personal experience, and so on. The

several different sources of information are not permanent to concern in the most

common source and target domain. Hence, the conclusion of the conceptual

metaphors is unidirectional. It works from concrete to abstract domains. The most

common source domains are concrete while the most common targets are abstract


2.3 Metaphor Coherence in Discourse

Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 124-125) argue that metaphorical coherence is



while the systematic natural is related to the idea with underlying conceptual

structure. It means that the concept, the activity, and the language are

metaphorically structured. The essence of metaphor is understanding and

experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. Whereas, Kovecses (2010:

285-289) also argues that metaphor has creativity that appears in discourse. Through

conceptual domain of metaphor, the human is creative in language and it is though.

One of the aspects of discourse in coherence metaphors is the intertextual or

intratextual. Metaphors can either make several different texts coherence with each

other or coherence to a single part of discourse.

a) Intertextual Coherence

Intertextual coherence occurs through inheriting and using

conceptual metaphor at different historical period. This type of

intertextuality is about many other domains within the same

historical period. Therefore, metaphor can give coherence across a

variety of discourse both historically and simultaneously.

For example: the prayer of bible in bookmark Durham cathedral

Who called your servent Cuthbert From keeping sheep to follow your son And to be shepherd of your people

The basic conceptual metaphor in the shepherd is Jesus. Source is

the shepherd and target is Jesus. Later, this metaphor God called a

simple man, called Cuthbert, and become “shepherd of people”.



particular values of the metaphor in the text always chance with the

appropriate of historical period.

b) Intratextual Coherence

Intratextual coherence is the same conceptual metaphor that can give

coherence to a single word. The metaphor that structures the

discourse not only focuses on conventional conceptual metaphor but

also can call a Metaphorical Analogy. Clearly, the metaphor is a

common rhetorical function which is assigned to perform in

discourse. Conceptual metaphors or metaphorical analogies have the

effect of taking over what the people say or think about a subject

matter. In addition, conceptual metaphors or metaphorical analogies

can become rule of the entire discourse.

For example: The newspaper article

Performance targets are identical to the puissance at

the Horse of the Year Show. You know the one-the

high-jump competition, where the poor, dumb horse

is brought into the ring,…….”

In this case, puissance horses are compared “to people”, this shows that the elaboration of the metaphorical analogy provides a great deal of

structure for the text. Most of the structure of the text is given in the part of

metaphor to suggest what the analogy is about. Therefore, metaphorical

analogies appear in text in order to get the effect of taking over what



2.4 Metaphors in Advertisement

Forceville (2008: 272-310) states that metaphor is the attractive and the

efficient way to make costumers interested in the product. It also makes positive

impact for the products, brands, or service in advertisement. Metaphor studies not

only about language but also the pictorial or visual metaphor which is developed in

the advertisement, particularly in the field of print advertising and billboards.

Conceptual metaphor as source domain and target domain is included to play role

in the identification and interpretation of the metaphor meaning in advertisement.

2.4.1 Types of Metaphors in Advertisement

According to Forceville (2008: 272-310), he suggests that there are three

types in the analysis of pictorial metaphor in the printed advertisement and


a) Verbal metaphors are textual written language used to convey meaning

of the first subject. It means that the word is completely textual and has

no contained image to accompany of any kind.

b) Pictorial metaphors use image for the first element, without words or

any text accompanying the visual image. The concept of pictorial

metaphor is usually used in the printed advertisement and billboards.

c) Verbo-pictorial metaphors is a combination of images and words as the

primary subject in presentation. Moreover, the combination of the verbal

and visual elements can make the meaning of metaphors clear. Nothing



2.5 Slogan

According to Foster (2010: 2-23), the main function of the slogan is to

convey the key brand message in the mind of the target and to give the message that

the company pretends to transmit for the target of audience. Slogan is usually a brief

and an easy to memorable statement that is connected with the product. The ability

of slogan, as well relevant to communicate the function, leads us to consider it as

strategic elements. Slogans are used as part of marketing activity to describe

consumer attention, communicate a brand premise and enhance consumer memory

of the brand. In addition, there are some characteristics of the slogans in


• It should be memorable

• It should recall the brand name

• It should include a key benefit

• It should impart positive feelings for the brand

• It should reflect the brand's personality

• It should be strategic

• It should be competitive

• It should be simple

2.6 Tourism destination management

The benefit of tourism can help for sending peace and prosperity to develop

countries by providing jobs, generating income, diversifying the economy,



tourism becomes the important thing in the global economy (Honey and Gilpin,


Everyone in the world also has interest in travelling in the tourism

destination. There are various reasons about why people travel. The variety of

reasons is to escape, to explore, to understand, and to participate. In fact, the main

point of why people choose the destination to get experience of the place is because

it becomes something interesting for the traveler to keep it forever and share with

others. This helps the destinations to be put in the strategic place and programs that

will be an invitation for visitors as the purpose of their journey. Destination

management organizations (DMO) are the only thing recommend for a holistic

tourism industry in a place. Moreover, DMO becomes the best serve to facilitate

dialogue among the private sector, public sector, and other sector for destination’s

long tourism. DMO also proves invaluable for supporting tourism development,

especially in developing destination where tourism is an important economic driver





The purpose of this chapter is to present the methodology of the research

study about metaphor in slogan of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement. This

part of the methodology of the research consist of research design, research

instrument, subject of the research, data and data source, data collection, and data

analysis. Determination of the sample will also be explained. Methods examined

will be those for coding, collection, and analysis of the data through the research


3.1Research Design

The researcher used qualitative content analysis in her study. Krippendorff

(1989: 403-404) defines that content analysis is research techniques for making the

data to their context. And the data of content analysis are texts, which meaning is

conventionally likes verbal discourse and written documents. The text can be found

in newspaper, magazine, advertisement, books, television programming, and etc.

Qualitative content analysis is made researcher to get deeply investigate the data in

advertisement. The researcher analyzed about the context of type metaphor in

slogan of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement and also analyzed about the

coherence discourse of the text in slogan of ASEAN tourism destination

advertisement through the metaphor.

Moreover, the researcher also used descriptive research design in analyzing the



of different kinds, and has purpose to describe of the state of affairs as exist at

present. Researcher has no control over about the variable, which it can only report

what is happening or what has happened.

3.2Subject of The Study

The subject for this present study is slogan tourism advertisement of ASEAN

countries. Slogan is become brand in advertisement, especially for every country in

ASEAN has slogan to support the quality of tourism. Slogan is also become the

selling power to promote special quality tourism in every country. In the world of

tourism, slogan has great impact for performance economic advancement, which is

slogan purposed to attractive tourist for visiting tourism destination in every


Therefore, the researcher has reason to pick slogan tourism advertisement as the

subject in this thesis is contained metaphor elements. Slogan in the advertisement

described that slogan has implicit meaning of the text, which it can be understood

if the reader knows about the whole context of slogan itself. The characteristic of

text in slogan tourism interested the researcher to conduct research about slogan in

case of metaphor. The researcher completed the analysis with some theories to

support this research. Conceptual metaphor is the appropriate theory in slogan

tourism and linguistic features like discourse are also required to support the



3.3Data and Data Source

The research is used the primary data. Kothari (1990: 95) argue that the primary

data is collected by someone in a fresh and for the first time. The data source of the

research was taken from content of advertisement – the picture of slogan and videos advertisement. The slogan tourism of ASEAN is contained 10 pictures, which only

10 countries of 11 countries have slogans tourism in the official tourism destination.

The countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar,

Cambodia, Laos, Philippine, and Brunei Darussalam.

The researcher downloaded the picture of slogan and videos from the source

from www.sportourism.id/tourism/logo.com and www.youtube.com on February

15, 2017. Therefore, this research used the whole text and image of picture in the

slogan tourism to be the data. And also the researcher used transcript of videos to

support the analysis.

3.4Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was the researcher herself. It means that the

research instrument of research called as human instrument. Denzin and Lincoln as

cited in Simon (2011: 1) argue that a qualitative study is used human as instrument

rather than questionnaires or machines. Kothari (1990: 3-4) noticed that qualitative

studies is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, which it closed with the human

behavior. It means that to find how the people feel or what they are think about a



Human instrument was applied in the research because the collecting and

identification of content of slogan tourism of ASEAN were found by researcher

herself. The types of metaphor and the coherence metaphor of text in slogan tourism

of ASEAN advertisement were collected and identified by the researcher herself.

The researcher collecting the data after read the whole content of slogan.

3.5Techniques of Data Collection

The data collected from the content of advertising slogan of ASEAN tourism

destination. The data are the language (written text) and image of metaphor.

a. Downloading advertising slogan of ASEAN tourism destination.

The beginning analysis of doing research is obtaining the data source.

In the case, the data source is contained text and image of the slogan.

Thus, the researcher collected the data research by browsing the jpg

version of slogan of ASEAN tourism destination. Therefore, the

researcher also downloaded video promotion tourism and transcript to

support the analysis. The researcher downloaded the picture of slogan

and videos from the source from:

www.sportourism.id/tourism/logo.com and www.youtube.com on

February 15, 2017.

b. Comprehension the data

The researcher read slogan advertisement to get understanding the

content of every advertising slogan in ASEAN. And also watch video



totally understand the slogan well. Furthermore, the researcher also

found great idea about what the slogan mean is.

c. Coding the data of the advertisement slogan

The researcher proper coding the data source had to be defined for

analyzing about the type of metaphor, the researcher making easy to

code the data source in the research. The types of metaphor are pictorial

metaphor, verbal metaphor and verbo-pictorial metaphor. The three

highest classifications of metaphor are pictorial, verbal, and

verbo-pictorial metaphors, denoted by P, V, and VP. Furthermore, the

researcher also will code for analyzing about text in the coherence

metaphor in discourse through the intertextual or intratextual. It


denoted with type 1 as intertextual and type 2 as intratextual.

Figure 3.1 Example of coding data in advertisement slogan

d. Collecting Data

The researcher collected the data in one points to answer two research

questions in the research. Collecting the data for types of metaphor in



collected the whole content of slogan without exceptional, which it is

contained about text and image in slogan. After collecting the data for

types of metaphor in advertisement, the research automatically gets the

data for analyzing about the coherence text of slogan in advertisement.

Researcher is only taken the text for the data. The data collected was

described as the example below.

Figure 3.2 Example of Collecting Data for type of metaphor in

advertisement and the coherence text of slogan in advertisement

The example of collecting data was processed in the next procedure

that is data analysis.

3.6Techniques of Data Analysis

Data analysis was separated into two concerns in the research. The first

focus is type of metaphor in advertisement. Furthermore, the second focus is the

coherence text of slogan in advertisement, which the second focus is become the

final result of this research. The procedures were explained in the detail below.



a. Identifying the data

- Type of metaphor in advertisement

In the analysis, the collected data was identified by highlighting content

in slogan. Highlighting was appeared in two colors in the analysis. Each

color has different meaning related to identify the type of metaphor in

advertisement. The data identification was highlighted as the example.

Figure 3.4 Example of identifying the collected data for type of

metaphor in advertisement

The content of slogan is represented with different color, which is

divided for analyzing type of metaphor in advertisement. It presented

in the table below.

Slogan Content of Slogan

Picture text

Indonesia ✓ ✓

Table 3.1 The Rule of identifying type metaphor in slogan 1/ picture



- The coherence text of slogan in advertisement

After collecting and identifying the data for type of metaphor in

advertisement, the researcher go to the second case, it is about the

coherence text of slogan in advertisement. In the second case,

researcher only needs text from the slogan. The coherence of text has

two kinds in metaphor related discourse. The kind is intertextual or

intratextual. This below example explained how the researcher

identification the data.

“Wonderful Indonesia”

Figure 3.5 Example of Identifying the Collected Data for the

Coherence Text of Slogan in Advertisement

The texts were divided by underscoring in two different colors as

illustrated in the table below.

Types of underlines

Kind of coherence discourse

in metaphor based on text

Intertextual (Type 1)


Intratextual (Type 2)

Table 3.2 The Rule of identifying the coherence of text in



b. Classifying the data

- Type of metaphor in advertisement

After collecting and identifying data for type of metaphor in

advertisement which came from label of content slogan, researcher

needed to describe the data to know the meaning of each data in slogan.

And the data also explains to know clearly classification in the table.


The advertising slogan of Indonesia is used “VP”. The slogan contained

the picture is mythical bird, which is became symbol of Indonesia

country and the slogan also cointained the text “Wonderful Indonesia”.

Figure 3.6 Example of Describing Type of Metaphor in


1/ image




Table 3.3 Example of Classifying the Data for Type of Metaphor

Then, the data was charted to compare the percentage between types of

metaphor. The chart consist three types, which are pictorial metaphor,

verbal metaphor, and verbo-pictorial metaphor. The researcher wants to

compare the common type of metaphor in advertisement.

- The coherence text of slogan in advertisement

In this case, researcher needed to describe the data in order that to know

about the coherence text of each other in slogan. The researcher also

needed to show the classification the data in the table.

No. Slogan P V VP








“Wonderful Indonesia”


The coherence text: “Wonderful” is compared with the world cultural heritage humanity. (1:44)

Figure 3.7 Example of Describing the Coherence Text

After that, the researcher categorized the data with the table below.

Table 3.4 Example of Classifying the Data for Type of Metaphor

In the analysis, Researcher was used the chart to show the

percentage between type 1 and type 2 labels. The chart was helped

researcher to choose about the result of the common type in the

coherence text in slogan.


Type of Coherence

Discourse the word Finding (time duration) Type 1 Type 2

Indonesia ✓ Wonderful 0:46; 1:44; 2:02





This chapter will present the findings of the performed research analysis as

discussed in chapter methodology. The result from the two-research question will

be examined and compared in detail. Research findings will be discussed in general


4.1 Findings

This present study creates several results of the data analysis. Type of

metaphor in advertisement as the first finding that have three types in analysis. They

are pictorial metaphor, verbal metaphor, and verbo-pictorial metaphor. In addition,

the coherence text of slogan ASEAN tourism is presented the second findings as

coherence metaphor in discourse, which has intratextual and intertextual types.

4.1.1 Type of Metaphor in Advertisement

Type of metaphor in advertisement is the first data analyzed in this study.

The researcher collects all slogan tourisms contain as image and text to produce the

result in study. Eventually, there are 10 slogans which contain some promotion as

image and text. This below chart presents type of metaphor in advertisement used




Figure 4.1 Type of Metaphor in advertisement

The figure 4.1 above portrays Type of Metaphor in Advertisement based on

general. In slogan tourism of ASEAN, type of pictorial metaphor is not produced

in the study. 0 % is about pictorial metaphor. Meanwhile, there are 2 slogans that

produced type of verbal metaphor with 20 %. The slogans are from Myanmar and

Thailand that are contained only text in promotion. And commonly, there are 8

slogans or 80 % tourism of ASEAN used type of verbo-pictorial metaphor, which

they are contained picture and text in slogan promotion. They are from Indonesia,

Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Malaysia, and

Philippines. The content of each slogan are explained in table 4.1 below. 20%


Type of Metaphor in Advertisement

pictorial metaphor

verbal metaphor




Table 4.1 Describing the Content of each Slogan Pictorial Metaphor

Based on the data presented in the table 4.1, Type of pictorial metaphor is

not found in the data. It means that pictorial metaphor is not used in slogan tourism

of ASEAN. It can be seen by the amount of type of metaphor in slogan, which

contains ten slogans from ASEAN. Among ten slogans, there is no one slogan that

is included type of pictorial metaphor. Pictorial metaphor becomes less interactive

type for promoting as slogan tourism because the type is only focus about picture

to promote anything in advertisement. Verbal Metaphor

Verbal metaphor becomes the minority type in the data. Based on the data

presented in the figure 4.1 and the table 4.1, verbal metaphor is only contained in

one slogan. Among ten slogans tourism from ASEAN, there is one slogan that is

type of verbal metaphor. Verbal metaphor is only focus about text, which is not

Slogan Content of Slogan

Picture text

Indonesia ✓ ✓

Singapore ✓ ✓

Cambodia ✓ ✓

Vietnam ✓ ✓

Myanmar - ✓

Brunei Darussalam ✓ ✓

Thailand - ✓

Laos ✓ ✓

Malaysia ✓ ✓



included picture to support promotion in advertisement. According to Forceville

(2008: 272-310), Verbal metaphors are textual written language used to convey

meaning of the first subject. It means that the word is completely textual and has no

contained image to accompany of any kind. This type seldom is used for promoting

slogan because the type is little interest to use in advertisement. Furthermore, type

of verbal metaphor found in the data is slogan from Myanmar. Besides, the others

slogan are not found in this type. It is obviously elaborated below.

1) Myanmar

Myanmar’s slogan is included type of verbal metaphor in slogan

tourism of ASEAN. Myanmar is become one of slogan which contain

text in advertisement. It is equal to 10 % from 20 % the amount of verbal

metaphor percentage in the entire data of slogan tourism in ASEAN.

Based on the data analyzed, the researcher found “text” in slogan from

Myanmar. It is illustrated in Data 1 as followed.

Data 1

The text “Myanmar let the journey begin” which is sign with

highlighted by yellow color in slogan of Data 1 is classified as one of




the type of V. Specifically, this slogan is categorized as V because it

contain only text in slogan tourism promotion. Yu (2009: 24) clarifies

that since advertising slogans carry the property of context, there is

possible interpretation the slogan of a single focus.

The existence of V in slogan of Myanmar is contained the text

“Myanmar let the journey begin” to promote about tourism destination

from the country. The slogan is only used one subject to convey meaning

about the feature of tourism in advertisement. The subject of the slogan

is text “Myanmar let the journey begin”, which has meaning about

Myanmar become the first country to start journey in the world. When

the people read the slogan, every people have different meaning from the

slogan. But the point is “Myanmar let the journey begin”.

It can be concluded that Data 1 is generally represent as V. The

slogan of Myanmar is only contained with text to convey meaning to the

reader. The use of V is generally focused about textual as word, which is

no picture to support this slogan.

2) Thailand

There is slogan of Thailand which is categorized as V. Thailand’s

slogan is included V because there is only contained the text in slogan.

This slogan supports 10 % of 20 % the amount of V in percentage the



Data 2

The above of Data 2 is slogan from Thailand which is represents

type of Vin slogan. The Thailand’s slogan tells that Slogan consist one

subject to promote about tourism in advertisement. Therefore, Thailand

is given only one focus of the text in the slogan to promote tourism


figure of speech which is used for special effect and part of everyday human
Figure 3.1 Example of coding data in advertisement slogan
Figure 3.2 Example of Collecting Data for type of metaphor in
Figure 3.4 Example of identifying the collected data for type of


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