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Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kinerja Pegawai Pada Puskesmas Pasar Merah Medan


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kinerja Pegawai Pada Puskesmas Pasar Merah Medan"


Teks penuh



Validitas Variabel X (Motivasi)


Motivasi1 Motivasi2 Motivasi3 Motivasi4 Motivasi5 Motivasi6 Motivasi7 Motivasi8 Motivasi9 Motivasi10 Motivasi11 Motivasi12 Motivasi13 Motivasi14 Motivasi

Motivasi1 Pearson Correlation 1 -.002 .052 -.002 .191 .132 .132 .095 -.083 .191 .047 -.022 .117 .047 .225*


N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83



Validitas Variabel Y (Produktivitas)


Produktivitas1 Produktivitas2 Produktivitas3 Produktivitas4 Produktivitas5 Produktivitas6 Produktivitas7 Produktivitas8 Produktivitas9 Produktivitas10 Produktivitas11

Produktivitas Karyawan Produktivitas1 Pearson


1 .297**

Produktivitas2 Pearson Correlation

.297** 1 .225* .463** .187 .141 .042 -.034 -.022 -.031 -.073 .375**

Sig. (2-tailed) .006 .041 .000 .091 .203 .704 .760 .846 .779 .515 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas3 Pearson Correlation

.383** .225* 1 .303** .151 .414** .203 .000 .172 .020 -.132 .459**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .041 .005 .174 .000 .066 .993 .120 .857 .233 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas4 Pearson Correlation


Produktivitas5 Pearson Correlation

.187 .187 .151 .347** 1 .136 .196 .128 .083 .013 -.135 .447**

Sig. (2-tailed) .091 .091 .174 .001 .219 .075 .248 .455 .906 .223 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas6 Pearson Correlation


Produktivitas7 Pearson Correlation

.008 .042 .203 .000 .196 .081 1 .554** .513** .853** .446** .753**

Sig. (2-tailed) .943 .704 .066 .997 .075 .467 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83


Produktivitas8 Pearson Correlation

-.162 -.034 .000 -.153 .128 -.147 .554** 1 .837** .418** .363** .579**

Sig. (2-tailed) .144 .760 .993 .167 .248 .184 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas9 Pearson Correlation

-.030 -.022 .172 -.144 .083 -.008 .513** .837** 1 .446** .366** .642**

Sig. (2-tailed) .791 .846 .120 .193 .455 .943 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas10 Pearson Correlation

-.072 -.031 .020 -.174 .013 -.100 .853**

Produktivitas11 Pearson Correlation

-.126 -.073 -.132 -.223* -.135 -.200 .446** .363** .366** .517** 1 .362**

Sig. (2-tailed) .255 .515 .233 .043 .223 .070 .000 .001 .001 .000 .001

N 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Produktivitas Karyawan

Pearson Correlation




Uji Reliabilitas X dan Y

Uji Reliabilitas X

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 83 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 83 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

.815 14

Uji Reliabilitas Y

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 83 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 83 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

.685 11



Analisis Regresi



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

T Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 26.260 4.367 6.013 .000

Motivasi .262 .079 .346 3.316 .001

a. Dependent Variable: Produktivitas pegawai

Koefisien Determinasi

Model Summary

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .346a .120 .109 4.166


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