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cocoa poster eng cocoa africa


Academic year: 2017

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Sustainable Agriculture of



Let us not burn down more forest to make more cocoa farms. Let us save the forest. “When the last tree dies, the last man dies.”

You can get more cocoa by

improving the productivity of your existing farms.

Implement Good Agricultural

Practices (pruning, weeding,

fertilization, pest and disease control, timely harvesting etc.)



Integrated Pest Management

Do not leave diseased pods in the field. They make the disease spread to other pods.



Collect the diseased pods, deposit them at one place, spray them with fungicide and bury them.

Timely pruning improves the aeration, allows light into the farm and

prevents diseases, such as blackpod.

Weed control

Herbicide kills good micro-organisms in the soil, so your soil will lose its fertility

gradually. The soil exposed to the air dries out more easily.

Vegetative ground cover on top of the soil helps to maintain soil fertility, soil moisture and organic matter content. It helps you reduce the use of herbicides.



Water conservation

When you have cocoa trees close to a river, stream or wells, chemical spray can drift into the water and contaminate it.

Areas near the water should be protected. You should not spray the areas near the water. Those areas should be conserved with trees and vegetative cover.



Shade trees

When there is no shade, young trees suffer from strong sunlight. They become

dehydrated and the leaves turn yellowish. Such trees can live only up to 15 years.

Good level of shade with native species will protect your farm from too much sunlight and adds more moisture and nutrients to the soil.



Wildlife protection

Animals are part of the balance of lives on your farm. Hunting endangered species is prohibited. Hunting during the close season is illegal.

Your farm should be a place where animals can also live happily and safely.



Children on the farm

You should not damage your children’s health with chemicals.



Children can get injured by using a

harvesting knife or cutlass, or by climbing on tall trees.

They can help you carry water for spraying, before you start to spray.

They can help you in harvesting, as long as they do not use sharp items.

Children on the farm

You should not make them carry too heavy loads that can hurt their body.



You should not pull them out of school to make them work on the farm.

Children can carry small loads.

Children should always go to school, but they can help on the farm at their free time.

Protective clothing

You should not harm your health through spraying of chemicals. Toxic chemicals can enter into your body through your skin and through your breathing.

Do not expose any part of your body during spraying. It is important to use a mask that can filter chemicals. A dust mask is not sufficient.



Mask with a chemical filter

Chemical storage

Chemicals should not be stored in the house. Children may drink them by mistake. Toxic fumes can contaminate those who live in the house.

A good storage is away from houses, locked with key, made of fire-resistent material, retains spillage, and able to be cleaned if any chemical is spilled.



Prohibited chemicals

Most toxic chemicals are listed in “SAN Prohibited Pesticide List - September 2009.” It is prohibited to use those pesticides.



The list includes chemicals such as:

Be careful not to use those chemicals.




Waste water management

Washing the spraying equipment in the river contaminates the water.

Waste water should be filtered by the layer of sand, gravels and if possible, active carbon.



Sand Gravels Active carbon

There should be a

separate area for bathing after the application of chemicals.

Waste management

Opened cocoa pods heaped at one place are a source of




Separate diseased pods and bury them later.

Learn how to make compost out of cocoa pods and other organic materials from the farm.


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