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The analysis of Indonesian-English code mixing used in Raditya Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon - Digital Library IAIN Palangka Raya


Academic year: 2018

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In this chapter, the writer explained about researh type, research design, role

of research, source of the data, collecting data procedure, data analysis procedure

and method for verification of the research finding.

A. Research Type

In this research, the writer used a document or content analysis as

research type. Content analysis focused and interprete textbooks material to

learn about human behavior. Content or document analysis method applied

to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified

characteristics of the material. The material analyzed can be texts,

newspapers, or any type of documents.

According to Gao that content analysis is a set of procedures for

collecting and organizing information in a standardized format that allows

analysts to make inferences about the characteristics and meaning of written

and other recorded material. Simple formats can be developed for

summarizing information or counting the frequency of statements.1

According to Berelson that content analysis is a research technique

for the objective, systematic, and qualitative description of the manifest



Content analysis conformed to three basic principles of scientific

method. They are:

1. Objectivity

Which means that the analysis is pursued on the basis of explicit rules,

which enable different researchers to obtain the same results from the

same documents or messages.

2. Systematic

The inclusion or exclusion of content is done according to some

consistently applied rules where by the possibility of including only

materials which support the researcher’s ideas is eliminated.

3. Generalizability

The results obtained by the researcher can be applied to other similar


Content Analysis begins with a specific statement of the objectives or

research questions to be studied. The researcher must therefore locate a

source of communication relevant to the research question and ask questions

that can be solved by content analysis. It is also known as a method of

analysing documents.

Content analysis allows the researcher to test theoretical issues to


to distil words into fewer content related categories. It is assumed that when

classified into the same categories the like share the same meaning. 2

In this case the writer analyzed the words used in Manusia Setengah

Salmon Novel.

Technically content analysis includes: 3

a. Classify efforts signs which use in communication, here the writer

classified the Indonesia-English code mixing in word classes in

Raditya Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon.

b. Using criteria as a basis for classification, here the writer used the

criteria of code-mixing based on the theory. After knowing the

code mixing forms, the writer gave the meaning of words found

from dictionaries and matches it based on the story. Then, the

writer showed the dominant of code mixing that used in Raditya

Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon.

c. Using some analysis techniques in making predictions, here the

writer used some techniques to analysis the forms, meanings

dominants and reason using of Indonesia-English code mixing in

Raditya Dika novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon.

B. Research Design

The writer used qualitative method approches in this research. The

qualitative approach to the study of social and behavioral phenomena holds

that the aim and methods of the social sciences are, at least in principle, the


Satu Elo dan Helvi Kyngas, “JAN Research Methodology The Qualitative Analysis Content Process”, Jurnal of Advance Nursing Vol. 62 , No.1, Finland :Blacwell, 2007, p.107.



same as the aim and methods of the natural or physical sciences. Qualitative

research is the researcher him or herself, often collecting data through direct

observation or interviews.

Qualitative approach is one in which the inquirer often makes

knowledge claims based primarily on constructivist perspectives ( i.e the

multiple meanings of individual experiences, meanings socially and

historically constructed, with an intent of developing a theory of pattern) or

advocacy/participatory perspectives (i.e political, issue-oriented,

collaborative or chance oriented) or both.

Content analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting recorded

material tolerant about human behavior. The material may be public

records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, or other

documents. Content analysis usually begins with a question that the

researcher believes can best be answered by studying documents.

The table below present some pre-data of code mixing used in Raditya

Dika Novel entitled Manusia Setengah Salmon.

First reader

No. Word Page Function Rotation

1 Absurd 2 Adjective 1

2 Headstand 3 Noun 1

3 Cereal 4 Noun 1

4 Game 13 Noun 1

5 Follower 15, 150, 188 Noun 4

Second reader

No. Word Page Function Rotation


2 Cool 22 Noun 2

3 Well 26 Adjective 1

4 Jump 26 Noun 1

5 Surprise 31 Noun 1

C. Role of Research in the Study

One of the major characteristics that distinguish qualitative research

from others is the method used to collect and analyze the data. The primary

instrument used for data collection in qualitative research is the researcher

him or herself, often collecting data through direct observation and


In this study, the writer defined instrument as a tool or a means that

the writer used to collect the data. So, the writer is the only instrument that

analyzes the whole data used in this research based on the researcher’s point

of views which related to the theory applied.

D. Source of the Data

The source of the data took from the Raditya Dika novel entitled

Manusia Setengah Salmon. The writer chooses this novel because this is one

of the most bestseller novels in Indonesia. This novel concept comedy was

written by the author of the story as in previous books. The contents of this

novel is very interesting, light reading, funny and also there are many words

that can truly inspire. It contains Indonesia-English code mixing in form of

words. The data analyzed are the code mixing words that are written by


E. Collecting Data Procedures

In qualitative research there are many ways to collect the data such as

study document, observation, test, interview and questioner. In this case the

writer used study document as the way to collect the data. Content analysis

is research methodology that utilize some prosedures to takes conclution

from the book or document.4

The writer analysed Manusia Setengah Salmon novel to collect the

data which related with this research. For collect the data, the writer run

observation through these steps as follows:

a. The writer read the Manusia Setengah Salmon Novel.

b. The writer selected the Indonesian-English code mixing used in

Manusia Setengah Salmon Novel.

c. The writer wrote and collect the data from the novel.

d. The writer listed the data.

e. The writer classified the data based on:

1) The Insertion of Words

The insertion of words means the language unit that

stands on its own, its consist of free morphemes and bound


f. The writer determined the meaning of code mixing that used in

Manusia Setengah Salmon Novel.



g. The writer classified the dominantly code mixing words that used

in Manusia Setengah Salmon Novel..

h. The writer analyzed the reason of using code mixing as follow:

1) Need feeling notive.

2) Prestige feeling notive

3) Asserting status, pride and power.

4) Being more informative.

5) Making jokes.

6) Expressing self emotion.

F. Data Analysis Procedures

Data analysis qualitative is eforts are being made by working with the

data, organize data, sorted them into units that can be managed, synthesize,

search and find patterns, find what is important and what is learned, and

decide what can he told others.5

It used the technique of qualitative context analysis to analyze the

data, where the process of analysis is done together. The qualitative data

consist of words even though numbers are described through interpretation.

The techniques of data analysis are through several steps as follows

1. Data Collection

The writer read this novel to understand the whole story

while observing what word classes are use in Indonesian-English

code mixing of Manusia Setengah Salmon novel.



The writer wrote the English words becomes a data that

contain all code mixing words used in Manusia Setengah Salmon


2. Data Reduction

It is by identifiying the code mixing words to find the

words based on word classes.

The writer identified the code mixing words to find the

words based on word classes used in manusia setengah salmon


3. Data Display

The writer collected the code mixing words in the table

contains of each word classes. This process aims to make easy the

reader and next researcher.

4. Conclusion / Verification.

The writer clasified all code mixing words to the type of

words in the form of word formation processes, the fuction and

the meaning of code mixing words that used in manusia setengah

salmon novel.

G. Method for Verification of the Research Findings

The validity of the data is the most important in the research in this

study, to find and make the verification of the research findings, the writer

held some verification of the data. The data collected in this study is suitable


The validity of the data is the condision that fulfill : 6 1. Explaining the right value,

2. Presenting a base that be applyed,

3. Permitting other opinion that made consistency.

In acquiring the data, in this study the writer used triangulation.7 The triangulation used is theory triangulation which involves consideration of

how the phenomenon under study might be explained by multiple theories.

There are four techniques to determine the validity of data, namely

credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability.8 To test the validity of data the writer uses them, as follow:

1. Credibility

Credibility is the same as validity in quantitative research.

The integrity of qualitative research depends on attending to the

issue of validity. Validity concerns the accuracy or truthfulness of

the findings. The term most frequently used by qualitative

researchers to refer to this characteristic is credibility.

Credibility in qualitative research concerns the truthfulness

of the inquiry’s findings.9 In test of data credibility or internal

validity, the data must be admitted and received the truth by


Lexy J. Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, p. 320-321.


Imam Gunawan, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Teori dan Praktik, Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara, 2013, p.288-289.


Sugiono, Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif Dilengkapi Contoh Proposal dan Laporan Penelitian, Bandung: Alfabeta,2010,p. 366.



information source from the field of the study. To effort in order

that the truth of result of the students believed, it is supported by

some ways as follow:

a. Extension of the observation

The extension of observations to test the credibility of

data research focused on the examination of the data has been

obtained. If after rechecking the data that has been obtained

found the right data then its mean the data is credible. In this

study the writer done the extension of the observation for one

month for rechecking of data that have been found and


b. Triangulation

Triangulation used to check the truth of data by

exploiting something out the data for checking necessary or as

standart of compression. This study, the writer used theory

triangulation. Theory triangulation involves consideration of

how the phenomenon under study might be explained by

multiple theories. Considering different theories, the researcher

may gain better insights.

c. Member check

Members are asked to check and re-check the subject of

the study in order to get a similarity of perception. The


gotten to the study and is used in writing the report of the

study. The researcher asked participants to review and critique

field notes or tape recordings for accuracy and meaning. The

researcher’s also sharing his or her interpretations of the data

with the participants can help clear up miscommunication,

identify inaccuracies, and help obtain additional useful data. In

member checks, the researcher solicits feedback from the

participants about the study’s findings.

d. Peer debriefing

Discuss the data and the informant who had been

collected from various parties.

2. Transferability

Transferability relate to the questions, how far the result of

the study might be applied by the other people in other context.

Transferability is the external factor. Therefore, the writer is

demanded to report the data conclusion clearly, systematically and

acceptably. To the result of the study could be transferred to the

similar classes.

3. Dependability

The technique is done by reporting of interim report or

ending report that get of discussion with colleague. Discussing the

data and information that have been collected from the others


true report of the research. The result and process must be


4. Conformability

A term used in qualitative research, equivalent to validity

in quantitative research, related to the degree to which findings in

a study can be corroborated by others investigating the same

situation.10 Conformability in qualitative research is the same as the quantitative researcher’s concept of objectivity. Both deal

with the idea of neutrality or the extent to which the research is

free of bias in the procedures and the interpretation of results.

Because it may be impossible to achieve the levels of objectivity

that quantitative studies strive for, qualitative researchers are

concerned with whether the data they collect and the conclusions

they draw would be confirmed by others investigating the same

situation. Thus, in qualitative studies, the focus shifts from the

neutrality of the researcher to the conformability of the data and

interpretations.11 In the present study, to reach the conformability the researcher followed the procedure of the study scientifically.


p. 638.



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