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Buku 2: RKPM (Rencana Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mingguan) Modul Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke VIII


Academic year: 2021

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Sekip Utara, Po. Box. 21 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Buku 2: RKPM

(Rencana Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mingguan)

Modul Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke VIII


Semester 5 /3 sks/

MFG 3919


Muhammad Darwis Umar, SSi, Msi

Dr.-Ing. Ari Setiawan, MSi

Didanai dengan dana BOPTN P3-UGM

Tahun Anggaran 2013




Dalam pokok bahasan mengenai

stress dan strain

mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan:

Konsep dasar tentang stress di dalam bumi, Body force yang melalui volume

sebuah solid, Surface force beraksi pada permukaan elemen volum, Penyeimbang

gaya pada continental block, Menentuka Fc, Normal dan tangensial gaya

permukaan pada elemen area bidang patahan strike-slip-fault


Stress dan Strain dalam dalam solid

Plate tectonic – konsekuensi dari gaya gravitasi pada mantel dan crust

Tujuan utama chapter ini – memperkenalkan konsep dasar yang diperlukan untuk

memahami secara kuantitatif dari stresses di dalam Bumi

Stress adalah gaya perunit area

Normal stress ditransmisikan tegaklurus permukaan

Shear stress ditransmisikan parallel permukaan

Harga rata-rata normal stresses dinamakan tekanan – pressure

Stress di dalam elastic solid menghasilkan strain atau deformation

Normal strain – ratio perubahan panjang dasri solid terhadap panjang aslinya

Shear strain – setengah penurunan sudut dalam right angle pada balok jika


Stress-strain relation:

Elastic domain

• Stress-strain relation is linear

• Hooke’s law applies


Beyond elastic domain

• Initial shape not recovered when stress is removed

• Plastic deformation

• Eventually stress > strength of material => failure

Failure can occur within the elastic domain = brittle behavior

Strain as a function of time under stress

• Elastic = no permanent strain

• Plastic = permanent strain


Body force dan surface force

Body force

Melalui volume sebuah solid

Besarnya body force pada elemen proporsional terhadap volumenya atau massanya Contoh gaya gravitasi

Elemen berat = elemen massa x g Elemen F =  g Velemen

Densitas beberapa batuan secara umum dapat dilihat pada apendiks 2E (Turcot) Densitas batuan tergantung pada tekanan

Dibawah kedalaman mantel tekananya tinggi

Batuan lebih besar densitasnya 50% dibanding tanpa tekanan

Surface force beraksi pada permukaan yang membatasi elemen volume

Muncul dari gaya interatomik yang didesak oleh material pada salah satu sisi permukaan terhadap material pada sisi yang berlawanan


Besarnya proporsional pada luas permukaan dimana surface beraksi


yy = gy

Stress = yy = gaya permukaan perunit area yang bekerja tegak lurus permukaan horizontal

Normal force perunit area pada bidang horizontal naik linear terhadap kedalaman

Normal stress dari batuan yang membebani (overburden) dinamakan lithostatic stress (pressure) Selain gaya normal permukaan perunit area pada bidang horizontal juga ada gaya normal permukaan perunit area pada bidang vertical

Komponen horizontal normal stress xx dan zz dapat mencakup skala yang besar dari gaya

tektonik dimana xx ≠ yy ≠ zz

Pada sisi lain banyak contoh batuan yang terpanaskan sehingga temperaturnya cukup tinggi atau cukup cair sehingga ketiga stress xx, yy dan zz adalah sama terhadap besar overburden PL = xx

= yy = zz = gy

Keseimbangan antara tekanan dan berat overburden dinamakan “lithostatic state” dari stress










Penyeimbang gaya pada continental block

Gaya horizontal bekerja pada sisi block Fm

Distribusi vertical dari tekanan dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut

Figure 2.9 The area under the stress versus depth profile is proportional to the total horizontal force on a vertical plane.

Gaya horizontal Fm didapat dengan mengintegralkan tekanan lithostatic






























Gaya ini adalah perunit lebar dari block sehingga dimensinya gaya perunit panjang

Berikutnya menentukan gaya horizontal perunit lebar pada penampang melintang continental block Fc


Horizontal normal stress pada kontinu xx terdiri dari dua bagian: kontribusi lithostatic gy dan

constant tectonic xx

xx= gy + xx

tectonic kontribusi dinamakan “deviatoric stress”

Fc didapat dengan mengintegralkan horisontal normal stress

This force is per unit width of the block so that it has dimensions of force per unit length. The total force per unit width is proportional to the area under the stress distribution given in Figure 2–9. We next determine the horizontal force per unit width acting at a typical cross section in the continental block Fc. We assume that the horizontal normal stress acting in the continent σxx is made up of two parts, the lithostatic contribution ρcgy and a constant tectonic contribution _σxx, σxx = ρcgy + _σxx. (2.15) and that the pressures in the water, in the oceanic crust, and in the mantle beneath the oceanic crust are

p0 = ρwgy 0 ≤ y ≤ hw

= ρwghw + ρocg(y − hw) hw ≤ y ≤ hw + hoc

= ρwghw + ρocghoc + ρmg(y − hw − hoc)


Figure 2.10 Normal and tangential surface forces on an area element in the fault plane of a strike–slip fault. Find the net difference in the hydrostatic pressure force between the continental and the oceanic crusts F by integrating the pressures over a depth equal to the thickness of the continental crust. The result is

(2.20) Calculate F for hw = 5 km, ρw = 1000 kg m−3, hoc = 7 km, ρoc = 2900 kg m−3, ρcc = 2800 kg m−3, and ρm = 3300 kg m−3. Find hcc from Equation (2– 5). If the elastic stresses required to balance this force are distributed over a depth equal to hcc, determine the stress. If the stresses are exerted in the continental crust, are they tensional or compressional? If they act in the oceanic lithosphere, are they tensional or compressional? Surface forces can act parallel as well as perpendi-cular to a surface. An example is provided by the forces acting on the area element δA lying in the plane of a strike–slip fault, as illustrated in Figure 2–10. The normal compressive force σxxδA acting on the fault face is the consequence of the weight of the overburden and the tectonic forces tending to press the two sides of the fault together. The tangential or shear force on the element σxzδA opposes the tectonic forces driving the left-lateral motion on the fault. This shear force is the result of the frictional resistance to motion on the fault. The quantity σxz is the tangential surface force per unit area or the shear stress. The first subscript refers to the direction normal to the surface element and the second subscript to the direction of the shear force. Another example of the resistive force due to a shear stress is the em138 Stress and Strain


Figure 2.11 Normal and tangential forces acting on a rock mass displacedhorizontally to the right in a low-angle overthrust fault. placement of a thrust sheet. In zones of continental collision a thin sheet of crystalline rock is often overthrust upon adjacent continental rocks on a low-angle thrust fault. This process is illustrated in Figure 2–11, where the thrust sheet has been emplaced from the left as a consequence of horizontal tectonic forces. Neglecting the influence of gravity, which is considered in Section 8–4, we can write the total horizontal tectonic force FT due to a horizontal tectonic stress _σxx as

FT = _σxxh, (2.21)

where h is the thickness of the thrust sheet and FT is a force per unit width of the sheet. This tectonic driving force is resisted by the shear stress σyx acting on the base of the thrust sheet. The

total resisting shear force per unit width FR is

FR = σyxL, (2.22)

where L is the length of the thrust sheet. In many cases it is appropriate to relate the shear stress resisting the sliding of one surface over another to the normal force pressing the surfaces

together. Empirically we often observe that these stresses are proportional to one another so that

σyx = fσyy, (2.23)

where σyy is the vertical normal stress acting on the base of the thrust sheet and f, the constant of proportionality, is known as the coefficient of friction. Assuming that σyy has the lithostatic value

σyy = ρcgh, (2.24)

and equating the driving tectonic force FT to the resisting shear force, we

Figure 2.12 Gravitational sliding of a rock mass. find that

σxx = fρcgL. (2.25)

This is the tectonic stress required to emplace a thrust sheet of length L. Taking a typical value for the tectonic stress to be _σxx = 100 MPa and assuming a thrust sheet length L = 100 km and ρc = 2750 kg m−3, we find that the required coefficient of friction is f = 0.036. The existence of long thrust sheets implies low values for the coefficient of friction.


PENUTUP Diketahui,

Gaya horizontal per unit lebar pada tepi blok: 2 2 1


Fm  m

Gaya horisontal per unit lebar pada penampang melintang tipis pada continental blok :

h gh

Fc  c 2 xx

2 1

Untuk memenuhi kesetimbangan statik, kedua gaya tersebut harus sama, buktikan bahwa:

          m c c xx gh    1 2 1


Figure 2.9 The area under the stress versus depth profile is proportional to the total horizontal force on a vertical  plane
Figure 2.10 Normal and tangential surface forces on an area element in the fault plane of a strike–slip fault
Figure 2.11 Normal and tangential forces acting on a rock mass displacedhorizontally to the right  in a low-angle overthrust fault


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