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World Health Organization, South-East Asia Regional Office


Academic year: 2017

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India 2017



AD Auto disable

AEFI Adverse events following immunization

AFP Acute flaccid paralysis

BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine

CES Coverage evaluation survey

cMYP Comprehensive multi-year plan

CRS Congenital rubella syndrome

DHS Demographic health survey

DT Diphtheria tetanus toxoid, pediatric

DTP Diphtheria – tetanus – pertussis vaccine

DTP-Hib-HepB Pentavalent vaccine

DTP-Hib-HepB3 3rd dose pentavalent vaccine

EPI Expanded programme on immunization

GDP Gross domestic product

HCW Health care worker

HepB Hepatitis B vaccine

Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b

HPV Human papilloma virus

IgM Immunoglobulin M

IPV Inactivated poliovirus vaccine

JE Japanese encephalitis

JE_Live-Atd JE live attenuated vaccine

JRF WHO UNICEF joint reporting form

LB Live birth

M Measles

MCV1 First dose measles containing vaccine

MCV2 Second dose measles containing vaccine

MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey

MMR Measles mumps rubella vaccine

MNT Maternal and neonatal tetanus

MR Measles rubella vaccine

NCIP National committee on immunization practices

NID National immunization day

NTAGI National technical advisory group on immunization

NPEV Non-polio enterovirus

NT Neonatal tetanus

OPV Oral poliovirus vaccine

bOPV Bivalent OPV

tOPV Trivalent OPV

PCV Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

SEAR WHO South-East Asia Region

SIA Supplementary immunization activities

SNID Subnational immunization day

Td Tetanus diphtheria toxoid; older children, adults

TT Tetanus toxoid

TT2+ 2 or more doses TT

VDPV Vaccine derived poliovirus

VPD Vaccine preventable diseases

WCBA Women of child bearing age



Impact of rouine immunizaion



EPI history 5

Basic informaion 2016 Table 1 5

Immunizaion schedule 2016 Table 2 5

Naional immunizaion coverage 1980 - 2016 Figure 1 6

Immunizaion system highlights Table 3 6

DTP3 coverage, diphtheria and pertussis cases 1980 - 2016 Figure 2 7 Reported cases of vaccine preventable diseases 2011 - 2016 Table 4 7

DTP-Hib-HepB3 coverage by state 2015 Figure 3 7

DTP-Hib-HepB3 coverage by state 2016 Figure 4 7

Towards measles eliminaion and rubella/congenital rubella

syndrome control



MCV1 and MCV2 coverage, measles and rubella cases, 1980-2016 Figure 11 11

MCV supplementary immunizaion aciviies Table 7 11

MCV1 coverage by state 2015 Figure 12 12

MCV1 coverage by state 2016 Figure 13 12

MCV2 coverage by state 2015 Figure 14 12

MCV1 coverage by state 2016 Figure 15 12

Immunity against measles – immunity proile by age in 2016 Figure 16 12 Subnaional risk assessment for measles and rubella Figure 17 12 Sporadic and outbreak associated measles cases by month 2011 - 2016 Figure 18 13 Immunizaion status of conirmed (laboratory and EPI linked) measles outbreak

associated cases by age 2011 – 2016 Figure 19 13

Quality of ield and laboratory surveillance for measles and rubella 2012 - 2016 Table 8 14 Performance of laboratory surveillance 2012 - 2016 Table 9 14 Network of WHO supported surveillance medical oicers and laboratories for

VPD surveillance Figure 20 15

Maternal and neonatal tetanus eliminaion is sustained



TT2+ coverage and NT cases 1980 - 2016 Figure 5 8

Polio-free status is maintained



AFP surveillance indicators 2011 - 2016 Table 5 9

Non-polio AFP rate by district 2015 Figure 6 9

Non-polio AFP rate by district 2016 Figure 7 9

Environmental surveillance sites for polio detecion Figure 8 10 Adequate stool specimen collecion percentage by district 2015 Figure 9 10 Adequate stool specimen collecion percentage by district 2016 Figure 10 10


WHO South-East Asia Region


EPI history

EPI launched in 1978 with DPT, OPV, BCG and typhoid vaccines

TT immunizaion of pregnant women introduced in 1983

MCV introduced in 1985

HepB piloted in 2002 and made universal in 2011

MCV2 introduced 2010 onward

Pentavalent (introduced in two states in 2011 and gradually expanded to all states by 2015

Two doses of JE (9-12 months and 16-24 months) introduced in 2013 in endemic districts

Muli-dose vial policy for vaccines introduced in 2013

IPV introduced in six states in 2015 and expanded to all states in 2016

Naionwide fIPV introduced in phase manner between April 2016 to June 2017

Rotavirus vaccine introduced in four states in 2016

tOPV to bOPV switched on 25 April 2016.

Source: cMYP 2013-2017 and EPI/MoHFW

Table 1:

Basic information



Total populaion 1300,000,000

Live births 27,005,535

Children <1 year 26,008,988

Children <5 years 121,400,000

Children <15 years 400,700,000

Pregnant women 29,706,086

WCBA (15-49 years) 244,238,847

Neonatal mortality rate 27.7 (per 1,000 LB)

Infant mortality rate 37.9 (per 1,000 LB)

Under-ive mortality rate 47.7 (per 1,000 LB)

Maternal mortality raio 174 (per 100,000 LB)

1SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2016 and WHO, World Health Staisics 2016

Division/Province/State/Region 36

District 676

Block 5958

Populaion density (per sq. km) 382

Populaion living in urban areas 32% Populaion using improved

drinking-water sources 93%

Populaion using improved sanitaion 36%

Total expenditure on health as % of GDP 3.8%

Births atended by skilled health personnel3 67%

Neonates protected at birth against NT 87%

3Insituional births (WHS, 2016)

Table 2:

Immunization schedule, 2016

Vaccine Age of administraion

BCG Birth

HepB Birth

OPV Birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks and 16 to 24 months IPV (fIPV) 6 weeks and 14 weeks

DTP-Hib-HepB 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks

DTP 16 to 24 months and 5 years

Measles 9 to 12 months and 16 to 24 months

JE_Live-Atd 9 to 12 months and 16 to 24 months (JE endemic districts)

TT 10 years, 16 years and 2 doses/booster for pregnant women

Vitamin A 9 months, 18 months and 6 months interval ill age 5 years

Rotavirus 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks Source: WHO/UNICEF JRF, 2016


Figure 1:

National immunization coverage, 1980-2016

Source: WHO/UNICEF esimates of naional immunizaion coverage, July 2017 revision

Table 3:

Immunization system highlights

cMYP for immunizaion 2013-2017

NTAGI fully funcional

Spending on vaccines inanced by the government 50%

Spending on rouine immunizaion programme inanced by the government 56% Updated micro-plans that include aciviies to improve immunizaion coverage 676 districts (100%) Naional policy for health care waste management including waste from immunizaion aciviies in place

Naional system to monitor AEFI in place

Most recent EPI CES Naional Family Health Survey-4 2015

>80% coverage for DTP-Hib-HepB3 468 districts (69%)

>90% coverage for MCV1 295 districts (44%)

>10% drop-out rate for DTP-Hib-HepB1 to DTP-Hib-HepB3 50 districts (7 %) Polio vaccinaion policy for travellers to and from polio endemic/infected countries introduced 2014 Mission Indradhanush to immunize all children against seven VPDs ongoing since Dec 2014

Plan to introduce Rubella vaccine 2017

Source: WHO/UNICEF JRF, 2016

% Coverage

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 2015 2016

BCG 0 8 66 81 74 86 89 89 87 89

DTP3 6 18 70 71 58 65 79 85 87 88

OPV 2 14 66 71 57 65 76 84 86 86

MCV1 0 1 56 72 56 68 82 85 87 88


Figure 3:


Figure 4:


Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2015 (administraive data)

Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2016 (administraive data)

Figure 2:

DTP3 coverage


, diphtheria and pertussis cases


, 1980-2016


Diphtheria Cases Pertussis Cases DTP3 Coverage


320,109 184,368 112,416


1WHO/UNICEF esimates of naional immunizaion coverage, July 2017 revision 2WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system 2016

Table 4:

Reported cases of vaccine preventable diseases, 2011-2016

Year Polio Diphtheria Pertussis (% of all Tetanus)NT Measles Rubella Mumps JE CRS

2011 1a 4,233 39,091 734 (26%) 33,634 ND ND 1,214 ND

2012 0b 2,525 44,154 588 (24%) 3,305 1,201 ND ND ND

2013 0c 3,133 31,089 415 (15%) 8,285 3,289 ND 1,078 ND

2014 0d 6,094 46,706 492(10%) 26,530 5,716 ND 1,657 ND

2015 0e 2,365 25,206 491 (22%) 30,168 5,850 ND 1,620 ND

2016 0f 3,380 37,274 227 (6%) 17,250 10,311 ND 1,627 25

a Excludes six type 2 VDPVs and one type 3 VDPVs

b Excludes one type 2 VDPVs

c Excludes ive type 2 VDPVs d Excludes three type 2 VDPVs e Excludes two type 2 VDPVs

f Excludes one type 2 VDPVs


DTP-Hib-HepB3 coverage by state


1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

NT Cases TT2+ Coverage

No data

1 WHO/UNICEF JRF, country oicial esimates, 1980-2016 2WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system 2016

Maternal and

neonatal tetanus elimination is sustained

36 States and Union Territories have achieved MNT eliminaion status by May 2015

© WHO/India/M Shapiro


Table 5:

AFP surveillance performance indicators, 2011-2016

Indicator 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

AFP cases 60,540 60,922 54,660 54,101 46,978 46,533

Wild poliovirus conirmed cases 1 0 0 0 0 0

Compaible cases 54 31 33 13 11 13

Non-polio AFP rate1 13.49 13.94 12.50 12.37 10.78 10.57

Adequate stool specimen collecion percentage2 84% 87% 86% 87% 86% 87%

Total stool samples collected 117,774 119,329 110,420 105,939 91,868 91,161

% NPEV isolaion 20 16 19 18 15 15

% Timeliness of primary result reported3 95 96 95 97 97 97 1Number of discarded AFP cases per 100,000 children under 15 years of age.

2Percent with 2 specimens, at least 24 hours apart and within 14 days of paralysis onset. 3Results reported within 14 days of sample received at laboratory.

Figure 6:


Figure 7:



status is maintained

The last polio case due to WPV was reported on 13 January 2011 from West Bengal.

Non-polio AFP rate by district

<1 1 – 1.99


Delhi- 7 sites Maharashtra- 6 sites Bihar – 3 sites West Bengal- 6 sites Punjab- 4 sites Gujarat -2 sites Telangana – 4 sites Utar Pradesh – 3 sites

Figure 8:

Environmental surveillance sites for

poliovirus detection

Table 6:


Year Anigen Geographic

coverage Target age

Target populaion Coverage (%)

Round 1 Round 2 Round 1 Round 2

2014 tOPV NID <5 years 16,78,29,448 16,84,08,571 98 97

2014 bOPV SNID <5 years 4,68,79,086 7,02,28,928 99 99

2014 bOPV SNID <5 years 7,15,64,828 - 99

-2015 tOPV NID <5 years 16,73,93,125 16,80,41,923 97 97

2015 bOPV SNID <5 years 7,12,49,633 4,91,82,923 99 98

2015 tOPV mop up <5 years 2,24,81,343 3,98,096 98 95

2015 bOPV / tOPV SNID and mop up <5 years 7,13,84,745 64,41,536 98 97

2016 tOPV NID <5 years 16,62,95,895 16,67,01,651 97 97

2016 tOPV mop up and

SNID <5 years 18,68,674 4,53,48,418 94 96

2016 bOPV SNID <5 years 7,08,36,203 6,98,49,220 98 98


Adequate stool specimen collection percentage by district

Figure 10:


Figure 9:


<60% 60% - 79%

>80% No AFP



measles elimination and rubella/CRS control

Figure 11:

MCV1 and MCV2 coverage


, measles and rubella cases


, 1980-2016

Measles Cases Rubella MCV1 Coverage MCV2 Coverage 2016

No. of cases


1WHO/UNICEF esimates of naional immunizaion coverage, July 2017 revision 2WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system 2016

Table 7:


Year Anigen Geographic

coverage Target group Target

Coverage %

2010 M subnaional 9 months to

10 years 13,845,686 87%

2011 M subnaional 9 months to

10 years 40,167,580 90%

2012 M subnaional 9 months to

10 years 76,730,639 92%

2015* M subnaional 1 to 15 years 890,070



Percent of population

Age (in years)

Protected by maternal antibodies Protected by routine vaccination with 1st dose Protected by routine vaccination with 2nd dose Protected by SIAs

Immune due to past infection Susceptible

Figure 16:

Immunity against measles - immunity profile by age in 2016*

* Modeled using MSP tool ver 2 assuming the schedule and MCV coverage remain unchanged and MR SIA will be conducted in 10 states of India in 2016.

<80% 80% - 89% 90% - 94% >95%

Figure 13:


Figure 14:


Figure 15 :


Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2016 (administraive data)

Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2016 (administraive data)

Figure 12:


Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form,

2015 (administraive data) Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form, 2015 (administraive data)

Figure 17:

Sub-national risk assessment - measles

and rubella 2016

MCV1 coverage by state

MCV2 coverage by state

Source: developed using WHO risk assessment tool based on JRF & ARF data base


Figure 18:

Sporadic and outbreak associated measles cases* by month and 2011-2016

Outbreak associated measles

No of cases

*Includes laboratory conirmed and epidemiologically linked cases Source: SEAR Monthly VPD reports

Figure 19:

Immunization status of confirmed (laboratory and EPI linked) measles

outbreak associated cases, by age, 2011-2016

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

> 15 years

10-14 years

5-9 years

1-4 years

< 1 year

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Immunized Not immunized/ unknown


Table 8:

Surveillance performance indicators for measles and rubella, 2012-2016


# suspect

ed measles c

ases not





ed being discr


e c

ases Case classiicaion (number)


Measles Rubella



ded measles

non-rubella c


Annual incidence of con

irmed Measles c

ases per

million t


al popula


Annual incidence of con

irmed Rubella c

ases per

oporion of all suspect


measles and rubella c



t ha

ve had an adequa





aion iniia

ted within

48 hour

s of noiic




ded measles

non-rubella incidence per 100,000 total popula



oporion of subna


measles non-rubella c


per 100,000 t


al popula



oporion of sub-na



veillance units r


2014 31,970 3,408 23,052 70 557 5,159 3,840 20.8 4.5 ND 0.3 ND 94.9

2015 38,752 4,808 24,897 463 715 5,135 5,902 23.2 4.5 ND 0.5 ND 92.2

2016 36,447 3,476 13,070 704 1,351 8,960 4,107 13.1 7.8 ND 0.5 ND 90

* Includes those cases of mixed outbreaks for which serum sample was not collected Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form (2012-2016) ND=No data


Serum specimen collect

ed fr

Serum Specimen receiv

ed in





within 4 da

ys of

collecion Specimen Posiiv

e f


Measles IgM Specimen Posiiv

e f


Rubella IgM

% R

esults within 4 of


tecion Genotypes de



No (%) No (%) No. % No. % Measles Rubella

794(3.1) 794(100) 303 38.16 114 14.36 67 ND ND ND ND

1564(4.6) 1564(100) 910 58.18 373 23.85 88 ND ND ND 2B

4748(7.0) 4748(100) 3,408 71.78 557 11.73 76 15.1 D4,D8,B3 ND ND

7227(9.0) 7227(100) 4,808 66.53 715 9.89 81 23.7 D4,D8,B3 2B ND

7763(11.1) 7763(100) 3,476 44.78 1,351 17.4 56 25.5 D4,D8,B3 2B 2B

Source: SEAR annual EPI reporing form (2012-2016) ND=No data


Figure 20 :

Network of WHO supported surveillance medical officers and laboratories for VPD surveillance

Source: WHO/NPSP and SEARO, 2016



Measles/rubella Polio and measles/rubella

Japanese encephaliis

IBD and Rotavirus reference Lab


For contact or feedback:

Immunizaion Division

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), New Delhi, India Tel/Fax : +91-11-23062728, Email: pradeephaldar@yahoo.co.in www.mohfw.nic.in

Immunizaion and Vaccine Development (IVD)

WHO-SEARO, IP Estate, MG Marg, New Delhi 110002, India Tel: +91 11 23370804, Fax: +91 11 23370251

Email: SearEpidata@who.int


Table 1: Basic information1 2016
Table 3: Immunization system highlights
Figure 3: 2015
Figure 5: TT2+ coverage1 and NT cases2, 1980-2016


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