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The implementation of competency-based curriculum in teaching english in SMK Leonardo Klaten.


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Ratna Budi Setya Wening Student Number: 011214096








Because you ar e loved Don’t give up

I dedicate this thesis to:

Pa pa a nd M a m a




First and foremost, I would like to convey my greatest gratitude to my dearest Jesus Christ for His love, His blessing and His divine intervention. I’m grateful for all that He gave in guiding me writing this thesis so that I had strength, especially in my hardest time.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my major sponsor, C. Tutyandari, S. Pd., M. Pd., who willingly spent her time reviewing my thesis, making practical suggestion for the revision and also encouraging me in working this thesis. My sincere gratitude and appreciation also go to my co – sponsor L. Sumarni, S. Pd., who helped me in providing necessary correction for further improvement.

My special thanks go to all the lecturers of English Education Study Program who had given me a lot of useful knowledge and skills. My special thanks also go to the staff of PBI secretariat who patiently gave their service during my study.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents for their prayers; love and belief which made me feel supported. I also thank my lovely brother, Y. Wendy Ferdian B. P. for his love and enjoyable moment.

I am particularly grateful to my special friends, Sunny, Ale, Ita, Henry, Catur, who shared joy, laughter, love, affection and support with me, especially during my study.

My sweetest thanks go to my lovely friends, Herpin, Santi, Tya, Nophie



friendship and moments. Thanks so much for filling my life with so many sweet memories.

My special thank is addressed to Rudi ‘Nugie’ Nugroho for giving me love, trust, care, attention and support during my time especially in finishing my thesis.

My gratitude also goes to Primagama Prambanan who have entrusted me to join them to be the English tentor. Thanks for always giving me time, support and trust, especially during my study.

Last but not least, for those who have supported and loved me, I thank them all from the deepest bottom of my heart. God Bless…






APPROVAL PAGE ………..………... ii






LIST OF TABLES ………..……….. xii

ABSTRACT ………... xiii

ABSTRAK …………...………... xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ……… 1

B. Problem Limitation ………... 3

C. Problem Formulation ……… 3

D. Research Objectives ………. 4

E. Benefits of the Study ……… 4

F. Definition of Terms ………... 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Theoretical Description ……… 6



a. The Characteristics of Competency – Based Curriculum ... 7

b. The Nature of English Language Based on the Competency – Based Curriculum ………... 7

c. The Scope of English Lesson Based on the Competency – Based Curriculum ……… 8

d. The Objectives of English Lesson for Vocational Schools Based on Competency – Based Curriculum ……… 8

e. The Role of Teachers in the Competency – Based Curriculum ……….. 9

f. The Role of Students in the Competency – Based Curriculum ……….. 9

2. Communicative Language Teaching ………. 10

a. The Theory of CLT ………. 10

b. Communicative Competence ……….. 11

c. Theory of Language Based on CLT ……… 12

d. Theory of Learning Based on CLT ………. 12

e. The Principles of CLT ……… 13

f. The Teachers’ Roles in CLT ………... 14

g. The Students’ Roles in CLT ……… 14

B. Theoretical Framework ……… 15




C. Respondents and Subject of the Study ………. 18

D. Research Instruments ……… 19

E. Data Gathering ……….. 21

F. Data Analysis ……… 21

CHAPTER IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. The English Teachers’ Method in terms of CBC Implementation ... 23

1. Data Analysis ………. 23

2. Findings ……….. 28

B. The Relevance between the Method Used by the Teachers and the CBC Characteristics ………. 30

1. Data Analysis ………. 30

2. Findings ……….. 31

C. The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of CBC in English Lesson ……….. 32

1. Data Analysis ………. 32

2. Findings ……….. 41


B. Suggestions ………... 44




APPENDIX A: The Permission Letter ……….. 48

APPENDIX B: The Observation Checklist ………... 52

APPENDIX C: The Questionnaire Sheet ……….. 63

APPENDIX D: The Questionnaires Result ………... 65







Setyawening, Ratna Budi. 2007. The Implementation of Competency – Based Curriculum in Teaching English Subject in SMK Leonardo Klaten. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training Education, Sanata Dharma University.

The implementation of CBC in English subject is aimed to develop the students’ competency especially in communication. The English learning in vocational school must deal with the language skills; therefore, the ability to communicate using English is necessary and needs to be enhanced. The English teachers, however, must know how to teach English to communicate within the scope of CBC implementation. They need to concern about their methods in teaching English. In order to find out whether the CBC was implemented or not in SMK Leonardo, there are three questions stated in this study. They are:

1. What is the method used by the English teachers in terms of CBC implementation?

2. Is the method used by the teachers, relevant with the CBC characteristics? 3. What are the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in

English lesson?

To conduct the study, the writer used several instruments; they were observation checklist, interview and questionnaires. The observation checklist and the interview were used in order to find out the English teachers’ method in terms of CBC implementation and whether it is relevant or not with the CBC characteristics. Moreover, they were also used to obtain some information about the existence of CBC characteristics in the class. The questionnaires were distributed in order to gain some data about the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC especially in English lesson.

By conducting the study, the writer could find some information about the problems of the study. First, the method that was used by the teachers was Communicative Language Teaching method. Second, the method used by the teachers was relevant with the CBC characteristics, which existed in teaching – learning activities in the classrooms. Third, the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson were positive. It meant that they started to enjoy the English lesson. They were brave and active to express their opinions, minds and feelings and they also had positive thought of having enough ability to use English to communicate. If there were some problems in conducting the study, some possible solutions were proposed. The proposed solutions were derived from the teachers’ suggestions, writer’s opinion and the result of library study.




Setyawening, Ratna Budi. 2007. The Implementation of Competency – Based Curriculum in Teaching English Subject in SMK Leonardo Klaten. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Penerapan KBK dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para siswa terutama dalam berkomunikasi. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMK harus menyangkut kemampuan berbahasa, sehingga kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris diperlukan dan perlu untuk ditingkatkan. Bagaimanapun juga, para guru Bahasa Inggris harus mengerti bagaimana mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dalam lingkup penerapan KBK. Mereka perlu memperhatikan metode pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengetahui apakah KBK telah diaplikasikan atau belum di SMK Leonardo, terdapat dua permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu:

1. Apakah metode yang digunakan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris dalam penerapan KBK?

2. Apakah metode yang digunakan oleh guru sesuai dengan karakteristik – karakteristik dalam KBK?

3. Apa saja pendapat para siswa terhadap penerapan KBK dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Untuk melaksanakan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan beberapa instrument, yaitu: checklist observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Checklist

observasi dan wawancara digunakan untuk mengetahui metode guru Bahasa Inggris dalam penerapan KBK dan apakah sesuai atau tidak dengan karakteristik – karakteristik KBK. Kemudian, checklist obervasi dan interview juga digunakan untuk memperoleh beberapa informasi tentang keberadaan karakteristik KBK di dalam kelas. Kuesioner dibagikan untuk memperoleh beberapa data tentang respon – respon para siswa tentang penerapan KBK terutama dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris.

Dengan melaksanakan penelitian ini, penulis dapat menemukan beberapa informasi tentang permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama – tama, metode yang digunakan oleh guru adalah metode Communicative Language Teaching. Kedua, metode yang digunakan oleh guru tersebut sesuai dengan karakteristik – karakteristik KBK, yang terdapat dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Ketiga, para siswa mempunyai respon yang positif terhadap penerapan KBK dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini berarti bahwa mereka mulai menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Mereka aktif dan berani mengungkapkan pendapat, pikiran dan perasaan mereka dan mereka juga mempunyai pemikiran positif bahwa mereka mempunyai cukup kemampuan untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi. Apabila terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan penelitian, beberapa solusi diajuk an. Solusi – solusi tersebut diperoleh dari saran para guru, pendapat penulis dan juga landasan teori.







The introductory section of this study discusses: (A) Background of the Study; (B) Problem Limitation; (C) Problem Formulation; (D) Research Objectives; (E) Benefits of the Study; and (F) Definition of Terms.

A. Background of Study

To increase the quality of Indonesian education, the Ministry of National Education develops the regeneration of curriculum that is Competency–Based Curriculum, known as CBC. CBC is a set of plans and arrangements about competency, which has been approved; and its achievements are adapted with the condition and capability of the areas involved, (K.U. Depdiknas, 2003: 4).

However, only few schools have implemented the CBC, as said by Winarno in

Joglo, a daily paper in Klaten. In some areas, however, the CBC implementation has started to be carried out. In implementing this curriculum, each school has its own way to implement the CBC. Therefore, the success of CBC implementation is influenced by the way it is applied in schools.


building their characters, (K.U. Depdiknas, 2003:20).

In Klaten, the local government has encouraged the implementation of CBC. However, some schools still find difficulties in implementing it. But, in some vocational schools, CBC has been implemented. As we know, the vocational school is one kind of schools which prepares the students to have the ability in engineering, for example in mechanical, electrical and automotive engineering. In other words, the students are expected to be ready to face the working world after they graduate.

English, in the educational context, serves to enable the learners to communicate in the framework of accessing information, in daily conversation, in building interpersonal relationships, and in enjoying the esthetical language of English. Moreover, English in vocational school has become the basic principles to be learned in order to face the working world. The students of vocational schools must be able to acquire the literacy functional stage. It means that the students are expected to use the language to fulfill the daily speech as the “survival” communication through the introduction of English skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), (Standard Competency Curriculum, 2003: 5).

In teaching English subject, the English teacher must know about how English teaching is brought within the scope of the new implementation of CBC. It will show whether both the teacher and the learner have understood and succeeded in implementing the CBC in English.


engineering. It has great reputation to produce technicians who are able to enter the industrial world and the companies, which need some particular skills to fulfill the demand of the industrial world in Indonesia.

B. Problem Limitation

The problem limitation is concerned with the difficulties of the study. First of all, it dealt with teaching method. The teaching method used by the teachers should be relevant with the CBC implementation. In this case, the writer should be careful in doing the observations; considering that the criteria of the method used by the teachers were not always relevant with the CBC characteristics.

Second, it dealt with the implementation of CBC in the classrooms especially in English subject. In this case, the teachers’ knowledge about CBC implementation is important. Furthermore, the teachers’ creativity and capability in applying CBC are influential.

C. Problem Formulation

The problem in this study is formulated as follows:

1. What is the method used by the English teachers in terms of CBC implementation?

2. Is the method used by the teachers relevant with the CBC characteristics? 3. What are the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in

English lesson?

D. Research Objectives


and the specific ones. The objectives of the study are:

1. To describe the method used by the English teacher as an implementation of CBC in English classrooms.

2. To find out whether the method used by the teachers is relevant or not with the CBC characteristics.

3. To find out the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson.

E. Benefits of the Study

By doing the study, there are some advantages that can be seen. For the teachers, this study helps them to understand the appropriate method used in terms of CBC implementation. In addition, they can also apply a new method or develop available methods. However, the relevance of the method used with the characteristics of CBC also needs to be concerned. Moreover, for the students, this study will help them to understand the teachers’ method so that they can follow its implementation. In addition, for the next researchers, this study may help them to develop another research in relation with CBC implementation.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some terms used in this study that need to be described. Those are:

1. Implementation


2. Competency–Based Curriculum (CBC)

It is a set of plans and arrangements about competency, which has been approved, and the achievement of which are adapted with the condition and the capabilities of the areas involved. (K.U. Depdiknas, 2003: 4). 3. Vocational School





The theoretical review presents the discussion of related theories for the study. It is divided into two parts. The first part discusses some theories, which are: (1) The 2004 Competency Based Curriculum; and (2) Communicative Language Teaching. Then, the second part discusses the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This part discusses some of related theories as a base upon the CBC implementation on the English lesson for the second grade of SMK Leonardo Klaten. The theories are presented below

1. The 2004 Competency Based Curriculum


a. The Characteristics of Competency Based Curriculum

According to Depdiknas (2002), as stated by Mulyasa (2002:42), there are some characteristics of Competency Based Curriculum, they are:

1. CBC is emphasized on students’ competency achievement. 2. CBC is about learning outcomes orientation.

3. CBC uses various approaches and methods in teaching- learning process.

4. The source of study in CBC is not only the teacher but also other educative sources.

5. Evaluations in CBC is emphasized on the process and learning outcomes in the efforts to master and achieve a competency.

b. The Nature of English Language Based on the Competency-Based Curriculum


c. The Scope of English Lesson Based on the Competency-Based Curriculum

The scope of English lesson includes (Depdiknas 2003: 7):

1. Language skills, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. Language competence, which consists of actional competence, linguistic competence, socio-cultural, strategic and discourse competence.

3. The development of positive behavior toward English as a means of communication.

d. The Objectives of English Lesson for Vocational School Based on the Competency-Based Curriculum

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional as cited in Deskripsi Kurikulum SMK 2004 states the objectives of English lesson as follows:

1. To develop the communicative competence in the particular language, both in oral and written form. The communicative competence consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. To use English to communicate, for example listening,

self-expressing, giving opinions, and giving information.


In Competency-Based Curriculum especially for the Vocational School, leaning a language means learning how to communicate. As we know that students in the vocational school are prepared to face the working world so they must realize the need of English in their future world.

e. The Role of Teachers in Competency-Based Curriculum

Mulyasa (2002) in his book Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, the teacher acts as motivator, facilitator, and mediator. As a motivator, the teacher needs to increase his students’ motivation to learn. As a facilitator, the teacher must facilitate his students to study with possible sources. Meanwhile, the teacher is not the main source and he gives rights to the students to decide and do something by themselves. Therefore, the students have the opportunity to develop their ideas either in class or outside the class.

f. The Role of Students in the Competency-Based Curriculum

In Competency Based Curriculum; based on Deskripsi Kurikulum SMK 2004, the students are considered subjects. They have to be independent, to be active to look for other sources of knowledge, since the teacher does not play as the main source. The students are expected to prepare themselves with the knowledge they are going to discuss. They are given a lot of opportunities to express their ideas, knowledge and opinion about the topics discussed in the classroom.


activities to build the meaningful learning process.

2. Communicative Language Teaching

Another theory related to the study is Communicative Language Teaching method known as CLT. As stated by Larsen – Freeman (2000), CLT aims to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. Moreover, the further explanation about CLT is as follows:

a. The Theory of CLT


long as people understand what the speakers mean to say. Therefore, the goal of this language teaching is to develop communicative competence.

b. Communicative Competence

The goal of language teaching, according to Hymes as stated by Richards and Rodgers (2001), is to develop communicative competence. Communicative competence itself means what speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community. The speaking rules are the rules the speakers must know when they use the language.

Canale and Swain (1980) as cited by Richards and Rodgers (2001) define four different components of communicative competence. They are grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence.


and hesitation. The communicators must be able to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair and redirect communication.

c. Theory of Language Based on CLT

According to Richards & Rodgers (2001), there are some of the characteristics of the communicative view of language as follows:

1. Language is a system for the expression of meaning.

2. The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication.

3. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses.

4. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse.

d. Theory of Learning Based on CLT

In CLT, the activities used are of which involve real communication to promote learning. Moreover, the language learning comes through the use of the language communicatively rather than through practicing the language skills. Richards & Rodgers (2001) offers 4 elements which underlie the learning theory. They are:


communication to promote learning.

2. Task principle, which means activities in which the language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks to promote learning. (Johnson, 1982).

3. Meaningfulness principle, which means language that is meaningful to the learner, supports the learning process.

In other words, in theory of learning, activities that are used in the classrooms involve real communication, carry out the meaningful tasks and use the language which is meaningful to the learner to promote learning.

e. The Principles of CLT

According to Larsen – Freeman (2000), there are several principles underlie the theory of CLT, which are:

1. The target language is a means for classrooms communication.

2. Activities are emphasized on the process of communication and focused on the real language use.

3. The important part of communicative competence is learning to use language appropriately.

4. Teachers have the responsibility to establish situations likely to promote communication.


6. Students are given opportunities to negotiate meaning by having communicative interaction among the students and also with the teachers.

f. The Teachers’ Roles in CLT

Larsen – Freeman (2000) as cited in her book wrote that teacher plays as a facilitator, who establishes the situations to promote communication. He is also expected to facilitate the communication process in the classrooms. Moreover, teacher plays his role as an adviser, who answers the students’ questions and monitoring their performance. In addition, teacher sometimes plays as co – communicator, who engages in communication activities with the students.

g. The Students’ Roles in CLT


B. Theoretical Framework

This section draws a framework, which focuses on the 2004 Competency Based Curriculum and Communicative Language Teaching.

Nowadays, CBC is an important factor in a teaching learning process since it is the new curriculum that has to be implemented in each school in order to develop students’ English capabilities especially in communication. The theory of CBC is important for teachers in vocational schools because they need to develop themselves and their students to be more active and creative.

There are three research questions in this study. The first research question concerns with the method used by the English teachers in terms of CBC implementation. In order to find out the answer of this problem, some theories are employed to help the writer to conduct some observations and interviews with the teachers of English subject. The first theory is the theory of 2004 Competency Based Curriculum. It covers the theory of 2004 CBC especially in English subject and its characteristics. The second is Communicative Language Teaching method. It is employed in order to help the writer to determine the method that is suitable in implementing CBC. Both theories help the writer to determine several points while doing the observations and interviews. The result of the observation and interviews, then, is written in paragraphs, then analyzed and interpreted.


writer to determine whether the method is relevant or not with the CBC characteristics.

The third question concerns about students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson. In researching students’ responses, there are several important points. First, it is about CBC characteristics. It is used to help the writer to find out the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in the English lesson. In this case, it can be seen from the existence of CBC characteristics inside the classroom. In order to find out this problem, the writer employed a questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire, then, is coded, analyzed, interpreted and written in paragraphs.

The methodologies used to find out the answers to the two problems would be discussed further in the next chapter.





This chapter in this research discusses: (A) Method; (B) Setting of the Study; (C) Subject and Respondents; (D) Instruments of the Study; (E) Data Gathering; (F) Data Analysis; (G) Procedures of the Study.

A. Method

This study is a survey. According to Nuna n (1994), “A survey is widely used for collecting data in most areas of social inquiry, from politics to social, from education to linguistics.”

The survey itself, in this study, had a wide coverage. The survey was related to the school’s situation related to the using of CBC, in which the study was done and the data were collected. It was done in a specific time; therefore, the survey would result in reliable things.

In this study, it dealt with the qualitative descriptive method, which meant that the writer presented the data not in numerical but in explanation and description. According to Punch (2001), “As a qualitative example, the research has been seen as a survey, focusing on interpretations, meanings and the cultural significance of some behavior.”


relevance with the CBC characteristics and also the students’ responses toward English lesson, both were in relation to CBC implementation.

B. Setting of the Research

The study was conducted at SMK Leonardo Klaten, which was located on Jl. DR. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No.30 Klaten. The writer chose this school because SMK Leonardo still used CBC as the curriculum implemented and it is one of the best vocational schools in Klaten. It has produced some young and skilled students to become technicians based on the field they have studied. Due to this, the writer felt that the students’ ability in English needed to be developed. The study was conducted in September 2006.

C. Respondents and Subjects of the Study

There were some subjects and respondents of the study. They were:

1. five classes of the second grade of SMK Leonardo Klaten, which consisted of two classes of machine engineering (2MA and 2MB), one class of electrical engineering (2E) and two classes of automotive engineering (2OA and 2OB). Due to some limitations, there were only five students from each class. It aimed to find out the answer to the third research problem, which dealt with the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson. However, the writer chose the second grade students because they were considered to have enough knowledge in English.


of the study. In this case, the writer conducted observations and interviews in order to find out the answer of the first and the second problems; namely, the teachers’ method used to teach English and whether it is relevant with CBC characteristics or not, both in terms of CBC implementation.

D. Research Instruments

The instruments of the study were as follows:

1. Observation Checklist


Furthermore, the writer would observe the class by involving inside the class itself. The writer could do the observation by joining the class, sitting at the back of the class and doing it without causing any distraction to the teaching – learning process. In observing the class, the writer also had to prepare for the checklist, which was used to collect the data from the observatio n. Moreover, this instrument was used to answer the first and the second problem of the study.

2. Interview

The second instrument was the interview. According to Nunan (1994), the interview had been widely used as a research tool and usually applied in survey research. The interview, itself, was aimed to obtain information about CBC, its implementation in English classes, the method used by the teachers in order to implement CBC and also the relevance between the method used and the CBC characteristics. This instrument was used to answer the first and the second problem of the study.

3. Questionnaire


E. Data Gathering

For the data gathering, the writer conducted observations, interviews and the distribution of questionnaires. This research was conducted during the English lesson in five classes of the second grade of SMK Leonardo Klaten. The observations were aimed to know the teachers’ method in teaching English, the existence of CBC characteristics and the relevance between the method used and CBC characteristics, both in terms of CBC implementation. In addition, it was also aimed to see the students and teachers’ activities in the class. Moreover, the writer conducted interview to the English teachers in order to gain information about CBC and also the teachers’ method to its implementation. Furthermore, the questionnaires were distributed to five students of each class in order to find out the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson.

Considering the schedule of English classes and also the available time of the English teachers, the schedule of conducting the study would be chosen.

F. Data Analysis

The first step in analyzing the data was analyzing the observation checklist

in order to find out the existence of CBC characteristics in English classes. This analysis was presented in the form of written paragraph.

The second step in the data analysis dealt with the interview result. The result was recorded and analyzed by the writer. Then the analysis was presented in the written form.


recording the result of the questionnaires. Then, the writer made a list of the questionnaires’ result. The writer measured the results of the questionnaires by making percentage of the whole opinion. Since the questionnaires were presented in closed – form, so the writer used the assessment of the respondents’ opinion by using 5 points of agreement, which were:

1 : if the respondent absolutely agrees with the statement.

2 : if the respondent agrees with the statement.

3 : if the respondent is doubtful with the statement.

4 : if the respondent disagrees with the statement.

5 : if the respondent absolutely disagrees with the statement.

The fourth step in analyzing data was coding the result of the questionnaires into numerical data. Then the results of numerical data were analyzed then concluded. Furthermore, the result of questionnaires analysis was cross – checked with the result of observation and interviews. The purpose was to

make sure that the result of three instruments was true and trustworthy.





This chapter presents detailed information about the results of the data gathered in this study. The data were obtained from observations, interview with the English teachers and 25 questionnaires distributed to the students of the second grade of SMK Leonardo Klaten.

A. The English Teachers’ Method in terms of CBC Implementation.

In order to find out the teachers’ method, the writer conducted observation and interview. The observation was done five times in five different classes. Moreover, the intervie w was done with two English teachers. However, it helped the writer to get some information about the method used by the teachers and about the existence of CBC characteristics.

Below are the data analysis and findings about the condition of English teaching learning activities as general overview of teaching learning activities in this school.

a. Data Analysis

To answer the first problem of the study, the writer conducted an observation and interview. The results are presented below:


1. The use of English was more frequent than the use of Indonesian.

The teacher often used English as the medium of instructions in the class. Sometimes, she used Indonesian only if the students did not understand what the teacher meant to say.

2. The teacher used supporting teaching aids.

In the class, the teacher only used reference – book from the school. She did not use other additional materials which could develop the teaching materials. As a matter of fact, the teacher could have been more creative by making handouts related to the topics. For example, the reference – book discussed only about reading comprehension and writing material. From this, the teacher could have developed the material by giving other skills, such as speaking or listening.

3. The teacher gave probing questions about the topic given.

In order to attract students’ attention to the topic, the teacher always gave probing questions about the topic that were going to be given. This could increase the students’ interest to learn about the lesson. For example, when the topic was about “Telephoning”, the teacher asked a question so that they could guess what topic they would learn. The question was “Do you know how to contact your long-distant friend?” Therefore, the students would know that the topic was about “Telephoning”.

4. The teacher played the role as a facilitator and motivator.


students to express their opinions, their minds and also their feelings about the lesson.

5. The teacher gave leading statements to the students when they were facing some problems.

Since the teacher played the role as a facilitator, therefore she only helped the students when they were facing difficulties. In this case, the teacher gave leading statements when the students asked some problems. She did not directly answer the problems. For example, a student asked about vocabulary items. The teacher did not give the translation in Indonesian, but she gave several synonyms of the word so that the student could guess the word meaning. For example, the teacher asked the students to re-read the passage and then asked some of them to re-tell the passage using their own words. Some of the students did not understand the word “re-tell” and “re-read”. Then, the teacher explained that prefix “re-“ has the same meaning with “again”. Therefore, read” means to read again and “re-tell” means to tell the story again.

6. The students played as the main actor in the class.

First, the students were ready to follow the lesson and they enjoyed it. Second, they paid attention to the teacher’s instructions. Moreover, they were giving responses to their teacher about the topic. In the class, the students participated actively during the lesson. For example, when the students did not know the teacher’s instruction, they would ask her.

7. The teacher had direct interaction with the students.


about their difficulties. Furthermore, the teacher also had the interaction with the students in some classes, such as in discussion or group work activities.

The result of CBC implementation was positive since several points of CBC characteristics above appeared in the class. From CBC characteristics and the teaching – learning activities that were applied, the teacher used the commonly used method in CBC implementation, which is Communicative Language Teaching Method.

In some classes, several CBC characteristics did not exist. For example, the students looked bored and did not really enjoy the lesson, they did not feel enthusiastic to follow the lesson and did not have the preparation for the lesson; therefore, the English teaching – learning activities did not work well. Furthermore, dealing with the classrooms activities, the teacher gave more opportunities for the students to speak and express their ideas. They often asked the students to make simple conversation, to re-tell the passage about the topic then presented it in front of the class. These activities could motivate the students to learn more to communicate in English.

Moreover, the writer conducted an interview about the implementation of CBC. It was used in order to find out the method used by the teachers in implementing it. It was done with two English teachers of SMK Leonardo. The results of the interview were shown below:

1. The CBC implementation in English lesson


– used terms then applied the English daily terms with the topic. Sometimes, the students were asked to tell their activities in school.

2. The method used in teaching English in terms of CBC implementation In teaching English, the method used was that the teachers always motivated the students to be active to communicate. The teachers led the English activities by using short, simple questions and instructions. They discussed the materials, asked their students to think and then give their opinion by using English.

3. Methods or approaches that were used in CBC implementation

In CBC implementation, the teachers used Communicative Language Teaching Method, which is to develop the students’ communicative competence in English. In the class, teachers used English as the medium of instruction and explanation. They considered their students had more important roles in teaching – learning activities; therefore, they gave more opportunities to the students to express their ideas. When the students were facing difficulties in understanding the instruction, teachers often used simple explanation so that students would understand. In addition, teachers used some approaches to motivate the students using English actively, for example, they used gestures to negotiate meaning and also probing and guiding to make their students able to follow the lesson.

4. The students’ responses about English lesson


every activity dealt with the communication process, the students would be active to participate. In their opinion, they thought that by participating in using English to communicate, they could be able to learn to communicate in English.

5. The teachers’ roles in teaching in the class in terms of CBC implementation

In CBC implementation, the roles of teachers are to be facilitators and motivators for the students. In class, teachers encouraged the students to be brave to use English to communicate. Teachers did not blame them when the students made some mistakes. However, teachers accepted their mistakes because they needed to motivate their students. Giving appreciations, compliments and sometimes, rewards did it; therefore, the students would be motivated rather than felt depressed. Therefore, in CBC, teachers played first as a motivator, then second as a facilitator because students needed to be motivated in order to make them brave to use English communicatively.

The result of the interview showed that the teachers used CLT method and also several strategies which were the using of gestures in order to negotiate meaning and also probing and guiding questions.

b. Findings


opportunities to speak up their minds and feelings; they gave responses to the questions given by the teacher; moreover, they participate actively during the lesson.

Furthermore, the teachers used CLT and gestures to negotiate meaning, probing and also guiding questions. In addition, the teachers played their roles as a motivator and facilitator so that the students would be brave and able to communicate actively. Moreover, the students had positive responses to practice in English communication. They followed the lesson enthusiastically and they could particip ate actively during the lesson.

Based on CBC, the objectives of English lesson are to develop communicative competence and to use English to communicate. The English teachers needed not only to focus their teaching to the English materials but also to concern their teaching to achieve those objectives. To increase the students’ abilities in using English to communicate, the teachers’ suitable method and creativity were needed. Otherwise, the CBC implementation in teaching English would not be achieved.

From the intervie ws and several observations conducted, it was found that the teachers used Communicative Language Teaching method which dealt with the communicative competence. The teachers gave their students the opportunity to express and share their opinions and ideas of what they had in mind. In the classroom, teachers played their part only as a motivator and facilitator. They always motivated their students to be active in using English and facilitated them with other source of materials.


the second grade of SMK Leonardo used Communicative Language Teaching method (CLT).

B. The Relevance between the Method Used by the Teachers and the CBC Characteristics.

To find out the relevance between the method used by the English teachers and CBC characteristics, the writer used the observation checklist and interview. The checklist and the interview were used in order to find out the method used by the teachers and the existence of CBC characteristics. Moreover, to find out whether the relevance of the method and the CBC characteristics, the writer used the principles that underlie both theories.

a. Data Analysis

As seen from the interview result, the teachers used Communicative Language Teaching method (CLT). The principles that underlie the CLT are as follows:

1. Target language is a means to communicate

2. Activities are emphasized on the process of communication

3. The important part of communicative competence is learning to use language appropriately

4. Teachers’ responsibility is to establish situation to promote learning 5. Students are given opportunity to express their minds

6. Students are given opportunity to have interaction among students and with the teacher


1. The using of English in the classroom

2. The use of English was more frequent in the classroom activities 3. Teachers gave probing questions and leading statement to the students 4. Teachers played as motivator and facilitator

5. Teachers had direct interaction with the students 6. The students played as the main actor in the class

The aim of both CBC and CLT is to develop the students' communicative competence. Other principles such as the situation of teaching – learning activities, the teachers’ roles and also the students’ roles hold the important part in obtaining the relevance between the CLT method and the CBC characteristics.

b. Findings

From the result of the interview and the observation checklist, it could be seen that the teachers used CLT. In order to find out the relevance, the principles underlying both theories became the important part. As seen from the principles, both CLT and CBC had the same objectives and characteristics. The using of target language in the class is used to establish the situations to promote learning the language effectively. However, the teachers had the roles as motivator and facilitator in both theories. In addition, the students also played as the main actor in the class, by giving them more opportunities to express their ideas, minds and also opinions.


As a result, the answer of the second problem of the study is that the method used by the English teachers; which was CLT, was relevant with the CBC characteristics, as seen from the both underlying principles.

C. The Students’ Responses toward the Implementation of CBC in English Lesson.

The target of this study was to find out the existence of CBC implementation toward the English lesson in SMK Leonardo. In this case, the students’ responses toward English lesson were important. In order to find out students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson, the writer distributed questionnaires to 25 students of the second grade of SMK Leonardo. In the questionnaire, the students’ responses were about the existence of CBC characteristics in class.

Below are the results of the questionnaire analysis that were discussed per item. The results of the questionnaire could be seen in Appendix C.

a. Data Analysis

In order to answer the second problem of the study, the writer distributed twenty – five questionnaires to five students in five classes. The results are presented below:


Table 4.1. Questionnaire Result Part 1

Percentage (%) No. The students’ responses toward English lesson in

terms of CBC implementation


1. In my opinion, English subject is fun and interesting. 44 % 44 % 8 % 4 % 2. In my opinion, English is an easy subject to learn. 8 % 56 % 12 % 24 % 3. I am always active to ask if I face some difficulties in

understanding the subject material. 4 % 28 % 56 % 12 % 4. I think I already have enough ability to communicate in

English. 4 % 12 % 52 % 32 %

5. In my opinion, English conversation is compulsory to

be taught in an English class. 44 % 56 % - -

Item 1. Menurut Saya, Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan. (In my opinion, English subject is fun and interesting).

The effectiveness of English lesson could be seen from the situation and condition of the classroom. In Chapter 2, sociolinguistic competence refers to the social context. In order to make the social situation and condition effective, the students had to be attracted and enjoy to the lesson.


This was a good thing for the students since they thought that English lesson was fun and interesting. They would make themselves feel comfortable when they followed the lesson, because they would not be bored with the lesson and the activities given. As the component of communicative competence, the social context influenced teaching – learning activities. When the students enjoyed and felt interested in English lesson, they would be motivated to learn English, especially in communication.

Item 2. Saya merasa Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang mudah untuk dipelajari. (In my opinion, English is an easy subject to learn).

As stated in chapter 2, achievement refers to be successful in accomplishing something when the students eager to learn something. In this case, it dealt with the English lesson.

In this study, the respondents showed that English was an easy subject to be learned. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, that more than half of the respondents agreed that English was an easy subject to be learned. There were two respondents or 8% who strongly agreed with the statement. In addition, fourteen respondents or 56% agreed. Moreover, there were three respondents or 12% who felt doubtful and six respondents or 24% who disagreed with the statement above.


Item 3. Saya selalu aktif bertanya apabila ada kesulitan dalam memahami materi pelajaran. (I am always active to ask if I face some difficulties in understanding the subject material).

As stated in chapter 2, the students’ roles in CBC are to be independent and active to express their ideas, knowledge and opinion in the classroom. It also happened when the students were facing difficulties in the subject, they were expected to be aware of knowing their difficulties and tried to overcome those difficulties by being active to ask about them.

The result of this study showed that most of the respondents were still not sure if they considered themselves being active in the English classroom. There were only one respondent or 4% who strongly agreed and seven respondents or 28% who agreed with the statement above. Meanwhile, there were fourteen respondents or 56% who felt doubtful with the statement and three respondents or 12% who disagreed.

From the result, it could be seen that the students really needed to be encouraged and motivated in order to make them felt brave to state their minds and feelings, especially in using English to communicate. Therefore, they would be able to overcome their difficulties.

Item 4. Saya merasa kemampuan Saya berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris sudah cukup baik. (I think I already have enough ability to communicate in English).


learn more about the English knowledge. Therefore, the teachers really had an important role to motivate their students. If the students already felt that they had the ability to communicate in English, they would make themselves felt easier to learn more about English. Moreover, the teachers needed to concern more in maintaining the students’ confidence in it.

The result of the questionnaires showed that most of the students still felt doubtful about their ability to communicate in English. There was only one respondent or 4% who strongly agreed that their ability in English communication was well enough. Moreover, there were three respondents or 12% who agreed. Meanwhile, there were thirteen respondents or 52% who felt doubtful with the statement above and eight respondents or 32% who disagreed about their own ability.

Item 5. Saya merasa English Conversation merupakan suatu hal yang wajib diajarkan di kelas Bahasa Inggris. (In my opinion, English conversation is compulsory to be taught in an English class).

Based on Depdiknas, as cited by Deskripsi Kurikulum SMK 2004, one of the objectives of English lesson for vocational school is to use English to communicate, for example listening, self – expressing, giving opinions and giving information. Therefore, English conversation held the essential part in English subject. The students needed to be able to use English to communicate actively.


statement above.

It showed that they had a big interest in learning English conversation. Therefore, the teacher of English had to be aware of its importance. The concept of English is the ability to function in a face – to – face situations adequately and to use English appropriately in a conversational context (Harley et al., 1990: 7).

Table 4.2. Questionnaire Result Part 2

Percentage (%) No. The students’ responses toward English lesson in

terms of CBC implementation


6. I am interested to learn English because it makes me

able to communicate/ speak in English. 40 % 56 % 4 % - 7. In my opinion, every English Skill (Listening,

Speaking, Reading, Writing) has to be taught to the students.

64 % 36 % - -

8. In every English lesson, the teachers use English to

communicate more frequent in explaining the material. 4 % 64 % 12 % 20 % 9. In every English lesson, teachers always ask the

students to be active in using English to communicate in the classroom.

32 % 56 % 8 % 4 %

10. The teachers are more active in playing the role as facilitator (helping the students) in every English lesson.

56% 40 % - 4 %

Item 6. Saya tertarik belajar Bahasa Inggris karena membuat Saya mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi/ berbicara menggunakan Bahasa

Inggris. (I am interested to learn English because it makes me able to communicate/ speak in English).


chapter 2, one of the objectives of English in CBC is to make the students have the English competency especia lly in communication. The students’ interest in learning English communication was a very good point for both teachers and students. Therefore, this could make it easier for the teachers to motivate their students.

From the questionnaires distributed, the result showed that the students really had the interest to learn English to communicate. There were ten respondents or 40% who strongly agreed and fourteen respondents or 56% who agreed with the statement above. Meanwhile, there was only one respondent or 4% who felt doubtful the statement.

Item 7. Menurut Saya, setiap English Skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) wajib diajarkan bagi para siswa. (In my opinion, every English Skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) has to be taught to the students).

Based on chapter 2, the scope of English lesson includes Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Though the objective of English lesson is to make the students having the competency to communicate, the four skills also hold the same importance to be learned. This intended to make the students understand the language functions of English.


Item 8. Dalam setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, guru lebih sering berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris ketika menjelaskan materi. (In every English lesson, the teachers use English to communicate more frequent in explaining the material).

As stated in chapter 2, one of the objectives of English lesson for vocational school is to use English to communicate, for example listening, self – expressing, giving opinions and giving information. In this case, the teacher was expected to be active using to communicate with the students.

The result from the questionnaires distributed showed that there were one respondent or 4% who strongly agreed and sixteen respondents or 64% who agreed with the statement that the teacher used English to communicate more frequent in explaining the materials. Meanwhile, there were three respondents or 12% who felt doubtful and five respondents or 20% who disagreed with the statement above. The students felt doubt and disagreed with the statement could be caused by the condition of the classroom itself which could make the teacher sometimes used bilingual language, not only English but also Indonesian. This aimed to overcome the classroom condition if not all of the students could understand English utterances completely.

Item 9. Dalam setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, guru selalu mengajak para siswa untuk lebih aktif menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam berkomunikasi di

kelas. (In every English lesson, teachers always ask the students to be active in using English to communicate in the classroom).


that teacher had to be able to increase the students’ motivation to learn English, especially to communicate. In an English class, the students were expected to be brave to state their opinion; therefore, the teacher really needed to motivate them.

From the questionnaires distributed, there were eight respondents or 32% who strongly agreed that in every English lesson, the teacher always asked them to be active to communicate in English. Moreover, there were fourteen respondents or 56% who agreed with the statement above. But there were still two respondents or 8% who felt doubtful and one respondent or 4% who disagreed with the statement above.

Item 10. Guru lebih berperan aktif sebagai fasilitator (membantu murid) dalam setiap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. (The teachers are more active in playing the role as facilitator (helping the students) in every English lesson).

In CBC, the teachers’ roles are as motivator, facilitator and mediator (Mulyasa, 2000). As a facilitator, teacher of English facilitated the students with possible sources to study. In this case, the teacher had to be aware of their roles in an English class. Meanwhile, the students also had to understand their teachers’ roles in the classroom.


This was a good point since the students were aware that their teacher only helped them and not played as the main source in the class. Therefore, the students needed to be active and independent to look for the knowledge that they needed in an English classroom.

b. Findings

Based on the questionnaires distributed, the CBC implementation was seen from the students’ responses toward English lesson. From the questionnaires, the students showed positive responses toward English lesson in CBC implementation. It could be seen that they could be active in learning the lesson. They were attracted and interested to learn English, especially in English communication. They thought that English conversation was a compulsory subject to be taught. Moreover, it could also be seen from their motivation to learn English and also from their behavior of being active in English communication.

Moreover, the responses of the students toward English lesson were really good, mostly because they really enjoyed the English classroom activities. Based on the questionnaires distributed, the students showed their interest to learn English especially in communication. It was proved from the statement that they thought English conversation was a necessary thing to be taught in class. Meanwhile, the teachers of English did not give a special English conversation class. However, the English teachers also had to focus on the English materials that had to be accomplished in that period of academic year.


The responses were that they could really follow and enjoy the lesson, they also had self – confidence of their ability in English communication; therefore, they were brave to express their ideas and feelings.





This chapter presents two sections. The first one is the conclusions of the study. The second one is several suggestions, which are for the teachers, the learners and for other researchers.

A. Conclusions

There were three questions stated in this study. They were: (1) what is the method used by the English teachers in terms of CBC implementation?; (2) is the method used by the teachers relevant with the CBC characteristics? and (3) what are students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson?

The answer to the first question was that teachers of English in the second grade of SMK Leonardo used Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT). It could be seen from the existence of CBC characteristics in teaching – learning activities in the classrooms. CLT aims to enable students of using English to communicate and to develop communicative competence.

The answer to the second question was that the method used by the English teachers in teaching was relevant with the CBC characteristics. It could be seen from the CBC characteristics and the principles of CLT which underlie the same theories.


English lesson, they were active in class, and they also had positive thought about having enough ability to communicate in English.

Based on the data results, the writer can conclude that the implementation of Competency – Based Curriculum in teaching English lesson for the second grade students of SMK Leonardo Klaten had been achieved. These could be seen from the teachers’ method used to teach English, the existence of CBC characteristics in the teaching – learning activities in the classrooms, the relevance between the method used and the CBC characteristics and also the students’ responses toward the implementation of CBC in English lesson.

B. Suggestions

There are several suggestions presented by the writer. The first is for the English teachers. The second is for the students of SMK Leonardo. The third is for other researchers.

For English teachers, they need to improve their knowledge of teaching methods based on CBC and their creativity in teaching English so that the students will not get bored in following the lesson. They need to develop their way of teaching. In this case, the teachers need to arrange more interesting activities in English lesson so that the students would be more interested to learn English.




Depdiknas. 2004. Deskripsi Kurikulum SMK Bagian 1. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang.

Depdiknas. 2003. Ketentuan Umum Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pendidikan Prasekolah, Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang. Depdiknas. 2003. Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris SMA dan MA. Jakarta:

Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang.

Harley, B. 1990. The Development of Second Language Proficiency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Larsen – Freeman, Diane. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mulyasa, E. 2003. KBK: Konsep, Karakteristik, Implementasi dan Inovasi. Bandung: PT. Remaja Regdakarya Offset.

Nunan, David. 1994. Research Methods in Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Punch, Keith F. 2001. Developing Effective Research Proposals. London: Sage Publication.

Richards, J. C., and Theodore S. Rodgers. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Trimurtiningsih, Christiana Sarwosri. 2004. Designing A Set of Extracurricular Instructional Materials for Teaching Speaking Based on the CBC to the 3rd







Date/ Time : Monday, 18th September 2006 / 07.00 – 08.30 wib

Class : 2 Elektro

Total number of students : 32 students


1. English is mostly used in the class for giving instruction and also for explaining the materials.

2. Teacher uses supporting teaching aids. √

3. Teacher gives probing questions about the topic that is going to be given.

4. Teacher plays as a facilitator who only helps students when they are facing a difficult problem.

5. Teacher motivates the students to speak English. √ 6. Teacher gives students more opportunities to speak in


7. Teacher gives leading statement if the students ask a problem rather than answer the problem straightly.

8. Students are ready to follow the lesson. √ 9. Students look enjoy with the classroom activities. √ 10. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. √ 11. Students give responses to the teacher. √

12. Students look enthusiastic with the classroom condition. √ 13. Students participate actively during the lesson. √

14. The teacher has direct interaction with the students by observing the class thoroughly.

15. There are interactions between teacher and students in the class (group work or discussion)




Date/ Time : Tuesday, 19th September 2006 / 07.00 – 08.30 wib

Class : 2 Mesin A

Total number of students : 32 students


1. English is mostly used in the class for giving instruction and also for explaining the materials.

2. Teacher uses supporting teaching aids. √ 3. Teacher gives probing questions about the topic that is

going to be given.

4. Teacher plays as a facilitator who only helps students when they are facing a difficult problem.

5. Teacher motivates the students to speak English. √ 6. Teacher gives students more opportunities to speak in


7. Teacher gives leading statement if the students ask a problem rather than answer the problem straightly.

8. Students are ready to follow the lesson. √

9. Students look enjoy with the classroom activities. √ 10. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. √

11. Students give responses to the teacher. √ 12. Students look enthusiastic with the classroom condition. √

13. Students participate actively during the lesson. √ 14. The teacher has direct interaction with the students by

observing the class thoroughly.

15. There are interactions between teacher and students in the class (group work or discussion)




Date/ Time : Wednesday, 27th September 2006 / 10.20 – 11.50 wib

Class : 2 Otomotif A

Total number of students : 32 students


1. English is mostly used in the class for giving instruction and also for explaining the materials.

2. Teacher uses supporting teaching aids. √ 3. Teacher gives probing questions about the topic that is

going to be given.

4. Teacher plays as a facilitator who only helps students when they are facing a difficult problem.

5. Teacher motivates the students to speak English. √ 6. Teacher gives students more opportunities to speak in


7. Teacher gives leading statement if the students ask a problem rather than answer the problem straightly.

8. Students are ready to follow the lesson. √

9. Students look enjoy with the classroom activities. √ 10. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. √

11. Students give responses to the teacher. √ 12. Students look enthusiastic with the classroom condition. √ 13. Students participate actively during the lesson. √

14. The teacher has direct interaction with the students by observing the class thoroughly.

15. There are interactions between teacher and students in the class (group work or discussion)




Table 2: Questionnaires Result Part 2 ……………………………………… 37
Table 4.1. Questionnaire Result Part 1
Table 4.2. Questionnaire Result Part 2


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