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Academic year: 2018

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Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan


Analysis of Code Switching in English Speaking Class A Case Study of English Education Department of Islamic University of Lamongan in Academic Year 2015/2016


An Analysis of Character to Reveal The Theme in A Novel Bound Written By Okky Madasari


Developing Speaking Materials Based On Traditional Javanese Games For The Students Of Senior High School In Indonesia


A Morphological Study On English Compound Words Found In Globeasia Magazine On May 2015 Edition


A Study of Language Variation Used by The Fishermen in TPI Brondong Lamongan


Penggunaan Media Kartu Bergambar untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Jenis-Jenis Usaha dan Kegiatan Ekonomi di Indonesia Mata Pelajaran IPS


Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Unsur Cerita Melalui Pendekatan Whole Language Siswa Kelas V SDN Kramat II Lamongan


Designing Reading Assessment: Perceptive, Selective, Interactive, and Extensive Reading


English For Specific Purposes At Non-English Department Students To Encounter The Asean Community Era



ISSN :2502 - 35856

Volume 02, No. 02


November 2016

J u r n a l P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n

Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students‟ Reading Comprehension






Vol 2, No 2, November 2016


Penanggung Jawab : Rektor Universitas Islam Lamongan

Ketua Penyunting : Madekhan, MSi

Wakil Ketua Penyunting : Mohamad Nurman, SPd. MPd.

Penyunting Pelaksana : Dian Lutfiyanti, SPd. MPd.

Husen, S.Ag. MPd. Drs. Syarif Hidayatullah Diah Astuty, MPd. Ryrin Fatmawati, MPd. Tiara Retno H., MPd.

Penyunting Ahli : Drs. Tsalis Fahmi, MM.

R. Chusnu Yuli S. MPd, Fathurrahman, MM Hariyanto, SPd. M.IP M. Faizal Mubarok, MPd. Abdullah Farih, M.Pd



Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Islam Lamongan

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Gedung A Universitas Islam Lamongan

Jl. Veteran No. 53 A Lamongan Telp. (0322)324706/ 317116. Email: fkipunisla@gmail.com

Mengutip ringkasan dan pernyataan atau mencetak ulang gambar atau tabel dari jurnal ini harus mendapatkan ijin langsung dari penulis. Jurnal ini diedarkan sebagai tukaran untuk perguruan tinggi, lembaga penelitian dan perpustakaan di



Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students‟ Reading Comprehension


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan


Analysis of Code Switching in English Speaking Classa Case Study of English Education Department of Islamic University of Lamongan in Academic Year 2015/2016


An Analysis of Character to Reveal the Theme in A Novel Bound Written by Okky Madasari


Developing Speaking Materials Based on Traditional Javanese Games for The Students of Senior High School in Indonesia


A Morphological Study on English Compound Words Found in Globeasia Magazine on May 2015 Edition


A Study of Language Variation Used by The Fishermen in TPI Brondong Lamongan


Penggunaan Media Kartu Bergambar untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Jenis-Jenis Usaha dan Kegiatan Ekonomi di Indonesia Mata Pelajaran IPS


Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Unsur Cerita MelaluiPendekatan Whole Language Siswa Kelas VSDN Kramat II Kecamatan Lamongan


Designing Reading Assessment: Perceptive, Selective, Interactive, and Extensive Reading


English For Specific Purposes at Non-English Department Students to Encounter the Asean Community Era


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading



Email address: pitaparidah@gmail.com

Abstract :

This present study is conducted in order to improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Reciprocal Teaching Technique. There are four strategies that make up reciprocal teaching (predict, question, clarify, and summarize). The writer

focuses on descriptive text to help students’ reading comprehension In this research, the writer uses an action design which is call classroom action research. The action research involved some steps called as cycles. The cycle process in this research study referred to the model of action research proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart Burns (2010:9). Each cycle has four stages: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The researcher was done into two cycles. The result of the study indicates the students were active during the implementation of the strategy in the Cycle II probably because of several reasons. In second cycle, the students were more manageable and active than before. They did these techniques faster and faster. Besides, the improvement was not only in the teaching learning process but also the scores in the reading task. Based on each

component of reading comprehension’s scores, the writer concluded that they were able

to find the appropriate main idea, vocabulary better than before.


Reading comprehension is extremely important, it gives the big contribution to students to perform their communication skill better. In their daily life, students are always related to the written or printed words, for instance: text books, magazines, newspapers, announcements, letters, even advertise-ment. According to McNamara (2007:3-4) states deep comprehension of the sentences requires the construction of referents of nouns, a discourse focus, presuppositions, and plausible inferences. The reader needs to distinguish given versus new information in the text and implicitly acknowledge what is shared


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

comprehension, many activities can be designed to make majors‟ element lively. Understanding how meaning is constructed from print is essential if teachers are to improve the comprehension of their students (Tovani, 2000:17). It means that students learn through catching the information, growing their critical thinking, remembering their background knowledge, and getting the new knowledge from the passage they have read. Comprehension is more than a matter of reading the words. It needs to involve the reader in actively making decisions, solving problems, and using background knowledge in an attempt to make sense of the passage. Based on reason above, reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from text. The goal is an overall understanding of what is described in the text rather than to obtain meaning from isolated words or sentences. Whereas, teaching reading comprehension is not easy. The problems appeared during the teacher is reading the text, the students just listen and repeat the teacher‟s reading but they do not understand what is convey in the reading text that is read by teacher. In this condition, teacher does not build students‟ background knowledge what the reading text initially. After finishing read of the text, the teacher asks the student to translate the text, only a few students doing the task. In addition, while translating the text, only a few students come to the teacher‟s desk and ask the difficult word, but not for other. They would rather talk with their friends than finish their task. In this case, students and teacher do not integrate their

understanding about text collaboratively in the classroom. Those problems are barrier for students to improve their reading skill. Thus, based on reality, the teacher needs a new strategy of learning reading text activity in order to students become active, enjoy and comprehend about the main point of reading text.

Based on the reasons above, English teachers should have several methods and techniques, so the students achieve the goal of learning. The writerr using one of techniques to improve students‟ reading comprehension. The technique is named reciprocal teaching, which has been developed by Annemarie Pallinscar and Ann Brown in 1984. Acording to Oczkus (2011:11) there are four strategies that make up reciprocal teaching (predict, question, clarify, and summarize). The steps consist of four steps as followed:

a. Prediction

When predicting, students

The use language of prediction such as:

(I predict..., I think..., I’ll bet...)

The use clues from the text to help form predictions and evidence from the text and/or illustrations to support predictions.

(I predict...because...)

The use prior knowledge about the topic or from experience to help make logical predictions.

(I predict ...because ...)

Check predictions after reading to see if they make sense.


Tell steps to predicting.

(When I predict I...)


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

b. Questioning

When questioning, the students

The use the language of questioning with question words such as (who, what, when, where, why, or how)

Ask logical “wonders” before reading based on clues from the text. (I wonder...)

Ask literal and higher level thinking questions after reading.


Tell steps to questioning (When I question I...)

Tell how questioning helps them understand what they have read.

c. Clarification

When clarifying, students

The use the language of clarifying.

(I didn’t get...(confusion), so I...strategy

used to repair comprehension).

Identify words that are difficult to pronounce or understand.

The use a variety of strategies to understand the words, including finding “chunks” they know, sounding out the words, using syllables, and rereading.

Tell how they clarified a difficult word.

Identify sentences, pages, or ideas that need clarifying.

The use a variety of strategies to understand the parts, such as rereading, reading on, or talking to someone to figure out the parts of the text that confused them.

Identify confusions (words, parts, or ideas) and the strategies that they used

to repair comprehension.


Tell steps to clarifying.

(When I clarify I...)

Tell how clarifying helps them understand what they have read

d. Summarization

When summarizing, students

The use the language of summarizing.

(This part is about..., The most important ideas in this text are...)

Reread to summarize main events or important ideas from the text.

Include only main events or important ideas.

Tell main events or important ideas in order.

The use some vocabulary from the text.


Tell steps to summarizing.

(When I summarize I...)

Tell how summarizing helps them understand what they have read.

Reciprocal teaching technique becomes an instructional procedure designed to enhance students‟ reading comprehension of a text. In other words, the teacher is an instructor for the process, explaining and drawing a conclusion about the text together with the students. The writer focuses on descriptive text to help students‟ reading comprehension. According to Anderson and Anderson (1998:26), “Descriptive text describes particular person, place, or things.” It means that it is designed specifically about a person, a place, or things.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

the teacher in improving the speaking ability of VIII-E students of SMPN 2 Taman. This research was proposed to study the following problem:

1. How is reciprocal technique implemented to teach reading comprehension at the seventh grade of SMP N 1 Sugio?

2. How can reciprocal technique contribute to students‟ improvement in reading comprehension at the seventh grade of SMP N 1 Sugio?

Furthermore, the writer uses classroom action to develop in this research. It is necessary to carry out a study in which the problem has to be clearly specified, an action plan has to be described and carried out, and finally an evaluation can completed clearly in the classroom. According to Ary (2010:512) states that action research is about taking action based on research and researching the action taken. It can be used to enhance everyday work practices, to resolve specific problems, and to develop special projects and programs. One of the aims of classroom action research is improve the teaching practice and in the long run. So in this study the writer can use a strategy which can solve the problems that happen to improve reading comprehension in the classroom.


This study is conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Sugio around April until May 2016. The school is located at Jalan Raya Sugio, Kecamatan Sugio Lamongan. The first, The subject of the study is the seventh grade (F class) students of SMP

Negeri 1 Sugio. There are 29 students. The second is the reciprocal teaching technique to improve students‟ reading comprehension in terms of descriptive text. The last is the result of the students‟ achievement in learning reading comprehension at the seventh grade (C class) of SMP Negeri 1 Sugio. The research design that would be suitable to apply in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). According to Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1998) this action research was conducted through the following procedure: (1) preliminary study to know the real problem face the students, (2) planning, (3) implementing, (4) observation, (5) reflection. In this research, the writer planned to conduct two cycles of classroom action research.

Based on the research design above, there are four steps in each cycle: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After, the writer and the students accomplish cycle I, and then there might be found a new problem. They have to continue the next cycle with the same phase of the first cycle. Here are the descriptions in every phase.

Preliminary study


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

Planning phase

In this phase, the writer make designing lesson plan, preparing the model of reciprocal technique, and determining criteria of success. The organized planning formed into lesson plan based on the research used syllabus at that school and designs the project or activity that she has been planned for students by preparing lesson plan and applying lesson at the seventh grade (C class) at SMP Negeri 1 Sugio. The lesson planning also describes teaching procedures, media, and resources in every cycle.

The next step is preparing the model of reciprocal technique. The writer using descriptive text to improve reading comprehension in this technique. There are steps that is prediction, question, clarification and summarization.

The criteria of the action success, when there are 75% numbers of students could achieve some improvement scores from the reading task 1 until the reading task 2 in cycle two and/or they could pass the score of the minimum criterion score (KKM). The KKM that must fulfill considering reading subject is 75 (seventy-five). If the criterion of the action success reached, it means that the next action of the classroom action research would be stopped, but if the criteria has not met the criteria of success, the alternative action would be done in the next cycle.

The second phase, the writer to carry out based on arranged the action. It starts the process of learning the issue being researched. In this phase the writer conduct learning teaching process and implementing the technique. In the

implementation of reciprocal teaching technique, the first step is dividing the students into five groups. In each group consist of five or six people. Then, the writer giving a descriptive text for each member of the group. The teacher guide the students to do the four steps of reciprocal technique.

The first step (prediction), the writer built their background knowledge and their prediction about the reading text‟s title. She started by asked students whether they had known or ever heard about text. “What is your prediction of the text ?”. After that, second step (questioning), the writer gave opportunity students to ask some words about their difficult. The third step (clarifying), the writer clarify about students‟ comprehension of the text. After comprehending and understanding about the text, the last step (summary) the writer and the students made a summary of the text orally. In reciprocal teaching technique, the writer allowed the students to look up the dictionary. Then, the writer asks the students finished the exercise.

To complete the research, the writer conducted observations during and after the learning process. The activities were as follows:

1. Observing the situation during the learning process when the students discuss and it was record by using field note.

2. Conducting the reading task for the students.

3. Analyzing the result of the students reading task score.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Technique.

In collecting the data, the writer used two techniques. The first data were a numerical data. The data were taken from the students‟ score of reading task in the last session of the technique. The second data were a verbal data, the data were taken students‟ participation during the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Technique. The data were obtained from the interview and field note.

In this phase is carried out after the writer have finished the action, then realize and find about the problem appeared when the plan has been implemented. In this case, if there still might have found problems and the criteria that decided has not reached yet. It means reciprocal teaching technique cannot increase the students‟ reading comprehension. Consequently, the writer has to prepared and arranged for the next cycle

Result and Discussion

Finding from Cycle 1

In this cycle the writer used two descriptive text entitled “the white house”, and “my pets”. The writer chose descriptive text to make students easier in making summary of text. The writer took a part as teacher. The first phenomenon was appearing in the teaching and learning process was the writer start the class. She began the conversation by greeting the students. Then the writer continued her class activity by checking students‟ attendance, telling what material she will be taught and sharing the purpose of the lesson. She started the lesson by asked students whether they

had known or ever heard about reciprocal teaching technique. “Do you know or ever heard about reciprocal teaching technique?”, “What is reciprocal teaching technique?”. Since nobody knew about reciprocal teaching technique, then she gave short explanation of reciprocal teaching technique. The explanation concluded definition of reciprocal teaching technique, the purpose of reciprocal teaching technique and descriptive text to each student.

In cycle 1, the writer gave instruction to the students to make five groups. Later, the writer implemented the step of reciprocal teaching technique. Then, the writer gave a descriptive text for each member of the group. The writer guided the students to do the four steps of reciprocal technique. The first step (prediction), the writer built their background knowledge and their prediction about the reading text‟s title. She started by asked students whether they had known or ever heard about text. “What is your prediction of the text ?”. After that, second step (questioning), the researcher gave opportunity students to ask some words about their difficult. The third step (clarifying), the writer clarified about students‟ comprehension of the text. After comprehending and understanding about the text, the last step (summary) the writer and the students made a summary of the text orally. In reciprocal teaching technique, the writer allowed the students to look up the dictionary. Then, the writer asks the students finished the exercise.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

or not, the writer conducts some evaluation. The evaluation included two aspects, the first is evaluation of the teaching-learning process and the second is evaluation of students‟ reading comprehension as the result of the teaching and learning activity.

Evaluation on the Teaching-Learning Process in Cycle 1

In the first stage, the students were enthusiastic when the writer started the lesson. But the writer felt little disappointed because the students still noisy. The writer needed more attention, because initially some of them did not want to sit in a group with other friends. So the writer was hard to emerge students‟ motivation to attention of the lesson. The writer divided student become five groups. The students response about the implementation reciprocal teaching technique. When the writer asked about text, they can predict of the text. They asked the meaning of difficult words, so the writer helped them to find the meaning of words. The researcher helped the students clarify to comprehend of text. Finally the writer and the students can make summary of the text.

Second, the writer found one of the students still confused with the technique. To make sure that students have comprehended the text, the writer assigned students to done exercises of the text. Each group looked compact do the exercise from the writer. They can finished some exercises that given by the writer.

The writer concluded that she had to be more selective because the students must gave clear explanation of the material using reciprocal teaching

technique. In other side, students gave motivated to solve their difficulty in comprehension of the text. As the writer notes in her preliminary study, only some students comprehend the tasks given by teacher. But at this time the students comprehend about text by using reciprocal teaching technique.

Evaluation of Students’ Reading Task 1 The writer gave twenty multiple choice questions in the reading task 1. In this meeting all of the students listened when they give guide by answering all of the questions of task. They also did the task in individual work.

Based on the result of the reading task 1 and field notes which were obtained by researcher, it can be concluded that many students joined the class enthusiastically. Some the students can finish this reading task in the first cycle. It was to know understanding of the text in students‟ comprehension skill.

The writer then recorded and analyzed the result. There were only 11 students (38% of 7F students) who passed the minimum passing criterion score and 18 students (62% of 7F students) got scoreless of 75. The first cycle cannot be called success since only 11 students who passed the minimum criterion score.

Reflection on Cycle 1


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

teaching technique in cycle 1 was not success yet. Thus, the writer needed to conduct cycle 2.

Finding from Cycle 2

Since 75% of students had not reached the minimum passing score yet in the first cycle, therefor the writer decided to revise her teaching strategy. After reviewing the previous lesson at the beginning, the writer started to divide the classroom into five groups that the form was as same as with the previous meeting. The writer made sure every student could sit well. Then, the writer put the flipchart on the whiteboard. All of the students were curious about the flipchart. The words put in the flipchart as sequence in reciprocal teaching technique, first prediction, question, clarification, and summarization. After that, the writer began to explain reading descriptive text through reciprocal teaching technique systematically. After giving the reading text handout to the students, the writer presented the four steps of reciprocal teaching technique to read a text. The writer appointed the prediction word in the flipchart on the white board firstly. Then, the writer let the students predict about the title. The writer asked deal with students‟ prediction about the title. The question was for instance, “what is your prediction about title?” After predicting about the title, the writer wrote all their prediction on the whiteboard, and then the writer asked the students read the first paragraph. Later, the writer appointed the next step, question. Directly, the writer offered to the students, the writer asked, “do you have any question about first paragraph?” In this section, students were

enthusiastic. When all the questions from the students can be answered, and it turned for the writer asked about text to the students, the question was “what is the main idea of the text?”, and “How is the characteristic about the person or thing?”

During the process of reading, the writer also clarified their question. The writer gave an opportunity the student to answer and gave their idea related to the text. The writer also allowed the students to look up the dictionary if they found difficult word. The last, the writer and the students summarized together the text in the first paragraph. This activity was continued for the next paragraph. After understanding the whole text, they answered some questions related to the text. Then, the writer also invited the students to summarize it together. The writer gave a reward for the active students. The last, the writer gave the score for the group that did the exercise.


In this meeting the writer introduced and explained about reciprocal teaching technique and gave descriptive text to comprehend of the text easilly.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

hand to give their idea predictions, and asked many questions related to the text.

In the second stage, the writer satisfied because the students focused and followed the writer instruction. There were no students walked to another table and talked with their friends in a group when the writer was explaining the lesson. The writer also made a competition among other groups in that activity in order to they had a spirit to be the first to ask the question, and gave their idea, predicted, and looked up their dictionary quickly, and gave detailed opinion about the text. Students were active at the classroom. Moreover, they did the exercises in a group collaboratively and correctly.

The writer concluded that she must checked students‟ works by walking to their table and giving the comments. The writer also gave attention students to listen the writers‟ explanation so they can be understood about the material of this lesson. As the writer notes in her study in cycle 1 only some students comprehend the tasks given by teacher. But at this time all of students comprehend about text by using reciprocal teaching technique.

Evaluation of Students’ Reading Task 2 To evaluate students‟ reading comprehension, the writer asked students to done reading task 2 in second cycle. It was so different like usual, when the writer gave the reading task 2 in second cycle, the students were enthusiastically. The writer also gave twenty multiple choice questions in the reading task 2. In this meeting all of the students listened when they give guide by answering all of

the questions of task. They also did the task in individual work.

Based on the result of the reading task 2 and field notes which were obtained by the writer, it can be concluded that many students joined the class cooperatively. Some the students can finish this reading task 2 in the second cycle. It was give students to trust that they can develop their skill in reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching technique.

The writer then recorded and analyzed the result. There were 25 students (86% of 7F students) who passed the minimum criterion score and 4 students (14% of 7F students) get score less of 75. It means that all of students passed the minimum criterion score. Therefore, the second cycle had reached the criteria of success.

Reflection on Cycle 2

From descriptions of evaluation on the teaching-learning process and evaluation of students‟ speaking performance in cycle 2 above, the writer makes a conclusion that the implementation of teaching reading comprehension by using reciprocal teaching technique in cycle 2 was success. Thus, the next cycle was not necessary to be implemented. The researcher decided to stop her research in this cycle 2.



Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

showed that they needed more preparation before delivering their questions to their friends. In other words, they always wrote them down before stating them. Beside, the students should be reminded the kinds of questions types in reading comprehension. In second cycle, the students were more manageable and active than before. They did these techniques faster and faster. Besides, the improvement was not only in the teaching learning process but also the scores in the reading task. Based on each component of reading comprehension‟s scores, the writer concluded that they were able to find the appropriate main idea, vocabulary better than before. Considering that all problems were resolved, the researcher conducted the reading task 1 and 2 to be compared with the pre reading task.

Therefore, the writer concluded that reciprocal teaching technique is one of the effective techniques which is able to improve the students‟ reading comprehension. Oczkus (2010:11) explained reciprocal teaching strategy and explain how it helps readers understand text. It means that reciprocal teaching requires students to work in groups, discussing the material (reading passage) through some steps of strategies.

The researcher have observed the first, students in a group learn with the members of their group by sharing, discussing, and peer tutoring. The second, they internalize this knowledge. In reciprocal teaching, students learn the four main strategies through the teacher‟s modeling and working in cooperative groups, and they think of the four main strategies they have learned. The third, the

students build their own understanding and reading process, the students get more experience and confidence help other students in their group to decode and understand what is being read. Finally, they share their understanding and thinking with the group. In this stage, the students‟ thoughts are shaped through group discussion.

The Result of Interview

The first category discussed about the general condition in English class especially in reading class. The teacher said that every student has a different attitude when learning English. Most of students who did not like English class because they gained low competence in English, and still faced obstacle in following the English lesson. Moreover, the teacher stated that most of them were hardly to pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). (See item numbers 1, 2 and 3 of interview).

Second category discussed about the students‟ difficulties in reading ability. The teacher told that reading skill was difficult faced by students in learning English. The teacher mentioned the difficulties for some students in reading skill because students are confused on finding ideas of text, comprehension of text, and less vocabulary. Consequently, they are lazy to do the task of reading and lack of their score in passing the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). (See item numbers 4 and 5 of interview)


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

difficulties reading ability. It was found that the teacher often given instruct to read and open dictionary in teaching reading. Teacher used story telling. Up to now; the teacher had been looking for an alternative way to teach reading and to engage students actively in teaching learning process. At last, the writer proposed to implement reciprocal technique; it might be able to improve students‟ reading ability. (See item numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of interview)

Implementation of Reciprcal Teaching Technique in the Classroom

In the first meeting, the teacher asked if students still remember the lessons of the descriptive text given by their English teacher. To increase their knowledge of the descriptive text, the teacher gives them an example of descriptive text entitled “The White House” in cycle 1 and “My Mother” in cycle 2. Afterwards, the teachers with the students together discussing about the contents of the story.

For the next activity, the teacher introduced reciprocal teaching techniques to students. Teachers make introduced four step consisting of predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarizing and explain one by one. Then, the teacher dividing the students into five groups. In each group, consist of five or six people. Then, teachers gave a paper of descriptive text for each member of the group.

The first activity was Predict. The teacher asked all of students to read the text by two or three times by themselves. Afterward, teacher asked students to predict of the text. In cycle 1, one of group can predict of the text, they explain about

title of the text. But, other group still confused. In cycle 2, all of group can predict of the text easly. They also active in learning process. So,the results of students in the second cycle better of the results of students in the first cycle.

The second step is Question, teacher gave instruction each group to ask about contents of the text. The students must find the difficult words after they read the text and then write it in paper given by the teacher. The teacher also asked the students to open dictionary. Then, the students may discuss to other member of their own group. After they wrote the words that were difficult and finding meaning, group representatives should come forward and write the vocabulary on the white board. In fact, in cycle 1 no one came forward to write. So, the teacher made them come forward based on the attendance list. But, in the cycle 2 several representatives of groups voluntary to come forward to write vocabulary they found. They were no longer feel shy as at the first cycle.

The third step is Clarify. In this step, teacher gave opportunities students to asking paragraph to know students‟ comprehension. In cycle 1, students feel shy to asked about paragraph. Then, teacher explained the paragraph to make students‟ comprehend. In cycle 2, students can classify about text and they asked teacher to clarifying about text. It means that students already knew how to clarify of the text.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

students who summarize just a few sentences. This is contrary with the cycle 2, all students were able to summarize well. Then, students also able done exercises given by teacher.

The Discussion of Students’ Achievment The improvement of the students‟ achievement in the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique can be illustrated in the following:

The improvement of the students’

achievement in the implementation of Reciprocal Technique technique

Based on the result of students‟ final composition in cycle 1, it indicated that students had not reached the criteria of success yet. It can be proved by the average score was only 71,72. There were only 11 students or about 38% were able to reach the criteria of success and 18 or about 62% students had not reached the criteria of success. Based on the student's reading task, mostly students could not answer questions given by the teacher. That‟s because the students still do not understand the whole story and could not comprehend the question well.

Meanwhile, based on the result of students‟ final composition in Cycle 2, it

showed that students had reached the criteria of success. It is different with the first cycle, the average score was fairly satisfying, it was 80,17. There were 25 students or about 86% were able to reach the criteria of success, and 4 or about 14% students who did not achieve the criteria of success. Related to the students' reading task in Cycle 2, it can be concluded that satisfying in the students' comprehending of the text given in this cycle, and also students have a good understanding of the questions in the reading task. The implementation of reciprocal teaching technique obviously could help the students in reading comprehension achievement.

Conclusion and Suggestion


The implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Technique at seventh grade (C class) of SMP Negeri 1 Sugio Lamongan in academic year 2015/2016 can be conclud-ed that reciprocal teaching technique can improve students‟ reading comprehen-sion. It can be proved from the following fact. First, reciprocal teaching technique stimulated students to be active readers because of having their own strategy to comprehend the texts. Second, the students could predict what questions that probably occurred in the task after reading. Third, reciprocal teaching technique is more interesting and effective to improve students‟ reading comprehen-sion where the students read the texts and translated them.


Reciprocal Teaching Teachnique to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension

student still could not understand the text given well. It can be proved by the average score was only 71,72. There were only 38% students were able to reached the criteria of success, and 62% students had not reached the criteria of success. But in the second cycle, the average score reading task of students increased significantly. The average score was fairly satisfying, it was 80,17. There were 86% students were able to reach the criteria of success, and 14% students who did not achieve the criteria of success. It means that target of class score average was fulfilled.

Based the result of field notes, it showed that the class condition during teaching learning process creates the positive atmosphere in the classroom, and also makes students creative in finding the ideas. Moreover, Reciprocal Teaching Technique would be alternative strategy in teaching reading.


After the researcher carried out the research, the writer concludes that Reciprocal Teaching Technique could improve students‟ reading comprehen-sion. Regarding to the subject of the CAR, the writer recommendation the teacher should use various techniques in the classroom. It can motivate their students and they will not get boring. Especially implement the Reciprocal Teaching Technique as an alternative strategy in teaching reading.

For the other writer, the writer suggest that by reading this skripsi, they are expected to be able to conduct or analyze research relate to any

problematic about the reading comprehension.


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McNamara, Danielle S. 2006. Reading Comprehension StrategiesTheories, Interventions,and Technologies.New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Oczkus, Lory D. 2010. Reciprocal Teaching

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Oczkus, Lory D. 2006. Reciprocal Teaching Strategies at Work: Improving Reading Comprehension. Newark, DE: International Reading Association Tovani, Chris. 2000. I Read It, but I Don’t


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic

Studentsof SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan


Email address: ay.sovella@gmail.com

Abstract :

The objective of this research is to develop vocabulary materials based on picture media for autistic students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan. The main purpose of this study is to help the English teachers to create fun and easy learning process in teaching English by applying picture media as vocabularylearning to the autistic students. This study was a Research and Development (R&D) study. Subject of this study was autistic students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan. This study adapted the R&D model proposed by Hyland. The steps of this study were conducting needs analysis, developing materials, getting expert validation, revising, doing try-out, revising again and writing the final draft of the vocabulary materials based on picture media for autistic student. The researcher used three instruments to obtain the data: interview, questionnaires and observation checklist. The obtained data will be classified based on the instrument used. To show the results, the researcher explained them in quantitative and qualitative approach. The result of the needs analysis showed that the autistic students needed vocabulary materials which contained many attractive pictures, varied activities and alluring

colors. The product of this study is vocabulary materials entitled “Picture Vocabulary

Mastery for Autistic Student” which is suitable with autistic students’ needs.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Autistic student, Picture Media


A study of a language includes the four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is impossible that one master of them without mastering vocabulary. In order to support the mastery of English skills as mentioned above, it is essential to learn vocabulary. It becomes a central part in English learning. Mansourzadeh (2014:48) says that learning a second/foreign language needs some skills and components to be mastered. Among those skills and components,

vocabulary is one of the most crucial ones in language learning without which communication is not possible. From the definition, above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the total numbers of words and without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

difficulty in communication with the result that students experience limitedness in learning English especially mastery vocabulary, for example is autistic student.

Autistic student has major problem. That is communicating in language with the result that limits vocabulary acquisition. According to Timmons, Breitenbach and Maclsaac (2006:7), autism is a developmental disability that affects the normal functioning of the brain. Therefore, individuals with autism often have difficulty with communication skills, social skills, and reasoning. National Institute of Mental Health NIMH (2010:1) defines many children with autism have some degree of intellectual disability. When tested, some areas of ability may be normal, while others especially cognitive (thinking) and language abilities may be relatively weak. So, language teaching program for autistic students is different with common students. It is because the development of various aspects should be related to the abilities and needs of the autistic students, one of them is in the way to teach them.

Based on survey in SMPN 3 Lamongan, there are 2 autistic students who study in that school. In this case, there are autistic students who study at general school. Automatically, many facts don‟t show synergy with their special needs. Consequently, autistic students are left behind from other normal students in learning English, especially in vocabulary mastery. In the fact, vocabulary materials which taught are disagreeing with autistic students‟ need. Because of vocabulary materials refer standard of normal students. Less media for lesson matter, the

English teachers only apply one book. That is LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) as their subject matter. They don‟t apply other media or books which kick vocabulary ability of autistic students. The attention of teachers for autistic students is very low. The English teachers treat alike their students‟ conditions without seeing autistic students‟ conditions. With the result those English teachers‟ materials can‟t make autistic students to reach KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). Autistic students find difficulties to follow and study English in class. If they are managed to buy new book about increasing vocabulary ability as their supporting study. In fact, no books are relevant with their needs as autistic student and vocabulary materials in their school.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

is expected that the teacher can attract their attention to learn so that the autistic students can learn as good as other common students.

Therefore, to bridge those problems the researcher develops vocabulary materials based on picture media agree with autistics‟ needs and the existence of English materials.


The research design used by the researcher is classified into Educational Research and Education (R&D) that is principally designed to the research aims at developing English vocabulary materials based of picture media for autistic students of SMPN 3 Lamongan. The final result of this research is the vocabulary materials to autistic student which were developed based on the result of the need analysis. Hence, the materials are expected to match students‟ need and useful.

This research is conducted based on the stages in materials development. It is adapted from Hyland (2003). The researcher modifies the stages. The scheme of the stages is listed below:

Figure 1: The Modification Research Procedure

The need analysis is conducted on March – May 2016 at SMPN 3 Lamongan. The school is located at Jl. Mastrip No. 73 Lamongan. The researcher conducted the

need analysis by distributing question-naires, doing observation, having an interview with autistic students and the English teacher.

The next step is developing vocabulary materials. The result of need survey is used as the basis of the development product. In this stage, the researcher is following the five ways of adapting materials subject to Hylands‟ model (2006). They are adding, deleting, modifying, simplifying and reordering. The development of vocabulary materials for autistic students consisted of a topic based on the syllabus and the existence of vocabulary materials in their school. The product consists of vocabulary materials based on picture media which suitable with autistic student needs. The name of the product is Picture Vocabulary Mastery for Autistic Student. The topics of the product are presented in table 1;


1 The Basic Alphabet, Number and Colors under the Sea

2 Our


Vegetables Party, Fruits in Gym, Animals and The Weather

3 People Part of Body, Place, My Family Album and Profession

4 Time What’s the time? Days and date and The Year

5 Words Verb, Adjectives, Opposites and Synonyms

Table 1: Division of Book Units


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

lecturer of Islamic University of Lamongan (UNISLA). She teaches Speaking, Structure and Error Analysis. The third expert is Mr. Tri Joko Mulyono. He is a teacher of autistic students in SDLB Banjar Mendalan Lamongan. By looking at the experience and expertise of the evaluators, their suggestions are considered to be valid. Any corrections and suggestions from the expert and the teacher were revised.

Next, the product was tried out to the appropriate subjects and setting. It was conducted to the autistic students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan. The researcher will gather the autistic students in one room or flexible place. Before trying out the developed materials, the researcher tells them the goals of the lessons that will be learned. Then, the researcher provides the equipment of the materials. They are the prototype and pictures card which relevant with the materials. While doing this activity, the researcher is able to observe how the developed materials work. The researcher will also have a field-note when this activity is running. There will be no stratification of the students in trying – out the developed materials since the goals of materials are only to create fun and joyful atmosphere in teaching English vocabulary and practice their vocabulary skill for autistic students. After trying-out the materials, the researcher will distribute again the questionnaires to the students. The questionnaires are used to know how the students‟ response toward the developed vocabulary materials in the book. The result of the observation and questionnaires will be used as the basis of the second revision. The final revision is

conducted before the final product is constructed.


The data from the autistic students, English teachers and expert validation were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. First, the researcher gave questionnaires for two autistic students. The researcher divided the results of the questionnaires into some points. They were the importance of English, the importance of vocabulary ability, the autistic students‟ responses toward vocabulary activity, the autistic students‟ perceptions of picture in vocabulary class and the students‟ point of view about learning vocabulary by using picture. The result of questionnaires indicated that 2 autistic students need new vocabulary book which suitable with their needs and ability.

Considering the autistic students‟ interview that they liked learning English especially vocabulary and they liked picture, the researcher found that autistic students exactly needed more materials to make them interested and easy to learn. It can be concluded that the autistic students need English vocabulary materials based on picture media.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

their vocabulary. The final conclusion is the autistic students need English vocabulary learning materials as their supplementary book.

Based on the result of the expert validation, the items of the questionnaires were adapted from the Standard of Course Book Assessment (BSNP) and consist of four aspects. They are content appropriateness, language appropriate-ness, presentation appropriateness and layout appropriateness. Those aspects are organized comprehensively through Likert-Scale questionnaires that were distributed to the materials evaluators (experts).

In terms of contents, the suggestions given by the experts are the content should be more relevant materials and exercise in course. It is also suggested that font size must bigger so the autistic students will understand the materials easier. The result of expert validation for the appropriate-ness of the content as follows;

No Criteria Score

1 The developed materials are in accordance with the indicators of materials


2 The indicator of materials is

understandable for teacher 4 3 The developed materials are

relevant to autism students‟ daily life


4 Materials (course, picture, and activity) are relevant to the topic being discussed


5 Instructional activities 5 6 The developed materials

accordance with the autism students‟ ability


7 The developed materials are understandable by autism

students‟ ability 4

8 The content is consisted of materials learning support 4 9 Accuracy of the materials 3

No Criteria Score

10 The type of text of developed materials is appropriate 4

Table 3: The Appropriateness of the Content

The mean value of the appropriate-ness of the content of developed materials is 3.9. This value is the range of 3.1 – 4 which falls into the category of “Very Good”.

In terms of language the experts suggest some changes in the language of instruction, since most of the instructions are not effective, despite its meaningfulness. The experts also recommend some grammatical and punctuation revisions. The result of expert validation for the appropriateness of the language as follows;

No Criteria Score

1 Grammar in use 3

2 Punctuation 3

3 Spelling principle 4

4 Diction or Word choice 4 5 Comprehension of the sentences 3 6 Communicative (easy to

understand) 4

7 Language coherent 4

Table 4: The Appropriateness of the Language

The mean value of the appropriateness of the language of developed materials is 3.5. This value is the range of 3.1 – 4 which make this developed material, in term of appropriateness of the language, falls into the category of “Very Good”.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

appropriateness of the presentation as follows;

No Criteria Score

1 The developed activities are well organized and systematically grade


2 There is good balance of picture

and sentence 4

3 The developed activities encourage autistic students to perform written effectively


4 The developed activities contain

guided activities 4

5 The developed materials contain vocabulary that is related to the topic of the unit


Table 5: The Appropriateness of the Presentation

The mean value of the appropriateness of the presentation of developed materials is 3.8. This value is the range of 3.1 – 4 which falls into the category of “Very Good”.

In terms of lay-out, there are two suggestions made by the experts. First, the font size must be consistent and readable. Second, adding subtitle of each unit. Finally, the experts have agreed that the layout of Unit 1and 2 is well developed. The result of expert validation for the appropriateness of the layout as follows;

No Criteria Sco


1 The overall design of developed

materials is visually interesting 4 2 The illustration in developed

materials are appropriate 4 3 The character size in developed

materials are appropriate 3 4 The lay-out is logical and consistent 4 5 The developed materials use

consistence of spacing, title, subtitle and with the book typing


6 The clarity of using page number in

the book 4

7 The cover is appropriateness and

attractiveness 4

No Criteria Sco


8 The book size is precision 4 9 The picture and content are

appropriateness 4

10 Text organization 4

11 The effectiveness use of

subheadings 5

12 Appropriateness of variation of

fonts 3

13 The lay-out of developed materials

is proportional 3

14 Appropriateness of supporting materials are provided 3 Table 6: The Appropriateness of the Lay-Out

The mean value of the appropriateness of the lay-out of developed materials is 3.7. This value is the range of 3.1 – 4 which falls into the category of “Very Good”. The average of the evaluation from the expert validation described below;

No Aspect Mean

1 The appropriateness of the content 3.9 2 The appropriateness of the



3 The appropriateness of the presentation


4 The appropriateness of the lay-out 3.7

Total 14.9

Average 3.7

Table 7: The Appropriateness of the Developed Materials

The mean value of the appropriateness of the developed materials is 3.7. Finally, this value is the range of 3.1 – 4 which falls into the category of “Very Good”.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

was obtained which were from the experts‟ validation and the small-group try-out. Those revisions became the basic of the final product development.


As mentioned in introduction, the purpose of this research is to develop vocabulary materials based on picture media for autistic student of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan. It was designed based on syllabus, the existence of vocabulary materials and autistic student needs. During the try-out, most of the autistic students enjoyed and were interested the product. A hundred percent of the autistic students were also very enthusiastic and happy in learning it.

In this study, the researcher wanted to make the product which contains vocabulary materials based on picture media fun and enjoyable so the autistic student would be motivated in learning English. Darula (2009:1) defines that autistic children can be taught abstract words and ideas through visual concepts, like pictures and objects. She said that individuals with autism think visually because the part of the brain associated with visual tasks is more active. Through picture, it is expected that the autistic student can study English as good as other common students.

Grandin (2002:1) stated three techniques of teaching vocabulary for autistic students. First technique is teaching basic words, such as nouns by using pictures because most of the autistic students are visual thinkers. It means that most of the autistic students can easily

know and memorize the name of the object if there is visualization of the object being taught. Second technique is students with autism have problems to remember the sequence. If the child can read, write the instructions down on a piece of paper. It means in teaching vocabulary, to give the instruction for the task, if the students can read, it is better to give the instruction in written. It is because most of the autistic students cannot remember the instruction given in oral. Third technique is some autistic students will respond better and have improved eye contact and speech if the teacher interacts with them while they are swinging on a swing or rolled up in a mat. Swinging should always be done as a fun game. It must never be forced. The generous teacher should be able to make the teaching learning process cooperative.

From the explanation, above it can be seen that Pictures are useful to focus the students‟ attention to imagine on what the text says. Pictures are not ambiguous; a picture should contain only what the word means. Using picture is also an effort to help students to understand and comprehend something clearly and easily. Strong success with use of visual supports such as concept maps and visualizing word meanings and processes that allow chunking, categorizing, and organizing words to determine patterns and relationships (William, 2012:2). However, teaching using pictures have an important role in the understanding. It means that using picture can be a good technique in teaching English vocabulary to the children, including autistic students.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan

Mastery book are able to increase their motivation and very effective in learning English particularly vocabulary and make the easier to comprehend the materials. The strength of this book is autistic student can study vocabulary not only in class but also at home wherever their place, with the result that parents of autistic student can help their children to learn vocabulary with this supporting book. Finally, this book is so flexible.

Conclusion and Suggestion

This study showed that the autistic students totally liked the vocabulary materials and the product could help the autistic students in learning English, especially vocabulary. Picture Vocabulary mastery for Autistic Student can be one of effective media or book to increase autistic students‟ motivation, make learning fun, and in order to make autistic students not to feel lazy or difficulty anymore in learning English especially vocabulary ability.

There are some suggestions are addressed to English teacher of autistic student and other material developer. For English teacher of autistic student, he/she develops his/her own materials for the students based on the needs analysis. The process of needs analysis can be done through classroom observation during his/her teaching and learning process, or informal conversation with autistic students to reveal their needs, lacks and wants. The teacher does not need to develop several units once. He/she may develop a unit for a certain topic and then analyzes the result. If the materials are helpful for the autistic students, the

teacher may develop further units. It is also suggested that the teacher evaluate the developed materials (expert validation), by proposing the developed materials to materials expert. However, if the teacher does not have sufficient time to develop the materials, he/she may serve authentic materials for certain topics of discussion by adapting or adopting them.

For other material developer, the first suggestion for those who are developing materials is that the most important key in developing materials is the needs analysis. Before developing a certain English learning materials, the materials developer should really consider the students‟ needs. Since this material is designed for autistic learners, the needs analysis procedure should be in accordance with the learners‟ program of expertise. Therefore, the materials that are developed can meet the learners‟ needs. Secondly, considering students‟ background knowledge and recent ability are also essential. The materials will not be helpful if the materials are too difficult to access by the autistic students. The third suggestion for other materials developer is that the lay-out of the materials should be interesting and eye-catching. A good lay-out will help students motivate themselves to learn English well. One of the components of lay-out is the availability of pictures. The provided pictures should be relevant to the topic of the discussions in order to maximize the exposure.


Developing Vocabulary Materials Based on Picture Media for Autistic Students of SMP Negeri 3 Lamongan


Darula, Bonita. (2009). Learn Why Autistic Children Think in Pictures Instead of

Words. Available at

http://searchwarp.com/swa522626- Learn-Why-Autistic-Children-Think-In-Pictures-Instead-Of-Words.htm [Accessed on January 18th 2016] Grandin, Temple. (2006). Thinking in

Picture and other reports from my life with autism. United States: Vintage Books, a Division of Random House, inc.

Hayes, R. G., S. Hirano., G. Marcu., M. Monibi., D. H. Nguyen., & M. Yeganyan. (2010) Pres Ubiquit Comput: Interactive visual supports for children with autism. 14, 663 – 680.

Hyland, Ken. (2006). English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book. New York: Routledge.

Mansourzadeh, Nurullah. (2014). Journal of Elementary Education: A Comparative Study of Teaching Vocabulary through Pictures and Audio- visual Aids to Young Iranian EFL Learners. 24.1, 47 – 59.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).(2010). A Parent‟s Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder. United States: NIMH Publication.

Timmons, V., M. Breitenbach& M. Maclsaac (2006).Educating Children about Autism in an Inclusive Classroom. Washington DC: National Academy Press.

Warber, Adrienne. (2010). Teaching Techniques for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Available at

http://autism.lovetoknow.com/Te aching_Methods_for_Autistic_Childr en [Accessed on January 18th 2016] Williams, Jenny, Ed. D, SLP-L.(2012).

Vocabulary Instruction for Students


Analysis of Code Switching in English Speaking Class

A Case Study of English Education Department of Islamic University of

Lamongan in Academic Year 2015/2016

LAILATUL MUSA’ADAH Email: lailatulmusaadah@gmail.com


This research analyzes code switching used in conversations by the lecturer and the students of English speaking class in academic year 2015/2016. This research aims to analyze the types of code switching and factors used by the lecturer and the students. The method of this research is qualitative. The researcher obtains data by recording the conversations in natural setting in the class. The findings of this study indicate that two types of code switching found in the conversations. It is intersentential code switching and intrasentential code switching. They are used for various functions because of several factors. The most dominant factors are real lexical need of 10 data, then intention to clarify the speech content as much of 9 data , interjection of 2 data , repetition of 2 data, and talking about a particular topic of 1 data.

Keywords: code switching, speaking class


Code switching is typical of the closed conventions of network communicative situations (Gumperz (1982 in Hamers and Blanc, 2004:266). According to Meisel (1994 in Cantone, 2007:57), code-switching is the ability to select the language according to the interlocutor, the situational context, the topic of conversation, and so forth, and to change languages within an interactional sequences in accordance with socio-linguistic rules and without violating specific grammatical constraints. So, code

switching is the transition in the use of language that occur between individuals due to situations and topics the user language. individuals can use code change of language phenomenon in bilingual or multilingual societies.


Analysis of Code Switching in English Speaking ClassA Case Study of English Education Department of Islamic University of Lamongan in Academic Year 2015/2016

Variety of micro focus on internal language such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicography and while macro-linguistics focusing on sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, antropolinguistik and so on.

At this research, the researcher focuses on the macro linguistics examines the Sociolinguistics especially on code switching. Wardhaugh (2006:13) says that the sociolinguistic study of language in relation to society, whereas the sociology of language is the study of society in re


Table 4: The Appropriateness of the
Table 5: The Appropriateness of the
Table 1. Types of Code Switching Based on the Data above
Table 2. Total Occurence of Factors of Code


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